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Dec 3, 2018

Trump's New World Order - Truthstream Media

The following presentation posted to YouTube in 2017 and I almost missed it. And if you've ever read Stars Over Washington before this moment you may be aware that globalism and a 'new global order' (economic, financial, social, and 'moral') have been constant refrains of the dissenting kind by yours truly, a fan of sovereign nation-states and big D-little d democracy rather than totalitarianism and its 'strong-armed paternalism' now expressing through the NWO pair 1993 Uranus-Neptune and their midpoint @18Cap, hit off-and-on in our day by transit Pluto ('18Cap' = POLITICAL POWER: "A British Destroyer"; Jones gives '18Cap' the negative expression of "smug or strong-armed paternalism"). Often I have cited here and elsewhere from Noel Tyl's Solar Arcs book: "Uranus-Neptune = Pluto: the big picture must be followed, very little option to do otherwise." It's an offer compromised politicians can't refuse!

Plus, tragically we must add to this creepy picture and the underworld criminality it suggests one of the potentials of the harsh energies of Pluto in Capricorn: the dictator (R. Ebertin).

Of course, the upcoming Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of January 12, 2020 @23Capricorn (see link, below) gives us cold if any comfort with its extremely conservative, reactionary determination against all progressive movements, improvements, and legislation intended to lift the yoke from our Collective neck. And curiously enough, Donald Trump's natal Vertex of 'fated encounters' falls upon 23Capricorn. Will these circumstances reveal the prophecy of America "speaking like a dragon"? Sadly I suspect so--although many folks domestically and across the globe say our nation has been speaking with draconian overtones for decades. Remember that Bin Laden labeled America as "the great satan"? Well, I tend to think of that little ditty as satan calling out satan, a time-worn trick of his meant to fool and distract the unwary. Especially since the 'destructive force' is all around--and inside us if we let it in!

So okay I'll hush typing for now and recommend for your consideration a report from Melissa and Aaron of Truthstream Media in case you also missed it:

UPDATE: June 2022: Unfortunately, this video has been deleted from SO'W but may be seachable on YouTube. jc

Related are dual horoscopes of the Saturn-Pluto Conjunctions of 1982 and 2020. Note that until January 12, 2020 we remain mired within the current Saturn-Pluto cycle which began in 1982 @27Libra36 under the conservative, greedy auspices of Ronald Reagan whose 'trickle down economics' remains a big joke played upon the masses by the GOP.

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