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Showing posts with label Republican Party's Neptune Return. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Republican Party's Neptune Return. Show all posts

Mar 18, 2024

Homeland Security Department: Erosion

Homeland Security an Entity of Revenge

by Jude Cowell

Several moons ago on Jude's Threshold, my WordPress blog, I published a Homeland Security Department Horoscope set for November 25, 2002 1:44 pm est Washington DC with 27Pis29 rising. Since then I've discovered an alternate timing for the entity in my files of 1:46 pm est with 28Pis19 rising and 29Sag05 at Goal Point ('MC', at "The Pope Blessing the Faithful" degree). Any reader having more accurate data, please leave it in a comment with this post, and thanks!

Meanwhile, 'HoSec' operations began on March 1, 2003 with the agency created in "response" to the attacks of September 11, 2001. This is the reason the subtitle of this post is Entity of Revenge. But it was misguided revenge as it turned out since invading Afghanistan and then Iraq showed bad aim by the Bush-Cheney administration - and America's foggy, misdirected 1776 Mars-Neptune square of erroneous inspiration was utilized once again. Even our attackers on 9/11/01 had better aim than Dubya, at least in part, with one plane going down in Pennsylvania, thanks to the actions of its courageous passengers.

Shady Neptune in Secretive Pisces

Now anyone keeping up with the path of nebulous Neptune through its own sign of oceanic Pisces knows that today's position of the gaseous giant is @27Pis24. Therefore, a Neptune-to-Ascendant transit is in progress (and has been for some time) for the Homeland Security Department. This relates to our country's national security, and to its weakened condition brought along by classified and other documents purloined, shared, and probably sold to the highest bidder by the orange denizen of Mar-a-Lago. So on one level, Neptune-to-Ascendant is symbolic of our society's current condition of susceptibility to negative forces of subversion, deception, and fraud, both internally and externally.

Then you may have seen a Rolling Stone headline in July 2023 that Maga Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene, Will Sit on the Homeland Security Committee, flame-throwing conspiracy buff, non-legislating, QAnon supporter as she is. Here's a previous post concerning Ms. Greene and her Prenatal Solar Eclipse. No birth time is known for my fellow Georgian, last I checked, so this is all I've bothered posting about her nibs.

Potentials of Transit Neptune to Ascendant Include:

Gradual erosion of image, weakened trust, difficulty maintaining position or status; sense of helplessness, confusion, mystery; failure for unknown reasons; impracticality; loss of reality; lack of stamina; used as a tool for selfish interests; can identify crooks, liars, and insincere people (J. Skalka).

Now above you see a list of the November 25, 2002 midpoint pictures and their potential expressions to provide a view of the planetary energies of the day and the entity. Also listed is the Solar Eclipse of influence, the 4 North and its themes of restriction, illusion, and misjudgment. Please enlarge the image to read the rest.

Previously appearing on SO'W: The Conspiracy Party and Its Neptune Return to mid-Pisces - to the extent that there's anything left of the GOP now that Herr T has had his way eroding it into a death cult of personality.

Moral of the story: Vote Blue on November 5, 2024.

Dec 18, 2022

Re: Those Negative Nabobs of Neptune

by Jude Cowell

Since transit Neptune in shady Pisces remains within orb of opposing US 1776 Neptune in fact-based Virgo (22Vir25; clash of ideologies; plus, racial and other persecutions), I felt compelled to look back at the 1854 Republican Party's Neptune Return of December 29, 2018 (14Pis01; last return in a series due to the Gaseous Giant's retrograde periods), and marvelled at how much information can be found in the conspiratorial party's Neptune Return Horoscope, information that continues to apply today, and which will affect the very significant Election Day 2024 (basically, a Mars Return for Vatican II, a Neptunian endeavor in more ways than one).

So by the end of 2018 into 2019 (depending on which founding data you use for the R-party to calculate return charts) a one-hundred-sixty-four-year cycle completed and a new cycle of Neptunian enterprise and underhanded schemes began for the win-at-any-cost organization of saboteurs demanding control of the US government as they work under the imprint of fascism and nazism - against democracy and the US Constitution. Besides: we learned from frowny face Mussolini years ago that statism + corporatism = fascism, so basically, America is practically, if not formally, there.

And all getting a hoof-hold under Trumpism which has enabled the R-party to throw off any previous facade of courtesy or decency and reveal its true nature of violence, greed, misogyny, and malevolent bigotry. And they operate under the delusion that violent white "supremacy" is a step up on the evolutionary ladder of humanity (!) when it's actually the lowest of the low: primal violence and barbaric animalism. Can it be any more obvious that the destructive spirit roams the Earth?

