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Showing posts with label Mars-Neptune square. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mars-Neptune square. Show all posts

Sep 12, 2022

Year 2015: Our Trump Troubles Begin

DC Horoscope: Spring Equinox 2015 and the 'Prez Bid' New Moon of Misfortune

by Jude Cowell

As a cosmic signpost on America's path toward troublesome authoritarian issues of which Trump is merely a figurehead for what is actually a global fascist movement, anyone who expects the venerable practice of Astrology to explain when America's 'Trump Troubles' got up and running might appreciate the Spring Equinox 2015 Horoscope when the Sun hit the Aries Point of world events (an annual event) and conjoins Scheat, the star of misfortune.

Yet as you see in the horoscope, below, there's another feature of the Sun's entry into Mars-ruled Aries in Spring 2015: a midpoint picture formed that year with potentials for 'effective illusions and deceptions; a noted magician performs (M. Munkasey); and/or 'danger of infection; weakness' (R. Ebertin), among other possibilities upon which the Spring EQ 2015 Sun shone and activated. And perhaps, dear reader, we may agree that these potentials have been applicable to events during these last 7 years along with several other planetary factors you see here:

US Mars-Neptune Square On Display: Misguided Actions, Confusion, Fog of War

Ascending is America's natal Neptune with transit Neptune in Pisces opposing (clash of ideals, persecutions), square Midheaven, the Goal Point, conjunct US 1776 Mars in Gemini; Hour of Jupiter (in green, in Leo, and Rx in 11th house) with Jupiter prominent as the handle of a Bucket shape and ruling 4th and 7th houses. As you see, the IC @23Sag05, the Basis or Foundation of the Matter, presciently holds the 4 South Solar Eclipse which occurred on the day of the December 14, 2020 Electoral Vote Count, and lies at the heart of our turbulent, mercurial, Uranian Trump Troubles due to his sore loser 'Big Lie' refusal to accept reality.

Then Mercury in shady Pisces as chart and Midheaven ruler reveals the significance of communications, information, propaganda, oration/rhetoric, trade, commerce, and education to the proceedings with one applying aspect by quicksilver Mercury from its 6th house position (conjunct veiling Neptune: "The Illusionist" when conjunct - A. Oken) - and that's an opportunistic sextile with power planet Pluto, the saboteur. See lower left corner for a few details including Trump's tendency toward morbid thinking (which he seems to be feeling 'for real' now as grim reality knocks upon his door).

Meanwhile, the conjunction in 6th house points toward Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square of "The Sneaky Mind" (A.O.). Also see the center of the chart with Mercury inconjunct Jupiter: distorted perspectives (supported by unaspected Venus' unusual perspectives and loner status), plus, a tendency toward grandiosity: ya think?

So one reason to post this horoscope in September 2022 is to note that Trump's 'prez bid' New Moon @25Gem07 conjunct Mars (violent, headstrong) which perfected on the morning of June 16, 2015 occurred within the Spring 2015 season (and is listed on the chart, middle right, highlighted in orange, like a fake tan on an old man). Of course, you remember the morning of his Escalator Descent at Trump Tower NYC to announce his 2016 campaign for president to a paid audience, $50 a head, to express his vile bigotry as a signal to "his people".

Uranian Trump

Now this 2015 Gemini New Moon fell between Trump's 10th house Uranus-NN-Sun trio in Gemini and it started a cosmic clock (New Moon, new cycle) by activating the degree of the 1781 Discovery of Uranus, America's totem planet of freedom, independence, rebellion, protest, disruption, and - most importantly to Trump - chaos.

And America has been yoked to the orange blighter ever since.

Previously on SO'W: Trump's 'Prez Bid' Solar Eclipse @29Pis27: 17 South which perfected March 20, 2015 at 5:36 am edt (hours before the chart shown, above) with karmic Saturn Rx at Midheaven, often a 'downfall' indication if timekeeper Saturn's demands for responsibility, accountability, and doing one's duty are ignored.

And such is Donald Trump.

