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Showing posts with label Pluto in Capricorn = the dictator. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pluto in Capricorn = the dictator. Show all posts

Sep 16, 2024

Sept 2024: Menace at Mar-a-Lago

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

It's difficult to miss the big news out of the Mars-a-Lago Golf Club yesterday but if you need it, here's a link to details concerning the appparent assassination attempt on the dictator-wanna-be. Considering that such dangerous events occur somewhat frequently in other countries, perhaps in the US the dictator-wanna-be job description should include the possible peril potential which is made even more likely if a wanna-be manages to officially become a dictator - especially if his activities tend toward the controversial, scandalous, and criminal side.

Besides, it's a natural law that everyone must reap what they sow!

Meanwhile, my suspicion is that Pluto of primal viol*nce fame, and now back in Saturn-ruled Capricorn (The Dictator placement) at a critical-crisis 29th degree, is somehow involved even if only in his invisible, behind-the-scenes manipulator role. Of course, Pluto can also wear an assassin's cap, or even a pope's chapeau, but those topics are waaay beyond the scope of such a meager post as this.

Horoscope: Sunday September 15, 2024 1:30 pm ET Mar-a-Lago Golf Course

Wanna-be Golfing Near the 5th Hole

Hour of an out-of-bounds Mars in Moon-ruled Cancer, always a touchy sign for belligerent Mars. Chart-ruler Jupiter @20Gem25 is nearly setting and applying only by sextile to wounded Chiron Rx in Mars-ruled Aries, a maverick placement for the centaur.

It's being reported that alleged gunman Ryan Wesley Routh, possibly troubled over wanna-be's position on Ukraine, has a criminal record and a reputation for doing "stupid" stuff. He's being painted as mentally off-kilter. Then significantly, excessive Jupiter conjoins dictator-wanne-be's natal 10th house planetary trio and is partile conjunct his fateful North Node of contacts and encounters.

Potential expressions of planets aspecting dictator-wanna-be's natal planets (June 14, 1946 10:54 am edt Queens, NY) include:

Mars SQ Neptune (hidden competition; ideological conflicts; urge to escape); Uranus SQ Mars (disputes; risks; thwarted goals; lashing out; own worst enemy); Jupiter oppo Moon (emotional insecurities activated); Sun SQ Sun (coping with crisis and change; ego blockages); South Node conjunct Neptune (contact with those who see illusions).

Well, there's my quick consideration of yesterday's apparent attempt on the life of dictator-wanna-be, allegedly the second in about two months. Hopefully, it won't be necessary to write about this again but I suppose I will if need be. One might wonder if years of wanna-be's rhetoric of "American carnage" in America and his constant bad mouthing our country has brought him the precise conditions he craves - but with the gun pointed at him. And this spotlights the above picture of being his own worst enemy.

Jul 17, 2023

GOP, Foreign Power, and Pluto in America

In case you missed it, here's a recent video segment from the progressive broadcast of Thom Hartmann: "GOP in League With Hostile Foreign Power to Plan Single Party Dictatorship," and I'm certain anyone reading this post knows which of our two political parties are being used to sabotage democracy in America:

The GOP, Dictatorship, Plutocracy, and Powerful Pluto

by Jude Cowell

Today transit Pluto @29Cap13, a critical 29th degree, shows that the planet of sabotage has yet to reach Aquarius and remain there; this won't occur for good until January 2024. Meanwhile, with US 1776 Pluto in Saturn-ruled Capricorn @27Cap33 Rx, America is experiencing her first-ever Pluto Return, a three-fer which can be seen in the tri-wheel image, below; you'll find astro-details in a previous post:

US Pluto-Mercury Opposition: Demagogues, Spies, and Suggestive Orators

Now obviously, the Capricorn placement of insidious, power-grasping Pluto relates to America's Plutocratic and Oligarchic conditions since day one; also note that our 1776 Pluto-Chiron midpoint of exploitation conjuncts 1776 US Ceres, asteroid of democracy, and of our food supply controlled and adulterated by corporate Plutocrats. Tellingly, Reinhold Ebertin gives Pluto in Capricorn a description of the dictator. These are the difficult energies and forces that pro-democracy types in government and in society have fought against all along. Among other things, America's Pluto Return/s may be considered a timing device for the surfacing of these power issues which culminated in 2022 but are ongoing.

So if curious enough, we might even compare events in year 1776 with year 2022 events since historical cycles tend to rhyme in similar fashion. One example: economic royalists oppressed us then (via King George) and now we fight oppressors hiding behind the masks of Republicanism with 'maga' extremists the more violent of the saboteurs of our freedom, independence, civil rights, and democracy. After all, monarchical rule is a form of dictatorship, yes? Then through the repeal of Roe v Wade by SCOTUS justices of the Catholic persuasion, we saw Vatican interference boldly peeking through, with one of Pluto's mundane roles of manipulation being 'the Pope'. Now there's a foreign power for ya, though certainly not the only one with selfish interests to promote in the US.

Astrologically, the time period is extended by using America's Secondary Progressed ('SP') position of Pluto @29Capricorn+. But whether we consider this or not, our nation has entered her second generation of Plutonic energies so that the 1776 Mercury-Pluto opposition is re-energized and re-activated, primarily through the power to influence the masses, and to control communications, knowledge--and wealth.

"American Carnage": A Violent Demagogue Appears

So as we know, the democracy vs authoritarianism issue reared its head big-time once Donald Tr*mp became the figurehead of bigoted authoritarians in the US and elsewhere (many of whom still bristle with resentment from our Civil War days, and/or from Hit*er's defeat) so that Tr*mp's escalator announcement to a paid audience at NY's Trump Tower on June 16, 2015, was timed by the morning's Gemini New Moon. As many people realized then or have realized by now, Herr T's destructive intentions were telegraphed during his initial "prez bid" announcement. Meanwhile, in 2022 into March 2023, Mars returned to position in the June 16, 2015 New Moon horoscope. In fact, that morning's 'Prez Bid' New Moon conjoined aggressive warrior planet Mars (suggesting violent acts), all within Trump's natal 10th house of Career and Public Status where his Uranus-NN-Sun trio of radical reforms hangs out.

As noted, transit Mars returned to position in Trump's 2015 New Moon chart three times, most recently: twice in 2022, and once in March 2023. Not that transit Mars hadn't hit the chart before, but 2022 and 2023 are the focus of this post. For as you know, the 2024 campaign season has already begun--and Election 2024 is projected to be America's "AI election" of deep fakes and even more desperate power grabs.

So one factor I'm personally keeping an eye on is the transit in August 2024 when warrior planet Mars returns to his Gemini New Moon position of June 16, 2015, a lunation cosmically yoked to Tr*mp's presidential ambitions. Besides, you know that hotheaded Mars symbolizes Tr*mp with his Mars rising, right?

For further reading: Remember way back in 2013 when transit Pluto Opposed US Sun?

May 17, 2023

Can Nazis Be Defeated Like This Again? - Thom Hartmann

For more on this topic and other issues of the day, visit Thom Hartmann.

Eclipse Cycles Time Similar Historical Events

by Jude Cowell

As readers of SO'W know, a Solar Eclipse in the 6 South Saros Series - the same family as the Nazis Rise to Power Eclipse of August 1932 - has already repeated and its theme of 'being forceful, taking power' brought along a partial electoral victory at the 2022 Midterms allowing maga Republicans to commandeer the US House of Representatives. We've seen what an amateurish 3-ring circus that has been as they pretend to govern while undermining the rule of law, yapping at the heels of President Joe Biden, and attempting to follow orders from their wealthy overlords. And sporting AR-15 pins on their lapels as silent threats.

