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Showing posts with label Jupiter-Saturn square Pluto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jupiter-Saturn square Pluto. Show all posts

Aug 26, 2010

June-July-August 2010 brings attacks on Jupiter

Perhaps you've heard that Jupiter has experienced at least three attacks recently from what are probably meteors and comets.

It's been observed before - in 1994 and in olden days by the discoverer of four of Saturn's Moons, Giovanni Casini. Perhaps Jupiter's ongoing transit to Aries Point has helped put the Great Benefic's woes in the news since the Cardinal Points are where large events tend to manifest...and Jupiter's all about large, isn't he? He even has a broadcasting role to play when he gets a chance and a pulpit.

And with revolutionary Uranus enjoined with Jupiter, perhaps the 'sudden events' on planet Jupiter's surface are compliments of The Awakener, aka, The Witness, for Uranus is capable of providing sudden attacks or shocks to any system. Either way, one of my favorite planets, Jupiter, is under attack for a third time in August but in his guise as 'Zeus' or 'Jove' he seems to be holding up well so far even though Saturn opposes him and Pluto squares his desires!

(Ongoing is: Jupiter/Saturn = Pluto: tremendous perseverance; dramatic thrust of self; control of the situation; major change of situation; fearless.)

For after all, our solar system desperately needs Jupiter in his role along with Saturn as the Flywheel of the Universe which keeps the planets in their courses because their balance (Jupiter expansion vs Saturn restriction) is what holds planet Earth snugly in The Great Mathematician's hand.

The tension in their relationship undergirds the yin-yang, positive-negative, light-dark of our dualistic world!

Well, this evening Lady Luna joins Jupiter and Uranus and will be 'between' them at AP by late tonight and will sail just beyond them in the very wee hours of Friday morning. This gives three midpoint pictures to consider for our Moon-related daily rounds - well, nightly rounds, in this case.

From Noel Tyl's midpoint directory we find as Moon approaches Uranus:

Moon/Jupiter = Uranus: confidence; expectation of reward.

Then just before midnight (Aug 26, 2010) we have:

Jupiter/Uranus = Moon: opportunity for major change; looking ahead to success.

Finally, the Moon sails beyond the guru and the genius and for a few fleeting minutes there's:

Moon/Uranus = Jupiter: sudden success; large plans to put the self forward.

Yes, 'fleeting' is the word when it comes to the fluctuating Moon in transit, but these days we all must look for a spot of relief wherever we may find it, however brief.

And for expert info on the pairing of Jupiter and Uranus you can't do better than Scotland's Anne Whitaker who has a blog dedicated to the exploratory, eureka! combo at Jupiter Meets Uranus.

Hope the Moon-Jupiter-Uranus hook-up brings you a good and restorative evening!

Jun 20, 2010

Naomi Klein on the Gulf Oil spill: A Hole in the World

Gulf oil spill: A Hole in the World

By Naomi Klein

This Gulf coast crisis is about many things - corruption, deregulation, the addiction to fossil fuels. But underneath it all, it's about this: our culture's excruciatingly dangerous claim to have such complete understanding and command over nature that we can radically manipulate and re-engineer it with minimal risk to the natural systems that sustain us.


One of the signatures Astrology uses to describe the April 20, 2010 BP-Gulf Oil disaster is wounded Chiron in oceanic Pisces conjunct Neptune, nebulous ruler of the sea, in Aquarius. Wounded America, wounded world, as Ms. Klein details, with wounding ripples spreading out as I type.

Quite certain to affect Britain and its investments in BP is the July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse @ 19Can24 *eclipsing the population of the UK - its natal Moon 19Can26 in natal 10th house. Plus, echoing the ongoing Jupiter/Saturn opposition squaring tr Pluto in Cap, the UK natal chart shows a YOD between Jupiter Rx in early Leo sextiling Uranus 1Lib54 and pointing to natal Pluto 2Pis42 in 5th house of Gambling.

Jupiter and Saturn, the societal planets

The 'echo' resounds by replacing UK natal Uranus in the equation with transiting Saturn (soon to reach 1Lib54 and tamp down progressive, rebellious n Uranus) for then we have the same picture as the Cardinal SQ between Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto now affecting the collective, but in YOD (crisis; turning point) formation.

Jup/Sat = Pluto: violent changes; restrictions; separation; being unafraid of any hard work to achieve goals slowly but surely; tremendous perseverance; major change of circumstances; dramatic thrust of self. (Ebertin; Tyl.)

Then there's the transiting Pluto/NN conjunction which is of concern (along with the well-blogged-upon Cardinal Square and Grand Cross patterns) because the 'Pluto/NN' combination = common destiny of a large mass of people; violent or criminal persons who enter a country secretly at any given opportunity; people who may not have the country's or business's best interests at heart; sewage or waste products. (Ebertin; Munkasey.)

Now the North Node of the Moon (NN), the head of the dragon, twists and wiggles its way through the zodiac, direct one minute, retrograde the next. So using my Solar Fire software to find an exact conjunction between Pluto (the dragon) and NN (the head of the dragon), I located November 9, 2010 @ 3:13:40 pm est, White House, because the transiting Moon 'catches up' with them both @ 3Cap36, in 9th house...

ASC 8Ari49; Mc 4Cap50, with '5Cap' a warlike degree - AGGRESSIVENESS; Hour of Venus 29Lib19 Rx in 7th house of Open Enemies and Partnerships; Sun 17Sco19 conjunct Vesta 17:23 and 8th cusp 17Sco15; Pluto/Moon/NN make no applying aspects to planets in this chart; Mars 9Sag05 is posited in 8th house, conjunct and rising with Fixed Star Antares, and as chart-ruler makes an applying sextile to Saturn 12Lib28, 7th house conjunct Desc...

A Mars/Saturn sextile indicates a potential for efficient planning, management, and crisis-handling, and the aspect takes work very seriously; setting priorities is a talent if its energies can figure out what's worth fighting for and how to keep others from taking advantage; police and military forces are also indicated along with mastery of traditional methods. (Epstein, The Sextile.)

On Nov 9, 2010, the publicly crusading Sun Scorpio-Moon Capricorn blend tells of brooding, purposeful, and tenacious energies that insist on protection from sudden twists of fate. Good luck with that but of course, Pluto has the keys to the world's wealth so his deck is always stacked in his favor. However, The Public (NN) may not be as fortunate as the power elite.

Sun Sco-Moon Cap's Images for Integration are interesting:

'A general leads his troops to victory...A film director plans each shot to maximize its emotional impact'. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Harvey.)

Unfortunately, this reminds me of war and of the old 'the revolution will be televised' slogan which is precisely one of the things I thought of on the morning of 9/11/01. If you were of an age, you did, too, didn't you?

And thanks to the 2010 - 2014 Cardinal Grand Cross and other As above, So Below factors, I'm feeling forced to think of it again.


*As you know, a natal planet or luminary (Sun and Moon) being 'eclipsed' can be either a negative or a positive time but given recent events, I'm naturally thinking of UK pension investments in BP as a negative. Perhaps things will turn out better than they now appear - I sincerely hope so for all parties involved! jc