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Showing posts with label false flag ops. Show all posts
Showing posts with label false flag ops. Show all posts

Oct 11, 2017

DC Horoscope: Cancer Full Moon Jan 1, 2018

As you remember, the first lunation of year 2017 perfected on January 12, 2017 with a Full Moon @22Can27 and was the culmination-fulfillment stage of the New Moon @7Cap59 of December 29, 2016. These lunations were during the Trump Transition period as he and daughter Ivanka readied for Inauguration 2017 on January 20th.

This time New Year's Day 2018 brings society a Full Moon @11Can37 which, degree-wise, is surrounded by America's natal Venus, Jupiter, and Sun in the 2-to-14-degree range of Cancer (July 4, 1776). Goddess star Sirius (The Scorcher) is included. So as before, 2017 business laps into or holds over into the next calendar year of 2018 for the seeding stage, the New Moon @26Sag31 on December 18, 2017 culminates with the New Year's Day 2018 Full Moon.

Please enlarge the following image to read my notes penned on the chart including a high-flying Kite pattern of success with the Full Moon as its tail and the Sun @11Cap37 as the Kite's nose. Mars and Neptune are involved in the pattern as well and form a trine aspect. Midpoint pictures are thus created with these potentials--Mars-Neptune = Sun: discontent; lack of vitality or willpower; infection; undermining of health (or health insurance?- jc); and Moon: crooks; danger of infection; feeling inferior; sensitivity; nervousness; weak, sick, or moody women (Ebertin).

Quirky Uranus in Mars-ruled Aries is Station Direct (zealots; anarchists; Utopians -Ebertin), plus, as you see, warrior planet Mars applies to expansive Jupiter (The General; the CEO) in big business Scorpio (3rd house) which may denote troop movements into foreign lands (Mars rules 8th and 9th cusps) along with the Mars-Neptune trine which hints at America's problematic Mars-Neptune square of misguided actions, wrong directions, and 'the fog of war'--an aspect astrologer Alan Oken calls, "The Obsessive Impulse".

Still, it's an Hour of restrictive Saturn, strong in its own sign of Capricorn, so we can pray that cooler heads with steadier hands will prevail over hothead Mars-Rising Mr. Trump, the 'obsessive- impulsive' ego-maniacal moron in the White House with his quirky finger on The Button:

See Senior Republican Says Trump May Have to Be Physically Restrained from Launching Nuclear Strike.

And unfortunately no, I don't believe he has any better common sense than to press The Button when his massive and pathetic ego and/or his bank account are challenged. But as I've blogged previously, someone in charge wanted Trump in the White House in order to set up such a dire scenario--and I believe all the chaos, threat, fear and paranoia are based on the Hegelian Dialect and intended to establish a totalitarian 'new world order'. And this includes the noticeable increase of violent "false flag ops" across the globe.

Oct 12, 2012

Final Interview w filmmaker Aaron Russo (video)

As the dust settles from last evening's VP debate (and I trust you enjoyed the bickering the Oct 11 debate's horoscope predicted would break out!), here's an interesting video with filmmaker Aaron Russo concerning the fakery of the 9/11 attacks and several other topics--see what you think!

No time to watch the video? Then how about this curiosity: Aaron Russo and Nick Rockefeller were friends and apparently Mr. Rockefeller at some point revealed the elite agenda to Mr. Russo!

Thanks to Forbidden Knowledge TV for the heads-up on this video.


Blog Note: as has been posted previously, all videos and articles shown or linked to on this blog and all books noted contain the opinions and information of others and are not necessarily endorsed by yours truly though some are partially or fully so. They are provided as blog content so that topics seen from various perspectives may be explored and considered by open-minded SO'W readers! Jude

Aug 28, 2012

Does voting Mercury's Station Rx on 11.06.12 tell of a false flag op?

Mercury, planet of voting and ballots, unhelpfully performs a Station Retrograde at 6:03 pm edt on Election Day 2012 (Nov 6) as it strongly opposes President Obama's natal Moon in Gemini--an opposition to his wishes.

Can this be a cosmic indication of an Obama-staged false flag operation meant to disrupt the November 6th election and thus keep him in power?

