, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Oct 16, 2006

Bush-Rove surprisingly 'upbeat'

Is this a false display of devil-may-care due to the upcoming October Surprise Rove has planned to stun the electorate into another round of mindless, gutless voting?'s Bush and Rove 'Upbeat' offers confirmation of shenanigans afoot mentioned in yesterday's post. More anthrax, Karl? Any sort of attack will make the Republican regime seem even more incompetent, so what could he have up his jester's sleeve?

Such a delicate balance! Rove needs enough to scare the sheeple into voting for the Rs, but not so much as to hoist the neocons on the pittard of their perfidies and ineptitude. And the source must be untraceable, of course.

On Tee-Vee: Then we saw Senators Hagel and Warner supposedly "break with Bush on Iraq" this weekend. Mere tap dancing and a little patter to keep the undecideds entertained...a big Puh, imho--not worth the price of admission.

And NPR is reporting today that Maliki and Bush had a phone chat where Maliki asked Bush if it's true the US is giving his government "2 months."

But Bush assured him he didn't have to worry. Wonder if George knows he's being punk'd? Which leaves all of us with that Dude-where's-my country-feeling again.

Yes, Bush has made a bigger deal of the so-called Iraqi constitution than he does of the one he's sworn to uphold, protect, and defend. Definitely doesn't make me wanna go, bahh-h-h-h in November--no matter what Rove's simmerin' in his witch's cauldron.

10.16.06 12:30 pm


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