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Showing posts with label slavery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label slavery. Show all posts

Jun 27, 2022

DC Horoscope: Roe v Wade Overturned

Rampant Paternalism Off-The-Chain Chains Women

by Jude Cowell

Strange as it may seem, the SCOTUS decision overturning Roe v Wade was announced June 24, 2022 (approximate time 10:05 am edt) under the variable influences of an unaspected Mercury in its own sign of Gemini (10th house) with a rounded-up degree for Mercury's Sabian Symbol hinting at hidden meanings (such as wealthy Plutocrats' fear of reparation for past offenses - note that Mercury, planet of children and babies, conjuncts asteroid Hebe, the servant). Its unaspected condition means that none of the other energies and actors (ex: liberal Justices) in the chart received input from the planet of thought processes and decisions, nor gave it, and a maverick quality is evident. Obviously, the ideological split between the nine Justices is indicated. And symbolically, there's this:

Mercury at "12 Gemini" = "A Black Slave-Girl Demands Her Rights of Her Mistress" with 'tofu planet' Mercury conjunct asteroid MIDAS. This symbol refers, of course, to America's oldest flaw from the Jamestown Colony era and the importation of Africans into slavery and the fact that the 'white supremacy' argument still works as a wedge issue to keep us divided and conquered so that the power elite can continue to exploit at will. Turmoil in US economic systems, both then and now, are implied along with the old 'states rights' vs federal government quarrels and divisions.

Now there are other suggestions of financial issues in the chart as well: Sun-Jupiter = MC, The Goal; chart-ruler Sun applies once to square moneybags Jupiter in the 8th house of Corporatism, Big Business, Death, Taxes, and the Occult; the square suggests overblown or exaggerated intellect, the overvaluing of professionsal status and social position, trying to impress others - wonder who? - and financial implications such as increased wealth. Which share holders will benefit from the overturn decision I care not to consider at this early date, plus, polls indicate that a majority of Americans see the Dobbs decision as political and to this I would add, as part of the global authoritarian movement to sabotage American democracy via our Justice System (Neptune-Pluto = ASC):

As you see, with its typical timing potential, there's a YOD pattern of sorts (crisis; turning point) - or if we don't count this as a YOD, it's simply the energies of the Neptune-Pluto sextile expressing at the Leo Ascendant, the decision itself, which looks to be of an egotistical nature (Leo). Someone is being, or will be, used as a tool for other people's selfish interests--as is Donald Trump since his natal Mars @26Leo is also apex of the Neptune-Pluto sextile. I refer you to the Mercury-Hebe conjunction above. Rapists, pedophiles, and incestual family members must be rejoicing about now. And it only took a lawless 6-3 Supreme Court majority of "conservatives" to fulfill their degraded dream! Now they act off-the-chain, too.

It's Strong-Armed Paternalism in America

Previously, we've discussed on SO'W the Neptune-Pluto pair and its associations with paternalism, criminal elements, drug abuse, drug and sex trafficking, the supernatural, and/or unseen realms which suggests a bizarre spirituality such as Dominionism and religious cults, one of which has long been active in Washington DC: The Family ('The Family' is also described by 1st house Cupido conjunct royal Regulus; it's an organization that is all about seizing political power, Jesus Christ need not apply.

So I'd have to say that this particular American crisis may be described as paternalism and criminality at a turning point which was quickly grasped by dystopian-style authoritarians as their opportunity to enforce radical reforms (Uranus-NN = MC: sudden realization of a joint goal) through which they are determined to stop forward advancement of society - under cover of a "pro-life" stance (a principle honesty held by some folks, but not by these black-robed social meddlers).

As noted, the financial damage to society in America's early days of slavery and plantation life was a thorny financial issue, and so will be the damage to society now by the overturning of Roe v Wade, aka, the Dobbs decision. And that's not counting the civil rights mess and legal disruptions that SCOTUS has only made worse by turning back society's clock to vigilantism and citizens pitted against citizens - really? Can we expect horses and chuck wagons to appear next?

Then one might be tempted to think that potential reparation policies along with other social safety net spending (for abortion, contraception, medical care, to feed hungry children, among other things) have more than a little to do with the overturn of a settled law of almost 50 years' standing. Add to this the extreme turmoil and suffering about to result, societal harm that can be laid on the doorstep of the US Supreme Court, and which should scald the heads of the Republican presidents (from both Bushes to Trump) who shoved Thomas, Alito, Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, and Barrett onto The Bench from where they brazenly ignore the will of The People - not to except Chief Justice John Roberts who could do much better himself.