My point is, We the People are in the thick of a struggle against barbaric Nazis with racism and 'Aryanism' the arrows in their hate-filled quivers as before. But unlike in WWII, the battlefields are different and the criminals are more sophisticated and organized, so that focus, not apathy, must be maintained if we are to vanquish the enslaving enemy once again. For as you know, freedom, once lost, is difficult to regain.

My suspicion is that there are enemies of America who use cosmic factors as timing agents: an obvious example is 1930s Pluto in Cancer (the magician) now opposed by Pluto in Capricorn (the dictator) for a while longer, as a 'Full Moon' culmination opportunity to fulfill little Adolf's perverted dream of global domination when democracy could be banished from the Earth, and creepy Pluto, as a symbol of death and transformation, could bring the primal violence, extremism, and exploitation needed to enforce tyrannical government against the will of the people. That our nation has now experienced her first-ever Pluto Return (27Cap33) in 2022 must have seemed like a perfect excuse for transformative activities.

Then looking ahead, we have another watershed moment in time: the third of three Great American Eclipses to 'look forward to' with its 8 North themes of visions and good ideas although as a Mars-ruled Aries Eclipse manifesting in 2024, an election year, I must wonder what disruptions, revelations, and wild cards the Cosmos has in mind for our democratic Republic.

Sep 6, 2022

When Pluto Hits America's POTUS Sun

Power-Mad Ego-Driven Sun-Pluto Craves Domination!

by Jude Cowell

So will US leadership continue to be global after 2025? These days, forces are working for and against such a continuation, yet tragically, Washington hasn't always handled power well, as you may agree (exs: preemptive wars, invasions, plunderings, financial exploitation). Admittedly, this entire thing with Pluto sounds draconian to me, perhaps powered by Utopian zealotry, but let's proceed anyway.

Well, when it comes to issues of power and the abuse of it, astrologers keeping up with politics and the planets have followed along with powerful, subliminal Pluto as the wealth-hoarding Mr. Invisible has crept toward America's first-ever Pluto Return (to its 1776 position) in late degrees of Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business (see tri-wheel link, below). And most folks know that master astrologer Reinhold Ebertin labeled Pluto in Capricorn, the dictator, and can agree that the authoritarian archetype of "the dictator" now vultures over the masses expectantly like a malevolent raptor with humanity in its sights.

The barbarians aren't simply at the gate, they're sabotaging our country from inside the compound. And we should expect that America's current crisis situation with democracy under attack will affect events of 2023, 2024, and 2025 - and will form the basis for them.

So! the following bi-wheel is set up backwards: the inner chart is the Inauguration 2025 Horoscope surrounded (outer) by the transits of February 18, 2024 at the moment (3:11:24 am EST) that transit Pluto @00AQ53 hits the position of what will be the Inaugural Sun 2025 (the leader, taking the presidential Oath of Office at noon on that day):

Why backwards? Because tr Pluto reaches 00AQ53 prior to the actual Inauguration of January 20, 2025 (assuming that we have our traditional ceremony). In fact, February 18, 2024 is the first of three times this conjunction occurs, and penned on the chart are the other dates of exactitude: July 22, 2024 and December 26, 2024.

Now obviously, Pluto's direct, transformative contact to US POTUS Sun (aka, Inaugural Sun: identity change?) cosmically affects year 2024 and the 2024 Presidential Election - before and afterwards (Feb-to-Dec). An extended period of vote counting, plus, contentiousness, seem probable, of course, so there is that to consider but it's beyond the limited scope of this post.

Note that you may wish to check out the bottom of the image concerning 2025 Mars Rx @24Can23 conjunct US 1776 Mercury Rx (an indicator of political conflicts), and the date when transit Mars will oppose the Sun-Pluto conjunction on or about May 21, 2023. Yes, 2023. And, due to the two-year cycle of Mars, again on Election Day 2024! Obviously, other planetary influences will alter conditions with both positive and negative energies, as they always do.

As for the bi-wheel shown above, please enlarge or print the bi-wheel for better reading, if need be. Yes, my study notes are penned on so you may find something interesting! See the center of the chart for Sun-to-Pluto notes, and lower left corner for Pluto-to-Sun potentials - a double emphasis from the Cosmos.

And so as it turns out, this is another one of my forewarned-is-forearmed posts of fretful fussiness and hopefully a dear reader or two will follow up on these topics in the real world (via activism! 'democracy is not a spectator sport - get active', as Thom Hartmann always reminds us), or perhaps someone will be inspired to take the upcoming Pluto-to-POTUS-Sun contact and sleuth into it!

For the curious reader, here's my original post showing the Inauguration 2025 Horoscope. Also related: Tri-Wheel: US Pluto Return/s Three Times in 2022.

Then with powerful Pluto vibes a-dripping, here's a post concerning Trump's 5th Harmonic Pluto.

Aug 10, 2020

Hitler's Rise to Absolute Power, Trump, and Astrology

"The federal government has absolute power. It has the power. As to whether I'll use that power, we'll see." - Donald Trump, fan of dictators past and present. Note that with this assertion he reveals that he equates himself with the federal government.

August 10, 2020: The more despotic, authoritarian, anti-constitutional, anti-humanity, and out of control becomes Herr Spanky Trump the more I think back on the various SO'W posts concerning Hitler and Trump and the rise of Fascism in Germany, in addition to the current crop of white 'supremacists' in America (who coup'd the White House in 2017 as you probably noticed). Today I discovered that a freshly posted ''Timeline World History Documentaries' video (49m33s) has been published to YouTube which may be informative for anyone concerned about the authoritarian direction Trump has and will steer our nation if "re-elected."

See Timeline World Histories': How Hitler Gained Absolute Power in Germany.

Economic collapse creates perfect conditions for the seizing of power along with the purposeful degradation of laws and traditions in society. Trump has worked to degrade and sabotage our nation for almost four years now. And since we know that history so often rhymes through similar events and conditions (and eclipse degrees are sensitized and can be reactivated at some point in time by transit, progression, and/or direction), the fact that certain solar eclipses of 1932 and 1933 will soon repeat along with their forceful 'seizing power' Mars-Pluto themes, suggests that extreme caution is advised over the next three or so years in relation to our current titanic struggle to Keep Our Republic. To me if not to you, keeping our Republic is possible under a Biden administration but would be totally impossible under the yoke of another four years of authoritarian despot Trump.

That 'Republicans' (aka, Trumpians) and their comrades are super-sizing their election sabotage efforts in 2020 is an important feature and a basic imperative of their push toward establishing absolute power (which corrupts absolutely), a totalitarian rise the world has witnessed before. And as everyone knows, not learning from history dooms dumb-heads to repeat it. And this We The People must not do.

Hitler-Trump-Eclipses: A Few Links

'Nazi Rise to Power' Solar Eclipse Soon Repeats in 2022.

'Fascism Rising' Solar Eclipse of 1933 Repeats in 2023. Here's a peek at the 1933 horoscope:

Trump and Links Between Nazism and the Occult (links to the Third Reich's Progressed New Moon of 2017).

4 Virgo and the Midpoint Pictures of Trump and Hitler (includes links to their natal horoscopes).

All About Fascism, Oligarchy, and Plutocracy, a Thom Hartmann video clip.