Well, someone writing for the Canada Free Press seems to think it's possible. And yet...since Mercury will oppose the president's natal Moon (reigning need--Tyl), any terrorist attack on US soil could very well plop a political fly into the DHS ointment, a fly that buzzes even more loudly as an anti-Obama plan with a Rovian flair!

Remember how the Bush-Cheney-Rove gang and the DHS trotted out threatening Osama bin Laden tapes--modified though they may have been--just before election time? Well, unfondly so do I for it swayed many gullible voters into accepting more misfortunes under a warmongering Republican White House. And you know what a financial boondoggle fighting wars on credit card is for the American people for the misguided, misdirected US government is still doing it as if expecting a different outcome!

Jul 25, 2012

Was Aurora Massacre a false flag op?

Now this was predictable: speculations that the recent Aurora Theater massacre (pardon, but I can't call the tragedy simply a "shooting" as talking heads do on TV) was a staged false flag op. Some say there's another more dangerous one on the way, perpetrated for political purposes to sway the masses and gain even more anti-Constitutional control over the American people than has already been grabbed.

Here's such an article now along with the midpoint picture full of dynamically dangerous energies which forms the basis of such anti-social urges and actions thanks to the explosive, hostile, gun-toting Mars-Uranus opposition squaring (blocking/frustrating) powerful manipulator Pluto in Saturn-controlled Capricorn lurking at the apex of their midpoint and indicating a continuing influence which yes, may denote another attack or attacks of a forceful, harmful nature with Pluto ordering assassination and Mars usually the shooter who carries out the criminal deed:

Mars-Uranus = Pluto: force; intervention of the big shock; a Higher Power. (Ebertin; Tyl.)

So perhaps you'll allow me to repeat myself on a certain topic since I decided to neglect publishing the Aurora horoscope or the natal chart of James Holmes--that it isn't so much the violent 'entertainment' from Hollywood (or video games) our society is saturated with ('pandering to the lowest common denominator to seek one's fortune'), OR the availability of guns (being a typical American and fan of the US Constitution.) It's that these items are made freely available to the weaker among us, those whose psyches are fragile and unable to withstand the below-board standards of the characters involved in films (murderers, assassins, criminals), and who have no moral compass pointing to a better direction--and with little or no ability to assess truth from fiction.

Add in their past abuses, emotional and mental traumas, and grievous losses (which all may suffer in life) and we have a volatile mix of folk who have no good reason to buy guns and ammunition and who are deeply affected by watching violent anti-social "entertainment" over and over and over again as they mind-control themselves into acting out their psychoses.

Plus, manipulative Pluto, Mr. Underworld, (and he of the world's best psychiatric institutions and pharmaceutical experiments) understands these dynamics very well. And he knows how to use them.

Now that's only my personal opinion. Feel free as always to disagree!

Sep 27, 2010

Ahmadinejad's '9/11' UN speech (video)

Sometimes even the devil speaks the truth. But does Ahmadinejad?

Aug 9, 2010

9/11 Truth billboard goes up in California (hurrah!)

If you've read this blog more than once or twice, then you may be aware that I consider the Attacks of 9/11 to be either a false flag op compliments of the US government, or at the very least, 9/11 was enabled by Washington.

So you know I love this: the first 9/11 billboard advising us to question the truth has been put up in California, apparently on Thursday, August 5, 2010.

If architects and engineers doubt the official version of that day, then why won't the rest of us?

It Still Matters What Really Happened

After all, the 9/11 attacks allegedly gave 'legitimacy' to the SCOTUS-installed Bush-Cheney dual presidency and are still being used by President Obama as Washington's 'justification' for invading the Middle East, a justification that I intuited was bogus from the start.

Plus, the US has a history of setting up explosive events (false flag ops) in order to ramp up the emotions of Americans (and make us feel our interests and safety are at stake) so we'll march to war to do the bidding of the power elite. The ploy has worked so well for them in the past, why stop, right?

So let's question the official story. Because 9/11/01 is most definitely one of those emotionally manipulative, explosive events.


A Keeper: the Complete 9/11 Timeline which has had items added as recently as July 2010.

Apr 21, 2010

A History of False Flag Ops: Bullhorns Over Rubble

The video When False Flags Don't Fly gives us an interesting view concerning the brutal actions taken by governments in order to persuade and propagandize their own populations while they are still in shock over the violence perpetrated against them.