Previous Yet Related: Alito Draft Leak and a 1991 Eclipse (11 South = old methods fail, new systems are needed to deal with issues; blocks are violently or tragically removed - Brady). And note that the Roe v Wade overturn decision occurred under the 6 North Solar Eclipse of April 2022 @10Tau28 with themes of relationship to authority figures, and taking over another's commitments. Or the taking over autonomy and life choices of women, half the population?

Jun 22, 2022

America's initial Mars-Saturn Cycle

The 'Death Axis' Planetary Combo of Mars-Saturn

by Jude Cowell

As near as my software and I can figure out, here is the Horoscope of the moment the Mars-Saturn Conjunction perfected prior to July 1776 and which to me signifies the beginning of America's Mars-Saturn Cycle:

Typically, many of my study notes are squished upon the chart for the curious to read and I hope that you're just that curious. For this is a meaningful planetary combination of energies especially these days, thanks to Tr*mp's natal midpoint picture (Mars-Saturn = Pluto; 12th house) has often been spotlighted in media and expressed by his nibs with its brutality, damage, fury, and outright death to many people (R. Ebertin) potentials.

However, the Mars-Saturn pair relates to various other potentials and its association with 'the death axis' in a horoscope is not the least among them. Power, accompanied by fear and tension, is another, as are: a huge amount of personal ambition, a suggestion of 'stop-and-go' (off-and-on) energy deployment, seeing a partner as blocking one's best efforts, throwing caution to the wind, serious efforts, anger and irritation directed at others, restrictions, discipline, and/or prolonged struggles (R.E.). Plus, "driving with the brakes on" is as good a description as any (A. Oken).

July 17, 1775

Mars-Saturn @4Libra = "A Group Around a Campfire" which reminds me of another Revolutionary era Sabian Symbol: "An Army of the Republic Campfire." No, we don't need to be stuck in the past, just learn from it. And Astrology can help with this because it's all about timing, cycles, and repetition similar to past conditions providing us with new chances to respond more positively this time around so that karmic progress is possible.

Now let's consider the Hegelian form of Mars-Saturn potentials in Politics and Business as provided by Michael Munkasey in his Midpoint: Unleashing the Power of the Planets (#ad); you'll notice that some of these potentials are occurring as I type:

Thesis: Curtailing force or military power by authorities; enforcement of honor through the use of strife or struggle; wars which persist; frustrations imposed upon or by criminal elements; demands to halt armaments.

Antithesis: Military actions which continue under political or other restrictions; an obligation to use force when restraint is required; the ambitious taking of that which belongs to another; an older enterprise becomes angered.

We might also note that on July 4, 1776, US Mars @22Gemini and US Saturn @14Lib48 (our exalted Saturn rising in the Mars-Saturn horoscope, above), clocked in @18Leo05, a point in the Zodiac that has seen its share of activation through the years such as on August 11, 2018 by a 2 Old North Solar Eclipse which I have previously termed, The Tower Eclipse because its collapse-rebuild theme is also described by Tarot card 16. Add such energies to the Mars-Saturn duo and there's lots to ponder there.

Now so far, only a few Horoscopes of America's Planetary Cycles are published:

Mercury-Pluto and Mars-Neptune Cycles (January and June, 1775; dual horoscopes shown), Mars-Pluto Cycle (December 1775), and the Mars-Uranus Cycle (June 1776).

As time allows, my hope is to publish more Horoscopes of our nation's Planetary Cycles so that their signs, degrees, symbols, and the combined energies of each pair may be associated with, and inform us, concerning current and future events and conditions. Even information on historical events may turn up in the spotlight with a little study!

So to close, below is a relic of a slogan that I used to type quite often here on SO'W. It seems appropriate now as we feel our nation teetering on the edge of political and social catastrophe, created by saboteurs with a malevolent (sore loser) 1930s-style-nazi mindset - you know - like the criminals my uncles fought and vanquished in WWII. Well, now their destructive energies, like a misguided Phoenix rising from the ashes (see Selena @8Scorpio), or a seditious movement from the 1860s trying to grasp power and control - it's time to fight the b*stards again, so here goes:

America, my only nag in the race!

Oct 12, 2015

Thomas Jefferson Tried to End Slavery - video

Perhaps your opinion on Thomas Jefferson and slavery in his era is set in stone but hopefully you'll listen to the following four minutes of a discussion of the topic in case you find it persuasive or at least worth considering:

Related: Personality Blends of Franklin, Washington, Paine, and Jefferson.