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Showing posts with label Naomi Klein. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Naomi Klein. Show all posts

Jul 4, 2017

The Presidencies of Washington and Trump = Uranus!

Let's Get Mystical: Astro-Fun with the US Presidency (Uranian Topics Arise)

by Jude Cowell

Happy Independence Day, my fellow Americans!

Quite a while ago I posted on another blog the horoscope of America's very first Inauguration of George Washington, an event held on April 30, 1789 at 12:45 pm LMT on Wall Street, New York City. Around Stars Over Washington you'll find more than one copy of the horoscope of Inauguration 2017, a post displaying a synastry grid between the Inauguration 2017 Horoscope and Mr. Trump's natal planets as well as his natal chart.

Patriot George Washington Not the Only Quirky Rebel Around Here!

Now since the quirky rebel Uranian Mr. Trump, the gold-loving brander-in-chief, tends to make light of the US presidency in the view of many people (he dabbles), why not engage in a quirky consideration of the 1789 Inauguration horoscope blended with the chart of Inauguration 2017--just to see what the resulting Composite/Davison relationship chart tells us about George and Donald and the American people? Perhaps an interesting topic will arise! And so it does, as you see in the chart, below.

But if you, dear reader, are sensitive to such lighthearted shenanigans (such as utilizing Astrology as a tool for speculation--and on Independence Day no less!), you are hereby cautioned to stop reading here. Seriously. Stop.

For the rest of us celebrators, below is a view of the 1789 + 2017 Composite/Davison horoscope with way too many factors penned on (as usual) so please enlarge the image if you wish to read my notes. Penned around the chart are some US natal planets (green), some of Trump's natal planets (yellow orange), and a few current 2017 transits (also in green). Chart-ruler Jupiter is robed in blue (no application), rising Uranus, planet of Technology, radical reforms, upheaval, and shock, is lavender.

Mystical Neptune-and-Pluto are both turquoise, US natal Mars is between them in red, the trio's midpoint picture added which also involves Trump's natal Sun @22Gemini, and the Sun Pisces-Moon Virgo opposition is marked in yellow while the 'brave new world' opposition of Uranus and Neptune (one at Cardinal World Point 00Cancer) are lavender and turquoise, respectively, and reminds us of oh-so-rational global government and the chaos deemed necessary in order to force authoritarism into place:

As for the Mysticism pair, Neptune and Pluto, please note that George Washington and many other presidents were Freemasons and therefore of a mystical bent. My suspicion is that Mr. Trump is a Mason and/or Illuminati adherent as well, especially considering all those hand symbols he constantly throws out during speeches--such as his odd Inaugural Address promoting a dark dystopian view of America. (See George W. sporting his Masonic apron and symbols, sidebar->).

So one factor always interesting when two charts are blended (averaged) is the resulting mid-point date - here between April 30, 1789 + January 20, 2017 the date is May 13, 1903 so right away we both think of our 26th President Theodore Roosevelt (October 27, 1858--January 6, 1919), in office from September 14, 1901 to March 4, 1909. In May 1903, On This Day lists him engaged in his anti-trust-busting campaign but can his campaign relate to our speculative topic here? Apparently so since nowadays multiple corporations are busy forming monopolies, regardless of the affect on our nation's economy and people. Any US presidency is a mere part of a process or a cycle, after all, and in 2017 We The People have reached where we are, here and now, with all that has gone before part of our national DNA. Not that 'government by consent of the governed' is followed anymore by current oligarchs but we retain the right to redress of our grievances, don't we?

Well, here are a few articles concerning monopolies, all from 2017 and in no particular order: Tech Sector Has Built a Monopoly; This Budding Movement Wants to Smash Monopolies; Want to Rescue Rural America? Bust Monopolies. The Atlantic asserts that America's Monopolies Are Holding Back the Economy while Bloomberg View says that Monopolies Are Worse Than We Thought. (Not worse than you or I thought but worse than someone in charge thought. Duh. Of course, money and power are always their primary goals.)

