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Showing posts with label Paul Manafort. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paul Manafort. Show all posts

May 16, 2024

So Will "The Bulldozer" Return?

by Jude Cowell

Bi-Wheel: The Espionage Act (inner) with Trump natal (outer):

When we glance askance at 2017 and 2018 events in the US with Mr. Trump more or less "manning" the helm of our country, we soon stumble across Paul Manafort who offered his skills for free as "campaign chair" for Trump's 2016 campaign, serving from June 20 to August 19, 2016.

See Trump Campaign's Russian Encounters at RNC 2016 under a Full Moon shining upon spymaster Pluto.

For as you know, then as now, espionage via "collusion" with Russia was part of the atmosphere, many books and articles were published, and soon legal storm clouds formed for Manafort - and in July 2017, the FBI raided his home. Then in October 2017, Manafort, an unregistered foreign agent, and his business associate Rick Gates, were indicted and arrested on multiple charges which included money laundering and election interference (two of Trump's "talents").

Actually, Luke Harding's best-selling 2017 book, Collusion is a great resource concerning these and other events if you're curious. #ad

Ultimately, with legal attempts to hold the lawbreaker accountable only partially successful, Trump pardoned his scofflaw pal (birds of a feather) and Manafort managed to escape the "long arm of the law."

Campaign 2024 and Beyond

Now there's a page you may wish to review because rumor is, Paul Manafort will return to "service" if agent orange manages to coup the White House in November: check out The Trials of Paul Manafort for a fuller picture of his legal travails, and consider his Sun Aries-Moon Taurus "bulldozer" personality.

In closing, you may also wish to see Paul Manafort hearts Cypress for shady banking which includes the founding data for Cypress, something of an island hive of activity for anti-societal birds of a feather when padding their nests as surreptitiously as possible.

Jun 11, 2023

In 2015, 6 Nations Plotted to "Elect" Trump in 2016

A Huge Thank You to one of my FB friends for the shout-out on this: In 2015, 6 Nations hatched a Plot to elect Trump. The nations are: Saudi Arabia, Russia, Israel, the UAE, Bahrain, and Egypt. Follow the links under this post to view any previous posts concerning these enemies of America. And note that, unsurprisingly, son-in-law Jared Kushner was an 'embed' for Israel.

Below is a newer version, re-read and freshly marked, of the RNC 2016 Full Moon Horoscope with the Full Moon @27Cap40 conjunct US 1776 Pluto, the spy; please note that marked factors may differ from earlier versions and for the curious reader, you may agree that the Capricorn Full Moon Horoscope is a stunner. Plus, my original post from 2015 concerning the traitorous situation may be read here: Horoscope: RNC 2016 Full Moon.

A Few Related Posts include: Trump Campaign's Russian Encounters at RNC 2016 spotlighting the embedded Paul Manafort, and Jeff Sessions who was later fired from his Attorney General position because he wasn't "protecting" Trump enough like Roy Cohn used to do. All this is what "electing" a mobbed-up crook did for America.

Apr 17, 2021

Trump's Betrayal under a Full Moon with Pluto the Spy

Catching Spies Despite Their Lies

by Jude Cowell

April 17, 2021: A previous post Trump Campaign's Russian Encounters at RNC 2016 displays a horoscope of the Full Moon which perfected during RNC 2016 (Cleveland, Ohio) on July 19, 2016 @27Cap40 - conjunct US natal Pluto. Contained within is a link to a related csnbc article "Russian ambassador won't name all the Trump officials he's met with because 'the list is so long'," an excuse that apparently sufficed at the time.

Now some might say that it was naughty of me back then to connect the July 2016 Capricorn Full Moon conjunct US Pluto with spies and betrayals of the Trump Campaign but now, with Joe Biden as President and no friend of Putin, things seem to be culminating like a revealing Full Moon can do - similar to a leaky Lunar Eclipse uncovering inconvenient facts and scandals. View the Full Moon horoscope, above, and you'll see, among other things, that Sun-Pluto = Midheaven (Taking Power is The Goal) and the Saturn-Pluto midpoint rises which suggests cumbersome circumstances!

For as detailed by former prosecutor Glenn Kirschner yesterday, Revelation of Trump-Russia Collusion via Manafort-Kilimnik is a Sign we are Trending Toward Justice which sounds as if the 'Pied Piper' of Putinville may finally have to pay the piper himself.

And how cumbersome yet interesting that revealing developments of proof are made public as (publishing) Pluto (the spy) returns to his 1776 position (27Cap33) and creeps up to the RNC 2016 Full Moon under which America was betrayed!

Previously on SO'W: Horoscopes of pardoned jailbird Paul Manafort and gangster Al Capone whose natal Sun @27Cap19 conjuncts US natal Pluto.

Aug 29, 2018

Sept 24, 2018 Paul Manafort Trial Washington DC

August 29, 2018: When last we discussed the second trial of convicted felon Paul Manafort set for September 17, 2018, I published an 8:00 am edt horoscope for the trial but expressed misgivings about whether the date would hold. Basically it didn't so later a post update was added to reflect that jury selection will proceed on September 17th but the attorneys' opening statements are postponed a week until September 24th. The following post is a meager attempt to update the second Manafort trial's planets but without displaying a second horoscope.

However, today my comments will be based on a chart set for September 24, 2018 '8:00 am edt' in Washington DC (aka the 'new trial') and hopefully the date will be the final re-set by Judge Jackson although other disruptions could occur (plea deals, illness, -?-). Authoritative Saturn @2Cap48 is in the 3rd house of Communications so a witness may be inhibited, prevented, or delayed from testifying, or perhaps a lawyer will come down with strep throat or be smooched by a dangerous kissing bug--who can say since this trial involves the unpredictable world of Donald Trump! Plus, kissing bugs never ask permission, they just smooch.

