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Showing posts with label 2009 and 2010 for America. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2009 and 2010 for America. Show all posts

Aug 30, 2011

2012 campaign? 'The Election March of the Trolls'

Scare tactics, lies, and freakiness abound as the American people head directly into the storm of the 2012 election campaign. Which way to blow? Are "feckless Democrats" any better for America than Bible-thumping corporate shills?

Well, button up your overcoat and check out The Election March of the Trolls by TruthDig's Chris Hedges for more information, including how political parties have gained the system. You'll find more real ideas in articles by progressives like Chris Hedges and on the websites linked below than you'll find in the 'mainstream' press that helps shape the news more than reporting it.


Put corporate NPR on hold and investigate:

Free Speech TV (non-corporate media!)

Thom Hartmann

Democracy Now!


Prison Planet

Have you a favorite progressive website or channel? Leave its link here, thanks! jc

Jan 5, 2010

Tell President Obama what's next for 2010

Under David Plouffe's name an email has been sent out asking us to fill out a form telling President Obama what we think the White House should focus on for 2010.

You may wish to add your two cents' worth to the form here.

Yes, everyone is back in the saddle now that the New Year has begun in earnest and today kind comments from readers of my last post have arrived: Clymela, Donna D, and libramoon have weighed in on a forward and backward look at America, and I thank them all!

To further my as-usual meager interpretation, Jonathan W wrote an excellent analysis of the Solar Return of the Inauguration 2009 chart which looks forward into 2010, the second year of Mr. Obama's presidency, by way of his presidency's 'birthday' chart, the Solar Return to Jan 20, 2009 @ 12:00 pm est, DC..

His presidency is toddling along, isn't it? So perhaps filling out the form linked above would be helpful to the little tyke whose chosen direction isn't quite what he was elected to take, so far.

Yes, I knew the wars would go on and would continue dive-bombing our economy at home.

Yes, I knew the Republican Party would do anything and everything to undermine a Democratic presidency and would play on race to do it. Tiresomely predictable, aren't they?

Still, I gotta love Republican Ron Paul criticizing Dick Cheney for criticizing our current President. Cheney! For 8 years Cheney hid himself away and could hardly mumble Boo to a he won't keep his duplicitous pie hole shut.

And no, I haven't changed my view that it's Pluto/Chiron's class warfare of the plutocracy - them against us - that's driving our government, both visible and invisible, and that this is a huge problem as long as we-the-people keep buying Washington's 'Ds vs Rs, libs vs cons, red vs blue' line of swill that divides us and keeps us weaker than we actually are. Old labels are so...passe in this 2nd decade of the New Millennium.

The upcoming Cardinal Cross that you've read so much about may be the stimulant that wakes up the sleeping giant and it's already happening in other nations. If you use America's 'Sibly' chart (July 4, 1776 @ 5:10 pm LMT, Philadelphia), then the first of the three Great Conjunctions of Jupiter and Uranus (see 'a forward and backward look at America' linked above for dates, degrees) will occur upon America's natal Ic which forms a midpoint picture due to house polarity (Ic = Mc)...

Jupiter/Uranus = Mc: fortunate powers of adaptability; optimism; a love of change and variety; attaining good knowledge and understanding; a fortunate turn in life; receiving recognition from improvements you've made. (Ebertin; Munkasey.)

Sounds good. Let's hope the fortunate turn raises all boats since the yachts of the power elite are doing just fine on their own as they bounce over our ruins.

Then there's the Uranus-to Ic-transit itself, which can be unsettling at best. Long term cycles of activity and endeavor can come to an abrupt end with this transit, or can change in an unexpected way. With Uranus it's always difficult to guess what The Awakener has in mind yet with Uranus linked so intimately with the founding of America - keywords: freedom, independence - perhaps we should fasten our seat belts and pull together as much as possible.

