by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good
UPDATE July 21, 2024: President Biden has completed his 2024 Campaign and stepped down.
UPDATE July 20, 2024: Adding just a mention here that the Full Moon of July 21, 2024 as shown, below, is or symbolizes a Moon Return to the Lunar Eclipse of July 21, 1861; this cosmically links the July 2024 lunation to the era of the Civil War. Is this significant to current events?
Well, I consider it to be worth consideration because of repeated right-wing calls for a second civil war, and the fact that to me, the Democrats who are pressuring President Biden to step down are doing Trump's and Putin's work for them - enemies of America with their greedy eyes plastered upon the overthrow of the US government via Election 2024, and violence if Democrats dare resist. See Events of 1861 - of a war instigated by seditionists of the same fascist-style persuasion that is now risen again.
Original post begins here:
First this: Joe Biden insists he will stay in the race despite allies urging him to 'pass the torch'. Yet a rumor floating around is, that President Biden could possibly decide this weekend to step down from his 2024 Campaign while retaining the Office of the Presidency.
Well, I'm no mind reader so I'll simply post the Full Moon Horoscope for Sunday July 21, 2024 @29Cap08 which casts a bright spotlight upon US 1776 Pluto Rx (27Cap33) and US Pluto now progressed to 29Cap32 (and Direct). You may wish to check the Sabian Symbols involved and you'll find Saturn's Symbol ("20Pisces") listed with karmic Saturn knocking at Biden's natal IC of Domestic Scene.
This significant transit times the end of one life phase, and a new phase of life beginning but it won't be an exact conjunction for President Biden's IC until February 2025 (it's penned on the chart). Having more responsibilities in the home are suggested with perhaps fewer professional duties.
Yes, other transits and progressions factor in as well but this is meant to be a brief post published just before my weekend begins!
Now as you know, Full Moons are phases of completion, culmination, fulfillment, total awareness, and/or relationships so see what you think of this lunation (at critical 29th degrees) in view of his potential for stepping down, either this weekend or going forward: