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Showing posts with label YOD pattern. Show all posts
Showing posts with label YOD pattern. Show all posts

Aug 23, 2024

VP Kamala Harris Accepts!

And here's a link to her acceptance speech in case the video is removed.

VP Harris Accepts Under a YOD Pattern of Karmic Opportunity and a Special Task

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

At DNC 2024 Chicago last evening, VP Kamala Harris accepted the Democratic Party's presidential nomination at 10:45 pm ET (via my cell phone timestamp as she spoke the words). For your consideration, here's a marked-up Horoscope of that momentous event that I'm labeling, "Kamala Harris Accepts!":

As we know, YOD patterns tend to involve issues of proper timing, and in this case, timing is emphasized by two sextiled bases: Neptune-Pluto and Neptune-Midheaven ('MC', the Goal Point), both pointing toward apex Sun @00Vir30 - conjunct royal Regulus, the king-maker star (queen-maker!) with the star's caution of: success if revenge is avoided; otherwise, all gains will be taken away. This must apply to a Kamala Harris presidency, yes, but since the star rises in the natal chart of Mr. Trump along with this aggressive Mars, the star's caution against his vengeful personality remains operative - and his promise of "so much winning" hasn't turned out quite as he intended. So as most folks realize, cheating is his path to "victory" in November.

All this causes me to wonder: can a President Harris act as an agent of Regulus? After all, the 2024 Election has shaped up to be a case of prosecutor vs perpetrator! For as she's asserted, she "knows his type."

YOD patterns suggest potentials for: karmic opportunity, a special task, crisis (ex: the threat of the P-2025 agenda), a turning point or a crossroads. This, America certainly has reached, as you may agree. Plus, Bil Tierney adds, "A turn of destiny." For VP Harris, and for our democratic Republic, if we can keep it.

Let's close with one more Horoscope: the Natal Chart of Kamala Harris where her North Node of Destiny conjunct her Ascendant (Self) shows clearly and is conjoined by last evening's Acceptance Speech's Sun-Moon midpoint @24Gem06 which indicates potentials for: "frank and open behavior towards others; meetings; contacts; associative and joint qualities; adaptation" (R. Ebertin):

Apr 5, 2024

An Overview of the April 8, 2024 Eclipse

A Total and Visible Eclipse During Election Year 2024

by Jude Cowell

The Presidential Election of our first official president, George Washington, was held from December 15, 1788 to January 7, 1789, and results have long been known.

As for our Election 2024, on Tuesday April 8, 2024, a Total Solar Eclipse in the 8 North Series repeats as The Great American Eclipse, the third of three (also in 1878 and 2017) visible across the US.

So because next week's April 8th Eclipse is in partile conjunction with wounded healer Chiron, both @19Ari24, and because America's founding Chiron of 1776 is @20Ari08, I looked back at the 1700s time frame for the manifestation of an 8 North Eclipse during that era and found that an 8 North Eclipse perfected on May 16, 1789 @25Sco16:15 - conjunct the initial 8 North 1501 Eclipse's Pluto, apex planet of the YOD pattern as noted, above, and representing power and transformation. Astro-notes are penned on the chart shown, below.

Now I haven't checked out all the 8 North Eclipses in between, but the Eclipse-Pluto contact does qualify as a cosmic time link between 1501 and 1789, and at its worst, can denote manipulation, criminal and/or violent offenses, with war being an obvious potential, then and now. Yet unlike individuals in 1501, one major difference in 1789 is that George Washington refused to accept the title of "king" and was inaugurated, not crowned. Such is the example our government has followed yet nowadays, malicious malcontents threaten violence and another "civil war" in order to force their wills upon the rest of us.

Because with current events and individuals of our day - there's one candidate who really really wants to be crowned "king of America" so he can fulfill Herr Adolf's "vision," avoid a prison sentence, and settle old scores. Curiously, the 8 North Horoscope of 1789 in NYC at 10:18:02 pm LMT, shows a rising asteroid, Tisiphone, with retaliation her primary objective.

Meanwhile, take a look at the initial 8 North Eclipse:

Above is the DC Horoscope of the initial 8 North Eclipse, with the Gemini lens through which all subsequent 8 Norths may be viewed in order to gain a deeper or broader picture of what was a violent era in human history (Saturn-Uranus square; Mars-Pluto trine) and how its energies may pass down to our era. As you see, the Eclipse perfected on May 16, 1501 @4Gem51:24 with Eclipse Pluto Rx @26Sco10 at apex of a YOD pattern with a Mercury-Jupiter sextile at its base. Somehow, communications and logical problem-solving were involved with this Gemini Eclipse. Check the Events of 1501 link, below, for clues.

Now besides the YOD's turning point/crisis/karmic opportunity implications, the planetary trio of 1501 forms a midpoint picture with potentials for: suggestive oration; rebuffed theories; elimination of discussions on philosophical or religious books; the big proposal; the quick advance (Ebertin; Munkasey; Tyl). So with history's tendency to rhyme if not repeat, the Events of 1501 are instructive and include several kingly events, treaties, battles, the Ottoman-Venetian War (1499--1503) - the arrest of Christopher Columbus, and more.

You may also wish to see the DC Horoscope of America's Chiron Return of April 20, 2024, the day of the Great Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction @21Tau50, the beginning of another of their 14-year cycles.

Additionally, Eclipses may also link years and events by degree in totally different Saros Series, creating a sensitive degree. One example is the 8 North of April 8, 2024 in Aries which conjuncts by degree a certain other Eclipse in Aries - from 1986. Check it out!

Jan 19, 2023

US Solar Return 2023 Horoscope with Mars Rising

We the People in 2023 Are Not Helpless!

by Jude Cowell

With violence signified by various expressions around the horoscope, below is the not-so-splendid Solar Return 2023 Horoscope for America which this year arrives on July 5, 2023. This particular version of a US Solar Return 2023 issues from America's July 4, 1776 Horoscope set for 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA - cuss'ed of me, I know, but I continue to appreciate the 1776 chart's MC-IC axis at Cardinal World Points of 00Aries-Libra - plus, problematic Neptune now approaches the significant Aries Point by transit, initially at the end of March 2025 into late January 2026 but Neptune's sign change to Aries will be felt earlier than 2025 by sensitive folk:

Obviously, with SR Sun in 11th house, Groups and Associations will be prominent focuses of leadership in 2023, and as you can see, there's a crisis-laden, crossroads-reaching YOD pattern in the chart with its base formed by the transiting Neptune-Pluto sextile (the Organized Crime/Global Underworld Criminal Networks of energies which include drugs and other forms of illegal trafficking, plus, the occult, mysticism, and in some cases, religion, possibly of a bizarre nature.

Considering the trio as a midpoint picture - and noting that the inconjuncts to Mars from Neptune and Pluto suggest health concerns, fanciful notions, and/or workaholism as well, we have SR Mars at apex which is made additionally significant by the fact that this position echoes Trump's natal Mars rising (26Leo46). Herr T's 2023 Mars Return perfects on July 4, 2023 at 11:59:45 pm est, and the Neptune-to-Mars inconjunct shows in his Mars Return 2023 as does an off-and-on square from radical Uranus in Taurus to his Mars, with the unstable, even perilous conditions such as this square implies.

Midpoint picture penned on the above chart: Neptune-Pluto = Mars: use of violence to achieve one's dreams; (M. Munkasey); used as a tool for other people's interests (R. Ebertin); rejection of actions due to misunderstandings (N. Tyl).

And so in America's Solar Return 2023 Horoscope, multiple nuggets of information are penned on and around the chart for the curious reader, yet unfortunately, I'm compelled to note that the Return's prior Solar Eclipse in the 7 North Saros Series (deep passion; "blood" lust) is a repetition of the 'Fascism Rising Eclipse' of February 1933 @5Pis28 conjoined in 2023 by this Saturn Rx @6Pis57 = 'those with responsibility to carry out the thematic imperatives of 7 North. As you see, the Eclipse conjuncts the 8th cusp when US Solar Return 2023 is set for Washington DC, and, as noted in previous posts, qualifies as Adolf's Birthday Eclipse of April 20, 2023.

Astraea (Justice) at Midheaven: a Worthy Objective

Check out the Midheaven ('MC'; the goal) in the horoscope, above, for it holds midpoints: Mars-Saturn (bereavement; death - R. Ebertin) and the T-Square of Saturn-ASC = MC: a slow start with many restrictions; personal guarantees are kept and fulfilled (Munkasey). Are these Squeaker of the House Kevin McCarthy's promises to the far-reich whose votes he needed? Well, Kevin is one of the more visible tools active in the GOP's totalitarian to-do list to collapse and conquer our country. Additionally, the Sun-Chiron midpoint nestles at MC, too, which suggests a quest that reaches for social transformation.

