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Showing posts with label Mars-Saturn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mars-Saturn. Show all posts

Oct 3, 2024

The 11 South Eclipse of 2027

An Eclipse Thread Through History

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

As previously discussed here on Stars Over Washington, Events of 1360, a year containing multiple overthrows and shifts in governments, can be instructive in that "history rhymes" kind of way if we wish to investigate potential occurrences when an 11 South Solar Eclipse repeats next time on August 2, 2027 @9Leo55 (chart shown below) - conjunct Mr. Trump's 12th house Pluto = Mars-Saturn midpoint picture of fury, destruction, and death (R. Ebertin). For as you know, the Mars-Saturn midpoint is the "death axis" in any horoscope.

As Above, So Below Still Operational

Besides, as the Universe has it, even if the orange-hued fellow is no longer a player by August 2027, he did for a time act the role of POTUS, therefore, difficult implications are suggested for our country on both cosmic and societal levels due in part to 11 South themes of system failure, new methods and ideas are needed, and "any blocks could be violently or tragically removed" (B. Brady) - and the fact that the Total August 2027 Eclipse @9Leo55 (conjunct South Node) lands upon Mr. Trump's 12th house Pluto, planet of power, wealth, stealth, Underworld Crime, destruction, transformation, and primal viol*nce.

So here are two views of August 2, 2027's 11 South Eclipse, both charts set for Washington DC: first with astro-notes penned on, then an unmarked version just for you:

Yet bracingly, it behooves us to remember that humanity has made it through repetitions of 11 South Eclipses over the centuries ever since its initial manifestation @00Cancer, a Cardinal World Point, on June 14, 1360. Here's the 1360 Eclipse Horoscope:

Meanwhile, this eclipse thread must include the last 11 South which occurred on July 21, 2009 @29Can26 ("30 Cancer" = "A Daughter of the American Revolution" which ropes in the current "Maga" movement of insurrectionists, seditionists, and Klansmen demanding a "second American Revolution."

Meanwhile, their "Maga" take-over energies were preceded by the anti-governmental "Tea Party" movement, which turned corporate as a political reaction to the Presidency and policies of Barack Obama - "socialism," as they called his policies, and their opposition goes back to FDR's New Deal programs, as you know. To me, elite corporate types - Plutocrats, and their enabling politicians - apparently consider the tax monies We the People pay for years into the system as theirs for the plundering! Their Plutonian thieving mentality is impossible to hide.

So as you can see, the combination of rac*sm and Aryan*sm (basically the same thing) is the common denominator between these corporate-backed political movements and events - and this spotlights the gaslighting, propaganda, and hatred now being used against the American people in order to get us fighting one another, and so far it's working. Societal collapse of the US is their Utopian dream for this would vanquish democracy from the globe and open the door to worldwide authoritarianism.

Then revealingly, we might also consider that the 11 South Eclipse of 2009 is a companion event to the 2009 Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction/s of speculative, bubbly, grand scheme energies and tricky legalisms (Munkasey). This planetary pairing is found in the natal 2nd hou$e of that tiresomely orange-hued huckster of the Ary*n persuasion, plus, his Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction is cosmically anchored by wounded centaur Chiron in Libra, sign of the Scales of Justice - and this is right where the October 2, 2024 8 South Eclipse landed with its loss and separation themes.

And what real-world event should we link this Eclipse "hit" to? Why, yesterday's Unsealed J6 filing by prosecutor Jack Smith, of course!

For additional details, you may wish to see The Jupiter-Neptune Conjunctions of 2009 and 2022 with horoscopes and eclipse notes included.

Apr 10, 2024

Republican Party's Neptune in April 2024

The GOP's Neptune in Pisces: Mars-Saturn Says Hello!

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Image: Neptune Ascends; pencil on paper, Jude Cowell Art

Today at 4:36 pm ET, transit Mars and transit Saturn conjunct @14Pis40. Below you see a bi-wheel of the Republican Party's March 20, 1854 Horoscope showing Neptune @14Pis01 in 6th house.

Penned on the chart, below, are notes describing the potentials of the midpoint picture formed by the trio of Mars-Saturn and Neptune. Quite a clash! Because the Mars-Saturn duo is destructive, harmful energy with stop-and-go tendencies, while gaseous Neptune is all soft and gooey. Plus, the point of Mars-Saturn is known as the death axis (R. Ebertin), and Neptune is a known associate in cases of death, often through poison, toxins, fumes, or water such as oceans.

Now as you see, a few other astro-notes are included on the chart, however, this post is limited to today's planetary meet-up with the GOP's Neptune, planet of deception, secrecy, gaslighting, lies, fraud, subversion, erosion, impossible dreams, mass media, and the masses currently floating through the shady sign of Pisces. Then notably, Neptune when in Pisces inspires creativity yet often gives rise to pathological inclinations, plus, fear, anxiety, and general paranoia:

Yes, this is a temporary influence but its effects may be expected to extend until the next Mars-Saturn Conjunction in April 2026, by my best guess. Yet its energies may be activated by transits and progressions if one has the time and enough curiosity to keep an eye on it using the Conjunction Horoscope.

Previously on SO'W: Midpoint pictures of a Neptunian GOP: Crossing the Great Water.

Mar 31, 2023

Horoscope: Trump Indicted in Manhattan

A Signal That the Trump Crime Wave Will Finally End?

by Jude Cowell

Meanwhile, today it's being reported that the Trump indictment won't go as folks think it will go and this is born out in the horoscope shown, below, set for March 30, 2023 5:32 pm edt Manhattan, NY, the time that CNN announced that an indictment had been voted by the NY Grand Jury against Donald J. Trump whose natal 10th house Uranus-NN-Sun trio of chaos and ego is atop the chart.

But why? Because the chart's Ascendant and Midheaven ruler, Mercury the Messenger, makes no applying Ptolemaic aspects to other planets in the indictment horoscope. Therefore, the sign, house, degree, and other conditions of Mercury, planet of votes, deliberation, and announcements, become the focus, and can act in similar fashion as a void of course Moon: that no one can interfere with the proceedings now underway, and/or that results will not be as expected. In Aries, Mercury emphasizes the pioneering of a first-ever indictment of a former US president. In 8th house of Shared Resources, Corporatism, Debts, and Death, we may discover more about this once the indictment is unsealed and the charges are revealed.

So please enlarge and/or print the horoscope to read my study notes, if you wish. Pollen allergies have me under the weather this week, so typing all my notes in this post is not feasible. However, do note that Indictment Jupiter @18Aries directly opposes Trump's natal Jupiter at Station which contains a groovy Sabian Symbol, I've always thought: "Two Men Placed Under Arrest" - a reference to Michael Cohen who 'took the fall' for Trump's pay-off to Stormy Daniels?

Now with Jupiter opposing his Jupiter, the orange blighter would be wise not to push too hard since few people are the least bit impressed with him! He says he'll surrender in New York 'next week', which remains to be seen for I'm uncertain that flight can be ruled out, not yet. One thing is certain: we're sure to hear his Libran Jupiter's favorite complaint, "It's not fair!"

Because of his indictment, how predictable that war and violence have been threatened by Trump and his supporters, and yes, such factors can be found in the above chart. I highlight two in particular:

1. That this event is occurring under the influence of the current Solar Eclipse in the 6 South Saros Series (see notes in center of the chart) with its 'being forceful, taking power; huge effort in group activities' themes - B. Brady) occurring on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio and here opposed by the transiting Mars-Saturn midpoint @2Taurus, the 'death axis' duo according to Reinhold Ebertin. In August 1932, a 6 South Eclipse manifested as the 'Nazis Rise to Power' Eclipse @8Vir09, discussed previously in multiple SO'W posts. So if ending the rise of Nazis and fascists in America has now begun, you know that I'm all for it. In fact, my uncles who fought Nazis in WWII would be proud of what may be the first of many indictments!

Yet we must face the fact that the rounded-up degree of the North Node (5Taurus) = "A Widow at an Open Grave." A negative word picture, of course, yet Dane Ruhyar adds that people are ready to, Discard the Past rather than using a violent connotation. Meanwhile, I'm still wondering if Ivana Trump's gravesite at Bedminster Golf Course shouldn't be inspected for buried evidence.

2. A dynamic T-Square is present, as you see, with the Moon-Pluto opposition at its base pointing toward the North Node ('NN") of destiny and denoting the removal or elimination of toxins from the system, plus, upsets and upheavals within the community. Additionally, the Moon-Pluto combination indicates criminal elements, and those are the elements and people I fervently hope will be removed from our societal and political systems no matter how many years it may take.

