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Showing posts with label Ayn Rand. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ayn Rand. Show all posts

Jun 6, 2024

Bannon for Prison: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Rand

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Admittedly, soon-to-report-to-prison-by-July-1st Steve Bannon (BBC News), podcasting bigmouth promoting lawless Tr*mpism, has for years reminded me of historical figure Albert Pike both in physical looks (check out Albert's photo), and ideologically from sedition to the dream of a third world war and global fascist domination, all Uranian pursuits of chaos, disruption, and mayhem.

Actually, their shared anti-humanity agenda has sometimes been put in the category of "Utopian Idealism" in which lawlessness is the ruination of civilization (and the bad guys win), and Ayn Rand's sociopathic idolatry of serial murder is alleged to be the "moralistic" way to exist - selfishly by objectivizing other people. If you're not one of the ones deemed by narcissistic sociopaths to be dispensible, that is.

Of course, since 1776 this American experiment is about mankind's ability to govern himself but that's not what Uranian zealots want - they're determined to be the ones doing the governing like feudal overlords holding all the wealth and privileges. And all spearheaded by a "president" gifted with total immunity for any crime he's in the mood to quixotically commit, including murder, Ayn Rand's favorite. In other words, no one will be safe, even the enablers of their psychopathy.

For background see How Ayn Rand Became An Admirer of a Serial Killer (not for the squeamish). And here's a view of Rand's natal horoscope where we find her natal Chiron now visited by transit Pluto, the Plutocracy duo, and her natal Venus, apex of a T-Square, is lingeringly contacted by transit Neptune @29Pisces. She'll get no glamorous portrait from me!

Now I prefer never to chortle over the misfortune of others but if I relent, it always concerns what they're reaping due to their own sorry behavior. This is what I call karma - reaping what's been sown, a natural law that no earthling can escape forever. Yet despite this, if Steve Bannon does see the inside of a jail cell, I'm certain he'll manage to make as much out of it as possible. Sabotage by Uranian zealots goes on!

Pike, Tr*mp, Bannon: Jupiterian Figures with Uranian Intent

Above you see a NASA portrait of planet Jupiter. But for the scheming podcaster's natal chart details try: Steve Bannon: In the Realms of Jupiter.

And so a typical cussedness we've seen a lot lately in US politics has been denial of responsibility by the guilty, and we can easily plop the names of scofflaws Bannon and Tr*mp in the blank spaces. Therefore, a reluctant peek at current planetary transits to Bannon's natal planets had to be done with an emphasis on Saturnian responsibility. Here is the primary transit I discovered:

On June 14, 2024, transit Saturn @19Pis14 sesquisquares his natal Saturn @4Scorpio, which marks a period of complexity when Herr Bannon must face up to his responsibilities. It's a karmic time finally come, and he'll reap what's been sown and, if he's smart, he'll correct past mistakes, if he's willing.

For as you know, this legal predicament issues from his lack of response to a congressional subpoena concerning the J6 coup attempt, with lawmakers and an authoritative subpoena falling obviously under the auspices of planet Saturn and the fact that Bannon was called to Capitol Hill to account for himself, a societal responsibility which he declined to fulfill.

Aug 2, 2022

Great American Eclipses: 1878, 2017, 2024

August 2, 2022

Karmic Signposts via 'Wild Cards of the Universe'

by Jude Cowell

Many moons ago in August 2018, we discussed the three Total Great American Eclipses of 1878, 2017, and 2024 and now I'm finally getting around to writing a brief overview of the three eclipses in relation to America, primarily via the signs of the Zodiac in which the three 'Cosmic Blink' Eclipses (aka, 'Wild Cards of the Universe') have and will manifest, plus, any contacts or cosmic time links with planets, points, or stars that may be 'eclipsed'.

Since the three paths of totality cutting cross our country have been previously mentioned in various posts, I won't repeat my notes here, but you're invited to scroll down the sidebar of SO'W and type 'Eclipses' or another label into the Search field such as the Saros Series of the three which are: 6 South, 1 North, and 8 North. Of course, employing a search engine of your choice can also turn up path of totality information using dates of the eclipses listed, below.

Now as you know, the significance of the three eclipses that directly affect America is in relation to historical events occurring under the influence that a disruptive Uranian eclipse can engender for 6 months or more after manifestation, and often for up to two weeks prior while the earlier eclipse themes remain in force, but are weakening.

Sensitive and critical degrees can factor in, and obviously, other cosmic conditions and earthly events during their particular years of occurrence are worth considering for a more comprehensive view which, in this case, means years 1878, 2017, and 2024. Meanwhile, Total eclipses have the strongest effects of all particularly in locations directly in one's path of totality. However, my use of eclipses tends to be mainly degree-based, and notably, New Moons and Full Moons sometimes behave in Uranian fashion similar to Solar and Lunar Eclipses. One way to tell if this happens is when a mere lunation such as a Full Moon reveals inconvenient facts and/or activates a change of course in earthly events!

Leo, Leo, then Aries: Major Sun-Mars Vibrations

6 South Solar Eclipse July 29, 1878 @6Leo33 and 1 North Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @28Leo52: both are Leo Solar Eclipses spotlighting Leonine issues of leadership and authority. Difficulties must be approached with resolve for half-hearted solutions gain little or nothing. Ruled by the Sun, positive traits of the sign of Leo suggests self-confidence, vigor, and natural leadership ability, however, negative traits such as self-centeredness, egocentricity, pomposity, vanity, ostentation, and overblown pride create stumbling blocks to karmic progress (R. Lineman).