Now as we would expect, the fastest moving body from September 17th to the 24th is the Moon which reaches 24Pis14 conjunct fixed star Markab, the star of sorrow with themes of legal problems, emotional issues, tragedies to loved ones, and/or accidents (A. Louis). Luna's September 17th conjunction with Saturn Rx is left behind, plus, the Moon will have sailed beyond the net of deceptive Neptune (@14Pis37 and still in process of the Republican Party's first-ever Neptune Return/s with the the final of five conjunctions coming on December 29, 2018). Fixed star Achernar (risk of rapid endings; crisis at the end of the river) remains ensnared within Neptune's gauzy veils during this period of the GOP's identity and core values morphing into those of the bigoted 'Trump Party'. That transit Neptune now floats through its own watery realms of Pisces only makes things more confused, weakened, undermined, paranoid, fearful, and conspiratorial.

See 'The Conspiracy Party' and Its Neptune in Pisces (December 29, 2018 horoscope shown).

So the Sun @1Lib23 on September 24th has passed its Libra Ingress degree and topped the natal Midheaven (Goal Point) of the Sagittarius Rising natal chart of America (12Sag ASC; MC 00Lib47--a Cardinal World Point of Manifestation and Renown). This blend of conscious-unconscious energies provides a different cosmic weather for the day and trial: Sun Libra-Moon Pisces (Air-Water = ethereal, misty)--different from September 17th's earthy, pragmatic Sun Virgo-Moon Capricorn. Actually the new trial Moon @24Pis14 forms a Full Moon of sorts with the September 17th Sun (24Vir33) signifying a culmination or fulfillment of some sort.

The new trial's Sun Libra-Moon Pisces combination suggests actors, detectives, psychologists, and/or those with perceptive intellects and a potential for "vacillation at crucial crossroads." Hmm...could this describe Mr. Manafort (Sun) plus the jurors (Moon) on this day? Mercury @4Lib12 in 12th house is likely to signify those who testify and we should note that Mercury is no longer the oriental planet of the chart and trial (last to rise before the Sun)--now the oriental planet is way across the chart--quirky Uranus @1Tau41 Rx in 7th house. Curiously, Mr. Trump is a Uranus oriental figure leading the country in his disruptive, unpredictable, chaotic style.

Now a factor in an 8:00 am edt chart set for September 24th which was not true at 8:00 am edt on September 17th is that 13Lib05 rises which precisely brings up the natal Neptune Rx of Paul Manafort (13:52) along with fixed star Algorab with its Mars-Saturn influences and its difficult themes of loss, lies, greed, injury ('in' jury), accidents, and/or a potential for suicide (A. Louis). Manipulator Pluto @18Cap46 Rx stalks the IC, or Foundation of the chart and trial, while acting again as apex planet of the Mars-Saturn midpoint = 'rage, fury, brutality, intervention of a higher power, bodily injury or harm, murder, death of many people'--Ebertin). And as noted in previous posts, this particular midpoint picture belongs to the natal chart of Donald Trump so by transit it's a 'natal echo'. So it seems that Mr. Trump is at the basis of the matter although no one needs Astrology to confirm this for we hear his underworld 12th house Pluto threats every day (which are attended by his 12th house Mars).

At Midheaven (14Can57) are two major stars of the firmament: 'Dog Star' Sirius (ambition, fame, pride, occult interests, dog bites) which is aka, The Scorcher. Nearby in degrees is Canopus, the star of old age and signifying potentials for scandals, a quick temper, and violence (A. Louis). No longer is Trump's natal Mercury (8Can51) precisely on the 8:00 am Midheaven for all to see as it was on September 17th!

On September 24th 'The Tower Eclipse' of August 11, 2018 @18Leo41 remains the 'collapsing' Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the trial as on September 17th along with the same Syzygy Moon (last lunation) which is the New Moon of September 9th @17Virgo, ruled by Mercury, now moved into Venus-ruled Libra. This sign for communicating Mercury indicates a sense of justice, teamwork, and tactful mediation (Ebertin), plus, Mercury will have left its September 17th conjunction with fixed star Denebola (21Virgo; to go against society--and conjunct US natal Neptune).

The Jupiterian North Node @4Leo27 (public contact; future direction) is in the very public 10th house so of course media coverage will dominate to whatever extent it can yet its opposite, the Saturnian 'Tail of the Dragon' South Node @4AQ27 is closer to transit Mars than the week before for Mars is now posited @3AQ34 in 4th house which presents a picture of a loner who disregards the opinions of others when making decisions. Out of harmony with society, Mars-SN can also describe law enforcers and/or someone who tends to antagonize others by lashing out in anger or frustration. Wonder who Mars could be?

As for Jupiter, he'll have moved off '19Scorpio', the 'accursed degree of the accursed sign whose malefic influence never weakens' (A. Louis) and on to 20Sco53 in the trial's 2nd house of Money and Values. Next degree is '21Scorpio', a critical or crisis degree. Perhaps Jupiter's rounded-up SAbian Symbol is helpful here: "21Scorpio" = A Soldier Derelict in His Duty"...DEVIATION. Positive expression: "effective responsibility to the inner stirrings of self and a willingness to face the consequence of true self-assertion; negative: complete faithlessness to the common welfare" (Jones). Thing is, Venus in Scorpio is at a critical degree as well and both planets are 'money planets'.

Valuable Vengeful Venus @8Sco33 in 1st house Also Rules the Corporate 8th

Now I've saved for last chart-ruler Venus (same as on September 17th) which will apply once--to a pleasant trine aspect with deceptive if creative Neptune (6A04). This is the aspect of a master of disguise! A chameleon, as it were and one fond of charades and other game-playing which this trial could turn out to be--especially if Donald 'thespian' Trump dabbles in it. For after all, Mr. Trump's natal Jupiter-Neptune planets and their midpoint rise with his wounded Chiron in the 8:00 am chart on September 24th which suggests great hopes and speculation by one who lives in an unreal world and acts according to an emotionally rationalized agenda.

Okay, dear reader, that's it for me on the second trial of Paul Manafort. If the court schedule changes yet again or the trial is moved from DC, send me a link because it'll be your turn!

Recommended for further details: The Combination of Stellar Influences by Reinhold Ebertin, Predictive Astrology by Bernadette Brady, Horary Astrology Plain & Simple by Anthony Louis, Solar Arcs by Noel Tyl, The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Marc Edmund Jones, and Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey. The above Tarot card 'The Moon' is from Amy Zerner's The Enchanted Tarot deck. Perhaps you recall that we came across 'The Moon' card recently when we consulted the Tarot with a question regarding Mr. Trump and Mr. Mueller!