Video: Hitler's Vision: Germania.

Eerie Parallels Between Hitler's Rise to Power and Trump's Administration (Thom).

The Third Reich Horoscope showing the current Capricorn planets at its Midheaven ('MC'), the Goal Point of any horoscope.

And on a special note today: Thom Hartmann's idea is that, like Hitler at the end of WWII, Trump intends to crash the US economy as he shambles out the door - or is taken away by men in white coats.

Other previous posts concerning such topics can be found by typing terms like 'Fascism" or "Hitler" in the sidebar Search field (scroll down) and as always, your Shares and on-topic comments are much appreciated (although all ads and spam are never published at all so don't even bother!) jc

Jun 25, 2020

Horoscopes: DOJ 1934 with AG Bill Barr Confirmation

June 25, 2020: Below is a bi-wheel of the Department of Justice (DOJ) Dedication Horoscope of 1934 (inner; Masonic ceremony led by FDR; '3:00 pm' - D. Ovason) with Bill Barr's Senate confirmation horoscope of February 14, 2018 (at approximately 1:05 pm est Washington DC - my thanks to mundane astrologer Gary Lorentzen for the timing). The partisan Senate confirmation vote was 54 to 45 for "the cover-up general" so that scofflaw Trump would be shielded from answering for his crimes and could more easily continue his nasty habit of overstepping the traditional limits of Executive power. Basically, Barr was installed in order to save Trump's shall we say bacon.

How many threats of retaliation were delivered against any senators considering a vote against Barr I cannot tell you but in multiple spots in the horoscopes you'll find mention of career-ending associations with certain dark elements of society, including the criminal syndicate/procurement variety. See particularly the dark green highlighted notes in 10th house and on the right (via rounded-up Sabian Symbols for the 2019 ASC-DESC axis degrees; also see the MC's symbol, the WHY? Point, top right, "18Sag").

And note that Opus Dei agent Barr's confirmation occurred a mere 4 days prior to the DOJ Uranus Return, number three of three (dates penned on chart, in blue), during what continues in 2020 and beyond to be 'a titanic power struggle' between global forces -> Pluto in Capricorn opposing Pluto in Cancer with the 2019 North Node ('NN") pointing toward 1934 Pluto, and the 2019 SN (aka, 'tail of the dragon') swiping 2019 Pluto. So considering our titanic topic is it curious that the pairing of Pluto-NN is sometimes known as the "tiger by the tail" aspect?

Please enlarge the image if you wish to read my study notes - not much text today for this week I'm mired within a household repair nightmare ever since the June 5, 2020 Lunar Eclipse 'hit' an angle in my natal horoscope!

Now here's an article about the alleged genesis of Barr's 'job application' memo but to cynical me (as a former resident of Washington DC!) this all seems a big old set up especially since Republicans knew very well what Bill Barr was and is capable of perpetrating to keep a president in office: William Barr's Unsolicited Memo to Trump about Obstruction of Justice in which Barr criticized the Mueller investigation of Russian interference in the Trump campaign and "questioned the scope" of the investigation. But perhaps we can agree that the "obstruction of justice" has been on the Barr-Trump-Republican side.

Sep 27, 2019

US Congress: Broken When We Need It to Get Busy

Has the US Congress disintegrated right before our eyes, now broken beyond repair? The sabotage of the US government has been in force for decades and infiltrators are having their merry way. Politico's When Impeachment Meets a Broken Congress lays out the case rather well (especially if readers scroll down a few paragraphs).

And astrologers are likely to be familiar with recent and current planetary transits to the US Congress First Session Horoscope and those affecting Inauguration 2017 planets, plus, a long-term transit of Pluto square natal Neptune with potentials for: 'psychological issues that need professional attention, social upheaval, corrupt political institutions, feeling vulnerable, obsessions, compulsions, hallucinations, a need for spiritual regeneration'. And since Congress is intended to represent We The People, this heavy plutonian influence applies to the entire population.

See the US Congress First Session Horoscope of March 4, 1789 for more transit details.

Now as you can see from the March 4, 1789 chart, the Midheaven (26Capricorn) of the US Congress (MC = Goals, Aspirations, Public Standing) is currently in turmoil from the approaching Saturn-Pluto pair of compressed, unyielding energies, and the same for US Inauguration Horoscope/s (January 20, 2017, 2013, etc, at noon Capitol Building Washington DC).

Karmic Saturn and Pluto are working together as they move closer and their energies peak @23Cap46 on January 12, 2020 (conjunct Trump' natal Vertex of fated encounters--an encounter with dictatorship apparently although personally I'm hoping for downfall). The Saturn-Pluto pairing denotes potentials for: turmoil in rigid or older structures, upsets in existing checks and balances, secret preparations for future restrictions, use of secret police or military agencies, blocked sewage systems, and/or lengthy consideration of methods of removal or destruction (Munkasey). But whether Trump stays on top or not, the ongoing sabotage, mostly by Republicans, is in process of achieving its objective of collapsing America and 'drowning her in a bath tub' as Grover Norquist promised. After all, everyone knows that no empire lasts forever--including the vengeful Vladimir Putin.

So as noted, plans to deconstruct the US government have been simmering for decades--actually from the start--and many see the 2022 US Pluto Return/s as a major signpost on the way to...whatever conditions and events from the Revolutionary years will rhyme if not repeat by 2022.

And naturally, the saboteurs are banking on modern generations of Americans having little if any of the spunk and determination our forefathers possessed during the Revolutionary era so that fighting to rescue our Republic when time catches up with need will be a weak and wimpy affair, easily vanquished, our combatants soft and otherwise engaged with their phones and viral videos. For as you know stealth has been one of our opponents' handiest aids (as always with sabotage) along with infiltration, lies, fraud, cheating, political 'spin', propaganda, wedge issues, and the entertainment industry. Bribery and intimidation work well for them, too, with their mobster/global crime syndicate selves focused on dismantling democratic societies. That the US will no longer act as global leader seems evident to me and is one of the saboteurs' goals.

Plus, you'll remember that in December 2008, during the Bush-Cheney Financial Crash, America symbolically reached as far as she/we can go (or should go) in the world via our nation's Progressed Full Moon in Virgo. Now, despite the massive amount of rigging it's taken to hide the fact that our nation has reached its pinnacle, we're nearly 11 years beyond that point and the karmic imperatives are coming in fast. Are our crumbling institutional structures too weak to withstand the sabotaging forces of the global crime syndicate? For that's what the Washington establishment fights when it battles against Donald Trump although some politicians may be 'fighting' and resisting while secretly supporting the fascist cause he leads (or is the face of--an orange figurehead!).

Now as you know, even before America's Pluto Return/s in 2022 we must navigate several Solar and Lunar Eclipses of note, plus, two titanic planetary conjunctions occur after Saturn-Pluto in January 2020--Jupiter-Pluto begin their cycle anew with the duo's financial implications on April 5, June 30, November 12, 2020 between 22 and 25 Capricorn (tri-wheel charts shown). And the Jupiter-Saturn (the societal pair) conjunct and end 2020 with a bang @00AQ29 conjunct US Inaugural Sun (POTUS) and marking the beginning of a 20-year cycle. When Jupiter and Saturn combine forces there are more checks and balances issues and significant changes in governmental, religious, and social orders with a judicial system at breaking point (Munkasey)--and this must include the lawmakers of Congress.

