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Showing posts with label fascism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fascism. Show all posts

Jul 9, 2024

American Imperialism Horoscope, circa 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

On Monday July 1, 2024, the US Supreme Court gifted convicted felon Trump with absolute immunity for criminal acts. The time stamp I have for the announcement of SCOTUS' anti-democracy, unAmerican decision is 10:28 am edt so that's the timing used to set up a DC Horoscope that I'm sorrowfully labeling, American Imperialism:

Messenger Mercury: Star of the Show

With Virgo rising, decision planet Mercury, The Messenger, is chart-ruler and applies twice: first Mercury trines stationary Neptune which turned Rx 20H 12M later @29Pis55:55. This trine aspect shows that logic has little if any part in the Court's decision, and facts are of no consideration, only "inspiration" applies. Plus, fraudster Neptune at a critical 29th degree - so near the Aries Point - conjuncts Scheat, star of extreme misfortune.

Next, speedy Mercury opposes Pluto @1AQ22 Rx, leading a BOWL shape of planets which identifies Pluto as leader of, or advocate for, a cause or a mission. My guess is that Pluto's ongoing languish upon the "An Old Adobe Mission" degree (1AQ) sneakily whispers a tale of a proselytizing plan by the Catholic Church via corrupt US Supreme Court "Justices." Thing is, most folks know that morality cannot be enforced externally, it must be an internal process. To do otherwise is to invite a version of the Spanish Inquisition into American society, and the torture and murd*r that comes with such sadistic behavior. A "purge" if there ever was one. Now the American people face another.

In fact, the GOP Project 2025 agenda intended to purge the US government and country could be seen as a second Spanish Inquisition (1478--1834) which itself was a purge that "consolidated power in the monarchy of the unified Spanish Kingdom." Well, perhaps you remember that in May 2024, Trump said the quiet part out loud when the phrase "unified Reich" appeared in his promo material. Oops! The phrase was soon deleted.

So considering that Aquarius links to independence, freedom, and quirkiness, I suspect that the Court's brazen gift of absolute immunity is intended to satisfy a dictator-wanne-be's dream of protection from accountability, and thereby to further the long-planned global fascist movement of lawlessness - a fulfilling of Herr Adolf's dream.

All this can be partially symbolized in the American Imperialism Horoscope with its Aquarian Saturn-Uranus old order vs new order implications.

Then as noted, chart-ruler Mercury @28Can22 applies to opposition to powerful, wealthy Pluto (and US 1776 Pluto as well), so the intensity of the Court's wrong-headed, overreaching decision with its oppressive implications are made clear. Manipulation of information and the promotion of misleading ideas and theories via Mercury-Pluto are also denoted in the Horoscope of American Imperialism, and the GOP's dystopian agenda is boosted by the utilization of US Mercury-Pluto opposition of 1776 across the Cancer-Capricorn security axis. It's an aspect of total awareness, folks. And total investigation of the "unified reich"'s enemies.

But there's more.

Because Pluto, sometimes known as The Pope in mundane horoscopes, continues his audience-by-transit with fixed star Altair the Eagle, 'he' reminds us that the Church of Rome is, in effect, the Roman Empire in religious robes - now in black robes of the "Supreme" Court. Therefore, following are links to three previous posts with topics which may, on a subversive level, apply to the current Romanesque coup of the US Supreme Court, intended to sabotage the US Justice System of our country and to collapse America into Monarchy. Why, Evil King John must be dancing in his sepulchre with giddy anticipation!

So on a kingly level, if on no other, We the People really are - and will be - fighting a second American Revolution, this time against authoritarian monarchists wearing black robes, off-the-chain politicians, and riled-up seditionists in red caps:

Is Washington DC the 'New Rome'? Altair the Eagle says, Yes.

Roman Empire: Birthday of a New Order.

A Thom Hartmann segment from 2019: How Empires End (with Richard Wolffe.)

In addition, you may wish to check out a previous JCAstro post on the Astrology of King John and the Magna Carta.

Jun 6, 2024

Bannon for Prison: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Rand

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Admittedly, soon-to-report-to-prison-by-July-1st Steve Bannon (BBC News), podcasting bigmouth promoting lawless Tr*mpism, has for years reminded me of historical figure Albert Pike both in physical looks (check out Albert's photo), and ideologically from sedition to the dream of a third world war and global fascist domination, all Uranian pursuits of chaos, disruption, and mayhem.

Actually, their shared anti-humanity agenda has sometimes been put in the category of "Utopian Idealism" in which lawlessness is the ruination of civilization (and the bad guys win), and Ayn Rand's sociopathic idolatry of serial murder is alleged to be the "moralistic" way to exist - selfishly by objectivizing other people. If you're not one of the ones deemed by narcissistic sociopaths to be dispensible, that is.

Of course, since 1776 this American experiment is about mankind's ability to govern himself but that's not what Uranian zealots want - they're determined to be the ones doing the governing like feudal overlords holding all the wealth and privileges. And all spearheaded by a "president" gifted with total immunity for any crime he's in the mood to quixotically commit, including murder, Ayn Rand's favorite. In other words, no one will be safe, even the enablers of their psychopathy.

For background see How Ayn Rand Became An Admirer of a Serial Killer (not for the squeamish). And here's a view of Rand's natal horoscope where we find her natal Chiron now visited by transit Pluto, the Plutocracy duo, and her natal Venus, apex of a T-Square, is lingeringly contacted by transit Neptune @29Pisces. She'll get no glamorous portrait from me!

Now I prefer never to chortle over the misfortune of others but if I relent, it always concerns what they're reaping due to their own sorry behavior. This is what I call karma - reaping what's been sown, a natural law that no earthling can escape forever. Yet despite this, if Steve Bannon does see the inside of a jail cell, I'm certain he'll manage to make as much out of it as possible. Sabotage by Uranian zealots goes on!

Pike, Tr*mp, Bannon: Jupiterian Figures with Uranian Intent

Above you see a NASA portrait of planet Jupiter. But for the scheming podcaster's natal chart details try: Steve Bannon: In the Realms of Jupiter.

And so a typical cussedness we've seen a lot lately in US politics has been denial of responsibility by the guilty, and we can easily plop the names of scofflaws Bannon and Tr*mp in the blank spaces. Therefore, a reluctant peek at current planetary transits to Bannon's natal planets had to be done with an emphasis on Saturnian responsibility. Here is the primary transit I discovered:

On June 14, 2024, transit Saturn @19Pis14 sesquisquares his natal Saturn @4Scorpio, which marks a period of complexity when Herr Bannon must face up to his responsibilities. It's a karmic time finally come, and he'll reap what's been sown and, if he's smart, he'll correct past mistakes, if he's willing.

For as you know, this legal predicament issues from his lack of response to a congressional subpoena concerning the J6 coup attempt, with lawmakers and an authoritative subpoena falling obviously under the auspices of planet Saturn and the fact that Bannon was called to Capitol Hill to account for himself, a societal responsibility which he declined to fulfill.

May 23, 2024

Fascism Won’t Be What You Expect w/ Michael Tomasky: Thom Hartmann clip

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Thom Hartmann's recent interview with journalist Michael Tomasky, editor of The New Republic concerning "American Fascism" is revelatory so I'm sharing it here for those who may have missed it and who are determined to keep barbaric Fascism outside America's gates. For as you know, this antiquated, dystopian vision of world domination has been forcefully tried before in the 1930s and 40s and been proven to be a brutal death cult that no one but criminals wants back again:

For astrological details see Karmic Saturn 2024 Contacts the Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse of 1933. This is the 7 North Eclipse to which I added the word "blood-" to its themes of -lust and long-hidden passion takes people by surprise (Brady) due to the current crop of malevolent Thugs for Tr*mp.

Dec 31, 2023

American Democracy targeted in 1971!

The Powell Memo, Corporatism, and Trump circa 1999

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy and the common good

Statism + Corporatism = Fascism. And with the third of three total Great American Eclipses approaching on April 8, 2024, this one falling within the 8 North Saros Series, Year 2024 marks a critical turning point for the United States of America, and thus for the rest of the world. For with democracy on the ballot, brutal fascism demands a do-over of the mayhem, death, and suffering its perpetrators brought upon the world in the days of Mussol*ni and Hitl*r, malignant narcissistic psychopaths as they both were.

Now in our time, another malignant narcissistic psychopath raises his Medusa head and will cheat to steal our votes. But will American voters help him in November 2024 by being that self-destructive and stupid--that eager to toss away any decent future for their children? Has empathy been deleted from the heart of America? Despite all obstacles, will a Blue Tsunami wave of voters on November 5, 2024 save our country from the barbarian onslaught that threatens us? Because that's the sizeable response it will take to push back the bullies and send them packing.

So one reason for this particular fuss is to mention that the Powell Memo of August 23, 1971 was an initiating factor in a Republican-led declaration of war on democracy by the corporate class. So asserts Thom Hartmann today in his How the Monopolists Stole the US Government: How Big Business Destroyed the American Dream, an excerpt from Thom's series of "Hidden History" books. And part of his focus in today's excerpt is Lewis Powell Jr's memo. Plus, "American Dream" reminds us of the 8 North Eclipse's theme of 'dreams and visions', yes?

Well, below is a previously published noon horoscope of the Powell Memo, and naturally the Saros Series which influenced the memorandum is signifiant (actually a letter that Lewis Powell wrote to his friend, the then-director of the Chamber of Commerce). That would be the 9 New South @27Leo15 which I believe triggered by degree the Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017--the one that Trump removed safety glasses and stared straight up at, playing his "sun god Apollo" role. (If actually born on June 14, 1946 at 10:54 am, asteroid Apollo was rising at his birth.)

Astro-Notes are penned on the 1971 'Powell Memo' Horoscope with additional details messily included; an unmarked 9 New South Eclipse August 20, 1971 Horoscope follows:

Aspects to the 1971 Eclipse: Venus conjunct = fair play vs materialism; Jupiter square = a past lack of integrity brings karmic obligations, a need for ethical behavior; Neptune square = chicanery, deception, fraudulent tendencies, a need for realism and honesty; MC/IC square = a "success at any price" attitude compounds problems, acting like a "big shot" to prove one's capabilities, lack of respect for home and family, skewed values (R. Lineman AFA).

Notably, a 9 New South Eclipse repeats on September 21, 2025 @29Virgo, at Autumn Equinox 2025, conjunct the 1776 Midheaven ('MC" @00Libra+) of America's so-called 'Sibly Horoscope'. Then if you've read SO'W posts before, you know that forewarned is forearmed around here, and America's goals and global status (MC) may very well be affected with the "American Dream" possibly dissipating within a Fascist fog of authoritarianism and cruelty to one's fellow man. That is, if Pro-Democracy Voters fail to turn up at voting booths across the land on November 5, 2024.

Because regressive reactionary Republicans are expressing their vile reptilian brains, don't you think?

For more eclipse details see: 8 North Eclipse 2024 vs 6 North of 1986 (horoscopes shown), a recent post about the visions and dreams of the April 2024 Eclipse blending with the "need for authority and control" themes of 6 North's manifestation during the Reagan Era. Plus, here are astro-notes concerning all three Three Great American Eclipses: 1878, 2017, and 2024.

Donald Trump Considered a Prez Run in 1999

Past 'Trump Events' of 1999: Where's the Integrity?

From Buzzfeed News posted January 6, 2017 came an article by Anne Helen Petersen Donald Trump Showed His Hand in 1999, But No One Was Looking concerning a couple of favorable polls in 1999 - one poll by the National Enquirer if that tells us anything. The article contains a list a few major events for Trump in 1999.

Such as: he finalized his divorce from 2nd wife Marla Maples and began dating Slovenian model Melania Knauss, he gloried in a rejuvenation of the Miss USA pageant, he floated the idea of starting a modeling agency, Big Donnie fought a coalition of Upper West Side residents including Walter Cronkite, Paul Newman, and Kofi Annan over the contruction of a huge tower near the UN building, and he "spent months flirting with a run for president."

To quote Trump in 1999, "If the Reform Party nominated me, I'd probably win. And if I did, I would ask for an immediate recount." Such a jokester! However, ongoing opinions on the street at the time included, "Trump makes things happen," and "he's at home with the guy on the street." (They're so fleeceable: he loves the uneducated, he says.) Now these are the same delusional sentiments that were expressed during the 2016 campaign! But this time is different: he's running again, but trying to avoid prison by regrasping power, and itching to make Fascism happen in America so that he can take revenge on all his enemies, please his bosses, and stay in office until he keels over.

And that, ladies and gents, is America's orange albatross.

Dec 7, 2023

Trump's Take-Over Plan Began Years Ago

by Jude Cowell, partisan for American democracy

In development for years, the tendency toward delusion and deception practiced by the Republican Party via their 2024 candidate Trump was at a crescendo with the 2012 re-election of President Barack Obama. Financiers and other backers, our enemies both foreign and domestic, must have been quite put out with the GOP turning out to be a bunch of losers whose cheating tactics hadn't been up to snuff enough to ace the 2012 Election. Add to this, the racists who had their noses out of joint over a black man taking control of the White House--again! Not only that - a majority of Americans appreciated Mr. Obama!

Yes, paranoia over the oft-touted "browning of America" fueled fear as the old Confederate-style system of white-man-in-control faded before racist eyes and for bigots such progress had to be halted in favor of regression, oppression, and suppression. As you know, the GOP's regressive campaign continues unabated against US society - the GOP wants to shove the American people back to the 1920s. It's irrational, absurd, and intended to destroy our society while pretending to "save" it.

Actually, a "browning" population had been a fear of UK conservatives as well, as evidenced by an infamous speech delivered on April 20, 1968 by MP Enoch Powell in which he echoed a prophecy from Virgil's Aenid!

The Horns on the Negative Side of Mercury-Square-Neptune

So now in 2023, another presidential election soon arrives, and the Republican tactic of denial of reality has only expanded, these days in high gear thanks to their fantasy-prone figurehead Herr Trump whose natal Mercury-Neptune square keeps leading him (and America) astray as he gaslights and lies his way into 2024. Tragically, about one third of Americans keep going along on his demented fantasy ride and, as recently noted within the public discourse, the GOP is "sleepwalking" America into an authoritarian state of fascist control, sans democracy. See Amanda Marcotte's Salon Magazine article.

Isn't this where the GOP campaign against "wokeness" should take a bow for its reality-denying desperation?

Now I know it's been tiresome for years that Stars Over Washington has attempted to play the role of "A Girl Blowing a Bugle" (my natal Moon's Sabian Symbol), a bugle which turned out to represent a Trump-et. And no, in 2012 I did not realize the "coming of Trump" would signal the sabotage of our country, and the toppling of America from its global leadership role as a beacon of democracy. I knew that China and Russia salivated for our nation's downfall, but not the name of the saboteur who would lead the campaign. Significantly, we must note that 2023 into 2024 is definitely not the time to give up our warnings, watchfulness, and efforts prior to Election 2024.

