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Showing posts with label Jupiter/Uranus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jupiter/Uranus. Show all posts

Feb 5, 2012

Newt Denies his Bohemian Grove attendance! (video); and Jupiter/Uranus

Playing dumb when confronted with the reporting of your attendance at Bohemian Grove rituals may make sense when you're desperate to play president. Here's Newt Gingrich being placed on the 'male-prostitute' spot by a gutsy young man (thanks, young man-- Newt's confrontation with the truth is priceless!)


For more info and videos concerning the annual gatherings amongst the Redwoods of California of political, business, and entertainment industry bigwigs (and hired servers)--a social affair where calling on the devil seems to be the order of the night, scroll a bit to this blog's Search Bar and type in 'Bohemian Grove' for various entries on this pagan conflagration of 'fire worshippers' who act as social tinkerers and 'leaders' when wearing business suits.

You know, some say that Russian mystic and artist *Nicolas Roerich, an adviser to President Franklin Roosevelt, led the White House under the auspices of 'Black Majick' and that if the American people had known what was really going on, FDR would have been ridden out of Washington on a rail, or worse.

Now I don't know how true the myth but the District's association with the Goat of Mendes gives me pause for wondering about evasive old FDR who took control of our nation at the same time that devilish Hitler rose to power...and both under the influence of the same Solar Eclipse, the 'Fascism Rising Eclipse' of Feb 24, 1933 @ 5Pis28--which conjoins President Obama's natal Chiron and tr Chiron 2012.)

Were AH and FDR both working toward a 'New World Order'? My suspicion is, Yes, each in his own way with both countries wanting to man the helm of Global Government. In the Eurozone, Germany now ascends monetarily while the US has been financially heisted and weakened--on purpose, thanks to the SEC, Wall Street, transnational bankers, rating agencies, and the Fed.

View the 1933 eclipse horoscope with its interlaced YODs of crisis and a few chart details here. Why, in 1933, the Fed was only 20 years old!

*Nicolas Roerich born October 9, 1874 St. Petersburg, Russia; at noon: Sun in mid-Libra, Moon 4Lib37 (or could be in later degrees of Virgo); Mercury in business-oriented, ruthless Scorpio; Venus 2Sag05 (conjoined by our last Solar Eclipse Nov 25, 2011 #@ 2Sag37--the 'Super Committee' eclipse), Mars 14Vir35 (Mars is in Virgo now indicating his Mars Return 2012), Jupiter 12Lib58 conj n Sun, Saturn 7AQ40 Rx, Uranus 14Leo28, Neptune 29Ari47 Rx (@ critical degree), Pluto 22Tau20 Rx (conjoined on May 28, 2000 by the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction = Pluto: attaining aims slowly but surely; violent changes or restrictions; immense efforts - Ebertin.)

Natal North Node (NN) 26Ari40 Rx conjoins his Pre-Natal Eclipse Series (PE) 26:24 which conjoin his natal Midas 26:03 and all are snugged between his natal Chiron 20Ari24 Rx, the Wound (so he was born during a US Chiron Return) and often-delusional Neptune...Neptune/NN = lack of community or team spirit.

Hmm. Reminds me of the uncooperative attitude of Republicans and DINOS on Capitol Hill (circa Jan 20, 2009--Jan 20, 2013) who do not need to be named here. (Note: Ebertin gives the Jup/Uran combo of energies on a negative level as: 'obstinate adherence to one's own principles from inherent opposition rather than from true conviction; magnifying or exaggerating everything'. As noted, for we know who the undermining jackasses are.)

Anyway, Roerich's PE falls into the 2 Old North Series: 'unfortunate news concerning relationships; a glum and difficult series bringing potentials for separation and the ending of unions, yet taking quick action may bring positive results.' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.) A Solar Eclipse last manifested in this series on July 1, 2000 @ 10Can15 which greatly affected US natal planets in Cancer, mainly Jupiter '6Can' (monetary policy) and the Sun '14Can' (the leader, or, leadership; the president.) In fact, this eclipse degree was triggered on July 1, 2011 by a Solar Eclipse @ 9Can12, the initial eclipse in a new series.

As for his financial expertise and advising of FDR on monetary policies, Roerich was born with the promise of lucky breaks and financial opportunities because a Jupiter/Uranus sextile (60 degr) attuned him to the financial cycles and peaks of Jupiter and Uranus (as timed by their sextiles and trines) of his day. The Jupiter/Uranus cycle is the "ultra-important" one when it comes to stock markets and business/monetary cycles, says Sybil Leek in her book, The Astrological Guide to Financial Success (1972.)

Jupiterian growth + Uranian change = peaks and fluctuations, with Uranus associated with Technology and Industry; their adventurous blend also indicates scientific discoveries and inventions, broadened horizons, and far-seeing plans and activities.

Not that the current opposition of societal planets Jupiter (growth, investment) and Saturn (restriction, loss, austerity measures) isn't important as well. But they sure are behaving stubbornly especially if we use them to represent Ds (Saturn usually but these days, Jupiter) and Rs (Jupiter traditionally, but these days, Saturn.) The Jupiter/Saturn opposition phase is "strongly recessive," says Sybil Leek. Can you feel it, even with Jupiter moved ahead into Earthy, practical Taurus and Saturn hanging back at the end of Airy Libra? Things are shifting now...

So Jupiter's growth function works well with Uranus' change function, a teamwork that denotes business peaks which may be clearly seen--not only with Astrology--but in stock market records which detail the approximately 3 1/2-year business cycle of Jupiter and Uranus (3.45 years actually.) Many traders know of the 3 1/2 year cycle yet few if any can explain the How or Why of it--unless Financial Astrology is employed for timing purposes.

("Millionaires don't use Astrology, billionaires do." - J.P. Morgan Sr.)

The current monetary cycle as timed by the Great Conjunction/s of Jupiter and Uranus began, of course, with the three-fer we experienced from 2010 to 2011 with their first meeting standing out due to its occurrence upon a World Point of Manifestation, the Aries Point, as you'll remember:

1. June 8, 2010 @ 00Ari18
2. Sep 19, 2010 @ 28Pis43
3. Jan 4, 2011 @ 27Pis02

In markets, Aries = war, weaponry, iron and steel, transport, policing-fire fighting-security services, surgery, adventurous enterprises, mining, oil drilling, and other Martian sectors; Pisces = oil and gas, oceanography, water travel, fisheries, footwear, drugs drugs and more drugs (including vaccines and contraceptives--in the news now), entertainment, art galleries, antiques, religion, mysticism, state bonds for civic development (Leek), and other Piscean sectors which include the military as does Aries.

Naturally, we may expect that market and economic issues will continue to need close attention during Spring 2012 as the Sun reaches Vernal Equinox (00Ari00:00) on March 20, 2012 and highlights this monetary/business cycle while forming a midpoint picture:

Jupiter/Uranus = Mar 20, 2012 Sun: far-sightedness; inventive minds; illumination of one's best position in any circumstance; great success (Ebertin; Tyl); incorporating new ideas (Munkasey.) Well, someone is doing okay, right?


Our current 'ultra-important' financial period: June 2010 + 3 1/2 years = end of 2013, early 2014; or, Jan 2011 + 3 1/2 years = mid-2014, so the parameters are: end of 2013 to mid-2014. Not being of a trading or speculating disposition, there's not a lot I plan do with this info personally but those who are planning ahead in their careers just now may be able to use the suggested periods as a 'far-seeing' financial guide for future expansion and reforms in Technology if in nothing else.


Further reading: 2011's Solar and Lunar Eclipses.

A Blog Note to my Readers: due to an upcoming relocation, my blogging time will continue intermittently until things settle down in early to mid-March. This will entail new tech equipment which I am looking forward to enjoying so please stay tuned for it seems that the broadening energies of Jupiter/Uranus may just knock upon my blogging door yet! Jude

Jan 5, 2011

The Jupiter/Uranus conjunction of Jan 4, 2011; 112th Congress opens 1.5.11

Today many new members of Congress are being sworn in, and on Tuesday January 4, 2011, Jupiter and Uranus performed their final Great Conjunction until April 24, 2024.

Three times they've tangoed beginning on June 8, 2010 @ 00Ari18 (the Aries Point of World Manifestation), on September 19, 2010 @ 28Pis43, and now @ 27Pis02 which occurred yesterday at about 7:00 am est on Capitol Hill - with both powerful, wealthy Pluto 5Cap27 and asteroid Pallas 5Cap55 (strategy; wisdom; protector of the city state) rising.