And if we need a further identity check from the horocope: Moon @30Cancer = "A Daughter of the American Revolution" which might describe such malcontent magas as Boebert and Greene with their seditious dreams of revolution and civil war in the streets, but it definitely describes yours truly who insists on retaining American democracy and supporting the continuance of America's Perpetual Union.

Jul 15, 2022

Ivana Trump natal w/ "found" chart

July 15, 2022

May Ivana Trump R.I. P.

Update: later reports give 12:40 pm edt as the time Ivana was found "dead," not unconscious as had been previously suggested. More work must be done.

Original post begins here:

Confessedly, I wish I could be a practitioner of Forensic Astrology but I'm not. It's late afternoon on Friday so my blogging time is brief, therefore, very few astro-notes will be typed at this hour. However, for anyone who cares to look, below is a bi-wheel set up backwards with the natal horoscope of Ivana Trump surrounding what I'm using as the "found" horoscope set for "just after 12:00 pm local time" (via news report) on her day of death (July 14, 2022, at her Manhattan home: fallen down the stairs, a possible cardiac arrest, last I heard). Interesting that Ivana's natal Neptune Rx in Libra rises, followed by her natal South Node, a point of separation. See lower right and left for Saturn and Pluto effects upon her natal Ascendant and North Node. Jupiter is angular as so often happens with cases involving death.

So as you see, the "found" chart (inner) shows ASC 7Lib45; chart ruler Venus makes no applying aspects but is conjunct her natal Uranus, an extravagant financial combination of planets; "found" MC @8Can58) is set for 12:05 pm edt, Manhattan, New York which places the natal Mercury of ex-husband Trump at Midheaven, the WHY? Point.

Because after all, Mercury is the planet of communications and depositions - which were scheduled to be conducted with the Trumps in New York today, but were understandably canceled due to the sad death of Ivana Trump, mother of Don Jr, Ivanka, and Eric.

Now if it seems that Ivana's death looks suspicious to me, you may be correct. After all, Ivana was born into a 4 South Saros Series and you may remember that the Electoral College Vote Eclipse of December 14, 2020 was also a 4 South eclipse of 'strong emotions over relationships and/or money; a sudden desire to end unions; a fated quality to events' (paraphrasing B. Brady). Surely more information will come out soon (via autopsy? investigation?), so murder is only a potential, a convenient-for-Trump potential, but a mere potential all the same. However, if Ivana's death was manipulated, we may never know.

So! See what you can make of the hastily marked and printed bi-wheel, below. A few examples which may apply include: 'death axis' Mars-Saturn at Aries Point; "found" Ascendant = her natal Moon-Pluto: 'a violent reaction to environmental conditions; temperamental or tremendous upsets'; "death Pluto" conjunct US 1776 Pluto opposing her natal Saturn-Uranus - heart block: 'harm through major force; an act of violence; rebellion' (note that cardiac arrests can be manipulated, too). Then there's Ivana's natal MC = Neptune-Pluto duo of Underworld Crime and criminal elements - or, a potential health breakdown:

In closing, my feeling is that the lady knew too much. And we may wish to remember what 'they' always say: That everything Donald Tr*mp touches, dies. And his natal midpoint picture of rage and cruelty has much to do with such brutal tendencies because, Mars-Saturn = Pluto: 'murder; intervention of a higher power; death of many people' (R. Ebertin). Plus, as we know, the man is literally fighting for survival - his own survival - which may or may not include the survival of anyone else.

Jun 22, 2022

America's initial Mars-Saturn Cycle

The 'Death Axis' Planetary Combo of Mars-Saturn

by Jude Cowell

As near as my software and I can figure out, here is the Horoscope of the moment the Mars-Saturn Conjunction perfected prior to July 1776 and which to me signifies the beginning of America's Mars-Saturn Cycle:

Typically, many of my study notes are squished upon the chart for the curious to read and I hope that you're just that curious. For this is a meaningful planetary combination of energies especially these days, thanks to Tr*mp's natal midpoint picture (Mars-Saturn = Pluto; 12th house) has often been spotlighted in media and expressed by his nibs with its brutality, damage, fury, and outright death to many people (R. Ebertin) potentials.

However, the Mars-Saturn pair relates to various other potentials and its association with 'the death axis' in a horoscope is not the least among them. Power, accompanied by fear and tension, is another, as are: a huge amount of personal ambition, a suggestion of 'stop-and-go' (off-and-on) energy deployment, seeing a partner as blocking one's best efforts, throwing caution to the wind, serious efforts, anger and irritation directed at others, restrictions, discipline, and/or prolonged struggles (R.E.). Plus, "driving with the brakes on" is as good a description as any (A. Oken).

July 17, 1775

Mars-Saturn @4Libra = "A Group Around a Campfire" which reminds me of another Revolutionary era Sabian Symbol: "An Army of the Republic Campfire." No, we don't need to be stuck in the past, just learn from it. And Astrology can help with this because it's all about timing, cycles, and repetition similar to past conditions providing us with new chances to respond more positively this time around so that karmic progress is possible.

Now let's consider the Hegelian form of Mars-Saturn potentials in Politics and Business as provided by Michael Munkasey in his Midpoint: Unleashing the Power of the Planets (#ad); you'll notice that some of these potentials are occurring as I type:

Thesis: Curtailing force or military power by authorities; enforcement of honor through the use of strife or struggle; wars which persist; frustrations imposed upon or by criminal elements; demands to halt armaments.

Antithesis: Military actions which continue under political or other restrictions; an obligation to use force when restraint is required; the ambitious taking of that which belongs to another; an older enterprise becomes angered.

We might also note that on July 4, 1776, US Mars @22Gemini and US Saturn @14Lib48 (our exalted Saturn rising in the Mars-Saturn horoscope, above), clocked in @18Leo05, a point in the Zodiac that has seen its share of activation through the years such as on August 11, 2018 by a 2 Old North Solar Eclipse which I have previously termed, The Tower Eclipse because its collapse-rebuild theme is also described by Tarot card 16. Add such energies to the Mars-Saturn duo and there's lots to ponder there.

Now so far, only a few Horoscopes of America's Planetary Cycles are published:

Mercury-Pluto and Mars-Neptune Cycles (January and June, 1775; dual horoscopes shown), Mars-Pluto Cycle (December 1775), and the Mars-Uranus Cycle (June 1776).

As time allows, my hope is to publish more Horoscopes of our nation's Planetary Cycles so that their signs, degrees, symbols, and the combined energies of each pair may be associated with, and inform us, concerning current and future events and conditions. Even information on historical events may turn up in the spotlight with a little study!

So to close, below is a relic of a slogan that I used to type quite often here on SO'W. It seems appropriate now as we feel our nation teetering on the edge of political and social catastrophe, created by saboteurs with a malevolent (sore loser) 1930s-style-nazi mindset - you know - like the criminals my uncles fought and vanquished in WWII. Well, now their destructive energies, like a misguided Phoenix rising from the ashes (see Selena @8Scorpio), or a seditious movement from the 1860s trying to grasp power and control - it's time to fight the b*stards again, so here goes:

America, my only nag in the race!

Jun 2, 2022

Saturn 2024 conj Fascism Rising Eclipse

Above: Bi-Wheel set for Washington DC including the inner chart of the 7 North 'Fascism Rising' Solar Eclipse of February 1933 relocated to our nation's capital; outer chart is the moment that transit Pluto finally leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius (00AQ00:00) on January 20, 2024, which provides a major Plutonian vibe to the year of a Presidential Election (assuming that the US has one).

As you see, many astro-notes are squooshed upon the charts (mea culpa! again) meant for readers who care to look, where multiple indications of violence appear such as 1933's Marseillais Trio of violence (Neptune-Mars-Jupiter -- all Rx and frustrated in Virgo). These three planets by transit have been loosely conjunct in 2022 as several mass murders have been perpetrated and our children grievously killed as Republican politicians continue to protect the rifle-loving NRA (an arm of the Kremlin) with the group's 'death axis' conjunction of Mars and Saturn. It's there in the NRA Horoscope.

Meanwhile, the topic of Pluto to 00AQ00:00 has been previously discussed on SO'W and here are shown the midpoint pictures in effect on January 20, 2024 (from the chart displayed above), plus, the midpoint pictures in effect when Pluto first creeps into Aquarius on March 23, 2023 having previously done so in 1777.