For it's also worth mentioning that near the end of RNC 2024 in July, Herr T will experience a Lunar Return (he may be at a podium accepting the nomination then!). Here's the Horoscope of his July 18, 2024 Lunar Return set for Milwaukee, WI. The chart is full of orange highlights including the Saturn-square-natal-Moon transit for the orange blighter which suggests potentials for 'fear shaping opinions, his tiresome 'refusal to accept defeat', and/or those of a Saturnian, responsible, more mature nature (legal eagles? lawmakers? Electoral College voters?) who interfere (square) with the achievement of Trump's overweening emotional needs:

Notably, another possible saving grace for Election 2024 and democracy may be that for Trump, every Moon Return is also a Moon-conjunct-natal-South-Node transit with its lack of popularity and emotional alienation vibes. In astrology, the Moon is an excellent timing device, but it's his Sun-North-Node-Uranus conjunction in 10th house of Career that fuels his popularity with a faction of the public. But only a faction. However, his Moon-SN conjunction drags along behind him like a vestigial tail of karmic baggage and bad habits. He does enjoy separating (SN) people (Moon) from each other, yes? It's the old divide and conquer strategy that President Lincoln warned against.

For the GOP Fantasy IS 'Reality'!

Historically speaking, way back in 2012 a post was published here concerning the Secondary Progressions ('SP') of the Republican Party shown by the entity's July 6, 1854 Horoscope progressed to Election Day 2012 as, GOP Delusion in Nov 2012 Progressed Chart. My posts of 2012 grabbed my eye this week due to the additional court filing by special counsel Jack Smith, protagonist of Donald Trump, and it asserts that Trump's January 6, 2021 attempted coup of the US government wasn't an organic event in response to his loss in November 2020, but had been planned, at least since 2012. One factor is that Republicans know that their future dystopian plans for America are extremely unpopular!

Meanwhile, perhaps you remember that on Election Day 2012, voting planet Mercury stationed retrograde and the delusional planet of deception and erosion, Neptune, was at the very beginning of its long sojourn through Pisces and had yet to perform the Republican Party's Neptune Return/s of 2017 and 2018 which spotlights "14 Pisces": "A Lady in Fox Fur" - and you know which entertainment network this word picture reveals.

Now there's a previous SO'W post concerning these disturbing topics: Astro-Notes: An American Tragedy of Mass Delusion which contains the quote by Dr. Carl Jung about America prone to societal breakdown "due to mass delusion" as we now can starkly see. Well, most of us can.

Plus, here's another astro-note which applies to our topic: that in 2012, transit Neptune in Pisces reached 00:Pis33 conjunct the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE") which had influenced the events of July 4, 1776, the 12 South Saros Series. As a result, the influence of deceptive Neptune in 2012 (with misperception and fantasy disinformation slowly building for years) activated the potential for a cult to form and/or spread, a cult leading to karmic stalemate rather than karmic progress (R. Lineman).

Of course, Neptunian energies used positively can result in divine inspiration for the highest good, my personal favorite. Then even if we delete the word "karmic" from the mix, we have the current GOP regression vs the progression promoted by President Biden and the Democratic Party, the political entity of members who appreciate the realistic fact that TIME marches on - into the future. Republican efforts to cripple time, as if it can be kept from forward movement, won't work.

So now, as the Republican cult of Trump reveals its true face as a brutal death cult of personality and violence (as was Nazism a death cult of personality), its effects are playing out before our very eyes via J6 and Campaign 2024, with We the People in the role of Herr T's target as we face the voting booth on November 5, 2024: so once again I type as sincerely as possible, Vote Blue in 2024!

A closely related post: Transit Pluto in Election Year 2024.

And highly recommended for a listen if you may is the current podcast episode of Countdown with Keith Olbermann, I've Got Biden's "Daisy" Ad - And Trump Is Disqualified - 12.7.23.

Jun 13, 2023

Rachel Maddow's Deja News podcast

A 7 South Eclipse Repeats October 14, 2023 @21Lib07

by Jude Cowell

By now you've heard that yesterday the intrepid Rachel Maddow and her longtime producer Isaac-Davy Aronson debuted a new podcast Deja News which asks, "Has anything like this ever happened before?"

Deja News Episode 1: Riot at the Gates (Again)

Now if you've ever read many posts here on SO'W you know that Rachel's new podcast is right up the alley of my eclipse and 'cosmic time link' posts published here since historical cycles and eclipse cycles tend to resonate with similar, aka, rhyming, events and conditions.

Episode 1 opens with the fascist plot against FDR proposed to General Smedley Butler in 1933, and Deja News goes on to compare it with the coup attempt by sore loser Donald Trump and his maga acolytes and henchmen on January 6, 2021 when anarchists breached the US Capitol Building as a peaceful transfer of power was taking place in Congress. Rachel's opening point: that the J6 plotters had seen such a coup happen before - successfully against the Parliament in Paris, France, as a peaceful transfer of power was in progress on February 6, 1934.

And similar to the way we use "Jan6" as shorthand for Trump's failed coup, in France the assault by a violent mob in 1934 is shorthanded as "Feb6" and is 'honored' each year by authoritarians. Now by 1934, fascist dictator Mussolini had been in power for a few years and authoritarianism was on the rise in Europe where certain people promoted the idea that liberal democracy "had run its course." Sounds tres familiar, oui? For we have anti-democracy saboteurs at work in the US.

Okay, so here's the point in this post where I hush about historical events that Rachel Maddow's Deja News will inform you about much better than I can, so the question in this post becomes, Is there a cosmic time link that resonates between our time and the coup of 1934? Why, yes!

That would be the Solar Eclipse Saros Series in which the Croix de Feu (Crosses of Iron) coup occurred, the 7 South of August 21, 1933 @27Leo42 (shown, below). And yes, that's the degree of Trump's natal Mars rising with royal star Regulus ('success if revenge is avoided' - but he doesn't, so 'all that's been gained will be taken away' which is the effort now in progress). You'll note that the 7 South Eclipse affecting the Croix de Feu coup of 1934 conjuncts Regulus and manifested in August 1933:

Dual Horoscopes above: 7 South Prenatal Eclipse of the Croix de Feu coup (lower left) and a noon Horoscope of the Croix de Feu Coup of February 6, 1934. Study notes are penned on including 7 South themes of "power, anger, force" (via the initial 7 South Eclipse's Mars-Pluto Square); "huge obstacles clear," or--"sudden crisis" (paraphrasing B. Brady). Plus, as you know, signs of eclipses should be read through the signs of their initial eclipses, and here that would be Cancer, sign of nationalism and tribalism.

Further cosmic time links exist and include the initial 7 South @8Can03 conjunct Trump's natal Mercury (8Can01), and conjunct the Syzygy Moon of his failed coup attempt of January 6, 2021.

For further reading, here's a seriously related post: In 2023 Trump greets the 7 South Eclipse.

Final Note: The second episode of Deja News next Monday will concern events in Florida so Ron DeSantis may want to have himself a listen!

May 5, 2023

Trump To Dictate Fascistic “Townhall” On CNN Next Week -- Thom Hartmann

Thom, a Fascist Townhall Horoscope, and Moon-Pluto

by Jude Cowell

To gain higher ratings and profits, CNN has been moving to the right politically, thanks to a billionaire investor, and a live broadcast of a Tr*mp "Townhall" in Goffstown, New Hampshire is scheduled in which grievances will once gain be listed ad nauseum along with the fascist views of agent orange, still bu*t-hurt over his election loss in 2020.

Trump's Townhall of Republican questioners is a far-reich signal along the road toward the nazi-style dystopia now assaulting America. Now I know that the strong-armed paternalism that fascists offer America may seem comforting to some folks, and for others it seems to provide a way to make money, but make no mistake that it includes the criminality and violence now accosting our society - including the targets they and the NRA have placed on the backs of our children. Yet A majority of rational Americans do not want fascist government.