In addition, Leo Eclipses denote karmic relationships with father figures and/or offspring, so I'll let you decide, dear reader, who these negative Leonine traits describe and who has blocked America's progress, particularly since 2017. Hint: an entire overweening political party is involved, plus, their figurehead.

Eclipse Contacts and Cosmic Links

Of note is that the 6 South Eclipse of 1878 conjoined US 1776 North Node of future direction, while the 1 North Eclipse of 2017 conjoined royal Regulus with its 'success if revenge is avoided' caution - conjunct the natal Ascendant and rising Mars of the orange seditionist (who foolishly gazed directly at the eclipse without safety glasses). Significantly, 1 North is the "Mother of All Eclipses" Saros Series which heralded the New Millennium, and can be called the 'Nostradamus Eclipse' which manifested on August 11, 1999 @19Leo with its Fixed Grand Cross of prophetic difficulties (affecting the entire world, not just the US with terror and alarm). Also with Leo, child abuse issues and anti-child-abuse campaigns are also be indicated (as they have been), along with laws concerning these issues with dramatic Leo also being a sign associated with lawyers and legal affairs. Then we might also add misogyny against women and abortion rights to the issues since Leo is the sign of 'romance' and the pregnancies that can result, and affected by several other cosmic factors that are beyond the scope of this post.

So! Next up will be the 8 North Eclipse of April 8, 2024 @19Ari24 precisely conjunct centaur Chiron (@19Ari24). The presence of wounded healer (or, blindspot) Chiron at that degree suggests several possibilities for America, not the least of which is due to the nearness of our nation's Chiron Return (@20Ari08, a three-fer), a period when moral values and higher ethics may resurface due to Chiron's association with roots, or even 'priesthood' - and in Mars-ruled Aries, Chiron suggests damage to our nation's sense of self-identity. So for me, if Enlightenment principles of 1776 are part of the resurfacing picture, so be it! Because it seems promising that 8 North themes include 'new-found inspiration, inventiveness, insights, visions, and vivid dreams' (B. Brady). Of course, how practical such solutions may be must remain to be seen.

Now another factor in today's overview is this: that, because there are three Total eclipses, it's possible to think of them as facets within an ongoing process similar to the direct-retrograde-direct phases of planets in their orbits - you know, the denial-acceptance-solution model. But this concept I'll leave for you, dear reader, to engage with on that level or not, as you wish.

The good news is that if this solution-based model applies, year 2024 may turn out better for our nation than many folks now fear due to recent stresses in society such as the activities of saboteurs and seditionists, both foreign and domestic. For if We The People make it through the period affected by the 2024 Great American Eclipse and its effects, a measure of relief can ease the stresses and strains our nation has been victimized and exploited by for decades, even centuries (since America has had enemies from the start), and our democratic Republic, tattered as it may or may not be, will live on.

Yet realistically, we know that first we must deal with the fact that 2024 is a Presidential Election year in the US, and cheaters, election-riggers, and lying propagandists are hard at work determined to sway outcomes their way, no matter how and at any cost. Why, it's almost as if the Republicans' favorite idols, psychopath Ayn Rand with her child murdering 'ideal man' complex, and the perverted racist Herr Adolf are on the ballot because they hope that sadistic, paternalistic authoritarianism will "win" the day, thereby tossing America's Enlightenment principles of 1776 into the trash bin of history.

But there's an intriguing factoid to remember about America: there are a lot more of us than there are of them!

Now in closing, here's a view of the 8 North Eclipse of 2024 horoscope set for Washington DC including details. And we should mention that the 8 North Eclipse of 2024, listed above, is not the Solar Eclipse that will directly influence the 2024 Election, 8 South is.

May 25, 2022

The Civil War's Solar Eclipse soon repeats

The 7 North Saros Series of Solar Eclipses have brought the world difficult, even violent, events such as the Civil War of 1861 (Charleston SC Horoscope shown, below, upper right) and the 7 North Eclipse which manifested on February 23, 1933 as what I tend to call the 'Fascism Rising' Eclipse due to the violent, power-grabbing, take control actions of one Herr Hitl*r, pervert and failed dictator inspired by dreams too big to handle.

So nowadays the world has a new crop of fasc*st miscreants and criminals determined to rise again to power, and this time it's a global movement - better organized with more saboteurs placed in key government positions in the US and elsewhere, and more abundantly funded by a faithless corporate class of what must be Ayn Randers. They follow the 'Statism + Corporatism = Fascism' model in which Enlightenment principles of our Founders and We The People are outmoded concepts they intend to delete from society by any means necessary.

7 North: 1861-1933-2023

Now also shown in the dual image, lower left, is the coming 7 North Solar Eclipse of April 20, 2023 @29Ari50, the degree of belligerent Mars during Herr Tr*mp's January 6, 2021 coup attempt (basically a dress rehearsal). As you see, the April 2023 7 North Horoscope is relocated to Charleston, SC for the sake of comparison although if set for Washington DC, very little difference occurs with house cusps (perhaps about one degree), however, Pluto @00AQ19 (conjunct US Inaugural Sun: it's all about power over others with starry Altair the Eagle there as well hinting at Roman Empire days) does cross into the 1st house in DC from its 2nd house position in Charleston, as you see here:

Actually, we've previously discussed the Fascism Rising Eclipse of 1933 (Berlin Horoscope shown) back in 2020. Significant is the fact that transit Saturn will exactly conjunct the 1933 Eclipse @5Pis28 three times in 2023 and 2024: 1. May 1, 2023; 2. August 4, 2023; and 3. January 23, 2024 with 2024 being a presidential election year, as you know. Saturn conjunct the eclipse suggests those with the responsibility to carry out the themes of the eclipse with 7 North themes of 'deep passion, long hidden takes people by surprise' and 'lust' (to which I must add 'blood lust' due to our current circumstances and the saboteurs so excited about fomenting a second Civil War in the US, grabbing power, and casting our nation back into the 1850s days of slavery. As for karmic Saturn in Pisces, this placement denotes potentials for: 'struggles with opponents, secluded work, and/or depression (R. Ebertin).

