February 18, 2022
Below is an image of the DC Horoscope of the 8 South Solar Eclipse which perfects on October 2, 2024 @10Lib03:48 and acts as the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') of the 2024 Presidential Election. You'll find 8 South thematic influences listed, below. As you see, the chart is unmarked as per reader request (meaning that no astro-notes are scribbled on by yours truly - so you're almost completely on your own for the most part) and is set for Washington DC USA 2:49:01 pm EDT with 16Cap21 rising and 9Sco35 at Midheaven ('MC'; the Goal Point). This eclipse times, as it happens, what is basically a Lunar Return to the Inauguration 2017 Moon position (9Sco21), and as such, may not be a positive portent in 2024 for lovers of democracy.
Meanwhile, Saturn Rx rules the eclipse chart Ascendant and makes no applying aspects although there is a Venus-Saturn trine as part of a protective Water Grand Trine with Mars, suggesting a closed circuit of energies with karmic implications. However, a chart-ruler retrograde suggests delays and obstacles, things that old man Saturn is often 'in the bag for'. How the cosmic relationships of the trio might interfere with the results of the 2024 Election remains to be seen, but this reminds me of voter suppression and its unfair (erroneous) effects upon outcomes. So it seems that a Saturnian authority figure is beneficial to Venus and Mars yet there are delays involved. And 1st house Pluto at a critical 29th degree rises so we may not have to wait long once the eclipse energies kick in. But will transformative events relating to Pluto's power, control, manipulation, and wealth be too big to handle? An additional factor is that this position of eclipse Pluto conjoins America's Progressed Pluto position of 29Cap28, and '30Cap' = "Directors of a Large Firm Meet in Secret Conference" - and I'm sure they do and they will:
8 South Themes: 'separation and loss; partings; feeling sad about a completion; overstraining one's strength, injury possible' (paraphrasing B. Brady).
With a solar eclipse in Venus-ruled Libra, relationships, partnerships, and alliances are in the 'cosmic blink' spotlight; for karmic progress, fairplay, cooperation, and impartiality are required, while negative Venusian traits are best avoided such as insincerity, indecisiveness, spinelessness, and/or overindulgence; karmic ties with others are also part of the Libran lunation picture and at MC may harken back to that 2017 Inaugural Moon and its Sabian Symbol, "10Scorpio: "A Fellowship Supper Awakens Unforgettable Inner Ties". Ruh roh.
Of course, Venus here is in intense, passionate, betrayal-prone Scorpio, plus, both the planet and the sign relate to finances, currency, evaluation, and valuable items such as art or jewelry (and romance). Envy, jealousy, and possessiveness may be triggered by Venus at Goal Point while she opposes and rules the Taurean IC; eclipse Venus also rules radical anarchist Uranus Rx @26Tau51 - conjunct the vengeful star of rage and destruction, Algol. Herr Trump's disturbing involvement is suggested since Algol conjoins his natal MC, and because his 10th house Uranus, planet of chaos, revolt, and quirky cantankerousness is his guiding planet (aka, 'oriental' = last to rise before his natal Sun). Therefore, Uranus in intolerant, often greedy Taurus looks like the Uranian Tr*mp to me. Disagree as you wish but there it is.
As for major aspects to the Solar Eclipse, Mars @15Can46 squares the 8 South lunation suggesting those who overreact and rebel belligerently, and who misuse physical energies. And as you know, Mars in Moon-ruled Cancer tends toward emotional touchiness, anger, and rash actions. Positively, the Martian energy can be channeled into higher levels of motivation and action and this must be consciously done if the square is to block the negative themes of the 8 South Eclipse of 2024 while providing the dynamic energy to do so. Yet I'd be remiss not to mention that Mars @15Can46 in the eclipses's 6th house of Military, Police, Civil Service, Employment, and Health conjoins the natal Ascendant of the Pentagon (15Can34).
In addition, there's a significant minor aspect to the eclipse as well: a sesqui-square (135 degrees) from erratic Uranus which adds tangled complexity to conditions and events and contains a health connotation. Mercury conjunct the eclipse is also is a health indicator but its conjunction requires that logic, reasoning, and attention to detail be used in order for best results to occur.
So that's it, folks, I'm off the Political Astrology clock (unless a major event compels) because the weekend is arriving, it's time for some genealogical research, and I'm hoping you might Share or Tweet this eclipse post if you care about the comic implications of Election 2024 and the future of America which could, as they say, go either way. jc
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