Solar Eclipse 19Can24 July 11, 2010 @ 3:40:24 pm edt, White House, Washington, DC; Hour of Venus; ASC 16Soc09 = Saturn/Pluto = Mars/NN; Mc 25Leo24; out-of-sign Cardinal T-SQs (critical degree Saturn 29Vir17): Jupiter/Saturn = Pluto 3Cap42 Rx in 2nd house, and Saturn/Uranus = Pluto; Eclipse in 8th house of Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, and Insurance.
Right off the bat you see that this is a difficult Solar Eclipse, don't you? So if you prefer a pie-in-the-sky type of Astrology, you may wish to skip reading this post which concerns politics, business, and financial systems.
Sun/Moon 19Can24 conjoins both the Heliocentric North Node of Pluto, and Fixed Star Castor (sudden fame or loss, murder, mental illness, crippling of limbs - A. Louis.) Celeste Teal adds for Castor the possibilities of decapitation, fevers, and rape.
Midpoints of Sat/Plu and Mars/NN are rising...all, any, or none may apply; details from Tyl, Ebertin, and Munkasey:
Sat/Plu = ASC: cumbersome or difficult circumstances; sadness; bereavement; separation; silent power or continuing influences; concentration upon important matters; assessment of how to work with powerful people.
Michael Munkasey gives the 'Saturn/Pluto' combo in relation to politics and business as: use of secret police or military agencies; restraints on destructive weapons; upsets in existing checks and balances; turmoils in rigid or older structures; earth blocks sewage systems.
That's the Thesis; here's the Antithesis of 'Sat/Plu': secret preparations for future restrictions; keeping affairs private and not open to scrutiny; hoarding resources for potential future disasters; lengthy considerations of removal methods or methods of destruction.
Employing stealth, replacing past rigid habit patterns, correcting the effects of past excesses, and an ability or failure to adequately provide for conditions of future reversals may also be represented by the Sat/Plu blend of harsh energies.
'Mars/NN' = ability to attract or sell military might from others; the use of mercenaries; allies who send military help in times of need; energy or military hardware provided for by treaty. Antithesis: aggressive actions against a nation by hostile countries; warlike acts break treaties; dispersal of weapons or resources without safeguards or without intentions of others that they will pay for them.
Listed on the chart are the two midpoint pictures formed by the T-SQs:
Jup/Sat = Plu: tremendous perseverance; dramatic thrust of ego; fearless; control of the situation; major or violent changes; people unafraid of hard work to attain aims slowly but surely; immense efforts; separation; restriction (see the last paragraph of this post); a total reversal of plans; intense business activities.
Sat/Uran = Plu: concealing changes in one's activities; ending extreme practices that hinder progress; drastic reforms in a previously liberal atmosphere; rigid inflexibility replaces adaptation; violence or brutality; rebellion against one's lot in life; harm through force majeure; upheaval to protect assets. (You have assets?)
An Eclipse in Cancer personalizes its effects for any nation having strong Cancer placements (US) and indicates a highlighting of issues such as homeland, domestic scene, security issues; consumerism, food crops, milk; business and real estate.
Its 8th house position for the US shows a link to the financial system and economy and may indicate delays of new opportunities for expansion and growth, stress in educational systems (reforms will be costly), long distance travel, publishing and religion; markets fluctuate (perhaps wildly.)
Scandals are always possible when an Eclipse lifts the rock and this Eclipse's 8th house position may bring more revelations concerning frauds, thefts, and deceits.
The July 2010 Solar Eclipse, which Celeste Teal titles 'Victory Over Obstacles', is in the 12 South (12S) Series: 'successful outcomes to long-term worries or illness; a draining issue will at first seem worse, then clear with positive outcomes.' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)
Well, that sounds fairly decent, right? Wish it were that simple!
12S is America's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series (PE) which occurred @ 00Pis33 on Feb 19, 1776. And here wounding/wounded Chiron @ 00Pis19 Rx is, as you see (click chart to enlarge) triggering our nation's PE. (Chiron is 'experiential'.) And now that Chiron has entered nebulous, obfuscating Pisces, oceanic sign of compassion and creativity, can President Obama's Chiron Return be far behind?
Actually, while we're on the subject, let me give the doozy of a Chiron Return for Mr. Obama - it's quite unsual for any return chart because it's a '5-er'...
Barack Obama's Chiron 5Pis19 Rx (born Aug 4, 1961) returns to natal degree:
1. May 21, 2011;
2. June 27, 2011 Rx;
3. Feb 26, 2012;
4. Oct 19, 2012 Rx;
5. Dec 10, 2012.
Yowch! Since this leaves me quite speechless (unusual, I know), yet this list must be left for another time except to say that Mr. Obama's lessons relating to Chiron are massive indeed, and yes, this will affect the country he leads, assuming he completes his term, and that Earth's poles don't shift us to kingdom come by Dec 2012.
Back to July 11, 2010
There are many factors worth discussing in the chart you see pictured here and I trust my able Astrology colleagues online to analyze them in various ways as they emphasize the chart's multi-facets. Therefore, I shall veer a little to a synchronicitous consideration since I deal primarily on this blog with Washington DC and the politicians who infest our nation's capital.
And you, dear reader, have certainly been paying close attention to the corporate bailouts and other shady dealings which Capitol Hill and Wall Street have been perpetrating upon our nation - those which have become impossible for even the most problem-avoiding ostrich to ignore as they culminated in Financial Collapse 2008.
Transiting Pluto, that secret hand and spying saboteur (and Dragon Guarding the Riches) now opposing US natal Venus, Jupiter, and Sun in Cancer tells a tale of outer forces allied against the US financial system; these transits has been covered here before. And tr Saturn and Pluto have been affecting the Fed's natal chart, too.