Fascism's Favorite Political Tool: Violence

So! For a bit of historical context, a previous event timed by the 7 North 'Fascism Rising' Eclipse of 1933 is the Nazi Book Burning of May 10, 1933 (horoscope shown) with transit Mars in Virgo opposing the 7 North Eclipse ('tug-of-war'; physical intensity); also opposing the 1933 Eclipse is transit Neptune Rx @7Virgo suggesting deceit, lack of objectivity, and self-delusion (R. Lineman). Will Republicans reach the burning books stage after banning them? See Rawstory's report, DeSantis-backed book-banning panel is becoming a slow-moving 'trainswreck'.

So here we are again, folks.

For as you know, America's current gaggle of fascist and nazi enthusiasts are repeating certain behaviors and activities of Adolf's era such as book banning if not burning which mimick rituals similar to Civil War reenactments intended to keep the 'spirit' alive by keeping the public stirred up on behalf of violence and insurrection (as if these are "normal" behaviors - but they're not, they're psychotic). Those of us who refuse to join the Republicans' smash-and-grab movement against the US government should be fearful, so the GOP thinks.

However, there is another alternative: challenge all their tactics with the help of congressional Democrats and the Biden White House because congressional Republicans are deadbeats who intend to stiff the American people but continue paying Chinese banks, and this extortionary blackmail must be figured out by June 5th, last I heard. In fact, we hit the debt ceiling this very day, as reported by CNN. Hopefully, Democrats in the Senate along with the White House can stop the GOP recklessness with the economy, domestic and foreign. And if we look back at the 2011 downgrade of America's credit rating caused by the Republican Party in order to force their agenda upon us, we find another YOD of crisis in the GOP's Secondary Progressed Chart of July 29, 2011 which points toward the party's SP Ascendant @28Gemini, the degree of Bankruptcy. At the base of the YOD are Mercury-Jupiter, a pair that can indicate fraud. Plus, everyone knows that a lot of theft is made possible during chaotic times such as those of 2011 and 2023.

Yet We're Not Helpless in This Fight!

Because meanwhile, it is abundantly clear that a large majority of the American people reject the establishment of fascist or nazi government in America because for one thing, America is Not Germany, Russia, or Hungary! So if there truly is safety in numbers, it helps to remember that A Fascist Plot in America Has Failed Before and will do so again despite the increase of violent tactics by the far-right and other mentally unstable, delusional,gaslit folk intended to cow the American people, make Herr T proud, and seed a sense of inevitability concerning the far-right's thuggish, underhanded, deceitful machinations for the sake of grabbing power, control - and the mega-bucks that come with them.

And so I beseech you, dear reader, whatever you and yours can do to promote democracy in America, the time is now!

For more on such topics, you may wish to check out a previously published post from 2020: Fascism Rising Eclipse of 1933 Repeats in 2023.

Jul 6, 2022

NYSE transits: Is the US Economy in or approaching Recession?

A Planetary Spotcheck on the NYSE: 2022 into 2023

by Jude Cowell

Whether we look at the horoscope for the NYSE Buttonwood Handshake Agreement of May 17, 1792 NYC that first formed the 'Wall Street Casino', or the reorganization chart of May 11, 1869 (for timing I use the New Moon of that day @20Tau57 at 11:11:27 am LMT NYC), we find several difficult planetary transits of stress and strain in process as the bond yield market inverts which forecasts recession for the US economy, or, alerts us to the fact that the US economy is already in recession. Can Astrology, via a novice astrologer, show such a problem of market instability?

Perhaps, because certain planetary contacts to the 1792 and 1869 charts, shown above, indicate that in general, upheaval is in our financial cards. But since my theory is that no reader makes it to the end of a very long post, I'll simply mention a major transit affecting each horoscope - and both contacts occur three times due to retrogradation which stretches out the effects and conditions:

NYSE May 17, 1792 7:52 am LMT NYC shows wealth-hoarding Pluto @23AQ31, direct and in the corporate Big Business 8th house. However, 1792 Pluto squares 11th house Sun and Mercury Rx in money sign Taurus, therefore, transit Saturn squares them, too, which adds to the difficulties. Yet financier planet Jupiter of 1792 (22Lib57, 4th house) trines 1792 Pluto (big wheeler-dealers), so transit Saturn beneficially trines 1792 Jupiter so that a measure of mitigation of difficulties is provided during the earth-shaking, old order vs new order influences of Saturn conjunct 1792 Pluto exact on: 1. April 19, 2022; 2. July 22, 2022; 3. January 11, 2023. Power and control issues are also part of the Saturn-Pluto picture.

NYSE Reorganization May 11, 1869 NYC New Moon @20Tau57 in 10th house along with money planets Pluto (16Tau36) and Venus (21Tau33); there's a crisis/turning point YOD pattern between Uranus (14Can26 11th house) sextile Pluto at its base representing the reordering or reorganization of Wall Street itself due to crisis conditions, with apex Saturn Rx @15Sag33 in 4th house, planet of karma and of senior, well-established participants. Rounding up old man's Saturn's degree we get a Sabian Symbol significant to our current topic: "Sea Gulls Watching a Ship". And if we read the trio as a midpoint picture we find potentials for egoism, self-will, and exposure to great pressure (R. Ebertin). Great pressure sounds to me like a current condition as well.

Suggesting upheaval, changes, and a very bumpy ride, transit Uranus conjuncts 1869 Pluto three times, exact on: 1. June 6, 2022; 2. November 16, 2022; 3. March 28, 2023. You'll note the November 16th date so near the November 8, 2022 Election Day with Uranus conjunct 1869 Pluto. Perhaps we can agree that violent disruptions interfering with Midterms 2022 voting bodes ill for society on many levels which includes economic issues.

Yet we know that the inverted bond yield indicator isn't written in stone as a recession signpost since its negative effects could be avoided with careful navigation, yet the wealthy elite are apparently lacking confidence in America 'going forward' which may prove even more important since their failure to invest in the US economy can trigger a recession. Why, some of the wealthy villains even supported Trump's violent J6 coup attempt against the US Congress but you can bet that many of them made the bulk of their fortunes off the American people - in our democratic society.

Meanwhile, we should begin to understand more about these issues once banking planet Jupiter Stations and turns Rx on July 28, 2022 @8Ari43. Jupiter will remain inwardly turned (inverted?) until the third week of November 2022 after the 2022 Midterm Elections and the day's Taurus Lunar Eclipse conjunct disruptive Uranus, planet of radical politics and zealots which creates a major problem of instability for financial markets and for Main Street shoppers who stay home out of fear, and who may stay home from the November polls, choosing to Vote By Mail.

So as you see, these major transits to the NYSE charts are already in progress since April and June 2022 which possibly denotes that a recession is already in progress (although other more beneficial transits into 2023 may bring economic relief). But however Wall Street decides to react to these cosmic influences, we may as well expect difficulties through the bond yield market on into 2023 with little if any benefits from retrograde Jupiter's funds or from the Great Benefic's protective function.

Actually, my suspicion is that there are potentials in store for aid delayed and/or blocked efforts to show up on our societal menu, most likely engineered and promoted by sorehead politicians of a regressive persuasion working hard to sabotage our country on behalf of their foreign and domestic handlers and financiers. My feeling is that voting for malevolent saboteurs in the 2022 Midterms will go ahead and sink that Ship (of State), the one the seagulls are watching very intently for signs of faltering.

Therefore, realistically speaking - and as previously noted - these major 2022-2023 transits for a US economy led by Wall Street gentry may be cosmic announcements of a very bumpy ride.

But hey! How about fighting back the toffs? For there's one event full of hope (one of Jupiter's favorite functions!) which was held on June 18, 2022 under the restless influences of the first Uranus-to-Pluto transit to the 1869 chart. As you know, the Uranus-Pluto pair is always active when social protests rise up under great pressure, as we saw with Reverend William Barber's Mass Poor People's and Low-Wage Workers' Assembly and Moral March on Washington and to the Polls.

So for more information,and you don't have to be poor, why not check out the PoorPeoplesCampaign website!

Jan 27, 2022

The US Perpetual Union Horoscope 1781

Our Perpetual Union Horoscope with Stars and Asteroids

by Jude Cowell

Because the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union were ratified on February 2, 1781, it is constitutionally illegal for a state to secede from the Union. Should someone remind fasc*st Republican sore heads and the neo-naz*s who now try to destroy America's Perpetual Union of this fact? Not that they would care. They prefer to float through a fantasy world of their own design.

However, yours truly prefers realism which includes Saturnian Astrology, so here goes:

A few months ago we discussed the February 2, 1781 US Perpetual Union Horoscope set for a speculative 5:00 pm LMT Annapolis, Maryland, an hour I found online. Tonight I'm happily publishing a more accurately timed horoscope, same date and location, set for 2:37 pm LMT as provided by historian-astrologer Gary Lorentzen (see his vimeo link, below). Planetary contacts with fixed stars are notated on the chart along with a few positions of asteroids on that historic day.

