When one looks at the natal chart of Donald J. Trump the most visible point, the aspirational, goal-oriented Midheaven @24Tau18 ('MC') displays to the world at large a certain fixed star (23Tau26 in 1946) Capulus, a star of male aggressive energy, and partner to Algol (female aggressive energy). In fixed star interpretation, Capulus denotes blindness, turbulence, and passionate feelings with the blindness connection probably due to the fact that Capulus is actually a nebula and nebulae were used by the Roman army to test a prospective archer's eyesight.
Focused, direct, and penetrating action is a key concept of Capulus and when linked to a natal chart suggests rash anger, hasty action, and ruthlessness that has far-reaching negative effects if mismanaged. (Brady). Maturity is the necessary antidote for more positive, thoughtful, and nuanced expressions of this star. However, Mr. Trump also has egotistical Mars, the warrior planet, rising in proud Leo--with royal star Regulus (the king, or, the kingmaker; key phrase: success if revenge is avoided). Great energy is provided to Mr. Trump as described by Capulus at MC, Mars rising, and a solar-infused Leo Ascendant (physical body) yet as always, motive is all-important in every endeavor.
And so, Donald Trump was born with Regulus rising as Capulus culminated at Midheaven, a cosmic picture shared by at least two people pointed out by Bernadette Brady in her Fixed Stars book--one famous, the other infamous: mystic, artist, poet, and engraver William Blake and Jim Jones, cult leader and mass murderer. I'll call 'positive expression of Capulus' for seer Blake and very much a 'negative expression' for Jones and his 'People's Temple' outcome of tragedy and loss.
So as the stars impel, and the Trump White House term continues, We the People will see a starry cosmic picture unfolding in both positive and negative ways through a man whose mentality leans heavily upon the 'if it can be touched, weighed, or seen, then it has existence' model of Capulus which is supported by his leading planet Uranus and natal Sun in Gemini, and a Leo Mars and Ascendant, so demanding and needy for the constant reassurance of applause and approval just to believe that he truly exists on the earthly plane.
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