Okay, so techie futurist Uranus, quirky planet of new thoughts and methods, radical politics, startling reforms, shocks and chaos rises in the Comp/Dav chart of May 13, 1903 bringing the need for anti-trust-busting with it. What else? Well, any of Teddy R's Progressive Movement policies may be spotlighted here (and require protection in 2017) along with his vast Jupiterian personality and style of leadership fairly similar in some respects to Mr. Trump's.

Now remember that our study is only speculative yet another chart factor we may wish to consider is the Pisces Sun (POTUS; leadership) opposing the Virgo Moon (We The People) and what this implied in 1903, yes, but what it may also imply for societal conditions in 2017.

How do you read the Sun-Moon opposition? I read it as vague, secretive, mysterious leaders (Sun in Pisces) promoting, allowing, and/or using misconceptions, misunderstandings, distraction, confusion, and deceit to affect current conditions and to hide sneaky legislation that most of us will loathe when we find out about it. The people (Moon) are critical and nervous (Virgo) because leadership (Sun) hides (Pisces) its true motives while propagandizing, weaponizing, privatizing and monetizing everything they can get their greedy little claws on. Scandals, leaks, cover-ups, step-downs, pay-offs, and favors abound while leaders make impossible demands without caring how the consequences will affect We The People (ex: Trumpcare passage).

The negative conditions and chaos thus created can be overcome but it won't be easy.

For you know that a regressive Donald Trump Hearts President Andrew Jackson whose natal Sun-Moon blend is the very Pisces-Virgo polarity revealed in the 1913 horoscope! How crazy is that?

Solar goals hidden beneath Piscean shade, in Politics a corrupt picture that is astrologically supported in 2017 by the fact that transit Neptune (today @14Pisces), planet of fraud, loss, disappointment, and dissolution now surrounds in mystery and obfuscation US progressed Sun (POTUS) indicating a period when a public image can be deceitful, secretive, crime-ridden, scandal-prone, and/or eroded. Actually, we've discussed this Neptune transit to US SP Sun in a previous post if you care to take a look.

So! What else has our speculative chart investigation with Uranus rising revealed? Transit Saturn in Sagittarius is on course to visit this Uranus (25Sag29) denoting a period of limitation of freedom and resistance to unorthodox ideas which may be rejected as structure and tradition are called for. Initial delays are frustrating but better planning and organization may eventually carry the day--such as with Trump's 'travel ban' against Muslims being reworked and its provisions partially allowed by a SCOTUS decision recently.

We also see that instead of pro-society progressive reforms Mr. Trump and his Goldman-Sachs minions and regressive bigoted operatives and amateurs in the White House are mooning us with Uranian chaos, shock, and disruption. Journalist-author Naomi Klein calls this Mr. Trump's 'shock politics' and if you haven't, you may wish to check out Ms. Klein's best selling new book on the topic No Is Not Enough: Resisting Trump's Shock Politics and Winning the World We Need. And here she is in a presentation originally posted by The Intercept where she is now a Senior Correspondent:

Follow this link in case the video is removed (it will be worth your time).

Related posts include:

July 4th! America's Solar Return 2017 (with authoritarian Saturn at Midheaven--or is the karmic taskmaster keeping Trump's shock politics at least partially in check?)

The POTUS 'unbirthday' of July 23, 2017 when the Sun opposes the Inaugural POTUS Sun (00Leo/00AQ) spotlighting presidential frustrations, and a reassessment of the year's goals which should occur and a new course set if needed.

The Whimsical Sun (POTUS) of Inauguration 2017. Whimsical? Now that's one thing they never called reliable George Washington in his day. Any bets?

From July 4, 2012: The Natal Horoscope and Character of George Washington.

June 1, 2015: The Progressed Full Moon of George Washington (he's still with us on esoteric and idealistic levels!)

Washington DC's Secret Symbolism: From Past to Future.

Friday May 13, 2016: The History of Freemasonry and The Skull and Bones (video).

