An Astrological Comparison of Donald Trump and John Bolton
by Jude Cowell
As you've heard, neocon warhawk John Bolton is Trump's designated National Security Adviser now that General McMaster has been ousted from the White House. Let's take a look at the aspects between Trump and Bolton in the synastry grid, below. Since Bolton's birth hour is so far unknown, a speculative 'noon' hour is used--his Sun and Moon remained in their signs the whole day through--Sun Scorpio and Moon Cancer, Double Water (see his personality blend notes, below):
Across are the planets of Donald Trump (June 14, 1946 10:54 am Queens, NY with his Mars 26Leo rising with royal Regulus). Down are the noon planets of John Bolton (November 20, 1948 'noon' Baltimore, Maryland). Marked in Red are the aspects likely to cause the most conflict between them (squares and oppositions). I would consider the Trump Mars square Bolton Sun the most challenging aspect, dynamic though it is. Note that Bolton was born with a disassociate conjunction between Mars in Sagittarius and Jupiter @1Cap05 which is opposed by chaos-creator Uranus Rx @29Gem44, a critical-crisis 29th degree of impatience, and conjunct a Cardinal World Point (00Cancer). His Jupiter in Capricorn opposes Trump's Mercury in Cancer, also a challenging aspect (beliefs vs thinking) which hints at misunderstandings and differences of opinion. Their association begins with a bang but may end in acrimony as so many of Trump's relationships do but these two 'warriors' are rather a lot alike which can make things even worse after a time of working together. Plus, Mr. Bolton's natal Saturn in Virgo does tend to be the critic and, as we know, Mr. Trump's overly sensitive ego cannot tolerate criticism.
In his natal chart, John Bolton's Sun in late Scorpio conjoins his Chiron denoting a deep wound to his sense of self or personality probably via father during Bolton's childhood. However, Sun-Chiron does give him a sense of having a mission in life, Scorpionic as it is. And with Trump's shaky Gemini personality in need of constant approval, their relationship may be fraught with egocentric demands between them which spill over onto others. Yet war, strife, and conflict seem to be both men's aims in life (Mars trine Mars in Fire signs) though their perspectives differ (Venus SQ Venus) and we see that in Bolton's noon chart, Midheaven, the Goal Point, is @1Sag = "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire." Well, he has certainly demonstrated previously his grand ideas and plans to further the American Empire no matter how many innocent people must be bombed (of course, that's my opinion of him--disagree as you wish). There are, however, some beneficial aspects between them (sextiles, trines, possibly conjunctions) but since we're talking about that 'organized system of hatreds', Politics, we'll consider the negative ones in this post.
Now Bolton's explosive Mars-Uranus opposition is a primary motivator in his psyche and identifies his leaning toward reactionary politics and revolution, spurred by his opposition to the status quo. It also suggests that he is drawn to criminals and criminal activity, and possesses a volcanic temper. If any of this suggests Donald Trump, then we agree. For one thing, both men were born under a BOWL shape of planets led by quirky, quixotic Uranus in changeable Gemini. Add to Bolton a Jupiter-Uranus opposition as well and we have a neocon with dogmatic beliefs, a tendency toward adventurism, exploration, and erratic action. His Mercury-Pluto square suggests cruel and/or blunt speech and an obsessive personality who listens very little to others--again, like Donald Trump.
Yet perhaps that's a difference between them--Bolton may actually hold beliefs while Trump's 'beliefs' change with the last person's opinion he heard expressed. Or will this be a huge war hawking ruh-roh as Trump listens to Bolton and attacks Iran? My suspicion is that their partnership will allow two bad actors to scheme together toward global conflagration, as directed by their hidden masters. But hopefully, that's just me fretting--and perhaps their love won't last!
John Bolton's Double-Water Personality Blend
With his watery Sun Scorpio-Moon Cancer personality blend, John Bolton is deeply fond of 'the good ole days' and with this position in the White House those days may have come again--for him. But everyone else--watch out! Bolton is shrewd, perceptive (smarter than Donald Trump), and secretive as only Scorpio can be. A strong sense of duty may motivate him but going by subjective hunches are already in Uranian Trump's wheel house. Mr. Bolton better not show up Mr. Trump! Bolton has a strong sense of himself while Trump does not and both are very ego-sensitive and impulsive as they tend to give objectivity a pass. Still, Bolton's Jupiter-Saturn trine denotes common sense which Trump has so little of. Actually, both men tend to let negative emotions consume them as we see from Trump's obsessive tweets.
Curiously, Bolton's Sun Scorpio-Moon Cancer blend is shared by Theodore Roosevelt and Dan Rather--a president and a journalist! (See the Harveys' Sun Sign-Moon Sign for more details.)
Bolton's Prenatal Solar Eclipse
John Bolton's Prenatal Solar Eclipse occurred on November 1, 1948 @8Sco43 in the 4 South Saros Series with themes of: strong emotional feelings in relation to money and/or relationships; anger, lust; relationship events seem fated and are beyond personal control; a sudden desire to finish relationships; emotions are blocked or checked which creates much frustration; avoid rash actions until things settle down (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology; my italics.) 4 South last manifested on December 4, 2002 in the lead-up to the ill-advised, preemptive Iraq War that Bolton helped engineer and promote. 4 South next occurs on December 14, 2020 @23Sag08--less than 2 degrees from the natal Moon of Donald Trump and opposing his natal Gemini Sun--and not far from Bolton's natal Mars @25Sag--planet of war and conflict.
