by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy
There will be no voters in the 2024 Election who will know how it feels to have a father assassinated in cold blood. Except for RFK Jr., a past drug addict with unusual opinions, some on the quirky side.
The emotional and psychological damage from losing his father when he was 14 years old is difficult if not impossible to assess by a lone blogger such as myself with no psychology degree. However, what I can do is publish two pertinent horoscopes concerning these matters, my study notes included, and which are shown in bi-wheel form below.
But first, a bit of news, then some background:
'Leaving Nothing to Chance': Biden and allies seek to hobble RFK Jr, reports Elena Schneider over at Politico.
A Father Who Was Suddenly Lost
The tragic assassination of presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy (aka, RFK) on June 5, 1968, and his death the next day, occurred under the auspices of a 6 North Solar Eclipse @8Aries (unmarked on the chart--in 2nd house of money, with the aggressive energies of Mars). 6 North themes: "relationship to father or authority figures; the need to take responsibility and control; commitments occur due to another person's illness or unreliability" (paraphrasing B. Brady; my Italics). We last experienced a 6 North Eclipse on April 30, 2022 @10Taurus as the 2022 Midterm campaigns were gearing up.
Bi-wheel: RFK Assassination June 5, 1968 (inner) surrounded by RFK Jr's natal chart born January 17, 1954, with two of the primary contacts circled:
1968 Pluto to his natal Jupiter (death/assassination of a loving father) and 1968 Saturn and North Node conjunct his son's natal Midheaven ('MC') indicating potentials for: "separation from family members, mourning and bereavement; depression; and/or standing alone in life" (R. Ebertin). Also notated is April's 8 North Eclipse @19Ari24 conjunct wounded healer Chiron @19:24 - and both conjunct RFK Jr's natal Midheaven. So is Bobby's 2024 candidacy an attempt to fulfill his father's cruelly diverted dream of entering the Oval Office? If so, it wouldn't be surprising.
Yes, prominent campaign-wise, is the recent manifestation of the 8 North Great American Eclipse for RFK Jr because it has landed directly upon his natal Midheaven ('MC') of Goals and Aspirations and spotlights at this time his strong drive for power. Follow the link to view a dual image of the 8 North Eclipse and RFK Jr's natal horoscope.
However, when under the influence of a Mars-ruled Aries Eclipse, one can behave in an overly headstrong manner, too aggressive in competition. This tracks well with the fellow that many say RFK Jr's candidacy is intended to elect by default - Defendant J. Trump, as he is currently known. Unless, that is, Trump has to step aside and Bobby Jr. steps in. Unlikely, yes, but who really knows? One thing we can know: as RFK Jr is carrying water for Trump, he's also carrying water for the foreign meddlers who use DJT as an asset.
And yet as we've previously discussed, RFK Jr is the only 2024 candidate having a beneficial Jupiter Return in Election Year 2024!
Meanwhile, for the daring reader, here's a view of the natal horoscope of assassin Sirhan Sirhan, born with a Minor Grand Trine between Uranus-Neptune and assassin Pluto at apex. You'll remember that this is the same planetary trio that formed in 2017 when transit Pluto @18Capricorn hit the 1993 Uranus-Neptune Conjunction/s and completed a revealing midpoint picture of:
"The big picture commands a certain course of action which must be followed; very little option to do otherwise" (Noel Tyl).
And this, my friends, partially describes the overbearing script that global authoritarians are continuing to follow as they join forces to form a vast criminal syndicate (Neptune-Pluto) and play their grand chess game over our heads with their success at any cost mindset - as long as all the losses are ours, not theirs.