Click to read one of the most comprehensive and link-rich lists of false flag ops you may wish to find anywhere and watch the video, if you will.

And yes, the Oklahoma City Bombing and both World Trade Center bombings are on the list.


"The Party seeks power entirely for its for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness; only power, pure power. What pure power means you will understand presently. We are different from all oligarchies of the past in that we know what we are doing. All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were cowards and hypocrites. The German Nazis and the Russian Communists came very close to us in their methods, but they never had the courage to recognize their motives. They pretended, perhaps they even believed, that they had seized power unwillingly and for a limited time, and just round the corner there lay a paradise where human beings would be free and equal. We are not like that, We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes a revolution in order to establish a dictatorship..."

1984 - George Orwell.

Jun 28, 2008

The crystal ball of Underdog McCain

Just want to be certain you heard that John "Underdog" McCain seems to have a secret about the November presidential election:

McCain predicts he'll overtake Obama 48 hours before the election so he must know something we don't know.

Sounds to me like Underdog, as he's calling himself, has received an assurance from Karl Rove.

Well, November 4 is a Lunar Return for John McCain, his natal Moon conjuncts US natal Pluto (power; the secret hand), and thus Underdog's n Pluto opposes US n Pluto--sheesh! you say, that's a shotload of Moon-Pluto energy...what does it mean?

Moon-Pluto is a primal combination of emotions and rage with his natal opposition giving him an extremely touchy temperament, as colleagues in the Senate can attest when they offend McCain's vanity, however slightly.

By comparison, Bush's Cancerian sensitivity is nothing in comparison to this joker's emotional issues and need for control. Natal moon in Capricorn = reigning need for control and authority, which only bolsters his Moon-Pluto issues such as:

McCain's tolerance for emotional pain is very low and his bitterness is deep toward those who would attempt to control him--they're wasting their time if they try. He'll be doin' the controlling around here, and donchu forget it.

There's a natural defiance of authority with a Moon-Pluto opposition, so having this primal, maniacal rage within White House walls with this particular finger on The Button are frightening thoughts.

Public relations is a usual interest with this aspect yet there will be trouble in dealing with the public. His Crankiness may be on display from the Oval Office on a regular basis with a president named McCain, whose natal Moon-with-US-Pluto will be on display at Midheaven on Jan 20, 2009, noon, Capitol Building...The Goal.

If we think George Bush has turned a deaf ear to the American people during his interminable tenure, push Underdog through the backdoor and don't expect any hint of a president "representing" the common good--or of his upholding, protecting, or defending, the US Constitution.

With a McCain presidency, a show will be made initially, of course--they all do for the illusive honeymoon period, but really--shouldn't the Oath of Office be morphed to reflect a globalist shill's true elitist intent toward America?

So the natal aspect which may help catapult McCain into the White House may turn out to be the fly in the bad president ointment "at the end of the day" as Moon (the public; publicity)-Pluto (propaganda; manipulation; control; coping ability) give Underdog the necessary primal energy to continue the fascist subjugation of the American people and the destruction and transformation of our nation's most hallowed dreams, systems, and infrastructures.

With Moon-Pluto, Underdog possesses the massive Ego needed for the job of top propaganda-catapulter (as Bush so richly termed himself...sometimes a hint of honesty accidentially--aka unconsciously--peeks through their political masks. Kind of like the above announcement where McCain--oops!--spills a smidge of The November Plan!)

And with McCain as prez, the political fly paper has Dick Cheney's wings pinned to our destiny as before and the New World Order marches on totally oblivious and uncaring for the misery it causes the innocent.

About 48 hours before Nov 4, eh? Moon will conjunct McCain's natal Jupiter in mid-Sagittarius during that time bringing happy feelings and a fleeting sense of well-being!

False flag op, bin Laden tape release, an Obama secret revealed, a new trick up Rove's magician's sleeve? The possibilities are truly endless when you live by the ends-justify-the-means creed of Washington players and the blackmailers who enable them.

Apr 11, 2008

9/11 a false flag op

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government Apr 10, 2008

All items are here: LegitGov Breaking News

UN Official Calls for Study of Neocons' Role in 9/11 10 Apr 2008

A new UN Human Rights Council official assigned to monitor Israel [Richard Falk, Milbank professor of international law emeritus at Princeton University] is calling for an official commission to study the role neoconservatives may have played in the Sept 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

The narrative that the attacks from 2001 were a "false flag" operation is a recurring theme in the literature challenging the consensus conspiracy theory that 19 al-Qaeda hijackers flew commercial jets into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. False flag refers to espionage or covert actions taken by one government made to seem like the work of another.

