Brief Astro-Notes on Donald Trump Jr and Transits to Natal 2018--2019
by Jude Cowell
If you wish a peek, the natal horoscope of Donald John Trump, Jr, is rated A (from memory or news reports) and shows a birth hour of 5:20 pm est on December 31, 1977 Manhattan, New York City, New York. A New Years Eve baby was he! And if you haven't, check out his Wiki bio page for more details on 'Little T' where you'll find him perennially yoked to Reality TV, thanks to his dad Big T. But his yoke is loosened from wife Vanessa Kay Haydon as of their divorce announcement on March 15, 2018. A contested or uncontested divorce seems imminent although its status remains a secret, last I heard.
Now theirs has been an intensely passionate partnership which may have included quite a bit of antagonism and volatility (Sun Sco-Moon Ari: "best of friends or worst of enemies" -- and moodiness, with a lack of sensitivity to the partner's feelings--this is a "riding roughshod" combo, say Charles and Suzi Harvey). And if you look at their Wedding Day planets for November 12, 2005, Mar-a-Lago, Florida you'll see their steamy Water-Fire blend--Sun = husband, Moon = wife, theirs a Mars-Pluto (Scorpio)-Mars (Aries) combination of ambition, pride, and subterfuge.
So with Donald Jr's natal Venus @5Cap02 in 6th house, we know that transit Saturn has recently come to call bring sobering conditions to his relationships and the potential for breaking them off. For Donald Jr, this Saturn-to-Venus transit occurred three times in 2018: February 2, July 8, and November 2. Then there's his 6th house Sun @10Cap08 with restrictive Saturn approaching for a direct conjunction only once: on December 21, 2018. This is a period when his responsibilities must be faced and he must deal with the consequences of past decisions and events. He may be or go into isolation as often as he possibly can as 2019 nears. One must wonder if a prison term is being described here by legal eagle Saturn's dampening of his Sun-Venus conjunction of self-satisfaction. If so or not, Donald Trump Jr is definitely dealing with feelings and issues of restriction, limitation, and the specter of a possible future prison term, just as most media outlets report.
Another heavy transit that has occurred all through 2018 is transit Pluto conjunct his natal Descendant (19Cap53) and bringing relationship upheavals. Exact conjunctions of transit Pluto to his natal Descendant in 2018: February 3, July 17, and next on December 9, 2018. This transit marks a period when he is forced to face any relationship problems or issues he has accumulated so of course divorce and divorce settlements concerning his wife and five children are part of the plutonian picture. What this means for his relationship with his father remains to be seen.
Will 2019 Improve for Donald Trump Jr?
Leaving such a value judgment up to you, dear reader, here are a few prominent 2019 transits to Don Jr's natal chart to consider. First, there's the start of three conjunctions of transit Jupiter to his natal Neptune (16Sag44): January 25, July 3, and September 19, 2019. This is a period when pretense and illusion may expand, imagination is enhanced, he may lose whatever touch he's had with reality (or freedom?), paranoia and/or fanaticism may increase, mysteries abound or perhaps are solved, incorrect diagnoses can occur, and scandals and schemes can continue. There is even a possibility of bankruptcy under Jupiter-to-Neptune's inflated, fraudulent influences. Of course, spirituality may increase as well but I'm not suggesting it for the son of a con man such as Trump--unless his mother Ivana provided her first son with such a possibility or interest.
Now one 2019 transit that is particularly fretful is Saturn square natal Pluto (16Lib35 in 4th house conjunct Trump Sr' natal 2nd house Jupiter Stationary). For Trump Sr this transit is a question of economic growth and political success being hampered by imposing authority figures and by endless laws, rules, and regulations. For Trump Jr it's a more existential period when he is being stripped of unnecessary baggage and may have a feeling of stepping into unknown territory. For Junior the exact transit dates are: February 16, July 17, and November 15, 2019.
Then there's a significant Solar Eclipse on July 2, 2019--significant for America since it manifests so near Independence Day 2019 in between our nation's Venus and Jupiter in Cancer (more on this in a future post). Obviously, finances are implicated although business-loving Cancer is a also tribal sign of family and security issues so white nationalism may be part of the eclipse picture as well as the Trump family.
Solar Eclipse @10Can37 July 2, 2019; 3 North Saros Series (a lunation @00Cancer in 3 South is the Prenatal Eclipse of the 9/11 attacks). Themes of 3 North eclipses: 'news involving young people or news that transforms a situation and causes worry or obsession; large plans and activities are taken but don't get carried away' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology).
The July 2019 Solar Eclipse is significant for Donald Jr because, among other things, it opposes his natal 6th house Sun (10Cap08) and manifests in his natal 12th house of Politics, Karma, Self-Undoing...and hidden places such as Prisons. Besides any eclipse influences, this 'cosmic blink' marks an 'unbirthday' transit for Don Jr when one is meant to reassess current plans and activities and make a change of course if results have not been not favorable up to that point (6 months after a birthday). But how free will Donald Jr actually be to make any necessary directional changes toward better outcomes? Will he turn witness for Robert Mueller against his father? Doubtful, yet a strong sense of self-preservation runs in the family and reduced sentences are usually cat nip at times of indictment. Well, surely his Pa-pa' will pardon him if at all possible!
A Mars Return Marks a New Two-Year Cycle of Activities and Efforts
Last I shall mention that 2019 is a year of a Mars Return for Donald Jr and it perfects once on July 16, 2019. Setting Don Jr's Mars Return chart for Manhattan, Mars (9Leo04) conjoins the Return IC (5Leo31 with Mars conjunct sexy asteroid Sappho!) from the 4th house side (more domestic troubles?) and shows his planet of motivation, energy, and activity to be under the quixotic rays of transit Uranus as it has squared his natal Mars. This Uranian transit marks a period when relationships with males are fraught with disagreements, disruptions, and possibly with danger--and when efforts may meet with unexpected results. In addition, transit Uranus, today @29Aries Rx, has been ruffling Donald Jr's natal 10th house Chiron (1Tau09 Rx) off and on suggesting feelings of rebellion and a tendency to act on impractical impulses (Nolle). Of course, his father is quite the quirky Uranian with chaotic impulses and notions shown every day as provided by Big T's guiding planet, his 10th house Uranus in duplicitous Gemini for it's the leader of all Trump Sr's natal planets.
Thankfully for Don Jr there is a grace note found in another aspect in his July 2019 Mars Return chart, an applying trine from Jupiter (6A29) to Mars indicating that a Jupiterian figure will provide Donald Trump Jr with beneficial aid in his hour of need and this may describe a pardon or other legal and/or financial help from his dad, Donald Trump Sr., or it could relate to benefits from wealthy financiers and promoters of the Trump Family...perhaps a cushy, pimped-up prison pad?
Image: Hubble's view of planet Mars
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