Casting Blame on Pluto in Saturn-Ruled Capricorn

Yes, primal violence came along with America's first-ever Pluto Return, a three-fer of conjunctions (to its 1776 position 27Cap33) all through 2022: Pluto, planet of Plutocracy and exploitation, fulfilling his role as stealthy assassin, and making his play for a barbaric transformation of US society into a police state - and We the People have decades during which these destructive energies and actors must be vigorously fought in defense of democracy.

That's if we take the 248-year cycle of Pluto, divide by 3, and consider the first of the three Pluto Return horoscopes as a cosmic guide lasting approximately 83 years. This gives us a time frame of 2022 to year 2105 in which to deal with fascist lies, fraud, sinister actors and threats of violence - and curiously, 83 years is very close to the 84-year orbit of Uranus, planet of disruption but also of progressive reforms. See below for a link to a tri-wheel of America's three Pluto Return horoscopes.

But please don't fret for we know that despair is not an option, as Thom always reminds us! So for your consideration, here's commentary concerning Trump's upcoming "Townhall" of fascist promotion (with Mercury Rx = repetition!) from progressive broadcaster Thom Hartmann who spotlights a definition of fascism in the words of FDR's VP Henry Wallace, speaking on April 9, 1944 - a not-to-be-missed citing by one of the men who faced the rising tide of fascism and Nazism in their era - and prevailed:

Now if all goes as planned, the live "Townhall" with Republicans asking Trump questions is scheduled for Wednesday May 10, 2023 at 8:00 pm edt. Of interest that evening is a Moon-Pluto Conjunction perfecting at 10:40 pm edt @00AQ20 conjunct US Inaugural Sun (corrupting elements--he'll insult President Biden any way he can), and transit Tisiphone, asteroid of retaliation. Mentions will include immigration, crime and violent events (Trump's threat of "American carnage"?), his usual grievances and grudges, funding, and possibly his real or imagined popularity with the public which isn't what he pretends or wants it to be.

Please enlarge or print the image to read further details, as you wish:

As you can see in the upper right horoscope, above, the 4 South 'Electoral College Vote Eclipse' of December 14, 2020 rises as the Moon-Pluto Conjunction becomes exact at 10:40 pm edt which may perfect after the broadcast ends but even if so, the conjunction's extreme emotions and tendency toward quarrels and violence will be certain to express in one way or another.

Of course, the Electoral College Vote of 2020 activated sore-loser Trump's "Big Lie," and crazily, there's his natal stationary Jupiter (18Lib27) sitting atop the Moon-Pluto Conjunction Horoscope! Rounded up we find that "19Libra" = "A Gang of Robbers in Hiding" which is one way to describe Trump and his corrupt comrades desperate for more money and power. Can Stormy Daniels turn up in his rhetoric? I ask because her natal Pluto Rx @18Lib26 does conjunct his boundary-and-taboo-breaking Jupiter in Libra with its eternal whine, "it's not fair!"

Well, Boo and Hoo. Obviously, a Townhall full of belly-achin' is in store for viewers.

Meanwhile, lower left is the Townhall 8:00 pm edt chart with karmic Saturn @6Pis03 at its base (IC) and conjoining the Fascism Rising Eclipse of February 1933 in the 7 North Saros Series with themes of (blood) "-lust, and long-hidden passion that catches people off-guard" (B. Brady). Therefore, Trump's May 10th Townhall is occurring under the influences of the series in which we now toil because a 7 North Eclipse repeated on April 20, 2023 @29Ari50, as what I've termed, "Hitler's birthday eclipse."

So how do we vanquish Fascism in America?

Why, Vote Blue in 2024! And in massive numbers.

If needed, here's a previous post displaying a tri-wheel of the three-fer US Pluto Return/s with the first 83-year horoscope in center. Plus, there's this: Remembering Henry Wallace, Our Mystic Vice President.

Apr 10, 2023

Is Fed Chair Jerome Powell Purposely Destroying the Economy? - Thom Hartmann

Here's a March 2023 clip from Thom Hartmann discussing Republican Fedhead Jerome Powell, recession, the US economy, and the possibility that Powell's actions are intended to undermine President Joe Biden's economic policies in order to give Republicans a boost in the 2024 Elections. Misplaced blame and campaign talking points will result.

Because it's common sense that goose-stepping Republican candidates will need all the multiple forms of cheating their fascism can devise for any hope of victory in the November 2024 elections:

What If the Universe Steps In?

So you know how 'they say' The best laid plans of mice and men? That's because sometimes higher forces interrupt earthly events with 'wild cards' known as eclipses, the most obvious and visible disruptions that few earthlings can ignore.

In case you missed it, here's a recent SO'W post displaying both the Federal Rescerve Act's December 23, 1913 Horoscope with its Moon @15Scorpio (We the People betrayed) and the Lunar Eclipse of May 5, 2023 which 'eclipses' the Fed's 1913 Moon at the very same degree, what I tend to call a cosmic time link. Thanks to the lunar eclipse, we can expect the lunation to reveal, uncover, or leak information, even secrets, which can lead to outcomes such as scandals, karmic changes (positive or negative), and/or course corrections. As many economists agree, Mr. Powell would do the US economy a solid by listening.

Yet we know as with all events and conditions on Planet Earth, some measure of both positive and negative potentials may be blended, not just economically, but with other Scorpionic realms such as corporate big business, investment, the medical and pharmaceutical industries, research, further data breaches, war and diplomacy, and/or spying and surveillance. Such potentials will stretch through the Summer Solstice season while carrying along the themes of the April 2023 Solar Eclipse until the next Solar Eclipse in October 2023.

For more cosmic details concerning US budgetary and debt limit concerns into the summer season, you may wish to see June-July 2023 Lunations with a Message.

Feb 24, 2023

How to Find Your Guiding Planet!

by Jude Cowell

With so many dire news reports and events assailing society these days, both domestically and abroad, today's Friday post is somewhat of a departure from the usual SO'W fare, yet hopefully, a reader or two will gain something positive from a shout-out of this cosmic information!

To find your guiding planet, or, oriental planet, you must have or know the planets' positions on your day of birth, or have access to an emphemeris. Of course, possessing a copy of your natal chart is optimal, but through any method you can ascertain which of your planets arose just prior to the Sun on that day (or night). One great resource for such information is found at Khaldea dot com where you may select and read about guiding planets, mine being a 4th house Jupiter @12Capricorn which rises just before my Capricorn Sun. One feature of this placement is a preference for spontaneity in the workplace!

Naturally, to glean more details you'll wish to factor in the rounded-up degree of the Sabian Symbol of your guiding planet since it will reveal information about your innate skills or skill set in the form of a word picture.

As for US politics, one man's oriental planet previously discussed here on SO'W is that of the potus-playing Donald Trump whose guiding planet is his 10th house Uranus @18Gemini ("Two Chinese Men Talking Chinese in a Western Crowd" - exs include his bank accounts in China and foreign guests at Mar-a-Lago). Now as you know, erratic Uranus is the disruptive, separative, anarchistic, unpredictable planet of chaos, his method of choice when it comes to mis-running and misruling organizations.

So perhaps by now, most folks would agree that chaos is Herr T's most basic skill as we've seen and continue to see issuing from what I tend to call the orange albatross hanging around America's neck. For as history shows, days of chaos are the best times for bad faith actors to force new reforms and dystopian regimes upon an unwilling nation. So yes, we're navigating perilous times for democracy as brutal tyranny knocks at America's door - a door opened by the maga-infested Republican Party, but do remember:

A Fascist Plot in America Has Failed Before and must do so again! Can you help against the barbarians?

