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Showing posts with label The Young Turks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Young Turks. Show all posts

May 22, 2020

Senator Bernie Sanders on The Young Turks - interview

May 22, 2020: Here Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks interviews Senator Bernie Sanders concerning the Joe Biden Task Force - and the possibility that such a progressive influence can sway DNC objectives:

Mar 8, 2020

Jeff Sessions Trying To Win Back Trump's Heart - TYT

March 8, 2020: Well, I do declare! If it isn't another pearl-clutching episode of As the White House Turns brought to us by Ana Kasparian of The Young Turks:

Perhaps you recall the drama between Trump and 'his' Attorney General Jeff Sessions which culminated in November 2018 when Trump fired him just as transit Saturn in early Capricorn stomped Sessions' natal Mars!

Jun 18, 2019

Oil Crises, Tankers, and the YODs of 1973 and 2019

With the world oil supply under threat of disruption by a ginned up case for war against Iran thanks to the renegade Trump gang, I took a look back at an excerpt from a previous post (linked below) concerning the Arab Oil Embargo of October 17, 1973 which includes the founding data for OPEC; note the organization's stated goal:

"OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) September 14, 1960 9:00 +0:00 Baghdad, Iraq; OPEC's stated goal: to regulate the supply of the world's oil. Formed via conference which began at 11:00 am, a speech was delivered, and a resolution signed; hour approximate. Source: The Book of World Horoscopes, Nicholas Campion, chart #422."

For your consideration, here is an informative report on current events Trump Pushing War with Iran? from The Young Turks:

Now the Washington DC Horoscope of the Arab Oil Embargo of 1973 is remarkable not the least because of its interlaced YODs of crises, turning points, and karmic opportunities. And as you know, both Neptune and Pluto are associated with oil and other such resources while on a different level, watery Neptune represents oceans and seas. Astrological Pluto may operate as an assassin, a hidden actor or cause, or a saboteur, and together, Neptune-Pluto as a pair relates to organized crime syndicates, subterfuge, mysticism (and the supernatural).

June 2019

So if we compare the planets of the 1973 Oil Embargo with current planets and events (as 'guided' by Trump, Pompeo, and probably by war hawk Bolton--plus, pal Putin, or even Britain--is this oily scheme why his nibs visited the Queen recently?) we may wish to consider one of the 1973 chart's YOD patterns in particular--the YOD with the Neptune-Pluto sextile at its base. For in the 1973 chart, this oily YOD points toward warrior-activist Mars Rx @4Tau09 (in 7th house at sunrise edt, Washington DC) with the trio's midpoint picture potentials consisting of: succumbing to external powers, being used as a tool for other people's interests, lack of energy (Ebertin); added compulsion to to use violence to achieve aims (Munkasey); rejection of actions due to misunderstandings (Tyl). To that last I would add: because very few people believe Washington's lies-into-war anymore.

Now the 2019 potentials have been activated by transit Uranus in early Taurus for the quirky disruptive planet of chaos has come along to 'replace' Mars in the above equation so we have such possibilities as: unusual means to escape from or change reality (Uranus is fantasist Trump's guiding planet because it is oriental in his natal chart), impersonal attitudes about any destructive or antisocial activities (Munkasey); making waves to get to shore, possibly aberrant behavior, disruption to gain recognition (of the need for war with Iran?), courage (or fools rush in!?), and/or adventurous ego thrust (as always with Big T's huge ego); flair for the unusual, adventurous, mystical, supernatural, and/or peculiar discoveries (Ebertin).

But perhaps a more basic planetary echo and cosmic time link from the oil crisis of 1973 has to be that 2019 Uranus the rebel conjoins 1973 Mars, a planetary tango which suggests explosive possibilities (as already seen via the two Japanese oil tankers) and the dangerous conditions the world now faces on behalf of someone - most likely a group of weapon-forging Vulcan-esque someones - who intend to benefit from the waging of war and strife and who are aided and abetted by religious fanatics who arrogantly assume that they know what's best for the entire planet.

(Above midpoint potentials are paraphrases of The Combination of Stellar Influences, Ebertin; Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Munkasey; Solar Arcs, Tyl.)

Sep 9, 2018

Obama Says Trump "Symptom Of Larger Problem" - Jimmy Dore

Plain speaking ahead from comedian, social commentator, and pod caster Jimmy Dore:

Support the independent work of Jimmy Dore @patreon. The Jimmy Dore Show is a member of The Young Turks Network.