Jupiter-to-Ic marks the beginning of a 12-year cycle of gaining new experiences, learning, spiritual advances, and possibly taking one's home on-the-road. New business ventures would be a nice outcome of this transit (and new manufacturing ventures opening in long-shuttered plants are my idea of jobs creation and stimulating the economy.)

Perhaps the
'green jobs' revolution
is being described here: Jupiter and Uranus conjunct natal Ic = scientific breakthroughs affecting our domestic scene? Of course, space exploration may be indicated by Jupiter/Uranus as well.

Yet wouldn't you just know? Theft of installed solar panels is on the rise and some have been offered for sale on Craig's List!

Plus, Jupiter and Uranus, while in US 4th house, will oppose US n Saturn in 10th house (Sibly chart) which indicates periods of difficulty:

Transit Jupiter opposing natal Saturn is a time when progress is blocked or delayed; circumventing rules and regulations doesn't work and responsibilities must be upheld in spite of the temptation to bend the rules.

Tr Uranus oppo n Saturn indicates a time when whatever has been easily gained (not by hard work) may be unexpectedly threatened or disrupted by circumstances and people over which we have no control; attempts to impose one's authority or seniority are fruitless. Traditions and past methods are under fire by opposing forces intent on enforcing a new order of things.

There. Now that last sounds more like what we've seen since the New Millennium and before, doesn't it? And I expect them to use 'new science' to effect their controlling, strong-armed "improvements." I remain wary.

And of course, since America's natal chart has a Sun/Saturn square, Jupiter and Uranus in their courses will square our nation's n Sun (the leader), both transits indicating obstacles and blockages which may be triggered by ego, pride, and over-extension (Sun/Jupiter in Spring 2011) and from severe tests of willpower and determination (Sun/Uranus beginning in 2012) during which one's reactions to challenges are all that are under one's control.

In similar fashion to the attacks of 9/11/01, the oft-used Sibly chart will show its resonation or lack of it with transits of Jupiter and Uranus conjunct natal Ic (00Ari53.) Finding time to check their Great Conjunction @ AP in all the other US natal charts will be one of my own challenges as 2010 proceeds.

Jan 4, 2010

2009/10/11: a forward and backward look at America

Craig Harris' article An Introspective Look at the Future of America starts off the New Year with a clear-eyed assessment of the monumental events and subsequent changes Americans have been expected to accept as necessary to prevent banking system collapse - then we're to believe that all is now well and improving.

Well? I wouldn't bother being an astrologer, however reluctant, if I were one who accepts things at face value and felt content with superficial bromides from Washington and from the Federal Reserve Bank, the privately owned entity that has engineered many market bubbles in the past, then wildly profited from their bursting every time. Duh.

Yes, bubbles of Jupiter/Neptune proportions are on our menu as we peek into 2010 for we know that 2009 was the Year of the Great Conjunction/s of the giant planets - one likes to expand and broaden into infinity, the other has a deep urge to merge. One can be on the greedy side, the other brings losses that are frequently hidden underneath lovely obfuscating veils. Their last great hook-up was only a few days ago on Dec 21, 2009 and all three conjs have occurred upon the US natal Moon - we-the-people.

Feeling targeted by grand schemers? Me, too.

Feeling hopeful for America's continued prosperity? Me, not so much. The Jupiter/Neptune combo is nothing to depend on unless a level of spiritual integrity is involved, and let's face it: we're talking Wall Street gentry and Capitol Hill thespians here, and we've experienced how they man the nation's helm.

Even the fake 'balloon boy' story is an expression of 2009's Jupiter/Neptune year and we know how that ended.

And if you know anything about Astrology you know that the effects of a major planetary conjunction don't simply 'fade away' at some magical point in time, but are part of the planets' ongoing cycle marked by their subsequent waxing squares (obstacles; backages: crisis in action), oppositions (stand-offs or fulfilment), and waning squares (crisis in consciousness), with more pleasant aspects in between at their sextiles and trines.

A conjunction is simply the Great Cosmic Clock of our solar system starting over at a new degree (in a new sign from the last conj) and represents a fresh cycle of activity relating to each planet's principles, and to the essence of their combination of energies when synthesized.