'27 Pisces' is the Exaltation degree of Venus, now @ 27 Scorpio, so the Jupiter/Uranus pair are being trined by Venus (valuations, evaluations, relationships, art, attraction principle; small amounts of money) and we may wish to consider a midpoint picture formed by the three...any, all, or none may apply:

Jup/Uran = Venus: your charm when forcing the new upon others; satisfaction gained from creating the new to improve life overall; inconstancy in attachments; happy feelings; narcissism.

Mercury 21Sag+ (planet of oaths) squares Jup/Uran: a series of fortunate breaks; planning on success; confidence; people with many ideas; a fortunate turn in one's occupation; thoughts about the need for change and how to affect it. (Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey.)

As you know, the Jupiter/Uranus duo is quite special for its optimism, lucky chances, breakthroughs, and blissful realizations. So let's add Reinhold Ebertin's additional info on their combined energies from his book, The Combination of Stellar Influences:

"It is often difficult to assess the nature of Jupiter-Uranus constellations. They indicate, in most cases, inner tensions or strains which are then suddenly released. At one time, the author named this configuration the 'Thank the Lord' position, because people having such a configuration have repeatedly exclaimed the words 'Thank the Lord' after the release of the tension or strain from which they were suffering."

Moving to a source that concerns Politics and Business (Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets) we find that Jupiter/Uranus energies tell a different tale in those realms:

Thesis: application of legal methods against breakdowns in order; strikes or revolutions; growth following periods of reform; modernization opportunities through new labor-saving inventions.

Antithesis: reform originating in religious principles; government where no expansion due to modern principles is allowed; civil war or unrest due to a legal or religious system which stifles justice for common people.

112th Congress: Washington's New Cycle of Activity

As Congress opens at this very moment (noon), we may wonder if looking back toward legislation already passed is what America needs most when everyone knows that congressional focus should be on jobs jobs jobs creation!

Yet if we must look back, let's take a peek at Rudhyar's explanation of '27Pis' which somewhat suggests the bliss from above:

"The Harvest Moon Illumines a Clear Autumnal Sky"...Keynote: The light of fulfillment that blesses work well done. Keyword: CONSUMMATION. But in this consummation--this 'karmic' moment--the seed of the new cyclic manifestation is already latent."

Connecting the dots politically with the November 2, 2010 Midterms - the reason for today's big swearing-in on Capitol Hill, the Astronomy of the Super Harvest Moon of September 22, 2010 is interesting along with the Astrology of Autumn Equinox 2010 with the Moon @ 27Pis11 - almost at her Super Harvest Full Moon status and nearing Jupiter 28Pis10 Rx and Uranus 28:33 Rx in 10th house of Career in Washington DC. (Click to view chart image.)

And Jupiter/Uranus = Moon? Sensitivity toward the need to transform your life through a change of religion, moral principles, philosophy; inconsistency in dealing with the forces of change and revolution which occur daily; opportunity for major change; looking ahead to success.

Nov 28, 2010

2011 brings us 4 Solar and 2 Lunar Eclipses

Image shown: at the White House, Solar Eclipse January 4, 2011 @ 13Cap38 in 2nd house of Values and Earning Ability; eclipse opposes US natal *Sun in Cancer, here with other US planets in Cancer, in 8th house of Big Finance and Transformation; Hour of the Moon (changes; daily life; publicity); no planetary patterns and no out-of-bounds planets; out-going and practical Cardinal-Earth is strong; '13Can/Cap' are critical/crisis degrees; Mc 10Vir45 'lifts up' Fixed Star Zosma (victim or savior) and is Bush Sr's natal Ascendant degree.

Venus 26Sco51, planet of valuations and relationships, rises with asteroids Lilith and Panacea; chart-ruler Mars 20Cap59, a critical degree, makes only one applying aspect: a conjunction to the eclipse (7A21) so we have:

Sun/Moon = Mars: desire to bring ideas and plans to fruition; a realization of joint ventures.

Here are a few details on the Sun Cap-Moon Cap blend.

Co-ruler Pluto only makes an applying trine to Mc; Lord of the Eclipse, Saturn 16Lib48 in 11th house, applies to a square with the eclipse (3A09); Saturn is in the midst of a three-fer US Saturn Return 14Lib48 (which is squared by this eclipse.)

This planetary situation creates an emphasis on America's natal Sun/Saturn square which forms a 'Fist of God' pattern with US natal Moon 27AQ10 at apex.

Our natal Sun/Saturn = Moon: attention to daily activities; emotional or organic depression; feeling inferior or inhibited; bereavement; fear.

Substitute our natal Moon (we-the-people) in the above midpoint equation with the Jan 2011 eclipse's Neptune 26AQ50 and we have...

n Sun/Saturn = Jan 2011 Neptune: a mental, emotional, or physical crisis; inhibitions; inner peculiarities; a relaxation of plans that are thought to be too rigid ('austerity' or 'entitlement cuts'? jc); delusion within relationships; loneliness.

Also, Pluto trine Mc provides the chart with Pluto sextile Ic, an aspect which describes those who wish to control others and make all decisions, secretiveness and quarrels, and sleuthing into other people's business. Investigators, librarians, historians, police and military forces, secret agencies at home (Ic), and archaeologists are particularly hightlighted. (The Sextile, Alan Epstein.)

You may notice that the HOW? Point of the chart (Ic) is @ '11Pis' = "Men Seeking Illumination", a symbol which outs the much-disputed Illuminati presence in America.

The wounding, confusing, watery transits of Neptune and Chiron to US natal Moon continue to plague us with fraud, dissolution, homelessness and foreclosures; tr Pluto, the Dragon Guarding the Treasure, opposes US natal Jupiter, a period when US financial matters and professional status are not favored; measures taken during this time will not be sufficient though we may not actually know just who stands in our way due to devouring Pluto's invisible cloak and subversive, sabotaging actions.

However, nothing that is truly ours will be destroyed during the Pluto opposite n Jupiter transit - yet this does not include fortunes that exist only on paper or on a computer screen.

Political aspirations are better put on-hold for a while since they likely will be challenged by more powerful forces as the US is locked in a major struggle for control of Jupiterian issues relating to money, the military, religion, higher education, expansion, growth, exploration, and...did I say, money?

Plus, the Sabian Symbol for '28Gem' (the 8th house cusp) is 'Bankruptcy'; Gemini is a sign of duality indicating multiplicity and potential duplicity concerning 8th house matters such as debt, credit, insurance, banking, and such.

Now as you know, the off-on transit of the Great Conjunction/s of Jupiter and Uranus 27Pis01/02 show the pair to be quite exact (partile) in 4th house of Domestic Scene and Homeland in the eclipse chart set for DC; Jupiter/Uranus is the far-traveling 'lucky break' duo that, in politics and business, indicate such themes as:

reform originating in religious principles; applying legal methods against breakdowns in order, strikes, or revolutions; periods of reform are followed by growth; civil war or unrest due to a legal or religious system which stifles justice for the common people; labor-saving devices bring modernization (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey.)

Yes, one of the more encompassing backgrounds of our societal atmosphere that I consider when composing Political Astrology posts are the Solar and Lunar Eclipses for any given year. Whether offering crises or opportunities, these wild card lunations of the universe have always fascinated the collective and may influence events and outcomes even when partial or seen from only certain vantage points upon the Earth; even when 'invisible', we know they're there.

Today I'm displaying only the January 4, 2011 Solar Eclipse but basic details for the other eclipses are here included; further eclipse chart images for 2011 will be published as my blogging schedule allows.

Here is NASA's website which gives paths of visibility for Solar Eclipses 2011 - 2020. Alternately, you may wish to check out

The year 2011 contains 6 eclipses all together: 4 Solar and 2 Lunar.

Let's look at the 4 Solar Eclipses by Series themes and add a few details on the Lunar Eclipses as well since, as you know, 2011 is thought to herald difficult times and acts as chronological doorkeeper to the much-ballyhooed '2012' of Mayan Prophecy, legend, and New-Agery promise; the global power elite have played on collective fears well and see this era as implementation time for total control of the planet.

