The 7 North Saros Series of Solar Eclipses have brought the world difficult, even violent, events such as the Civil War of 1861 (Charleston SC Horoscope shown, below, upper right) and the 7 North Eclipse which manifested on February 23, 1933 as what I tend to call the 'Fascism Rising' Eclipse due to the violent, power-grabbing, take control actions of one Herr Hitl*r, pervert and failed dictator inspired by dreams too big to handle.
So nowadays the world has a new crop of fasc*st miscreants and criminals determined to rise again to power, and this time it's a global movement - better organized with more saboteurs placed in key government positions in the US and elsewhere, and more abundantly funded by a faithless corporate class of what must be Ayn Randers. They follow the 'Statism + Corporatism = Fascism' model in which Enlightenment principles of our Founders and We The People are outmoded concepts they intend to delete from society by any means necessary.
7 North: 1861-1933-2023
Now also shown in the dual image, lower left, is the coming 7 North Solar Eclipse of April 20, 2023 @29Ari50, the degree of belligerent Mars during Herr Tr*mp's January 6, 2021 coup attempt (basically a dress rehearsal). As you see, the April 2023 7 North Horoscope is relocated to Charleston, SC for the sake of comparison although if set for Washington DC, very little difference occurs with house cusps (perhaps about one degree), however, Pluto @00AQ19 (conjunct US Inaugural Sun: it's all about power over others with starry Altair the Eagle there as well hinting at Roman Empire days) does cross into the 1st house in DC from its 2nd house position in Charleston, as you see here:
Actually, we've previously discussed the Fascism Rising Eclipse of 1933 (Berlin Horoscope shown) back in 2020. Significant is the fact that transit Saturn will exactly conjunct the 1933 Eclipse @5Pis28 three times in 2023 and 2024: 1. May 1, 2023; 2. August 4, 2023; and 3. January 23, 2024 with 2024 being a presidential election year, as you know. Saturn conjunct the eclipse suggests those with the responsibility to carry out the themes of the eclipse with 7 North themes of 'deep passion, long hidden takes people by surprise' and 'lust' (to which I must add 'blood lust' due to our current circumstances and the saboteurs so excited about fomenting a second Civil War in the US, grabbing power, and casting our nation back into the 1850s days of slavery. As for karmic Saturn in Pisces, this placement denotes potentials for: 'struggles with opponents, secluded work, and/or depression (R. Ebertin).
So for now I'll hush about this disturbing topic, but as usual, my feeling is that forewarned is forearmed - because the enemies of America are aligned and organized.
Therefore, lovers of American Democracy, freedom, and a civilized society must be aligned and organized, too.
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