Tuesday September 13, 2022
by Jude Cowell
Reportedly, the next J6 Hearing of the Select Committee investigating the violent Trump Coup Attempt of January 6, 2021 will be held September 28, 2022, presumably in prime time (8:00 pm edt). So a reader might expect to view a horoscope of the event published here but alas, non!
Because the date of the next J6 hearing can change and the opening hour is uncertain (as far as I know), so the horoscope you see, below, displays a cosmic event which happens to occur on that very evening at 8:22:23 pm edt: the first of three Mars Return/s to the US Powell Horoscope (July 1, 1776 7:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA = first vote for independence and the decision to create America with Mars @19Gem22:52 square US Neptune. Listed on the chart, below, are the other Mars Returns: 2. November 29, 2022 and 3. March 1, 2023.
And although the transiting Mars-Neptune square won't be exact until October 12, 2022, a cosmic echo of our nation's problematic Mars-Neptune square will be moving into position on September 28, 2022, as you can see, suggesting potentials for any of the confusing conditions, misguided motives or actions, and cloudy events that such a square implies - militarily, infectiously, media-based, or otherwise. And of course, the Select Committee's J6 Hearings are intended to get to the bottom of events instigated by criminals trying to keep their actions and communications hidden from view while a cornered Tr*mp is feeling extremely hostile (Neptune-sextile-Pluto -->> his natal Mars @26Leo) and may very well become a flight risk:
Lots of details are squooshed upon the chart; please enlarge or print for better viewing. Thanks! jc
Mars Return at 8:22:23 pm edt: Hour of Venus (in blue) at a critical-crisis 29th degree of fact-based Virgo (6th house) while popping out of the horoscope is the Uranus-North Node ('NN') conjunction rising (14Tau48) which is also the Inaugural Ascendant when US presidents are sworn into office (with starry Menkar rising: saying what must be said; victim of the Unconscious). Thus a midpoint picture forms of Uranus-NN = ASC: 'strong focus on changing the world; a need for feedback' (M. Munkasey). And of course, the Uranus-NN pairing relates to political reformers, new contacts, and/or excitable people sharing events (R. Ebertin).
Plus, balancing upon a cosmic limb, I suggest that the Uranus-NN/Moon-SN opposition across the ASC-DESC axis of this chart (the J6 hearing) karmically symbolizes Herr Tr*mp himself. Those familiar with his natal horoscope will know why for it's basically a cosmic echo of his Nodal Axis which contains his Sun Gemini-Moon Sagittarius opposition personality blend of the pied piper (same as Newt's: two Peter Pans, now cantankerous codgers). In addition, the Sun @5Lib51 conjuncts Tr*mp's natal 2nd house Neptune, shining a light on his fantasies and his flexible morals - let's say, ethics (driven by his deep love for gold and luxury).
So as you know, Mars Returns herald new 2-year cycles of activity and signal a busy, hectic period with a potential for chaotic or dangerous conditions including headaches. And with this Return being a three-fer for America, an extended period may be expected. By the third Return of March 1, 2023, the chart set for Washington DC shows Tr*mp's natal Uranus (@17Gem53, his 10th house 'guiding planet' of chaos and disruption) rising with Mars which suggests possibilities for accidents, danger, violence, explosions, and/or arrest (R. Ebertin) with focuses on finances and/or the occult.
Meanwhile, lurking in the horoscope you see above, are quite a few financial indicators with most of them highlighted in green. Jupiter, the politician and financier, remains retrograde ('Rx') until turning Direct on November 23, 2022 while the planet of hearings and testimony, Mercury the Messenger, turns Direct sooner - on October 2, 2022. Actually, the Mercury-Jupiter opposition forms a T-Square with Mars containing potentials for: "acting according to deliberation" (R. Ebertin); "anxieties reflected in dreams of anger or violence" (M. Munkasey).
Also note that on September 28, 2022, power planet of extreme wealth, nuclear power and secrets, Pluto, will rise with Scheat, star of misfortune, mayhem, and/or imprisonment. However, on a positive level, Scheat can provide literary ability, and notably, Pluto is involved with publishing which can be powerfully informative but may often promote propaganda and manipulative disinformation, a sneaky way of transforming minds and outcomes.
And mention is due of the April 30, 2022 6 North Solar Eclipse which remains in force into October with themes of 'relationship to authority figures; the need to take responsibility and control'; plus, 'commitments due to another person's illness or unreliability' (B. Brady). You see the eclipse listed in the political 12th house @10Tau28 - also the house of Large Institutions such as the US Congress, and earthy Taurus, a money sign. The 12th house also contains wounded Chiron Rx conjunct Alpheratz, and Jupiter Rx, apex of the Saturn-Uranus midpoint with a significant potential for "a sudden turn of destiny" (R. Ebertin).
As for the mundane Moon (We the People, the public; publicity) @14Sco10 and just setting, an inconjunct with wounded Chiron suggests that failure to serve either the Muse or the masses can result in extremely perilous conditions (R. Nolle). Both are at 14 degrees which indicates that karmic conditions are involved as with the Aries-Libra polarity intercepted across the 6/12 axis with its victim-savior issues. To me this means that participants should act accordingly within the realms of ethics and responsibility, and not simply for personal gain. That is, if karmic progress is a goal.
Note: Other planetary changes of direction coming in 2022: wealthy saboteur Pluto Direct on October 8, 2022 (here, conjunct Midheaven, the Goal Point, which spotlights America's surveilling Mercury-Pluto opposition - uncovering secrets since 1776: the Tr*mp stolen government documents fiasco is suggested); lawmaker Saturn Direct on October 23, 2022; and fraudulent, eroding gaslighter Neptune Direct on December 3, 2022.
Also informative is the Sun Libra-Moon Scorpio blend of energies operative during the September 28th J6 hearing for it's a mixture of social idealism and judicial detachment that involves issues of fairness vs personal gain (two of Tr*mp's favorites). Also indicated by this blend of conscious-unconscious energies are controversy, intellectual debate, and survival instincts (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey #ad). Perhaps most readers agree that comrade Tr*mp is fighting for his life. Meanwhile, his natal Jupiter in Libra cries out, "it's not fair!"
Then for the sake of comparison, you may wish to check the horoscope of the first public J6 Hearing where you'll see the above chart's 8th cusp (13Sag03) rising. This is the J6 Hearing that I titled, "A Gang of Robbers in Hiding" - and since the FBI search of Mar-a-Lago on August 8th we see that more than money was plundered from Washington by Herr Tr*mp and comrades. Because selling nuclear secrets must be a very profitable side business for an out-of-work, sore loser, disloyal president acting and pontificating as the figurehead of a global fascist movement determined to coup the US government.
So please: #VoteBlueToSaveDemocracy!
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