So for now I'll hush about this disturbing topic, but as usual, my feeling is that forewarned is forearmed - because the enemies of America are aligned and organized.

Therefore, lovers of American Democracy, freedom, and a civilized society must be aligned and organized, too.

Dec 20, 2017

Saturn to Capricorn w GOP tax cut bill Winter follows

Update December 22, 2017: House and Senate voted to extend government funding until January 19, 2018 thus averting another lousy shutdown and, leaving work undone, have high-tailed it home for the holidays. Or, as WSB Radio's Jamie Dupree puts it, Congress Punts Most Decisions into 2018.

Update December 21, 2017: To avoid the bill's automatic Medicare and other cuts taking effect in 2018, an election year, Mr. Trump may not sign the tax cut (corporate give-away) bill until January 2018. If the trick is pulled, remember that little sleight-of-hand in November 2018 (midterms) with the GOP's massive cuts to social programs waiting around the corner in 2019. But such is the way of Politics, that "organized system of hatreds."

Original post begins here:

Wednesday December 20, 2017: As you've undoubtedly heard, in the wee hours of this morning GOP lawmakers passed their tax cuts and jobs bill not long after transit Saturn entered his own sign of Capricorn on Tuesday--almost as if congressional astrologers had planned it that way for the sake of symbolism. And though I've fussed over this giveaway to the wealthy who don't need tax breaks, I fervently hope that the alleged boost to the US economy will be a result of the legislation, secretive as it is with its "pass it to find out what's in it" flavor.

Mr. Trump hopes to sign the thing into law this afternoon which will make him and all of Washington's wealthy politicians and their meddling donors so happy for their long-awaited massive windfall!

In addition, Sun and Saturn conjoin tomorrow (12.21.17) at 4:08 pm est (00Capricorn) a few hours after Winter Solstice 2017 perfects (11:28 am est) as we see in the Solstice Horoscope and whatever benefits their hard work and loyalty bring lawmakers, corporatists, and other wealth-grabbers, benefits are not guaranteed for the rest of the country, or for the government since America's natal Sun-Saturn square will lessen the glow and may not be completely satisfied with the results of this bill.

Naturally, as 2018 goes on into 2019, Republicans will tout how necessary more cuts to social safety net programs will become due to America's emptying coffers--the coffers their tax cut bill will help empty. Note the GOP's half-hearted promise that they will eventually 'make permanent' the tax cuts for the non-wealthy at some point in the distant future, although emptying coffers suggest otherwise as income inequality grows.

Yet through all the greed, our national Sun-Saturn square (Cancer-Libra) demands taking responsibility for national problems and issues which include the care of seniors and the weaker members of society--and that responsibility is precisely what Republicans have dreamed of neglecting since the days of FDR. And if all this reminds you of an Ayn Rand scenario where The Corporatists take all their marbles and leave the society that made them rich--leave it to its own tattered devices--then you and I are on the same page. Now come to think of it, Ayn Rand must be dancing in her moldy grave which is something yours truly would not pay a nickle to see.

So for all Americans under threat of loss due to the GOP agenda (loss, one of karmic Saturn's more difficult lessons), the specter of a cold hard Winter knocks at the door and beckons us to take up our pitchforks against the thieves and villains of government. And yes, this is truly an 'eclipsing of America and We The People, thanks to the info-distorting Great American Eclipse @29Leo now influencing events and conditions via the 29Leo natal Ascendant of Donald Trump.

Yet 2018 cometh and we'll soon know more about the new conditions caused by this week's GOP tax cut bill for the next Solar Eclipse manifests @27AQ on February 15, 2018 as the 'We The People' Eclipse because it 'eclipses' our US natal Moon.

#GOPtaxscam #CorkerKickback

And here's a revised astrological analysis of the politics and ethics of Tulsi Gabbard by millennial astrologer Kevin Estes.

Dec 15, 2017

The Generation Lost To income Inequality (w/ Richard Wolff) - clip

December 14, 2017: in this segment Thom Hartmann speaks with economist Dr. Richard Wolff concerning income inequality, its policies and genesis under the Reagan presidency in particular and its debilitating effects upon generations of Americans and, tragically, the great loss it brings to the Millennial Generation:


Astrologically, you may remember the infamous Reaganomics Solar Eclipse of 1981 (horoscope shown on Jude's Threshold) and do you know that with transit Jupiter in Scorpio we are now laboring under Ronald Reagan's three-fer Jupiter Return as of December 14, 2017 with the last conjunction on July 26, 2018? Note that the Reaganomics Solar Eclipse fell in the 1 North Saros Series--the same series as The (current) Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017. On many levels, I'd say that Mr. Trump is making certain that America is 'eclipsed'.

So the tax give-away to the wealthy that Republicans hope to force into law against all reason (masquerading as 'tax reform') intends to make income inequality even starker for 99% of us. That hag they follow, Ayn Rand, would be so proud of her super-selfish modern-day acolytes!

Oct 24, 2017

Not One Penny To The Wealthy, Single Payer and Republican Lies (w/Guest ...

A call-in discussion recorded in October 2017 with Thom Hartmann and Rep. Mark Pocan (D-WI) who notes current efforts in Wisconsin of House Speaker Paul Ryan, Republican and devotee of Ayn Rand of 'useless eater' fame:

Join Thom Hartmann at patreon where you can also watch re-runs of his 3-hour broadcasts.