As for the above bi-wheel and 2024 Saturn @5Pis13 'hitting' the Fascism Rising Eclipse degree of 1933, my theory is that 2024 Saturn in Pisces with the placement's 'struggle with opponents' (R. Ebertin) potentials describes people with the responsibility to carry out the themes of the 7 North Eclipse which disturbingly include 'deep passion long-hidden' and 'lust' (B. Brady) to which I must reluctantly add yet again my own assessment based on current circumstances: blood lust, and this, because evil forces via rascists and criminals are determined to "rise again" - unless we stop them.

For comparison: 7 North Solar Eclipses occurred in the years 1915, (1933), 1951, 1969, 1987, 2005 (@19Aries), 2023 (April 20th, Adolf's 'birthday eclipse' @29Ari50 which by degree conjuncts the January 6th insurrection Mars @29Ar54), and next in April 2041 @10Taurus which will ruffle the current 6 North Eclipse (@10Tau28) now in force. And please, dear reader, do not assume that neo-nazis and current-day fascists, foreign and domestic, are unaware of these cosmic synchronicities. Nothing happens by accident.

May 10, 2022

Bi-Wheel: Coup Attempt 2021 w/ J6 Public Hearing June 2022

June 9th Accountability Knocks: Will the Guilty Answer?

by Jude Cowell

On April 29, 2022, J6 Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson told the American people to expect "at least 8 hearings" investigating Trump's Attempted Coup of January 6, 2021. Finding no exact hour the opening hearing of June 9, 2022 may begin, the following bi-wheel shows the Public Hearing (outer) set for the speculative hour of 9:30 am edt, Capitol Building (or other DC location) with US natal North Node (meetings) conjunct the IC (endings) of the Trump Coup Attempt chart (inner).

Note: Although I'm calling this the 'first' public hearing, Capitol Hill officers testified in July 2021 about the coup attempt. These horoscopes are posted today because most of us are hoping that politicians and others who aided and abetted Trump's power grab scheme will be held accountable bwo of the J6 Summer 2022 hearings, and by the DOJ. If the culprits aren't, a coup attempt will occur again, as everyone knows. Yet a plus is that transit Pluto conjunct Mercury supplies deeper powers for delving into hidden meanings and motivations, so let's take appropriate actions to protect democracy and our Republic!

For the January 6, 2021 insurrection horoscope shown here, I'm using 1:32:32 pm est so that 26Tau27 rises with malevolent Algol conjunct Trump's natal Midheaven 'MC' (the goal), along with the opening hearing's Mercury, planet of testimony, communication, negotiation - but also of lies, deception, theft, and trickersterism. Transit North Node @22Tau15 conjuncts ASC as well which suggests that Trump has been and will be the central figure in the J6 proceedings (for clear reasons). And yes, the leader of the sabotage felt very joyful on that day as shown by Sun = Venus-Jupiter!

Both Charts/Events: Moon-Mars Oppositions with Don't Tred On Me Vibes

Besides the anger, quarrels, fights, and self-willedness that a Moon-Mars opposition suggests, a prominent transit for Trump is legal eagle planet of karma, accountability, and timing, Saturn Rx @25AQ14, opposing Trump's natal Mars in Leo (and his natal Ascendant, for that matter). This denotes potentials for gridlock, anger and resentment, negative dealings with males and the public, illness (heart problems, stress, strain, inflammation, injuries), and yes, a potential for violence. According to R. Ebertin, there are also indications of 'mysterious death, grievous loss, insufficient power to tackle obstacles or resistance, weakening efforts, self-torment', and/or the 'undermining of vitality' via 'poison, gas, or epidemic', as shown by the J6 public hearing's Mars-Saturn @18Pis23 conjunct Coup Attempt Neptune @18Pis35) with Mars-Saturn as 'the death axis'. We should brace for the possibility that sinister, mysterious, or subversive events could occur before or during the Summer 2022 J6 hearings. This is supported by the ongoing themes of the current 6 North Solar Eclipse (@10Tau28 on April 30, 2022) suggesting 'commitments accepted due to another person's unreliability or illness' and with 'relationships to authority figures' being prominent (paraphrasing B. Brady).

Now there are multiple planetary contacts between the two horoscopes and events as you see and some are mentioned, above. But let's continue our focus with the multi-faceted contacts affecting the Coup Attempt's Mercury-Pluto conjunction, remembering that 2022 is the year of America's first-ever Pluto Return (3x for good measure). And let's note that the Coup Attempt's Saturn-Pluto midpoint is joined by the Public Hearing's Pluto which adds recognition and confrontation with evil to the mix (Munkasey). There, I typed it: pure evil such as the 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 cosmically consolidated for humanity as their nearly 33-year cycle began once again - while perfecting their conjunction directly upon the natal Vertex of Mr. Trump (22Cap51): fated encounters or wish fulfillment? Perhaps both

Thing is, it's time for Americans to decide once and for all what sort of country we have and what brand of government we want, and the J6 hearings are part of the challenge along with the US Pluto Return/s. It's as if the old R vs D stand-offs are distilled into the current Authoritarianism vs Democracy tug of war, but we must be certain to recognize that it's brutal, malevolent neo-nazis mounting the challenge to American democracy. Why, even the double Moon-Mars oppositional influences echo Trump's natal Mars opposing (targeting) US natal Moon in Aquarius. How much plainer can the Cosmos make the threat?

Then What About the Libra Moon/s?

So besides Luna's opposition with warrior planet Mars, the Moon on June 9, 2022 @12Lib11, a critical degree, acts as the handle of a Bucket pattern and thus is a primary driver or motivator of the proceedings. As you know, the mundane Moon = the public, publicity, public relations, family, security concerns, and as a timing agent, we should note that the Coup Attempt's Moon @21Lib31 returns to her position (a Lunar Return) on June 10, 2022 at 2:00:59 am edt with early Aries rising. An earlier position of testy Mars is signifiant - @12Ari02, a critical-crisis degree - exactly opposite the June 9th Public Hearing's Moon (12Lib11) which is a Moon-Mars (angry or upset people!) emphasized again.

And a cosmic echo of the Tr*mp natal Mars @26Leo opposing US natal Moon.

May 6, 2022

Summer Solstice 2022: A Turn of Destiny

May 6, 2022

Here's a quick posting of the Summer Solstice 2022 Horoscope located for Washington DC. As you see, US 1776 Mars in Gemini rises (conflicts), transit Mars @20Aries conjuncts US 1776 Chiron ('21Aries': "A Pugilist Enters the Ring"; sacred warrior energy), and it's an Hour of Jupiter (highlighted in green). The chart is entitled, 'Sudden Developments, Power, Resolutions, and A Turn of Destiny'. In process of America's Pluto Return, transit Pluto Rx @28Cap00 is in the Corporate 8th house of Big Bu$iness from where Mr. Wealth and Stealth leads a BOWL shape of planets suggesting a focus on ambition and work issues. So to me it looks as if financial, investment, currency, and employment concerns are atop our summer calendar, in tandem with the ongoing pandemic affecting everything, of course.

Chart-ruler Mercury (highlighted in blue, 12th house, and nearing MIDAS (money issues and concerns), makes no applying aspects in the chart which emphasizes its sign and house positions and Mercury's links to Communications, Travel, Trade and Commerce, Education, and Young People. However, Mercury will soon conjunct US 1776 Uranus (8Gem55). See lower left for a few notes on this transit.

Then in the center of the chart are penned a few potentials regarding the 1st house Sun (00Can00:00; leadership) inconjunct powerful, subversive Pluto, potentials which include power and control issues, obsessive behavior, and/or practiced excuses.

Meanwhile, surreptitious, gaslighting planet Neptune @25Pis25 (10th house) veils Nemesis (hidden foes) and disguises the powerful Pluto-North Node midpoint; this denotes 'success via lies and fraud', along with 'losses' and/or 'disadvantages' (R. Ebertin). Certainly, money is prominent in the horoscope, if I've not made that clear before. And the fact that restrictive Saturn Rx @25AQ02 conjuncts Midheaven ('MC' = the goal) is not exactly comforting for it can indicate ambitious plans without a sound foundation, but can also denote reliable partners in joint ventures, possibly from abroad (9th house). Meanwhile, those who have abused their positions of responsibility won't fare very well with Saturn conjunct MC, and costly lawsuits are suggested.

Now also posited in the visible 10th house is a concern of mine because two difficult midpoints conjunct one another @22-23 Pisces: Mars-Saturn (the death axis - R. Ebertin) and Uranus-Pluto, the planetary duo with potentials for 'old order vs new order', transformation, collapse, revolt, resistance, protests, and workers' strikes (supported by Mercury's Sabian Symbolm, possibly a cosmic picture of unionization struggles). Then if we think of the three Uranus-Pluto conjunctions in the mid-1960s in mid-Virgo, we must unfortunately expect that civil unrest along with the bodily harm of Mars-Saturn energies may be in the offing this summer. After all, no empire lasts forever.

