August 15, 2016: no, I did not know that Donald Trump's campaign manager, Paul Manafort, has had for years lucrative business dealings with Russia and Ukraine to such a shady extent:
Watch The Young Turks Live.
Here's a link to the New York Times article on Mr. Manafort's foreign ties, a link which may or may not remain Live. He says the money was only for political activities but given how underhanded and underworldly Politics can be, that's not very comforting.
Paul Manafort: an April Fool of 1949
Billed as a lobbyist and political consultant, Paul Manafort was born on April 1, 1949 in New Britain, CT (hour unknown; Moon in Taurus for the 24-hour period). A Fire-Earth Sun Aries-Moon Taurus personality gives him a "straight from the shoulder charm", great ambition, and confidence. Mr. Manafort can be diplomatic yet tactless, intuitive yet pragmatic, and loves a challenge. Deeply possessive, his Venus-Mars conjunction in early Aries conjoins his Syzygy Moon @8Ari36 (last lunation prior to birth) so obviously this is a passionate man with what may be described as "a roving eye." Now I have no idea of his domestic situation or of his romantic arrangements but he is very much in the center of them.
His large streak of ambition of urges him to "make his mark upon the world" so it's no surprise that he's in Politics and active in several foreign regions of the world. Manafort is a natural entrepreneur with many irons in several fires and whether more of his past activities will surface and affect the White House chances of Donald J. Trump is a good question. There are two eclipses in September, Solar then Lunar, so we'll see if either lunation disgorges more scandals or inconvenient secrets for Manafort or for Trump.
Though self-centered (as is his client, Trump) Mr. Manafort is excellent company and can be loyal if he so chooses unless ego is allowed to get in the way of cooperation and getting the job done--two egos together have they. Still, Manafort has stamina and is quite magnetic so we'll see how Paul and Donald manage to trot along together on the path to the White House or whether a divergence will take place. I suspect a divergence between them or from the path--but we'll see.
A Bit More Astrology
April 1, 1949: all day a YOD pattern was overhead when little baby Paul (and anyone else born that day) arrived, a YOD pattern of special task or purpose, crossroads, turning points, or crisis implications at some point in his life (health issues may also be indicated). Wonder if the Donald Trump brouhaha circus and recent financial revelations have triggered Manafort's natal YOD because Trump's natal Sun is at the point of progressing into Virgo which means '00Virgo', the precessed position of royal star Regulus which, as you know, rises with Mars in Leo in the natal chart of Mr. Trump.
(See his red face for his Mars rising and his retaliating temper--also note that asteroid Tisiphone of 'retaliation' fame, conjoins Trump's natal Moon and South Node of the Moon along with starry Ras Alhague as we've discussed previously).
But the thing is, Mr. Manafort has a karmic planet in his natal chart @00Vir04 Rx and that planet is Saturn. His natal Mercury sextiles Jupiter in late Capricorn (conjunct US natal Pluto--a wheeler dealer across the globe with a potential accent on military and surveillance matters) which forms the base of the YOD, and whether his Mercury is @29Pisces or 00Aries, it conjoins the Aries Point of Recognition, Prominence, and Fortune.
When Saturn is apex in a YOD configuration there can be a self-induced sense of frustration or failure especially if a respected social position has been achieved but is undermined by a denial of natural limits and neglect of the requirements of authenticity, accountability, and maturity that astrological Saturn demands so that 'fateful consequences' result in the reaping what was sown category.
For more on YODs and other planetary patterns, see Dynamics of Aspect Analysis by Bil Tierney; also see Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey.
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