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Showing posts with label Civil War 1861. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Civil War 1861. Show all posts

Jul 19, 2024

Full Moon Weekend: Will Biden Step Down?

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

UPDATE July 21, 2024: President Biden has completed his 2024 Campaign and stepped down.

UPDATE July 20, 2024: Adding just a mention here that the Full Moon of July 21, 2024 as shown, below, is or symbolizes a Moon Return to the Lunar Eclipse of July 21, 1861; this cosmically links the July 2024 lunation to the era of the Civil War. Is this significant to current events?

Well, I consider it to be worth consideration because of repeated right-wing calls for a second civil war, and the fact that to me, the Democrats who are pressuring President Biden to step down are doing Trump's and Putin's work for them - enemies of America with their greedy eyes plastered upon the overthrow of the US government via Election 2024, and violence if Democrats dare resist. See Events of 1861 - of a war instigated by seditionists of the same fascist-style persuasion that is now risen again.

Original post begins here:

First this: Joe Biden insists he will stay in the race despite allies urging him to 'pass the torch'. Yet a rumor floating around is, that President Biden could possibly decide this weekend to step down from his 2024 Campaign while retaining the Office of the Presidency.

Well, I'm no mind reader so I'll simply post the Full Moon Horoscope for Sunday July 21, 2024 @29Cap08 which casts a bright spotlight upon US 1776 Pluto Rx (27Cap33) and US Pluto now progressed to 29Cap32 (and Direct). You may wish to check the Sabian Symbols involved and you'll find Saturn's Symbol ("20Pisces") listed with karmic Saturn knocking at Biden's natal IC of Domestic Scene.

This significant transit times the end of one life phase, and a new phase of life beginning but it won't be an exact conjunction for President Biden's IC until February 2025 (it's penned on the chart). Having more responsibilities in the home are suggested with perhaps fewer professional duties.

Yes, other transits and progressions factor in as well but this is meant to be a brief post published just before my weekend begins!

Now as you know, Full Moons are phases of completion, culmination, fulfillment, total awareness, and/or relationships so see what you think of this lunation (at critical 29th degrees) in view of his potential for stepping down, either this weekend or going forward:

Feb 5, 2024

Neptune Returns to its Civil War Degree

by Jude Cowell, partisan for our democratic Republic

Today I'm studying several topics of interest concerning the United States of America so this post is merely to display for the interested reader the Horoscopes of the Civil War and the three times that Neptune Returns to its 1861 degree of 29Pis56:55.

This indicates that similar delusions, schemes, and fears abound within society once again and are prominent as we've seen with slavery issues (ex: Nikki Haley's mealy-mouthed non-answer to what caused the Civil War), and other related topics from the 1860s and subsequently (exs: the Reconstruction Era, and whether or not an insurrectionist can act as US President--understandably, Confederate president Jefferson Davis was prevented from ever holding public office again). The fact that maga Republicans, suffering from secessionist fever, frequently call for a second Civil War every chance they get must also be part of the Neptunian picture as Republicans work to undermine American democracy and collapse the federal government.

Using solar eclipses to suss out cosmic time links between events, conditions, and people the 7 North Eclipse Series is not only the series in which the Civil War began, it's also the Series of the Fascism Rising Eclipse of 1933 @5Pisces, the Prenatal Eclipse Series of Special Prosecutor Jack Smith, and of the very first session in 1789 of the US Congress - all were begun under the auspices of a 7 North Eclipse. In our day, 7 North repeated on April 20, 2023 @30Aries conjunct the J6 Mars position: violent insurrection.

So as you see below in the April 12, 1861 "first shot" horoscope of the conflagration (in dual image one: lower left), Neptune, planet of deception, fraud, fantasy, dreams, speculation, secrets, theft, and loss, was a prominent influence upon the War and in the chart, while mystical Pisces adds to the shadiness, confusion, and chaos of conditions. Paired with the first shot chart is the first of three returns of Neptune (upper right) to its 1861 position. Star of misfortune, Scheat @27Pisces, rises in the April 12, 1861 chart and nowadays is joined by transit Neptune.

Meanwhile, the years 2025 and 2026 mark the first time period that transit Neptune reaches its 1861 War degree, and as you know, all 29th degrees of each sign represent critical-crisis conditions, here @29Pisces - and just prior to transit Neptune entering Mars-ruled Aries once it passes the Cardinal Aries Point of global manifestation. Add difficult star Scheat to the mix and a pivotal crisis is in humanity's forecast:

Then the second image of dual charts, above, shows the second (lower left) and third (final; upper right) Neptune Return to the Civil War Horoscope. (The charts are sketchily notated because I ran out of time but curious readers can fill in what's missing if need be.)