So on February 2, 1781 at 2:37 pm in Annapolis, 15Can51 arose and you'll find the three applying Ptolemaic aspects of chart-ruler Moon listed, lower left corner (in money sign Taurus), plus, a few details concerning the Air-Earth Sun AQ-Moon Taurus blend of conscious and unconscious energies are penned on, upper right; note that Adlai Stevenson was born under this blend so his famous quote is added: "A hungry man is not a free man":

As you see, The Goal Point ('MC' = Midheaven) has gold-loving MIDAS atop it @26Pis17, while a Sun-Saturn sextile indicates leaders (Sun) who are good managers (Saturn) of resources. A YOD pattern (crisis; crossroads; special purpose) with the Sun-Saturn sextile forming its base is marked but not listed as such since technically it has no third planet, only the 1781 Ascendant (@15Can51 which turned out to be the 1942 Ascendant of our money pit of a Pentagon, and also the position of US Jupiter Rx by progression). Anyway, as a midpoint picure, I've listed "caution" as a primary potential for Sun-Saturn = ASC. A streak of Saturnian conservatism is indicated.

Spotlighted in green, is financier and politician Jupiter, the Great Benefic, @25Sco12, as apex of the Venus-Neptune midpoint, with the picture's deceptive potentials penned on the chart, lower right. Now as you know, like Taurus, Scorpio is also a money sign of Big Business (and spying!) and the Mercury-Pluto conjunction suggests that secrets were afoot. The Syzygy Moon of this event @5AQ00 conjoined wealth-hoarder (or even spymaster) Pluto (New Moon exact on January 24, 1781) so a critical time of development is suggested.

So in closing, perhaps a reader or two may be interested in leaving an on-topic, name-tagged observation concerning this 1781 Historical Horoscope, or the event the planets describe, and this would be an encouraging development for the continuance of Stars Over Washington! jc

A Recommended Presentation is the US Powell Horoscope of July 1, 1776 by Gary Lorentzen.

Jan 5, 2022

The Solar Eclipse of Thomas Jefferson,_1800.jpg

By "Solar Eclipse of Thomas Jefferson" I refer to the Solar Eclipse Saros Series during which his birth took place on April 2, 1743, and to his Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') itself in the 15 South Saros Series, shown, below.

Here is an image of Mr. Jefferson's PE Horoscope with my study notes, plus, 15 South themes, penned on (via B. Brady; top center). The chart is set for his location of birth, Shadwell, Virginia and a link to his natal horoscope is added, below:

Now often a birth time of 1:53 am LMT is used for Jefferson's natal chart (with 18Cap17 rising and a 10th house Pluto Rx @16Sco04), however, other birth hours have been proposed here and there, some through rectification of life events. I tend to use the 1:53 am chart because I've read that it's close to early morning time from the notes his father wrote upon the occasion. (Any reader with more info, please leave a comment!)

So here's a link to the astrodatabank version (RR: X = date without time) which displays no house cusps, only planetary positions in Thomas Jefferson's Natal Horoscope.

And this is one reason I always check out the PE of a person or event especially ones without a known hour - because with eclipses, the Cosmos always gets the timing exactly right!

A Very Descriptive Sabian Symbol

Jefferson's PE @5Sag: "A Wise Old Owl Up In A Tree" which emphasizes his erudite studies, the then-rural Monticello countryside, and Jefferson's preference for solitude which is also a feature of Neptune-North-Node ('NN') = Midheaven. In addition, Neptune Rx in Moon-ruled Cancer (high sensitivity!) leads a Locomotive shape of his eclipse planets suggesting a ruthless determination toward success - a desire perhaps well-hidden since nebulous Neptune is the engine. As you know, this was the way desires to hold political offices (and generalships of an army!) were done back in the day. Now I know what you're thinking, dear reader: is there a Locomotive led by Neptune in Jefferson's natal chart? Nope. So without a consideration of his Prenatal Eclipse Horoscope, I'd not be mentioning the implications of a ruthless Locomotive for Mr. Jefferson who, after all, made it to the top as President of the USA.

Note: No, the "YODs" in this chart are not actually considered YODs because the third 'leg' is only an angle, the Midheaven, instead of a planet. Therefore, I've listed them as midpoint pictures (center) and inconjuncts (lower left).

Related is a rather curious post about dragons, rosy glows, and Utopianism in which the name of Thomas Jefferson prominently appears.

May 6, 2021

Can Astrology Show the GOP's "Turning Point"?

Hey Liz! Some Say the GOP's "Turning Point" Occurred Way Back in 2016!

by Jude Cowell

May 6, 2021: As you've heard or read by now Rep. Liz Cheney has written an op-ed concerning the current condition of the Republican Party, an internal fight. See Facing an ouster from House leadership, Cheney says GOP is at 'turning point' and must choose between the more traditional version of conservatism that she favors (torture, endless war, austerity?), and the Big Lie cult of personality of Donald Trump, intended to keep him in office way beyond his sell-by date which expired at noon on Inauguration Day 2021.

But so far from what I've heard, Rep. Cheney isn't counting events that occurred when Trump announced his candidacy in June 2015 at the New Moon (25Gemini) and, more critically, the change came (in public) with the 2016 Russian-spy-infused RNC that nominated the faithless manchild and 'Putin pal' I tend to call, agent orange.

For a view of Liz Cheney's natal chart see Marjorie Orr's post Liz Cheney - howling into the wind.

Now naturally, the term "turning point" conjures images of a YOD pattern in the minds of most if not all astrologers so I began to wonder if any of the Republican Party horoscopes would evolve to show a YOD pattern when progressed to a current date such as this very day.

Now in my files there are multiple founding horoscopes for the Republican Party and I chose the following two sets of data to search within for progressed YODs, if any, that contain turning point;crossroads;crisis;special task implications. Of course, YODs are also timing devices which can bring opportunity for karmic progress or advancement but since this experiment concerns politicians, let's keep our hopes tethered to the reality of their personal limitations.

The two Republican Party founding charts used:

March 20, 1854 6:30 pm LMT Ripon WI and July 6, 1854 5:00 pm LMT Ripon, WI.

Dual Horoscopes, below = today's Secondary Progressions ('SP'): upper right chart is based on, or issues from, the party's March 20th horoscope, and lower left, the SP chart is based on the party's July 6th horoscope. Note that other founding horoscopes, if you have them, may also contain 'turning point" info for those who care to progress them.

Please enlarge the image to read my study notes for not all of them will appear within this text.

Upper right chart with 3Pis11 rising shows an SP YOD between the SP Venus-Saturn sextile pointing to SP Chiron @16Cap00 Rx and SP Jupiter @17Cap51 (in SP 11th house of Groups and Associations). Even the party's SP Pallas (strategy; wisdom) joins in the pattern while the Venus-Saturn sextile denotes those who exploit others, who prefer the tried and true (like Trump? he's been tried - to be false!), and who find it impossible to allow for mid-course changes of direction. So apparently Trump must be included in that unfortunate assessment. Then if we read the YOD as a midpoint picture with Jupiter at apex, we find potentials for 'separations' and/or 'illegitimate relationships' (R. Ebertin).

As you see, in both SP charts, wounded/wounding Chiron is in governmental Capricorn indicating a need to prevail ("own the libs"?) and to win in spite of all adversity. With Chiron in Capricorn, older mentors are often prevalent, even via historical figures, along with an irrational desire to conquer Time itself (ex: ruling a nation forever?). (R. Nolle).

Revealingly, SP Sun @11Vir14 conjuncts the party's SP Cupido ('The Family'; The Syndicate; Corporatism) and SP Toro, one of the power asteroids which can also include nuclear power. SP Moon (12th house of Politics and Karma) squares SP Pluto (2nd house and highlighted in lavender), a temporary influence indicating intense emotions, seeking support or withdrawing, financial security being challenged, competition, and/or holding on to old grudges (Pottenger-Dobyns).

Now even though the forceful, brutal SP Mars-Pluto opposition is fading, the midpoint of the duo conjuncts SP Moon so potentials for 'ambition; audacity and daring; a determined or resolute woman' (Liz? her replacement?); and/or 'injury caused to a woman' (Ebertin) are of influence. Plus, I have no accurately timed horoscope for Liz Cheney but her natal Moon remained in Sagittarius for the entire 24 hours so the party's March 20th SP Saturn @15Gem20 (conjunct SP IC) could possibly be opposing her natal Moon, a depressive, oppressive influence on her from party leadership (Saturn = authority figures) if so. Also note that the party's rising SP Neptune @14Pis38 is within orb of an opposition to Cheney's natal Pluto @16Vir45, suggesting an erosion of her power and control within the party particularly in relation to ideals (Neptune).

With the party's July 6th horoscope progressed to today, we do find a YOD but only if we use the SP Uranus-Neptune sextile as its base pointing toward US natal Saturn (14Lib48). Read as a midpoint picture, we have potentials for 'change of direction' (which can suggest a turning point) and/or a condition in which there's a clash between 'ambitions vs projects' (Ebertin). Plus, the Uranus-Neptune 'new world order' pair in sextile hints at those who stand apart from the mainstream of society so perhaps we can agree that radical political reactionaries in the Trump faction of the GOP pride themselves on doing just that. It's anti-societal all the way.