So for more details, please enlarge the image to read my study notes if you wish, and get back to me via your on-topic comments:

Related: Cardinal World Points Through 2022

Oct 14, 2021

October 20, 2021 Full Moon Ruffles a 1931 Solar Eclipse

The October 2021 Full Moon Times a Serious Cosmic Heads-Up

by Jude Cowell

October 14, 2021: A 5 North Solar Eclipse, one of which is now in effect since June 10, 2021 @19Gem47, also manifested on April 17, 1931 @27Ari02. Below is the April 1931 Eclipse Horoscope (inner) which by degree will be "ruffled" or somehow triggered by the Full Moon of October 20, 2021 @26Ari26 (outer); my study notes are penned on for the curious, and a few prominent chart factors are listed under the horoscope - you will find more factors, of course:

5 North Eclipse Themes are fairly positive ('hunches, visions, prophetic dreams' - plus, a potential for 'psychism' - B. Brady) yet any eclipse is a 'cosmic blink' from Above and represents a Uranian-style disruption which can force a change or shift of direction here on Earth. But that's not my fuss here. It's the correlation between Events of 1931 and what's going on now in the US and across the globe as authoritarianism heats up along with the weather, and a global (neo) nazi movement attempts to rise once again. This has been well established and anyone who hasn't noticed must pay attention now.

Jupiter in Aquarius: A Sense of Justice but Can Be Indecisive

Is it possible that protective Jupiter (@22AQ20) at IC, the Foundation Point of the 1931 chart, will be enough to mitigate our difficulties - or increase them? Hopefully mitigation will be achieved as the American people seek rescue (see 2021 rescue-seeking Circe conjunct 1931 MC). However, 2021 Jupiter opposes two of 1931's midpoints at 1931 Midheaven: Venus-Saturn (with Jupiter = 'unanticipated support'; and Mars-Neptune with expansive Jupiter: 'amplified dreams, visions, and the power to bring them into reality' - Munkasey). Of course, 'dreams and visions' are found within the themes of the 5 North Eclipse and can be positive or negative depending on the motivations of those involved. Plus, a mixture of both (probably alternating in effectiveness) may be possible as well - this is kind of like a row of cherries lining up on a gambling machine. Risk is in the air. Can you feel it?

Double the Harsh Saturn-Pluto Influences

So in relation to the draconian global movement on the upswing (as neo-fascists hope) and its cosmic reflections Above, you'll note the dynamic T-Square of tension penned on the chart between the Saturn-Pluto opposition (not exact in this eclipse chart but in 1931 their opposition did perfect - however, in the chart you see the death-dealing Mars-Saturn opposition - 1931 was a brutal year of fanaticism and included financial collapse in Central Europe - see Midas involvement, below) squaring the erratic Utopian zealot planet of disruption and chaos, Uranus @16Ari00 (conjunct the North Node of destiny and indicating radical reformers). Saturn-Pluto = Uranus: "brutal efforts to start a new order" (Tyl); 'sudden vio**nce' (R. Ebertin).

Well! There's a cosmic picture of the global neo-nazi movement, isn't it? And in the US, the predatory orange menace is riding the wave along with his Republican comrades - some of them blackmailed and/or under threat of criminal thuggery, or compelled by fear of being 'primaried' out of office. Yet some are actually fans of the hate-filled ideology. For as you know, underhandedness, threat, cheating, and primal vio**nce are the primary methods that authoritarians have always used to forcefully take control - and they're never openly honest about their true intentions to increase suffering and misery wherever they go, either in the 1930s, 1940s - or now. They are, in fact, the "be afraid" thugs and barbarians who've infiltrated the US government and who must be kicked out - by Blue Waves of voters in 2022 and 2024. Difficult as this may be, it simply must be accomplished.

Now naturally, there are other disturbing and more positive planetary factors in the 1931 and 2021 charts. One such is transit Saturn @6AQ57 in 3rd house opposing 1931 Mars (5Leo30 - which conjuncts 1931 Pluto-MC and indicates potentials for gridlock, bottlenecks (including ports and ships), anger, vio**nce, and/or resistance to authority). Now Pluto-MC is a power-craving midpoint (see details lower right corner: 'urge to dominate'!). Plus, we also find 2021 Pluto @24Cap21 conjunct 1931 Saturn (see bottom left corner for details such as 'abuse of authority confronted and corrected'; 'altered traditions') and generationally, there's the massive 2021 Pluto opposing 1931 Pluto (penned in the center of the bi-wheel = 'titanic power struggle' - which I say is a stark struggle between Democracy and the Rule of Law vs Fascism and neo-nazi Utopian zealots of anarchy forcing complete lawlessness upon civilized society.

Neptune-to-Venus/Nemesis, Mercury-with-Chiron x 2, and Uranus-to-Mercury

As you see, 2021 Neptune, planet of illusion, deception, gaslighting, and fraud, veils the 1931 Venus-Nemesis conjunction (@20Pisces) with potentials listed, upper right such as: 'unrealistic expectations; confusion; paranoia'. And just above that, you see listed 2021 Mercury @10Lib29 in 1931's 11th house, leading a Locomotive shape of the 2021 Full Moon planets suggesting a Mercurial person or persons such as a 'high-powered executive ruthlessly determined toward success'. And possibly a young-ish one, or, someone in the publishing, commerce, or trading and investment businesses. Even a high-powered person dealing in space travel may be indicated. The imagination fairly soars. Yet note that 2021 Uranus conjunct 1931 Mercury can suggest potentials for frazzled nerves, seeking freedom, disrupted thinking or travel, plus, restlessness and/or original ideas in relation to the 1931/2021 5 North Eclipse themes and certain underhanded plans that are being promoted once again in our day.

So now that you're all bummed out from reading this far (kudos!), let's close this fussy post with more details worth mentioning which relate to Thinking, Planning, and Communications - the 1931 Mercury-Chiron Conjunction in money sign Taurus conjunct 1931 Midas, the gold-hoarder - now activated or electrified by 2021 Uranus @13Tau24 Rx setting on 1931's Descendant/Partnership angle - and the fact that in the October 20, 2021 Full Moon Horoscope, Mercury and Chiron are in opposition which we could take as a timing device in a broader Mercury-Chiron cycle. This suggests: initiates, occultists, and promoters, popularizers, and guardians (R. Nolle; Clow) who share revelations they consider unique and transformative in society (repeated over and over: propaganda). So the 1931 conjunction denotes one or more persons who acted as channels, mediums, and mouthpieces, with their 2021 opposition possibly a timing device, as noted, for the spreading of transformative theories and ideas that were prevalent in 1931. At least, that's what I'm suggesting with this 'heads-up' post although, of course, as always you are welcome to disagree.

Related: 2021 Solar and Lunar Eclipses Repeat from 1931.

Jul 1, 2021

July 3, 2021 Jupiterian Trump's Grievance Rally

Thursday July 1 2021: On Saturday July 3rd (one assumes in the evening) Trump expects to hold what I'm calling one of his 'Grievance' rallies and this time the event is set for Sarasota, Florida. However, the cosmic weather on Saturday isn't as grand for him as he would like. For certain transits are ongoing such as transit Saturn Rx opposing natal Pluto (which conjuncts his Mars-Saturn midpoint) suggesting challenges to authority and conflicts over power. And with his Mars-Saturn midpoint, the 'death axis' duo, under the influence of more Saturnian rays, there are potentials for 'deficiencies in planning due to an incomplete review of plans, and/or a 'loss of momentum from a lack of drive'. Also note that 'prudence and caution are disregarded as pressure is brought for completing stalled work' (Munkasey). Of course, have prudence and caution ever been part of his impulsive behavior? Hard to say.

Also denoting conflict and embattlement is the transit of Pluto opposing his natal Venus in Cancer which reflects Trump's slowly building legal problems and possible bankruptcy, plus, issues of jealousy, manipulation, and loss of control are on his mind with his insecurities quite obviously shown. At 8:00 pm, the shade-throwing Neptune-MC midpoint rises along with potentials for 'living in a world of illusion and unreality; acting and pretending; taking the wrong path in life; pursuit of wrong objectives' and 'uncertainty or insecurity' (R. Ebertin). We may expect the grudges he loves to hold to be on full display. Will bored audience members walk out at some point? Well, at 8:00 pm, Capricorn rises making karmic Saturn the chart-ruler - and Saturn Rx, opposing his natal Pluto as noted, makes no applying aspects in the horoscope. Perhaps that's his aura of authority and control "going nowhere" - or impressing few listeners!