In order of manifestation, the Solar Eclipses of 2011 are noted; Sabian Symbols are from Dane Rudhyar's An Astrological Mandala and will be rounded up to the next degree for simplicity's sake when minutes are less than 30; eclipse details are primarily from Brady's Predictive Astrology and Celeste Teal's Eclipses though there's some melding of Series themes for the June 1 and July 1 Solar Eclipses; some of my own notes may be included; midpoint pictures are from Tyl, Ebertin, and Munkasey and any, all, or none may apply:

As pictured above (click chart to enlarge and read my scribbled notes; plus, US natal planets are notated in red, outer) 13 North: January 4, 2011 @ '14 Capricorn': "An Ancient Bas-Relief Carved in Granite Remains a Witness to a Long-Forgotten Culture"; 'Keynote: The will to unearth in our culture as well as in any culture, what has permanent value, and to let go of non essentials.

What is needed is a penetrating and courageous insight founded upon a valid HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE.' We must 'learn to appreciate the excellence of what is the immortal seed-foundation.'

(Is this a Monsanto-GM-seed reference? This degree opposes US natal Sun degree '14Can'; the Sun in Mundane Astrology = the leader or leadership. The actual eclipse occurs @ 13Cap38, a crisis or critical degree, and you don't need Astrology to tell you how the nation and world are mired in such just now; its link to US natal Sun indicates an administration crucially connected to world events; powerful opposition to the president's agenda brings turbulence and legislative delays, trade imbalances, strikes, and discontent. France is one of the countries embroiled against governmental "austerity cuts" and retirement age changes which enrage populations everywhere especially since the wealthiest classes seem to be making no sacrifice at all - and war expenditures are what should be 'cut'; Uranus and Pluto square off in Cardinal degrees for their usual unrest and rebellion; mid-1960s issues resurface from the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Pluto including racial relations.)

13N Series themes: groups and associations; large, ambitious group projects which require the breaking of an existing bond; separation, then joint achievement. Last occurred: 1992.

(The initial eclipse in this Series manifested on August 14, 1776 and I suspect it to be America's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series - 'PE' - as much as any other; all the signatures were not garnered onto the Declaration of Independence until early August 1776 and eclipses can affect us for up to two weeks prior or after their actual manifestation; this eclipse's chart for August 14, 1776 works well as a US natal chart, too. Check it out and let me know what you think of it as a symbolic natal chart for America - Neptune and Pluto are in virtually the same degrees as on July 4, 1776.)

Solar Eclipse, 13S: June 1 @ '11Gem02' (a 2-degree orb with US natal DESC in our Sibly chart): "Newly Opened Lands Offer the Pioneer New Opportunities for Experience"; 'Keynote: The power and joy of new beginnings. (Man) is facing the unknown. Anything can happen. ...Every step ahead should show him RISING TO THE OCCASION.'

13S themes: expansive energy but with a sinister flavor underneath; striving for positive or negative group endeavors; storms, dismissals, evacuations, and a potential for constitutional crisis. Last occurred: 1993, year of the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune, the illuminated pair who now assist one another by mutual reception.

The sign Gemini indicates communication, transportation, and trade issues; occurring in the 8th house in Washington DC, there may be a death or resignation of a public figure, and treaties and negotiations with foreign countries may be negatively impacted.

June 15, Lunar Eclipse @ '24Sag23': "A Blue Bird Perched on the Gate of a Cottage"; 'Keynote: The reward which meets every effort at integration into a social environment for those who remain true to their own selves'.

Blue bird = happiness but 'it also refers to what one might call a spiritually oriented mind. ...The essential technique for successful living is the development of a consciousness in which peace and happiness dwell. There is also a hint that GOOD FORTUNE is going to bless your life.'

Some improvement may be indicated in foreign relations which results in prosperity; crime, rehab, sanitation, and hospital issues are on the menu.

Solar Eclipse, July 1, 2011 (which Celeste Teal has labeled the "Democratic Spirit" eclipse) @ '9Can12' = '9Can' = "A Small Naked Girl Bends Over a Pond to Catch a Fish"; 'Keynote: The first naive quest for knowledge and for an ever-elusive understanding of life.

"Small naked girl" = 'the innocent and spontaneous mind, as yet unclothed in cultural patterns and unrestrained by don'ts, trying to satisfy its curiosity about what seems mysterious and fleeting. ...The key here is PURITY IN UNDERSTANDING.'

As you know, '9Can' falls amidst America's Venus, Jupiter, and Sun (3 to 14 Cancer) and is the midpoint degree of our nation's natal Sun/Venus and Sun/Jupiter combinations. Therefore...

In politics and business, Sun/Venus = using wealth available to a nation or business to sustain its image or authority; how a nation shapes the direction of its growth; the nature of reserves, resources, and the roles they play in national development; a leadership that doesn't appreciate the role that culture or art play in the development of national character; a society estranged from its leadership.

Sun/Jupiter = directness and forcefulness when facing challenges; a nation's reputation in the world; an ability to lead others; religious or philosophical systems which tie effective leadership of a nation to a predetermined course of action; a nation's executive branch battling with the legal and justice systems. (Midpoints, Munkasey.)

A Cancerian Solar Eclipse indicates crisis and/or opportunity in these areas.

However, the July 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse may come off as an insignificant solar eclipse for it is a tiny partial eclipse which will be visible from a small patch of ocean near Antarctica. And yet the potential for natural disasters cannot be ruled out with the influence of any eclipse, can they? And perhaps the universe is lengthening our lessons and indicating a longer period of time for teaching us.

The final Solar Eclipse of 2011 occurs on November 25, 2011 @ 2Sag37 in the difficult 14 North Series. Celeste Teal gives this one a "Blazing New Trails" label; Brady's Predictive Astrology describes the 14N Series as "most peculiar" and says it "heralds an acute time of confusion in personal relationships, unexpected happenings in financial matters, and possible illness."

This eclipse may bring unrequited love, despair and a draining of energy, confusion, and a weird turn of events (for you personally, lone reader, it all depends on which departments of life - 'houses' - an eclipse degree falls into and how it triggers various planets and points in your chart...maybe it doesn't!)

Therefore, no important judgments or decisions about events should be made until the influence of this eclipse fades for too much deception and illusion exist for anyone to be clearly informed or realistically inspired.

Then there are those who do the confusing, deceiving, and magic tricks meant to veil the truth!

Note: the White House's natal Venus is eclipsed for natal Venus (Nov 1, 1800) lies @ 2Sag11 in the 10th house of the 'noon' chart. (Nov 1, 1800 is the day the Madisons moved in to occupy the W-H for the first time. You may wish to scroll the sidebar of this blog for 'What James Madison was saying in 1817', the year of the Monroe Doctrine which may now be aiding the warmongering global elite puppeteers as they maneuver to plop the US into yet another broiling broth of war - such as in N/S Korea.)

More Time Links between 1074 and Our Day?

For historical perspective on the Nov 2011 Solar Eclipse, it may be instructive to consider that the 14N Series first manifested on April 29, 1074 OS @ 13Tau54, with Neptune - the veil - @ 9Gem09 Rx, where gold-hoarder Midas, the asteroid, hangs around these days.

This Neptune-Midas time link leads me to suspect that 'the veil' mentioned above in the 14N theme info, in Nov 2011, has to do with the world's wealth and resources which are close to being completely gathered in and hidden away by the global power elite who don't need more riches in order to put food on their tables, but use the illusion of money to ramp up within each of us our senses of lack, want, inferiority, and loss. With currency collapses possible, the olden days of bartering may have to return.

The 1074 eclipse degree of '13Tau54' is within one degree of our modern Inaugural Ascendants which always represent the Oath of Office of the President of the United States (Jan 20 @ noon in DC), and thus, the US presidency and whoever is playing the role at any given time.

14N's initial eclipse in the year 1074 also has Saturn @ 8Sag11 showing that the eclipse in this difficult series occurred during a Saturn/Neptune opposition phase which stimulates within the collective morbid, morose, melancholy thoughts, and a tendency toward irrational fears stemming from deep within the collective unconscious.

As you know, the antithetical Saturn/Neptune duo of energies indicates such social issues, concerns, and conditions as socialism and/or communism, where Saturn's rigidity, realism, and stability meets Neptune's dreaminess, dissolution, and fraud. Together they represent caution, pessimism, long periods of neglect, and a general lack of accountability; large social movements are also involved as authority (Saturn) is challenged (opposition) by the masses(Neptune) - and possibly authority is challenged by the media (Neptune)!

