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Showing posts with label US Powell Horoscope. Show all posts
Showing posts with label US Powell Horoscope. Show all posts

Jan 29, 2025

US Solar Return Horoscope 2025

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Here are two images of DC Horoscopes of America's Solar Return 2025: one based on the Horoscope of America July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, the other issuing from the "US Powell Horoscope" of July 1, 1776 7:09 pm LMT (first vote; upper right):

Some basic astro-notes are penned on the dual image along with the July 5th date of US Jupiter Return 2025 (lower left corner) with 1776 Jupiter's descriptive Sabian Symbol now perfectly and eagerly expressed by the new administration of looters, thieves, embezzlers, scammers, and money-launderers: "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests."

This Symbol cosmically imprints Year 2025 (until July 2026) as highly significant for our country in the realms of the Sun-Jupiter pairing (leadership-finances/growth; freedom) with simultaneous Returns that nearly replay July 1776 as a cosmic time link.

However, Sun-Jupiter also suggests that there are legal and political conflicts with the law of the land, plus, fanaticism and one-sided views are present (and are ongoing now with Saturn and Neptune squaring US Jupiter) through the efforts of pretentious, arrogant people. Naturally, realistic Saturn's restrictive and legalistic functions, plus, deceptive Neptune's grand schemes and cultish behavior are involved, and the 9 New North Eclipse @9Aries adds intense energies and potentials for accidents and injuries.

Sep 29, 2022

Trump's "Furious Storm" Solar Eclipse

2019 North Node of Future Direction: 2021 and Beyond

by Jude Cowell

Published on the significant day of January 20, 2021 came NPR's The "Storm" Never Struck as 'QAnon' bizarrely predicted so let's have a peek at what I'm calling "The Storm" Solar Eclipse of January 5, 2019 @15Cap25:02 which by degree eclipsed the 1st house Moon (We The People) in America's Powell Horoscope (@15Cap16).

Now we know that 'QAnon' began spinning and gaslighting the public in 2017, the first year of the Trump regime, but I'm labeling the 2019 manifestation of a 2 South Eclipse as, "The Storm" due to the rounded-up Sabian Symbol of the eclipse's North Node of future direction, or destiny (@27Cancer): "A Furious Storm Rages Through a Residential Canyon" (Jones; Dane Rudhyar gives, not "Furious" but "Violent"). This symbol reveals a negative expression of "fatuous enjoyment of turmoil" (M.E. Jones).

Opposing this degree is its Illumination Point of "27Capricorn" = "A Mountain Pilgrimage" which contains many potentials, including the esoteric, and is the US Inauguration Midheaven degree these days (conjunct US 1776 Pluto Rx). Negative expression of "27Cap": "satisfaction in superficial allegiances and a parade of false virtue" (M.E.J.).

Now if any of this reminds you of people who feign patriotism while being and behaving anti-American, then we're on the same page, dear reader. After all, fascists and nazis can hardly be considered patriotic in an American sense. (To this I must add 'Christian' Nationalists and theocrats who want to negate our traditional separation of Church and State so they can dominate US society and enforce their religious beliefs including what day we worship: see upper right corner of the bi-wheel!)

When Pluto the Dragon Encountered His Own Tail

So by transit, the Saturnian South Node (aka, 'tail of the dragon') swiped across America's 1776 Pluto Rx (natal and progressed) in late 2018 and early 2019 - under Trump's feckless tutelage. The Pluto-SN combination denotes people whose wills are out of sync with current social trends and conditions and this causes resentment, misunderstandings, and the destruction of personal security. Although a measure of self-reliance may be indicated by a Pluto-SN conjunction, dangerous collective events of a perilous nature, even war, are also part of the Plutonian-Saturnian picture.

Plus, as you see, "The Storm Eclipse" of 2019 @15Cap25 is bracketed by karmic planets Saturn and Pluto, the harsh planetary pair that, one year 7 days after this eclipse, met by conjunction on January 12, 2020 @22Cap46 - conjunct Trump's natal Vertex of fated encounters. These are good vs evil days, my friends, and I suspect that Trump knew this cosmic factoid about his Vertex and used it to his advantage as much as he could - with his natal Saturn in Cancer of misrule opposing. For as everyone knows, responsible Saturn's demand for accountability has never been his 'thing'.

Trump Coup Attempt a Mercury-Pluto/Mars-Uranus Endeavor

Meanwhile, a midpoint picture formed on January 6, 2021 around 1:00 pm est of,Mercury-Pluto = MC: 'arrranging matters well' (R. Ebertin). Secret arrangements, as we know, but which are now coming to light via the J6 hearings. My suspicion is that US Secret Service agents are implicated in Herr Trump's Mercury-Pluto plans, along with the potential that the attack on Congress was in part an attempt to steal certain documents from congressional offices. Were they part of the documents recovered from Mar-a-Lago? Are they buried on Trump's Bedminster golf course?

So as you see, our 1776 Mercury-Pluto opposition (of surveillance) lies upon the transiting Nodal Axis, a planetary pair that turned up on January 6, 2021 with 'insurrection' Mercury conjunct Pluto snugged around the Midheaven (Goal Point). Also of interest is Inauguration 2017's 9th house Mercury @6Cap45 rising in the US Powell Chart (ASC @6Cap07) with all that speedy Mercury can imply (exs: intel, secrets, rhetoric, oration, travel, commerce, lies, etc.)

As for Trump's seditious coup attempt (ongoing, as we know: "The Storm"?), his disruptive, chaotic Uranus, planet of radical politics, revolt, anarchy, and zealotry - is his guiding planet because it's oriental (last planet to rise before his 10th house Gemini Sun: Mr. Chaos). So the point of this post is that, for readers who want to sleuth into "The Storm" Eclipse Horoscope for further information, here's a view of the chart set for Washington DC with 2 South's theme penned on the image, upper center.

Plus, as usual, my messy study notes are penned on; please enlarge or print the bi-wheel for easier reading, if you wish:

Now naturally there are several other chart factors worth your consideration and I hope your interest is piqued enough to check them out. And do leave your insights in a Comment if you wish! jc

Sep 13, 2022

J6 Hearing Sep 28, 2022 sports a US Mars Return

Tuesday September 13, 2022

by Jude Cowell

Reportedly, the next J6 Hearing of the Select Committee investigating the violent Trump Coup Attempt of January 6, 2021 will be held September 28, 2022, presumably in prime time (8:00 pm edt). So a reader might expect to view a horoscope of the event published here but alas, non!

Because the date of the next J6 hearing can change and the opening hour is uncertain (as far as I know), so the horoscope you see, below, displays a cosmic event which happens to occur on that very evening at 8:22:23 pm edt: the first of three Mars Return/s to the US Powell Horoscope (July 1, 1776 7:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA = first vote for independence and the decision to create America with Mars @19Gem22:52 square US Neptune. Listed on the chart, below, are the other Mars Returns: 2. November 29, 2022 and 3. March 1, 2023.

And although the transiting Mars-Neptune square won't be exact until October 12, 2022, a cosmic echo of our nation's problematic Mars-Neptune square will be moving into position on September 28, 2022, as you can see, suggesting potentials for any of the confusing conditions, misguided motives or actions, and cloudy events that such a square implies - militarily, infectiously, media-based, or otherwise. And of course, the Select Committee's J6 Hearings are intended to get to the bottom of events instigated by criminals trying to keep their actions and communications hidden from view while a cornered Tr*mp is feeling extremely hostile (Neptune-sextile-Pluto -->> his natal Mars @26Leo) and may very well become a flight risk:

Lots of details are squooshed upon the chart; please enlarge or print for better viewing. Thanks! jc

Mars Return at 8:22:23 pm edt: Hour of Venus (in blue) at a critical-crisis 29th degree of fact-based Virgo (6th house) while popping out of the horoscope is the Uranus-North Node ('NN') conjunction rising (14Tau48) which is also the Inaugural Ascendant when US presidents are sworn into office (with starry Menkar rising: saying what must be said; victim of the Unconscious). Thus a midpoint picture forms of Uranus-NN = ASC: 'strong focus on changing the world; a need for feedback' (M. Munkasey). And of course, the Uranus-NN pairing relates to political reformers, new contacts, and/or excitable people sharing events (R. Ebertin).