Aug 5, 2018

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez OBLITERATES Fox News - TYT clip

From August 3, 2018 here is a don't-miss segment from The Young Turks with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez telling it, as my Flower Power Generation once liked to say, like it is:

Nov 19, 2017

Army Lifts Ban on Recruits with Histories of Self-Harm, Depression - TYT

In the annals of Bad Ideas, this particular military reform is one of the worst--but the Empire's war machine needs more fodder:

The Young Turks Network.

Once again America's natal Mars (males; the military, police officers; warriors, weaponry), which turned retrograde by progression in 2006, expresses himself rather wimpily in the realms of the inept, its energies and motivations perverted, misdirected, and weakened. Meanwhile in the Zodiac, Mr. Trump's natal Jupiter @17Lib27 Station Direct receives US SP Mars Rx dashing hopes for modest plans, or at best, delay or plans placed under review.

US employment numbers are up so it seems that this is the idea the Pentagon came up with for gaining higher recruitment levels.

Is someone in power revealing that they're eugenics-minded?

Nov 16, 2017

The Mars-Pluto Opposition of Judge Roy Moore

If you've ever dealt with a person born during a Mars-Pluto opposition phase you probably felt the extremity of this difficult aspect in that person's psyche. The man in the news at the moment for alleged sexual misconduct is Alabama's Roy Moore who may become a Capitol Hill senator thanks to an empty seat left when Mr. Trump tapped Jeff Sessions as Attorney General of the United States.

Now we've already discussed the 'noon' natal chart of Roy Moore with Mars and Pluto across the Leo-AQ self-will axis but since his alleged unfit condition for the US Senate is much in the news along with the past aggressive sexual encounters reported by several women who were then in their teens, let's consider more closely what it means to be born with testosterone-driven Mars opposing powerful sex fiend Pluto, the abductor. As always, the potentials for this aspect in a natal chart are not written in stone and may be transcended by the mature individual if he or she so desires (a Mars word!) Yet this Scorpionic opposition may be one of the most difficult to control. (Alan Oken calls it a 'win at any cost' aspect that tends to use more force than is necessary and is often brusque or irritable when dealing with others.)

First, the Mars-Pluto pair when energies are combined indicates potentials for brutality, aggression, and 'superhuman power' along with the negative connotation of 'violent assaults, injuries' (Ebertin). Now such strength could have remained within Moore's chosen career field expressing much control and power within law enforcement and/or military service, but the Mars-Pluto duo on a personal level is problematic unless its primal energies are successfully channeled into positive pursuits. Yet the possibility of sexual deviancy and/or addiction, or even a rapist mentality, cannot be ruled out (Pelletier).

Mars opposing Pluto denotes one with a defiant attitude toward the results of his own aggression. Others don't feel as strongly and he may actually be surprised by the reactions of others to his aggression. This week we see Mr. Moore's defiance reported in the news and in fact, his personal lawyer, Trenton Garmon (see TYT video, below) is now attempting to defend Moore on CNN with Don Lemon and in other interviews. So far not so good.

With Mars-Pluto, an intense, strong sexual nature is apparent and can cause rifts in personal relationships; personal magnetism is indicated and may be used to gain control over others. Personal affairs are certain to be impacted by an incorrect use of Mars-Pluto's destructive energies when they could instead be used to better the lives of others via social concerns while acting within a broader religious context. He does purport himself to be religious in an Old Testament way, doesn't he? Does he fancy himself a preacher? Sometimes in speeches he sounds like it although no one religious that this particular Christian knows would ever try to blend Politics with Religion for they're like oil and water. Then again, I'm a Georgia native with Virginia roots and have never had a reason to visit the state of Alabama in my life! (It's probably a personal failing on my part though.)

So naturally, Judge Roy Moore's career has involved themes such as violence and criminality and his Mars-Pluto opposition fits in perfectly with these themes and probably helped inspire him to go into crime-related fields--impelled him, I suspect. Yet how this destructive energy with its Scorpionic 'Underworld' vibes will be used and felt on Capitol Hill and across the nation if Roy Moore attains a seat in the US Senate will be a tale for another post that I will not be looking forward to typing.

Perhaps the transiting square between Mars and Pluto which perfects on Sunday November 19th will increase pressure on the Republican candidate and some sort of resolution will occur, forced though it will most likely be.