As for orating planet Mercury, it will bring us Trump's typical (translation: tiresome) messages that always tend toward dishonesty (in duplicitous Gemini). And Trump's natal 10th house North Node @20Gem48 of public contact will rendezvous with July 3rd's changeable Mercury to hear whatever he has to say, same old grievances and all. (Better them than moi!). This transit of Mercury wedges the messenger between his natal Sun-Uranus so a midpoint picture forms that suggests 'sudden reforms and/or making arrangements' as he works at projecting his 'unique' personality, and discusses with others how to achieve freedom (it's almost July 4th!) from his anxieties and concerns - or from the indictments and possible subpoenas that have his disgraced name upon them.

So pardon me for asking, but can a handy escape hatch be far away from his bone-spurred tootsies? Well, please note, dear reader, that yours truly is suffering from a serious case of Trump Fatigue as are a majority of people these days, and I do get the cranky heebie jeebies just typing his name. Mea culpa.

Even so, I am compelled to mention one more cosmic factor undergirding his July 3rd rally of belly-aching and inflated dreams and it relates to the wide-girthed Jupiterian Trump 'the orator' and 'broadcaster': transit Jupiter Rx @1Pis53 (in 2nd house of Money and Earning Ability: are funds drying up in spite of all his fraudulent schemes?). Plus, as you know, mundane Jupiter also represents politicians, corporatists, and religious figures and you may have noticed that of late, Jupiter has been unaspected, therefore, detached from the rest of the planetary energies and influences. This presents a cosmic picture of a loner who's been living an 'ivory tower' existence, and shows his judgment to be undeveloped or flawed. Buoyancy may be noticeably lacking in his manner although Trump may exhibit a spurtlike enthusiasm that quickly fades. Feeling weighted down by life is typical with an unaspected Jupiter and most folks, if they pay attention to this rally, will recognize his usual disconnection from society's moral, ethical, and/or religious standards.

And yet, an exhuberant form of idealism and zealotry may be on display as he orates particularly concerning the realms of Jupiterian values that obviously include leanings toward materialism and worldliness, while his worsening mental remoteness may cause some of us concern.

May 12, 2021

June 24, 2021 Cap Full Moon reacts to the June Eclipse

May 12, 2021: The June 24th Full Moon, seen below, suggests public reaction to the June 10, 2021 5 North Solar Eclipse (19Gem47) themes of "prophetic dreams, visions, insights from the Unconscious" (Brady). However, Saturn-ruled Capricorn is about consolidation, facts, business, investment, law, and government so what dreams and insights should be brought into reality? What insights can be realistically used to benefit our social and political conditions?

Notably, transit Mercury the Messenger and negotiator, here @16Gem15, will speed on to conjunct and possibly activate 5 North eclipse themes on or about July 2, 2021. Many people's dreams around that time, if not before, should be quite fascinating and perhaps contain helpful solutions for what ails us. Of course, eclipse influences last for approximately 6 months until the next solar eclipse draws near with its themes, and overlapping has been known to occur.

Now here's a famous quote from a Sun Cancer-Moon Capricorn writer-dramatist:

"Every man thinks God is on his side. The rich and powerful know He is." - Jean Anouilh (1910--1987; born in Bordeaux, France with Sun @00Cancer and Moon @2Can54 - and this is a post about a Full Moon spotlighting his words!)

DC Horoscope: June 24, 2021 Full Moon @3Cap27 oppo Sun @3Can27, across the 3/9 axis when the chart is set for Washington DC (a phase of culmination, fulfillment, full awareness, relationships); Hour of Jupiter Rx (in green). ASC 20Lib55 sports a few midpoint pictures (detailed on the chart) with Venus @27Can04 in blue as chart-ruler, however, Venus makes no applying aspects so her sign, degree, and house position are emphasized. Then as you see, angular Venus conjuncts Midheaven ('MC'), The Goal and Career Point of the chart, while opposing Pluto (26Cap05) at 'IC', the Foundation of the chart (and within orb of the US Pluto Return/s, exact in 2022). Potentials of this opposition are penned on the chart (upper right in blue) including cut-throat competition, underhanded manipulation, and lack of trust undermines relationships.

Plus, we should be aware that an opposition between venal Venu$ vs powerful Pluto ($$) has been known to attract violence, and the pair suggests private wealth hidden in secret places. It also contains bankruptcy potential and can denote a breakdown in the social fabric which anti-democratic forces are attempting to hoist upon us now under cover of the pandemic and its resulting economic difficulties which President Biden is in process of easing - without any cooperation from congressional Republicans, the party of obstruction whenever it comes to the needs of the American people.

(Despite McConnell and the other sore losers, Joe Biden's vaccine roll-out has been the most successful project Washington politicians have aced, maybe ever!)

Significantly, the Full Moon in ambitious Capricorn leads a Locomotive shape of the planets which suggests people or high-powered executives who are ruthlessly determined on success. And with the Moon out-of-bounds, these may be socially detached folks, even those secluded within ivory towers, those who are emotionally estranged from society who only care about business endeavors, politics, and taking or retaining control.

So as you see, there are dynamic energies in the chart via a Mars-Saturn opposition (4A32; obstacles; delays; resentment or resistance of authority) and the squares to rebellious Uranus that are involved: Mars square Uranus (5A23; difficulties, delays, frustration, threats) and of course the ongoing Saturn-Uranus square (0S50; past vs future; generational clash between seniors and young folk; old order uncomfortably replaced by the new; violent people).

Obviously, contentiousness, obstacles, delays, and political stalemates continue, however, the Sun Cancer-Moon Capricorn blend of conscious and unconscious energies can be very perceptive, dutiful, and professional yet family-oriented.

Well, it seems to me as if pessimism is what 'they' want from us and I refuse to comply! (Moon-Neptune = Saturn). Plus, as you know, the Moon-Neptune duo suggests potentials for sympathy, receptiveness, strange influences, exploitation, and/or an intensely vivid dream life and the activity of the subconscious (with the last two resonating with 5 North eclipse themes). Solutions may be found in dreams!

So What About Protective Jupiter?

Significantly, with expansive, optimistic Jupiter recently entered into his retrograde phase (until mid-October 2021), there's a revealing midpoint picture with the Great Benefic at apex. Saturn-Neptune = Jupiter suggests potentials for 'religion conceals deceptive practices; a sense that reality is just a vision (which resonates with 5 North themes, incorrect as it is); fortunate answers, as noted on the chart; and optimistically, yours truly would add, funding (Jupiter) for social safety net programs (Saturn-Neptune, social programs and the illness axis; of course, other indications for this planetary trio are possible but I'll leave them to your imagination).

Now we should also mention that US natal Mercury Rx conjuncts the MC opposite US natal Pluto at IC and suggests that government surveillance, intelligence gathering, and propaganda are on this Full Moon's menu along with 'vulnerable roadways' (infrastructure), 'disruptive political talk', 'news of orbital weapons or space exploration', 'secrets concerning transportation' or 'satellites', and/or 'self-destructive impulses in business' (paraphrasing M. Munkasey).

Well, the Sun's "A Cat Arguing With a Mouse" and the Moon's "A Party Entering a Large Canoe" are revealed by the rays of the June 24, 2021 Full Moon as We the People react in Saturnine fashion to the energies and ideas reflected by the dreamy June 10, 2021 Solar Eclipse so we may find ourselves or others 'interminably quarreling with the nature of things' (4Cancer) and demonstrating an 'inability to get along with anybody' (4Capricorn; Jones).

But if this doesn't describe you, dear reader, I'm glad!

Feb 12, 2021

Pluto is Creeping Around 'Nazi Rising' Eclipse planets!

