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Aug 27, 2022

March on Rome - March on Washington?

One thing about scowling Benito Mussolini's October 28, 1922 March on Rome is that he grasped political power by becoming Prime Minister the next day, not by armed conflict but by the ruling class transferring political power into his fascist hands. The saga goes that King Victor Emmanuel III feared civil war and Fascists had become quite popular around the country, so on October 29, 1922, the King handed over the reins of the Italian government to Benito Mussolini and his National Fascist Party, thereby avoiding Fascist barbarianism. No doubt, the King was under threat, hence Mussolini's March on Rome.

So that was nearly 100 years ago, why bring it up now?

Because of my belief with which you're welcome to disagree: that during Trump's January 6, 2021 coup attempt against the US Congress, at one point it was clear that the 'Mango Mussolini' knew that his minions were armed, wanted them to stay that way, and was determined to lead their march toward the Capitol Building, which would have been an echo, or historical reenactment, of Mussolini and his Fascists marching upon the capital city again, militia-styled 'blackshirts' and all. Seems to me that the scowling expressions the two despots so obviously share, and the stubborn stances they use in order to intimidate (see above photo, and Herr Trump's typical 'arms folded' across his barrel chest), are in no way coincidental. For Trump, the mimicry is purposeful.

Then a quick glance at the March on Rome's October 28, 1922 planets reveals a descriptive midpoint picture which remained operative on October 29, 1922 as well. See what you think:

Venus-Neptune = Saturn: "A morbid or pathological disposition" (R. Ebertin), and "fear of losing the dream" (N. Tyl). And somehow, considering Herr T's natal midpoint picture of 'deaths of many people, fury, mania of destruction, intervention of a higher power' (Mars-Saturn = Pluto), I suspect that the two scowlers - both blights upon their respective countries - might have gotten along just fine, and passed many wonderful "love letters" between them which would have fluffed up both their massive, malevolent egos.

Now here's an informative Thom Hartmann segment that US voters might wish to check out prior to casting their ballots in the 2022 Midterms, History of the GOP Slide into Fascism: From Eisenhower to DeSantis. Or perhaps check out Eisenhower Inauguration 1953: A Prayer for America.

Previously on SO'W: Mussolini's Fascist Party: An Eclipse Timeline, a post in which a cosmic time link to Tr*mp's June 2015 'escalator' bid for the US presidency may be found! Plus, Trump Mob Coup Attempt January 6, 2021 2:15 pm est. And also see Uranus-Pluto and the January 6, 2021 Mob Attack by Trumpian militia-styled neo-fascists (or, neo-nazis if you will: bullies either way); and last but not least: Horoscope of the Roman Empire: Birthday of a New World Order.

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