Jun 20, 2010

Naomi Klein on the Gulf Oil spill: A Hole in the World

Gulf oil spill: A Hole in the World

By Naomi Klein

This Gulf coast crisis is about many things - corruption, deregulation, the addiction to fossil fuels. But underneath it all, it's about this: our culture's excruciatingly dangerous claim to have such complete understanding and command over nature that we can radically manipulate and re-engineer it with minimal risk to the natural systems that sustain us.


One of the signatures Astrology uses to describe the April 20, 2010 BP-Gulf Oil disaster is wounded Chiron in oceanic Pisces conjunct Neptune, nebulous ruler of the sea, in Aquarius. Wounded America, wounded world, as Ms. Klein details, with wounding ripples spreading out as I type.

Quite certain to affect Britain and its investments in BP is the July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse @ 19Can24 *eclipsing the population of the UK - its natal Moon 19Can26 in natal 10th house. Plus, echoing the ongoing Jupiter/Saturn opposition squaring tr Pluto in Cap, the UK natal chart shows a YOD between Jupiter Rx in early Leo sextiling Uranus 1Lib54 and pointing to natal Pluto 2Pis42 in 5th house of Gambling.

Jupiter and Saturn, the societal planets

The 'echo' resounds by replacing UK natal Uranus in the equation with transiting Saturn (soon to reach 1Lib54 and tamp down progressive, rebellious n Uranus) for then we have the same picture as the Cardinal SQ between Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto now affecting the collective, but in YOD (crisis; turning point) formation.

Jup/Sat = Pluto: violent changes; restrictions; separation; being unafraid of any hard work to achieve goals slowly but surely; tremendous perseverance; major change of circumstances; dramatic thrust of self. (Ebertin; Tyl.)

Then there's the transiting Pluto/NN conjunction which is of concern (along with the well-blogged-upon Cardinal Square and Grand Cross patterns) because the 'Pluto/NN' combination = common destiny of a large mass of people; violent or criminal persons who enter a country secretly at any given opportunity; people who may not have the country's or business's best interests at heart; sewage or waste products. (Ebertin; Munkasey.)

Now the North Node of the Moon (NN), the head of the dragon, twists and wiggles its way through the zodiac, direct one minute, retrograde the next. So using my Solar Fire software to find an exact conjunction between Pluto (the dragon) and NN (the head of the dragon), I located November 9, 2010 @ 3:13:40 pm est, White House, because the transiting Moon 'catches up' with them both @ 3Cap36, in 9th house...

ASC 8Ari49; Mc 4Cap50, with '5Cap' a warlike degree - AGGRESSIVENESS; Hour of Venus 29Lib19 Rx in 7th house of Open Enemies and Partnerships; Sun 17Sco19 conjunct Vesta 17:23 and 8th cusp 17Sco15; Pluto/Moon/NN make no applying aspects to planets in this chart; Mars 9Sag05 is posited in 8th house, conjunct and rising with Fixed Star Antares, and as chart-ruler makes an applying sextile to Saturn 12Lib28, 7th house conjunct Desc...

A Mars/Saturn sextile indicates a potential for efficient planning, management, and crisis-handling, and the aspect takes work very seriously; setting priorities is a talent if its energies can figure out what's worth fighting for and how to keep others from taking advantage; police and military forces are also indicated along with mastery of traditional methods. (Epstein, The Sextile.)

On Nov 9, 2010, the publicly crusading Sun Scorpio-Moon Capricorn blend tells of brooding, purposeful, and tenacious energies that insist on protection from sudden twists of fate. Good luck with that but of course, Pluto has the keys to the world's wealth so his deck is always stacked in his favor. However, The Public (NN) may not be as fortunate as the power elite.

Sun Sco-Moon Cap's Images for Integration are interesting:

'A general leads his troops to victory...A film director plans each shot to maximize its emotional impact'. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Harvey.)

Unfortunately, this reminds me of war and of the old 'the revolution will be televised' slogan which is precisely one of the things I thought of on the morning of 9/11/01. If you were of an age, you did, too, didn't you?

