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Aug 15, 2018

The Lunar and Solar Eclipses of 2019 with Themes

August 15, 2018: Now that the last eclipse of this year has perfected on August 11, 2018 as 'The Tower Eclipse' during which season the 2018 Midterms will take place, let's look ahead to a chronological list of the Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2019 with brief details of eclipse planets' links to the natal charts of America (1776) and Donald J. Trump (1946):

1. Partial Solar Eclipse January 6, 2019 @15Cap25 in the 2 South Saros Series with a theme of: 'joining unusual groups and feeling a great deal will be gained'; 2 South's initial eclipse occurred on April 17, 991 (OS) @1Tau47, the spot in the Zodiac where transit Uranus continues to ruffle off and on. As you know, eclipses are 'wild cards of the Universe' and 'cosmic blinks' that disrupt, intervene, reveal, and/or cause a complete change of direction in similar fashion to astrological Uranus, planet of chaos and Trump's guiding planet (his 'inner voice' of 'intuition' in Mercurial Gemini). For 00Taurus is the 'trigger degree' of Adolf Hitler, his natal Sun degree (00Tau48) through which it gained a reputation for triggering violence or military action of a forceful, invading kind when activated--and transit Uranus is known for such ability although as a catalyst Uranus may act early, on time, late, or never.

So 2 South's influence begins in late December 2018 (up to two weeks before January 6) and affects the first half of 2019; this is an unpredictable period and since planet Uranus is America's 'totem planet' of rebellion and war, the Pentagon may lead our nation into what once would have been uncharacteristic actions and reactions (though some might say Not so uncharacteristic but aggressive--similar to a belligerent man with Mars rising). Plus, the association of Uranus with Aquarius and with groups and causes suggests that efforts of the current administration (if it remains in the White House into 2019 as I suppose) will result in the break-up and reordering of the Trans-Atlantic Alliance and perhaps of other traditional bonds. For as we've seen, knee-bowing Trump does just like Putin would do!

2. Total Lunar Eclipse January 21, 2019 @00Leo51 opposes US POTUS Sun (00AQ48 for Trump 2017) and as you see from its date occurs just after the 2019 Solar Return to the 2017 Inauguration horoscope (inner chart); will the eclipse bring full awareness or even a culmination of some kind related to the US presidency? The Syzygy Moon (previous lunation) of this Lunar Eclipse is the Solar Eclipse of January 6 which isn't always the case so January 2019 should be a very eventful month.

3. Total Solar Eclipse July 2, 2019 @10Can37 (between US Jupiter and Sun) in the 3 North Saros Series (the PE series of the 9/11/01 WTC attacks) with themes of 'news that transforms a situation possibly involving young people; information causes worry and obsession and large plans are formed but don't "get carried away."' Apparently, security measures, business, finances, funding, and/or currency issues are involved as perhaps secrets and scandals revealed with this eclipse almost in time to act as a national birthday present.

4. Partial Lunar Eclipse July 16, 2019 @24Cap04 opposes US natal Mercury Rx: plans, revelations, and/or secrets leaked or uncovered? New Scandals--or solutions? Cautions: dishonesty and/or grandstanding;

Year 2019 Ends With a Slightly Belated Christmas Gift from the Cosmos:

5. Annular Solar Eclipse December 26, 2019 @4Cap06 in the 3 South Saros Series and opposes US natal Venus in Cancer (2--4 Cancer) and US natal Jupiter (5--6 Cancer) continuing what is mainly 2019's Cancer-Capricorn themes across the Home and Security axis with its ambitious or depressive Moon-Saturn influences that stretch into 2020 and include the next Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto. 3 South contains potentials for 'sudden and (what could be deeply emotional) endings of relationships, possibly with young people'; Pluto @10Leo15 is strongly involved in 3 South's initial eclipse of August 13, 1208 (OS) @27Leo10 which conversely conjoins the natal Mars rising of Donald Trump--and curiously enough, we might say that Mr. Trump's natal Pluto (unaspected in his 12th house) @10Leo02 is a sort of 'Pluto Return' to the initial eclipse's Pluto of 1208.

And as previously posted, Mr. Trump is A Man "Overshadowed by Shadows" as revealed by his 12th house unaspected Pluto in ego-centered Leo.

Related posts: The Presidencies of Washington and Trump = Uranus!; The Whimsical Sun (POTUS) of Inauguration 2017. We're now in the throes and woes of experiencing the unaspected Sun of January 20, 2017.

Eclipse Themes: Brady's Predictive Astrology.

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