Aug 22, 2018

DC Horoscope: Saturn Direct Station September 6, 2018

August 22, 2018: In my last post we made note of yesterday's legal matters in the Manafort and Cohen cases and the fact that August 21, 2018 was the day of the first Solar Return to the horoscope of The Great American Eclipse of 2017 @29Leo which 'eclipsed' the natal Ascendant of Donald Trump. And of course, eclipses that conjoin fixed stars tend to activate the gifts or cautions of said star--in this case, royal Regulus which rises in Trump's natal chart. In a sense, he is Regulus.

So on the day that transit Saturn, authority and legal eagle that he is, turns direct and begins moving forward, transit Mercury @00Vir38 conjoins Regulus in the 12th house of Politics, Back Room Deals, Secret Enemies, and Karma, as you see in the following DC Horoscope:

Legal matters should move ahead once Saturn turns Direct yet the karmic planet won't reach his shadow degree where he turned Rx on April 17, 2018 (9Cap08:55) until December 12, 2018 (see chart, lower left). Two days prior (December 10, 2018), transit Saturn makes his third of three oppositions to Mr. Trump's natal Mercury (8Can51) as notated on the chart, lower right and upper right, in blue. Unfortunately, loss-bringer Saturn, when in his own sign of Capricorn, isn't positive for finances or the economy so there could be forward movement in those departments as well with negativity suggested.

These Saturnian oppositions to Trump's natal Mercury began on March 30, 2018 with the second exact opposition May 6, 2018 as listed, chart right. Therefore, Saturn is in process of winding up review mode during which he's been getting his facts lined up (on both sides--Trump's and Mueller's) yet we may not see major developments in the RussiaGate inquiry until December 12, 2018 or just before or after. That's unless Saturn's case is strong enough and helpful witnesses have cooperated to fill in the gaps in the case/s so that the report from Mr. Mueller that we're all waiting for can be finalized around September 6, 2018 or during the month (pre-Midterms 2018!) then perhaps the report will be publicly revealed by December 2018 whether Mr. Trump's 'interview' with Mr. Mueller is accomplished or not. If Trump is deposed, there's no telling how matters will develop...or how they will blow up in his red face.

Actually, transit Saturn opposing Trump's natal Mercury is only part of his ongoing Saturnian troubles because he was born with a fact-challenged Mercury-Neptune square. Here's a previous post with a list of Saturn's affects on both planets in the square and the dates of exactitude when influences are strongest.

As for chart-ruler Mercury in its own sign of Virgo (also ruler of the MC, The Goal Point), two applying Ptolemaic aspects are shown: Mercury trine Uranus in Taurus (1A34; organized groups, beneficial info arrives, larger social and/or tech issues on the menu) and Mercury trine Saturn (1A54; support from authority figures, practical solutions are found). As you see, these three form an Earth Grand Trine, a soothing indicator of protection, stability, persistence, and endurance, yet negatively, 'stuck in a rut' may also describe this conservative, common-sense, routine-loving pattern which tends to shrewdly evaluate matters before making important moves.

Mr. Mueller and his staff come to mind. Mr. Trump and his staff do not.

Now there are multiple factors worth noting in the chart other than the ones noted, above, such as Denebola rising (to go against society), planetary patterns (2 YODs, a Grand Cross), house ruler-ships, a Syzygy Moon in early Pisces (August 26th Full Moon), the Solar Eclipse in force ('The Tower' @18Leo41), the stressed out Sun-Neptune opposition square MC with royal Rigel upon it (to bring knowledge to others), and more. Please enlarge the image to read a few basic notes, aka, my messy scribbles. jc

Very Much Related: Will Regulus Assure the Destiny of Donald Trump?

Aug 21, 2018

Aug 21, 2018 Sun and Saturn affect Trump legal matters

As Above, So Below for Donald Trump

August 21, 2018: Today in Alexandria, Virginia, jurors found Paul Manafort guilty of 8 out of 18 counts of felonious activities while Trump fixer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty in his many-faceted case and pointed a finger at Donald Trump ('candidate') as the co-conspirator who directed him to pay Trump amours Karen MacDougal and Stephanie Clifford in order to protect Trump's 2016 campaign for the presidency. Campaign finance violations may attach.

But predictably, GOP lawmakers try to distance Trump from Manafort and Cohen as democrats pounce what with the 2018 midterms upon us and Mr. Trump's legal exposure from these outcomes remains to be seen in the coming days and weeks.

That was on Earth. Overhead in the starry firmament, today's Sun returned to its degree at last summer's Great American Eclipse (28Leo52) which precisely conjoined the natal Ascendant of Mr. Trump (remember he took off his safety glasses to stare directly at the eclipsed orb?)--and perfected not far from his rising Mars @27Leo. Rounded up to 29Leo, the eclipsed Sun's degree one year ago today and therefore, today's Sun position, are at a critical-crisis 29th degree.

Even starker is that royal 'kingmaker' star Regulus is in the solar mix and rises in the natal chart of Mr. Trump as we recently discussed. All the Royal Stars of Persia contain great gifts but include serious cautions which, if neglected or ignored, are not so forgiving. In fact, this sounds a bit like karmic Saturn who rewards only those who honestly deserve it. He will not be trifled with!

Yet there's another factor in the 2017 eclipse chart that tells a difficult tale in line with today's legal events--that 2017 Saturn @21Sag11 precisely conjoined the sensitive natal Moon of Donald Trump and very soon went on to oppose his natal Sun (22Gemini), either of which condition represents sobering times. His having the Nodes involved with his natal Sun-Moon opposition only adds more karmic flavor to these transits and spotlights the legal events that, as of today, will begin to threaten Mr. Trump in earnest.