NASA photo above: Jupiter.

Jan 23, 2023

The Republican Revolution marches on

Dixiecrat Republicans Prance Through History

by Jude Cowell

With current congressional Republicans finagling their budgetary demands to virtually guarantee that yet another government shutdown will occur, harm Democrats, bring financial stress to US workers, and potentially cause a global economic crash, information concerning the Republican Party's Federal Government Shutdowns of 1995 and 1996, instigated by Newt Gingrich whose "Contract with (on) America" was a political power play against Democratic President Bill Clinton, may be a useful consideration of the strategic dynamics used in 1994/95/96 because a version of them may soon be repeated against President Papa Joe Biden.

Add to this the fact that history rhymes even if it doesn't precisely repeat, and with Astrology we have cyclical signals and timings that tell a recurring tale for anyone who deigns to listen and take heed.

Naturally, the most obvious cosmic signals that reoccur approximately every 18.6 years are Solar Eclipses which are capable of disrupting life on Earth, can reveal inconvenient facts or secrets thereby leading to scandal, can change the direction of events and/or plans, and qualify as Universal wild cards and cosmic blinks from Above. Of course, Lunar Eclipses are in the mix as well with their ability to leak and/or bring awareness to issues, favorably or unfavorably.

Was the April 2023 Eclipse Foreshadowed on 1/6/21?

So a prominent Solar Eclipse from the fascist era of 1933 (@5Pisces) fell within the difficult 7 North Saros Series as the aptly labeled "Fascism Rising" Eclipse, and a 7 North eclipse repeats on April 20, 2023 (@29Ari50 conjunct MAGA coup Mars) with 7 North's 'sudden events; deeply passionate (blood) lust' themes again running in the background of society. These barbaric energies are already being taken advantage of by fascist saboteurs assaulting America to whatever extent they possibly can - and hoping that results turn out better for their sorry selves this time around.

Obviously, strong pushback is necessary to protect our society against radical 'warriors' and zealots of anarchy such as those active (Mars) on Jan 6th so realistically we must note that Eclipse-Mars contacts suggest rash actions and violent tendencies which can intensify support for 7 North's lustful themes.

Now if you dare, take a look at the upcoming 7 North Eclipse Horoscope set for Washington DC as the symbolic representative for America, and tell me what you see via an on-topic comment:

Sometimes this Capricorn gets a little fussy: don't you?

Of course, revolutions also tend to change the course of events, or at least are fomented with the objective of doing so. Significantly within this particular fuss, the November 8, 1994 Midterm Elections may be referred to as the Republican Revolution of 1994, and I don't have to mention to you, dear reader, that Trump's coup attempt of January 6, 2021 is part of the Republican Revolution instigated by the ruling class, as evidenced by the support of GOP congress members, and using 'MAGA' followers and militia groups as thuggish foot soldiers fighting for Herr Trump while some delusional insurrectionists believed themselves to be patriots fighting for their country.

So as they demonstrated this time around, strong-armed Republicans used violence to further their paternalistic aims. We saw another example of their overbearing paternalism, a form of sadism, when SCOTUS overturned Roe v Wade, and American women lost much of their access to healthcare - and their privacy rights with it.

Now to conclude this fussy post, my theory is that Republicans' government take-over efforts in 1994, 2021, and the 2022 Midterms are parts of an ongoing process - a longterm campaign with objectives of grasping total control of the US government, and completing the anti-societal dream and vision of their malajusted idol, the barbaric Herr Adolf, a freakish man some folks call the Austrian psychopath.

Therefore, with America's current crop of far-reich House Republicans tooling up their obsessions, promoting wacky conspiracy theories, and hoping to establish radical reforms to further hobble our country for the sake of their foreign and domestic paymasters, America is infested with psychopaths heiling their favorite historical psychopath - with or without the psychotic Herr Trump running in 2024.

A Related Post: How Nixon's Southern Strategy Led to Trump - Thom Hartmann: this is the infamous 'Dixiecrat' switcheroo of party identities. Don't be confused! Also see Saturn 2024 Conjuncts Fascism Rising Eclipse, suggesting karmic conditions that can be mitigated with preparation.

Dec 20, 2022

Once the Weimar Republic succumbed to a Psychopath

In Germany's Weimar Republic Horoscope of November 9, 1918, the government that Hitl*r took over as chancellor on January 30, 1933, a dynamic T-Square appears thanks to a Saturn-Uranus opposition squaring Mercury (making great demands on nervous energy - R. Ebertin). Of course, we know that in general, the Saturn-Uranus duo stands for restriction vs freedom, past vs future, old vs new, and/or politically, historically, and socially (and more the point of this post): old order vs new order.

Much tension is involved, and the potential is for bending to turn into breaking with this planetary combination which, in the 1918 horoscope falls across the self-willed Leo-Aquarius polarity of Fixed, rigid energies.

For the curious, here's a 3-minute Rick Steves video The Story of Fascism: Hitl*r's Rise to Power (my aster*sk).

Horoscope: 118th Congress January 3, 2023: two possible opening hours, Washington DC:

Similar to the Midterms 2022 Elections, the take-over of the German government in January 1933 was legally accomplished - with strong-arm implications behind the curtain if things didn't go Herr Adolf's way (a Tr*mp tactic as well). But as we know in retrospect, they did go the Austrian's way, and Adolf was able to cause the entire world to suffer. Now the world will suffer again if Adolf-loving forces and actors are allowed to coup the US government more fully than they've done already when they managed to finagle control of the US House of Representatives beginning January 3, 2023 (see above image).

Predictably, congressional Republicans wlll perform their Political Theater as a three-ring circus, a clown show full of off-kilter antics meant to disguise their own crimes and complicity, promoting malicious lies, and committing acts of revenge with their eventual objective to collapse the US Congress and government, to "own the libs," and, aided by corrupt, theocracy-loving Supreme Court justices under Vatican rule, to establish totalitarian rule. As for American law and tradition, this mostly 'conservative' Supreme Court is now tragically in need of even the most basic of ethics rules.

Meanwhile, perhaps we can agree that the destructive maga coup/storming of the Capitol Building on January 6, 2021 was Tr*mp's echo of the Reichstag Fire for it all but mimicked the burning of Germany's parliamentary Reischstag building. Notably, Hitl*r's false flag event in February 1933 came just days after the Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse.

Significant to the future of America is that a Solar Eclipse in the 7 North Series will manifest in our era as well - on April 20, 2023 @30Aries, which qualifies as a belated birthday eclipse for a long-gone Herr Hitl*r, but also must serve as a forewarned-is-forearmed signal from the Universe for all pro-democracy folks.

Talk about a cosmic time link of sinister proportions: this will be it.

Nov 21, 2022

Radical Uranus in Taurus: More Trouble in 2024

When 1940 Uranus Returns to 26Taurus in 2024-2025

by Jude Cowell

These days, most people would agree that Donald Tr*mp is nothing if not a furiously enraged, malevolent schemer (aka, our orange albatross, as I term him). And perhaps a dear reader or two may remember Trump's 'Furious Storm' Eclipse of January 5, 2019 in the 2 South Saros Series when a variety of folks were inspired to join unusual groups because they would "gain a great deal" from it (B. Brady). The delusional 'QAnon' is certainly one of said 'groups' although the pay-off from joining the off-kilter movement seems dubious at best since its campaign to undermine America and democracy continues apace and, if successful, its gullible members wouldn't fare any better under such a draconian boot than the rest of us.