Plus, balancing upon a cosmic limb, I suggest that the Uranus-NN/Moon-SN opposition across the ASC-DESC axis of this chart (the J6 hearing) karmically symbolizes Herr Tr*mp himself. Those familiar with his natal horoscope will know why for it's basically a cosmic echo of his Nodal Axis which contains his Sun Gemini-Moon Sagittarius opposition personality blend of the pied piper (same as Newt's: two Peter Pans, now cantankerous codgers). In addition, the Sun @5Lib51 conjuncts Tr*mp's natal 2nd house Neptune, shining a light on his fantasies and his flexible morals - let's say, ethics (driven by his deep love for gold and luxury).

So as you know, Mars Returns herald new 2-year cycles of activity and signal a busy, hectic period with a potential for chaotic or dangerous conditions including headaches. And with this Return being a three-fer for America, an extended period may be expected. By the third Return of March 1, 2023, the chart set for Washington DC shows Tr*mp's natal Uranus (@17Gem53, his 10th house 'guiding planet' of chaos and disruption) rising with Mars which suggests possibilities for accidents, danger, violence, explosions, and/or arrest (R. Ebertin) with focuses on finances and/or the occult.

Meanwhile, lurking in the horoscope you see above, are quite a few financial indicators with most of them highlighted in green. Jupiter, the politician and financier, remains retrograde ('Rx') until turning Direct on November 23, 2022 while the planet of hearings and testimony, Mercury the Messenger, turns Direct sooner - on October 2, 2022. Actually, the Mercury-Jupiter opposition forms a T-Square with Mars containing potentials for: "acting according to deliberation" (R. Ebertin); "anxieties reflected in dreams of anger or violence" (M. Munkasey).

Also note that on September 28, 2022, power planet of extreme wealth, nuclear power and secrets, Pluto, will rise with Scheat, star of misfortune, mayhem, and/or imprisonment. However, on a positive level, Scheat can provide literary ability, and notably, Pluto is involved with publishing which can be powerfully informative but may often promote propaganda and manipulative disinformation, a sneaky way of transforming minds and outcomes.

And mention is due of the April 30, 2022 6 North Solar Eclipse which remains in force into October with themes of 'relationship to authority figures; the need to take responsibility and control'; plus, 'commitments due to another person's illness or unreliability' (B. Brady). You see the eclipse listed in the political 12th house @10Tau28 - also the house of Large Institutions such as the US Congress, and earthy Taurus, a money sign. The 12th house also contains wounded Chiron Rx conjunct Alpheratz, and Jupiter Rx, apex of the Saturn-Uranus midpoint with a significant potential for "a sudden turn of destiny" (R. Ebertin).

As for the mundane Moon (We the People, the public; publicity) @14Sco10 and just setting, an inconjunct with wounded Chiron suggests that failure to serve either the Muse or the masses can result in extremely perilous conditions (R. Nolle). Both are at 14 degrees which indicates that karmic conditions are involved as with the Aries-Libra polarity intercepted across the 6/12 axis with its victim-savior issues. To me this means that participants should act accordingly within the realms of ethics and responsibility, and not simply for personal gain. That is, if karmic progress is a goal.

Note: Other planetary changes of direction coming in 2022: wealthy saboteur Pluto Direct on October 8, 2022 (here, conjunct Midheaven, the Goal Point, which spotlights America's surveilling Mercury-Pluto opposition - uncovering secrets since 1776: the Tr*mp stolen government documents fiasco is suggested); lawmaker Saturn Direct on October 23, 2022; and fraudulent, eroding gaslighter Neptune Direct on December 3, 2022.

Also informative is the Sun Libra-Moon Scorpio blend of energies operative during the September 28th J6 hearing for it's a mixture of social idealism and judicial detachment that involves issues of fairness vs personal gain (two of Tr*mp's favorites). Also indicated by this blend of conscious-unconscious energies are controversy, intellectual debate, and survival instincts (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey #ad). Perhaps most readers agree that comrade Tr*mp is fighting for his life. Meanwhile, his natal Jupiter in Libra cries out, "it's not fair!"