Because we know that Saturn's realm includes the legal system, lawyers, judges, karmic decisions, restrictions, limits, scrutiny, and--perhaps most importantly--accountability, something Mr. Trump has already attempted to distance himself from (today's Manafort convictions "have nothing to do with me," he says). To natal Moon, harsh Saturn tends to bring feelings of emotional deprivation and turmoil and can even herald a forced change of residence if other factors agree. The family isn't faring very well either. Opposing natal Sun, one's ego and sense of pride are affected negatively by authoritative Saturn so that goals are delayed, hindered, or blocked while failure to accept responsibilities will not satisfy the rightful demands of taskmaster Saturn. Leadership, integrity, and honesty are challenged and if one has broken (Saturnian) rules or laws in the past, it can mean the eventual loss of something even more valuable. Such difficulties and worries might also signal a health breakdown approaching especially if the recipient of Saturn's rays has reached a ripe old age, or if chronic conditions exist.

Aug 2, 2018

Natal Horoscopes of Capone-Manafort-Trump

August 2, 2018: Now that the tweeter-in-chief has compared his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort with Chicago gangster and tax-dodger Al Capone you know a comparison between their natal horoscopes had to occur. Below is a bi-wheel with Capone's C-rated natal chart in the center and Paul Manafort's 'noon' chart, outer. Penciled around the charts are some interesting links between Al Capone's planets and those of Donald Trump. As you see, Mr. Trump's Sun-NN-Uranus trio opposite his natal Moon-SN is prominently showcased on Capone's natal MC-IC axis:

The more stand-out links are Manafort's natal Jupiter conjunct Capone's Sun (28Capricorn--conjunct US natal Pluto), Manafort's natal Chiron 8Sag58 Rx (the wound and blind spot) conjunct Capone's natal Chiron 9Sag34, Capone's natal Jupiter 8Sco06 conjunct Manafort's Prenatal Solar Eclipse degree (4 South themes = 'strong emotions about money and/or relationships; a sense of fated events; frustrating blocks; sudden desire to end a relationship'). I won't mention Capone's Mars 29Can16 (Rx, OOBs, and at critical degree) conjunct Manafort's Ascendant since Manafort's chart is speculatively set for 'noon'. But we need no accurate birth time for Mr. Manafort to see Al Capone's Sun shining upon the natal Jupiter of extravagant spender and tax-dodger Paul Manafort during his current trial, thanks to the tweet-in-chief's (helpful?) efforts.

Plus, you see that Manafort's natal Saturn 00Vir04 Rx conjoins royal star Regulus (success if revenge is avoided)--and conjoins Trump's natal Ascendant and, by extension, his rising Mars in Leo. This link suggests that Manafort will 'stick' (Saturn) with Trump (ASC) and not turn state's evidence, even if convicted, but we'll see since 69-year-old Manafort's prospect of dying in prison may be a prison cell too far.

Also note that Al Capone's Syzygy Moon is his Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') 21Cap33 in the violent 9 New North Saros Series (conjunct Trump's natal Vertex!) and is the same series as that of Alexander Hamilton's PE, as already discussed.

Now here's a brief bio plus the natal chart of Al Capone if you wish a peek at his chart without my scribbles. And of course The Tower Eclipse of August 11, 2018 is affecting events already and may have much more to 'say' about the whole sordid mess--or in quick Uranian fashion may put an end to it!

Mar 30, 2018

Trump Campaign's Russian Encounters at RNC 2016

Now that Trump Campaign contacts and meetings during the Republican National Convention in July 2016 with Russian agents such as Sergei Kislyac are in the news I've been reviewing (under Mercury retrograde) previous posts from that time. Comparisons with the horoscope of the RNC Full Moon of July 19, 2016 and the (noon) natal charts of Paul Manafort and current AG Jeff Sessions have proven somewhat enlightening, and of course, Mr. Trump's timed natal horoscope deserved a look as well. Apparently, foreign operative Mr. Manafort joined the Trump Campaign in order to direct or manage the GOP's 2016 Convention.

Regarding Kislyac see Russian ambassador won't name all the Trump officials he's met with because 'the list is so long'.

Following are brief notes on what seem to me the primary links between the natal charts of Trump, Manafort, and Sessions with the RNC 2016 Full Moon chart, plus, a re-publish of my original chart of the RNC 2016 Full Moon itself, a Full Moon which spotlighted or reflected US natal Pluto (27Cap33 Rx) as you can see:

As you see, Trump's natal Libra trio of Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter is at MC, the Goal Point, and radical chaos-creator Uranus is at IC, the Foundation of the chart. The power-hungry Sun-Pluto midpoint is at MC, an obvious picture of power grabbing and an obsession with ruling over overs. Mars-Jupiter is at MC as well indicating an ability to make favorable arrangements and a love of 'enterprise' (such as selling out America to Russia, privatizing every public program they can for private profit, running government via bribes, favors and pay-offs, and turning the Oval Office into Trump's personal piggy bank?)

My original post concerning this horoscope with chart details (sans edits) may be found here.

Trump's natal planets have a few links to the RNC 2016 chart. These include 2016 Uranus in Aries square natal Saturn in Cancer: others pose threats to his 'authority', new ideas or methods challenge traditions (I'll say!); 2016 Pluto opposes n Mercury in Cancer: opinions being forced upon him (many have tried!); 2016 Saturn 10Sag15 Rx inconjunct n Mercury: adjustments to his thinking and planning (intimidation and bribery can do that); 2016 North Node in Virgo square n Uranus (Trump's guiding planet of chaos and disruption): dealings and/or meetings with rigid characters. A compromised Donald Trump remains obvious to me if not you.

RNC 2016 links to Sessions' natal planets include: 2016 Neptune square n Mercury: open to deception in communications; info is not what it appears to be (an echo of Trump's problematic natal Mercury-Neptune square of lies and fantasy--you'll recall that Jeff Sessions lied to Congress about his meetings with Russians); 2016 Jupiter in Virgo (conjunct the North Node of meetings and encounters) square n Mercury: speaking or acting before thinking, taking rash actions; 2016 Pluto possibly conjunct n Moon in Capricorn: threats, intimidation, secrets? Perhaps a threat of sexual secrets revealed unless..?

