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Dec 18, 2022

Re: Those Negative Nabobs of Neptune

by Jude Cowell

Since transit Neptune in shady Pisces remains within orb of opposing US 1776 Neptune in fact-based Virgo (22Vir25; clash of ideologies; plus, racial and other persecutions), I felt compelled to look back at the 1854 Republican Party's Neptune Return of December 29, 2018 (14Pis01; last return in a series due to the Gaseous Giant's retrograde periods), and marvelled at how much information can be found in the conspiratorial party's Neptune Return Horoscope, information that continues to apply today, and which will affect the very significant Election Day 2024 (basically, a Mars Return for Vatican II, a Neptunian endeavor in more ways than one).

So by the end of 2018 into 2019 (depending on which founding data you use for the R-party to calculate return charts) a one-hundred-sixty-four-year cycle completed and a new cycle of Neptunian enterprise and underhanded schemes began for the win-at-any-cost organization of saboteurs demanding control of the US government as they work under the imprint of fascism and nazism - against democracy and the US Constitution. Besides: we learned from frowny face Mussolini years ago that statism + corporatism = fascism, so basically, America is practically, if not formally, there.

And all getting a hoof-hold under Trumpism which has enabled the R-party to throw off any previous facade of courtesy or decency and reveal its true nature of violence, greed, misogyny, and malevolent bigotry. And they operate under the delusion that violent white "supremacy" is a step up on the evolutionary ladder of humanity (!) when it's actually the lowest of the low: primal violence and barbaric animalism. Can it be any more obvious that the destructive spirit roams the Earth?

So I'm guessing that the R-party's first-ever Neptune Return spotlights several of Neptune's realms and tricks such as masks and disguises so that the GOP's frilly underpants now show to an alarming degree. Euw.

Meanwhile, on December 19, 2018 we discussed here The Long Shadow of Neptune in Pisces which, as noted, has yet to come to a close, however lingering and drawn out its 'cease and desist' period may prove to be. But naturally, we can't expect that gas lighting Neptune's undermining effects of fraud and sabotage will end with a snap - but with more of a wimper and fade. Even so, if yours truly is around by then, I look forward to transit Neptune in Mars-ruled Aries, a period also containing confusion, but which may harbor greater concern for the social welfare of society, something long missing from the Republican Party's arsenal of austerity, objectivism, intolerance, and totalitarianism.

As we now see, all Republicans have to offer is what no one wants!

So we should note that transit Neptune first enters Aries at the very end of March 2025, then slips back into contagious, mystical Pisces in October until re-entering Aries in late January 2026.

Then will it possible with the urge-to-merge planet in action-oriented Aries that the common good could receive a boost from Neptune's compassionate side? We must hope so for the sake of all humanity.

A Related Post: DC Horoscope: 118th Congress Opens January 3, 2023 with 'The Conspiracy Party' in charge of the people's House and performing a master class in clownishness and non-governing from their sorry-bummed menu of mis-rule and showing their obssession over Hunter Biden with which they hope to gas light the American public into worrying about 'Hunter's laptop' more than the criminality of the GOP.

Above: NASA photo of planet Neptune.

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