So I'm guessing that the R-party's first-ever Neptune Return spotlights several of Neptune's realms and tricks such as masks and disguises so that the GOP's frilly underpants now show to an alarming degree. Euw.

Meanwhile, on December 19, 2018 we discussed here The Long Shadow of Neptune in Pisces which, as noted, has yet to come to a close, however lingering and drawn out its 'cease and desist' period may prove to be. But naturally, we can't expect that gas lighting Neptune's undermining effects of fraud and sabotage will end with a snap - but with more of a wimper and fade. Even so, if yours truly is around by then, I look forward to transit Neptune in Mars-ruled Aries, a period also containing confusion, but which may harbor greater concern for the social welfare of society, something long missing from the Republican Party's arsenal of austerity, objectivism, intolerance, and totalitarianism.

As we now see, all Republicans have to offer is what no one wants!

So we should note that transit Neptune first enters Aries at the very end of March 2025, then slips back into contagious, mystical Pisces in October until re-entering Aries in late January 2026.

Then will it possible with the urge-to-merge planet in action-oriented Aries that the common good could receive a boost from Neptune's compassionate side? We must hope so for the sake of all humanity.

A Related Post: DC Horoscope: 118th Congress Opens January 3, 2023 with 'The Conspiracy Party' in charge of the people's House and performing a master class in clownishness and non-governing from their sorry-bummed menu of mis-rule and showing their obssession over Hunter Biden with which they hope to gas light the American public into worrying about 'Hunter's laptop' more than the criminality of the GOP.

Above: NASA photo of planet Neptune.

Feb 15, 2022

Does the GOP Have Any Future? - Thom Hartmann (plus, Uranus-Neptune)

February 15, 2022

Here in a recent segment from the Thom Hartmann program is a timely question from Thom that you and I may want to consider:


True Identity Uncertain: Neptune's Urge to Merge

1854 (party founded) + 164 years (Neptune's orbit) = 2018

Naturally as a novice astrologer, Thom's question causes me to think back to recent times when the Republican Party experienced its first-ever Neptune Return, an extended period due to planet Neptune's retrogradation habit with exact return dates dependent upon which founding horoscope for the party one uses. Was the dissolution function of Neptune, planet of deception, lies, and fraud, a cosmic signpost on the road to the GOP's current merging into whatever the Hades it's become, nazi or otherwise, under figure-head mobster Tr*mp, his thugs, and wealthy puppet masters, both foreign and domestic?

Meanwhile, as the Cosmos would have it, April 2021 timed the Republican Party's Uranus Return with radical Uranus, planet of rebellion, change, reform, upheaval, anarchy, technology, and - futurism - in rigid Taurus, often a sign of intolerance and greed. Check out astrologer Zeebling Monroe as he shares his views on the topic.

Well, I have to say that major changes of and by the outer planetary pair of Uranus-Neptune is no superficial matter. Together, Reinhold Ebertin gives the duo quite a curious list of Correspondences as potentials, and I quote:

Principle Elimination of the Waking Consciousness


+ The development and growth of subconscious powers or forces, inner vision, inner illumination and enlightenment, inspiration, idealism, an interest in spiritual subjects, religious problems, mysticism, art.

- Lack of control of the waking consciousness leads to want of clarity. Instability, lack of emotional balance, nervous sensitivity, wrong ideas, one-sidedness.

C (onjunction)

Extraordinary and unusual inclinations.


Mystics, people engaged in psychic research, mediums.

Probable Manifestations

+ Peculiar psychic states, inspiration, spiritual cognition and understanding. Long journeys. (Contacts with foreign countries.)

- Lack of stamina and vitality, confused psychic states, peculiar inclinations, losses.

Additionally, Ebertin also gives the planetary pair Biological Correspondences which include heart failure, paralysis of rhythmic processes, and/or apoplexy of the brain. (Perhaps an uncaring cold-heartedness belongs on the list.)

Then we should also note that Uranus and Neptune are the 'Enlightenment Planets' of the 1700s ('The Age of Reason'; Science vs Faith), and in our era are associated with the 'new world order', aka, 'One World Government', a long-term plan of craven social meddlers. As you know, the two planets met in Great Conjunction three times all through 1993 @18Capricorn (18 to 20 degrees, actually), the degree area of the Zodiac which transit Pluto transformed in 2017 (arriving with Herr Tr*mp and his handlers) because a major midpoint picture was formed by the trio, one that has been mentioned multiple times in previous SO'W posts when societal conditions were not as stark and down-to-the-wire as they now are shown to be:

Uranus-Neptune = transit Pluto: "The big picture commands a certain course of action which must be followed; very little option to do otherwise" (Solar Arcs, Noel Tyl). Could that be a 'new world order' one supposes? A turn from democracy to authoritarianism? Here's my version of the 1993 NWO Horoscope set for October 24th Washington DC. Of interest is that the October 24th Sun in this chart will be eclipsed on October 25, 2022 with 6 South eclipse themes of 'being forceful, taking power' and 'exerting huge effort in group activity' (B. Brady). 6 South energy is known to be manic, so please be aware.