Dec 18, 2021

Astro-Notes: An American Tragedy of Mass Delusion

by Jude Cowell

Saturday December 18, 2021

With a chunk of the US population suffering from the negative effects of what Dr. Carl Jung termed, "delusional ideas," a look at certain astrological implications might reveal what lurks beneath and within the veil. For this I'm using a US Horoscope, a July 4, 1776 version, which I may never have published here before but there's a reason: the Moon falls @23AQ12 which moves the mundane Moon (We The People) closer than in most other July 4th charts to an inconjunct with nebulous Neptune (@22Vir24). Plus, Neptune is rising at 10:36 am LMT, (as you see, below) which places US Mars @21Gem11 conjunct Midheaven ('MC' = The Goal, our warrior selves), making our national Mars-Neptune square Angular, thus prominent and active.

Now as you remember, America's natal Mars-Neptune square is well known for causing problems domestically and abroad, not the least of which involve the Neptunian realms of The Unconscious which tend toward inspiration on a good day - the Divine Source - but may often bring delusion, deception, confusion, corruption, misunderstanding, weakness, erosion, loss, and/or disappointment. Plus, misguided actions, misdirected energy, self-destructive motivation, and 'the fog of war' can so easily result from the mishandling of a Mars-Neptune square. And has. After all, refusing to deal with reality makes eventual self-destruction almost a certainty - unless we pull out of it. So let's look at --

A Moon-Neptune Veil Within and Surrounding America

"Greater than all physical dangers are the tremendous effects of delusional ideas which are yet denied all reality by our world-blinded consciousness. Our much vaunted reason and boundlessly overestimated will are sometimes utterly powerless in the face of 'unreal' thoughts." - Dr. Carl Jung, speaking about America which he identified as prone to societal breakdown "due to mass delusion" and this is where we find ourselves today - with enemies who take advantage of our weakened condition, purposefully made worse by saboteurs.

But We The People do not have to accept this even though the erosion began years ago, much of it with the 1981 Inauguration of Reagan. But it's only now that a greater number of citizens recognize the significance of our psychological/emotional problems and the practical issues that illusion and delusion impact in 'the real world' - delusions such as 'Neoliberalism', financial scam that it is. For as you know, facing our monsters realistically in the light of day is the only way to vanquish them, otherwise they grow and multiply. Which means that we have approximately 2/3 of the US population able and willing (?!) to engage!

Now you've probably read articles about this topic such as Salon's December 14, 2021 piece by Nicole Karlis tentatively entitled, Is America experiencing mass psychosis? to which I must answer, Yes - too many of us are, about one third. And transit Neptune - floating through its own sign of shady Pisces since 2012 - and within orb of opposing US Neptune in Virgo since 2019 - has not helped psychological conditions or the health of the Neptunian Collective Unconscious at all. And of course, contagious Neptune in Pisces is a cosmic signature attributed to the Republican Party of 1854.

In addition, astrological Neptune is known as the planet of the masses and of mass media whose members so often promote the deceptive propaganda and the gaslighting that corrupt politicians and their enablers depend upon for waging political campaigns, staying in office, and lining their pockets, perhaps by fraudulent schemes. You know how they do.

So for this particular study of mass delusion, aka, mass psychosis or "delusional ideas" of folks living in fantasyland, let's consider the duo of Moon (the people, the public, public mood, public trends) and Neptune (the masses, delusion, deception, creativity, inspiration, spirituality, the urge to merge). Of course, the Moon-Pluto pair ('public; psychology/ manipulation') is also involved but for brevity's sake, let's focus this post on Moon-Neptune which also relates to the current state in the US of Evangelicals and other religious types longing for Theocracy in America, but that's a Neptunian topic quite beyond the scope of this post.

Horoscope: America (via Zip Dobyns) set for July 4, 1776 10:36 am LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania:

Highlighted in green is a YOD pattern ('Finger of God': a special task, turning point, crisis, karmic opportunity, and/or health issues); the YOD/s are penned, upper right, and notated with a few midpoint picture potentials within the YOD/s which involve 'deception of the people, misguided imaginations, and/or erroneous judgments based on feelings'. Naturally, taking action based on 'gut feelings' is implied while logic and reason are bypassed. Such tendencies in the American character have been taken advantage of for decades (or centuries!) but the current crop of politicians and political operatives in the US have taken such exploitation to a higher (lower) level, a 'professional' level for those who take Moon-Neptune conditions as having anything to reveal about mass delusion, fantasy worlds, and erroneous judgments based on incorrect perceptions and assumptions.