The false flag thesis has it that the Bush administration is somehow responsible for the September 11 attacks as a pretext for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. [And so much more! See: CLG 9/11 Exposition Zone.]#


And this is what I posted two years ago on April 10, 2006 about Cheney's Secondary Progressed chart set for the morning of 9/11/01 (chart's image included): Pluto/Chiron = Mc, a sight which may be difficult to believe until you see it--

--that the duo of plutocracy, corporatism, racism including white supremacy, violence, oppression, and primal power and the abuse of it--the Pluto/Chiron midpoint--is smack dab at Midheaven for Mr. Cheney on that morning his airplane games were interfering with our military's ability to protect the American People.

Whether someone told someone else that NORAD would be unstable or unavailable that morning, or whether it was all planned to let through the airplanes as a "second Pearl Harbor" false flag op, it amounts to the same thing--crooks in the White House and Pentagon.

Needless to say, I was glad to see LegitGov's article on the UN official calling for an investigation (a lone voice?), but little practical improvements ever result from political 'probes' and they're often simply smokescreens for the evil-doers among us.

Secrets stay hidden and culprits go on acting against society's best interests and by holding "investigations" certain actors seem to be 'doing something' about the problem under discussion.

So in this sense, I agree with Hillary--talking isn't doing. It's WHAT she'll do to nurture the NWO seeds she helped plant into the New Millenium that concerns me, not that she can or can't 'do' the job on "day one" or on any other day.

Questions and Consequences

You know how it takes one to know one? You know how "by their fruits ye shall know them"? Well, if you know someone in the illusive, supposed 28% of Americans who continue to favor Bush and his neocon whiteshirts, beg them to have their specs updated and upgraded because what the 72% sees is neocons producing __loads of merde and woe for their "vision" of a one world government.

Anyway, my babbling aside, please take a quick peek at Cheney's Progressed chart for 9/11/01. You don't have to speak Astrologese to see what's residing at the Aspiration Point of his chart--the abusive control of Pluto/Chiron.

Mar 24, 2008

America's next 9/11?

A Little Sugar Makes the Medicine Go Down

America's Next 9/11

By Paul Craig Roberts

There is so much that Americans do not know about secret schemes serving undeclared agendas. Those who have attempted to clue in fellow citizens are invariably frustrated, because Americans have been trained to dismiss the messenger who brings news of "false flag" events as a "conspiracy theorist."

Information Clearing House has the article.

As usual whenever I post on Alexander Litvinenko, my posts mysteriously disappear and all manner of sneaky stuffs go on.

But in spite of it, here's my original posting of Litvinenko's Statement given from his hospital bed to his poisoner...mainly because I would feel a little better about the whole thing if as many people as possible rememebered him and what was done to him for POLITICAL reasons--because NO ONE deserves such a fate.

Feb 2, 2008

Pentagon ready for Bush's catastrophes

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government Feb 2, 2008

All items are here: LegitGov Breaking News

Pentagon claims ready for upcoming Bush false flags:

Pentagon rejects report, says ready for WMD attack: The Pentagon on Friday insisted it is ready to respond to a [Bush] chemical, biological or nuclear attack inside the United States, rejecting an independent panel's criticism of its preparations. But the Pentagon conceded it is not yet satisfied with its plans to respond to some of the 15 catastrophic attack scenarios [!] that federal agencies have been ordered to prepare for, such as a nuclear attack or a series of chemical attacks throughout the country.#

Does this sound like it's ramping up to favor Cheney's happy fun day scrambling air responses on the morning of 9/11?

Don't taunt Happy Fun Ball (thanks, SNL.)

But do visit George Washington's Blog for 9/11 information.

Personal Note to my friends, Neith, Jilly, and Twilight: thanks, my dears for your kind comments--and if Blogger would allow me to open a comment window I'd have answered you all in timely fashion, so for now let me say that I much appreciate your many attentions and concerns! And--

The fault lies not in our stars, but in our blog hosts...