Then for the sake of comparison, you may wish to check the horoscope of the first public J6 Hearing where you'll see the above chart's 8th cusp (13Sag03) rising. This is the J6 Hearing that I titled, "A Gang of Robbers in Hiding" - and since the FBI search of Mar-a-Lago on August 8th we see that more than money was plundered from Washington by Herr Tr*mp and comrades. Because selling nuclear secrets must be a very profitable side business for an out-of-work, sore loser, disloyal president acting and pontificating as the figurehead of a global fascist movement determined to coup the US government.

So please: #VoteBlueToSaveDemocracy!

Aug 26, 2022

Tri-Wheel: America's Pluto Returns 2022

Our Cosmic Weather As Pluto Creeps Back Around

by Jude Cowell

First off, you may want to watch the Kepler Webinar presented by expert astrologer Gary Lorentzen concerning America's Powell Horoscope of July 1, 1776 if you've so far missed it. This US chart is set for 7:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA, the recorded time of the first majority vote for independence, a most significant moment in the founding of our nation.

Now previously on SO'W you may have run across posts concerning America's first-ever Pluto Return/s using one of our nation's several possible (and disputed!) July 4, 1776 horoscopes. But today I'm using the US Powell Horoscope with 1st house Pluto @27Cap37:05, a slightly different position than held by powerful Pluto in the July 4th charts.

Now a tri-wheel of all three Pluto Returns (set for Philadelphia since the Return planets and house cusps resonate more closely with the July 1, 1776 7:09 pm chart) but I'm posting a tri-wheel so that all three dates and times are displayed in case a curious reader wants to set up any or all of them. The Returns may also be relocated to Washington DC which makes very little difference with house cusps except for the December 30th charts which switch Ascendants from late Aries to early Taurus; no planets change house positions with either location:

Please enlarge or print the image for better viewing!

As you see, a few notes are penned on including the applicable Solar Eclipses. Return 1 fell under the auspices of the 5 New South Eclipse (in 2nd house, not highlighted in red) of December 4, 2021 @12Sag22 with its themes of 'benefits' and 'good news'. Return 2 in July came within the influence of the 6 North Solar Eclipse that perfected on April 20, 2022 @10Tau28 with themes of 'relationship to authority figures; accepting commitments' - in Taurus, this one has ruffled the actions of disruptive, chaotic Uranus in Taurus (the rebel and zealot) and through earthy Taurus involves finances, development, and environmental issues such as weather disasters.

Return 3 comes under the sway of the 6 South Solar Eclipse of October 25, 2022 @2Sco00 conjunct Venus (vicious when scorned). Themes include 'being forceful, taking power, manic energy and strength especially in group endeavors; sudden events.' (Paraphrasing B. Brady's Predictgive Astrology #ad).

As noted on the tri-wheel (lower left corner), 6 South is the Saros Series of the 'Nazis Rise to Power' Eclipse of August 31, 1932 @8Virgo, and the 6 South repetition on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio makes it the solar eclipse influencing our 2022 Midterms - elections which are all about taking power, as 6 South eclipse themes support. Unfortunately, as in 1932, cheating, deception, baldfaced lies, and barbaric threats could manage to alter and disrupt what should be our election outcomes which is why only a massive Blue Tsunami turnout of women and Millennial voters will save our democracy on November 8, 2022. The barbarians cannot take the field, my friends!

Cosmic Weather: February, July, December 2022 into 2023 and Beyond

Now here are brief notes concerning the Sun-Moon blends for each US Pluto Return, some of which may sound familiar - for me, the third blend's Images stand out due to the anti-democratic barbarians, seditionists, and financiers currently bedeviling America, so hate-filled and desperate to ruin everything as they are, and ruthlessly determined to seize power:

1. Sun Pisces-Moon Scorpio (double Water: subjectivism; emotionalism): "The agony and the ecstasy"; strong in adversity; complex emotions; weakness for sensationalism; gaining power through manipulation; Images for Integration: "Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath; Longfellow's poem The Secret of the Sea."

2. Sun Cancer-Moon Scorpio (double Water again): secretive, perceptive, self-centered; unafraid of the dark; undaunted by the truth; moody and magnetic; Images for Integration: "Under a full Moon an exorcist performs a life-giving ritual; the possession fades away and a child's life is saved...Whilst preparing his genealogical tree, a young man discovers the lost grave of his great-great-grandmother."