So there are two things I want to mention now about the Solar Eclipse @ 19Can24: it triggers a Great Conjunction from the past of two planets that together related directly to financial and industrial titans (global bankers), the Fed, and to religious leaders as well: Jupiter/Pluto, with its 'great desire for power over others' flavor.
Their Great Conjunction of Dec 11, 2007 marks what has been officially touted as the beginning of the current recession. And the brittle, make-or-break, old vs new energies of Saturn/Uranus came into play in Dec 2007 because Jupiter and Pluto met @ 28Sag23 which is precisely where Saturn/Uranus last conjoined at the start of their current cycle: 3x in 1988.
Actually, it would be helpful if you'd read a previous post concerning the Jupiter/Pluto Conjunction of Dec 11, 2007, a day when the Fed gave a pronouncement on interest rates after their meeting - perfectly described by Jupiter meeting Pluto.
The post mentions the Saturn/Uranus connection, opposing one another during the 2008 presidential campaign, and the tr *Saturn/Neptune midpoint @ 29Sco07 which, as you know, was the position of our Inauguration 2009 Moon, the people. (Pres. Obama's natal Mc is indicated in late Scorpio as well, though when I wrote the post in Dec 2007, I didn't know he'd become President.)
I'll not update or change the chart but you'll read that I said that, "money is all over the chart," so please check it out and get back to me.
Plus, if you click to enlarge the Jup/Plu chart, you will see the Ic (Foundation of the Matter) and Mc (Aspirations) at critical degrees: 20Can/Cap11...so the Ic of Dec 11, 2007 will be triggered/transited on July 11, 2010 by the 12S Solar Eclipse 19Can24.
And the second thing?
The Solar Eclipse of July 11, 2010 conjuncts the degree of the Great Conjunction of Jupiter/Pluto during the Great Depression: May 26, 1931 @ 19Can16, exact at 10:06 pm, White House. Peep-eye, Fedsters!
Yes, the connection between 1929 and 2008 'collapses' and the Fed's machinations behind the scenes have been mentioned zillions of times in the news media since 2008, so what are the chances that the Fed is intimately involved in both the Crash of 1929 AND the Collapse of 2008? I thought you'd agree.
*Sat/Nep may operate on many levels such as: secret government; deceptive government; delusions among the real leadership; policies that restrict spies; long-lasting programs which have no real purpose; misusing law officers; inefficient use of expert advice; communism; socialism; a dual character; caution; pessimism; loss and grief; illnesses that are difficult to diagnose; deceptions and going to great lengths to keep them hidden; continuing detrimental practices.
Sat/Nep = Moon: hesitation about replacing that which no longer functions as intended (health insurance reforms?); activities which serve no real purpose; increased use of drugs to escape harsh realities; inhibited development; depression; a low character; emotional drain. (Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey.)
Something I've been intending to mention: the ongoing Sat/Pluo square and the tunnel conditions that seemingly merit 'underground' (Plu) 'barriers' (Sat) being built by Israel in Palestine and by the US in Mexico. Harsh and cruel. Absolute disaster. Worse for Palestine now, for US and Mexico later, and both relate to crime waves, but they're wasting their time and our money, imho. #
Jan 12, 2010: may I refer you to an excellent analysis left as a Comment under this post by Duse (Jonathan W) concerning the July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse chart above? He has previously added great insights to my SO'W offerings and has come through again! jc
What strikes me about this chart is how much ENERGY it has!
Of course there's the Cardinal Eclipse in Cancer as well as the t-square, but we also have this Eclipse supporting Mars in a sextile as well as a very energetic, chatty trine between Uranus/Jupiter in Aries and Mercury in Leo.
Whatever Pluto secrets this 8th House Eclipse unearths about the unexpected drain on our Shared Resources -- South Node Eclipses tends to take away rather than give to, and they can be very draining, inhibiting forward movement --, I strongly suspect The People won't respond by sitting back in complacency and watching re-runs of "American Idol". With Uranus/Jupiter in Aries urging sudden movement and Mercury in Leo being neither quiet nor timid, I suspect The People will be out of the house and sharing their thoughts!
And with the ongoing Opposition between Uranus and Saturn being triggered by over-the-top Jupiter -- with that Mercury trine thrown in for good measure --, you can bet these clashes with Authority, i.e. the Government, will be loud, noisy, exuberant, unpredictable and angry.
Uranus/Jupiter on the cusp of the 5th House (the House of, among other things, what we give birth to) makes me wonder if the actions taken during this time will be the first baby steps to larger actions taken later. If the events surrounding this Eclipse will come to be regarded as the beginning of our inevitable Revolution.
With the North Node (conjunct Pluto in the 2nd House of What We Value) trine the cusp of the 7th House, whatever future these events hold will be actualized by the forming of Partnerships. And, with the ruler of the 7th Cusp, Venus, in the most public area of the chart, in Virgo and in a separating opposition with Neptune and Chiron, this "group effort" will be very public as well as reality based, turning away from those earlier held Neptune/Chiron fantasies and working with the facts on the ground.
Being trine Pluto/North Node, there will be a lot of power and energy to draw from. But Venus' quincunx to Uranus/Jupiter indicates a temporary inability to march in lock-step and be as effective with their message (Mercury and Venus in a stutter-step inconjunct reinforcing this lack of cohesion).
Which leads me back to that 5th House cusp Uranus/Jupiter in Aries. I believe the events springing from and surrounding this energy are the baby steps of what will come later.
click back to www.ahrcanum.com re the just found "asteroid" that has been found in earth's orbit. Able to see it near Pisces w telescope, having a 14 magnitude!
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