, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Oct 30, 2007

Laura Bush Nov 4, 1946

Laura Bush, in an attempt to defend her husband's SCHIP stance and his oily foreign policy says she's more involved in policy than previously known which is no comfort considering how things have gone since Bush coup'd the White House.

Since my move-along needs to get along, there's no time for much, but here's Mrs Bush's natal chart (rating: B) with its out-of-bounds and Rx Venus as chart-ruler. It's also a Venus Hour, with n Venus at the "Grand Army of the Republic campfire" degree. Guess she's serious about being involved--although she's been instructed to steer clear of such topics as Iraq and Iran.

Her Pre-Natal Eclipse Series (2 New North) is same as her husband's. If you're familiar with the Tarot, you'll know all about Number 16, The Tower, with its collapse of plans and lifestyles, and the rebuilding and reshaping that begins after the dust settles--with far-reaching effects.

Sounds exactly like 9/11 doesn't it? Yet the 2NN Series manifested July 31, 2000...3 days after the Jupiter (Rs) conjunction with Saturn (Ds) at "9Leo", conjunct the natal Mercuries of George Bush, Al Gonzales, and the Republican Party...and very near Bush's n ASC (7Leo07.)

So the attacks of 9/11 occurred after the next Solar Eclipse (2South), the PE Series of Woodrow Wilson and of Ronald Reagan.

Keywords: individual involvement with unusual groups and the belief that much will be gained from such involvement. (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)
And, of course, AFTER Bush was in office and needing a major boost to his nebulously-gained presidency. Neocons all agreed--America "needed a new Pearl Harbour" to take us to we got one.

Back later to add some comments on the First Lady's chart...please pardon any typos, will clear them up asap!

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