3. Sun Capricorn-Moon Aries (Earth-Fire: volcanoes and bulldozers): "I don't want a lawyer to tell me what I cannot do; I hire him to tell me how to do what I want to do," - J.P. Morgan, Sr; Willful; magnetic; action-oriented; intensely ambitious; rebellious; larger-than-life goals; shrewd and successful but emotionally bankrupt; the zealous entrepreneur; overly materialistic; Images for Integration: "A Roman city-state is attacked by barbarians but its solid walls keep the marauding bandits at bay...An impetuous entrepreneur persuades a conservative banker to back an ambitious project."

(Source: Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey #ad).

Aug 25, 2021

January 6, 2021 Planets link to US 1776 Horoscope

Some Call This a Revolution

by Jude Cowell with Chart Data by Gary Lorentzen

If google would cooperate by uploading the image, below you could view a quick posting of America's 'Powell Horoscope' of July 1, 1776 (inner) with the 2:15 pm est 'Trump Mob Attack' horoscope of January 6, 2021 in bi-wheel form and showing the amazing number of planetary contacts between them which are listed below the image. However, as a work-around the bi-wheel image has been posted to my general astrology blog Jude Cowell Astrology so I hope you'll check out the bi-wheel there.

Meanwhile, here's a list of the several planetary contacts between the January 6, 2021 planets and America's Powell Horoscope and naturally you may discover even more! Of course, we might also wish to call these cosmic synchronicities (via the 1/6 transits) 'Tr*mp vs America':

Beginning with the 1776 Ascendant (6Cap07) and first house and moving counter-clockwise:

Sun conjuncts Moon; Pluto opposes Mercury; Mercury conjuncts Pluto (emphasizing an intense double Mercury-Pluto situation); Neptune opposes Neptune; warrior Mars conjunct IC (plus Uranus the zealous anarchist now in 4th house of Homeland and Domestic Scene: a violent pairing); Ascendant conjunct Uranus; North Node conjunct Mars (and points toward the visionary 5 North Solar Eclipse of June 10, 2021 - now of influence; Moon opposes Chiron; Venus opposes Venus.

The amazing abundance of cosmic time links between the January 2021 and July 1776 planets makes me wonder if the 1/6 violent insurrectionists and saboteurs sent by Donald Tr*mp to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power to Joe Biden were acting under the influence of astrological guidance. Your thoughts?

A related post: Horoscope: US Syzygy Moon @10Cap11 which perfected on the morning of July 1, 1776.

Jan 27, 2021

Notes on America's Powell Chart for US Independence

January 27, 2021: As you know there are several possible founding horoscopes for America and all contain significant information about the era and its milestone events especially if studied as parts of a process. Jurisdictional Astrology addresses the three moments of origin involved in the founding of towns, cities, states, and countries: the moment of intent (decision to form), of first action (de facto), and legal incorporation (de jure).

The US Powell Horoscope of July 1, 1776 (7:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA) is based on the notes of participants such as John Adams and the moment of intent (first vote for independence) which is highly significant in regard to the founding of our nation.

Therefore, recommended is an awesome presentation by astrologer Gary Lorentzen concerning the Powell Chart for U.S. Independence for those who haven't checked it out previously. When Astrology combines with History, brilliance and deeper understanding result!

As for differences between the oft-used July 4,1776 chart/s and the Powell Chart of July 1, 1776, obviously there are a few. With Luna being the fastest moving cosmic body, the Moon on July 1, 1776 at 7:09 pm LMT clocks in @15Cap16 rather than Luna's usual Aquarius position of humanitarianism that most of us are accustomed to. The July 1st Sun @10Can32 (conjunct Sirius) gives America a Sun Cancer-Moon Capricorn blend and adds a Moon-Saturn square to our usual Sun-Saturn square (which improved as it matured). Formed, in fact, is a T-Square of Sun-Moon = Saturn influences that include potentials for: 'depression, repression, separation from the community, illness, divorce, renunciation, loneliness, relationship difficulties between the sexes, illness, joint or shared suffering, a weakened system', and, on a more positive note, a talent for 'addressing problems' (Ebertin; Tyl).