Jun 22, 2017

June 22, 2017 Republicans Reveal Trumpcare and a New Moon Follows

This morning on Capitol Hill, and during a Dark of the Moon phase when operating in secrecy is a given, senate Republicans revealed their healthcare bill, their answer to a promised repeal and replacement of what they've famously termed 'Obamacare'. Under a changeable Gemini Moon (and with Gemini's ruler Mercury, plus, Mars in Cancer, out-of-bounds and writing and doing who-knows-what), today's senate bill is not yet in its final form.

Like the previously passed House 'healthcare' bill, the senate version may be meaner than ill Americans, those in nursing homes (there thanks to Medicaid), and others need it to be..."mean, mean', mean" was Mr. Trump's recent description of the House bill. Now he says he wants the senate bill to have "heart". Well, with tomorrow's New Moon in its own sign of Cancer (care, nurturing, security, family) perhaps this will be the case. Or not. For the June 23rd New Moon conjoins a money planet--America's natal Venus.

Set for Washington DC, here's a horoscope of the June 23, 2017 New Moon @2Can47 which perfects at 10:30:38 pm edt. Please enlarge to read my study notes if you wish for as you see, the 5th house of Gambling, Creativity, and Children and the 6th house of Health and Services are emphasized. Outside the chart I've highlighted in red the US planets most affected by this New Moon which is symbolically imprinted upon the Republicans' healthcare bill, no matter its final form.

The natal US planets in Cancer notated in the chart are: Venus, Jupiter, and the Sun (POTUS); neglected is US natal Mercury Rx in the New Moon's 6th house, an indicator of thinking and talking about health matters:

Saturn and Neptune = our social safety net programs

Descriptively, the transiting Saturn-Neptune midpoint (sick, poor, weak people) rises at the New Moon's Ascendant (4AQ27) along with America's natal South Node (6AQ) and this gives a midpoint picture of limitations, suffering caused by others, and false intentions being noticed. I believe that false intentions are at the "heart" of the bill since the legislation's true motive has been recognized from the beginning as a massive tax break for the wealthy class while taking away health care and insurance from those in need (which is where the suffering and potential cases of death come in--the final bill may include financial give-aways to the States whose politicians can then decide whether or not to fund Medicaid!)

And as you've probably noticed, in recent years there have been various ways in which the wealthy and corporate classes have abandoned America a la 'Ayn Randism'--the Republican 'healthcare' bill (aka, 'Trumpcare') is simply the most recent example. Ayn Rand's cold 'survival of the fittest' mindset has no room for the sick, elderly, or disabled--even though Rand herself received benefits in her old age!

Another cosmic hint as to Trumpcare's true motives: the transiting South Node of the Moon--aka, the Tail of the Dragon, now swipes the US natal Moon (We The People) suggesting separation and loss and a lose-lose outcome for us. We see and feel the humanitarianism and equality of our natal Moon sign, Aquarius, disrespected as we're tossed under the corporate bus of Plutocracy and 'economic royalists' as the transiting degree of Plutocracy's favorite midpoint (Pluto-Chiron @23AQ40) is now poised to overwhelm and oppress US natal Moon.

Now there are more chart factors worthy of study in the June 2017 New Moon chart but a steady down pour has just started here north of Atlanta, GA so I'll close this particular fuss and get back with ya later!

A Related Post with Video from March 2017: Trump & Paul Ryan Team Up to Make Healthcare Bill Even Worse.

May 22, 2017

Social Program Cuts? Republicans Can't Shoot Butter

Republicans to Slash Needed Domestic Programs to Fund More War and Conquest

by Jude Cowell

Since Mr. Trump and the Republicans have their knives out intending to gut social programs for the weak, ill, and aging among us while massive tax cuts are put in place for the wealthy class, a review of the History of Medicare and Medicaid seems timely. And as you know, in 1972 (under Nixon) an expansion of the social safety net was enacted to include coverage for the disabled, end-stage renal disease patients needing dialysis or a kidney transplant, and citizens age 65 and older.

But waging perpetual war for the sake of Empire is a very costly endeavor and it isn't as if the disabled, ill, and aging can or would enlist in the military, right? So did the GOP finally accept Trump as their 'outsider' president because they knew that an unprincipled man would agree to cut whatever programs they targeted? And that, after spouting campaign rhetoric that he would not cut the very programs now under the GOP knife! Not that I believed him, of course. Did you?

By Ricard Canals (1876--1931) {Sick Child, Octavi, the artist's son} circa 1903; Barcelona. Details of artist on Google Art Project [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Always the Tiresome Trade-Off: Guns vs Butter

Photo: Paul Ryan: "We've Been Dreaming of Slashing Medicaid Since My Kegger Days"...a drunken dream? Now he's drunk with power.

Yes, with dreamy Neptune rising in his natal chart, Speaker Paul Ryan is quite a big dreamer. But do the current GOP austerity measures against the American people put you in mind of Republican President Eisenhower's famous Chance for Peace speech of 1953? Here's an excerpt:

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children." Theft. He said theft. To give the wealthy more tax cuts while harming little children.

Now Eisenhower's words contain way too vast a concept for a subjective man like Mr. Trump to grasp although certainly some Republican congress members have the mental and emotional capacity to understand that such theft from We the People will result in millions of Americans ill and starving on the streets and infecting everyone else. Plus, the US economy will suffer from the additional financial burden placed upon our families. (No, churches cannot do it all). But that's where lack of conscience and principles come in--when politicians plainly show that no, they are not their brother's keepers.

