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Sep 17, 2006

UN's image to be restored

With their plans proceeding, the green light has been given for reconstituting the public image of the United Nations and the Associated Press is cooperating nicely as U.N. Is Back in the Global Spotlight and that's the GLOBAL Spotlight, natch!

Setting the UN's Sec Progr'd Chart for the time this article appeared online (5:26 pm edt NYC) we see an interesting picture:

Pluto/Chiron = Moon (the public) the Plutocracy Duo is conjunct Sec Moon at the Foundation/IC of the Sec Chart (IC = HOW.)

And the recent Lunar Eclipse of Sept 7 (15Vir/Pis) is conjunct the Sec MC/IC axis of Public Status/Career--with a Full Moon being the culmination of plans, and a Lunar Eclipse being the ending of something hidden...bringing it into consciousness--putting it out, it seems.

Guess Bolton's meddling has yielded fruit and we'll be hearing more of the UN's new lease on life.

Now I hope they DO stop violence in the Sudan and anywhere else they can get their hooves into. But there are those who believe--and I'm not referring here to astrologers--that the UN will be the sword, along with the US military, of the New World Order. Given this Pluto/Chiron = Moon picture (and other features of the charts which I have no time tonight to post on) I wouldn't be surprised.

One more thing I've been meaning to mention because it is upon us--first half of October, in fact:

US (Sibly) Solar Arc Directed Uranus conjunct natal Pluto 27Cap33.

The Uranus/Pluto pair signify all sorts of things--revolution; violence; reforms and reformers; collapse of the old order and establishment of the new (could relate to the UN's reinvigoration, but probably more, considering the Bush regime); upsets; subversive activities; the enforcement of decisions; putting a gun to someone's head; an accident. It's a jolly hodge podge of ills, and as usual in our dualistic world, it can be directed outward or inward.

Solar Arcs may indicate that this energy is directed toward the US (unfortunately for the majority of us) but this doesn't say WHO is actually behind the mayhem.

S.Arc Uranus to natal Pluto = overturning the status quo; creating a whole new perspective for ego recognition. There is a definite 'coercion' influence to this combo, and an electrifying energy.

Reluctantly I must admit that it could indicate sudden use of Plutonic devices such as nuclear energy. There--I said it--I've been avoiding posting this for some time--or it could signify a nightmarish Plutonic type of "accident."

Also, it may be quite telling and instructive to consider the Sabian Symbol between this big hook-up of Uranus to Pluto (first time in our nation's history that they've met like this)--"28Cap">"A large aviary." Hmm-m-m-m...

There's a T-square in the UN's Sec Chart also:

Moon/MC = Uranus (the reformer): emotional crises; vocational upsets and instability; anxiety and nervousness in reaction to changes. Uranus "15Gem": "Two Dutch children talking"> CLARIFICATION (!! How many times have you heard Bush and others touting that word lately?)...

pos: a self-confidence of spirit by which man is able to establish himself advantageously at ease in any possible situation;

neg/shadow side: extreme provincialism and inability to communicate ideas of any moment.

In this evening's 'article online' chart (5:26 pm edt NYC), Moon/MC is pointing to Mars: strong work orientation; total devotion to a cause; the spirit of endeavor; promotion (was someone promoted over the catapulting of this propaganda?)

Well, there you have it...the UN is on the march, and the US is under a revolutionary threat once again. Seems like old times.

9.17.06 10:00 pm


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