February 12, 2021: A Forewarning: Transit Pluto Can Help Activate Nazism

by Jude Cowell

In one of my previous posts you'll see the 6 South 'Nazis Rise' Solar Eclipse of 1932 set for Berlin, Germany. Meanwhile, the world is again threatened by the rise of such draconian movements of authoritarianism so in view of recent and ongoing events in the US and across the globe, it seems significant that transit Pluto in Capricorn is already within orb of 1932 Saturn (28Cap55 Rx, 10th house in Berlin 1932). Therefore, tr Pluto (@25Cap34 today) has been activating the aspects made by 1932 Saturn in the eclipse chart:

Tr Pluto, planet of transformation and regeneration, recently opposed 1932 Pluto (Capricorn vs Cancer, as we've seen before) and remains within orb of squaring 1932 Uranus, zealous, fanatical, and Utopian when in Aries. Transit Pluto will exactly conjunct 1932 Saturn 3 times: 1. February 9, 2023; 2. July 30, 2023; 3. December 17, 2023 - for the first time ever. So the possible manifestations of this Pluto-to-Saturn transit applies now, through 2023, and into 2024. Of course, in the background of society there are other transits occurring as well, some heavy, some mitigating. But Pluto-Saturn contacts are the weightiest and suggest transformed or altered traditions and structures, current circumstances bringing restriction and limitations, the past affecting the present, ambition that may be 'off the charts' or roguish, and issues of abuse of power which will intenstify and must be dealt with (better sooner than later but tragically, currently sitting Republican senators appear not up to the task of taking an ethical stance and voting against white supremacist Trump which means that his take-over efforts will be emboldened, even strengthened). This adds to the danger suggested by the Nazis Rising Eclipse Horoscope - because history rhymes.

Karmic Planets Saturn, Uranus, Pluto Bring Generational Conflicts

In addition, current Pluto transits to the 1932 planets in the horoscope linked, above, include potentials for assaults from powerful entities upon political and economic structures, no-compromise struggles for control (ex: of the Oval Office), and restrictions upon resources that are necessary for government to function (a longheld Republican dream).

Now if you view the 1932 Eclipse Horoscope, you'll notice a prominent, motivating T-Square of much dynamism between Mars, Saturn, and Uranus (with the Mars-Saturn midpoint as the 'death axis' pointing toward erratic, disruptive Uranus) and this, according to Reinhold Ebertin, denotes 'sudden acts of violence', and Noel Tyl adds, 'breaking loose.'

As always, your on-topic comments and observations are invited as long as your name is attached - No 'Anonymous' or 'Unknown' comments will be published. Jude

Aug 18, 2020

August 24, 2020 Louis DeJoy to Defend USPS Sabotage

Expectations for a Controversial Proceeding

by Jude Cowell

August 18, 2020: By now everyone has heard that US Postal Service saboteur Louis DeJoy has agreed to testify before the House Oversight and Reform Committee on Monday August 24, 2020 which happens to be the opening day of the Republican National Convention this year. Enshrined within the US Constitution, Americans are taking the sabotage of the USPS (which therefore amounts to an undermining of our Constitution) very badly indeed. Even a few Republicans have given what may be only lip service to the outrageousness of Trump's USPS assault which threatens to further break down the fabric of society.

Astrologically, several planetary aspects form on the 24th but the 'star of the show' must be the Mars-Saturn square which perfects at 2:19 pm edt and imprints its difficult energies upon the day's events. That Mr. DeJoy is a large donor to Trump and to the RNC serves to spotlight his sabotage of the USPS as a selfish, corrupt pursuit of greed and profit as well as his soul-less attempt to keep career-criminal Trump in power.

Of course, this square is part of the current Mars-Saturn cycle which began with their conjunction on March 31, 2020 @00AQ29 (2:31 pm edt) - conjunct US Inaugural Sun (Trump). This created a midpoint picture of a POTUS (Sun) 'breaking down under stress' and who 'could not meet all demands or master all situations'. An illness-and-death factor was added as well so naturally we think of the expanding corona virus contagion and Trump's selfish attempt to ignore its overwhelming implications for him personally.

March Leads to August

So now, with both malevolent planets strong in their own signs (Aries-Capricorn: Cardinal and initiating), the obstacle-laden square between them threatens harsh, angry, even dangerous proceedings. A callous atmosphere will be on display between DeJoy and his questioners (Mars vs Saturn) who obviously won't be getting along very well during his proposed testimony especially with sharp questions from Rep. Katy Porter. Hers may be what we all want to hear DeJoy answer or try to evade! Expectably, sullen anger may be shown by someone on Monday and I'm going to take a not-so-wild guess and say that this would be Mr. DeJoy whose actions and motives (Mars) are under scrutiny (Saturn: authority, lawmakers, the law, lawyers in Congress). For as you know, the distrustful, dishonest Mars-Saturn duo signifies destructive, harmful energies which DeJoy has demonstrably perpetrated against our much beloved US Postal Service (serving us brilliantly since 1775!).

Plus, if it occurs, "postmaster general" DeJoy's appearance on Capitol Hill on Monday will spotlight a test of wills between Trump comrade DeJoy (with his own financial fish to fry) vs House Democrats. Actually, Trump's strong, often irrational will is one of the targets of the show, isn't it? That, and the Trump-DeJoy determination to sabotage the 2020 Election by preventing voters from mailing in their ballots (while staying safely at home) which could stage a massive Blue Landslide - a Tsunami - against a potential second term of Trump the mad mobster, born under the brutal death-dealing midpoint picture of Mars-Saturn = Pluto.

Now as you know, Reinhold Ebertin describes Mars-Saturn midpoint as the 'death axis' so we must hope that any death involved on Monday will apply to DeJoy's and Trump's underhanded efforts to destroy the US Postal Service (which would result in the service being privatized, they hope) and not to the USPS itself.

Holding angular sway at the Midheaven of recent US Inauguration Horoscopes (MC: '26/27 Capricorn' conjunct US natal Pluto) we see Saturn Rx @27Capricorn on Monday during DeJoy's House testimony as the taskmaster planet blends his karmic energies with US natal Pluto, always a difficult transit containing 'issues of power and control' and/or 'abuse of power' implications.

As for the August 24th Mars-Saturn square, testy Mars can be a vicious activist, malcontent, and flame-thrower particularly when in Aries but in a flurry of hope I'm weighting the day's outcome, and pinning my hopes, on Saturn's strength and demand for accountability in governmental Capricorn! Starkly revealing of this crisis, the Mars-Saturn square forms a Thor's Hammer (or, Fist of God) pattern that points toward testifying Mercury @9Virgo in the 9th house of Legal Affairs! Is August 24's Mercury (with his magician's wand) casting a spotlight on Election 2016's and Inauguration 2017's Prenatal Eclipse in the 19 North Saros Series with its themes of 'realism, coming down to earth with a bump, recognizing a situation for what it really is', and 'tackling the truth'? (Brady). You'll remember that 19 North's themes were completely undermined by transit Neptune @9Pisces directly opposing the eclipse, a cosmic condition that has stained the entire term of Trump in the White House with Neptunian fantasy, corruption, fraud, deceit, loss, theft, scandals, and Trump's 24/7 fight against the truth. Can Louis DeJoy successfully defend Trump's inglorious leadership and his constant deceit? Will he try with deceit of his own?

Defend Trump or not, at Winter Solstice 2020, the game-changing Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction, with its 'checks and balances', 'change in government' and 'leniency vs harshness' vibes lands directly upon US Inaugural Sun (00AQ+) which suggests a 'new order' that requires fresh and competent leadership full of innovative ideas and plans for solving America's old problems. And for handling solutions for our future problems and difficulties.

Louis DeJoy June 20, 1957 Brooklyn, NY (no hour known) with Sun in late Gemini, Moon in either Pisces or Aries, Mercury in mid-Gemini, Jupiter @23Virgo (conjunct US natal Neptune), and Saturn, planet of accountability, retrograde @9Sagittarius conjunct warring Antares. Perhaps his temper will flare! But without a timed natal chart, what interests me most about DeJoy are the themes of his 13 South Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') which manifested on April 19, 1957 @8Tau22 (now being activated off and on by transit Uranus!) Paraphrasing Brady, 13 South themes are: 'expansive energy under which lies a more sinister flavor; the urge to expand contains frustration, inhibitions, loss, or separation; striving for group endeavors positively or negatively', and may involve issues of 'constitutional crisis' (USPS enshrined!).

So it will be engaging on Monday August 24, 2020, to see if the sinister energies within the activities of Trump and DeJoy, as they attempt to continue undermining the US Constitution while destroying our right to vote, are expressed by Mercury the Messenger testifying while in its own sign of discriminating Virgo, sign of The Critic. Especially since DeJoy's natal Pluto conjuncts royal Regulus and thus powerfully connects with Trump's natal Ascendant and ropes in Donnie's rising Mars. And should we add that August 24th is the day of DeJoy's 2020 Venus Return (16Cancer+) which happens to conjunct the natal Nemesis of Donald Trump?

p.s. Confession: I'm not sure which of these two sidewinding varmints is the larger underworld figure!