Now I don't mean that the US isn't worse off economically than we've been led to believe these last decades and my suspicion is that this is very much the case. 'White collar' theft abounds, as you know, and as noted, waging global war and acting as World Cop takes a whole lot of filthy lucre.

However, the austerity path of heartlessness the GOP demands for America is not the only path to take. Even if it's the global bankers' * 'big picture commands a certain course of action, little option to do otherwise' offer-they-can't-refuse situation that our compromised, bribed, and threatened 'representatives' on Capitol Hill are following because the 'otherwise' involves too much risk for their own hides to take. Apparently the extra added 'benefit' of population control (a la Ayn Rand) seems to suit the Republicans (and their enablers) just fine--as long as they and their loved ones remain unaffected. (They hope!)

Well, thanks for letting me vent. The current news on Medicaid and other financial cuts enrages me on behalf of the common good and for the sake of my native country (which I'm very partial to!) I must vehemently dissent against the Republican austerity agenda and sorry-a**ed war economy which are suggested by the cruelty and hardship potentials of year 2020.


Here's an audio excerpt (under 3 mins) of Eisenhower himself delivering his Chance for Peace speech on April 16, 1953. Now that soup lines across America will come into vogue again, it's obvious that someone didn't listen to Ike's counsel and preferred to sell out our nation to the highest bidder.

* the oh-so-rational 'new world order' planets of The Enlightenment, Uranus and Neptune, met three times in Great Conjunction all through 1993 at or near '18 Capricorn' so that a current midpoint picture has formed via transiting Pluto: the big picture commands a certain course of action, very little option to do otherwise.' (Noel Tyl, Solar Arcs). And that's no matter who must pay the price--saboteur Pluto of the Underworld doesn't care.

Mar 19, 2017

Fair Tax Act? The Unfair Tax Act

Astrologer Kevin Estes writes from California regarding the GOP's Fair Tax Act as Pluto takes a bow:

Fair Tax Act? The Unfair Tax Act

by Kevin Estes

The "Fair Tax Act" has recently been proposed by the House of Representatives. If it's approved, the income tax would be abolished and replaced with a 20% sales tax on all taxable items. Sounds good, but when you do your research, it's really UNfair.

With this plan, everybody would be paying the same amount of sales tax. This means that the person on disability would pay the same amount of tax as Bill Gates, the person on Social Security would be paying the same amount of tax as the Koch Brothers, etc. Basically, the "Fair Tax Act" is a punishment for not being rich, as this would give the wealthy way more to spend, while actually raising taxes on the working class and making the poor actually have to pay tax they can't afford. For something worth two dollars, an extra 20 cents would be added, along with the already prevalent local and state sales tax. For something worth $40, two whole dollars would be added to the overall cost. And considering that states will still have their income tax, this would be something that half the population cannot afford.

As the research in this blog shows, quite a few Republicans are secular or "Ayn Rand" Republicans, meaning that they vote Republican for their tax cuts, while being socially liberal. This tax plan would alienate them, as an even bigger portion of their money would be taken by the government than there was under the last Democratic president Barack Obama, who kept the Bush tax cuts intact for the middle class and lower classes, while only raising taxes on the upper middle class and wealthy. These people would likely become independents as a result if this gets passed.

The tax system, while in need of reforming, would be better off not existing at all. After all, the federal government we send our taxes to every year does not represent us, but rather themselves, and the corporations that enrich them and fund their campaigns. We're basically paying our government to screw us. But how will the government be able to operate without taxes? Well, it operated without an income tax for years, until the income tax was established during Woodrow Wilson's presidency. To go even further, how will we survive if we're not economic "wage slaves"? Imagine a world where everyone had a set minimum amount they make every month, and can pursue the career they want. Or a world where everyone had guaranteed employment, in a field that meshes with their innate astrological nature. Or to be even more extreme, a world where there was no money at all, and thus no way for elites to use the lower classes for their best interests. We need to be united, not divided, and classes are just another method of division, that aren't innate, like our skin color, sexual orientation, gender, astrological signs, generational characteristics, and even political viewpoints are. Economic classes are man made, and not in our best interests, as the lower classes will inevitably be serving the upper classes.

Pluto, the transformer, will be in Capricorn, the sign that represents federal systems, until 2024, when it goes into Aquarius, the sign of freedom. The income tax is one of those systems, along with the financial system, the education system, the political system, the media, religion, the entertainment industry, etc. The first six are not in our best interests, as they're all clearly in place to keep humanity enslaved to the elites, and the entertainment industry, while it does keep us entertained, has a long history of predictive programming (9/11 hints were given as far back as 1979, in the cover of progressive rock band Supertramp's Breakfast In America album! And the film "The Matrix" was a subtle way of telling us the reality of our system).

All of those systems will have to be transformed in humanity's best interests, as the systems that were in place during the last Pluto cycle, which started in 1777, are losing relevancy during the final days of Pluto in Capricorn.

And while fairness is good, it must be in the best interests of everyone, or else it isn't really fair at all. Giving the poorest and wealthiest Americans the same tax rate isn't fair, as it's not in everyone's best interest, but only the best interests of the corporations that own our elected officials, which is why political and ethical indicators in astrology need to be known by everyone, in order to elect people who will serve in humanity's best interests.

This post originally appeared on Left Wing Astrology on March 17, 2017 and is published here by author's permission. jc

Thanks Kevin!

In case you missed it here's Kevin's article Divide and Conquer: The Illuminati Agenda.

