Photo: AG Bill Barr (ed: 3/23): The United States Department of Justice [Public domain]
In a previous post we considered the March 2019 Lunations of Crisis including the Full Moon @00Lib09 conjunct US natal Midheaven which perfected on March 20, 2019 at 9:42:45 pm edt in Washington DC. This lunation of culmination, fulfillment, and awareness may be credited with the just-announced last evening (3/22/19) submission of the Mueller Report to AG Bob Barr. At least that's how yours truly looks at the timing of the report we've all been breathlessly awaiting! Follow the link to view the DC Horoscope of the Full Moon, plus, a view of the March 6, 2019 New Moon @15Pis47 conjunct shady, obfuscating Neptune strong in its own sign of secretive Pisces. Of course, astrological Neptune is also the planet of the mass media and the masses, who both demand to see the full report with no edits.
Also note the karmic YOD (Finger of Fate) in the horoscope, a pattern known for timing such potentials as: crises, turning points, crossroads, and special tasks--here, pointing toward the transiting North Node in Cancer which in turn points toward America's natal Mercury Rx--it's Sabian Symbol (25Cancer): "A Dark Shadow or Mantle Thrown Suddenly Over the Right Shoulder...keyword: DESTINY. Positive expression: some dramatic manifestation of genius vital to the general welfare of man; negative (unconscious/shadow side--jc): "a tendency toward unwarranted presumption if not outright megalomania." (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.) I leave it to you to decide who this describes in our current times.
And do you agree that the Mueller Report certainly relates to America's Midheaven Goals-Aspirations-Career-World-Status Point? How far-reaching in its effects remains to be seen.
You may wish to see Quartz for The Mueller Report Is Done. What Happens Now?
Perhaps the cherry on top for Donald Trump is that Spring Equinox 2019 has brought contentious Mars in Taurus to Trump's natal Midheaven conjunct vicious Algol for all the world to see his various reactions to the Mueller Report which should be interesting and presumptuous if not very pretty.
3/23/19 12:53 pm edt: No edits, release in full, US taxpayers funded the investigation and the writing of the report (if such it be) so We The People want to see just what we paid for. There are decisions to be made. We must face our monster of destruction before we can vanquish him. jc
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Yes I'm so curious to see how this pans out with all the Neptune ... I had thought that at the end of this Mercury retrograde (conjunct Neptune) something would be revealed especially since iit moves into Square the USA ascendant ..but now i wonder if things will just get blurrier & more mystery movie gangster flick instead .. ps I like the sabian touch for USA-mercury .
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