Now you may wish to check out a TYT segment: Roy Moore Got the Most Racist Lawyer He Could Find:

Video link via The Young Turks Network, an independent news source.

Plus, Salon's Matthew Sheffield has posted GOP's Roy Moore dilemma reflects a much bigger crisis for conservative politics (article with video).

Jun 26, 2017

Trump Travel Ban Partially Enforced (Jupiter to US Saturn)

Political News June 26, 2017: In keeping with the current transit of Jupiter (13Lib38; freedom, expansion) conjunct US natal Saturn (14Lib48; laws, legalities, courts, limitations) which brings a partial lifting of restrictions, Mr. Trump's travel ban has been somewhat upheld by SCOTUS and Trump's man, Justice Neil Gorsuch. Trump's (or should I say, Bannon's?) ban can now be partially enforced and the rest of its provisions are to be considered by SCOTUS in the autumn:

Here Jason Chariton, one of the Ring of Fire reporters, fills us in on today's news:

Related: The Prenatal Eclipse and Unaspected Saturn of Justice Neil Gorsuch and The Noble Family Tree of Neil Gorsuch.

Plus, the DC horoscope of Autumn Equinox 2017 shows lawmaker Saturn @21Sag again which conjoins Mr. Trump's natal Moon and soon opposes his natal Gemini Sun as family and relationship matters and legal issues continue to bedevil him, and thus, We The People.

However, Mr. Putin the Troublemaker is doing fine as we see from his natal horoscope for transit Jupiter @13Libra now conjoins his natal Sun which expands his confidence, ego, and sense of self-importance and suggests the culmination of a project he began approximately 12 years ago which must now end or rise to a higher level. Any bets?

May 23, 2017

Who Is More Corrupt: Trump, Clinton or Obama? Surprising Answer!

Here's a May 23, 2017 segment from Jimmy Dore featuring current political analysis of our corrupt system by Dylan Ratigan who is prone to truth telling so he had to be let go from MSNBC (same for Ed Schultz). But then in March 2017, Mr. Ratigan was hired as a news commentator for The Young Turks Network:

And check out two minutes of Dylan Ratigan explaining why Trump's 100 Days Have A Silver Lining.

Support Independent Media!

And as further scandals break into each day's news cycle, I know you'll keep in mind the Sabian Symbol for Donald Trump's natal Moon (reigning need) @22Sagittarius: "A Chinese Laundry"! And perhaps a Russian laundry, too. Wonder if there are laundromats in Saudi Arabia?

Apr 29, 2017

Trump's First 100 Days: The Real Story - The Young Turks report

Today April 28, 2017 marks the end of Mr. Trump's 100 days acting the role of US president. If you prefer a different view than the usual Neptunian mainstream news and punditry of the corporate persuasion, check out the following foray into Saturnian reality:

Brought to us by The Young Turks Network.

Feb 21, 2017

House Republicans Vote to Shield Dangerous Corporations from Consumer Lawsuits - TYT reports

As we've discussed many times here on SO'W, when the mainstream media gets its knickers in a bunch and says, Look here look here! it behooves the American public to look in the opposite direction at the political machinations they're attempting to hide from our view via diversionary tactics.

The Young Turks's Farron Cousins reports:


Astrologically, we may wish to remember that the current 115th Congress began its tenure under the influence of a Fist of God (aka, Thor's Hammer) pattern if one doesn't mind counting the North Node of the Moon (NN, @4Virgo) as one point. In this case I believe it applies since the Cardinal Square between radical zealot Uranus in Aries and powerful saboteur Pluto in Capricorn forms the base of the Fist pattern which points toward the NN of the public.

We might even stretch to a midpoint picture between the three especially with the public discourse full these days with references to revolution:

Uranus-Pluto = NN: associations with others who share ideas on how to change the world through new approaches (M. Munkasey); and/or, teamwork pays off but egos are put first in line (N. Tyl).

Ebertin adds that the combination of Uranus and Pluto = collapse of the old order, construction of the new. What he doesn't add is the oppression, exploitation, and outright neglect of We the People who have little space remaining as it is on Washington's world domination agenda.