Well, an additional clue did appear when a new social order began when societal planets Jupiter and Saturn conjoined @00AQ29 on December 21, 2020 - conjunct US Inaugural Sun! Of course, a desperate Tr*mp was still playing at the role of POTUS then and Ebertin says the planetary trio's midpoint picture = change of residence and moodiness due to liver disturbance. But as you know, that's not all that disturbed the wide-girthed sore loser after the November 2020 presidential election and the Electoral College Vote in favor of Joe Biden on December 14th, the day of a difficult 4 South Solar Eclipse @23Sag08 manifesting near Tr*mp's separative Moon-SN conjunction of unpopularity when negatively expressed (childhood estrangement from Mama can do difficult things to a person).

So now in closing, I must add that there's no solace in the Sabian Symbol for 18 Capricorn although its negative expression does precisely describe the authoritarian mindset of the plutonian 'Republican' Party and their enablers of various persuasions: "smug or strong-armed paternalism."

Sound bossy enough for you?

Sources: The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin; The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones. #ad

Sep 2, 2020

Sept 2020 Pisces Full Moon Echoes the 2016 Eclipse

September 2, 2020 Pisces Full Moon A Cosmic Echo of Campaign 2016 Eclipse

The just culminated September 2, 2020 Full Moon @10Pis12 (1:22 am edt) has inspired this belated post, soggy with Piscean Neptunian vibes, and noting that the current Full Moon is by degree a culmination of the 2016 19 North Solar Eclipse, a New Moon.

That my natal Moon is in Pisces is of no consequence for we're talking politics, that "organized system of hatreds." Add the fact that the more potent Full Moons often act as Lunar Eclipses, revealing secrets and leaking inconvenient facts, with New Moons doing much the same as Solar Eclipses - and all acting as disruptive Uranian cosmic blinks and wild cards of the Universe.

In consideration of all this, we, dear reader, have issues to discuss.

To begin, here's an updated post from 2018 showing the 19 North Solar Eclipse of September 1, 2016 which heralded The Prevaricator, the deadbeat playboy who subsequently insinuated himself into the White House with lots of help from both domestic and foreign enablers, aka, saboteurs. Opposing the 2016 Eclipse was transit Neptune @10Pisces, planet of deception, fraud, propaganda, the media, gaslighting, and other subversive activities. Perhaps you agree that America's political scene has tended to be chocked full of Neptunian concerns - now including contagion - since Day One but Trump and his conspiracy party, formerly known as the Republican Party, upped the anti on corruption, deceit, disguises, impractical campaign promises, and grand schemes. For a majority of people it's no surprise that disappointment and distrust soon followed.

Thing is, solar eclipses in the 19 North Saros Series always call for realism and tackling the truth but with nebulous Neptune opposing its themes, the 2016 Eclipse didn't stand a chance with bad faith actors willing to take advantage of the situation by confusing issues and denying any truth that was inconvenient for their power-grabbing purposes. A massive disinformation campaign was waged against the American voter. And it worked with abundant help from the media, mainstream and alternative.

Included in the long-range plan of sabotage now so obviously being implemented was the Neptunian hollowing out of the US government, its systems, offices, and institutions, bwo their long-held goal of decreasing our government's size until it could be "drowned in a bathtub" (as Grover Norquist so poetically phrased it once upon a time--check out his Neptune-infused natal chart and two linked articles therein that use words of Neptune: eerie influence and banishment!). And of course, that's a bath tub filled with Neptunian water. Disguised or not, wearing masks or not, the 'Neptune-in-Pisces political party' is obviously the Republican Party, formed in 1854, the last period when Neptune was traversing Pisces. The party's recent Neptune Return/s (during the 'Trump era') have been previously discussed multiple times here on SO'W and you'll note that the timing is quite suggestive since the 1854 era is the period the Republican Party would like our nation to regress to - and it's no coincidence that Campaign 2020 is again a Neptunian affair full of scandals, corruption, Trump's cries of "hoax" and "fake media", fraud, conspiracies, and constant challenges to the truth.