And thanks to the 2010 - 2014 Cardinal Grand Cross and other As above, So Below factors, I'm feeling forced to think of it again.


*As you know, a natal planet or luminary (Sun and Moon) being 'eclipsed' can be either a negative or a positive time but given recent events, I'm naturally thinking of UK pension investments in BP as a negative. Perhaps things will turn out better than they now appear - I sincerely hope so for all parties involved! jc

Jan 19, 2010

Naomi Klein warns on Haiti disaster capitalism

Update Jan 19: just published is the horoscope of Haiti's Declaration of Independence, Jan 1, 1804, with a few details. Powerful, manipulative Pluto is now conjunct Haiti's natal Mars/Chiron conjunction and tr Mars Rx is conjunct n SN!

Original post begins here:

Democracy Now has the Jan 13, 2010 interview text and video of author Naomi Klein concerning the Jan 12 earthquake disaster in Haiti and the threat of shock doctrine capitalism to this impoverished and on-its-knees nation.

In a comment on this blog yesterday I mentioned my lack of trust that the US government (and others) are being honest relief-bringers to the people of Haiti. Well, I wasn't searching for the above info but it turned up during a cyber-ramble for Haiti's date of independence.

Slave Uprising Leads to Independence

Haiti's revolutionaries declared independence from France on January 1, 1804, hour unknown, at Gonaives. Our slave owners President George Washington and Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson erred on the side of supporting France and Napoleon in the uprising.

'Erred' is only my modern word, but their historic mistake.

For as we see demonstrated before our eyes each day, rich plutocrats do like to stick together and they'll support or install any dictator who dances to their capitalist tune in order to make everything a one-sided win-win - but only for them.

Sep 25, 2009

Naomi Klein interviews Michael Moore - text link

On Sept 25, 2009 Naomi Klein interviewed by phone Michael Moore whose new film Capitalism: A Love Story is garnering excellent reviews.

Click the link to read the text of their interview.

Plus, you'll find a video of the film's trailer embedded a few posts below this on Sept 21. It's worth your effort, if you haven't seen it. Actually, don't scroll - here's the link for you.

For as Mr. Moore says so ably on our behalf: we want our money back.

And I must pass on what David Letterman just said on TV about Dick Cheney's back surgery...he needed it from carrying Bush for 8 years.

Then, today as I waited in line, whose frowning snoot do I spy on the cover of a supermarket tabloid but that of ex-prez George Bush along with the news that Bush is depressed and suicidal. Hmm. With his ego?

Apr 18, 2009

Naomi Klein's new Obama lexicon: are you hopesick?

Here's Barack Obama in 2008 campaign mode.

But the 'campaign high' couldn't last and Pres. Obama has yet to pass the fabled '100 days' of his term in office which is only part of the marvel that he's already disappointed many people on multiple issues.

Of course there are several astrological factors involved in the situation for Astrology, like the life on Earth it describes, is complex and multi-layered. And I am about to mention a couple of them unless you stop reading here.

The Inauguration 2009 chart shows a very stressed out Moon (the people; the public) at a critical/crisis point of 29 degrees. (29 degr of any sign is a critical degree as the body there impatiently strains toward the next sign, and one is 'at the end of his/her rope' relating to the sign placement, which in this case is Scorpio.)

The next sign after the Inaugural Moon's 2009 position in Scorpio, sign of big business and creditors, is the happy-go-lucky Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius! Jolly, expansive Jupiter likes to dream big - and that we were anxious to do.

Yes, we-the-people were in trouble and feelin' the pain of others' past political mistakes, financial frauds, and other corruptions by Jan 20, 2009...and a new face was talking the heady language of help-on-the-way. (See photo above.)

And we could say that the people's impatience, tamped down though Mr. Obama tried to make it, is part of the problem now as supporters morph into early flip-floppers and become some of the president's bitterest critics because magic has not been created with a quick wave of a conjurer's wand. Yes, when you lose your job and your family's livelihood, it's extremely easy to succumb to bitterness.