RNC 2016 links to Manafort's planets include: 2016 Full Moon conjunct n Jupiter (28Cap37) which of course means that Manafort's n Jupiter conjoins US n Pluto--political ambitions expand and financial rewards accrue or are promised, along with a general Moon-Pluto influence of obsession with mishandling of resources (Jupiter), criminality, and manipulations concerning war/s and weaponry, plus, a potential for secrets to be revealed which suggests intimidation and threats--as in, an offer Manafort couldn't refuse--even if he'd wanted to. Personally I have to include the Republican Party within such negotiations with Russia but disagree if you must. Another link that relates to meetings is natal NN @25Aries conjoined by 2016 Uranus denotes meetings or encounters with unorthodox people and zealots (Uranus in Aries) within the realms of radical politics (Uranus-NN).

Now here's an excerpt from an additional post concerning RNC 2016 (again, sans edits):

RNC 2016: Monday July 18th 12:00 am: the Moon begins @4Cap28 (Sun 25Can57) giving the public at home and in the audience a serious tone of ambition and practicality with duties taken seriously (Capricorn is the sign of government, law, and business; tribal Cancer denotes home but also business); a Moon-Saturn tone indicates that some frigidity of feeling may be in evidence, if not onstage or in the audience, then behind the curtain. Monday July 18th also contains a Moon-Pluto flavor as the Moon conjoins transit Pluto at 9:24 pm (15Cap56). In Politics, a Moon-Pluto signature describes potentials for the misuse of resources in business and/or political activities, and/or campaign promises concerning the use of the military and/or police, plus, underworld criminal elements such as mobsters, fraud, waste, women's issues, and/or hidden wealth (Munkasey); (Cowell).

Actually, across the Cancer-Capricorn security axis, a doubling of Moon-Pluto vibes occurs on July 19th for a Full Moon @27Cap40 perfects and conjoins US natal Pluto (27Cap33) suggesting potentials for military and/or police involvement during the convention (or rhetoric about such topics), violence and/or criminal behavior, terrorism, paid protesters disrupting events, intense emotions such as rage or jealousy, hurled insults, hidden string-pulling, mass media and a very large amount of publicity. (Moon-Pluto = public relations; mass propaganda; a need for power.) Plus, with Moon-Pluto, a 'demanding tyrant' may be on the scene. This is supported by transit Pluto in Saturn-ruled Capricorn which can express as The Dictator (Ebertin).

That the Full Moon's Sun opposes US natal Pluto @27Cap33 (and US SP Pluto @29Cap, a critical degree) hints at what we know to be the case: major power plays are in progress. The July 19th Full Moon may potentially reveal secrets much as a Lunar Eclipse can do and may involve the Pentagon and/or may place plutocrats (Pluto) in the public spotlight, and highlight misogyny, point to abortion issues, and/or uncover past abuses of women. Simultaneously, transit Pluto squares US natal Saturn (14Lib48), a time when motives must be aboveboard, and restriction and criticism occur due to our government's ruthless abuse of power and authority.

Pluto of the Underworld: totem planet of Secret Agents and Global Mobsters Everywhere

Now in 2018, with what we know so far from the Mueller investigation, it turns out that perhaps the 'demanding tyrant' on the RNC scene in 2016 represents Vladimir Putin and his agent Kislyac even more than it describes a subservient Donald Trump, now appearing in his role of US President.

Trump RNC Acceptance Speech under US Moon's Aquarian Rays.


Paul Manafort April 1, 1949 New Britain, CT; Jeff Sessions December 24, 1946 Selma, AL; noon charts are used for this post.

Mar 1, 2018

Manafort Trial Reset for September 17, 2018

By DonkeyHotey (Paul Manafort - Caricature) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Of Kingpins and Squealers

by Jude Cowell

March 1, 2018: since yesterday, word is that the Paul Manafort trial has been reset for Monday September 17, 2018. It had been scheduled for March 15, 2018, a date of cosmic occurrences such as a seed-planting New Moon @24Taurus36--conjunct the natal Midheaven of Donald Trump, and the day transit Uranus enters Taurus, sign of The Bull, though the disruptive planet of chaos will back into Aries once again in November 2018 and re-enter Venus-ruled Taurus for good in March 2019.

A glance at the general transits of September 17, 2018 show an excitable if not explosive and dangerous Mars-Uranus square, tr Mercury (planet of testimonies, deals, and such) @21Virgo and conjoining fixed star Denebola (to go against society; out of the mainstream), and a sobering or depressive Moon-Saturn conjunction in very early Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business. And since world events tend to occur when Cardinal World Points of Manifestation (00Ari/Lib and 00Can/Cap) are triggered, we find wounded-wounding Chiron at Aries Point on that day and conjunct difficult fixed star Scheat with its potentials for malevolence of sublime scope, imprisonment, extreme misfortune, murder, suicide (A. Louis, N. DeVore, Ebertin-Hoffmann).

Additionally, transit Jupiter, planet of expansion and increase, sits upon the disturbing degree of 19Scorpio (traditionally an 'evil degree'--Devore, who also says it's a crucial point of Ego vs Supreme Will) so Jupiter may not show the protection usually afforded especially since two malevolent stars inhabit the degree: North Scale with potentials for hasty words that cause problems, tragedy, and violence, and Serpentis (aka, Unukalhai) with vibes of tragedy, misfortune, immorality, accidents, and/or danger of poison. Wonder of Mr. Manafort should use the services of a royal taste tester?!

Also of interest is the fact that moving Mr. Manafort's trial to September places the proceedings into the more difficult August 11, 2018 Solar Eclipse Saros Series, the 2 New North, with themes of The Tower that collapses (Brady). This includes plans and lifestyles collapsing and of course, Trump Tower comes easily to mind and although a complete financial and political collapse may be indicated for America (2 New North is the PE of Midterm Elections 2018--and as a POTUS goes, so goes America). However, it's Donald Trump who is closely linked to towers, even imprinting his name on them. Now this cosmic condition may very possibly bode ill for the Trump White House and for all he has gained so far in life because he regularly tends to ignore the karmic caution of his rising star, royal Regulus: success if revenge is avoided. And if it isn't avoided, at some point all that has been gained will be taken away.

Yet if total collapse is on the kingpin-in-chief's karmic agenda, would his Libran Jupiter's motto of "it's not fair!" agree that even a self-exalted, ego-based Mr. Trump must eventually reap what he's sown?