Another interpretation of Saturn/Neptune may be particularly highlighted as well esp if you tend to use the 'Sibly' natal chart for America (5:10 pm LMT on July 4, 1776, Philadelphia, PA) because our national Saturn 14Lib48 and Neptune 22Vir25 straddle the Midheaven 00-2Lib giving our nation a Sat/Nep = Mc vibe = taking a stand on practices which lessen the quality of life and a reputation (Mc) for correcting such practices; using shortened, inefficient methods when tough, dedicated, completed work is needed;giving up and capitulating to the demands of the environment; peculiar loss of ambition; materialism vs idealism; emotional suffering; moodiness; losing courage quickly.

In the January 4, 2011 Solar Eclipse chart pictured above, Mercury 21Sag22 in 1st house, sits precisely upon the Saturn/Neptune midpoint... so we have: 'pessimism; a difficult grasp of things; strangely nervous' to begin 2011 - and the difficult 14 North Series to end the year. For this and other reasons, 2011 will be a doozy.

And, of course, a most basic consideration for America whenever it comes to Saturn/Neptune is: Neptune (invisible; shadow) government (Saturn) and the continuing mystery of just who is really in charge of America.

Closing the year is the December 20, 2011 Lunar Eclipse @ 18Gem11, not quite close enough to US natal Mars to count as an 'eclipsing' but near enough for some military and police fretting to occur especially when we think of how 2011 began: with a Solar Eclipse conjoined by the explosive Mars/Pluto midpoint upon it, so that two pictures are created:

Mars/Pluto = Sun: working hard until collapse; violent measures; injury or accident; shock from the intervention of a Higher Power; effectively imposing one's will or theories upon others; a pushy or demanding nature; achievements attained by superior techniques or endurance.

Mars/Pluto = Moon: a strong impulse to proceed with ideas or plans; using traditional means of power to meet goals; audacity and daring; ambition; impulsive or hasty actions; a determined woman.

The year-end effects of the Dec 2011 Lunar Eclipse influence the start of the year 2012 with the Nov 2011 Solar Eclipse providing background vibes; the first Solar Eclipse of 2012 doesn't occur until May 20, 2012 @ 00Gem in the 14 South Series when "an obsessive idea is finally accepted"; 14S last occurred in 1994 and thereby resurfaces issues from the 1994 Republican take-over of Congress; it may also indicate some types of property settlements (Gaza? the US foreclosure mess? other?)

Completing the 2011 eclipse list

In her book Eclipses, Celeste Teal titles the December 2011 Lunar Eclipse Solicitations with its ruler Mercury accenting communications, speakers, messages, negotiations, youth, transport, trade, and education; we may as well go ahead and add 'reporters, journalists, and bloggers' to the slosh as war (Mars/Pluto) propaganda (Mercury) envelopes and attempts to persuade the world to bomb innocent people once again.

Venus 26Sco51, planet of valuations and relationships, rises with asteroids Lilith and Panacea; chart-ruler Mars 20Cap59, a critical degree, makes only one applying aspect: a conjunction to the eclipse (7A21) so we have:

Sun/Moon = Mars: desire to bring ideas and plans to fruition; a realization of joint ventures.

Co-ruler Pluto only makes an applying trine to Mc; Lord of the Eclipse, Saturn 16Lib48 in 11th house, applies to a square with the eclipse (3A09); Saturn is in the midst of a three-fer US Saturn Return 14Lib48 (which is squared by this eclipse.)

This planetary situation creates an emphasis on America's natal Sun/Saturn square which forms a 'Fist of God' pattern with US natal Moon 27AQ10 at apex.

Our natal Sun/Saturn = Moon: attention to daily activities; emotional or organic depression; feeling inferior or inhibited; bereavement; fear.

Substitute our natal Moon (we-the-people) in the above midpoint equation with the Jan 2011 eclipse's Neptune 26AQ50 and we have...

n Sun/Saturn = Jan 2011 Neptune: a mental, emotional, or physical crisis; inhibitions; inner peculiarities; a relaxation of plans that are thought to be too rigid ('austerity' or 'entitlement cuts'? jc); delusion within relationships; loneliness.

Also, Pluto trine Mc provides the chart with Pluto sextile Ic, an aspect which describes those who wish to control others and make all decisions, secretiveness and quarrels, and sleuthing into other people's business. Investigators, librarians, historians, police and military forces, secret agencies at home (Ic), and archaeologists are particularly highlighted. (The Sextile, Alan Epstein.)

You may notice that the HOW? Point of the chart (Ic) is @ '11Pis' = "Men Seeking Illumination", a symbol which outs the much-disputed Illuminati presence in America.

The wounding, confusing, watery transits of Neptune and Chiron to US natal Moon continue to plague us with fraud, dissolution, homelessness and foreclosures; tr Pluto, the Dragon Guarding the Treasure, opposes US natal Jupiter, a period when US financial matters and professional status are not favored; measures taken during this time will not be sufficient though we may not actually know just who stands in our way due to devouring Pluto's invisible cloak and subversive, sabotaging methods.

However, nothing that is truly ours will be destroyed during the Pluto opposite n Jupiter transit - yet this does not include fortunes that exist only on paper or on a computer screen.

Political aspirations are better put on-hold for a while since they likely will be challenged by more powerful forces as the US is locked in a major struggle for control of Jupiterian issues relating to money, the military, religion, higher education, expansion, growth, exploration, and...did I say, money?

Plus, the Sabian Symbol for '28Gem' (the 8th house cusp) is 'Bankruptcy'; Gemini is a sign of duality indicating multiplicity and potential duplicity concerning 8th house matters such as debt, credit, insurance, banking, and such.

Now as you know, the off-on transit of the Great Conjunction/s of Jupiter and Uranus 27Pis01/02 show the pair to be quite exact (partile) in 4th house of Domestic Scene and Homeland in the eclipse chart set for DC; Jupiter/Uranus is the far-traveling 'lucky break' duo that, in politics and business, indicate such themes as:

reform originating in religious principles; applying legal methods against breakdowns in order, strikes, or revolutions; periods of reform are followed by growth; civil war or unrest due to a legal or religious system which stifles justice for the common people; labor-saving devices bring modernization (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey.)

Yes, one of the more encompassing backgrounds of our societal atmosphere which I consider when composing Political Astrology posts are the Solar and Lunar Eclipses for any given year. Whether offering crises or opportunities, these wild card lunations of the universe have always fascinated the collective imagination and may influence events and outcomes even when partial or seen from only certain vantage points upon the Earth; even when 'invisible', we know they're there.

This post displays only the January 4, 2011 Solar Eclipse but basic details for the other eclipses are included; further eclipse chart images for 2011 will be published as my limited blogging schedule allows.

Here is NASA's website which gives paths of visibility for Solar Eclipses 2011 - 2020. Alternately, you may wish to check out

Year 2011 contains 6 eclipses all together: 4 Solar and 2 Lunar.

Let's look at the 4 Solar Eclipses by theme and add a few details on the Lunar Eclipses as well since, as you know, 2011 is thought to herald difficult times and acts as chronological doorkeeper to the much-ballyhooed '2012' of Mayan Prophecy, legend, and New-Agery promise; the global power elite have played on collective fears well and see this era as implementation time for total control of the planet.

In order of manifestation, the eclipses of 2011 are noted; Sabian Symbols are from Dane Rudhyar's An Astrological Mandala and will be rounded up to the next degree for simplicity's sake when minutes are less than 30; eclipse details are primarily from Brady's Predictive Astrology and Celeste Teal's Eclipses though there is a melding of Series themes for the June 1 and July 1 Solar Eclipses; some of my own notes may be included; midpoint pictures are from Tyl, Ebertin, and Munkasey and any, all, or none may apply:

As pictured above (click chart to enlarge and read my scribbled notes; plus, US natal planets are penned in red, outer) 13 North: January 4, 2011 @ '14 Capricorn': "An Ancient Bas-Relief Carved in Granite Remains a Witness to a Long-Forgotten Culture"; 'Keynote: The will to unearth in our culture as well as in any culture, what has permanent value, and to let go of non essentials.

What is needed is a penetrating and courageous insight founded upon a valid HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE.' We must 'learn to appreciate the excellence of what is the immortal seed-foundation.'