A Fair Tax Note: the Republicans' Fair Tax Act of 2017 was referred to committee on January 3, 2017 (the day the 115th Congress convened) and has about a 1% chance of passage. Tap or click to read the bill (S. 18).

Mar 16, 2017

NATO and the Stationary Jupiter of Mr Trump

Trump Wants NATO Countries to Pay Up

by Jude Cowell

For a man who is known for not paying up, don't you marvel when you hear Mr. Trump admonish NATO countries to pay up?

Well, here's another question: is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, aka, NATO, too gray around the muzzle? Or is its multiple dissing by Mr. Trump meant to undermine the organization's popularity (what little is left - peacekeepers? really?) and is also intended to allow Washington to re-grasp the millions and trillions of dollars and promises the US government provides for NATO missions and upkeep .

And it really seems to be the case that America has shouldered the herculean share of the costs these decades so that now it's time that countries with the where-with-all should crack open their piggy banks and pay at least something for their own defense. It may even seem that a lesson-by-example is being shown here--that various populations in the US and abroad are not allowed to have their needs met by their own tax monies directed where needed because these monies are stolen and pilfered by the exploiter class (Pluto-Chiron = plutocracy) in thousands of, funds must go to war and weaponry and to propping up our faltering empire.

Anyway, if you wish to view the *August 24, 1949 11:42 am edt Washington DC natal horoscope of NATO (with Warsaw Summit July 2016 planets added) you may and you'll see that the current position of plodding Pluto is within orb of conjoining NATO's natal Jupiter (issues of money and raw materials allocation), plus, other contacts, of course.

Curiously enough, Mr. Trump's natal Pluto @10Leo tops NATO's chart at Midheaven (MC = The WHY? Point: Pluto = control, power, manipulation, propaganda, transformation) but the separative South Node of NATO conjoins Trump's natal Jupiter (@17Libra) which is strengthened by its Station Direct condition at birth and is posited in his 2nd house of Money, Earning Ability, and Values--he might ask: is the financial support of NATO a good value for the money? Plus, Trump's Libran Jupiter tends to bellyache that something isn't fair! Yet between the US and NATO an imbalance exists and the ledger is heavily weighted on the US side while various European and Scandinavian countries can provide benefits for their populations in part because the ('world cop') US empire does the policing and protecting.

So horoscope-wise, just that little bit right there between the charts: Mr. Trump's natal Jupiter = NATO's natal SN--describes a financial condition involving loss and over-dependency, one side doing all the giving--plus, there's Mr. Trump's value-judging Jupiter in Libra, sign of the Scales of Justice, speaking ostensibly on behalf of the American people, or at least that's his pretext for serving up this particular rhetoric. And now Mr. Trump and his minions are busy cutting government agencies' budgets and restricting funding for various programs all over the place as you've heard in the news.

Yet on a nostalgic level, whenever dear old plutocrats with their tiresome exploitation of the masses are mentioned I can't help but think of corporatists taking all their marbles from the game and refusing to fund, pay up, or participate in society any longer, a general plot invention of Russian author Ayn Rand. Does it seem to you that the current crop of selfish corporatists and their enabling associates both Republican and otherwise are headed down the I-got-mine you-got-nothing road? Just wondering.

And do you think me-firster Ayn Rand would be proud of Speaker Paul Ryan and his nearly-passed 'health care' bill that intends to dismantle support for all but the well-supplied wealthy and hand huge tax breaks to the corporate class? Maybe she'll appear to Paul in a dream and remind him of his own dependence on Social Security years ago when he was in need, and of how Rand herself eventually grew old (surprise!) and applied for social program benefits just as anyone else would have done.

So I guess that's when a senior Ayn Rand discovered what it's like not being the fittest survivor any longer and perhaps she learned how it feels to have no option but to rely on the kindness of others.


A Very Much Related Video (16 mins): What Does It Mean When the GOP Says They're Undoing FDR's Legacy?.

In spite of his many de-funding threats, this month Mr. Trump nominated a new US ambassador to NATO. So we have that going for us.

*Astro-Note: some prefer April 4, 1949 for NATO's beginning.

Jan 2, 2017

What Does It Mean When The GOP Says They're Undoing FDR's Legacy?

For anyone confused over the intentions for the American people of the upcoming Trump administration and Republican austerians, ideologues, and theocrats, please take 16 minutes to absorb the following segment from Thom Hartmann (Dec 15, 2016):

One of the more hideous and haunting sounds we're hearing in our nightmares is Ayn Rand snickering from her grave at the gullible Trump voters that Randers call the #UselessEaters of society. Chumps!

Apr 13, 2016

When Will the Media Acknowledge We've Been Robbed? - video

April 12, 2016: One minute politicians tout America as a very rich country, the next minute it's all about what we can't afford. Here's a timely question from Thom Hartmann:

This reminds me of all the times I called the engineered 'Crash of 2008' the Bush-Cheney Heist of 2008.

Nov 3, 2015

A Shutdown Fight for Speaker Paul Ryan and a December 2015 New Moon

With a very brief honeymoon over, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan's First Shutdown Fight is souring the air as the appropriations bill deadline of December 11, 2015 looms.

If lawmakers don't act sooner, December 11, 2015's New Moon @19Sag03 will imprint its expansive Jupiterian energies (Sag) upon a balking US Congress and the 2015 appropriations bill, so at this point, a government shutdown lurks within the shadows of the New Moon, the seeding phase. As you know, there is a 'dark of the Moon' Balsamic phase for three days prior to a New Moon perfection and a bit after. The New Moon perfects at 5:29 am est on Friday December 11, 2015 and, also on December 11, the Moon enters a void-of-course period beginning at 11:06 am est until reaching Capricorn (sign of government, law, and business) on Saturday December 12 at 1:46 am est.