Yet despite it all, current problems and conditions of failure and loss in the US and in the world cannot be laid only upon Trump's or the Republicans' doorsteps because there are larger forces and cycles of a subversive nature at work. These are, however, beyond the scope of this meager post other than to add a link to a recent effort which partially involves the 'big picture' as social tinkerers and meddlers ready to meet at Davos concerning their global "reset agenda" - rescheduled from January 2021 to
Summer 2021

And this expectably draconian economic reset agenda is most likely the main reason for the global pandemic that has been used as a weapon to sabotage the world, weaken the 'old order', depopulate and 'purify' the masses, and establish a 'new world order' to replace the post-WWII Bretton Woods Treaty while also superseding America's 'New Order of 1776' (now grown stale for the elite class of bossy one-percenters who let no crisis go to waste).

Significantly, it's an 'order' that will be cosmically timed and supported by the December 21, 2020 Great Conjunction of Societal Planets Jupiter and Saturn @00Aquarius which lands with cosmic precision upon US POTUS Sun. Here's the midpoint picture that forms...

Jupiter-Saturn = Sun: "Taking destiny into one's own hands; major changes according to plan; or, if nothing has been prepared, becoming gripped by the status quo and having to make the best of things." (Tyl).

Now as you know, where POTUS goes so goes America. And my suspicious nature asserts that the status quo is what's under assault - and yes, something has definitely been planned. Yet hope for the best springs eternal and their plan's ultimate success or failure remains to be seen, with perhaps some mixture of both. So until the world is let in on what's to become of us all, I hope you stay safe, well, and defiant against undermining forces, dear reader!

Above drawing: 'The Two Fishes of Pisces' by yours truly; "--that organized system of hatreds" from a quote by Henry B. Adams.

Aug 3, 2019

Dissolving Neptune and the Republican Party in 2019

August 3 2019: With multiple Republican congressmen retiring from what's become the 'Party of Trump' anyone could be forgiven for blaming The Long Shadow of Neptune for such losses and disapearances along with the fact that a recent Neptune Return (a five-fer actually) has occurred for the 164-year-old Republican Party which formed March 20, 1854 in Ripon, Wisconsin with Neptune @14Pis01.

For as you know, dissolving Neptune disintegrates, undermines, and weakens most easily when floating through its own sign of watery Pisces and can bring inspiration, yes, or the urge-to-merge planet can conjure negatives such as pathological tendencies, propaganda, lies, self-delusion, disguises, pessimism, contagion, fear, and paranoia in its wake--and as we see with retiring Republican congressmen and other issues of loss, Neptune is apparently flooding the GOP.

So as illustrated by the image of my drawing, above, when it comes to the Republican Party in 2019, Neptune Ascends and what will be left of the party once the washing away is done who can say? Here's one guess: snivelers and sycophants?

Mar 4, 2019

Political Pundits Catch up with Astrology on the GOP!

Neptune in Pisces and the Disappearing GOP

by Jude Cowell

After hearing Trump's recent 'unhinged' and rambling rant at CPAC 2019, GOP strategist Rick Tyler says "it's over," for the Republican Party, "Rest in peace." Mr. Tyler predicts that once Donald Trump passes on there will be no party left which is unfortunate yet interesting since Astrology has been saying that very thing for years now as evidenced by the party's recent Neptune Return/s (2017-2018), with the last of five conjunctions perfecting on December 29, 2018! (See link, below.)

For as all astrologers know, the urge-to-merge energies of astrological Neptune, although sometimes inspiring, uplifting, and compassionate, can erode, dissolve, undermine, confuse, ruin, poison, infect, conspire, obfuscate, hide, mask, disguise, propagandize, spy, falsify, fantasize, cheat, defraud, idealize, demagogue, disappoint, disillusion, disappear, lie, mislead, doubt, disrespect, lose, steal, pilfer, rob, waste, and/or weaken whatever it touches or affects.

And since the Republican Party was founded in 1854 with Neptune @14Pis01, the party's nature on the inspirational level may not have been as grounded as it now turns out was needed in order for the political party to last more than 164 years (the approximate length of Neptune's orbital period), or perhaps a certain amount of dishonesty, fraud, masking, or wrong ideas were involved all along. Whatever the original cause, transit Neptune floating through its own sign of Pisces has provided determined forces a perfect opportunity to undermine, erode, weaken, and morph the party into the Trump-infused entity we now find squirming in his grasp, its end lamented by many.

Yet did things have to be this way for the Republican Party? No! For in Pisces there is always a choice of direction seen via the image of the Two Fishes, one swimming up toward the heights, the other down to the depths, and under the sketchy, lie-filled leadership of Donald Trump, it seems clear that the murkiest of depths are precisely where the GOP has sunk.

A vastly related post containing the horoscope of the GOP's December 29, 2018 Neptune Return: The Long Shadow of Neptune in Pisces.

Above image: my drawing Isle of Ruins, a fanciful illustration of where lost political parties go to waste away.