On another level, this dynamic T-Square describes the legislative body and laws (Saturn) that restrict (square) leadership (Sun) and We the People (Moon). Well, they do, don't they? Note that one thing the January 6th attempted coup would have effected was to end control and oversight of the president by the US Congress thus 'freeing' the Executive Branch from annoying restrictions, legislative and otherwise. In other words, we'd be stuck with the implementation of an authoritarian monarchy headed by one narcisistic despot. You-know-who. And he's still scheming against democracy from his golf club in Florida.

Karmic Saturn and the US Powell Horoscope

Now rather than the usual Jupiter-ruled sign of Sagittarius rising, the US Powell Horoscope shows 6Cap07 rising at 7:09 pm LMT - rising with fixed star Facies with the star's keywords that may give anyone pause: ruthlessness or the victim. My first thought about Facies rising is that it resonates with America's tendency to create opponents and enemies even where none exist, and Facies energy apparently adds fuel to what has become our nation's constant determination to fight perpetual war for global dominance (while neglecting the needs of We The People). Facies has a victim-savior quality (Virgo-Pisces) and here it expresses on the Cancer-Capricorn axis of Security concerns. One thinks of 'Homeland Security' as an ambitious model of Cancer-Capricorn energies.

Then Saturn as chart-ruler makes only one applying aspect: Saturn trine Uranus (5A57) which gives the US a bridge between generations where both past and present values can be melded so that a joining of historical perspective within the context of the present moment is successfully affected (Oken). In other words, inventiveness is added to common sense. However, as you know, the US and the world now labor under the difficult, rigid rays of a transiting Saturn-Uranus square (Aquarius SQ Taurus) with its rebellion against authority, law-unto-ourselves vibes. That America's natal Mars is retrograde by progression (in both our July 1st and July 4th progressed charts) adds to our problems with many of our males (Mars), military and otherwise, turning their aggressive energies inward (Rx) toward We The People. Unfortunately, the Rx of normally outgoing Mars constitutes a weakening influence for the next few decades. Our natal Mars in Gemini was mobile and ready for action while progressed Mars in Libra is about depending on feelings, emotions, and moods to lead the action. Unfortunately, Mars-rising Tr*mp was able to use this weakened condition for the purpose of expanding his power with his natal Jupiter conjunct US progressed Mars Rx (both @18Libra). Even a certain Libran laziness may be noted in some cases (his!) and in some circumstances - and yet we know that the Aries-Libra axis relates to diplomacy and to war. Meanwhile, Mars Rx inclinations toward gullibility and susceptibility to being led express willingly via Tr*mp's adoring fanatics and operatives.

Here, a personal note: my fervent hope is that our nation's 1776 Saturn-Uranus trine is helping mitigate the hate-filled, violent influences of the current old-order-to-new-order square which will eventually fade by late 2022! For if a Saturn-Uranus trine represents The Establishment and reason, may it continue to be so. Not that America can't or shouldn't change or update but I imagine that my Revolutionary ancestors would greatly appreciate their sacrifices not being in vain due to a draconian change of government to the monarchic authoritarianism they fought against. With our 1776 trine, our nation can successfully change and reform herself but we must fight against negative interference from inside and out. For as you know, America was set up to do just that. Then another feature in the US Powell Chart is its aspirational Midheaven @29Lib56; rounding up the degree to '30Libra' we have "Three Mounds of Knowledge on a Philosopher's Head." My first thought: Newton, Bacon, and Locke: a trinity of idols of The Enlightenment, aka, the Age of Reason - rather than being guided by out-of-control emotions such as those displayed by the Tr*mp Mob on January 6th.

So let's close with a consideration of the US Powell Chart's practical Water-Earth Sun Cancer-Moon Capricorn blend of conscious and unconscious energies. A dutiful, shrewd, responsible blend, Sun Can-Moon Cap contains strong family values and suggests a strong worldly father (Cancer, sign of nationalism, pariotism, and tribalism) plus a good, caring, reliable, and ambitious for her children mother (Capricorn). Even while quietly looking out for Number One, a hard bargain is often driven in the marketplace, and respect on the global stage results. An instinct for leadership is in evidence with this blend, organizational talents are obvious, but with a deep need for authority and control.

For more details see Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey. #ad