So for the 12/11/15 deadline (if they stick to that date), action taken before 11:06 am est that day may turn out okay but if Capitol Hill politicians want nothing to come of the appropriations bill (and I suspect there are dozens of zealots who want nothing because they're cheering for a shutdown), they should start the action, take votes, whatever--during the lunar void-of-course period of December 11, 2015 (11:06 am) into Saturday December 12 (after 1:46 am.)

Unless, of course, they've already taken care of the people's business concerning this economic matter and have successfully passed the dratted thing.

The New Moon in Sagittarius leads to the fulfillment-culmination-awareness stage at the December 25, 2015 Full Moon @3Can20 which conjoins US natal Venus and waves at America's natal Jupiter @5Can56. This points again to potentials for pocket-lining, budgetary conflicts, political donations, campaign funding, privatization of social safety net programs, and other financial and societal considerations as year 2015 careens to a close.

Additionally, the December 2015 New and Full Moons bookend Winter Solstice 2015 which perfects on Monday December 21 at 11:48 pm est with Sun @00Cap00:00 and the Moon exalted in Venus-ruled Taurus, one of the money signs. There will be more published here concerning Winter Solstice 2015 soon including its horoscope set for Washington DC so I hope you'll watch this space.

For now let's close with the practical Double-Earth Solstice blend of Sun Cap-Moon Taurus and a famous quote from 1964 presidential candidate Barry Goldwater who shares the blend and who so famously informed and warned us that, "A government that is big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take it all away."

And that is what Ayn Rand politicians are in process of doing. The borry sastards.

Oct 29, 2015

What Have You Always Wanted to Know about Social Security? video

Oct 29, 2015: With tears (of relief) in his eyes, this morning Speaker John Boehner gave his farewell speech to the House, Democrats offered Nancy Pelosi's name for consideration (Minority Speaker), and Paul Ryan went round shaking hands as the Republican nominee. Yes, I am glad Rep. Ryan stood up for weekends with his kids which shows personal priorities in the correct order. It's now 10:30 am edt and the vote is being taken though of course the 'Freedom Caucus' Republicans may stage a protest vote for Daniel Webster (R-FL) to no avail. It is expected that Speaker John Boehner will announce the name of the new Speaker in a few minutes.

And even though it's good to see the US Congress moving forward, my primary fret is that a vote for Paul Ryan is a vote for Ayn Rand (who gladly collected Social Security benefits in her old age, let's not forget.)

Related: FDR signs the SS Act August 14, 1935 where you'll find a reference to the 'Catfood Commission' something the soon-to-be Speaker of the House Paul Ryan knows a lot about though he may not prefer his budgetary targeting of the social safety net be called that.

Aug 27, 2015

Ed Schultz Criticized Obama then Fired from MSNBC - video

Well, I, for one, always appreciated The Ed Show on MSNBC, a network said to be leaning toward the right with its programming. If that happens, the Rockerfellerites at MSNBC will lose at least one regular viewer--moi because their programming has given social liberals and non-Ayn-Randers a semblance of being heard even if it's only an elaborate ruse so if that illusion ends so will my viewership.

Of course, behemoth Comcast was behind the decision.

Aug 26, 2015

Corporate Fraud Is Costing Taxpayers Billions and Will Cause A New Economic Crash - video (w Eclipses)

Trouble Making from the Great Beyond

Ayn Rand and her Objectivism just keeps on taking and working against the best interests of the American people. And curiously, Rand's natal Venus @29Pisces, money planet of values and evaluation, is currently spotlighted by the Spring Equinox 2015 Solar Eclipse conjunct turbulent star Scheat, plus, her natal MC @4Aries (Goals; Public Status) will be conjoined soon by the September 27, 2015 Lunar Eclipse @4Ari40!

Solar and Lunar Eclipses Herald Important Events

So with the current stock market crash which began on Friday August 21st (and not within 2 weeks of September 13th), the high stress level theme of the September 13, 2015 Solar Eclipse in Virgo seems to be already in evidence yet we may ascribe a fair amount of the crisis atmosphere on Wall Street and globally to the background influence of the Spring Equinox Solar Eclipse (linked above) which fell at a critical-crisis 29th degree of Pisces and involves world markets for it conjoins the Aries Point of Global Manifestation and World Shaking Events. And of course, murky Pisces has criminal tendencies unless higher spiritual values are followed rather than the materialistic win-at-any-cost methods of cheating and exploiting other people for personal gain.

An additional eclipse caution after September is that restrictive Saturn, still in late Scorpio for now (sign of Big Business) approaches a certain Lunar Eclipse @4Sagittarius which occurred in May 2013 though it will be early November 2015 before the Saturnian encounter is exact--and transit Saturn must cross the Inauguration 2009 Moon position first,(29Scorpio) which is a depressive indicator to add to the transiting Jupiter-Saturn square of frustration and the deceptive, inflationary Jupiter-Neptune opposition soon to form across the Virgo-Pisces axis in cyclic fashion with Jupiter-Saturn beginning in 2000 (23Tau) and Jupiter-Neptune in 2009 (27AQ.)

Altogether such cosmic factors over the next several weeks make for difficult conditions that will be reflected upon the Earth especially when decent earthlings must deal with crooks and fraudsters of the global criminal syndicate who think they're really really special.

Oh look! Here's IT Corporation Telos based in Ashburn, Virginia. 'Telos' means goal.

Aug 10, 2015

Voters Are Rejecting The Ruling Class: The 1% Are Running Scared - video

Should we file this under the category of 'Bout Time?

