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Aug 4, 2016

President Jill Stein? It's More Possible Than They Want You To Believe - clip (plus, Astrology)

Have you had it with corporate-run political parties? So have Jimmy Dore and 2016 candidate Dr. Jill Stein:


Jill Stein: An Aries or a Taurus Moon?

An Astro-Peek at Jill Stein reveals that she was born in Chicago, Illinois on May 14, 1950 and has a Sun Taurus-Moon Aries (or Moon Taurus if born after 3:58 pm CDT) personality--either Earth-Fire or Double Earth. Sun Taurus-Moon Aries is the Sun-Moon blend of Salvadore Dali and Robespierre who was known for his Aries Moon "I AM the people" motto and attitude. But if Dr. Stein's natal Moon is in practical though stubborn Taurus, she is more of a reliable 'Atlas' personality with a blend shared natally by Florence Nightingale and Karl Marx. With either Moon sign, there are political implications and I regret not knowing more about her so that I might hazard a guess. Of course, Double Taurus Florence Nightingale adds a medical flavor to the picture and perhaps reveals a Taurus Moon for Dr. Stein.

Having a May 14, 1950 birth date places her within the 6 North Saros Series of Solar Eclipses with themes of: relationship to authority or father figures; the need to take control and accept commitments that are presented due to another person's illness or unreliability. (Brady's Predictive Astrology.) This is the Pre-Natal (PE) series of World War I and of Donald Rumsfeld. 6 North last manifested in 2004 and will again in 2022, the year of America's multiple Pluto Return/s.

Now I'm not certain what these few astrological details tell us about Jill Stein as a presidential candidate (again--she was a Green Party candidate in 2012) but at the moment, it's all I can tell you!

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