Related Posts include: Midpoint Pictures of Inauguration 2021 and the good-for-about-12-years Horoscope of America's current Jupiter Return which occurred in 2013 with We The People's Jupiter Return Moon @25Capricorn (!) in the Return 6th house of Health and Service. And considering society's current troubles and turmoil, you may agree that it will be tres interesting to see what America's next Jupiter Return (Horoscope) has in store!

UPDATE August 19, 2020: This Friday, August 21, 2020, Louis DeJoy is scheduled to attend a hearing in the Republican-led Senate. Soft-ball questions are expected by yours truly as transit Venus @13Cancer conjuncts US Sun (July 4, 1776) - grandstanding and acting will occur - plus, dog star Sirius (The Scorcher) while the August 21st Sun returns to and activates its Great American Eclipse degree of August 21, 2017 in the 1 North Saros Series, aka, The Mother of All Eclipses series. 1 North themes: 'unexpected events concerning friends or groups place a great deal of pressure on personal relationships; issues loom large, information is distorted and possibly false; hasty decisions are unwise; tiredness or heath problems may be involved' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology). You'll remember how Trump removed safety glasses and stared up at the eclipse multiple times as the 'cosmic blink' perfected upon his natal Ascendant ('29Leo').

Mar 8, 2020

Jeff Sessions Trying To Win Back Trump's Heart - TYT

March 8, 2020: Well, I do declare! If it isn't another pearl-clutching episode of As the White House Turns brought to us by Ana Kasparian of The Young Turks:

Perhaps you recall the drama between Trump and 'his' Attorney General Jeff Sessions which culminated in November 2018 when Trump fired him just as transit Saturn in early Capricorn stomped Sessions' natal Mars!

Feb 13, 2020

Spring Equinox 2020's 2nd House Planetary Pairs

More on Spring Equinox 2020

by Jude Cowell

February 13, 2020: If you've watched Revealing Light Tarot's reading covering the Next 6 Months you've noticed Mary Ann's focus on the month of March which naturally contains Spring Equinox 2020 (March 19 11:49 pm ET), a horoscope that serves for the entire year and marks the moment when the Sun conjuncts the Aries Point of World Events. And if you use the late afternoon US natal chart of July 4, 1776 that I tend most to use, this times the Sun's entrance into America's natal 4th house of Domestic Scene and Homeland (with its 4/10 Security implications). The following post is my attempt at an additional consideration of Spring Equinox 2020 (the horoscope set for Washington DC) and the emphasis created by the chart's 2nd hou$e planetary pairs opposing the corporate 8th hou$e. Obviously, we must keep in mind other matters of the 8th house which include death, transition, the occult, shared resources, taxes, debt and credit, and/or insurance.

Mars as 2nd-house Trigger conjuncts Jupiter, then Pluto, then Saturn

In the Spring Equinox 2020 Horoscope (chart shown) we find a full 2nd house (National Treasury; Values; Earning Ability) suggesting a heavy focus on financial matters, if not economic, budgetary, and/or currency concerns. So let's consider the planetary pairs therein for more information in the Realms of Politics and Business as provided by Michael Munkasey and the Hegelian model (creating problems then 'solving' them the way that was already intended).

First, a few basics:

2nd cusp 25Sag19 makes money bags Jupiter the 2nd-house ruler; Jupiter also rules 4th house with its cusp @6Pis46 along with the 'help' of deceptive loss-leader Neptune, planet of fraud and mergers. Transit Jupiter first conjoins Pluto (1A54) suggesting The Fed, then Saturn (7A040) pointing toward a new social, political, and economic order (see the Jupiter-Saturn link, below). Placements in 2nd house include the drain of the Moon's South Node, the tail of the dragon, suggesting a neurotic reliance on past tactics that are no longer effective, and most folks agree that Trump has certainly plopped our National Treasury resources into the red, in large part due to his Tax Cuts for the wealthy (Corporate Socialism for the 1%!). That the Cancer-Capricorn polarity is intercepted across the 2/8 axis in the Spring Equinox 2020 chart denotes karmic conditions which must be addressed via its Moon-Saturn influences of ambition, strategy, and direction. Saturn-ruled Capricorn's involvement implies investments and Wall Street trading with depressive Moon-Saturn vibes. However, taking direct action to solve problems can always mitigate this.

Meanwhile, with 24Scorpio46 rising, 2nd-house Mars is chart-ruler (and activating trigger), plus, the warrior planet also rules the 5th house of Speculation and Risk-Taking (5th cusp 8Ari17). And with Mars @22Cap35, the January 12, 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 is thereby activated suggesting potentials for: ruthlessness, violence, and/or 'the necessity to fight for existence' (Ebertin). Munkasey adds 'the need to use whatever means or power available to continue working' and as we know, royalist Trump keeps claiming for himself expansive powers that break the parameters placed in the US Constitution = unconstitutional behavior of the Executive Branch morphing the US government into an imperial monarchy.

Plus, a nod should be made toward the 6th house of Work and Service (Civil, Military, Police, etc), and Health which contains disruptive Uranus @4Tau32 (in Taurus = seeking unusual sources of funding; environmental concerns) and money planet Venus @15Tau56 (conservative in Taurus yet luxury-loving). Together the Venus-Uranus pair relates to money matters such as extravagant spending, waste, eventual bankruptcy, plus, estrangement and relationship break-ups.

So here are some of the potentials of the planetary pairs posited in the 2nd-house with a few comments and a steel industry link included by yours truly:

Mars-Jupiter Thesis: action taken in response to legal judgments (Barr shortening Roger Stone's sentence?); advice which angers or inflames others (ditto); too much legal activity or opinions; religious activities. Anti-thesis: judgment of enemies or those who seek to do battles; misuse of forces; an expansion of military hardware (and funding); legal opinions or judicial cases which affect the military or metal industries.

Mars-Pluto Thesis: security forces allied with the military; conducting clandestine operations; using police or military against criminal elements (oh could we?); attacks using powerful forces and weaponry. Anti-thesis: A police state with rigid military controls; use of suppression and torture as a means of enforcing policy (Trump's dream?); exporting upheaval and political theory to others as an objective; wars, rape, mayhem, chaos.

Mars-Saturn (with Saturn strong in Capricorn at a critical-crisis 29th degree) Thesis: curtailing force or military power by authorities; enforcement of honor through the use of strife or struggle; wars which persist (yep); frustration imposed upon or by criminal elements (Alert: mob boss in the White House!); demands to halt armaments. Anti-thesis: military actions which continue under political or other restrictions; an obligation to use force (NATO?) when restraint is required; the ambitious taking of what belongs to another; an older enterprise becomes angered.

And if we add health to the planetary pictures in consideration of our concerns over Trump's obese medical condition, bad diet, and what looks to be his continual drug use (sniff sniff!), we find that Mars-Jupiter = hip or liver surgery or a major operation, Mars-Pluto = tumors and/or toxic diseases of the sexual organs (late-stage syphilis?), and Mars-Saturn = high blood pressure, blockages (how could a fatty grub not have these?), weak or withered muscles, and/or hyper followed by hypo (Munkasey).

Biologically, to Mars-Jupiter Ebertin adds 'heart muscle' and 'activity of the organs'; to Mars-Pluto: replacement by 'artificial organs and functions' (including dentures); to Mars-Saturn: 'joints, muscles, bones, tendons, sinews, bone or bone marrow inflammation; atrophy of an organ, and/or muscle paralysis, particularly of the breathing mechanism (includes suffocation)'.

(An additional astro-note: today, February 13, 2020, marks the first of three exact oppositions from transit Pluto to Trump's natal Saturn in clannish Cancer and these challenging energies imprint upon the whole of 2020 for him, and thus for our nation (exact again on July 12th and December 20th). Aptly, Trump's abuse of power issues are front and center in the news this very day via his Roger Stone sentencing interference, as you know, along with rigid demands concerning his authority, accountability, and unreliability, demands which are always required by cosmic taskmaster Saturn - his, spotlighted all through 2020 by oppositions from powerful Pluto, planet of manipulation, control, secrets, criminality, and hidden wealth.)

Well, this post is my second pass at the Spring Equinox 2020 Horoscope (aka, Aries Ingress) using a different lens than before. And as always your on-topic comments are welcome (moderated to cull out the ads and trolls!) and my Thanks for any and all Shares which encourage more such SO'W posts! jc

Related 2020 posts include: DC Horoscopes: Jupiter-Pluto Conjunctions of 2020 (tri-wheel charts shown), and the order-shifting Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction which ends 2020 on December 21st @00AQ29 - here are the conjunction's Midpoint Pictures and its DC Horoscope.

Sources: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey, and The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin.

Above image: 'Abandoned Garden with Peonies', a pencil drawing by yours truly.

Dec 8, 2019

Dec 26, 2019 Capricorn Solar Eclipse repeats from 1929

3 South Eclipse of November 1929 a Cosmic Christmas Gift for 2019 into 2020?

by Jude Cowell

December 8, 2019: In the year 1930 a lot of stuff occurred in the US and across the globe including debuts of Mickey Mouse, Loony Tunes, and the Discovery of Pluto (named after Mickey's dog, Pluto--wait! it's the other way round!). Also in 1930 were two Solar Eclipses which repeat in 2020 in the 4 North and 4 South Saros Series.

However, 1930 eclipses repeating in 2020 are actually topics for another post because first we should consider the last Solar Eclipse of 1929 in the 3 South Saros Series for we're about to fall within its field of influence (up to two weeks before the eclipse date) on December 26, 2019 so once again its themes are on society's cosmic calendar, my friends, and their solar vibes stretch into 2020. Manifesting on November 1, 1929 @9Scorpio, the previous occurrence of 3 South is the Prenatal Eclipse of Pluto's discovery. And as you know, Pluto is associated with the sign of power, research, spying, and intense brooding, Scorpio, yet Pluto's discovery degree is in Moon-ruled Cancer, as noted, below.

Revealingly, Ebertin says Pluto in Cancer is 'the magician' while Pluto in Capricorn is 'the dictator' so here we are from Moon-Pluto vibes to harsh Saturn-Pluto indications which culminate on January 12, 2020 @22Cap46 (conjunct Trump's natal Vertex 22:51).

Now when it comes to late 1929 and 1930, it's only natural that astrologers and astronomers alike immediately think of Clyde Tombaugh's confirmation of the discovery of Pluto on February 18, 1930 from photographs taken in January with Pluto's Tropical position at his debut @17Can46 Rx. Note that this evening as I type, transit Saturn @18Cap48 is done opposing 1930 Pluto off and on since February and March 2018. This denotes a period when authority challenges power and it's an unfavorable time to attempt manipulation of circumstances for personal advantage. Sound familiar like a political election scheme involving Ukraine? Well, this transit has affected any or all the realms that astrological Pluto rules such as political and financial power for Pluto's discovery horoscope is its 'birth chart' and transits to, and progressions of, the chart are attached intrinsically to Pluto's meaning--at least for those who use the lens of Astrology to study societal issues and topics which must unfortunately include atomic and nuclear concerns, the criminal elements of society, plus, ultra-wealthy culprits who wield hidden control. We can also mention that Saturn @8Cap57 in the Discovery Horoscope of Pluto was activated three times recently, all in 2018: on April 2nd (with Mars conjunct Saturn), May 3rd, and December 10th, a time of accountability and reckoning.

And now that transit Pluto in Capricorn opposes its past position in Cancer, most people (if they're paying attention to current events at all) can feel the titanic power struggle ongoing above our heads--or perhaps 'below the surface' is more appropriate for subterranean saboteur Pluto's deep, transformative effects occurring at a structural and cellular level.

As for the eclipse themes we're facing now via the 3 South Solar Eclipse of December 26, 2019 @4Cap06, we'll be dealing with concerns into 2020 such as 'sudden endings of associations', 'traumatic transformation through news received or short journeys undertaken' (Brady), plus, issues of our relationships to authority figures (a la Capricorn and Saturn in Capricorn--not good for markets) which must necessarily include government, law, investment, and business in general.

Now if you wish, check out a list of Events of 1929 in the US where the Inauguration of Herbert Hoover and the "Black Tuesday" Crash await you and be daring--for history doesn't always repeat but it does quite often rhyme.

Above image: Pluto without his cloak of invisibility

May 21, 2019

Warrior Planet Mars in Aries 2020

Today on Stars Over Washington I am featuring this morning's post just published to my general astrology blog Jude Cowell Astrology titled Mars in Aries 2020: That Fighting Spirit which mainly concerns the frustrating squares that transit Mars will form to karmic planets Saturn and Pluto in 2020, dates included.

If you're up for it, that is.

Nov 8, 2018

AG Sessions fired with Saturn conjunct natal Mars

When Attorney General Jeff Sessions was fired yesterday, November 7, 2018, transiting Saturn, strong in its own sign of Capricorn, sign of law, government, and authority, was sitting directly upon the natal Mars of former Senator Sessions (5Cap30).

Now the Mars-Saturn duo describes many things, among them hard work, destroyed vitality, harmful or destructive energy, and the 'death axis' (Ebertin). And apparently, White House Chief of Staff John Kelly made the phone call for we know that Trump would use someone else to do his 'dirty work' like The Don he is. (But some "embraces" you just don't want.)

So when restrictive Saturn, planet of karma, visits natal Mars, there are potentials (in this case, born out) for male relationships to break off, physical efforts to be ended or stopped, and any chronic health conditions to flare up (plus, transit Saturn has just recently dampened his natal Sun in very early Capricorn and with his Moon (physical body) in the range of 9Cap25 to 21Cap50, we know that his Moon is Saturnized or will be, not to mention the current transit of powerful Pluto's transformative stylings as he trods through Capricorn--ouch! Or the recent contact of the North Node with Sessions' natal Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Leo--double ouch!)

Additionally, the Saturn-to-Mars transit also suggests that as AG, Jeff Sessions circumvented the authority of Donald Trump when he recused himself from oversight of the Mueller investigation, thus enraging Trump against him, as we know. Thing is, his recusal was warranted since Sessions was a member of Trump Campaign 2016 although Mr. Trump pretends otherwise--it was his mistake to nominate Sessions in the first place. My question today is whether or not Jeff Sessions could be indicted for his contacts with foreign operatives during the 2016 Campaign, the contacts he lied about (perjured himself) before Congress, then finally admitted.

Yet even if the topic of a Sessions indictment 'disappears' from view or isn't warranted or pursued, I doubt we've heard the last of Jeff Sessions who may regroup and focus on a future course of action--also a possibility with the Mars-Saturn duo. And of course Trump's naming of loyalist Matthew Whitaker as temporary AG (without Senate confirmation) now opens a new can of Trumpian worms especially since some believe that partisan Whitaker, who has conflict of interest links to various players in the drama, should recuse himself from involvement with the Mueller investigation, too.

Now here's a previous post with astro-notes concerning the natal planets of Jeff Sessions with emphasis on his natal Jupiter in Scorpio.

Oct 12, 2018

Will Trump Fire Jeff Sessions After the 2018 Midterms?

In a previous SO'W post concerning the natal Jupiter of AG Jeff Sessions we discussed Beauregard's planets and in other previous posts the topic has been the November 6th 2018 Midterm Elections which, talking heads seem to agree, may time the firing of Attorney General Jeff Sessions by a Donald Trump desperately trying to stop the Mueller investigation.

Taking a quick peek at the horoscopes of Jeff Sessions (December 24, 1946 'noon' Selma, AL) and the 2018 Midterms, suggestive planetary links between the charts are shown. One degree area of interest includes Sessions' Capricorn planets: Sun @2Cap20 (at noon), Mars @5Cap31, and Moon possibly @15Capricorn for as you know, transit Pluto in Capricorn has in recent years intensified that degree area with Mr. Underworld's powerful transformative energies. However, an area of concern in 2018 is the position of restrictive Saturn on November 6, 2018 @5Cap24 which conjoins the natal Mars of Jeff Sessions. This is an energy-zapping, lowering transit during which relationships, particularly those with other males, may be limited in some way--or broken off completely.

Another hint is that on Election Day 2018, transit Sun @14Scorpio squares the natal Pluto of AG Sessions (which conjoins his natal Saturn in Leo). Sun square Pluto denotes potentials for direct confrontations and/or the betrayal of confidences. And loss-leader Neptune @13Pis47 Rx at the 2018 Midterms (planet of scandals!) forms a T-Square with the natal Mercury-Uranus opposition of Jeff Sessions which suggests nerve troubles (Ebertin). Well, I'd be nervous too if I had to deal personally with Donald Trump and his 12th house Mars and Pluto! Not that the prospective firing of Jeff Sessions will be done in-person, mind you, but if Jeff Sessions is fired at any point it will probably be second-hand in a tweet or on TV.

Now it's true that none of this planetary action may be sufficient to describe Mr. Trump firing Mr. Sessions around or after the 2018 Midterms, but if Congress assures Mr. Trump that they will confirm a new Attorney General once the Midterms are off the political calendar, what more justification will the vulnerable Donald Trump need?