(Is this a Monsanto-GM-seed reference? This degree opposes US natal Sun degree '14Can'; the Sun in Mundane Astrology = the leader or leadership. The actual eclipse occurs @ 13Cap38, a crisis or critical degree, and you don't need Astrology to tell you how the nation and world are mired in such just now; its link to US natal Sun indicates an administration crucially connected to world events; powerful opposition to the president's agenda brings turbulence and legislative delays, trade imbalances, strikes, and discontent. France is one of the countries embroiled against governmental "austerity cuts" and retirement age changes which enrage populations everywhere especially since the wealthiest classes seem to be making no sacrifice at all - and war expenditures are what should be 'cut'; Uranus and Pluto square off in Cardinal degrees for their usual unrest and rebellion; mid-1960s issues resurface from the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Pluto including racial relations.)

13N Series themes: groups and associations; large, ambitious group projects which require the breaking of an existing bond; separation, then joint achievement. Last occurred: 1992.

(The initial eclipse in this Series manifested on August 14, 1776 and I suspect it to be America's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series - 'PE' - as much as any other; all the signatures were not garnered onto the Declaration of Independence until early August 1776 and eclipses can affect us for up to two weeks prior or after their actual manifestation; this eclipse's chart for August 14, 1776 works well as a US natal chart, too. Check it out and let me know what you think of it as a symbolic natal chart for America - Neptune and Pluto are in virtually the same degrees as on July 4, 1776.)

Solar Eclipse, 13S: June 1 @ '11Gem02' (a 2-degree orb with US natal DESC in our Sibly chart): "Newly Opened Lands Offer the Pioneer New Opportunities for Experience"; 'Keynote: The power and joy of new beginnings. (Man) is facing the unknown. Anything can happen. ...Every step ahead should show him RISING TO THE OCCASION.'

13S themes: expansive energy but with a sinister flavor underneath; striving for positive or negative group endeavors; storms, dismissals, evacuations, and a potential for constitutional crisis. Last occurred: 1993, year of the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune, the illuminated pair who now assist one another by mutual reception.

The sign Gemini indicates communication, transportation, and trade issues; occurring in the 8th house when set for Washington DC, there may be a death or resignation of a public figure (Poppy or Mommy Bush?); treaties and negotiations with foreign countries may be negatively impacted.

June 15, Lunar Eclipse @ '24Sag23': "A Blue Bird Perched on the Gate of a Cottage"; 'Keynote: The reward which meets every effort at integration into a social environment for those who remain true to their own selves'.

Blue bird = happiness but 'it also refers to what one might call a spiritually oriented mind. ...The essential technique for successful living is the development of a consciousness in which peace and happiness dwell. There is also a hint that GOOD FORTUNE is going to bless your life.'

Some improvement may be indicated in foreign relations which results in prosperity; crime, rehab, sanitation, and hospital issues are on the menu.

Solar Eclipse, July 1, 2011 (which Celeste Teal has labeled the "Democratic Spirit" eclipse) @ '9Can12' = '9Can' = "A Small Naked Girl Bends Over a Pond to Catch a Fish"; 'Keynote: The first naive quest for knowledge and for an ever-elusive understanding of life.

"Small naked girl" = 'the innocent and spontaneous mind, as yet unclothed in cultural patterns and unrestrained by don'ts, trying to satisfy its curiosity about what seems mysterious and fleeting. ...The key here is PURITY IN UNDERSTANDING.'

As you know, '9Can' falls amidst America's Venus, Jupiter, and Sun (3 to 14 Cancer) and is the midpoint degree of our nation's natal Sun/Venus and Sun/Jupiter combinations. Therefore...

In politics and business, Sun/Venus = using wealth available to a nation or business to sustain its image or authority; how a nation shapes the direction of its growth; the nature of reserves, resources, and the roles they play in national development; a leadership that doesn't appreciate the role that culture or art play in the development of national character; a society estranged from its leadership.

Sun/Jupiter = directness and forcefulness when facing challenges; a nation's reputation in the world; an ability to lead others; religious or philosophical systems which tie effective leadership of a nation to a predetermined course of action; a nation's executive branch battling with the legal and justice systems. (Midpoints, Munkasey.)

A Cancerian Solar Eclipse indicates crisis and/or opportunity in any or all of these areas.

However, the July 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse may come off as an insignificant solar eclipse for it is a tiny partial eclipse which will be visible from a small patch of ocean near Antarctica. And yet the potential for natural disasters cannot be ruled out with the influence of any eclipse, can they? And perhaps the universe is lengthening our lessons and indicating a longer period of time for teaching us.

The final Solar Eclipse of 2011 occurs on November 25, 2011 @ 2Sag37 in the difficult 14 North Series. Celeste Teal gives this one a "Blazing New Trails" label; Brady's Predictive Astrology describes the 14N Series as "most peculiar" and says it "heralds an acute time of confusion in personal relationships, unexpected happenings in financial matters, and possible illness."

This eclipse may bring unrequited love, despair and a draining of energy, confusion, and a weird turn of events (for you personally, lone reader, it all depends on which departments of life - 'houses' - an eclipse degree falls into and how it triggers various planets and points in your chart...maybe it doesn't!)

Therefore, no important judgments or decisions about events should be made until the influence of this eclipse fades for too much deception and illusion exist for anyone to be clearly informed or realistically inspired -- we enter 2012. And then there are those who do the confusing, and deceiving along with their magic tricks meant to veil the truths we need to know in order to make wise decisions! Well, manipulative Pluto does like to hold all the cards.

Note: the White House's natal Venus is eclipsed/conjoined in Nov 2011 for natal Venus (Nov 1, 1800) lies @ 2Sag11 in the 10th house of the 'noon' chart. (Nov 1, 1800 is the day the Madisons moved in to occupy the W-H for the first time. You may wish to scroll the sidebar of this blog for 'What James Madison was saying in 1817', the year of the Monroe Doctrine which may now be aiding the warmongering global elite puppeteers as they maneuver to plop the US into yet another broiling broth of war - such as in N/S Korea or elsewhere.)

More Time Links between 1074 and Our Day?

For historical perspective on the Nov 2011 Solar Eclipse, it may be instructive to consider that the 14N Series first manifested on April 29, 1074 OS @ 13Tau54, with Neptune - the veil - @ 9Gem09 Rx, where gold-hoarder Midas, the asteroid, hangs around in the tropical zodiac these days.

This Neptune-Midas time link leads me to suspect that 'the veil' mentioned above in the 14N theme info, in Nov 2011, has to do with the world's wealth and resources which are close to being completely gathered in and hidden away by the global power elite who don't need more riches in order to put food on their tables, but use the illusion of money to ramp up within each of us our senses of lack, want, inferiority, and loss. With currency collapses possible, the olden days of bartering may have to return.

The 1074 eclipse degree of '13Tau54' is within one degree of our modern Inaugural Ascendants which always represent the Oath of Office of the President of the United States (Jan 20 @ noon in DC), and thus, the US presidency and whoever is playing the role at any given time.

In addition, 14N's initial eclipse in the year 1074 also has Saturn @ 8Sag11 showing that the eclipse in this difficult series occurred during a Saturn/Neptune opposition phase which stimulates within the collective morbid, morose, melancholy thoughts, and a tendency toward irrational fears stemming from deep within the collective unconscious.

As you know, the antithetical Saturn/Neptune duo of energies indicates such social issues, concerns, and conditions as socialism and/or communism, where Saturn's rigidity, realism, and stability meets Neptune's dreaminess, dissolution, and fraud. Together they represent caution, pessimism, long periods of neglect, and a general lack of accountability; large social movements are also involved as authority (Saturn) is challenged (opposition) by the masses(Neptune) - and possibly authority is challenged by the media (Neptune)!

Another interpretation of Saturn/Neptune may be particularly highlighted as well esp if you tend to use the 'Sibly' natal chart for America (5:10 pm LMT on July 4, 1776, Philadelphia, PA) because our national Saturn 14Lib48 and Neptune 22Vir25 straddle natal Midheaven 00-2Lib giving our nation a Sat/Nep = Mc vibe = taking a stand on practices which lessen the quality of life and a reputation (Mc) for correcting such practices; using shortened, inefficient methods when tough, dedicated, completed work is needed; giving up and capitulating to the demands of the environment; peculiar loss of ambition; materialism vs idealism; emotional suffering; moodiness; losing courage quickly.

In the January 4, 2011 Solar Eclipse chart pictured above, Mercury 21Sag22 in 1st house, sits precisely upon the Saturn/Neptune midpoint... so we have: 'pessimism; a difficult grasp of things; strangely nervous' to begin 2011 - and the difficult 14 North Series to end the year. For this and other reasons, 2011 will be a doozy.