A prominent notation penned underneath the third return chart of January 24, 2026 is the Saturn-Neptune Conjunction of February 20, 2026 @00Ari45, their first conjunction since 1989, with their combined energies spotlighting societal issues and health concerns, plus, governmental matters such as socialism, a wider struggle between materialism vs idealism, and/or a potential for the 'capitulation of a leader' (M. Munkasey).

Aug 10, 2022

FBI search brings Far-Right calls for War

August 8, 2022 Planets to the 1861 Civil War Horoscope

by Jude Cowell

Born in Georgia and a descendant of CSA soldiers, the following view of the planets of the FBI search of Trump's Mar-a-Lago headquarters on the morning of August 8, 2022 in relation to the 1861 Civil War Horoscope is intended for your consideration. No, I am not a seditionist and have always said that my only nag in the race is America. By which I mean a sovereign America, free of fascists and nazis like those my uncles fought in World War II.

And with the specter of another "civil war" being fomented by far-right Trumpsters and media opportunists every chance they get, keeping an eye on transits to the Civil War planets of April 12, 1861 seems a good idea to me. And now the August 8th FBI search has ramped up their outrage, even blo*d lust for some.

Well, perhaps we can agree that there is no bottom to which Trump and his acolytes will not stoop in their attempt to coup the US government and re-install the Mango Mussolini back into power, even a potential for sacrificing Trump's Vice President to a noose.

And so the following bi-wheel of horoscopes show the Civil War April 12, 1861 with the deceptive Mercury-Neptune duo rising (inner) and the August 8, 2022 "around 10:00 am edt" horoscope of the FBI search of Trump's Mar-a-Lago property (outer) with 27Vir20 rising, Moon conjunct 1861 Midheaven ('MC': publicity), and 2022 Neptune @25Pisces Rx rising in the 1861 chart. Of course, astrological Neptune infuses into many realms of life so let's not repeat them all here, but considering current conditions of misinformation, sabotage, and sedition, it seems significant that the Civil War of 1861 will be having its first-ever Neptune Return, a three-fer actually, exact on March 25, 2025, October 24, 2025, and January 24, 2026.

And closer to our current time frame is a Mars Return to the Civil War Horoscope which occurs approximately every two years. This one is prominent due to current events and the seditionists in our midst, and becomes exact on August 30, 2022 at 8:50:30 pm edt (Charleston, SC) with separation inclinations (ASC = Saturn-NN) and a 'fateful struggle ordained by destiny' midpoint picture (Saturn-MC = Pluto). Of course, fomenters of this warmongering who feel, or pretend to feel, such a violent destiny are led by opportunists who are using the rank and file as their dupes. Willing dupes, it seems. Similar to the warmongers and their dupes in April 1861 (ASC = Mercury-Neptune).

As for the bi-wheel you see below, the ongoing transit of Neptune in secretive Pisces opposing US 1776 Neptune in fact-based Virgo is front and center with the opposition's persecution vibes and generational clash of ideals and ideologies on display. By now you've heard cries of persecution and the tale of the sad sad martyrdom of Donald Trump filling the air waves to gaslight those of the orange authoritarian persuasion. Why, far-right propagandists are just getting started attempting to rehabilitate the public image of the orange blighter!

Meanwhile, we're so far left to wonder if the FBI search on August 8th involved nuclear secrets tucked away at Mar-a-Lago for this would be extremely lucrative merchandise to put on the black market for a transactional grifter like Trump who is never troubled by any feelings of loyalty to America.

Mars-Uranus Pow!, Moon-Neptune Delusion, Venu$-Pluto Power, Sun-Jupiter Ego Expansion and Publicity

It's all there and more. So if you're curious, please enlarge the image for several astro-notes are penned upon the horoscopes just for you:

Note: attribution for "Mango Mussolini" goes to one of my favorite progressive broadcasters Randi Rhodes, a veritable force of nature.