In closing, I should gingerly mention what you may be able to read at the bottom of the synastry grid--that John Bolton's Syzygy Moon, a Full Moon @24Tau19, conjoins the natal Midheaven of Donald Trump (24Tau18--and his Phaethon) and both will receive a New Moon @24Tau36 on May 15, 2018 which is scarily tied in with the 70-year Fig Tree Prophecy of Israel. My apologies, gentle reader, if this offends you, but I just thought you might care to know if you don't--that it's late days for Planet Earth. Can you feel it?
Rectified horoscope, without known birthtime.
+ 5 hours
39°,16'19,0 N
76°,40'22,0 W
MC 14°,49'36,0 Libra
Cusp 11 11°,45'34,7 Scorpio
Cusp 12 03°,33'32,0 Sagittarius
Asc. 23°,36'35,8 Sagittarius
Cusp 2 29°,48'19,2 Capricornus
Cusp 3 09°,57'31,4 Pisces
Sun 28°,10'40,1 Scorpio
Moon 15°,17'49,4 Cancer
Merc 15°,46'45,9 Scorpio
Ven 23°,20'03,3 Libra
Mars 25°,13'48,0 Sagittarius
Jup 01°,04'40,2 Capricornus
Sat 05°,34'05,9 Virgo
Ura 29°,44'16,2 R Gemini
Nep 14°,18'15,3 Libra
Plu 16°,33'46,1 R Leo
Drac 03°,37'53,2 R Taurus
Pars 10°,43'45,1 Leo
Chiron 28°,58'26,7 Scorpio
Black Moon 14°,26'28,7 Pisces
Progressive aspects.
8-March-2018 023°,36'36 Capricornus Moon 30 Asc
20-March-2018 021°,43'53 Sagittarius MC * RASALHAGUE (SAT - VENUS )
21-March-2018 028°,58'27 Taurus C--3 180 Chiron
22-March-2018 024°,05'32 Capricorn Moon 90 AR06
26-March-2018 013°,10'40 Capricorn C-11 45 Sun
31-March-2018 016°,33'46 Capricorn Jup 150 Plu
9-Apr-2018 000°,00'41 Taurus Drac 45 mutual Asc
16-Apr-2018 024°,57'31 Capricorn Moon 45 C--3
21-Apr-2018 025°,07'24 Capricorn Moon * TEREBELLUM (VENUS - SAT )
24-Apr-2018 025°,13'48 Capricorn Moon 30 Mars
4-May-2018 029°,26'29 Aries C--2 45 Black Moon
7-May-2018 015°,08'10 Libra Nep 150 mutual Asc
9-May-2018 029°,27'28 Aries C--2 120 AR10
11-May-2018 021°,51'38 Gemini IC * EL NATH (MARS - )
15-May-2018 -05°,50'38 Asc // MC
31-May-2018 018°,25'39 Capricorn Ven 30 mutual Mars
1-Jun-2018 026°,30'36 Capricorn Moon 0 AR08
11-Jun-2018 013°,22'37 Cancer C--5 * SIRIUS (JUP - MARS )
12-Jun-2018 015°,17'49 Pisces Asc 120 Moon
Sept 10, 2019: Thanks Andries! Trump just sacked John Bolton from the White House, too many disagreements esp concerning Trump's plans for Afghanistan. Bolton says he offered to resign last night, Trump now tweets that he fired him. Rraorrww! jc
I post a wrong rectified birthtime of John Bolton.
It is difficult to rectify a horoscope without a birthtime.
But now I think I succeeded.
New rectified birthtime 14h,27m56s4.
Ascendant 9 degrees Aries; MC 5 degrees Capricorn; Pars frt 29 degrees Scorpio conjunct his Sun 29 degrees Scorpio = square Donald J. Trump's Pars Frt 29 degrees aquarius.
There is more to say.
In my head I thougt always that must have an Aries Ascendant.
Donald J. Trump.
Progressive aspects.
4-Oct-2020 003°,41'09 Virgo Moon 30 mutual C-12
5-Oct-2020 003°,41'47 Virgo Moon 60 AR03
8-Oct-2020 003°,49'48 Virgo Moon 45 mutual Ven
16-Oct-2020 027°,05'13 Aries Desc * VERTEX (MARS - MOON )
24-Oct-2020 -01°,29'03 Nep // mutual C-12
10-Nov-2020 027°,16'36 Sagittarius C--3 45 AR05
15-Nov-2020 005°,17'35 Virgo C-11 90 Black Moon
16-Nov-2020 005°,17'35 Virgo Moon 90 Black Moon
16-Nov-2020 005°,17'46 Virgo Moon 0 mutual C-11
24 October is very important.
10 November is election result.
TY again Andries! Not certain what you mean since if you have a birth time you don't need to rectify a chart! Jude
Every birthtime has to be rectified within a second!
I rectified also the birthtime of Nancy Pelosi:15h,12m20s9.
She has MC 21 degrees Sagittarius, which is opposite the USA Pars Fortunae in 21 degrees Gemini.
Her Ascendant is 14 degrees Pisces.
Sabian symbol: Lady in fox fur.
Sabian 21 degrees Gemini is A labour demonstration.
Pelosi's Pars Fortunae is in 20 degrees Libra.
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