And, of course, a most basic consideration for America whenever it comes to Saturn/Neptune is: Neptune (invisible; shadow) government (Saturn) and the continuing mystery of just who is really in charge of America.

Closing the year is the December 10, 2011 Lunar Eclipse @ 18Gem11, not quite close enough to US natal Mars to count as an 'eclipsing' but near enough for some military and police fretting to occur especially when we think of how 2011 began: with a Solar Eclipse conjoined by the explosive Mars/Pluto midpoint upon it, so that two pictures are created:

Mars/Pluto = Sun: working hard until collapse; violent measures; injury or accident; shock from the intervention of a Higher Power; effectively imposing one's will or theories upon others; a pushy or demanding nature; achievements attained by superior techniques or endurance.

Mars/Pluto = Moon: a strong impulse to proceed with ideas or plans; using traditional means of power to meet goals; audacity and daring; ambition; impulsive or hasty actions; a determined woman.

The year-end effects of the Dec 2011 Lunar Eclipse influence the start of the year 2012 with the Nov 2011 Solar Eclipse providing background vibes; the first Solar Eclipse of 2012 doesn't occur until May 20, 2012 @ 00Gem in the 14 South Series when "an obsessive idea is finally accepted"; 14S last occurred in 1994 and thereby resurfaces issues from the 1994 Republican take-over of Congress; it may also indicate some types of property settlements (Gaza? the US foreclosure mess? other?)

Completing our 2011 eclipse list

In her book Eclipses, Celeste Teal titles the December 10, 2011 Lunar Eclipse Solicitations with its ruler Mercury accenting communications, speakers, messages, negotiations, youth, transport, trade, speculations, and education; we may as well go ahead and add 'reporters, journalists, and bloggers' to the slosh as war (Mars/Pluto) propaganda (Mercury) envelopes and attempts to persuade the world to bomb defenseless people once again thus expand the globalists' totalitarian reach.


*The January 4, 2011 Solar Eclipse times a Sun-opposite-natal-Sun transit for the US when the year's path or agenda is reconsidered with an eye toward making changes in the trajectory if things aren't going as planned.


For more astrological info on America's natal and progressed Jupiter in Cancer with Mars/Pluto overtones, you may wish to snag an affordable subscription to the Fall 2010 issue of Julie Demboski's Eclipse e-zine where you'll find my history-infused article, American Empire: When Jupiter Bowed to the Sun.

Many thanks go to master astrologer Erin Sullivan for giving permission to quote her work in my article. jc

Apr 10, 2010

Jupiter/Uranus and the Compact Fluorescent Light Bulb

You know how the combination of Jupiter with Uranus represents, on one level, light bulbs, both electrically and new-idea-wise, and how the two 'light bulb planets' of inventions and discoveries meet three times this year beginning with a first Great Conjunction on June 8, 2010 @ 00Ari18?

So can Jupiter/Uranus bring bad things to light?

Well, I think it's interesting that reports now surface saying that using those swirly Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs (CFL) may not be such a 'bright idea' after all. And since Uranus-to-Aries-Point is a significator for 'scientific breakthroughs', their combined spotlight of energies may also relate to new discoveries concerning older 'new' inventions such as the CFL.

Peep-eye, further testing! Upon second thought, General Electric! You certainly pushed the use of CFL upon the public forcefully as if they were environmentally an improvement over regular light bulbs, US government! Yet CFL are full of toxic mercury, too!

Actually, Jupiter and Uranus remain @ 00Ari18 (conj Aries Point, a World Point of manifestation and prominence) in Washington DC for 3 hours 3 minutes on June 8, 2010, from 6:57 am edt until 10:00 am edt. Here's the schedule:

6:57 am edt: ASC 3Can59 with US natal Venus rising and our natal Jupiter in tow; MC 12Pis34 with the Great Conjunction of Jup/Uran beginning in 10th house and ending in 9th house (conjunct 9th cusp 29Pis49). They will, in tandem, cross Midheaven during their celestial tango which results in a temporary midpoint picture...

Jupiter/Uranus = MC: optimism; a fortunate turn in life. (Ebertin.) This picture echoes their June 8, 2010 Great Conjunction which opposes US natal MC 00Lib53 in America's 'Sibly' chart.

So while Jupiter and Uranus are docked together in June @ AP, the Moon ranges from 27Ari29 (11th house) to 29Ari06 (29 being a 'crisis' or 'impatient' degree) in 9th house, yet conjunct MC 1Tau59. Transit Venus 23Can13 (beginning in 1st house, ending in 12th) conjoins US natal Mercury, a time of good news, cordial business and community activities, and successful public relations.

And for those 3 hrs 3 mins, the Sun begins @ 17Gem33 in 12th house, ends @ 17:41 in 11th house with ASC 11Leo51, conj President Obama's natal Sun. This is the Venus Transit degree (17Gem53) of June 8, 2004 which occurred during the G-8 Summit on Sea Island, GA...that very weekend.

Curiously back then, Jupiter 10Vir37 and Uranus 6Pis48 were in opposition and forming a T-Square with apex Mercury in Mercury-ruled Gemini @ 5Gem30...

Jupiter/Uranus = Mercury: gathering ample knowledge; a fortunate occupational change; planning on success; a series of fortunate breaks; thinking about the need for changes and how you can affect them.

And affect them the behind-the-scenes power elite and their public faces (aka 'world leaders') have.

Or, perhaps someone simply changed a newly invented, if over-touted, light bulb.


Midpoints: Ebertin and Tyl; T-Square info from Dynamics of Aspect Analysis by Bil Tierney; to read much more on the amazing Jupiter/Uranus cycle, check out Anne Whitaker's excellent book Jupiter Meets Uranus which I have personally reviewed on Amazon.

Jan 4, 2010

2009/10/11: a forward and backward look at America

Craig Harris' article An Introspective Look at the Future of America starts off the New Year with a clear-eyed assessment of the monumental events and subsequent changes Americans have been expected to accept as necessary to prevent banking system collapse - then we're to believe that all is now well and improving.

Well? I wouldn't bother being an astrologer, however reluctant, if I were one who accepts things at face value and felt content with superficial bromides from Washington and from the Federal Reserve Bank, the privately owned entity that has engineered many market bubbles in the past, then wildly profited from their bursting every time. Duh.

Yes, bubbles of Jupiter/Neptune proportions are on our menu as we peek into 2010 for we know that 2009 was the Year of the Great Conjunction/s of the giant planets - one likes to expand and broaden into infinity, the other has a deep urge to merge. One can be on the greedy side, the other brings losses that are frequently hidden underneath lovely obfuscating veils. Their last great hook-up was only a few days ago on Dec 21, 2009 and all three conjs have occurred upon the US natal Moon - we-the-people.

Feeling targeted by grand schemers? Me, too.

Feeling hopeful for America's continued prosperity? Me, not so much. The Jupiter/Neptune combo is nothing to depend on unless a level of spiritual integrity is involved, and let's face it: we're talking Wall Street gentry and Capitol Hill thespians here, and we've experienced how they man the nation's helm.

Even the fake 'balloon boy' story is an expression of 2009's Jupiter/Neptune year and we know how that ended.

And if you know anything about Astrology you know that the effects of a major planetary conjunction don't simply 'fade away' at some magical point in time, but are part of the planets' ongoing cycle marked by their subsequent waxing squares (obstacles; backages: crisis in action), oppositions (stand-offs or fulfilment), and waning squares (crisis in consciousness), with more pleasant aspects in between at their sextiles and trines.

A conjunction is simply the Great Cosmic Clock of our solar system starting over at a new degree (in a new sign from the last conj) and represents a fresh cycle of activity relating to each planet's principles, and to the essence of their combination of energies when synthesized.

And of course, Saturn can come along and end an influence (including a sensitized eclipse degree's influence), and transiting Mars is capable of culminating or stimulating the action at a particular degree as well. Any transiting planet can put the period at the end of the cyclic or eclipsed sentence but it's usually Saturn or Mars doing the honors.