May 25, 2022

The Civil War's Solar Eclipse soon repeats

The 7 North Saros Series of Solar Eclipses have brought the world difficult, even violent, events such as the Civil War of 1861 (Charleston SC Horoscope shown, below, upper right) and the 7 North Eclipse which manifested on February 23, 1933 as what I tend to call the 'Fascism Rising' Eclipse due to the violent, power-grabbing, take control actions of one Herr Hitl*r, pervert and failed dictator inspired by dreams too big to handle.

So nowadays the world has a new crop of fasc*st miscreants and criminals determined to rise again to power, and this time it's a global movement - better organized with more saboteurs placed in key government positions in the US and elsewhere, and more abundantly funded by a faithless corporate class of what must be Ayn Randers. They follow the 'Statism + Corporatism = Fascism' model in which Enlightenment principles of our Founders and We The People are outmoded concepts they intend to delete from society by any means necessary.

7 North: 1861-1933-2023

Now also shown in the dual image, lower left, is the coming 7 North Solar Eclipse of April 20, 2023 @29Ari50, the degree of belligerent Mars during Herr Tr*mp's January 6, 2021 coup attempt (basically a dress rehearsal). As you see, the April 2023 7 North Horoscope is relocated to Charleston, SC for the sake of comparison although if set for Washington DC, very little difference occurs with house cusps (perhaps about one degree), however, Pluto @00AQ19 (conjunct US Inaugural Sun: it's all about power over others with starry Altair the Eagle there as well hinting at Roman Empire days) does cross into the 1st house in DC from its 2nd house position in Charleston, as you see here:

Actually, we've previously discussed the Fascism Rising Eclipse of 1933 (Berlin Horoscope shown) back in 2020. Significant is the fact that transit Saturn will exactly conjunct the 1933 Eclipse @5Pis28 three times in 2023 and 2024: 1. May 1, 2023; 2. August 4, 2023; and 3. January 23, 2024 with 2024 being a presidential election year, as you know. Saturn conjunct the eclipse suggests those with the responsibility to carry out the themes of the eclipse with 7 North themes of 'deep passion, long hidden takes people by surprise' and 'lust' (to which I must add 'blood lust' due to our current circumstances and the saboteurs so excited about fomenting a second Civil War in the US, grabbing power, and casting our nation back into the 1850s days of slavery. As for karmic Saturn in Pisces, this placement denotes potentials for: 'struggles with opponents, secluded work, and/or depression (R. Ebertin).

So for now I'll hush about this disturbing topic, but as usual, my feeling is that forewarned is forearmed - because the enemies of America are aligned and organized.

Therefore, lovers of American Democracy, freedom, and a civilized society must be aligned and organized, too.

Jan 12, 2022

April 2022 Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction times a Civil War Solar Return

January 12, 2022

'Wild Cards' of the Universe and Cosmic Synchronicities

by Jude Cowell

In light of recent and current secessionist-type events, the DC Horoscope of the April 12, 2022 Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction @23Pis58 is hereby re-published just to add the point that the day of their bubbly, speculative conjunction is also a day of the Solar Return 2022 of the Civil War which began under deceptive Mercury-Neptune influences on April 12, 1861 with the Sun @22Ari27. (Of course, explosive, warring Mars-Uranus also had a hand as on the day of Inauguration 2021.)

Of interest is the Sabian Symbol of the Sun's rounded-up degree of '23Aries' = "A Woman in Pastel Colors Carrying a Heavy And Valuable But Veiled Load"; "Keyword: RETICENCE; positive expression: the unimpeachable integrity of the man whose fullness of life becomes a practical contribution to the circumstances in which he dwells; negative (unconscious/shadow side - jc) expression: a disinclination to participate at all fairly in everyday living." Now for me, this last relates to secessionists then and now to which I'd include obstructionist congressional Republicans, those radical reactionaries who long for a regressive America in the pre-Civil Rights and pre-Voting Rights days because they assume it can soothe their bigoted world view and support their alleged "supremacy".

Now we should also add the Sabian Symbol for the Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction of April 12, 2022 @24Pisces which is notated messily in the center of the horoscope but I'll also type its potentials for you below:

'24Pisces' = An Inhabited Island"; "Keyword: CULTIVATION; positive expression: achievement through a creative opportunism or inventiveness of exceptional order; negative expression: snobbish complacency and self-indulgence" (Jones). Is this a NYC island, perhaps?