Meanwhile the planet of magic, Neptune, 22Vir25 in America's natal chart (9th house in the oft-used Sibly chart), continues to undergo the cold water of realism with grim-faced Saturn coming to call, a Saturn-to-natal-Neptune transit not exact until late August (2009.)

Right away, most astrologers know that more hopesickness, as Ms. Klein aptly terms it, is waiting to pounce upon wary and unwary Obama supporters and opponents alike.

And with US Neptune conjunct Mr. Obama's natal Mars (to the degree: 22Vir+), we know that the Saturn-to-natal-Mars transit for him is providing a lot of hard work (Mars-Saturn) on his list of actions to take (Mars) which are inhibited by realistic considerations (Saturn.) We also know that we-the-people's ideals, dreams, and hopes (Neptune, in Virgo, sign of work, jobs, and health) have been out of proportion to what one man can reasonably (Saturn) accomplish (Mars.)

Yes, wherever Neptune is positioned in a chart there may be inspiration but also self-delusions, illusions, and deception. That's why Saturn's visit there can seem a cold bucket of grim reality's water. And no matter who had moved into the Oval Office in Jan 2009, America would be experiencing this transit and this quality of reaction.

Yet it seems harder with Pres. Obama because our hopes are set so very high for populist solutions, both practical and inspired.

'Don't get your hopes up too high' is good advice, and 'the bigger they are, they harder they fall' is a good descriptor of what's going on post-inauguration with Obama hopesickness but click above and let Naomi Klein explain her new lexicon for BHO disappointment, if you will, as some people have entered the 'buyers' remorse' phase while others are arriving there soon.

Personally I'm waiting for jobs (Virgo) to be created (Saturn = form and manifestation on the earthly plane) to ease the people's pain before I give up entirely on the mortal shoulders of this one man. Job creation would be a most welcome and positive expression of Saturn-to-Neptune-in-Virgo since Saturn can stabilize what he touches as well.

Yet the fact that Saturn-Neptune together can make for secret government, deceptive government, communism, socialism, and other such unpalatable things for America's usual menu, is even more important than pig-in-poke disappointment, for a New World Economic Order may require America to kowtow to a global boss which most probably won't be the US at the top of the power heap.

Or if it is, we won't recognize the old girl as we be pine for our Lady Liberty.

So how involved and culpable President Barack Obama is in the enabling of a one-world-government agenda - which requires the breaking down of our nation - remains to be seen in full but my sense is that that will be an even greater disappointment to the American people (assuming BHO completes his term in office. Or even if he doesn't.)

His role in such plans, if indeed they succeed, will be bitter fodder for years to come as our Neptunian campaign-promise-gullibility is once again exposed to the light of Saturnian realism. His natal Mars conjunct US natal Neptune shows that our expectations (Neptune) of what Mr. Obama can do (Mars) has clouded (Neptune) our perceptions of his actions (Mars.)

But as Naomi Klein mentions in her article, realism is a good thing.

For no one can solve problems until they're acknowledged and identified - and we need lesson-bringer Saturn's magic wand of clear assessment to help us with this tremendous task.

Feb 16, 2009

Naomi Klein's 'The Shock Doctrine' now a documentary

Naomi Klein's book 'The Shock Doctrine" concerning 'Disaster Capitalism' is being brought to the screen by film makers Michael Winterbottom and Matt Whitecross.

Klein's 2007 book, which details an alternate economic history of the last 30 years, will be updated by this documentary to reflect 2008's economic crisis/meltdown and is now being shown at the Berlin Film Festival in not-quite-completed form.

Naomi Klein believes that the recent banking bailouts amount to "a massive transfer of wealth from public to private hands" which is a demonstrable fact, we know. And we also know where the banks' massive debts have gone - onto the public ledger.

And Voila! Hitler's power-grabbing tactics come round once again!

Yet the documentary doesn't aspire to be a conspiracy theory ode, but a chance for the film's viewers to look at the consequences of the ideas of neo-liberalism's economic guru, Milton Friedman, and make up their minds if they agree with him - or not.