2010 into 2011:

Astrologically we may call 2010 the Year of Jupiter/Uranus. The Expander and the disruptive Awakener will meet 2 times in 2010 and going into 2011:

1. June 8, 2010 @ 00Aries18 ('Aries Point' of global manifestation; plus, Jupiter/Uranus = AP is a significator for major scientific breakthroughs - whether they aid or harm humankind is another matter entirely - hopefully, they will; and No, I don't believe that aliens in funky spaceships are knocking on Earth's door, yet upcoming eclipses will affect the natal chart of *Roswell, NM, as noted by Celeste Teal in her book, Eclipses);

2. Sept 19, 2010 @ 28Pis43;

3. Jan 4, 2011 @ 27Pis01.

Obviously the June 8, 2010 Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus will soon be top of my blog menu for a closer look and you may follow along if you wish by reading an important source of backward/forward info on the pair: Jupiter Meets Uranus by Scotland's Anne Whitaker. Anne ably illustrates the important New-Millennium-influencing conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus of Feb 16, 1997 @ 5AQ56, or '6AQ' rounded off, a highly sensitized degree 'going forward'...or looking backward, for the future is built upon the past, is it not?

'6AQ' is the degree of Neptune at Islam's founding and of Neptune's position on Sept 11, 2001 so basically, 9/11/01 was a Neptune Return for Islam.

Therefore, 1997's Jupiter/Uranus = Neptune: delusion about improving life through constant modernization; avoiding reality in pursuit of dreams; visualizing new ideas or products you think will make the world a better place (and with 9/11/01 add: forcing those new ideas onto other people - jc); being guided by false perceptions; being quickly disappointed; a lack of prudence and far-sightedness; unearned gains (on one level: 'mystery' investors cleaned up on Wall St pre-9/11 - jc); a fortunate turn after losses; gain from the unexpected; strange conditions heighten individual awareness; a silver lining. (Munkasey; Ebertin: Tyl.) (Any, all, or none may apply.)

And with '6AQ' being conjunct US natal South Node, I've always felt that the attacks of 9/11 related to past behaviors (SN) of the US related to oil, gas, and subversive activities and deceptions (Neptune.)

What may be expected with the 2010/2011 Great Conjunction/s of Jupiter and Uranus is not easy to envision and if we could we'd probably be wrong with Uranus in the picture. That major events are on the horizon we may all agree especially with the Cardinal Cross involved in the Jupiter/Uranus hook-up of June 8, 2010.

You may find info on the sand-shifting Cardinal Cross pattern in a previous post which contains a link to expert astrologer Jessica Murray's article which holds out Hope for bedraggled mankind, so buffeted by totalitarian visions of the New World Order types while nobly struggling just to raise their families in decent manner.

Too bad that power elites of the world don't live up to even a moderate standard of human decency as do many people of 'the masses' which global power brokers consider to be far beneath them on their grandly imagined (Jupiter/Neptune) evolutionary ladder to Nowhere.


*Roswell, New Mexico's birth data: Sep 25, 1903 12:00 pm MST; source: Donna Cunningham's 'The UFO Cover-Up' in Dell Horoscope Sep 1996 issue, p. 55; Donna cites Carolyn M. Dodson's Horoscopes of US States & Cities (ACS Publications, 1975.)

Roswell: Sun 1Lib31; Moon 00Sag04..."1Sag": "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire" which to me is the true source of UFO sightings over the desert rather than little green men gone a-visitin'.

Image above: Hermesia, an illustration by Jude Cowell of Mercury's seer function; oil and watercolour pencil on paper.

Sep 21, 2009

Jupiter/Neptune, Bernanke, and the Alt-A resets: 2009 - 2013

Update 9.21.09 6:10 pm edt: found an article which relates to my earlier entry below:

The Economy Is A Lie, Too

By Paul Craig Roberts

Americans cannot get any truth out of their government about anything, the economy included. Americans are being driven into the ground economically,with one million school children now homeless, while Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke announces the recession is over.

My original post begins here:

Economic Duplicity: Recession and Record Profits notes an interview on CBS' 60 Minutes broadcast on December 14, 2008, with investment fund manager, Whitney Tilson, which I viewed myself, and you may have seen it, too.

In the interview, Mr. Tilson predicted that the 2007/08 subprime collapse was the halfway mark of the real estate bubble. This is the sort of collapse you get when Jupiter's expansion and money connections combine with watery Neptune's merging and deceptive tendencies for a Great Conjunction of bubble-esque proportions. For when financial experts use the term 'liquidity in markets' they are primarily describing the Jupiter/Neptune pair. When the Fed prints excessive amounts of dollars to 'flood the market,' think Jupiter/Neptune.

(Got abundant (Jup) rainfall (Nep) as we have now in Georgia? Jupiter/Neptune, with wounding Chiron adding problems to the deluge.)

So, as Mr. Tilson said, the second half is yet to come with loan resets in the Alt-A mortgage category, "around 2010 and will continue until about the year 2013." The above-linked article marvels at Ben Bernanke's recent optimism (Jup) of Sept 15, 2009: the recession is "very likely over"!!!

Does he know something we don't know? A new, contrived war to stimulate our military-based economy? After all, the current out-of-this-world corporate profits in a 'jobless recovery' defies his optimism, imho. But one supposes he felt a need (or received a directive memo) to say it on TV for the benefit (profits) of Wall Street.

Well, as I've groused repeatedly here and elsewhere, the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction has marked the year 2009 with its inflationary, grand-scheme flights of fancy and a bubble of speculation and liquidity issues extraordinaire.

And the 3rd/final of their 3 conjunctions will occur on Dec 21, 2009 @ 24AQ18...just prior to 2010.

All three Jup/Nep conjs manifest upon the US natal Moon in the Sibly chart (5:10 pm LMT - US Moon 27AQ10) with the Moon representing the American people. We are being zoomed, folks, by speculators on all sides. Spendthrifts and squanderers are under every rock and propagandizing from corporate board rooms and political offices nationwide - from across the globe, actually.

Mr. Tilson's Alt-A reset prediction into 2010+ parallels the Dec 21, 2009 conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune since their combined influence will do the same...affect the economy into 2010 and beyond, because any conj marks only the beginning of a cycle, with major 'crises in action' coming near the first square (90 degrees), the stand-off or awareness phase at their opposition, with the closing square as the 'crisis in consciousness' stage. A cycle, whose effects don't stop with the conjunction. So what else is bubbling on the financial hob?

2010 is the year of another Great Conjunction - Jupiter/Uranus, the 'breakthroughs, lucky chances, new inventions, adventures' combo which you may read much more about in astrologer Anne Whitaker's excellent book, Jupiter Meets Uranus.

For this cycle, Jupiter and Uranus first meet on June 8, 2010 @ World Point, 00Ari18, with global implications; their next conj is on Sept 19, 2012 @ 28Pis43; 3rd and final hook-up Jan 4, 2011 @ 27Pis02. Anne's book gives a broad view of their possibilities and I highly recommend it to you for its broad historical overview.

So when we look back at the last few years of market bubbles, monopoly take-overs of oil and other industries, and deceptive speculations of all kinds (including Ponzi schemes), we note that Jupiter and Neptune's last Great Conjunction occurred only one time, on January 9, 1997. Think of the market bubbles of the years 1997 to 2000, the Y2K scam, and Bill Clinton taking his second oath of office on January 20, 1997, and we have a picture of greed, fraud, and bubbly thinking that won't quit.

"Free" trade, my patootie!

And it hasn't quit, it's just manifesting at a new degree. The 'old degree' in Jan 1997 was 27Cap09, conjunct US natal Pluto, planet of the secret hand and power plays. And thus we may consider a midpoint picture with natal Pluto for 1997 and remember that 2009's conj on US Moon, and 1997's conj on US Pluto, have propaganda factors built right in: Moon/Pluto - control of, and propagandizing of, The People or the public. (Pluto is sometimes referred to as The Publisher.)

Jupiter/Neptune = US n Pluto: plans unreasonable beyond measure; self-projection out of hand; major adjustment of life circumstances; far-reaching speculations; a major loss.

As you know, US natal Pluto always turns up at Midheaven (the goal point in any chart) on January 20 of each US presidential inauguration (including the one of 2009 for Barack Obama, I hasten to add.)

Jup/Nep = US Inaugural Mc: a speculator; fortune-hunter; a spendthrift or squanderer; harm or damage through thoughtlessness; a visionary; potential for all kinds of self-indulgence. (Tyl; Ebertin.) (As with all mdpt pics, any, all, or none may apply.)