Related Posts include: A Noon Horoscope for Robert Mueller; Paul Manafort: the Ram and the Bull; and Chiron to Aries Point (3x--and please note that on the tri-wheel horoscopes I mislabeled the first conjunction as '2019' though the horoscope shown (April 2018) is correct.

Feb 26, 2018

The Powerful Midpoint Pictures of Donald Trump

The following midpoint picture interpretations are gleaned from the natal chart of Donald John Trump born June 14, 1946 10:54 am edt Queens, New York USA and are quoted here from The Combination of Stellar Influences by Reinhold Ebertin (lest someone fuss that I made them up!)

Well yes, I'm a messy artist but perhaps you can somehow read my scribbles of Mr. Trump's natal planetary pictures and their potential expressions (any, all, or none may apply and all are subject to activation by various cosmic means, a lifelong condition here on Planet Earth):

If possible, read them all together (unless you know them already) for they paint quite a picture of this flawed individual whose personal flaws and foibles are now our own to some extent--even for those who 'resist' his White House tenure. Uncomfortably, we are all under the sway of Trump's 10th house Uranus @17Gemini, his oriental or 'guiding planet', which inspires in him a wide variety of shocking behaviors and erratic ideas and intensifies his odd or unusual communications style (Gemini), wouldn't you say? And though people get excited when seeing him in person (Sun-Uranus = NN of public contact), chaos attends sky god Uranus, planet of lightening, electricity, novelty, disruption, separation, and--perhaps more to the political point--radical reforms. As you know, the totally skeptical Mr. Trump (Mercury-Pluto = Saturn) is a quixotic, quirky reformer (Uranus in Gemini) who becomes overwhelmed with extreme emotions (Moon-Pluto = Chiron, the wound and/or blind spot) and has a tendency to be easily seduced and to speculate wildly (Jupiter-Neptune = Chiron--in his 2nd house of Money and Values). Plus, hypocrisy is often a part of any bubbly, frothy Jupiter-Neptune action and with Chiron in the midst of it he may be completely unaware of his hypocrisy although it's excessively obvious to most observers (and victims!)

And since I have often here and there complained of Mr. Trump's indiscreet, fantasy-prone, dishonest Mercury-Neptune square of the sneaky mind (A. Oken), I give it small mention since we're talking mostly midpoint pictures yet it is a major feature of his public persona and habitual behavior in which he prevaricates without having to think about it.

And so we see in current events and in these pictures that Gemini messenger Mr. Trump, who rules spontaneously by whimsy and notion, has a mission to fulfill and announcements to make (Mercury conjunct Mirzam, The Announcer who precedes Sirius, the Dog Star). His oppressive family conditions early in life (and probably even now with the Mueller investigation) gives a tendency toward emotional depression (Saturn-Neptune = ASC) which he endeavors to hide from himself in the many ways we've observed. A primary way is to go overboard in one's love life and to talk of such private matters too often and too familiarly. Then Venus-Neptune = ASC provides him with potentials for holding peculiar attitudes about love and women, impressionability, a lack of good taste (a gilded penthouse? ridiculous!), and....surprise--disappointment in love. This potential may sometimes aggravate the discontent seen in his Venus-Saturn conjunction in 11th house of Associations. As we've noticed, loyalty (Saturn) in relationships (Venus) is a must for Mr. Trump no matter how wrong or offensive he is on any topic or issue, or how disloyal he himself is.

And with such an attitude toward others he's bound to face disappointment in relationships, including marriage. Still, appearance is everything (Venus-Neptune) for Mr. Trump and an exalted public image must be maintained by hook or by crook (remember his alter ego, "John Miller"?) We can see Mr. Trump's intense interest in love, sexual encounters, and relationships showing here as well like a terrycloth bathrobe left askew for effect. Woman as goddess on a rose-festooned pedestal--until she disappoints, that is. Well, Mother did as we see in his Moon-South Node conjunction of separation and estrangement. With Moon-SN, his sense of timing isn't so fabulous either and perhaps we should watch as transit Mars nears his Moon-SN conjunction (20/22Sag) and opposes natal Sun-North Node in early March 2018. Potentials of this Mars transit are vindictive anger, rash actions, challenges to leadership, ego-bruises, and physical strain or injury, most of which sounds like the usual but a male (Mars), or Mr. Mars-Rising himself, may activate or trigger the energies to a higher level.

Then There's the Most Negative Midpoint Picture in His Natal Chart

As the current leading representative of America and the American people, the most disturbing midpoint picture on the list considering Trump's social position and influence over society is listed, upper left, and that's one of brutality, rage or fury of destruction, and the death of many people...Mars-Saturn = Pluto, deadly planet of the Criminal Underworld, the Occult, Psychology, Raw or Primal Power, and of Nuclear Power--here, in ego-based Leo. Plus, his Midheaven (Aspirations-Goals) falls within the stars of Perseus (the prince--and Trump's frisky Mars rises with royal Regulus) and at MC spotlights the passionate, aggressive energies of starry Capulus. Yes, his aspiration came true for he reached the head (Capulus) of the entire enterprise--again by hook or crook. And yet he often seems like the dog who caught the bus and... you know the rest.

Now according to Reinhold Ebertin concerning Mars-Saturn-Pluto constellations, the potential is available for him-of-the-massive-ego to push precisely the Wrong Button so let's pray (or fervently hope if that's all we can manage) that the remaining potential in this death-axis (Mars-Saturn) midpoint picture expresses in a way that overrides its most negative implications, whether an override comes by way of a Heavenly Source or from someone who will rein Trump in...the intervention of a higher power.

A Related Post: May 2018: Trump's New Moon, Manafort's Trial, and Uranus Enters Taurus.

Additional Note: our do-nothing Congress returns to Capitol Hill tomorrow, Monday February 26, 2018, and there's no time to type about it now yet it may be noteworthy that tomorrow's Cancer Moon will turn void-of-course at 4:51 pm est once she squares radical Uranus in Aries so those who wish to actually accomplish something in Congress with some small measure of cooperation may wish to do their best work prior to 4:51 pm even though actions during the Moon's VOC condition can indicate that no one can interfere or limit--or, that results will be totally unexpected. Luna enters Leo at 11:42 pm est and floats on to make a series of quincunxes of adjustment and strain all through Tuesday, February 27, 2018.