Plus, when the Moon is apex planet in a YOD pattern, faulty assimilation of impressions is a major issue and out-of-tune reactions are typical. But with the Moon's traditional role as a timing device (as is a YOD), we can hope that Luna's fluctuating nature helps lead to a destined change at just the right moment so that freedom from the negative images of the past can occur and the basic needs of the populace allows nurturing so that the interests of the weaker among us are uplifted. I believe the Moon's positive course is what our Democratic president represents because with 'the old guy', we'd still be stuck at the crossroads of the YOD, unsure which path to take while fearing that destructive 'solutions' and events were America's only possibilities. We can leave the orange menace behind - unless a well-deserved mugshot turns up!

Now as you see, the horoscope's ruler is the 10th house Mercury Rx (Rx because Mercury, planet of signing, documents, negotiations, oration, and planning) signifies that the Founders actually completed signing the Declaration of Independence on August 2, 1776 with Mercury direct, a better cosmic condition than a retrograde Mercury. Therefore, the August 2nd signing was in a sense a "do-over" (Rx).

So it's the sextile between Mercury and Neptune that forms the base of the YOD pattern/s (Mercury also sextiles the Virgo Ascendant which is not technically a YOD but the midpoint picture of 'Mercury-ASC = Moon' still applies). See lower left, for brief notes on the Mercury-Neptune sextile involving tendencies toward obfuscation, fantasy-infused thinking vs practicality or pragmatism, and denotes those with a 'talent for hypnosis'. You'll remember the troubles We The People have - are having - with fantasy-prone, truth-challenged Herr Tr*mp's natal Mercury-Neptune square making things even worse than they have to be. Of course, he's known for his controversial rhetoric filled with lies, misperceptions, and the ability to instigate angry people into taking action. That's people who have soaked up his negative emotions - with little if any thought for the consequences.

Then if we progress this chart to Election Day 2024, we find a Moon-Neptune opposition which suggests veils of illusion, clouds of delusion, misguided perception, foggy thinking, falsehoods, and gullible folk who accept whatever tall tales they're told.

Because basically, Moon-Neptune denotes potentials for subconscious phenomena, refined, feelings, over-sensitivity, faulty assimilation, strange notions, fanciful imaginings, exploitation, disturbed awareness or consciousness, vivid dream experiences, but also sympathy (R. Ebertin). Yet separating real from unreal is a difficulty for those heavily influenced by this planetary pair, and self-confidence tends to be either lacking or may express in an off-and-on manner.

Then a glance at the planets on Election Day 2024 (Nov 5th, 8:00 am est; notated lower right) and - what are the chances? - a transiting Moon-Neptune square turns up (28Sag/27Pisces) as voting begins (at 8:00 am in most locations) which suggests potentials for: 'hallucinations, misinformation-disinformation' (campaign propaganda and promises), 'misplaced blame, misunderstandings, falsehoods, mistakes, peculiar dreams, cloudy perception, deception toward society, and confused emotions'. Yes, media disinformation is suggested as well with the square, broadcasts that we all may hear but don't have to act upon, and there's a potential for large numbers of voters not turning up - or, for a large (Neptune) blue wave (Moon) to block (square) Republicans' 'success-at-any-cost' tactics and dirty tricks (the party's Neptune in Pisces).

As for the 1776 inconjunct (or, quincunx) it's possible that activist Mars @21Gemini conjunct MC aids the Moon-Neptune inconjunct by trining the Moon. This can indicate that not every American is prone or gullible to such mass delusion (ex: crazy conspiracy theories), a very good thing you'll agree. Or at least, reason and logic still can have a chance with them! Meanwhile, 'imaginary patriotism' may shelter underneath the Moon-Neptune umbrella as well and we've certainly seen evidence of it expressed plentifully by our fantasy-led crowd of insurgents and the pretenders of the political class who gaslight them - and gaslight all of us if we allow it.

So in closing, it would be remiss not to add for you the Moon-Neptune duo in Politics and Business as listed by master astrologer Michael Munkasey in Hegelian Dialectic form in his book, Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets (#ad). You'll note that Luna's traditional connection with food, nutrition, and sustenance plays a part:

"Thesis: Production of chemicals, oil, food, or manufactured goods; dreams about agricultural produce, production, or policy; a leadership which heeds the opinions and emotional climate of its constituents" (in order to manipulate them or better serve them? - jc).

"Antithesis: Delusion about the popular support for current policies; an inability to utilize information about the moods of the people when setting the courses of actions; scandals involving production or other quotas."