Energies of Jupiter-Neptune when combined can certainly appreciate self-indulgence between Jupiter's expansion principle and Neptune's urge to merge and become lax or slack, plus, the planetary duo suggests several other potentials, both positive and negative, such as:

'Visions, dreams, mysticism, idealism, the grand spirit, the 'Big Lie', corruption, theft, veils, disguises, pretense, loss of reality, compassion, inspiration, fraud, get-rich-quick schemes, speculation, inflation, bubbles, instability, loss, political conflicts, sabotage, vast deceptions, increased gaslighting, gain without effort, abundant feelings, expansive creativity, tricks of the eye or ear, art interests, impressionability, easy seduction, scandal via instability, the wrong diagnosis, foolish surmisings, shoddy conditions, Utopian illusions (used to break down society), neglect of ethics, confusion, senseless doctrine, hypocrisy as a form of internal policy, a degraded legal system based on favors and pay-offs, unfounded legal situations or theories, churches espousing a moral philosophy for all (rather than one based on each believer's conscience), vague excuses, overlooking the faults of others, unexplained events or miracles, worn out or inefficient forms of publicity, and/or myth-making.

Well, there's my Jupiter-Neptune list, the most complete I've published so far. How about yours? Care to step up and add a name-tagged potential or two?

For a view of the 1861 Civil War Horoscope try Zealotry and the Civil War's Progressed Full Moon, a symbolic phase that perfected on - of all days - December 14, 2020, the day of the Electoral College Vote when a 4 South Solar Eclipse, a 'wild card of the Universe', manifested with its difficult themes and 'strong feelings' that continue to bedevil and sabotage America - all because the orange sore loser refuses to let it go.

Related: When US Neptune Turned Retrograde by Progression and unreality slowly gained an upper hand. And this makes any Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction a particularly relevant cosmic synchronicity for the United States of America.

Jan 3, 2022

America 2022: Violence vs Democracy

by Jude Cowell

Monday January 3, 2022

These days, it seems that there are two basic types of people in the world: those who value human life, and those zealous few who don't mind stealing life from other people especially if it advances their selfish cause.

Last January we saw them in action on Capitol Hill when they followed Herr Tr*mp's orders and marched to the Capitol Building where the mob breached the Masonic temple and viciously assaulted US Congress members, their staff, government workers, and those whose job it was to protect them - and that with the complicity of maliciously scheming Republican congress members and their enablers behind the scenes such as financial donors and corporate types. The 1/6 'MAGA" insurrection was Herr T's revenge against those who were certifying votes and tossing him from the Oval Office. But as you know, both the certification and The Toss were accomplished.

However, as many people agree, the orange menace is not yet done plaguing our country (his Mars rising in vain Leo opposes US natal Moon of We The People) so here's today's editorial by Alex Henderson, Fears of a 'civil war' are growing as MAGA chooses 'violence' over democracy.

Meanwhile, I still cheer for royal Regulus which rises with warrior Mars in Herr T's natal chart (assuming his birth time of 10:54 am is accurate on the morning of June 14, 1946 Jamaica, NY). You remember the 'caution' of Regulus, right? Yet we know that Tr*mp was born with expansive Jupiter at Station so he never acknowledges a boundary, limit, rule, tradition, or taboo!

Above is a dual image of the deception-addled, 'Mercury-Neptune' influenced Civil War horoscope, the insurrection that MAGA folk love to compare their 'coup' of Jan 6th to when they're not claiming the American Revolution for themselves. So as you see, this is the horoscope of the deception-addled 'Mercury-Neptune' influenced Civil War of April 12, 1861 4:30 am Charleston, SC (inner) with the Civil War's Progressed ('SP') Full Moon which perfected @26Pis05 near where the reality-challenged, speculating pair of Jupiter and Neptune will meet on April 12, 2022 @23Pis59. And amazingly, the Civil War's SP Full Moon symbolically perfected on a significant date in US political history and the day of a difficult 4 South Solar Eclipse: December 14, 2020, which was also the day of the Electoral College Vote that favored President Joe Biden and led to sore loser Tr*mp's determination to take his revenge and 'stop the steal' (or commit it, more like).

Now I wonder if Herr T knows of the caution of starry Regulus, the fulfillment for which I cheer because he so deserves it: "Success if revenge is avoided; otherwise, all that's been gained will be taken away." As you've noticed, some of his gains have already been taken away.

And perhaps you'll agree that his 1/6 'coup' attempt was nothing if not his revenge.

In case you missed it: Trump Determined to Occupy the Capitol on Jan 6th (US and 1/6 horoscopes shown).