Dec 5, 2017

Astrologer Kevin Estes: Impeach Donald Trump

Mueller Indictments: Why The GOP Should Impeach Donald Trump

by Kevin Estes

Throughout the last month, the Robert Mueller investigation has picked up some serious steam, first with the Indictments of Trump's campaign manager Paul Manafort and Manafort's business associate Rick Gates, and then on December 1st with the indictment of Trump's former national security adviser Michael Flynn. This will inevitably result in more Indictments, which will likely be Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner and son Donald Trump Jr. With the evidence of Trump doing the bidding of Vladimir Putin and Russia interfering in the 2016 elections growing more and more each month, Trump is already losing, or has already lost, the independent voters, and with the approval rating of Congress sitting at a dismal 10%, they need to do something to show that they care more about the credibility, as well as the security, of the country more than towing the party line or most importantly, their own wealth. What is that?

Impeach Donald Trump.

What's keeping them from doing this? Not only has Trump likely committed treason, he's also shown signs of racism by not condemning white supremacists (while condemning protesters) while pushing for a deficit-ballooning Border Wall, making minorities scared as a result, as well as being a threat to the 1st amendment, which is the right to freedom of speech, by suggesting that journalists who criticize him lose their licenses and that protesting NFL players be fired on the spot. By impeaching Donald Trump, the GOP would make a big effort to restore its image, and they would remove themselves of an overly authoritarian President. If Trump gets impeached, Mike Pence, a Republican, would become President, and as my astrological analysis shows, he is more of a true conservative than Trump, who represents the 1% that is getting wealthier every year more than anything. So unless certain high ranking Republicans (like Pence himself and even Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell, the leaders of the House and Senate respectively) are in this scandal themselves, there is no valid reason whatsoever not to impeach Donald Trump, especially with the midterm elections coming next year - unless they will be hacked as well.

If the GOP fails to stand up for justice and impeach Donald Trump, they risk their credibility being ruined forever, and that might just happen according to Jeanne Mayell's predictions, as the GOP will lose relevance over the next eight years. After all, we are in the Pluto in Capricorn era, where governments (Capricorn) will be transformed (Pluto).

See predictions by Jeanne Mayell.

As you'll see, she has a great accuracy record.

Agreed, Kevin, and thanks for sharing your views! It seems obvious to me that you have higher standards and a deeper sense of justice than the paid-for politicians who now infest our nation's capital and work diligently to sabotage our nation. jc

To read more of Kevin's millennial views, his ethics analyses, and other articles, check out Left Wing Astrology where this post originally appeared. And please share if you care!

Oct 31, 2017

Paul Manafort hearts Cypress for shady banking

The Tax Havens at the Heart of the Manafort Indictment include the Saychelles, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Cypress. Below is the foundation data for the Turkish Republic of Cypress. Anyone think the shady money-grubber, Donald Trump, hasn't used the same banks to launder money?

'As you know, 'tax havens' are used to evade paying taxes. If only Trump's income tax returns could spill the beans! Wonder if Russian hackers have seen them yet?

The Turkish Republic of Cypress was announced at 6:55 am GMT on November 15, 1983 by Radio Bayrack and was made immediately after ratification of the independence declaration by the Turkish Cypriot Legislative Assembly (The World Book of Horoscopes, Campion); chart set for the capital city of Nicosia. In addition, an earlier horoscope may be set up for Cypress: 00:00 hours on August 16, 1960 when full independence was granted from British rule which had begun July 16, 1878.

Ascendant 23Sag49 (where Saturn has visited of late); MC 11Lib53; as you see, the 'lucky break' fortune-hunting pair, Jupiter and Uranus, are in the secretive 12th house of Large Institutions, karma, and Politics:

Sun 22Sco20 11th house

Moon 21Pis03 3rd house

Mercury 1Sag25 11th house

Venus 6Vir08 9th house

Mars 28Vir08 9th house

Jupiter 15Sag25 12th house of hidden activities and strong in its own sign

Saturn 9Sco02 10th house (11th cusp = 9Sco46; soon to receive Jupiter's visit: burdens are partially lifted)

Uranus 8Sag20 12th house

Neptune 27Sag39 1st house and rising; with karmic Saturn coming to call it's 'dream come true' or 'grim face of reality' time

Pluto 00Sco22 10th house (Scorpio, where moneybags Jupiter recently entered by transit; Jupiter to natal Pluto is a time when resources are evaluated and/or distributed.

And we should note that the Sun Scorpio-Moon Pisces double Water combination of Cypress is a Dracula vs Good Samaritan blend that prefers to 'go with the flow'. For more details see Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Map image, above: Nicosia 1878

Related: Paul Manafort: the Ram and the Bull.

Oct 29, 2017

Oct 30, 2017: Will Mueller Indict Manafort?

On Friday October 28, 2017, news broke (or was leaked) that Special Counsel Robert Mueller would make public an indictment on Monday October 30th.

Meanwhile much teeth grinding is afoot in articles such as's speculation about the name/s on top of the indictment: Here's Who Could Receive Mueller's Indictment.

Of course, the easier thing for news hounds like you and me to do is simply to kick back and wait a few hours until tomorrow and see what happens, whether the name is Manafort or not, others' names, or not. This, I am quite prepared to do on this lazy overcast Sunday in Georgia. How about you?

Astrology-related posts include:

Trump Campaign Chief's Strong Ties to Putin Revealed - clip (w Astrology) (contains astro-notes concerning Paul Manafort);

Astro-Notes: Trump Jr's Meeting with a Kremlin Lawyer;

Paul Manafort: the Ram and the Bull;

The Prenatal Eclipse of Special Counsel Robert Mueller;

And check out astrologer Karen Christino's post on the natal chart of Donald Trump Jr (his 'noon' horoscope is shown).

Looking Beyond 2017 Shadows: Winter Solstice 2017: a Neptune and Sun-Saturn Season and Jan 1, 2018: Cancer Full Moon (DC Horoscope shown).