~~Corporatism + Statism = Fascism~~

Feb 4, 2017

Trump Sets Up Next Great Recession - video report

Feb 3, 2017: you'll remember that Mr. Trump and other of his minions threatened the ruination of the Dodd-Frank legislation and its protections for the American people and the US economy during his campaign and since, and today he's been chipping away at, and will ultimately destroy, its provisions. That seems reckless and irrational because, since having Dodd-Frank in place, the US economy has chugged along under an Obama administration the last eight years while the dandies on Wall Street have been doing just dandy fine. The DOW even broke through the 20,000-point barrier recently and still Mr. Trump is determined to use a sledge hammer where some patching up would do:

Video report courtesy of The Young Turks Network.

But you know those reactionary Republicans--they're attempting the same overkill with Obamacare (the ACA) when it only needs some major patching up in order to be improved--without causing too much strife for those who need its coverage. To this particular Child of the Revolution it seems that the Trumpians are trying their best to send an enraged We the People into the streets with pitchforks raised so the thugs can try out their nifty military style police and other brutal forces against us (not recommended).

There will be more on similar topics soon when my post on the American Revolution's Prenatal Eclipse is published here so please stay tuned, if you so desire. And yes, its themes are curiously synchronous with current events, more's the pity.

America. We're going to miss her when she's gone.

Jan 13, 2017

Jan 12, 2017: C-SPAN Hacked By Russia? - video (w Mercury-Pluto)

Well, it seems the Full Wolf Moon @22Cancer on the morning of January 12, 2017 brought interruptions of an unusual variety to Capitol Hill confirmation hearings though I had thought its orb of 2+ degrees from US natal Mercury Rx (which brings along its opposition to powerful saboteur Pluto in Capricorn) was perhaps too wide to cause much trouble in Washington. Apparently I was wrong as you'll see in this brief discussion:

Raw Story has more details.

Nov 13, 2016

Trump Eyes Bush-Era Torture Architect For CIA Head - TYT video report

Trump's White House Preparations in Progress, Cabinet and Staff Members Ready to Serve If Tapped

As feared, a whole crop of old, crooked politicians have started hanging onto Mr. Trump's suspenders hoping to be shoehorned into the back door of the White House once again (that's where the keep the cash cow). Voting for Trump was the same as voting for Cheney, Rove, Rumsfeld, Spit Comb, Rice, Kristol, Ailes, Gingrich, and all the little warmongering Vulcans who not only brought the invasion and costly occupation of Iraq to the world and to the US Treasury, but they also broke America's longstanding political taboo against preemptive war, and palled around closer than ever before with Underworld criminal elements (creepy Pluto, of course, along with Neptune and with Mars to pull the trigger).

And on a different level of reality, these sidewinders are playing a Global Game only they know the rules of...aka, 'a power game with important consequences' (Tyl):

Visit The Young Turks Network for more reports, commentary, and independent analyses by Cenk Uygur and the team.

Note: Blogger is behaving oddly tonight. I'm seeing two embeds of the same video displaying just after this post was published yet there's only one set of code for it showing--nothing to delete! jc

Oct 31, 2016

Native American Protesters Caged Like Dogs - TYT reports

So why are peaceful protesters being jailed at all? On this shameful topic (dog kennels?!?), I side with Cenk Uygur: the police in North Dakota are facing the wrong way:

For more non-corporate news visit The Young Turks Network.

corporatism + statism = fascism

Aug 27, 2016

What Happened to Trump Financial and Trump Mortgage? #LoserDonald

Now Trump supporters will not appreciate the following clip at all so I caution them to avoid watching this brief clip of a The Young Turks segment even though Trumpsters are the very voters who could benefit most from a consideration of these remarks and thereby do the United States of America a solid on November 8th:

#TrumpMortgage #TrumpFinancial #LoserDonald #Drumpf

Possibly Related: "A Woman Rises from the Ocean, a Seal Embraces Her" astro-peek at the September 26, 2016 POTUS Debate (#1 of 3) (may God help us)...and get ready for the season, the winds are changing direction: September 2016 Eclipses: Two 'Wild Cards' of the Universe.

Aug 16, 2016

Trump Campaign Chief's Strong Ties To Putin Revealed - clip (w Astrology)

August 15, 2016: no, I did not know that Donald Trump's campaign manager, Paul Manafort, has had for years lucrative business dealings with Russia and Ukraine to such a shady extent:

Watch The Young Turks Live.

Here's a link to the New York Times article on Mr. Manafort's foreign ties, a link which may or may not remain Live. He says the money was only for political activities but given how underhanded and underworldly Politics can be, that's not very comforting.