So now I must regress because during all the years of writing Stars Over Washington (since 2005) I have encouraged readers to contact Congress with 'call often call angry' concerning their issues but now I strongly suspect that calls and emails to Congress offering our support and firm 'don't allow the institution to dissolve' messages would serve both the higher and lower purposes of We The People much better. Don't you?

Related Posts include: The Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse of America's Pluto Return/s; and, The Facist Plot to Overthrow FDR (documentary). My point is, the fascists are at it again and have learned much from their previous mistakes and miscalculations.

Sep 16, 2019

Inauguration 2021 Midpoint Pictures

Please enlarge the following image to read the potentials of Inauguration 2021's Midpoint Pictures. Any, all, or none may apply at the time of the 2021 Oath of Office and may be subject to transits, progressions, and/or other activation; potentials are blends of Tyl, Ebertin, and Munkasey, and as you see, apex planets include: Sun (US natal POTUS; leadership; goals), Mars (males; the military; weapons), Uranus (radicals; reactionaries; zealots; the future), Saturn (authority; legal system; the Establishment; the status quo; limitations; the past), Pluto (power; extreme wealth; hidden hands; saboteurs), Jupiter (finances, banking, investment, wealthy, politics, religion, the General, corporatism; expansion), and Neptune (the media, the masses, propaganda, fraud, deception, disappointment, dissolution). The remaining planets are not apex but are parts of the planetary combinations themselves.

Notably, one planetary picture (Venus-Jupiter) prominently sits atop the Inauguration 2021 Horoscope Midheaven, the Goal Point ('MC'); three planetary midpoints conjunct the Sun, four conjunct Neptune, and two conjunct Jupiter; 12:00 pm est is a Solar Hour, the lunar phase is Crescent (88:10 = crisis in action), and with regret, I add that the chart's planets are in the Bundle shape of a 'dictator' such as Mussolini's (whose natal planets formed the Bundle shape) which suggests a more authoritarian 'presidency' than We The People have always been led to expect from Washington DC--even though we can 'feel' America's three-fer Pluto Return/s approaching in 2022:

Now please note that the Inauguration 2021 Horoscope may not be a cosmic picture of a second presidential term for Donald Trump and yet you may agree that the 2021 Inaugural midpoint pictures suggest quite a mixed cosmic bag of negative and positive possibilities including: temporary or passing states of chaos, success and recognition, lowered standards and goals, magical effects, retaliation, impatience with interference, crooks and swindlers, and someone becoming the mistress or master of her or his own fate.

All this said under the assumption that America will continue to inaugurate presidents during this old order vs new order stage of societal dissolution and regeneration. Meanwhile, Pluto creeping through Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business, imposes his own destructive energies, doesn't he?

And so for authoritarian Trump this marks a period when transit Saturn (3AQ55; planet of authority and legalities) opposes his progressed Saturn (3Leo09 conjunct his progressed MC 5:40) and progress is difficult if not impossible to achieve--and transit Pluto @24Capricorn opposes his natal Saturn in Watery Cancer, sign of tribalism and nationalism, and suggesting titanic challenges to his personal authority and control. Hopefully! Is he vanquished yet? Well, perhaps the 'Images for Integration' for Inauguration 2021's Air-Fire Sun AQ-Moon Aries blend of cosmic energies might be of an uplifting nature:

"A court jester mocks the social injustices of the realm...Robin Hood and his band of merry men outwit the evil King John once again." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey). On second thought, mocking and/or outwitting can play out for good or ill, so maybe not.

Note: if you find that any midpoint picture's potentials are difficult to read, leave a comment with this post and I will add its potentials in a reply. Printing the page might increase readability. jc

Also included on the above image in the lower right corner you see listed the 4 South Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') of Inauguration 2021, the DC Horoscope for which may be viewed in a previous post here with eclipse theme and other astro-notes included.

Jul 17, 2019

Can Trump Go Too Far or Will Racism Get Him Reelected - Thom Hartmann

My answers: yes he can and has and I hope and pray not.

As you know, Pluto now trods through Saturn-ruled Capricorn (sign of government, law, business), a placement with the disturbing potential of "the dictator" (Ebertin). Power planet Pluto is associated with racism and primal violence along with other -isms (exs: Communism, Capitalism, Socialism, birtherism, nativism, patriotism, nationalism--all exploitative in their various ways). Actually, I tend toward more specificity for evils such as racism by considering the duo of Pluto-Chiron and note that the rise of white 'supremacy' and other racist issues have been purposefully ramped up by social meddlers before and since the dawn of this 'New Millennium' and are 'inspired' in part by the December 30, 1999 Conjunction of Pluto and Chiron @11Sag22 conjunct what many astrologers consider to be America's natal Ascendant (12Sag). So Pluto-Chiron-R-Us in some measure--apparently about 30% or more of the US population in 2019. Why they prefer such darkness I do not know but I know that things do not have to be that way, so says the majority!

Now the Pluto-Chiron cycle is approximately 60 years in length and relates to the Collective Unconscious and the "manifestation of a mass need seeking an outlet at a particular time in history." (R. Nolle). During their cycle, at the squares and oppositions, "fierce conflicts" and "tension" are experienced so today with Pluto @21Cap Rx and Chiron @5Aries Rx we find their first square upcoming at some future point in time.

And as for Donald Trump and politics, here's an informative segment from Thom Hartmann posted July 15, 2019 concerning the racism of Donald Trump (and his ilk); the 1999 Pluto-Chiron Conjunction Horoscope is shown, below:


If you wish, please enlarge the following chart image to read my study notes; prominent is Pluto's agent, Mars @26AQ22 as apex of two midpoint pictures: harsh Saturn-Pluto (assault, brutality, ruthlessness; a gun with a cork in its barrel) and Mercury-Jupiter (the execution of plans; oratory). A cosmic time link is shown by this Mars directly opposing the natal Mars of Donald Trump (26Leo rising) which brings him into the picture on a personal level and reminds us that the Saturn-Pluto-Mars trio resonates all too well with Trump's natal Mars-Saturn = Pluto (brutality, bodily harm, murder, deaths of many people--Ebertin). It's the deepest part of him.

Then on January 12, 2020, fuel is added to any and all fires when Saturn and Pluto combine their karmic energies in Great Conjunction @22Cap46--conjunct Trump's natal Vertex of fated encounters and/or changing work conditions.

So highlighted in green on the chart are some of Trump's natal placements. Plus, you see the Pluto-Chiron conjunction's Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') @18Leo21 (in 8th house) from the 1 North series which manifested as the 'King of Alarm' (or, 'Terror') Eclipse of Nostradamus fame (aka, 'The Mother of All Eclipses') and heralded the New Millennium. The next 1 North eclipse repeated as The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @29Leo--conjunct royal Regulus and Trump's natal Ascendant. As you know, its path of visibility split America into two halves, North and South--just like Trump tries to do. Plues, eclipses have the ability to activate fixed stars when they conjoin, you know, into either positive or negative manifestation and my personal view is that we as a Collective now suffer from the negative expressions of a vicious Donald Trump attempting to take America down with him as he goes and daily expresses 1 North's stressful themes of "information is distorted and possibly false" and "unexpected events" (Brady), events and lies through which the saboteur 'rules' by chaos.