My suspicion is that the long-jobless of the US and the rest of the globe may be inspired to burn Old Miltie in effigy.

What do you think?


Here a SO'W post from July 2008 which relates 2008's economic crisis and banking bailouts with Uranus-Chiron, the 'radical political reformers' duo, and another from Nov 2008 marking the oppressive Pluto-Chiron midpoint at MC, the Aspirational Point of any horoscope chart, to Inauguration 2009.

You'll find links to several articles in both posts, but the second link contains Ralph Nader's 'Uncle Tom' label for Pres. Barack Obama and what Fox News did with it.

Nov 7, 2008

GM, Chrysler, Bailouts and Uncle Tom

Why the GM - Cerberus - Chrysler Bailout is Bad for Taxpayers

By Robert Farago

Cerberus Capital, a highly secretive NYC-based vulture investment fund, wants the US government and taxpayers to bailout its failed investment in Chrysler and its failing investment in GMAC.

Its partner in this raid on the US Treasury is General Motors, a woefully insolvent automobile manufacturer whose CEO is paid $40k each day. Here's why a bailout for GM and/or Chrysler is a bad idea.


Can Obama Stop the Bush Administration's Final Economic Heist?

By Naomi Klein

Terrible looting of public capital has a habit of taking place during periods of dramatic political transition, and Bush has one underway.

(Stop it? It's a done deal and he voted for it, and has surrounded himself with old NAFTA-esque Clintonites - perhaps it's part of the deal for Hillary's crying uncle.)


The Election: It Had to Be this Way

By Timothy V. Gatto

Barack Obama will be the catalyst for a new movement, away from false hope and false promises, not because he will deliver to the people of this country anything worthwhile, but because he won't.

This will be the final nail in the coffin of our corporatist society.


(Will it? An Astrology note: Obama's Inauguration chart (Jan 20, 2009, noon est Capitol Building) has the midpoint of the plutocratic corporatism pair, Pluto-Chiron, at Midheaven which is the Aspiration/Goal Point of the chart and thus of his Inauguration and new presidency. Wish it weren't but there it is...and it's closer to MC than ever before. Guess it's been no surprise after Obama selected - or had selected for him - Zionist Joe Biden as VP. Now he's chosen a chief-of-staff with similar dubious credits to his name.)


Ralph Nader Calls Obama "Uncle Tom"?

By Fox News - Video And Transcript

Fox News distorts Nader's comments to paint him as a racist.


A racist? Are they kiddin' me?

Guess some people will fall for anything especially if they really really want to. As they say, deception always begins with self-deception!

Jul 24, 2008

Keep the terror pot boiling: attack Iran

Method In The Madness: Why They Want To Attack Iran

By Ed Kinane

Attacking Iran keeps the pot boiling. It perpetuates the phony war on terror. More war provides more enemies and so more pretext to erode civil liberties. Unscrupulous politicians and certain corporations thrive when fear keeps people dumb and dazed. With another invasion the Halliburtons and Blackwaters get to lap up more contracts.


Read Kinane's article here:

Information Clearing House


Additionally, here's a link to a previous post - one of my early ones here on Stars Over Washington - concerning an astrological signature of radical reformers in government who believe that chaos is not just useful for their purposes, but is the undergirding of their movement to create a one-world-government:

Chiron-Uranus Types in Government - and Naomi Klein's Shock Doctrine theory is an extreme example of how these self-appointed social tinkerers work against society's good while pocketing all the cash and stacking up bricks of gold within their hidden Midas lairs.

Feb 5, 2008

Eviction: Bush's "ownership society"

Disowned By The Ownership Society

By Naomi Klein

Washington think-tanker Grover Norquist predicted that the ownership society would be Bush's greatest legacy, remembered "long after people can no longer pronounce or spell Fallujah." Yet in Bush's final State of the Union address, the once-ubiquitous phrase was conspicuously absent. And little wonder: rather than its proud father, Bush has turned out to be the ownership society's undertaker.

Information Clearing House #

He's the one who should have been evicted years ago.