Looking ahead to the 2020 Presidential Election, Rep. Adam Schiff warns that the election is enormously vulnerable to hacking and foreign influence. Who in America actually needs such a warning yours truly isn't certain but there it is. Election rigging and gerrymandering are par for the GOP course, too, since their anti-American policies can't win over a majority of voters to their austerity-for-you-extreme-wealth-for-me agenda.
And when we check the 2020 Election Day Horoscope we find that November 3, 2020 falls under the rays of a 4 North Saros Series solar eclipse with background themes of illusions, blocks, separations, and misjudgments so little if any comfort there. In addition, the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction sits at the natal Vertex of Donald Trump and with his natal Saturn of authority (watery and emotionally based in Cancer!) opposite. Transit Saturn, strong in his own sign and planet of control, restriction, fear, and karma has moved on to 26 Capricorn where he sits atop our Inauguration horoscope/s at Midheaven (26Cap+), The Goal.
Last but not least today we should consider 'voting Mercury', planet of communications, casting ballots and making decisions (and judgments whether clear or erroneous). At 12:49 pm, Mercury stations @25Lib53 emphasizing the importance of our election decisions on that day (and the cheats and Mercurial tricksters who divert election results). Plus, transit Mercury has recently sped through Trump's natal 2nd hou$e trio of Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter (5 to 18 Libra). It's early days yet (March 13 2019 as I type) but one must assume that information, leaks, and reports will have concerned Trump's inflated-inflationary Jupiter-Neptune conjunction of grand schemes and fraud--with wounding-wounded Chiron of blind spots snugged within its ballooning midst.
View the Voting Mercury horoscope set for Washington DC here where you'll see the Saturn-Pluto-Jupiter trio rising (social fanaticism) in process of opposing Trump's natal 11th house Saturn (24Cancer) and Venus (27Cancer), planet of values.
Of course with US natal Pluto @27Cap33, We The People are hindered (my opinion!) by the the fact that Trump's natal Venus in Cancer permanently opposes US natal Pluto on financial levels in particular and this, in part, describes the extreme intensity of his relationship with America and the American people, plus, it reveals the continual, ruthless power struggles he is determined to 'win' at anyone's expense but his own. The Venus-Pluto pair also contains potentials for organized crime, extreme wealth hidden away, and breakdowns in the social fabric (Munkasey) - breakdowns that are intended by Republicans and their enablers every time they attempt to cut our social safety net programs.
Now we may wonder if Election Day 2020 planets look favorable for Donald Trump and some do (ex: Moon in Gemini approaches his Uranus-NN-Sun conjunction--Moon = the public, in mutable Gemini = changeable moods and minds--yet the Gemini Moon opposes his Sagittarius Moon and suggests some voters' attraction to his duplicitous Gemini personality and chaotic Uranian style of 'ruling'). And yes, there is also negativity in the Election Day 2020 horoscope/s for those who care to look so if Trump is still around by Election Day 2020, as most agree he will be, he will continue to be a major, jarring force which must be reckoned with - although he may need all the underhanded cheating tactics his supporters are willing to provide if he expects to 'win' the election against what must be a tsunami of Democratic and Independent voters turning up at the polls determined to vote Trump out.
The election day chart is pretty interesting but the presidential inauguration chart is off the hook ... with Uranus moon mars square sun saturn ... maybe a stolen election ? An unpopular winner it seems .. I covered this a bit in my Neptune documentary series ..if you care to look its the last video ( the current era ) https://neptunevideo.tumblr.com although each video covers Neptune ..i also cover the USA chart .
For a fresher post on Election 2020 try:
Is Election 2020's New Moon Prior Predictive?
Thanks for this input... I do wish, that more Astrologers would look at his actual record... I just listened to someone do a comparison chart between BERNIE and TRUMP... ( YES, OUT DATE AT THIS POINT)... and she tried hard to say it wasn't "politically motivate" ... but she came out with Trump winning... totally smooozing over his actual record... saying how his 11th house Venus shows his "caring" for "people" ..etc... thought i would throw up... Donald Trump has REVERSED 100 environmental regulations... he is continuing( yes continuing ) the raping and pillaging of the EARTH, just as all other Presidents have done in the past... HOWEVER, although the last few presidents had a better idea of what is happening in regards to CLIAMTE CHANGE AND THE SIXTH MASS EXTINCTION... most of them knew "things were bad"... BUT chose to stick with the policies that were... tweaking around the edges of the problem... even OBAMA... I had high hopes he would flip the whole situ... but.. alas.. .I was dissappointed..
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