Yet the so-called 'QAnon' used in the US is only one facet of a fascist-nazi movement of global proportions which has once again reared its barbaric head after decades of fermenting underground with the eventual intention of taking over the US government and destroying democracy - I believe in time for Election 2024, then catapulting its barbarism and theft toward Inauguration 2025 (if the January 20th ceremony can even be called a "presidential inauguration" via a traditional "peaceful transfer of power"). We might wonder what kind of "Oath of Office" would it be? Or, if successfully taken, will the crass authoritarian movement masquerade itself while continuing to rob us blind? I cannot pretend to know but I do know that, as in the 1940s, anti-societal authoritarianism must be stopped. Again.

Eclipses: Uranian 'Cosmic Blinks' and 'Wild Cards'

Now there've been multiple cosmic signals blinking furiously on the road to Fascism in America and many signals have been noted here on SO'W, perhaps most prominently via the repetitions in our era of the Fascism Rising Eclipse (its series to repeat in 2023) and the Nazis Rise to Power Eclipse, its series repeating right now, and cycling up conditions that have made it easier for the lamentable GOP take-over of the House through the use of its primary theme of 'forcefully taking power' (B. Brady). In fact, the forceful gerrymandering of districts in red states has much if not everything to do with their long-planned 'success' at Midterms 2022. And it was a compromised SCOTUS that allowed partisan gerrymandering.

However, if you've followed the Rachel Maddow Presents Ultra podcast, which just dropped its final episode today (#8 of 8), you've been filled in concerning German fascists working in the US in the 1930s into 1940s, with episode one opening with the mildly labeled Trip 19 Plane Crash (horoscope shown) which killed (assassinated) Nazi sympathizer-agent, Republican Senator Ernest Lundeen on August 31, 1940, plus, other officials, passengers, and crew unfortunate to be on the flight.

Of cosmic significance to America now is the position of the planet of zealous anarchy and coup attempts, Uranus - on August 31, 1940 @26Tau08:49 - conjunct and therefore intensifying the vicious, malevolent star of fury and rage, Algol - and soon returning to its 1940 position in what I consider to be a horoscope describing an event of sabotage.

Therefore, below is a Horoscope of the second of three Uranus Return/s to this degree (@27Cancer = "A Furious Storm Rages Through a Residential Canyon"; ex: Trump's 'Furious Storm' Eclipse, as noted, above), displayed here because the Return of 1940 Uranus occurs on October 25, 2024 just prior to Election 2024 to be held November 5th ('coincidentally' the infamous anniversary date of Britain's anti-government Gunpowder Plot of 1605, as you know).

Uranus Return #2 October 24, 2024 @26Tau08:49 conjunct Algol (#1 and 3 listed on the chart):

Please enlarge or print the chart to read my study notes if you wish; there are many other factors worth mentioning but since this is a post, not an e-book, I shall leave them for you to discover and comment upon, as you may.

Shout-Out: President Biden and Herr Trump

A Hidden Factor Revealed is Tr*mp's natal Mars-Ascendant @26-30Leo (conjunct kingly Regulus) completing a YOD pattern of crisis with the Neptune-Pluto sextile forming its base. And as you know, the Neptune-Pluto pairing can represent several potentials of a spiritual nature, but also signifies the criminal underworld for which Tr*mp acts as figurehead in the US.

Additionally, we should note that their sextile also involves Joe Biden for, as it happens, President Biden's natal Scorpio Sun and Venus rise in the chart with 2024 Neptune trining them which suggests potentials for doors to easily open, spirituality to be promoted, and sources of his success and good fortune to be mysterious or difficult to identify; Neptune trine his Venus indicates cooperation in his endeavors. However, rising in this particular horoscope in relation to the Uranus Return to the planet's 1940 position in an assassination chart, and considering the aid from transit Neptune, Mr. Biden's tendency to see only the ideal in people and situations can cause troubles and reversals that democracy can ill afford. If he experiences a lack of clarity concerning these issues, or falls under the spell of a tragic deception or illusion, America will have to face the authoritarian peril without strong enough leadership from the White House. Therefore, others must step up more firmly than ever.

Also notable is that activist Mars @26Can23 conjuncts Biden's natal Jupiter Rx (25Can08) so the Democratic president's part in events is expansive and can activate improvements during the current fascist vs democracy power struggle which is starkly shown by transit Pluto opposing Biden's natal Jupiter for some time now.

So in closing - and believe me when I type that it pains me as an American with Revolutionary ancestors to feel compelled to mention this - the current 6 South Eclipse which manifested on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio in the 'Nazis Rise to Power' series is a repetition of the very first of three Great American Eclipses from way back in 1878 with #3 arriving in April 2024. So please check out the 1878 eclipse horoscope, if you will, and know that the deadly seriousness of these cosmic and earthly events and threats against democracy are obvious warning signals that no American should ignore, and that such malevolent forces have been stirring for centuries with an evil determination that few folks in our day can easily believe.

Oct 24, 2022

DC Horoscope: 118th Congress Opens Jan 3, 2023

If all goes as usual, the 118th Congress of the United States, after being sworn in, will meet in first session upon Capitol Hill from January 3, 2023 to January 3, 2025. Depending upon results of the 2022 Midterms in November, varying levels of loyalty to their congressional oaths are to be expected.

So below is a bi-wheel of two DC Horoscopes, both set for the first official day of the 118th Congress, January 3, 2023 - one chart for 9:00 am est (as if!), the other for the more civilized noon hour which is the official hour of opening; the 9:00 am chart shows a behind-the-scenes line-up of planets in the 12th house of Large Institutions, a place were backroom deals are made:

Please enlarge or print the image for clearer reading. A few notes are penned on the chart and naturally there are similarities between 9:00 am and 12:00 pm on the same day such as:

By noon, the Gemini Moon (the public) is out-of-bounds ('OOBs') as is activist planet Mars which conjuncts US 1776 Uranus, so dangerous issues remain in play along with deceit about true motives (Neptune-NN = noon ASC: some lawmakers are uncomfortable being in the presence of other lawmakers). You'll notice that neither chart-ruler makes an applying aspect (so their signs and houses are emphasized), and notably, lawmaker Saturn in Aquarius is unaspected in both horoscopes. This suggests congress members with senior status - and/or, who are unconcerned, inconsistent, and/or conscience-free. A lack of organization may be noticed, yet an inordinate amount of focus and concentration will be applied by some although their focus may be one-pointed and/or too narrow.

(Of course, a different opening hour changes chart-rulers.)

As you see, problematic zealot Uranus, planet of chaos, continues to hang around with the North Node of destiny indicating radical reactionary political operatives while financial largesse (Taurus) pours in from unconventional donors and backers with coup d'etat objectives and a leaning toward intolerance. (btw: if you've yet to check out the Rachel Maddow Presents Ultra podcast, delay no longer!).

Meanwhile, communicating Mercury is retrograde so issues cycle up from the 117th Congress and before, while the Capricorn Sun leads a BOWL shape of the planets which indicates a leader or leaders advocating for a cause.

My cause is democracy over the totalitarianism - whether it's cloaked in theocracy, fascism, or nazism. How about you?

#VoteBlueToSaveDemocracy! Because if we don't, our children and grandchildren will be very sorry when it's gone. And we will deserve to be blamed.

Previously on SO'W: Horoscope: US Congress 1st Session March 4, 1789.

Sep 12, 2022

Year 2015: Our Trump Troubles Begin

DC Horoscope: Spring Equinox 2015 and the 'Prez Bid' New Moon of Misfortune

by Jude Cowell

As a cosmic signpost on America's path toward troublesome authoritarian issues of which Trump is merely a figurehead for what is actually a global fascist movement, anyone who expects the venerable practice of Astrology to explain when America's 'Trump Troubles' got up and running might appreciate the Spring Equinox 2015 Horoscope when the Sun hit the Aries Point of world events (an annual event) and conjoins Scheat, the star of misfortune.