And of course, Saturn can come along and end an influence (including a sensitized eclipse degree's influence), and transiting Mars is capable of culminating or stimulating the action at a particular degree as well. Any transiting planet can put the period at the end of the cyclic or eclipsed sentence but it's usually Saturn or Mars doing the honors.

2010 into 2011:

Astrologically we may call 2010 the Year of Jupiter/Uranus. The Expander and the disruptive Awakener will meet 2 times in 2010 and going into 2011:

1. June 8, 2010 @ 00Aries18 ('Aries Point' of global manifestation; plus, Jupiter/Uranus = AP is a significator for major scientific breakthroughs - whether they aid or harm humankind is another matter entirely - hopefully, they will; and No, I don't believe that aliens in funky spaceships are knocking on Earth's door, yet upcoming eclipses will affect the natal chart of *Roswell, NM, as noted by Celeste Teal in her book, Eclipses);

2. Sept 19, 2010 @ 28Pis43;

3. Jan 4, 2011 @ 27Pis01.

Obviously the June 8, 2010 Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus will soon be top of my blog menu for a closer look and you may follow along if you wish by reading an important source of backward/forward info on the pair: Jupiter Meets Uranus by Scotland's Anne Whitaker. Anne ably illustrates the important New-Millennium-influencing conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus of Feb 16, 1997 @ 5AQ56, or '6AQ' rounded off, a highly sensitized degree 'going forward'...or looking backward, for the future is built upon the past, is it not?

'6AQ' is the degree of Neptune at Islam's founding and of Neptune's position on Sept 11, 2001 so basically, 9/11/01 was a Neptune Return for Islam.

Therefore, 1997's Jupiter/Uranus = Neptune: delusion about improving life through constant modernization; avoiding reality in pursuit of dreams; visualizing new ideas or products you think will make the world a better place (and with 9/11/01 add: forcing those new ideas onto other people - jc); being guided by false perceptions; being quickly disappointed; a lack of prudence and far-sightedness; unearned gains (on one level: 'mystery' investors cleaned up on Wall St pre-9/11 - jc); a fortunate turn after losses; gain from the unexpected; strange conditions heighten individual awareness; a silver lining. (Munkasey; Ebertin: Tyl.) (Any, all, or none may apply.)

And with '6AQ' being conjunct US natal South Node, I've always felt that the attacks of 9/11 related to past behaviors (SN) of the US related to oil, gas, and subversive activities and deceptions (Neptune.)

What may be expected with the 2010/2011 Great Conjunction/s of Jupiter and Uranus is not easy to envision and if we could we'd probably be wrong with Uranus in the picture. That major events are on the horizon we may all agree especially with the Cardinal Cross involved in the Jupiter/Uranus hook-up of June 8, 2010.

You may find info on the sand-shifting Cardinal Cross pattern in a previous post which contains a link to expert astrologer Jessica Murray's article which holds out Hope for bedraggled mankind, so buffeted by totalitarian visions of the New World Order types while nobly struggling just to raise their families in decent manner.

Too bad that power elites of the world don't live up to even a moderate standard of human decency as do many people of 'the masses' which global power brokers consider to be far beneath them on their grandly imagined (Jupiter/Neptune) evolutionary ladder to Nowhere.


*Roswell, New Mexico's birth data: Sep 25, 1903 12:00 pm MST; source: Donna Cunningham's 'The UFO Cover-Up' in Dell Horoscope Sep 1996 issue, p. 55; Donna cites Carolyn M. Dodson's Horoscopes of US States & Cities (ACS Publications, 1975.)

Roswell: Sun 1Lib31; Moon 00Sag04..."1Sag": "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire" which to me is the true source of UFO sightings over the desert rather than little green men gone a-visitin'.

Image above: Hermesia, an illustration by Jude Cowell of Mercury's seer function; oil and watercolour pencil on paper.