Paul Manafort: an April Fool of 1949

Billed as a lobbyist and political consultant, Paul Manafort was born on April 1, 1949 in New Britain, CT (hour unknown; Moon in Taurus for the 24-hour period). A Fire-Earth Sun Aries-Moon Taurus personality gives him a "straight from the shoulder charm", great ambition, and confidence. Mr. Manafort can be diplomatic yet tactless, intuitive yet pragmatic, and loves a challenge. Deeply possessive, his Venus-Mars conjunction in early Aries conjoins his Syzygy Moon @8Ari36 (last lunation prior to birth) so obviously this is a passionate man with what may be described as "a roving eye." Now I have no idea of his domestic situation or of his romantic arrangements but he is very much in the center of them.

His large streak of ambition of urges him to "make his mark upon the world" so it's no surprise that he's in Politics and active in several foreign regions of the world. Manafort is a natural entrepreneur with many irons in several fires and whether more of his past activities will surface and affect the White House chances of Donald J. Trump is a good question. There are two eclipses in September, Solar then Lunar, so we'll see if either lunation disgorges more scandals or inconvenient secrets for Manafort or for Trump.

Though self-centered (as is his client, Trump) Mr. Manafort is excellent company and can be loyal if he so chooses unless ego is allowed to get in the way of cooperation and getting the job done--two egos together have they. Still, Manafort has stamina and is quite magnetic so we'll see how Paul and Donald manage to trot along together on the path to the White House or whether a divergence will take place. I suspect a divergence between them or from the path--but we'll see.

A Bit More Astrology

April 1, 1949: all day a YOD pattern was overhead when little baby Paul (and anyone else born that day) arrived, a YOD pattern of special task or purpose, crossroads, turning points, or crisis implications at some point in his life (health issues may also be indicated). Wonder if the Donald Trump brouhaha circus and recent financial revelations have triggered Manafort's natal YOD because Trump's natal Sun is at the point of progressing into Virgo which means '00Virgo', the precessed position of royal star Regulus which, as you know, rises with Mars in Leo in the natal chart of Mr. Trump.

(See his red face for his Mars rising and his retaliating temper--also note that asteroid Tisiphone of 'retaliation' fame, conjoins Trump's natal Moon and South Node of the Moon along with starry Ras Alhague as we've discussed previously).

But the thing is, Mr. Manafort has a karmic planet in his natal chart @00Vir04 Rx and that planet is Saturn. His natal Mercury sextiles Jupiter in late Capricorn (conjunct US natal Pluto--a wheeler dealer across the globe with a potential accent on military and surveillance matters) which forms the base of the YOD, and whether his Mercury is @29Pisces or 00Aries, it conjoins the Aries Point of Recognition, Prominence, and Fortune.

When Saturn is apex in a YOD configuration there can be a self-induced sense of frustration or failure especially if a respected social position has been achieved but is undermined by a denial of natural limits and neglect of the requirements of authenticity, accountability, and maturity that astrological Saturn demands so that 'fateful consequences' result in the reaping what was sown category.


For more on YODs and other planetary patterns, see Dynamics of Aspect Analysis by Bil Tierney; also see Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Jul 16, 2016

Trump Flubs VP Announcement - video

And the Trump Circus atmosphere continues...

Update Saturday July 16, 2016: Trump VP announcement set for today at 11:00 am edt under the auspices of the 9:32 am edt eccentric, unprincipled, arrogant, rule-breaking Sun-Uranus square. Perhaps Mr. Trump shouldn't have got his knickers in a twist yesterday when the cat escaped from the VP bag!

May 26, 2016

What Does It Look Like When A Congressman Stands Up To #Trump? - clip

As Campaign 2016's twists and turns continue, Hillary Clinton says she won't debate Senator Bernie Sanders but Donald Trump says he will. Meanwhile, Senator Elizabeth Warren is on Trump's case.

This is a good one!

Be sure to visit Thom Hartmann when you can.

Related posts include the Sun-Moon personality blends of Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, plus, the video of her 2011 senate campaign announcement.

And in case you missed it, check out a related February 2016 segment from The Young Turks: Elizabeth Warren Defends Bernie Sanders regarding big banks, what they 'got away with', and the "danger" (says Lloyd Blankfein) of criticizing them or expecting them to make amends for their fraudulent activities.

May 24, 2016