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Mar 21, 2020

March 2020 and a Tragic Midpoint Picture of Death

March 21, 2020: Readers who are familiar with SO'W posts concerning the natal horoscope of Donald Trump have most likely run across my complaints about a certain midpoint picture under which Trump was born: Mars-Saturn = Pluto found in his natal 12th house of the Unconscious, Hidden Enemies, Karma, Self-Undoing, Large Institutions such as Hospitals, and Politics. As you know, Mars-Saturn is known as the 'death axis' according to Reinhold Ebertin, and denotes harmful, destructive energy. And as you know, astrological Pluto, planet of invisibility and karma, rules the realms of the Underworld, criminality and mobsters, power (including political and nuclear), transformation, surveillance, manipulation, control, the occult, and death.

Six Days in March 2020

Then a cosmic synchronicity occurred from March 13, 2020 (1:47 am edt) until March 18, 2020 (12:49 pm edt) when the very same tragic midpoint picture pulsed from within the transiting Capricorn line-up of planets and the Mars-Saturn-Pluto trio formed to echo Trump's Mars-Saturn = Pluto with its unfortunate potentials for: 'death of many people; murder; bodily injury or harm; intervention of a Higher Power' (Ebertin).

Of course, multiple Events of March 13, 2020 involved Covid-19 (plus, it was 'Friday the 13th').

And here is Democracy Now!'s March 18, 2020 Covid-19 Update as the number of infections were increasing.

Now as you know, large numbers of people are being tested and treated for CoronaVirus in other countries but in the US, "blameless" Trump, who initially called the contagion a "hoax" and kept to himself its existence for weeks as did others) has successfully managed to keep the American people and our healthcare system behind the curve with test kits, ventilators, hospital beds, masks, and other needed supplies and resources.

Yes, we can add Donnie's lackluster performance in the Covid-19 catastrophe to his other deficiencies of leadership--the list too long to mention--but to me, current events and his failures in leading the fight to protect and aid us against the virus seem more devilish than that since his sorriness could very well be purposeful, a method of depopulation, in fact, and an excuse for making extreme changes and reforms in and to our country (watch for them, they may turn out to be permanent!). And remember that the harsh, cruel January 12, 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 conjoined Trump's natal Vertex of fated encounters--and/or wish fulfillment!

In addition, many people have theorized that the current conditions of enforced isolation and illness could potentially include a cancellation of the 2020 Election and Trump retaining office. Now there's motivation for the power-mad gold-hoarder!

So whether Trump purposefully dropped the Covid-19 ball or not, I can never forget or discount Trump's natal midpoint picture of tragedy since the day in 2015 I first noticed it in his natal horoscope: Mars-Saturn = Pluto.

How about you? Can you forget that the trio may motivate him unconsciously? Or maybe the question should be, Are you rich and famous in America? If so, congratulations and don't fret--for you'll be tested and treated if you haven't been already!


On the topic of plutonian Trump's 12th house Pluto here's a related post What About Trump's 5th Harmonic Pluto? And looking ahead a bit, April 4, 2020 brings the first of three Jupiter-Pluto Conjunctions (in the 22--25 Capricorn degree-range), the duo of plutocrats exploiting the masses, bankers, international corporatists, wealthy people, organizers of large projects, economic professors, speculators, squanderers, and a planetary symbol for the Federal Reserve Banking System, its board and members. More (Jupiter) Pluto may also be indicated as well as loss.

Please note that the March 13--18, 2020 time frame was identified via the Astrology software I use--SolarFire Gold v9+; other software programs may give slightly different timings.


Antony said...


Especially agree and emphasized with the upcoming new moon (conjunct Chiron) opposing Trump's 2nd house Neptune.

Here is the link to the Chiron article I sent through earlier:

john grove said...

Whew this is dark. Always thought unaspected Pluto in the 12 was dangerous! And on Nov 3 ,2020 it is aspected to his age point which brings out his mafia connections.

Jude Cowell said...

John, Thank You for the Age Point info. I hadn't thought of it before but it resonates with the vibes of aging Trump in general, the deaths he's responsible for (his largest mass murder incident so far--one assumes--is this a global mafia initiation?), plus the vibes of November 3, 2020 between planets, the North Node, his natal and progressed planets. Having Pluto in 12th is dark enough I agree all by itself (if one uses the energies that way as he does) but add the 'death axis' of Mars-Saturn to the psyche and Pluto of a criminal who accepts no boundaries or limits and we have events and actions as we see now. And much of his aggression is aimed directly at the American people - his n Mars opposes US natal Moon. jc