Perhaps I should add a double SP midpoint picture for it's quite revealing of the party's current atmosphere: SP Mars-Pluto = SP Neptune with potentials for: 'cunning and deceit; secretly causing harm or damage to others; implacability'. Also Mars-Pluto conjunct MC: 'ambition; facing overwhelming force without power; overcoming sudden difficulties' (Ebertin).

So to close, let's mention the July 6th SP BOWL shape of planets (having a mission or the advocacy of a cause) led by SP Mercury @11Sag45 (which might be conjunct Liz Cheney's natal Moon, who knows?) and denotes serious conflicts, possible separations, and supports their 'desire to be in control' and with 'a focus on limitations' (Pottenger-Dobyns).

Limitations? Sounds like a case of Republican sore loser belly-achin' to me.

Apr 6, 2021

Fearful Predictions of 2012 and December 2012's YOD

Was the Winter Solstice 2012 YOD Predictive of America's Future?

by Jude Cowell

Deliriously predictive was Year 2012 with the Mayan Calendar "end of the world" theory perhaps the leader of the pack for it received the most eyeballs in news cycles across the globe.

At the time, a post on the NASA website weighed in with rational views concerning 2012 topics, fears, and various cataclysmic predictions such as the "Jupiter Effect", but although book sales must have been stellar back in the day, no cataclysm materialized 'thanks' to beneficent Jupiter or any other planet. The book, authored by two scientists, one an editor of the journal Science, made earthquake predictions based on the "Grand Alignment" of 1982 including solar cycle theories of the day, and made various predictions such as faultlines ripped open and the destruction of Los Angeles.

Well, here's a handy website with a list of 2012 fears, paranoia, and the theories that assailed us (and gripped some of us!) during the era, most of which involved 'end of the world' paranoia and fanaticism, plus, Planet X (Nibiru), UFOs, Nostradamus predictions, and other irrationalities, some of which continue to lurk within the Collective Unconscious of American society: see 2012 Predictions about the End of the World.

However, one horror that did occur in 2012 was the tragic Sandy Hook School Shootings of December 14, 2012. A case could be made for its timing as a watershed, or at least a brutal, event pointing toward future school and other mass shootings in the US although there were other murders committed before it. Meanwhile, the focus of this post is too narrow to include gun control issues yet in hindsight, and considering recent violent events and the fact that YODs act as timing devices and may also relate to health concerns, perhaps the Winter Solstice 2012 Horoscope with its Saturn-Pluto-Jupiter YOD does have something to say about the increase in violence and fanaticism which has driven the US into 2021 and beyond with a shout-out to those violent types (Saturn-Pluto) who had no tolerance for President-while-black Barack Obama. These days, those who favor a race war in US streets remain disgruntled with their rage simmering for they prefer the days of the Confederate Constitution! (Horoscope shown, see Mars and Pluto in intolerant Taurus with 2021's Uranus transiting between them: cruelty and violence.)

So as you see in the 2012 chart, expansive Jupiter, apex planet of the 2012 YOD along with US natal Uranus, is in the 6th house of Health and Service which includes Police, Military, and Civil Service, while mundane Jupiter plays roles such as the politician, the General, the corporatist, the banker, the guru, the thespian, the propaganda-promoter and the broadcaster (potentials are penned on the chart, highlighted in blue; both Mars 'the shootist' and the Anti-Vertex conjunct US natal Pluto @27Capricorn with karmic implications). Note that when Jupiter is activated as apex planet of a YOD pattern and he mishandles his opportunities, perilous or catastrophic conditions and events can result:

Now as you may remember, in Year 2012 the 2007/2008 financial crisis continued and remained a focus during the second term of Barack Obama (Saturn-Pluto loss points toward moneybags Jupiter--transit Jupiter to US Uranus: success with group causes). In fact, the Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') of Winter Solstice 2012 @22Scorpio was also the PE of Inauguration 2013 (15 North = 'joy through commitment'--Brady) with solar eclipses in Scorpio always providing society with opportunities to make karmic progress while seeing down to the roots of our problems (aka, true or original causes). If memory serves, a sense of karmic progress was evident then via the election/s of Mr. Obama but as you know, klansmen and other regressive reactionaries were not content with such a societal shift. Thereby, Tr*mp's 'birtherism' propaganda was invented for future campaign use.

January 2021 Catastrophe: Executive Branch Attacks Legislative Branch

So my suspicion now in April 2021, is that you, the dearest of readers, already realize which NRA-loving political party in the US can better be described as 'radical reactionaries' who cling to the past, obsess over their dogmatic views, are enemies of all social progress, despise democracy, consider themselves superior because of skin color and stubbornly retain supremacist attitudes against "the other," and are ruthlessly determined to take control of the US government - as seen before our very eyes on January 6, 2021 when a 'MAGA Mob' of seditionists attempted to coup the US Congress in order to keep a corrupt, malcontent grifter in control of the White House.

Mar 17, 2021

Two US Charts Progressed to New Moon Phase 2024

America's Lack of Community Spirit: The Moon Makes an Excellent Timer

by Jude Cowell

March 17, 2021: Below is a dual image of two of America's July 4, 1776 charts (lower left: 5:09 pm LMT) and (upper right: 11:32 am LMT) when progressed to our nation's Secondary Progressed ('SP') New Moon @19Pis26. Naturally with the SP charts issuing from two differently timed horoscopes, progressed timing results vary. The July 4, 1776 chart set for 5:09 pm LMT (Philadelphia, PA) when progressed to our upcoming New Moon phase gives March 25, 2024 while the US chart set for 11:32 am LMT results in the perfection of the SP New Moon @19Pis26 on June 18, 2024:

Due to the SP Neptune-North-Node sextile (appearing in both charts), with SP Neptune in fated Nodal Degree (25Cancer vs 25Virgo), we find the typical position of US natal Moon (24 to 27 AQ; We The People; July 4, 1776) potentially being affected by the progressed sextile as the base of a YOD pattern (crisis/turning point/special task/karmic opportunity) as it symbolically points toward US natal Moon. And if we read the three points as a midpoint picture, we have "Lack of community spirit" (or, "lack of teamwork" - highlighted in red). It seems doubtful to me that anyone would disagree with such an assessment particularly when it comes to US Politics and politicians who vie for power while stalling progressive legislation via their constant political battles which are often little more than tempests in teapots stirred up by posers, imposters, and secret manipulators of the wealthy class, both foreign and domestic.

Now there are several chart factors which may interest you, dear reader, so I hope you'll enlarge the image, see what you think, and leave an on-topic comment if you wish.

Plus, you'll see that there are a few notes on transits penned on: another YOD pattern in the March 25th chart (transit Saturn-MC = transit Moon; left side), and check out transit Saturn conjunct SP New Moon in the June 18th horoscope and conjunct transit Mars-Pluto, see upper right). One example (highlighted in blue, lower right) is a midpoint picture which appears in one of the charts (the 11:32 am chart; upper right) but not in the other, and it's North Node-Ascendant = Jupiter (Rx) with potentials for 'sociability; humanitarianism'; and/or 'the politics behind shaping opinions' (aka, spin or propaganda). To me this supports a years-long conviction that US Politics as a practice is based more on Political Theater performances and public relations stunts rather than on representing We The People and doing 'the people's business'. Well, politicians do tend to think of themselves as brilliant thespians, you know (Jupiter!).

Of course, President Biden's recent Covid Relief Bill has brought a totally different vibe across the land, hasn't it? As if improvement (Jupiter) is on the way at last.

Meanwhile, the strong emphasis on individualism in the American character continues to evolve as 2024 nears with US progressions retaining a Splay shape of planets describing what for some is a striving to live up to the "cowboy ethic" (exs: John Wayne films, "macho man" dreams and illusions, the 'former guy' in the White House, etc).

Well, pardner, I'm about to mosey for the evening and hope this fairly fussy post has contained something of interest for you! If so, do let me know because your encouragement is always much appreciated. jc

Mar 12, 2021

Normal Celebrations by Independence Day 2021?

"America's Coming Back," says Joe Biden

March 12, 2021: Last evening, after President Biden gave his Covid Anniversary Address in which he offered "July 4, 2021" as the potential date and holiday by which Americans have a "good chance" of celebrating Independence Day in normal, safe fashion with the Covid pandemic under control, it seemed that a rewrite of my US Solar Return 2021 post might be informative in light of new events. Then I reread the post, considered the horoscope as notated, and realized that the SR 2021 chart's two YODs, both patterns containing potentials for karmic progress, and one suggesting "triumph," might not require a rewrite after all! And as you know, YODs often relate to health matters as these must surely do, plus, timing is involved for the apex planet, one of which is the Solar Return Sun (the leader).

Of course, We The People's cooperation by receiving vaccinations when available, continuing our mask wearing, handwashing, and social distancing must be kept up for such a stellar achievement as a safe Happy 4th of July celebration of freedom. And if such normalcy is accomplished, it will lend new meaning to our annual celebration, plus, sales of fireworks will sky rocket!

Of interest is the Ascendant in Washington DC last evening (8:00 pm est) as the President's address began: 14Lib24 bringing up America's natal Saturn, exalted in Libra (14:48). Rounding up to "15Libra" = "Circular Paths" which seems appropriate for a first annniversary coming round. As he spoke, President Biden's first natal planet to rise last evening in Washington DC? His Mars in Scorpio, sign of regeneration. Meanwhile, an entire breakdown and regeneration of American society is underway as transit Pluto returns to his 1776 degree, thus performing America's first-ever Pluto Return, exact three times in 2022.

So! Given that I'm side-effecting from a second Covid vaccination this week and not feeling my best, I will merely recommend the previous horoscopic effort to you, dear reader, for review if you wish but keeping a return to normalcy in mind and, as usual, inviting your on-topic observations via comment. jc

Reminder: comments by 'anonymous' and 'unknown' will not be published.

Oct 17, 2020

November 12, 2020 The Third Potency of Jupiter-Pluto

Jupiter-Pluto Energies Combine as November Nears and 2021 Looms Ahead

by Jude Cowell

This past April we discussed the November 12, 2020 Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction and considered its DC Horoscope reposted here:

Today let's add a few additional notes concerning Jupiter-Pluto indications in the Trump era with our focus on America using Washington DC as a symbolic representation of our nation. Few links to previous posts on related topics are included in this post so if a particular topic interests you, please type it into the sidebar Search widget by scrolling down a bit and see if a selection pops up.

So basically, the duo of Jupiter (increase; expansion; growth) and Pluto (power; wealth; manipulation) represent power-craving plutocrats and Plutocracy and most everyone knows that Trump is a plutocrat acting for his own profit and on behalf of wealthy donors and billionaires. Exploitation of the weaker is their 'claim to fame' by employing whatever means necessary with emphasis on manipulating the levers of power - financial, legal, political. In previous SO'W posts I have also related Jupiter-Pluto to the Fed and perhaps you'll agree that the US Federal Reserve System, our 'central bank', works for and with the global syndicate of international banking houses - and specifically with the House of Rothchild leading the pack of wolves and foxes from their lairs in Europe and the City of London. Their network of links and associations (many by marriage--keeping power and control within The Family) is what makes a global financial collapse totally possible!

Then with the installation in the White House of foxy Trump controlling the levers of the US financial system, we can see that The Family of banking houses has joined forces (if they weren't already joined!) with at least one global organized crime syndicate, namely, with mobsters and outlaws wielding political power and influence in the US - in league with Klanish thugs and zealots of the white supremacy/alt-right persuasion. And for strong-arming those who disagree with an authoritarian America as the 'new order', Trump's enforcers use and threaten to use one of Plutocracy's favorite tools: primal violence. The explosive Mars-Uranus Conjunction, exact on Inauguration Day 2021, suggests this.

The Jupiter-Pluto Cycle: Approximately 13 Years

Now as you know, all planetary conjunctions time a new beginning of their cycle and for Jupiter-Pluto, Year 2020 has in stages marked the completion of their previous cycle which began on December 11, 2007 @28Sag24. By degree, their conjunction created a cosmic time link with the current Saturn-Uranus Cycle for its three conjunctions in 1988 perfected in the degree range of 27-30 Sagittarius. Perahps we should note a couple of things: that the upcoming Saturn-Uranus square with Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus identifies a period of extreme resistance to authority--Fixed energies are rigid and stubborn; and, that on a basic level, the combination of Saturn and Uranus has to do with the overthrow of an 'old order' and the establishment of 'the new' which is also an underlying theme of the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction coming at Winter Solstice 2020 (see a link to its midpoint potentials, below).

And so as noted, in 2020 Jupiter and Pluto conjunctions perfect three times: April 4, June 20, and the November 12, 2020 Conjunction you see in the chart, above. If we take the cycle's 13 years and divide by 3, we get approximately 4 years and about 4 months for each of the three horoscopes to represent (and leading up to their next conjunction on February 5, 2033 @14AQ50). Or, we can count all three conjunctions in 2020 as a process with a combination or variety of Jupiter-Pluto implications over the next 13 years, their influences alternating in strength. So the three conjunction horoscopes can be read in a variety of ways. How about another: Chart 1. problems present; Chart 2. denial and delay (Rx stage); Chart 3. solutions are found.

Of course, with the US Congress paralyzed by Republican Mitch "grim reaper" McConnell, implementation of pro-99% solutions is another matter best left to a president of the Democratic persuasion - so please Vote so we can get one!

You may also wish to see: December 21, 2020's Midpoint Pictures of the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction with the caution that any, all, or none may apply and may be activated by future transits, progressions, and/or directions.

A Note to SO'W Patreon members: As you know, major societal changes are in progress and in case you haven't found it yet, a new post has been published for Patreon readers which concerns the December 21, 2020 Great Conjunction of societal planets Jupiter and Saturn! jc

Jul 29, 2020

When Rep. Pramila Jayapal Questions Bill Barr

Photo: William Barr

July 29, 2020: Yesterday on SO'W I typed aloud my dream that it could be Senator Kamala Harris who would question Trump's interference-running Attorney General Bill Barr during his testimony before Congress for Senator Harris is Barr's favorite interrogator, as you know. After all, it was Senator Harris' natal Pluto @15Virgo and Venus in Virgo (17:53) that peeked over the horizon on Capitol Hill as the congressional session opened at 9:30 am edt. Here's yesterday's DC Horoscope set for 9:30 am edt. Perhaps her powerful style of dealing with prevaricators was present in spirit!

However, with the testy proceedings occurring in the House not the Senate, lady Venus in the questioning sign of Gemini at apex of a YOD configuration and with a special task to perform at the appointed time turned out to be reflected by Rep. Pramila Jayapal which suited the situation just fine. Her characterization of Barr's actions concerning Black Lives Matter protesters (he's against them) vs Barr's coddling (my word) of armed right wing extremists who threatened to lynch a governor is based in reality unlike so much that spews out of fantasist Trump and his scofflaw regime which Barr was hired to protect like Trump's mentor Roy Cohn used to do back in the olden days.

So in case you missed it (and it's a doozy!), here's a clip of Pramila Jayapal questioning the very dodgy Bill Barr yesterday. Oh, and like Kamala Harris, she controls her time!

Two Related Posts: July/December 2020: Pluto Opposes Trump natal Saturn, and the Natal Horoscope of Kamala Harris (RR:AA); note that rising just prior to her Pluto is Uranus in Virgo, the revolutionary pair of the mid-1960s Civil Rights Movement. Their three intense conjunctions in mid-Virgo are now being re-activated (opposed) by the transiting midpoint in mid-Pisces of Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn - reminding us that Civil Rights Matter!

Apr 4, 2020

The YOD in America's Solar Return 2020 Horoscope

Is America's Great Seal Reversed?

by Jude Cowell

April 3, 2020: After writing Stars Over Washington for nearly 15 years, it turns out that I'm quite an expert at assuming that any reader who bravely ventures herein possesses a measure of astrological knowledge. And once upon a time I tended to assure those who didn't 'speak astrologese' not to fret for my posts were written in English so they had only to ignore the astrology parts.

Now I see that such a work-around probably didn't work for many readers. In fact, a reader recently tasked me with providing a key for those who don't understand all the terms and abbreviations. She may think I've forgotten but no! It's only that events have been overly time consuming, as for us all. So this I hope to write and publish here before much longer in a post all its own.

But tonight I want to mention a factor of concern - or at least it's a factor that may help explain in general terms using Astrology some of our current conditions including health matters and our enforced circumstances of 'isolation and 'social distancing'. And this is where a basic knowledge of astrological terms and principles would come in handy - if only so that this post could be on the briefer, less cumbersome side rather than blossoming into e-book form. Oh well, let's give it a go and see where we land, shall we?

US Solar Return 2020 and a YOD of crisis

Special task, crossroads, turning point, karmic opportunity--all describe potentials that may be shown by a YOD pattern when it turns up in a horoscope. But another connotation of a YOD (which visually favors a squished triangle, aka, a Finger of God) is that it can symbolize a health indicator suggesting crisis conditions which must be handled with care when the time comes. (As you know, timing is everything! And our SR 2020 chart is 'good for' one year until America's next Solar Return in 2021.)

And so a YOD (of sorts) has turned up in America's Solar Return 2020 Horoscope, our 'birthday' chart. Please note that 'SR' stands for 'Solar Return' calculated for the moment the Sun returns to its natal degree, minute, and seconds (if known) when a person or entity is born or founded--in this case, America (July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT is the chart I use, Philadelphia, Pa) with 12Sag08 Rising, Cardinal World Point 00Libr47 at Midheaven, and Moon @27AQ09 (We The People) in SR 3rd house. And if you're familiar with the US natal horoscope, you know that it contains a Thor's Hammer pattern (or, Fist of God) with a Sun-Saturn square at its base pointing toward We The People's Moon. This pattern shows that our country has had health issues (Sun-Saturn) from the start, particularly for women (Moon) aggravated or blocked by men (Sun square Saturn), plus, a midpoint picture is formed of Sun-Saturn = Moon denoting 'emotional depression due to organic troubles; fear' (which leaders use against us to direct our behavior en masse - as they do now--we're "at war" once again), and/or 'bereavement' (Ebertin). This, we've got.

So the Ascendant rising in our SR 2020 Horoscope (@27Scorpio, a health sign with regenerative power) is part of the YOD pattern and thus this is not a traditional YOD pattern for there should be planets in all three points. Plus, the apex of the 'YOD' is the North Node of the Moon at a critical-crisis 29th degree of Gemini. Why, this is not a YOD at all, exclaims astrologers! Okay, but what I'm actually trying to get at is the midpoint picture formed by the trio of Saturn-ASC-North-Node. For as a pair in the biological sphere, Saturn-ASCendant indicates potentials for certain health conditions (exs: 'skin troubles; middle ear inflammation; defective connective tissues or organs; myopia'), but also 'suffering caused by the environment; disadvantages through others; segregation or separation from others; feeling hindered or depressed; suffering from limiting or poor conditions; hindered or inhibited development; a wrong outlook on life' - or some combination which we're feeling already. Add the directional North Node and we have:

Saturn-ASC = North Node: 'secluding oneself from others; being placed in unpleasant family circumstances' (Ebertin).

'Unpleasant circumstances' is seconded by Noel Tyl.

Now let's close this dreary post (intended to inform not worsen!) with Michael Munkasey's evaluation of the difficult Saturn-ASC duo in Hegelian Dialectic form and note that you'll find the Trump 'administration' of purposefully inept kleptocrats and his dreary mishandling of our current health crisis somewhere within the following potentials--if not within them all:

Thesis: Difficulty for others to understand internal leadership or direction; policy or authority dictated or restricted by external demands; inflexibility or an inability to adapt to necessary change.

Antithesis: A replacement or a lowering in status of advisers or leaders; curtailment of programs for the disadvantaged; a disregard for checks and balances within an enterprise; repression as a function of policy.

Well, I don't know about you, dear reader, but I think Mr. Munkasey has described our tragic health calamity all too well based on astrological principles and translated into English.

A closely related post: Independence Day 2020 and a Capricorn Lunar Eclipse which will 'eclipse' our national Sun (13Can19), the leaders/s of the US government such as they have devolved.

Here's America's SR 2020 Horoscope:

Nov 17, 2019

August 12, 2019 Messenger Mercury whistles at Trump

When a CIA analyst became alarmed at Trump's shadow foreign policy after hours of going over records, he compiled his concerns into a report and hit the 'Send' button on August 12, 2019 thus blowing the whistle on scofflaw Trump and thereby triggering the current impeachment inquiry chaired by Rep. Adam Schiff.

Imagine my surprise yesterday when I finally got around to setting up an August 12, 2019 horoscope (exact hour of the 'Send' unknown so noon was used) and found Mercury, planet of communications and messages, @00Leo59 - and triggering potentials of the January 21, 2019 Lunar Eclipse that 'eclipsed' US Inaugural Sun; this was previously posted upon as significant for Donald Trump and the office of the presidency in 2019 with the lunar Eclipse reflecting and revealing all manner of unsavory things. This also means that during that time message-sender Mercury conjoined a couple of Trump's natal midpoints that surround his natal 12th cusp which thresholds the house of Self-undoing, Karma, the Unconscious, behind-the-scenes activities, Secret Enemies, and...Politics.

And in the Lunar Eclipse chart the ongoing Jupiter-Neptune square of dream worlds and rude awakenings formed the base of a Fist of God, or Thor's Hammer pattern pointing toward August 12th Mercury and the eclipse Moon 00Leo52 (and Sun opposite--instability, deception, risk-taking, grand schemes) so a cosmic imperative was at play for the CIA analyst as he defended the rule of law against a lawless president and his syncophant cronies. Even governmental planet Saturn chimed in for transit Saturn @13Capricorn opposed US POTUS Sun, a time of delays, frustrations, criticism if responsibilities are not lived up to, and authority, integrity, and leadership are challenged by law-abiding legal eagle Saturn!

And hence we have Impeachment Inquiry 2019 into Donald Trump, the current thespian appearing in the POTUS role which always comes with a limited engagement.

NASA photo: Mercury

Jun 18, 2019

Oil Crises, Tankers, and the YODs of 1973 and 2019

With the world oil supply under threat of disruption by a ginned up case for war against Iran thanks to the renegade Trump gang, I took a look back at an excerpt from a previous post (linked below) concerning the Arab Oil Embargo of October 17, 1973 which includes the founding data for OPEC; note the organization's stated goal:

"OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) September 14, 1960 9:00 +0:00 Baghdad, Iraq; OPEC's stated goal: to regulate the supply of the world's oil. Formed via conference which began at 11:00 am, a speech was delivered, and a resolution signed; hour approximate. Source: The Book of World Horoscopes, Nicholas Campion, chart #422."

For your consideration, here is an informative report on current events Trump Pushing War with Iran? from The Young Turks:

Now the Washington DC Horoscope of the Arab Oil Embargo of 1973 is remarkable not the least because of its interlaced YODs of crises, turning points, and karmic opportunities. And as you know, both Neptune and Pluto are associated with oil and other such resources while on a different level, watery Neptune represents oceans and seas. Astrological Pluto may operate as an assassin, a hidden actor or cause, or a saboteur, and together, Neptune-Pluto as a pair relates to organized crime syndicates, subterfuge, mysticism (and the supernatural).

June 2019

So if we compare the planets of the 1973 Oil Embargo with current planets and events (as 'guided' by Trump, Pompeo, and probably by war hawk Bolton--plus, pal Putin, or even Britain--is this oily scheme why his nibs visited the Queen recently?) we may wish to consider one of the 1973 chart's YOD patterns in particular--the YOD with the Neptune-Pluto sextile at its base. For in the 1973 chart, this oily YOD points toward warrior-activist Mars Rx @4Tau09 (in 7th house at sunrise edt, Washington DC) with the trio's midpoint picture potentials consisting of: succumbing to external powers, being used as a tool for other people's interests, lack of energy (Ebertin); added compulsion to to use violence to achieve aims (Munkasey); rejection of actions due to misunderstandings (Tyl). To that last I would add: because very few people believe Washington's lies-into-war anymore.

Now the 2019 potentials have been activated by transit Uranus in early Taurus for the quirky disruptive planet of chaos has come along to 'replace' Mars in the above equation so we have such possibilities as: unusual means to escape from or change reality (Uranus is fantasist Trump's guiding planet because it is oriental in his natal chart), impersonal attitudes about any destructive or antisocial activities (Munkasey); making waves to get to shore, possibly aberrant behavior, disruption to gain recognition (of the need for war with Iran?), courage (or fools rush in!?), and/or adventurous ego thrust (as always with Big T's huge ego); flair for the unusual, adventurous, mystical, supernatural, and/or peculiar discoveries (Ebertin).

But perhaps a more basic planetary echo and cosmic time link from the oil crisis of 1973 has to be that 2019 Uranus the rebel conjoins 1973 Mars, a planetary tango which suggests explosive possibilities (as already seen via the two Japanese oil tankers) and the dangerous conditions the world now faces on behalf of someone - most likely a group of weapon-forging Vulcan-esque someones - who intend to benefit from the waging of war and strife and who are aided and abetted by religious fanatics who arrogantly assume that they know what's best for the entire planet.

(Above midpoint potentials are paraphrases of The Combination of Stellar Influences, Ebertin; Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Munkasey; Solar Arcs, Tyl.)

May 20, 2019

May 21, 2019 Trump, Mercury, Nemesis, and McGahn

In April just passed we discussed the possibility of former White House Counsel Don McGahn (his 'noon' natal chart shown) testifying before Congress on Tuesday May 21, 2019. If he shows up (see video link, below).

Taking the Fifth against self-incrimination notwithstanding, Mr. McGahn may or may not appear on Capitol Hill tomorrow or at a later date and yet (for the curious among us) the current transit of asteroid Nemesis (divine retribution; the unbeatable foe) may deserve our attention this week for its Zodiacal meet-up with a certain natal planet of Donald Trump.

Because on the morning of May 21, 2019, transit Nemesis clocks in @8Can35 - conjunct the natal Mercury of Donald Trump (8Can51). However, this conjunction of Nemesis-to-Mercury @8Can51 won't perfect until May 22, 2019 at 1:13 am edt Washington DC when a YOD pattern forms with potentials for crisis, crossroads, turning point, special task, and/or karmic opportunity for progress. With the transiting and explosive pair of Mars-Uranus sextile at its base, the YOD's apex is the May 22, 2019 Midheaven ('MC') @2Sag49, and the Sabian Symbol for '3Sag' (rounding up) is "Two Men Playing Chess"...keyword: ABILITY; negative expression: "unsuspected bigotry or foolish exactitude" (Jones).

Well, since we're talking Trump here I'm not certain how unsuspected the bigotry is. But I am certain we can read the trio in the YOD as a midpoint picture containing potentials...Mars-Uranus = MC: an inflexible character; desire for independence; a person 'putting a pistol to someone's head'; act of violence; the execution of drastic and violent measures; injury; accident; operation; extraordinary achievements (Ebertin). These potentials affect the Goal Point of the Nemesis-Mercury May 22, 2019 1:13 am edt Washington DC chart and seem to express Trump's extreme desperation to keep his affairs as private as possible.

Video: Ted Lieu: If McGahn Doesn't Testify May 21 he'll be held in contempt by the House Judiciary Committee.

So as everyone has noticed long before now, foes, enemies, and opponents are always on Trump's mind and his tendency toward mobster speak spotlights this (ex: people who reveal the truth about him are "rats"). Meanwhile, Trump's natal Uranus-NN-Sun in Mercury-ruled Gemini reveals his life vs death attitude, often a feature of Gemini along with the sign's desperate need to always be right. Plus, Trump's oriental Uranus in the 10th house describes his love of chaos as a ruling style for he likes to disrupt everything, then watches to see who's still standing.

And aptly enough, in May 2019 Trump's natal Nemesis @16Can40 has progressed to 16Leo09 conjunct his SP Mercury 15Leo48. That transit Nemesis now conjoins his natal Mercury (8Can51) spotlights the unbeatable foe/divine retribution implications of Trump's thinking and, of course, his communications such as his revenge tweeting. But is he pondering the joy of separation and of saying good-bye?

Perhaps, because his current progressed ('SP') midpoint pictures affecting his SP Mercury in Leo reveals interesting potentials such as: SP Moon-Saturn = SP Mercury: 'sadness, saying good-bye'; and SP Mars-Uranus = SP Mercury: 'a test of power carried out calculatingly; nervous irritation; an achievement; acting independently'; and SP Moon-MC = SP Mercury: 'soul stirrings' (Ebertin). Really?!!?

Then another SP midpoint picture may apply as well--SP Neptune-NN = SP Pluto: exercising a bad influence upon associations between people; relationship breakdown between people living together. Of course you know the Neptune-NN pair denotes 'a lack of communal sense and feeling; the inclination to exploit, deceive, and cheat other people'. So says Reinhold Ebertin about fraudulent, undermining Neptune when combining its urge-to-merge energies with the North Node of public contact and future direction. Michael Munkasey adds the potential to: 'use strong destructive forces to protect one's privacy'.

And one's tax returns, and Don MacGahn's and Robert Mueller's information about the criminal activities and obstructive behavior of Big T.

Now to close, it may be of interest to mention that Don McGahn's natal Nemesis @25Tau54 sits upon the natal Midheaven of Donald Trump (conjunct enraged star Algol) while opposite, Mr. McGahn's natal Neptune Rx @24Sco21 conjoins the natal IC of Donald Trump! So no matter when (if) Don McGahn testifies on the topic of the Trump White House, this cosmic condition involving McGahn's Neptune-Nemesis opposition and Trump's MC-IC axis promise to make the revelations of Don McGahn, if any, very very interesting.

Above NASA photo of planet Mercury, aka, The Messenger.

Mar 23, 2019

March 2019 Full Moon: the Mueller Report is submitted!

Photo: AG Bill Barr (ed: 3/23): The United States Department of Justice [Public domain]

In a previous post we considered the March 2019 Lunations of Crisis including the Full Moon @00Lib09 conjunct US natal Midheaven which perfected on March 20, 2019 at 9:42:45 pm edt in Washington DC. This lunation of culmination, fulfillment, and awareness may be credited with the just-announced last evening (3/22/19) submission of the Mueller Report to AG Bob Barr. At least that's how yours truly looks at the timing of the report we've all been breathlessly awaiting! Follow the link to view the DC Horoscope of the Full Moon, plus, a view of the March 6, 2019 New Moon @15Pis47 conjunct shady, obfuscating Neptune strong in its own sign of secretive Pisces. Of course, astrological Neptune is also the planet of the mass media and the masses, who both demand to see the full report with no edits.

Also note the karmic YOD (Finger of Fate) in the horoscope, a pattern known for timing such potentials as: crises, turning points, crossroads, and special tasks--here, pointing toward the transiting North Node in Cancer which in turn points toward America's natal Mercury Rx--it's Sabian Symbol (25Cancer): "A Dark Shadow or Mantle Thrown Suddenly Over the Right Shoulder...keyword: DESTINY. Positive expression: some dramatic manifestation of genius vital to the general welfare of man; negative (unconscious/shadow side--jc): "a tendency toward unwarranted presumption if not outright megalomania." (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.) I leave it to you to decide who this describes in our current times.

And do you agree that the Mueller Report certainly relates to America's Midheaven Goals-Aspirations-Career-World-Status Point? How far-reaching in its effects remains to be seen.

You may wish to see Quartz for The Mueller Report Is Done. What Happens Now?

Perhaps the cherry on top for Donald Trump is that Spring Equinox 2019 has brought contentious Mars in Taurus to Trump's natal Midheaven conjunct vicious Algol for all the world to see his various reactions to the Mueller Report which should be interesting and presumptuous if not very pretty.

Sep 8, 2018

The Saturn Return of Mr. Trump: Authority Challenged

The Current Three-Fer Saturn Return of Donald Trump Shows Maturity Problems

by Jude Cowell

Since planet Saturn's orbit is between 28 and 30 years' duration, a Saturn Return horoscope is 'good for' about three decades. The last Saturn Return of Donald Trump (#3 of 3 conjunctions) perfected on May 24, 2005 and the chart below details the experiences, conditions, and influences that we're all suffering through now as his leadership, authority, and authenticity are challenged by Saturnian figures of governmental, legal, and other fact-finding realms. For as you know, astrological Saturn prefers just the facts and when returning to natal degree, he demands accountability, maturity, and the correction of past mistakes. Therefore, based on his recent and current behavior, we immediately see that Mr. Trump has major problems complying with the commands and imperatives of Saturn because taking responsibility and owning up to his own guilt and irresponsible actions are arrows not found in his quiver. We might even say he resists such mature behavior and has famously asserted that he's never made a mistake!

See "I Don't Talk That Way." Except When He Does about Trump's foolish denial of hurling certain insults at AG Jeff Sessions.

For a complete study of Trump's Saturn condition, several horoscopes should be considered including his natal chart and natal Saturn's aspects, progressions, and his very first Saturn Return (age 29, July 25, 1975 with Saturn in Return 9th house along with Mercury @24:34 and Sun @2Leo10; Saturn is squared by Jupiter in Aries and by Uranus in Libra which forms a T-Square: Jupiter-Uranus = Saturn with potentials for one-sided principles (wait! he has principles?), obstinacy, sudden disadvantages or losses. These horoscopes are helpful guides to his/our present circumstances particularly in the realms of authority, plus, other planetary return charts and transits add details to the cosmic picture and although I've studied them, this is a post not a book so no charts will be published here other than Trump's third of three Saturn Returns, the horoscope in effect since he ran and 'won' the White House--and at this moment. General notes on Saturn Returns will follow, below.

Image: Trump Saturn Return May 24, 2005 5:57:20 pm edt Queens, NY; ASC 7Sco54; MC 15Leo36; Hour of Mercury;chart-ruler Mars trines Saturn (6A40) = an auspicious time to initiate long-term projects geared toward creating more security (his marriage to Melania in 2005?); plus, more mature people (males) aid him in his endeavors--aid he continues to need though he wouldn't admit it; Saturn's other aspects are listed on the chart as well as the dates of the previous two Saturn Returns in September 2004 and January 2005; a three-fer denotes one who on a personal level needs multiple lessons from Saturn, and/or an important person in the professional sphere:

The Mercury-Saturn sextile indicates getting into wearisome quarrels, holding on to petty grievances, and nagging that destroys harmony in relationships. An inability to listen to others is also suggested as well as neglect of basic rules and a lack of respect for others' need for personal space. However, it does show a potential for good management and a concern (overconcern?) for details (Epstein). Saturn is also engaged with quirky Uranus via a sesquis-square (135 degrees), a dynamic 'square within a square' denoting complex or complicated conditions which may hint at Melania's immigrant status and relationship/freedom issues around that time. Of course, Saturn is the planet of tradition and The Past while Uranus prefers progress and The Future. And according to Robert Pelletier, Trump's Saturn-Pluto inconjunct (150 degrees) shows tendencies toward: voicing complaints about unfair competition (plus, his natal Jupiter in Libra: "it's not fair!"), laboring and wasting time over trifles, questioning valid candidacies (ex: Obama), and being impressed with his own sense of responsibility which compels him to take on more than he can handle. And here we are.

A Few Notes Regarding Saturn Returns

In general, a Saturn Return identifies the phase in which we enter a new cycle of experience and a new set of environmental conditions with which we can work. The Return house of Saturn denotes the area in which we are ambitious and/or seek recognition. Here in the 9th house, Mr. Trump seeks approval and recognition for his intellectual capacities yet his Geminian traits keep him on lighter levels of superficial understanding, quixotic notions, and an obsession over minor details as he often misses the wider points or the bigger picture in situations, events, and experiences. Plus, he seems unaware or simply unappreciative of the ultimate consequences of his actions, many of which are dire for other people whose feelings he twists for his own purposes but never genuinely considers.

Trump's urge for professional development is strong with his natal Saturn in business-savvy Cancer, yet we find that his personal compulsion toward self-protection (Cancer, the Crab in his shell) is operative in political realms via protectionism (exs: trade tariffs, removal of US from treaties and alliances as per Putin, his 'lodestar' of authority; 'wall building'), plus, his 'ivory tower' isolation (cheeseburgers in bed, no uncomfortable State Dinners), extreme emotional sensitivity, and difficult family ties which cause disadvantages whether he admits it or not. Such is karmic Saturn in Moon-ruled Cancer where the planet of maturity, authority, and accountability is in his detriment so acting maturely is difficult for him as is the expression of true emotions and sentiments. There's ambition and strategy in abundance, yes, but a tendency toward depression is also suggested by this placement in which feelings of emotional isolation can lead to neurotic, self-defeating behavior. In addition there is a leaning toward financial difficulties which have certainly been the case and seem to lie at the root of his foreign involvement as a businessman. And as you know, Saturn in Cancer people are talented in the field of Real Estate but Trump's underworld ties probably began there with Saturnian concrete which had to be purchased from mobsters!

So when playing the POTUS role, Saturnian weaknesses become particularly problematic and in fact, can place a wheeler dealer such as Mr. Trump under Saturnian scrutiny by legal authorities for such financial involvements with mobsters, foreign and domestic! And it has--money laundering through real estate seems to have been a favored activity, one that honest Saturn frowns upon. Yet having natal Saturn in the 11th house of Groups and Associations, shows that Mr. Trump could have developed a sense of responsibility by which everyone involved would benefit, for his ties to older, more mature persons have aided him--or negatively have made it easy for him not to evolve. One possibility is that his 11th house potential has been used primarily for membership in an older (ancient?) secret society or club with its own agenda so is this what Trump's take-over of the Republican Party, part of an ongoing, long-planned coup d'etat of our nation, has been about? Remember that Donald Trump is a Geminian thespian who could be smarter and more aware than he plays on TV!

The Two Natal Aspects of Mr. Trump's Saturn

So just as with any planetary return, Saturn reinforces the aspects he was engaged in at birth so for Donald Trump we see that any Saturn Return stimulates two aspects: his natal Venus-Saturn conjunction (1S55) indicating loyalty issues, using others for his own emotional gratification, but with possibly a heightened sense of justice, fair play, and the benefits of 'mutual advantage'. However, feelings of discontent in relationships may affect him off-and-on via Venus-Saturn yet the pair does provide him with a practical approach to problem solving (if only he could clearly see problems through the lens of his confused Mercury-Neptune square of fantasy, falsehood, misconception, distorted impressions, and indiscretion).

Simultaneously, a Saturn Return activates a second natal aspect--a difficult Moon-Saturn inconjunct (2A36) where we see his basic childhood complexes thanks to Mom (Moon) and Dad (Saturn). This aspect tends toward emotional immaturity, pessimism, and a fear of betrayal. A suspicious nature is indicated (Dad: "never trust anyone") engendering a cautious, defensive posture which may express emotions at the wrong time or in the wrong way and place (plus, his natal Moon-SN conjunction = bad timing, as noted). A sober facade is often employed in order to hide deep feelings of inferiority and melancholy even while he blurts out show-stopping rhetoric and slogans. Obviously things were off-kilter with Mom and Dad back in the day so that issues of abandonment are in evidence here, plus, a fear of losing emotional control may haunt him even as he rages in fury in a sad attempt to re-exert a measure of control over others while manipulating circumstances to his liking. The May 2005 Saturn Return shown above, as does his first Saturn Return in 1975, has Scorpio rising and Mars-ruled Scorpio tends to control and manipulate others even though a deep need to learn to practice self-control is the real problem.

So can cussing loudly and insulting others like a vicious adolescent help matters? Perhaps they did during his childhood and teen years. But unfortunately, We the People are stuck with his rage and inferiority issues because none of these Moon-Saturn tendencies improve with age especially for a non-reflective control freak. Yet if desired, serious Saturn will teach such control and discipline that can result in emotional maturity and a genuine sense of responsibility as long as authoritative Saturn's lessons are faithfully completed first! So there is the timing factor involved in Saturn Returns when reflecting upon serious matters and our part in them, regretful or not, is at hand and a change of course is necessary in order to progress as an adult traveling on the path of the hero's journey.

Future-Defining Saturn and Creepy Pluto

Naturally, Saturn's transits through his Return chart as well as the transits of other planets, provide additional information and timing of events and peaks of various sorts (including the possibility of karmic loss or well-earned rewards). As I type, today's position of Saturn @2Cap32 (his Direct Station degree of September 6th) falls into Mr. Trump's natal 5th house (although the sign Capricorn is intercepted in his 5th house--karmic conditions concerning children and risk-taking to deal with?) and, as noted above, is in the 9th house of Higher Learning, Philosophy, and Distant Travel in the 2005 Return chart.

A watershed moment for taking responsibility and paying the Saturnian piper (see lower left, Sun Gem-Moon Sag's image) is coming when transit Saturn opposes his natal Saturn one time on January 21, 2020 (owning up to past mistakes) but karmicly the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto, so recently perfected on January 12, 2020 @22Cap46, is even heavier for it conjoins the natal Vertex of fated encounters in the natal chart of Donald J. Trump where a simultaneous transit of Pluto opposing natal Saturn adds the potential for difficult if not harsh circumstances of the underworld kind.

Back When Melania and Barron Trump Entered the Trump Family Picture

As you see, the Trump Wedding (January 22, 2005) and two stand-out links to Melania's natal chart are highlighted in pink around the Return chart; in light red are the Return's Syzygy Moon (Full Moon @2Sag47 in 1st house); also in light red is its 6th house Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') @19Ari05 in the 7 North Saros Series--theme: sudden passions, lust, birth (Brady).

This eclipse could suggest their son Barron yet a Moon-Pluto conjunction may also indicate a child born out of wedlock. That Moon-Pluto conjoins Trump's natal Moon-South Node conjunction (bad timing) makes such a birth more likely but not a definite. Yet along the same lines, Pluto @23Sag41 Rx is apex planet of a YOD pattern with the Mercury-Saturn sextile at its base; this adds to the karmic feel of the Return chart (as in, reaping what's been sown) and times a crossroads situation, a destined change, and/or a spiritual opportunity for karmic progress upon the path of life. A turning point is reached and a new direction is available via apex Pluto but with Mercury-Saturn tendencies toward undermining existing authority, striving to assume a higher level of power, and the ability to usher in a revolutionary new order.

Plus, the YOD trio forms a midpoint picture of Mercury-Saturn = Pluto with potentials for: grappling with unusual problems; brooding over one's destiny (to play POTUS?); plans determine destiny (Ebertin); contemplating loss; fearing wipe-out; feeling a lack of resources; abandonment (Tyl). Could this describe a 'marry me or else I scram' threat?

Then checking the natal chart of Melania Knauss Trump born April 26, 1970 at an unknown hour ('noon') in Novo Mesto, Slovenia (follow for a link to her husband's natal horoscope), we see that Trump's Saturn Return #3 of 3 shown above was approximately an annual Mercury Return for Melania (22Tau18/40) while Return Uranus @10Pis35 conjoined her natal North Node (10:09). Was Donald taking responsibility by marrying Melania? One could think so. Their Uranus-NN pairing suggests an unusual and/or exciting connection, one that has been recently 'visited' by transit Neptune in Pisces which hints at undermining conditions affecting their union including deception, and/or a possible 'retirement' of a partner from a 'joint enterprise' (Ebertin). Also, the Return's Sun-Moon midpoint (marriage; husband and wife) conjoins Return Uranus (shared upsets, conflicts, events; inner rebellion; separation) and links to Melania's NN (an association for the purpose of marriage--as it was). And of course, Trump's natal 10th house Uranus in changeable Gemini is his guiding planet or inner voice advising his chaotic style of leadership.

Now let's close with another point of interest: the Sabian Symbol for Melania's Mercury: '23Taurus': "A Jewelry Shop Filled With Valuable Gems" which would have been quite persuasive, one imagines. And her Mercury, planet of children, is only one degree from Donald Trump's natal Midheaven (conjunct raging Algol) but is in his 9th house (of Foreigners) so being hyper-subjective and emotionally over-sensitive, the image and appearance of a beautifully 'decorated wife' was naturally important to him as "A CERTIFICATION OF PERSONAL WORTH" (Rudhyar). And I must surmise that apparently Melania Knauss Trump was on the same jewel-encrusted page.