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Jun 4, 2013

June 8 2013 New Moon--Full Moon June 23 2013

With the upcoming New Moon in Gemini on Saturday June 8, 2013, here's a smidgeon I posted about it today on my WordPress blog concerning its Sabian Symbol: "A Large Archaic Volume if you're curious (well, Gemini is the sign of curiosity!)

In addition, you'll find very useful information on Saturday's Gemini New Moon by moseying over to read Depali Desai's excellent overview at Celestial Space. Plus, Libra Seeking Balance provides valuable information if you're interested.

The June 8, 2013 New Moon is the seeding phase of activities that will come to fruition/fulfillment/culmination at the Full Moon of June 23, 2013 @2Cap09 (7:32 am edt), a day when Luna is quite active so it will be a busy day for most people. Her aspects after perfection are a sextile to Saturn in Scorpio (11:58 am edt), a sextile to Neptune in Pisces (12:28 pm edt), a conjunction with powerful Pluto in Capricorn (8:37 pm edt), and she rounds out her daily tasks by squaring radical Uranus in Mars-ruled Aries (11:27 pm edt.)

As you can tell, Lady Luna sprinkles fertile moon beams over the Water Trine between Saturn and Neptune, then goes on to alert the difficult Cardinal Square energies between Uranus and Pluto...which does not sound to me like a very quiet weekend at all.

Hope I'm wrong!

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