Jul 16, 2017

Paul Manafort: the Ram and the Bull

Mr. Trump's associate and former 2016 campaign manager and, for years, partaker at the Russian and Ukrainian troughs Paul Manafort was decidedly born on April 1, 1949 when the Tropical Sun was in Mars-ruled Aries, the ram, and the Moon floated through Venus-ruled Taurus, sign of the bull for the entire 24-hour period. This reliably provides a Sun Aries-Moon Taurus personality blend to consider even though Mr. Manafort's birth time is apparently not to be uncovered.

See Paul Manafort international 'gun for hire', and here's a March 2017 news clip of Manafort struggling to deny Trump-Russia ties.

The Fire-Earth combination of energies is sometimes known as 'the bull dozer'. Here's a famous quote by one who was also born under a Fire-Earth blend, J. P. Morgan Sr (Sun Aries-Moon Virgo), "I don't want a lawyer to tell me what I cannot do; I hire him to tell me how to do what I want to do." This demonstrates, among other things, the massive Fire-Earth ego, certitude in their 'rightness', and a tendency to become dictatorial.

As the Bull Snorts

Paul Manafort's Sun Aries-Moon Taurus combo of conscious-unconscious energies suggests one who can be diplomatic or tactless, intuitive yet pragmatic, and is ambitious and possessive. Smoothing ruffled feathers has probably been part of a job description for him and making his mark upon the world is a goal. A lover of luxury, Mr. Manafort is great company and has a bawdy sense of humor. My guess is that the off-color Trump appreciates Manafort's sense of humor. But there's that massive ego which can get in the way of cooperation and teamwork--actually, another trait the two men share.

Magnetically charming, Mr. Manafort is a self-centered man who uses a stop-and-go approach (that can be annoying to others) and has an inclination to sulk and brood (can he also pout? I'd buy a ticket for that!) when thwarted or ignored. And that may be the moment when snorting Taurus the bull shows up to throw his weight around the barn or command the ring with a loud bellow or two.

Let's close with this blend's two Images for Integration from the Harvey's book Sun Sign-Moon Sign, one of which may strike you as--well, there's no other word for it--political:

"An explorer practices his violin in a jungle clearing...Having won an arduous race, the champion sits down to a gourmet meal."


Now this sounds as if it might be good news and with more improvement to come: Robert Mueller is already changing Washington's lying ways. And if you've read SO'W before, you know what this will mean: that after 12 years I'll be changing the 'blog description', above, from "Astrological comments on America, on Washington DC, and on the politicians who infest them..."

Nah! Places of easy money will always attract criminals and their entourages while grasping the reins of power is some folks' obsession based on desperate attempts to gain safety and status for themselves as they step on and over others, if that's what it takes to 'win'.

What has America become?

Aug 16, 2016

Trump Campaign Chief's Strong Ties To Putin Revealed - clip (w Astrology)

August 15, 2016: no, I did not know that Donald Trump's campaign manager, Paul Manafort, has had for years lucrative business dealings with Russia and Ukraine to such a shady extent:

Watch The Young Turks Live.

Here's a link to the New York Times article on Mr. Manafort's foreign ties, a link which may or may not remain Live. He says the money was only for political activities but given how underhanded and underworldly Politics can be, that's not very comforting.

Paul Manafort: an April Fool of 1949

Billed as a lobbyist and political consultant, Paul Manafort was born on April 1, 1949 in New Britain, CT (hour unknown; Moon in Taurus for the 24-hour period). A Fire-Earth Sun Aries-Moon Taurus personality gives him a "straight from the shoulder charm", great ambition, and confidence. Mr. Manafort can be diplomatic yet tactless, intuitive yet pragmatic, and loves a challenge. Deeply possessive, his Venus-Mars conjunction in early Aries conjoins his Syzygy Moon @8Ari36 (last lunation prior to birth) so obviously this is a passionate man with what may be described as "a roving eye." Now I have no idea of his domestic situation or of his romantic arrangements but he is very much in the center of them.

His large streak of ambition of urges him to "make his mark upon the world" so it's no surprise that he's in Politics and active in several foreign regions of the world. Manafort is a natural entrepreneur with many irons in several fires and whether more of his past activities will surface and affect the White House chances of Donald J. Trump is a good question. There are two eclipses in September, Solar then Lunar, so we'll see if either lunation disgorges more scandals or inconvenient secrets for Manafort or for Trump.

Though self-centered (as is his client, Trump) Mr. Manafort is excellent company and can be loyal if he so chooses unless ego is allowed to get in the way of cooperation and getting the job done--two egos together have they. Still, Manafort has stamina and is quite magnetic so we'll see how Paul and Donald manage to trot along together on the path to the White House or whether a divergence will take place. I suspect a divergence between them or from the path--but we'll see.

A Bit More Astrology

April 1, 1949: all day a YOD pattern was overhead when little baby Paul (and anyone else born that day) arrived, a YOD pattern of special task or purpose, crossroads, turning points, or crisis implications at some point in his life (health issues may also be indicated). Wonder if the Donald Trump brouhaha circus and recent financial revelations have triggered Manafort's natal YOD because Trump's natal Sun is at the point of progressing into Virgo which means '00Virgo', the precessed position of royal star Regulus which, as you know, rises with Mars in Leo in the natal chart of Mr. Trump.

(See his red face for his Mars rising and his retaliating temper--also note that asteroid Tisiphone of 'retaliation' fame, conjoins Trump's natal Moon and South Node of the Moon along with starry Ras Alhague as we've discussed previously).

But the thing is, Mr. Manafort has a karmic planet in his natal chart @00Vir04 Rx and that planet is Saturn. His natal Mercury sextiles Jupiter in late Capricorn (conjunct US natal Pluto--a wheeler dealer across the globe with a potential accent on military and surveillance matters) which forms the base of the YOD, and whether his Mercury is @29Pisces or 00Aries, it conjoins the Aries Point of Recognition, Prominence, and Fortune.

When Saturn is apex in a YOD configuration there can be a self-induced sense of frustration or failure especially if a respected social position has been achieved but is undermined by a denial of natural limits and neglect of the requirements of authenticity, accountability, and maturity that astrological Saturn demands so that 'fateful consequences' result in the reaping what was sown category.


For more on YODs and other planetary patterns, see Dynamics of Aspect Analysis by Bil Tierney; also see Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey.