Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government Apr 10, 2008
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UN Official Calls for Study of Neocons' Role in 9/11 10 Apr 2008
A new UN Human Rights Council official assigned to monitor Israel [Richard Falk, Milbank professor of international law emeritus at Princeton University] is calling for an official commission to study the role neoconservatives may have played in the Sept 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
The narrative that the attacks from 2001 were a "false flag" operation is a recurring theme in the literature challenging the consensus conspiracy theory that 19 al-Qaeda hijackers flew commercial jets into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. False flag refers to espionage or covert actions taken by one government made to seem like the work of another.
The false flag thesis has it that the Bush administration is somehow responsible for the September 11 attacks as a pretext for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. [And so much more! See: CLG 9/11 Exposition Zone.]#
And this is what I posted two years ago on April 10, 2006 about Cheney's Secondary Progressed chart set for the morning of 9/11/01 (chart's image included): Pluto/Chiron = Mc, a sight which may be difficult to believe until you see it--
--that the duo of plutocracy, corporatism, racism including white supremacy, violence, oppression, and primal power and the abuse of it--the Pluto/Chiron midpoint--is smack dab at Midheaven for Mr. Cheney on that morning his airplane games were interfering with our military's ability to protect the American People.
Whether someone told someone else that NORAD would be unstable or unavailable that morning, or whether it was all planned to let through the airplanes as a "second Pearl Harbor" false flag op, it amounts to the same thing--crooks in the White House and Pentagon.
Needless to say, I was glad to see LegitGov's article on the UN official calling for an investigation (a lone voice?), but little practical improvements ever result from political 'probes' and they're often simply smokescreens for the evil-doers among us.
Secrets stay hidden and culprits go on acting against society's best interests and by holding "investigations" certain actors seem to be 'doing something' about the problem under discussion.
So in this sense, I agree with Hillary--talking isn't doing. It's WHAT she'll do to nurture the NWO seeds she helped plant into the New Millenium that concerns me, not that she can or can't 'do' the job on "day one" or on any other day.
Questions and Consequences
You know how it takes one to know one? You know how "by their fruits ye shall know them"? Well, if you know someone in the illusive, supposed 28% of Americans who continue to favor Bush and his neocon whiteshirts, beg them to have their specs updated and upgraded because what the 72% sees is neocons producing __loads of merde and woe for their "vision" of a one world government.
Anyway, my babbling aside, please take a quick peek at Cheney's Progressed chart for 9/11/01. You don't have to speak Astrologese to see what's residing at the Aspiration Point of his chart--the abusive control of Pluto/Chiron.
1 comment:
do you think the truth will ever be revealed?
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