So do check out the Moon-Neptune combo of energies in any version of the US chart you prefer. For one, the 'Powell Horoscope" of July 1, 1776 7:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA shows no YOD but does show a Moon-Neptune trine (7A05) from Moon @15Cap16 in 1st house to 8th house Neptune Rx @20Vir22 (ASC 6Cap07) suggesting the possibility of feminine influences upon the proceedings, and positive benefits from the spiritual realms for those receptive to such higher vibrations, and these are cosmically supported by America's Neptune-Pluto trine of 1776.

Mar 8, 2021

May 2021 Neptune opposes US Neptune: Ideals and Immune Systems

March 8, 2021: Virgo Sign of Health - and Employment

by Jude Cowell

Below is a DC Horoscope for the moment on May 1, 2021 10:44:49 pm EDT that 2021 Neptune opposes US natal Neptune (22Pis25 vs 22Vir25) across the victim-savior axis of Virgo-Pisces. This is the first of three such oppositions, the others are listed in the text, below. Also prominent in this horoscope and relating directly to Health concerns, plus, Neptunian spirituality, is the Moon-North-Node midpoint ('Moon-NN' = Immune System; Spiritual Unions) conjunct the globally significant Aries Point ('AP') which conjuncts the 1776 IC 00Ari47, the Basis, Foundation, or Root of the Matter. Yes, this is a global phenomenon ('AP') for Gaia's 'immune system' of defense has also been weakened, as you know.

Note: Use of one or the other US horoscopes would naturally yield different timing results, but this is the chart (center) that I tend to use most often (July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA) for America even though the hour is a bit on the late side and the Founders were likely having dinner by then!

Please enlarge the image if you wish to read my study notes. Listed transits include:

2021 Pluto oppo US natal Mercury Rx across the 2/8 financial axis, 2021 Jupiter conjunct US natal Moon (We The People: $?), 2021 Moon-Mercury midpoint = 1776 Neptune and opposing US natal Neptune; 2021 Mars conjunct 1776 Jupiter; and 1776 Saturn-Neptune midpoint (the illness axis, also social welfare) conjunct 2021 Midheaven ('MC'). Potentials of transits and midpoint pictures are sprinkled around the bi-wheel as are a few details concerning the Neptune-opposite-Neptune transit, highlighted in blue. Plus, the Saturn-Neptune duo relates to systems such as Socialism, Communism, Marxism, Zionism, Capitalism, and other such manmade -isms.

And note that therefore 2021 Neptune squares US natal Mars (@21Gem22 in natal 7th house) which activates our 1776 Mars-Neptune square, and suggests a period of potentials such as fevers, headaches, infections, weakness, exploitation, harm, paralyzed activity, healthcare and hospital issues, scandals involving the Armed Forces, the 'fog of war', and/or industrial espionage (Ebertin). These are already expressing, aren't they? Financial issues are also found in the chart but this post isn't for that, although I should point out that the 2021 North Node of destiny @11Gem03 points toward 2021 Midas as the gold-lover sits between the 1776 Descendant axis of Partnerships (12Gem08) and the 2021 Descendant (15Gem54). And as you know, Midas is most often retrograde but on May 1, 2021 it is not. Obviously, finances are involved in both health and employment issues and the much-needed passage and signing of a Covid Relief Bill is apparently on America's 'path' (NN) - perhaps to be achieved this week. Meanwhile, in the realms of higher or lower ideals, Neptune vs Neptune = materialism vs spiritualism. The choice is yours! It may help that the cosmic weather on May 1st is a practical Earth blend of Sun Taurus-Moon Capricorn, a reliable combination of energies with a paternal concern for those in need! And this is the natal personality blend of President James Monroe (RR: C) born in 1758 with a Mars-Neptune conjunction in Leo - and throughout his life James was on the sickly side.

And so I'm suggesting that 'weakness' includes weakened immune systems, plus, our natal Neptune in Virgo, sign of Health but also of Work, hints at our current employment-unemployment conditions and weaknesses. Trusting the numbers isn't easy, is it? Well, we know that the undermining function of Neptune in its own sign of Pisces has been at work for some time at work and within our immune systems.

Now the three oppositions of transit Neptune to US natal Neptune are penned upon the chart but, to close, I'll type the list for you here as well:

1. May 1, 2021; 2. August 21, 2021; 3. March 1, 2022.

Please stay safe and well everyone! jc