Yet as you see in the horoscope, below, there's another feature of the Sun's entry into Mars-ruled Aries in Spring 2015: a midpoint picture formed that year with potentials for 'effective illusions and deceptions; a noted magician performs (M. Munkasey); and/or 'danger of infection; weakness' (R. Ebertin), among other possibilities upon which the Spring EQ 2015 Sun shone and activated. And perhaps, dear reader, we may agree that these potentials have been applicable to events during these last 7 years along with several other planetary factors you see here:

US Mars-Neptune Square On Display: Misguided Actions, Confusion, Fog of War

Ascending is America's natal Neptune with transit Neptune in Pisces opposing (clash of ideals, persecutions), square Midheaven, the Goal Point, conjunct US 1776 Mars in Gemini; Hour of Jupiter (in green, in Leo, and Rx in 11th house) with Jupiter prominent as the handle of a Bucket shape and ruling 4th and 7th houses. As you see, the IC @23Sag05, the Basis or Foundation of the Matter, presciently holds the 4 South Solar Eclipse which occurred on the day of the December 14, 2020 Electoral Vote Count, and lies at the heart of our turbulent, mercurial, Uranian Trump Troubles due to his sore loser 'Big Lie' refusal to accept reality.

Then Mercury in shady Pisces as chart and Midheaven ruler reveals the significance of communications, information, propaganda, oration/rhetoric, trade, commerce, and education to the proceedings with one applying aspect by quicksilver Mercury from its 6th house position (conjunct veiling Neptune: "The Illusionist" when conjunct - A. Oken) - and that's an opportunistic sextile with power planet Pluto, the saboteur. See lower left corner for a few details including Trump's tendency toward morbid thinking (which he seems to be feeling 'for real' now as grim reality knocks upon his door).

Meanwhile, the conjunction in 6th house points toward Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square of "The Sneaky Mind" (A.O.). Also see the center of the chart with Mercury inconjunct Jupiter: distorted perspectives (supported by unaspected Venus' unusual perspectives and loner status), plus, a tendency toward grandiosity: ya think?

So one reason to post this horoscope in September 2022 is to note that Trump's 'prez bid' New Moon @25Gem07 conjunct Mars (violent, headstrong) which perfected on the morning of June 16, 2015 occurred within the Spring 2015 season (and is listed on the chart, middle right, highlighted in orange, like a fake tan on an old man). Of course, you remember the morning of his Escalator Descent at Trump Tower NYC to announce his 2016 campaign for president to a paid audience, $50 a head, to express his vile bigotry as a signal to "his people".

Uranian Trump

Now this 2015 Gemini New Moon fell between Trump's 10th house Uranus-NN-Sun trio in Gemini and it started a cosmic clock (New Moon, new cycle) by activating the degree of the 1781 Discovery of Uranus, America's totem planet of freedom, independence, rebellion, protest, disruption, and - most importantly to Trump - chaos.

And America has been yoked to the orange blighter ever since.

Previously on SO'W: Trump's 'Prez Bid' Solar Eclipse @29Pis27: 17 South which perfected March 20, 2015 at 5:36 am edt (hours before the chart shown, above) with karmic Saturn Rx at Midheaven, often a 'downfall' indication if timekeeper Saturn's demands for responsibility, accountability, and doing one's duty are ignored.

And such is Donald Trump.

Sep 8, 2022

The Dangerous Eclipses of 2023

September 8, 2022

by Jude Cowell

Below you see a mocked-up image of the Solar and Lunar Eclipses of year 1933 and year 2023. As you see, the dangerous, even sinister, Solar Eclipses of 1933 repeat in 2023 in the 7 North and 7 South Saros Series; their Themes are also listed along with other years in which 7 North and 7 South eclipses occurred. Historical events of those years make interesting reads.

So will this be my final forewarned-is-forearmed post of warning concerning the neo fascist/nazi global network of criminals planning once again a take-over of America after failing in their attempt against FDR in 1933?

Since I'm a pro-democracy American with Revolutionary War ancestry and uncles who fought nazis in Europe during WWII, it most definitely is not:

Please print or enlarge image for better viewing. Thanks! jc

Previously on SO'W: A Fascist Plot in America Has Failed Before (1933). So no matter who, Vote Blue to Save American Democracy!

Aug 27, 2022

March on Rome - March on Washington?

One thing about scowling Benito Mussolini's October 28, 1922 March on Rome is that he grasped political power by becoming Prime Minister the next day, not by armed conflict but by the ruling class transferring political power into his fascist hands. The saga goes that King Victor Emmanuel III feared civil war and Fascists had become quite popular around the country, so on October 29, 1922, the King handed over the reins of the Italian government to Benito Mussolini and his National Fascist Party, thereby avoiding Fascist barbarianism. No doubt, the King was under threat, hence Mussolini's March on Rome.

So that was nearly 100 years ago, why bring it up now?

Because of my belief with which you're welcome to disagree: that during Trump's January 6, 2021 coup attempt against the US Congress, at one point it was clear that the 'Mango Mussolini' knew that his minions were armed, wanted them to stay that way, and was determined to lead their march toward the Capitol Building, which would have been an echo, or historical reenactment, of Mussolini and his Fascists marching upon the capital city again, militia-styled 'blackshirts' and all. Seems to me that the scowling expressions the two despots so obviously share, and the stubborn stances they use in order to intimidate (see above photo, and Herr Trump's typical 'arms folded' across his barrel chest), are in no way coincidental. For Trump, the mimicry is purposeful.

Then a quick glance at the March on Rome's October 28, 1922 planets reveals a descriptive midpoint picture which remained operative on October 29, 1922 as well. See what you think:

Venus-Neptune = Saturn: "A morbid or pathological disposition" (R. Ebertin), and "fear of losing the dream" (N. Tyl). And somehow, considering Herr T's natal midpoint picture of 'deaths of many people, fury, mania of destruction, intervention of a higher power' (Mars-Saturn = Pluto), I suspect that the two scowlers - both blights upon their respective countries - might have gotten along just fine, and passed many wonderful "love letters" between them which would have fluffed up both their massive, malevolent egos.

Now here's an informative Thom Hartmann segment that US voters might wish to check out prior to casting their ballots in the 2022 Midterms, History of the GOP Slide into Fascism: From Eisenhower to DeSantis. Or perhaps check out Eisenhower Inauguration 1953: A Prayer for America.

Previously on SO'W: Mussolini's Fascist Party: An Eclipse Timeline, a post in which a cosmic time link to Tr*mp's June 2015 'escalator' bid for the US presidency may be found! Plus, Trump Mob Coup Attempt January 6, 2021 2:15 pm est. And also see Uranus-Pluto and the January 6, 2021 Mob Attack by Trumpian militia-styled neo-fascists (or, neo-nazis if you will: bullies either way); and last but not least: Horoscope of the Roman Empire: Birthday of a New World Order.

Aug 20, 2022

Freedom Poised Upon the Fourth Hinge Point of History

Dear America: Keep Democracy Avoid Barbaric Fascism!

by Jude Cowell

In a recent Hartmann Report, progressive author and broadcaster Thom Hartmann writes about The Turning Points of History, or Hinge Points, and how we are now at The Fourth Great Turning of the 80-year cycle when once again democracy must be defended against sabotage by authoritarian oligarchs and the pillaging dictators who act as their figureheads: greedy barbarians, all.

America: Home of Democracy and the Light of Freedom

Here's the list of Great Turnings through US history but rather than bore you with my own interpretations of them (all are anti-democracy), I'll simply recommend a reading of Thom's above linked article.