May 9, 2019

Astrology of an American Constitutional Crisis

May 9, 2019: The Trump-GOP Alliance Sparks a Constitutional Crisis

by Jude Cowell

Once Trump was installed in the Oval Office by shady operators both foreign and domestic, we discussed the symbolic Progressed New Moon of the US Constitution. Today many voices call constitutional crisis which is precisely one of the things Trump and his backers had in mind all along, as previously stated multiple times here on Stars Over Washington and elsewhere across the interwebs. This very day Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi agrees that such a crisis is, in fact, the case due to Trump's refusal to honor his Oath of Office.

And with the secreted Mueller Report as sketchy justification for GOP action and non-action (ex: Trump's assertion of executive privilege to stop various testimonies), such a crisis is in plain view for all but the most ardent Trump worshipers who apparently are fans of sabotaging our nation's three co-equal branches of government meant to keep an eye on each other as the Founders intended. And it seems that weakening the US Constitution and our Congress are 'necessary' steps on Trump's and the GOP's rocky road to authoritarian dictatorship--with a GOP-packed SCOTUS depended upon to further their draconic aims. Even powerful Pluto 'agrees' as he creeps through Saturn-ruled Capricorn on his way toward America's first-ever Pluto Return/s in 2022 for Pluto in Capricorn suggests "the dictator" according to Reinhold Ebertin.

One of the anti-constitutional arrows in the GOP quiver is to call for a Constitutional Convention so that saboteurs can tinker away on the document and undermine its concepts which for over two centuries have made America 'great'. How ironic for MAGA heads, isn't it? But if or when Trump's remaining dupes ever realize his true aims, it will be too late for America.

And so, the squeaky wheel that is Stars Over Washington is compelled to present yet another posting of the US Constitution Horoscope set for September 17, 1787 4:00 pm LMT (approved and signed) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Highlighted in green around the chart are scribbled today's planets -- as you see, transit Mars now conjoins US Constitution's ('USC') Jupiter (25Gem22) denoting the energetic pursuit of goals, tr Mars also squares USC's Sun (24Vir49 conjunct 1787 Nemesis) activating an urge to fight, and tr Uranus sextiles USC's Mars (3Can05) which calls out those with iron wills for a period of problem-solving. Sorely needed in the most positive way possible.

In USC's Secondary Progressions (not shown) we find a YOD pattern of crisis, a turning point, and karmic opportunity with a Neptune-North-Node sextile at base which points toward USC's progressed ('SP') Venus which happens to conjunct US natal Moon (We The People; @27AQ). On its own, the Neptune-NN pair itself indicates such things as cheaters and other anti-social elements in society along with a lack of community or team spirit and if we add SP Venus as apex of the YOD, plus, our natal Moon and we read the result as a midpoint picture, we have potentials for: wrong liaisons, unfaithfulness (ex: treason), misconceptions about certain relationships, disappointments, and a lack of community spirit, according to Ebertin.

As for a constitutional crisis (and the timing thereof) we may look toward a 'cosmic time link' Solar Eclipse which counts as the Prenatal Solar Eclipse in the US Constitution's Secondary Progressed chart timed for the moment the document entered its symbolic 3rd Quarter phase (the 'crisis in consciousness' stage) on February 28, 2017, just after Trump's Oath of Office was taken (apparently with his fingers crossed behind his back). USC's SP 3rd Quarter Moon @12Sag22 squared its SP Sun 12Pis22. In real time, this Solar Eclipse manifested on January 9, 1777 @19Cap50 in the 13 South Saros Series with themes of: constitutional crisis and striving for group endeavors either positively or negatively (Brady). A 13 South eclipse last occurred in 2011 and will next occur in 2029.

Naturally, during the American Revolution, several historical events took place in 1777 under the Saturnian rays of the 13 South Solar Eclipse in Capricorn (19Cap50--where transit Saturn today, and recently Pluto, have trod) and you may wish to check out the year's Wiki page for a list. A few such events include January 2, the second Battle of Trenton (Washington repulsed a British attack), January 3, the Battle of Princeton (Washington defeated Cornwallis), January 15, Vermont declares independence from New York and becomes the Vermont Republic until 1791 when it became the 14th state, June 13, Marquis de Lafayette lands near Charleston, SC to help train the Continental Army (Thanks, France!), and significantly, November 15, 1777 when the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union were debated and approved, ratified on March 1, 1781--then replaced on March 4, 1789 by the current US Constitution, the one we'd better be determined to hold on to lest Trump chew it up and swallow it down.

Are you in?

A related post: Defend the US Constitution on November 6, 2018!

Note: the US Constitution Horoscope, above, may be found in Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes, chart #377.

Dec 3, 2018

Trump's New World Order - Truthstream Media

The following presentation posted to YouTube in 2017 and I almost missed it. And if you've ever read Stars Over Washington before this moment you may be aware that globalism and a 'new global order' (economic, financial, social, and 'moral') have been constant refrains of the dissenting kind by yours truly, a fan of sovereign nation-states and big D-little d democracy rather than totalitarianism and its 'strong-armed paternalism' now expressing through the NWO pair 1993 Uranus-Neptune and their midpoint @18Cap, hit off-and-on in our day by transit Pluto ('18Cap' = POLITICAL POWER: "A British Destroyer"; Jones gives '18Cap' the negative expression of "smug or strong-armed paternalism"). Often I have cited here and elsewhere from Noel Tyl's Solar Arcs book: "Uranus-Neptune = Pluto: the big picture must be followed, very little option to do otherwise." It's an offer compromised politicians can't refuse!

Plus, tragically we must add to this creepy picture and the underworld criminality it suggests one of the potentials of the harsh energies of Pluto in Capricorn: the dictator (R. Ebertin).

Of course, the upcoming Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of January 12, 2020 @23Capricorn (see link, below) gives us cold if any comfort with its extremely conservative, reactionary determination against all progressive movements, improvements, and legislation intended to lift the yoke from our Collective neck. And curiously enough, Donald Trump's natal Vertex of 'fated encounters' falls upon 23Capricorn. Will these circumstances reveal the prophecy of America "speaking like a dragon"? Sadly I suspect so--although many folks domestically and across the globe say our nation has been speaking with draconian overtones for decades. Remember that Bin Laden labeled America as "the great satan"? Well, I tend to think of that little ditty as satan calling out satan, a time-worn trick of his meant to fool and distract the unwary. Especially since the 'destructive force' is all around--and inside us if we let it in!

So okay I'll hush typing for now and recommend for your consideration a report from Melissa and Aaron of Truthstream Media in case you also missed it:

UPDATE: June 2022: Unfortunately, this video has been deleted from SO'W but may be seachable on YouTube. jc

Related are dual horoscopes of the Saturn-Pluto Conjunctions of 1982 and 2020. Note that until January 12, 2020 we remain mired within the current Saturn-Pluto cycle which began in 1982 @27Libra36 under the conservative, greedy auspices of Ronald Reagan whose 'trickle down economics' remains a big joke played upon the masses by the GOP.

Jun 9, 2018

Trump's July 12, 2018 Solar Eclipse = critical times

On July 12, 2018, a Solar Eclipse perfects in Donald Trump's personal 2 Old North Saros Series, this time @20Cancer41 (in 1946, @9Gemini) conjunct one of the dark-light twin stars, Castor. Here is a dual image of the July 12, 2018 2 Old North Solar Eclipse--one horoscope set for Trump's birth location of Queens, NY (lower right), the other chart set for the White House in Washington DC. Some differences will be noted especially with Angles and cusps though no planets change houses from one location to the other. Those who are curious about the differences in Sabian Symbols may choose to look them up and I will add Carelli's Degrees, below, to describe the critical-degreed eclipse @20Cancer (Carelli doesn't round up) and the planet opposing the eclipse, Pluto @20Cap00.

Most of my notes are squished on to the charts but one must read both to glean all the notes which are shared between the images--not enough space to do otherwise. Surprisingly, the Hour of the eclipse in DC is Jupiter but in Queens it's time for Mars types of activity (probably with psychological indications). This I have seldom if ever seen between such close locality charts since the timing of the eclipse (here, 10:47:47 pm edt) is the same in both places. Anyway, the notes hopefully are legible if you can enlarge the image as you wish. Note that fixed stars work through eclipses and their potentials are stimulated by them (Ovason) which in the case of this particular solar eclipse, the influences of Castor, and as noted below, its twin Pollux, are spotlighted by the July 12, 2018 'cosmic blink'. This solar-lunar event also emphasizes the dark-light qualities and polarity of the twin stars and suggests issues involving awareness, relationships, and culmination, or endings.

Themes of the Solar Eclipse

2 Old North themes denote potentials for separations and unfortunate news although taking fast action may somewhat improve matters (Brady). More info may be found via the eclipse's conjunction with starry Castor, a creative star but also one with difficult potentials such as sudden fame or loss, murder, crippling of limbs, mental illness (A. Louis); a tendency toward storytelling that blends evil with good (Castor plus Pollux = dark vs light, as noted); violence (Robson); and/or, mischief (Rigor). For Castor Ebertin and Hoffmann spotlight the star's changeable Mercurial nature mixed with Jupiter's expansive influence.

As for Pollux ('the wicked boy') sources seem to agree on its Martian qualities and reputed tendencies toward brutality, cruelty, violence, and tyranny--if negatively linked in the chart. I mention Pollux here because Trump's natal Saturn ('the old devil') @23Cancer conjoins Pollux, a combination which may possibly denote tragic endings unless the energies are responsibly handled. Also to Pollux we must add potentials for: the danger of disgrace, the occult, murder, cruelty, rape, and/or danger from women, large animals, and poisons (A. Louis).

Eclipses: What Are They Good For?

As you see, Trump's 2 Old North Solar Eclipse @20Cancer is opposed and challenged by powerful manipulator and saboteur Pluto @20Capricorn--and as you know, Pluto in Capricorn signifies The Dictator (Ebertin). The critical midpoint picture formed by Sun-Moon-Pluto is penned on the chart, upper right, and highlighted in red. The 5/11 axis of Self-Will is in the spotlight (in both locations) and also suggests Trump's offspring, family ties, and karmic relationships. A Solar Eclipse in Moon-ruled Cancer, sign of tribalism and patriotism, implies that emotional extremes will block karmic progress (R. Lineman). This is penned on the left side of chart and highlighted in red. Also note that the self-protective nature of crabby, subjective Cancer indicates a man (Trump) in hiding or scuttling away from issues, and I wonder if opposing Pluto will block his deep need for worldly power and wealth--or empower it. Either way, events and conditions have reached a critical point of development while past actions are haunting Mr. Trump with their usual 'reap what's been sown' demands.

In addition, the White House chart reveals a YOD pattern of crisis/turning point implications between Saturn-ASC = North Node: unpleasant family circumstances; add the Mars-South Node conjunction of the loner on the separative end of the Nodal axis and we have: obstinacy; self-will; separation, and/or bereavement (Ebertin). Of course, this YOD pattern may or may not become activated at all, or its potentials may be delayed with restrictive Saturn involved.

Plus, law-abiding Saturn Rx--strong in its own sign of governmental, legal, and business-oriented Capricorn--isn't boding well in the 10th house of Career and Public Reputation during this period. And as we've previously discussed, 'The Tower' Solar Eclipse of 'collapsing lifestyles and plans' approaches on August 11, 2018 @18Leo41 in the 2 New North series. This karmic lunation (with an unaspected Pluto) could trigger major developments for tower-builder Trump and its effects could be felt as soon as two weeks prior to August 11th, around the time of the July 27, 2018 Lunar Eclipse @5Aquarius which conjoins US natal South Node, a Saturnian point of separation, karma, talents--or, dependence upon what worked in the past but which no longer solves the issue. In a word, neurosis.

Well, I could blab on concerning such topics but obviously from current events we know that Mr. Trump isn't having as good a time in the White House as he'd lazily expected--although his collapsing of America seems to be on schedule. Yet the Mueller investigation into the Trump campaign and that of Trump's personal lawyer Michael Cohen must keep them both up at night but let's not go there in this post. After all, we should know more details soon since eclipses occurring in any series frequently bring pending issues to a boil, disrupt events or conditions, indicate a new direction, bring shocks, and/or uncover secrets while revealing or triggering scandals. Plus, Neptune rising in first house, as you see, denotes more scandals, along with potentials for tears shed, drowning or leaks, and collective issues out of control and on the rise for eclipses are Uranian 'wild cards of the Universe' which are often termed, cosmic blinks. And now in closing here are...

Carelli's Degrees: the Critical-Crisis Degrees of 20Cancer and 20Capricorn (Sun-Moon-Pluto)

The following quotes are excerpted for the sake of brevity and are partial yet no meaning has been seriously affected:

Eclipse "20Cancer" = "A watchdog slumbering at the entrance of an old palace"..."Masters is what dogs have" (a popular Italian proverb); "a life of idleness...when kicked he will whine like a coward and will think nothing of kissing the hands that enslave him...nothing weighs so heavily upon his shoulders than personal responsibility...a lustful and lazy being...A thorough craven, he will boast of his master's valiant deeds...he will brag of his master's wealth...A bastard (or a degenerate) scion of a very old lineage, he would rather die that forget it...As long as mankind stays what it is, policemen, customs officers, sextons, career soldiers, jail wardens, harlots, all are necessary evils. The frontier needs watchdogs, justice needs bloodhounds, and the male needs the female."

Pluto "20Capricorn" = "A monkey and a mirror"..."A very versatile but altogether unoriginal mind; mimetic faculties may come to light as a merely perfunctory assimilation of foreign doctrines...pantomime and burlesque...Adaptation comes {} to such a character and, unfortunately, to such a conscience as a matter of course...yet (he) remains an insufferable crank...Physical vanity will be bottomless...and (he) may turn into something of a fop or a Beau Brummel, as the case may be."

With his overly pampered and sprayed 1980s hairstyle, spray tan of orange-ish hue, and the freakishly long red tie?

Feb 23, 2017

Feb 24, 2017: Hitler's Progressed New Moon exact!

Is It Fair to Compare Trump to Hitler?

by Jude Cowell

Having just read History Today's thoughtful article To Think Is to Compare: Walther Rathenau, Trump and Hitler and considering the comparisons made here on SO'W concerning the Astrology of both men whose rises to power contain curious correlations, it occurred to me (for some unknown reason) to progress the natal chart of Adolf Hitler to tomorrow and I discovered that the very day marks a Progressed (SP) New Moon @3Vir28. Knowing that this is the position of the transiting North Node (NN) I set up a bi-wheel of Hitler's SP New Moon chart with the appropriate transits (February 24, 2017 12:28:29 pm CET Braunau am Inn, Austria, his birth location) around it:

As you know, a Secondary Progressed New Moon phase indicates a new cycle of activity for those who live. Posthumously, it denotes a new cycle of activity by others such as those who follow (or followed) the ideology and/or agenda of the native in question. In addition to the NN (public contact; future direction) pointing directly toward Hitler's SP New Moon today are transits to his SP Jupiter and SP Uranus by Saturn and Jupiter, respectively. And since the Virgo-Pisces polarity (victim-savior) is intercepted, there is karma (reaping what's been sown) hidden in his SP chart--Virgo, the sign of purification and discrimination.

His true heritage was hidden or unknown during his lifetime, perhaps, but it seems that Adolf himself had Jewish and 'brown' ancestry. See: Hitler Had Jewish and African Roots, DNA Tests Show. Ruh-roh! Unless this is 'fake news', aka, propaganda, we're not so very 'pure' after all, are we, Adolf? Well, few people are of one race these days! I've been learning from my genealogy research what a hodge-podge of genes I and my family are--along with most everyone else.

So in Hitler's Progressed chart, today's transits spotlight Jupiter Rx in Libra and Saturn in Sagittarius, the two societal planets while the Jupiter-Uranus combination suggests the political conflicts we're currently mired in these days especially those having to do with seizing power, ethnic cleansing ('purification'), racism (brown races vs white--see the Sabian Symbol, below), genetics (eugenics), wars and the subsequent migration of refugees, intolerance toward immigrants ('the other'), the erosion of civil liberties, mass murder, anti-semitism, Corporatism, Nationalism, Socialism, Neoliberalism, isolationism, neo-nazism, protectionism, statism, globalism and global government, and other problematic societal issues both in the news and otherwise.

And naturally you know that underneath it all, the timely transit of gold-hoarding saboteur Pluto now creeping through Saturn-ruled Capricorn = the dictator (Ebertin)--and he's at the '18 Capricorn' "smug or strong-armed paternalism" degree of POLITICAL POWER (Jones). Apparently, the globalists' 'big picture' will come into sharper focus under a man known as Donald Trump.

So let's check with Marc Edmund Jones and the appropriate Sabian Symbol's negative expression, plus, the unconscious, opposite Point of Illumination for Hitler's SP New Moon conjoined by the transiting NN (rounding up):

'4 Virgo': "A colored child playing with white children"...negative (shadow side/unconscious - jc) expression: lack of capacity for psychological adjustment.

'4 Pisces' (Illumination Point): "Heavy traffic on a narrow isthmus"...negative expression: "stubborn blindness to the general welfare."

And so I ask, Is it fair to compare Trump to Hitler? Mr. Trump would probably assert that it isn't 'fair' since that's one of the main cries of Jupiter in Libra (and his is stationary direct in his natal chart). And yet there are many observers of history who disagree. So if you're curious, here are eight related posts concerning the 'Trump and Hitler' phenomenon:

The Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse of 1933 (horoscope shown) which occurred 84 years ago tomorrow @5Pisces; of course, 84 years is a cycle of Uranus (Trump's oriental planet that leads the rest) and Uranus is the planet of war, rebellion, revolution, sudden reform, anarchy, chaos, lightening bolts, and awakening;

Eerie Parallels Between Hitler's Rise to Power and Trump's Administration (video);

The Fascist Personality and Rhetoric of Donald Trump (video);

The Reichstag Fire and Donald Trump (with horoscope);

Trump Using the 'Big Lie' Tactic Invented by Goebbels (video, with Astrology added);

Violent Protests as Rebel Uranus Returns to its Fascist Solar Eclipse degree;

Astro-Notes on the Capulus of Donald Trump;

Welcome to Trump Land a Max Igan broadcast (video-audio).

And so I must assert that Astrology supports the evidence that it is fair to compare Donald Trump with Adolf Hitler, not because I prefer to, but because a fascist rise to power was missed or ignored in its early days when something could have been done to stop its atrocities and suffering and in 2017 must not be missed or ignored again. Hitler's Progressions show a 'new cycle of activity' beginning symbolically this very day, a beginning which is completely unwelcome from my personal common-good perspective.

And planet Uranus, The Witness, says, Awake! But will you?


4 Virgo/Pisces: The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.

Feb 11, 2017

Eerie Parallels Between Hitler's Rise to Power and Trump's Administration? video

February 2017: no, I don't want to post this Hitler-esque segment from a recent Thom Hartmann Show but considering the climate and events occurring since Donald Trump entered the fray, I won't apologize for posting it either. Besides, you'd expect the American people to easily recognize the currently gathering threat of totalitarianism and authoritarianism under a narcissistic despot without the name of the infamous German dictator having to be mentioned at all:

Transit Pluto through Capricorn = the dictator (Reinhold Ebertin). Walls built to keep people out simultaneously imprison.

Nov 18, 2016

Horoscope of the Third Reich (1933 into 2017)

Visions of Power Past and Future

by Jude Cowell

In case we need this chart as the Trump-Pence administration with its alt-right flavor begins officially operating, here is the natal horoscope of the Third Reich which came into being as Adolf Hitler and the Nazis rose to power. Noted on the horoscope, top right, you see that Hitler assumed personal power on August 2, 1934 at noon in Berlin, three hours after President Hindenburg died. Details are based on historical record and may be found in Nicholas Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes:

As you see, a KITE configuration (high-flying success) hinges upon a Venus-Pluto opposition with Venus (and MC) as the Kite's tail. First of Hitler's natal planets to rise is his Neptune-Pluto conjunction (marked in green) which suggests his mystical, occult, and supernatural leanings, plus, the magnetic charisma his contemporaries said he possessed. Venus (@19Cap59 9th house) is at the Uranus-Neptune conjunction degree (3x in 1993), a signature of New World Order craziness; chart-ruler, Venus first applies to opposition with Pluto (cutthroat competition; underhanded manipulation, obsessive behavior), then trines 5th house Jupiter (@22Vir28 Rx, conjunct US natal Neptune) which times a period of unpredictable outcomes but has a definite gambling vibe full of exaggeration, overindulgence, and waste if not handled well.

In addition, Jupiter in Virgo is part of the 'Marseillaise Trio' of planets (with Mars and Neptune) active during the French Revolution. Neptune conjoins the Third Reich's Pre-Natal Eclipse (PE) in the 6 South Saros Series--here, it manifested @8Vir09 on August 31, 1932 with themes of: forcefully taking power; huge group efforts (Brady) which certainly describe the events in Berlin during the fascist era.

We must also note that the 6 South Solar Eclipse of 1932 links to our current Solar Eclipse Series by degree--the *September 1, 2016 Solar Eclipse @9Vir21 (19 North: realism, tackling the truth, seeing things for what they really are--Brady), and, as you see in 5th house, deceptive Neptune of the masses and the media, conjoins the South Node in Virgo and does the same thing now--in Pisces; today's North Node (future direction) points to the September 1st Solar Eclipse (9Virgo) but as noted previously, its imperative for realism and truth is less clear because murky Neptune opposes it @10Pisces.

1933 into 2017

By progression, the Third Reich is now in a Balsamic phase with a SP (Secondary Progressed) New Moon due on June 6, 2017 @4Tau06 conjunct SP Venus @4Tau55. The SP New Moon chart shows a Locomotive shape with Saturn as the engine and a difficult, violent midpoint conjoining the New Moon: Saturn-Pluto. And if you look at the 2nd house of the chart shown above you see in red the Third Reich's Pluto-Chiron midpoint (primal violence, oppression, exploitation, fascism, nationalism, and other -isms) which conjoins America's natal Mars and president-elect Trump's natal Sun. This is not comforting for those of us who see parallels between the next administration and the rise of dictator Hitler especially since Pluto in Capricorn is The Dictator (Ebertin).