Harm through 'thoughtlessness' is seldom if ever the case with politicians, however: "Things do not happen. Things are made to happen." - John F. Kennedy.

So with Jupiter's expansion tendencies affecting the two outer planets which are closely associated with the New World Order (Uranus and Neptune - sometimes referred to by its promoters as the 'new world economic order') - in 2009, 2010, and 2011+, I am starting to see why these years have been written of as being critical to secret string-puller Pluto's plans for global domination.

Why, 'he' even had 'himself' removed from our solar system's official pantheon of planets, in part so that astrologers would quit harping on, and paying attention to, his secret plans in their mundane charts!

Bwa ha ha, it didn't work. Those pesky astrologers!


More reading: Saturn/Uranus opposition exact again Sept 15, 2009.

Jul 28, 2009

Avoiding mandatory 'swine flu' vaccine like the plague

Dprogram's Where Is The Rage? details House Bill 8791 which makes the 'pandemic' flu vaccine mandatory in the US.

The 'debate' was broadcast on C-SPAN but I missed it so it was with trepidation that I read the above-linked article only to find very little info on the bill - its contents are nearly completely Classified - redacted from all citizens upon whom it is to be perpetrated.

The gist of the Pandemic Tale is that the 'criminal timeline' began in 1997 when Dr. Jeffrey Taubenberger and a team of geneticists and microbiologists analyzed its genome structure and reverse-engineered the deadly 1918 flu virus. Voila!

They used super-computers to map the RNA and DNA of the virus along with human plasmids to re-create the viral killer. Dr. Taubenberger left the employ of the US Army after completing his work in early 2005 and took a lucrative position at the National Institute of Health. Apparently he still carries the Pentagon's water, for I've heard to dissent from him against the mandatory vaccinations against the monster he helped reconstitute into our world.

Turning to Astrology, we know that the 14-year cycle of Jupiter and Uranus restarted with their Great Conjunction on Feb 16, 1997, and the pair has connections to:

scientific breakthroughs, zealous representations of one-sided views, boundless optimism, sudden changes in destiny, adventurous and pioneering endeavors, and inner tensions or strains which are suddenly released. (Ebertin.)

Jupiter Meets Uranus by Scottish astrologer Anne Whitaker is an excellent book on the subject, and you may read my review of it on Amazon, if you wish.

The degree of their 1997 conjunction? 5AQ56, conjunct US natal South Node, a separative point having the influence of Saturn, planet of Science and Research, and indicating past behaviors and talents that one falls back on. 1918 brought to 1997! And we're just now seeing what the scientific community mixed with the Pentagon can do 'for' us.

We may stretch the midpoint pictures to include:

Jupiter/Uranus = "Saturn": patience and practicality introduced to boundless optimism; temperance over excess; having sudden inhibitions before attainment of an objective; sudden disadvantages, losses; one-sided principles; obstinacy.

Jup/Uran = NN: striving together with others for a common purpose; a fortunate new aquaintanceship. (Ebertin; Tyl.)

And their next Great Conjunction? Well, it occurs within the zone of the upcoming Cardinal T-Square all astrologers are concerned about...Jupiter conj Uranus on June 8, 2010, at Aries Point (00Ari18), so perhaps this manmade Frankensteinian strain will be fully released by then, or we will at least know more of what's in store.


US natal Pluto '28Cap': "A Large Aviary"...COMMUNITY...

positive manifestation: exceptional success in making all personal concerns a matter of common welfare;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: loss of all character in sheer officiousness. (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.)

The current Solar Eclipse of July 22, 2009 at '29Cancer' has triggered America's natal and progressed Pluto. "A Large Aviary" tends to remind me of 'bird flu' which is another Frankensteinian concoction, and of the retired US generals who flock together and call themselves AVIARY.

You can read more about AVIARY in Leuren Moret's disturbing article Planet Earth as Weapon and Targer from Winter 2005. The article is an overview of New World Order subjects, if you're up for it. It's a keeper.

Jul 18, 2009

Corporations Are People: natal chart May 10, 1886

It is with great hope that I pass on a link to Thom Hartmann's The Deciding Moment: The Theft of Human Rights in case the 'corporations as people' question is as important to you as it is to me in how America has and will proceed.

It was on the afternoon of May 10, 1886 that a sleight-of-hand insertion was added into the record by court reporter, J. C. Bancroft Davis, implying that the 'personhood of corporations' question - in this particular case, Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad Company, an industry for which Mr. Davis and other participants had worked and shilled as attorneys - was a part of the Supreme Court's decision handed down that day on taxation of railroad properties in Santa Clara County, California.

The 'corporations are people' issue was not part of the decision at all, but from there the plot thickens.

Hiding behind the curtain was Justice Field, a 'grand stander' type, a zealot, who had big presidential aspirations and dreamed that his favorite employers, the railroad titans, would soon fork over the dough necessary to fund his White House bid. Yes, The Mystery of 1886 makes for an interesting saga, so prop up your dogs and check out Mr. Hartmann's excellent article of 12 pp, if you haven't.

Plus, Wikipedia has an entry on the Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad Company case if you're interested; it mentions that, although Mr. Davis' obiter dictum statement (Latin for 'said by the way') has become part of American corporate law, it is 'an unprecedented extension of constitutional rights to corporations.'

Since an obiter dictum has no legal precedential value, why do we continue pretending it does? is my question.

Also, here's the Wiki bio of Bancroft Davis for your consideration. He served in many capacities, and 'court reporter' was then on par with the Justices, and was not the lower position of mere stenographer that it is today.

You see, in writing the Fourteenth Amendment in 1868 (wa-a-ay behind the curtain on Capitol Hill), Senator Roscoe Conkling had inserted the word 'person' where the correct legal phrase 'natural person' should have been to describe just who would receive the protections of the amendment, his word a bomb which even now keeps exploding on behalf of corporate titans and their offshore account balances.

I bother because of the extreme importance to the US and to the world of Davis' insertion: for example, between 1908 and 1914, SCOTUS struck down minimum wage, child labor, and workman's compensation laws and utility regulations while citing 'corporate personhood' - in all, 288 suits decided against American workers and consumers.

Mr. Hartmann's article has more details.

May 10, 1886: the 'Corporations Are People' birth chart

Only knowing "afternoon" narrows it down for chart calculation, but doesn't tell us the exact time of the Supreme Court decision on taxing railroad properties with its comments placed therein by Bancroft Davis - possibly in collusion with Justice Field who had presidential ambitions, and using the previous 'unexploded bomb' substituted by former Senator Roscoe Conkling and former Representative John A. Bingham (both railroad lawyers) on the Senate Committee that wrote the Fourteenth Amendment which all this relates to - I shall use a chart set for '2:53 pm pst' in 'San Jose' California, the seat of Santa Clara County.

One may even say that this chart isn't the natal chart of Corporations Are People since the day/hour were merely part of an ongoing legal process. Yet the horoscope maps a moment in time describing the day and proceedings in question so here are a few chart details to consider for 2:53 pm pst, San Jose, CA with World Points at the angles of the chart...

ASC 00Lib01, Jupiter 26Vir17 Rx, Uranus 3Lib59 Rx, so we have a midpoint picture...

Jupiter/Uranus = ASC: an ability to shape one's environment according to one's own ideas; success; fortunate twists in the way things transpire; knowing the best will happen.

Jupiter/Uranus = lucky breaks or breakthroughs. (But it doesn't mean they have to be above-board.)

'2:53 pm' on that day was during a Saturn Hour, good for court proceedings and for consolidation of plans. And Saturn that afternoon 5Can25 was conjunct US natal Jupiter...Saturn to Jupiter is a transit indicating a period of time when economic prospects dry up or are restricted in some way. (Guess the industrial titans fixed that.) One becomes more serious about such issues, so progress is possible as better organization and focus assure future progress and a solid foundation may be laid.

Considering how lucrative this sleight-of-hand by 1880s Republicans has been for American corporatism and the industrial Robber Barons and their spawn--both biological and ideological, I'd say that that was some foundation.

In closing, the Sun Taurus-Moon Leo blend of May 10, 1886 may be of interest as given by master astrologer, Noel Tyl, and paraphrased here:

Two Fixed signs highlight a passionate stubbornness; the energy to build and maintain personal security and comfort feeds into the need to be loved, respected, and honored. There is a strong will which dominates its surroundings to get its way. The temperament is dramatic as dynamic organization is brought to bear on ideas, plans, and relationships.