The First Great Turning: the American Revolution;

The Second Great Turning: the Civil War;

The Third Great Turning: the Republican Great Depression (shown: the 1929 'Black Tuesday' Horoscope) and World War II; also see Putin: Ukraine 2022 vs Hitler: Poland 1939;

The Fourth Great Turning: a seditious Donald Trump ascends to (or coups - jc) the US Presidency with the aid of Russia and possibly other oligarchies, soon pulling the US out of "free world" programs such as the UN Human Rights Council, UNESCO, the Paris Accords, the Iranian nuclear deal, etc. - basically his attempts to end the World Order established after World War II - and proceeding to chip away at NATO on behalf of Vladimir Putin who, as we now see in Ukraine, seeks to expand Russian territory no matter the cost - and NATO is an obstacle.

So here we are: with fascist racists and their neo-nazi cousins challenging democracy, a free world, and our Republic once again.

Now in closing, here's a previously posted bi-wheel of the NATO horoscope (inner) with the 6 South Solar Eclipse of October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio surrounding it and hitting NATO's Ascendant with the eclipse's 6 South themes of "manic energy; being forceful and taking power; great strength in relationships; sudden events" (paraphrasing B. Brady). And of course, you know that for America, this manifestation of a 6 South Eclipse brings along our 2022 Midterms with all the cheating and ballot rigging this implies - and, if democracy wins the day - a Blue Tsunami voter turn-out to beat back the barbarians at America's gate once again!

May 20, 2022

Michelle Goldberg on Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism - video

On July 24, 2007, yours truly purchased an insightful book authored by Michelle Goldberg concrning religious radicalism, bellicose fundamentalism, and "military retirees pledging to seize the nation in Christ's name, perfidious congressmen courting the confidence of neo-confederates and proponents of theocracy, and leaders of federally funded programs offering Jesus as the solution to the country's problems."

Through interviews and testimonies of the people behind the movement, the author "provides access into the hearts and minds of citizens who are striving to remake the secular Republic bequeathed by our Founders into a Christian nation run according to their interpretation of scripture." My italics because, as a Protestant myself, for me there lies a major part of their wrong-headedness, a major yet purposeful 'glitch' in their holier-than-thou plans, a sour note, really. Rationality tells us that morality cannot be legislated externally, it must come from within to be genuine!

But these are irrational forces challenging rationality, determined to merge State with their version of church, backed, funded, and encouraged by a wealthy corporate class ideologically distanced from the populace. This is, in fact, their particular recipe for fascism in America - but, unlike the 1930s, this time around the saboteurs are part of a global movement, a network of despots. And as in previous decades, primal violence is one of their strong-arm thuggery tactics along with the threat of it for intimidation purposes when bribes don't work.

So in addition, 'Kingdom Coming' also describes an "ever widening subversive stranglehold nationwide" as Enlightenment values "are threatened by a mystical nationalism" that claims "divine sanction."

Mystical nationalism! To me this sounds like bizarre Neptune-Pluto influences, and the vast planetary pair contains plenty of fermenting space for criminal elements in society - and for wacky fantasy worlds, too. Very much like men who play the lucrative role of POTUS but on the down-low are mobsters and foreign agents taking orders to sabotage America and destroy our social fabric.

So now as we watch this radical authoritarian movement full of evangelical far-righters, "conservatives", corrupt politicians, and militia-loving white "supremacists" attempt to take over America before our very eyes, I ask you, dear reader: could Michelle Goldberg have been anymore prescient?

Jan 27, 2022

The US Perpetual Union Horoscope 1781

Our Perpetual Union Horoscope with Stars and Asteroids

by Jude Cowell

Because the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union were ratified on February 2, 1781, it is constitutionally illegal for a state to secede from the Union. Should someone remind fasc*st Republican sore heads and the neo-naz*s who now try to destroy America's Perpetual Union of this fact? Not that they would care. They prefer to float through a fantasy world of their own design.

However, yours truly prefers realism which includes Saturnian Astrology, so here goes:

A few months ago we discussed the February 2, 1781 US Perpetual Union Horoscope set for a speculative 5:00 pm LMT Annapolis, Maryland, an hour I found online. Tonight I'm happily publishing a more accurately timed horoscope, same date and location, set for 2:37 pm LMT as provided by historian-astrologer Gary Lorentzen (see his vimeo link, below). Planetary contacts with fixed stars are notated on the chart along with a few positions of asteroids on that historic day.

So on February 2, 1781 at 2:37 pm in Annapolis, 15Can51 arose and you'll find the three applying Ptolemaic aspects of chart-ruler Moon listed, lower left corner (in money sign Taurus), plus, a few details concerning the Air-Earth Sun AQ-Moon Taurus blend of conscious and unconscious energies are penned on, upper right; note that Adlai Stevenson was born under this blend so his famous quote is added: "A hungry man is not a free man":

As you see, The Goal Point ('MC' = Midheaven) has gold-loving MIDAS atop it @26Pis17, while a Sun-Saturn sextile indicates leaders (Sun) who are good managers (Saturn) of resources. A YOD pattern (crisis; crossroads; special purpose) with the Sun-Saturn sextile forming its base is marked but not listed as such since technically it has no third planet, only the 1781 Ascendant (@15Can51 which turned out to be the 1942 Ascendant of our money pit of a Pentagon, and also the position of US Jupiter Rx by progression). Anyway, as a midpoint picure, I've listed "caution" as a primary potential for Sun-Saturn = ASC. A streak of Saturnian conservatism is indicated.

Spotlighted in green, is financier and politician Jupiter, the Great Benefic, @25Sco12, as apex of the Venus-Neptune midpoint, with the picture's deceptive potentials penned on the chart, lower right. Now as you know, like Taurus, Scorpio is also a money sign of Big Business (and spying!) and the Mercury-Pluto conjunction suggests that secrets were afoot. The Syzygy Moon of this event @5AQ00 conjoined wealth-hoarder (or even spymaster) Pluto (New Moon exact on January 24, 1781) so a critical time of development is suggested.

So in closing, perhaps a reader or two may be interested in leaving an on-topic, name-tagged observation concerning this 1781 Historical Horoscope, or the event the planets describe, and this would be an encouraging development for the continuance of Stars Over Washington! jc

A Recommended Presentation is the US Powell Horoscope of July 1, 1776 by Gary Lorentzen.

Jan 4, 2022

Do You Have What It Takes To Fight Fascism? - Thom Hartmann

Here's a 6-minute segment from January 3, 2022 by progressive broadcaster and author Thom Hartmann with a serious question that should be on the minds of every pro-democracy, pro-Constitution American who demands that we keep our Republic:


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March 23, 1919: Mussolini's Fascist Party (an Eclipse Timeline) which reveals the fact that Mussolini was declared "The Leader" (Il Duce) under the influences of a 17 South Solar Eclipse, the same eclipse series that brought us the "prez bid" announcement of dictator-wanna-be Donald Tr*mp, descending the Trump Tower escalator on the morning of June 16, 2015 (his "grand entrance") to speak to a paid-to-applaud audience ($50 each, the rumor goes);

Horoscope of the 7 North Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse of 1933; note that a 7 North Eclipse recurs on April 20, 2023 @30Aries: the Cosmos is warning us - what a 'coincidence', it's Herr Adolf's 134th birthday;

Nov 2022 Eclipse Hits Austrian Psychopath's Chart - this is the Midterms 2022 Lunar Eclipse in Taurus - conjunct radical zealot, the planet of unpredictability, and America's totem planet of revolt and independence, Uranus.

And here's another warning: 1968 Eclipses Repeat in 2022: Strategy and Turbulence (be prepared!).