Of course, this chart's Pluto @21Can59 Rx (conjunct IC) will soon be opposed by transit Pluto in Capricorn (power vs power, no-compromise) as Predatory Capitalism continues to break down across the globe due to its own sorriness. And with tr Pluto reaching the Third Reich's Venus, we know that karmic alliances of great power are forming as power struggles evolve but if their only motivation is self-serving, ruinous consequences will be their result.

For more on such curious topics, you may wish to view a video on Hitler's Vision for a new global order with his nibs in control: Germania.

*As noted in previous posts, the current Solar Eclipse in the 19 North Series is the Pre-Natal Eclipse of both Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017 and I don't know about you, but for me, truth was a casualty and only a revelation when it was leaked and had to be dealt with.

Jun 22, 2016

Independence Day 2016 brings America a New Moon

US Solar Return 2016 Emphasizes Money, Ethics, and an Inflow of New Energies

by Jude Cowell

On July 4, 2016 at 5:49:52 pm EDT (Washington DC), the Sun returns to America's July 4, 1776 Sun position of 13Cancer19 (in the 5:09 pm LMT chart, Philadelphia, PA). 'The Old Girl' will be all of 240 years old and she seems these days to be codgering about in her dotage--her reputation tarnished, her population divided in regard to the haves and have-nots, and yoked to a brutal militarism that drains our coffers dry and abuses We the People, among millions of others.

In our Solar Return 2016 horoscope set for DC, the Sun @13Cancer falls in the 8th house of Credit, Debt, Big Finance, Transformation, Death, and the Occult. Keeping our Sun (leadership; POTUS) company in 8th house are Mercury @9Can36, Moon @19Can14 and just past the morning's New Moon @12Can53 (7:01 am EDT), the starry Twins, Castor and Pollux, and Venus @21Can00. Opposite in the 2nd house is wealthy string-puller and spy chief Pluto @16Cap16. Can our 4 little personal planets succeed against power-grabber Pluto, god of the criminal Underworld and purveyor of the transnational banking system?

Well, you know how financial matters have been going both here and abroad since transit Pluto began lining up against America's Cancer trio of Venus, Jupiter, and the Sun--I would time it for late 2007 with tr Pluto in late Sagittarius and within 5 degrees of US natal Venus (3Cancer), though you may disagree.

Why, even during the era of the Great Depression, transit Pluto conjoined our Cancer trio of planets but now things are quite different in the global sphere since the New Millennium came knocking on humanity's door.

And with 7Sag04 rising along with restrictive Saturn Rx @10Dag57, delays and limitations are obviously indicated in relation to the 2nd house of Money, Earnings, and Valuations. That chart-ruler Jupiter (critical degree 17Virgo and still traveling near the North Node) makes no applying Ptolemaic aspects in the Return chart emphasizes Jupiter's sign, degree, and house position--strong in its own 9th house, and conjunct MC (23Vir12 which places US natal Neptune @22Virgo at The Goal Point of the year). Money, money, money. Yet Jupiter does apply to an opposition with wounded healer Chiron which implies a goal of establishing "a radical redirection of the socio-cultural environment--anarchy and occultism play a central role in {} the transformative vision." (Nolle). One political minded culprit who was born under a Jupiter-Chiron opposition is Adolf Hitler.

One thing I want to mention before I forget is that Mercury @10Can36 in the US Solar Return chart (and in the New Moon chart, same day, @9Can37) will have recently returned to its position in the natal chart of Donald Trump. This aside is included because I assume that Mr. Trump will not have been jettisoned from the presidential race by July 4th! Perhaps we should check out his Mercury Return chart soon.

So can we attach significance to the cosmic fact that America's Solar Return 2016 horoscope involves a New Moon which perfects approximately 10 hours 49 minutes prior to the Sun reaching 13Can19? We can and we shall for a New Moon in a Return chart within one degree of the Return planet is indicative of fresh energies flowing in and a new cycle of activity relating to the Return and natal house position of the New Moon.

In our nation's natal and Solar Return charts, the New Moon perfects in the 8th hou$e (cusp = 9Can30); in the New Moon chart it's in the 12th house of Politics, Karma, Self-Undoing, Large Institutions, and Back Room Deals but with 25Gem07 on the 12th cusp. This is the degree of the New Moon on the morning that Donald Trump announced his bid for the presidency. That all these factors relate in various ways to the candidacy and broke campaign of Mr. Trump seems quite certain though of course other conditions, events, and actors are not ruled out. And I have asked you before if you think Mr. Trump's New Moon in the sign of The Messenger (which he has called himself upon occasion) will culminate in the Full Moon @27Capricorn during the RNC in July. You didn't answer but I shall assume that this possibility horrifies you as much as it does me--especially since the RNC Full Moon precisely conjoins US natal Pluto.

In addition, a New Moon in our Solar Return 2016 chart has consequences which may be seen by planetary aspects to it. Here we have Mercury and Venus conjunct Sun and Moon which is quite positive along with a trine from Neptune (11Pis55 Rx in 9th house of the New Moon chart, 3rd house otherwise). Although Neptunian involvement can be inspirational it can also be deceptive, fraudulent, undermining, or confusing (to name a few!)

Plus, this is a time of culmination seen via the Jupiter-Neptune opposition, a cycle which began with their Great Conjunction/s in Aquarius (conjunct US natal Moon) three times in 2009, and their inflated conjunctions are imprinted upon the presidency of Barack Obama. Jupiter-Neptune makes truth difficult to ascertain, events unpredictable, fantastic get-rich schemes tempting, and guilt and self-pity the favorite go-to excuses. Political conflicts are also suggested by Jupiter-Neptune, something Washington seems to be tragically addicted to for it divides and keeps the American people out of the way.

Of course, the real culprit in the chart is the opposing Pluto we discussed, above, as Mr. Invisible continues his creepy plod through the sign of Government, Law, and Business, on his way to America's first-ever Pluto Return/s in 2022. As you know, Ebertin asserts that one of the roles played by Pluto in Capricorn is, The Dictator, but that would be a moment no sane person is waiting for.

Now we won't get to them all in this post but there are many other chart factors worth discussing in the Return horoscope--fire-starter Mars in his sign of Scorpio, sub-ruled by Pluto, for one--but today my blogging time is brief. Perhaps the North Node (contacts with the public; future direction) sextiles to the New Moon and sextile to our Solar Return Sun--all three aspects applying--will provide benefits and we'll weather whatever storms our below-board politicians have planned for us (to please their global masters) for they act as infestations and infiltrators of what should still be a decent US government.

Now you know that our Solar Return 2016 horoscope is 'good for' one year until the next Independence Day and this will naturally include the beginning of a new presidential administration. Is this what is signified by our SR 2016 New Moon, which incidentally, conjoins Egyptian goddess star, Sirius?

Well, Sun-Moon-Sirius implies a large cosmic can of squirmy things we cannot open today so let's close with a note or two on Sun sextile North Node (trine South Node, of course) and Moon sextile North Node. With the Sun, opportunities are suggested for working in harmony with prevailing social trends and conditions. Moral and ethical standards may be made constructive use of along with upholding acceptable traditions. This indicates a type of social leadership that can win public support, while the Lunar-NN sextile adds an element of good, effective timing to events and societal conditions.

Wishing a Happy 240th Birthday to my fellow Americans! And may a dictator disguised as a president never enter the Oval Office.