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Sep 12, 2022

Year 2015: Our Trump Troubles Begin

DC Horoscope: Spring Equinox 2015 and the 'Prez Bid' New Moon of Misfortune

by Jude Cowell

As a cosmic signpost on America's path toward troublesome authoritarian issues of which Trump is merely a figurehead for what is actually a global fascist movement, anyone who expects the venerable practice of Astrology to explain when America's 'Trump Troubles' got up and running might appreciate the Spring Equinox 2015 Horoscope when the Sun hit the Aries Point of world events (an annual event) and conjoins Scheat, the star of misfortune.

Yet as you see in the horoscope, below, there's another feature of the Sun's entry into Mars-ruled Aries in Spring 2015: a midpoint picture formed that year with potentials for 'effective illusions and deceptions; a noted magician performs (M. Munkasey); and/or 'danger of infection; weakness' (R. Ebertin), among other possibilities upon which the Spring EQ 2015 Sun shone and activated. And perhaps, dear reader, we may agree that these potentials have been applicable to events during these last 7 years along with several other planetary factors you see here:

US Mars-Neptune Square On Display: Misguided Actions, Confusion, Fog of War

Ascending is America's natal Neptune with transit Neptune in Pisces opposing (clash of ideals, persecutions), square Midheaven, the Goal Point, conjunct US 1776 Mars in Gemini; Hour of Jupiter (in green, in Leo, and Rx in 11th house) with Jupiter prominent as the handle of a Bucket shape and ruling 4th and 7th houses. As you see, the IC @23Sag05, the Basis or Foundation of the Matter, presciently holds the 4 South Solar Eclipse which occurred on the day of the December 14, 2020 Electoral Vote Count, and lies at the heart of our turbulent, mercurial, Uranian Trump Troubles due to his sore loser 'Big Lie' refusal to accept reality.

Then Mercury in shady Pisces as chart and Midheaven ruler reveals the significance of communications, information, propaganda, oration/rhetoric, trade, commerce, and education to the proceedings with one applying aspect by quicksilver Mercury from its 6th house position (conjunct veiling Neptune: "The Illusionist" when conjunct - A. Oken) - and that's an opportunistic sextile with power planet Pluto, the saboteur. See lower left corner for a few details including Trump's tendency toward morbid thinking (which he seems to be feeling 'for real' now as grim reality knocks upon his door).

Meanwhile, the conjunction in 6th house points toward Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square of "The Sneaky Mind" (A.O.). Also see the center of the chart with Mercury inconjunct Jupiter: distorted perspectives (supported by unaspected Venus' unusual perspectives and loner status), plus, a tendency toward grandiosity: ya think?

So one reason to post this horoscope in September 2022 is to note that Trump's 'prez bid' New Moon @25Gem07 conjunct Mars (violent, headstrong) which perfected on the morning of June 16, 2015 occurred within the Spring 2015 season (and is listed on the chart, middle right, highlighted in orange, like a fake tan on an old man). Of course, you remember the morning of his Escalator Descent at Trump Tower NYC to announce his 2016 campaign for president to a paid audience, $50 a head, to express his vile bigotry as a signal to "his people".

Uranian Trump

Now this 2015 Gemini New Moon fell between Trump's 10th house Uranus-NN-Sun trio in Gemini and it started a cosmic clock (New Moon, new cycle) by activating the degree of the 1781 Discovery of Uranus, America's totem planet of freedom, independence, rebellion, protest, disruption, and - most importantly to Trump - chaos.

And America has been yoked to the orange blighter ever since.

Previously on SO'W: Trump's 'Prez Bid' Solar Eclipse @29Pis27: 17 South which perfected March 20, 2015 at 5:36 am edt (hours before the chart shown, above) with karmic Saturn Rx at Midheaven, often a 'downfall' indication if timekeeper Saturn's demands for responsibility, accountability, and doing one's duty are ignored.

And such is Donald Trump.

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