#Corporatism #BernieSanders #RingofFireRadio #1%

Jupiter = Expansion, Growth, Investment; Saturn = Restriction, Contraction, Austerity

It may be that the current Jupiter-Saturn square marks a phase when those who have been given--or stolen!--much (Jupiter) are being challenged to give back (Saturn) to the Collective and this imperative stems from the Jupiter-Saturn cycle and their conjunction of May 28, 2000 at 23 Taurus. Perhaps the Sabian Symbol for 23 Taurus applies: "A Jewelry Shop Filled with the Most Magnificent Jewels" which to me sounds like the riches of the world craved by the greedy heist mentality of most corporate and big banker types of scoundrels who hoard gold and resources while calling the rest of us "useless eaters"!

Poor decrepit things! They pretend not to know that their reptilian ways show them to be lower on the evolutionary scale, not higher!

Related: 3-Quote Round-Up, One from Ayn Rand, priestess of the "useless eater" crowd, idol of the Republican Party. And yet in her dotage, Rand applied for and accepted Social Security benefits. Funny how that happens. Even for ideological hypocrites.


corporatism + statism = fascism

Jan 6, 2014

Jan 6, 2014: Senate takes up unemployment benefits w Moon in Aries

*Moon in Aries: "I AM the People"

by Jude Cowell

Update: bad weather and absent senators--the vote has been rescheduled for Tuesday morning. But Janet Yellen is now confirmed as the first lady head of the Fed.

Original post begins here, Moon remains in Aries tomorrow:

A few days ago I posted brief astrological info concerning the return today of US senators to Capitol Hill with Sun in governing Capricorn and Moon in compassionate Pisces. However, by the time the Senate votes today at 5:30 pm ET, the Moon will have entered the Mars-ruled sign of Aries.

All the Democrats need for a 3-month extension of unemployment benefits is for 5 Republicans to join in and one supposes that it's possible in spite of the 2014 midterm election. Will the American people can be put first in their considerations especially since the money, whether offset by further cuts or not, will be plowed back immediately into the economy?

Well, let's consider the Earth-Fire Sun Cap-Moon Aries combo of the vote if all goes as Harry Reid has scheduled notwithstanding what the House of Representatives may do with the issue, if anything, after they return to session tomorrow:

Sun Cap-Moon Aries is a volcanic blend that can create new, fertile territory and may be described as a bulldozer. (Harry Reid?) Convictions are strong and powerful with an Earth-Fire combo with its massive ego that may not respect or be sensitive to the rights of others.

Willfulness and intense ambition are obvious traits here with a kind of a Rebel v The Establishment vibe to it. This is a great natal combo for criminal lawyers and others who must take command though material success is usually over-valued. This blend can be difficult to get along with since it is very demanding yet its astute thinking processes provide impressive leadership talent.

Perhaps you'll agree that the two Images for Integration for Sun Cap-Moon Aries describe our Capitol Hill actors this afternoon and may even bespeak the political machinations which are certain to take place over this vote:

"A Roman city-state is attacked by barbarians but its solid walls keep the marauding bandits at bay...An impetuous entrepreneur persuades a conservative banker to back an ambitious project." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

Now let's close with an apt quote from a man who shares this Sun-Moon blend:

"Man must cease attributing his problems to his environment, and learn again to exercise his will--his personal responsibility in the realm of faith and morals." - Albert Schweitzer whose mid-Libra Ascendant is being visited by transiting Mars this very day!

Now 'faith and morals' are difficult to find on Capitol Hill these days, yet Schweitzer's quote sounds a bit like a Republican talking point, doesn't it? Perhaps they're all talk, no action in that realm yet his words must also apply to Republican legislators who took oaths of office to govern and serve We the People--not to dis-serve and undermine us in favor of the selfish ideology of weirdo corporatist Ayn Rand!


*Moon in Aries = "I AM the People" was a frequent saying of Reign of Terror leader Maximilien Robespierre who was born on May 6, 1758 while the Moon (people) was in Aries (I am).

Dec 14, 2013

How one Ayn-Rand-worshipping CEO ruined Sears

In recent years I have fewer reasons to frequent malls and stores such as Sears as often as when my kids were tiny tykes so this tale of how the CEO of Sears crashed the retail giant is news to me. And it took a devoted follower of Ayn Rand only a brief time to do it, in part by pitting his managers against one another!

Here's a previous SO'W post concerning Ayn Rand which contains a video of her laborious-to-watch film The Fountainhead (if you can watch the whole thing you deserve an award! even the novel is better), as well as a link to Rand's natal chart with biographical details.

Nov 23, 2013

Are Food Stamp/Meals On Wheels cuts due to "useless eaters" philosophy?

Only a link for you this rainy night in Georgia which leads to's The Philosophy of the "Useless Eaters" which I ask you to consider, if you can, as the calls for "entitlement" reform and sequester cuts continue to threaten the weakest, oldest, and youngest among us...actual people whom some elitists believe do not deserve to live. Oh yes, it's ugly but that's all the more reason for more of the 99% to gaze upon it, shudder--then speak out.

For as with the myth of snake-haired Medusa, we must first shine light upon hideous monsters in order to vanquish them. And a note to my Hillary lovin' friends: another imperialist presidency with her name on it is NOT the answer.

This devilish philosophy self-identifies as a very Randian philosophy as you may agree, and you know who in Washington DC idolizes Ayn Rand's selfish, 'survival of the fittest' ideas, don't you? Plus, use of a 'death panel' to determine who has lived beyond their expiration date is part of their psychopathy, too.

And I suspect you recognize the "takers v makers" delusion amongst the crud, right?