by Jude Cowell
With the US House of Representatives now controlled by far-righters in the Republican Party, it's beyond time to consider the Astrology of the social safety net that millions of Americans depend upon (inner chart; SS 1935) surrounded by the January 3, 2023 Horoscope of the 118th Congress - specifically the House members who act as saboteurs of our safety and peace of mind.
As you can see, attacks and interference issue from a variety of sources and actors (planets) - there's even a generational clash between Pluto opposing Pluto, an ongoing condition that has been in force for some time - and more significant due to America's first-ever Pluto Return. And of course, the 'clash of ideologies' and 'persecutions' of Neptune in shady, contagious Pisces opposing US 1776 Neptune in fact-based Virgo, the victim-savior axis, has brought its own difficulties and disasters.
So through wealthy hoarder Pluto ('the assassin') we find that the opposition describes circumstances as a Cancer (ruler Moon: the people's needs, security) affair challenged by Capricorn (ruler Saturn: business, investment, government, law), and we see this starkly playing out (penned in the center of the bi-wheel) against the American public with 2023 Saturn @22AQ41 conjunct 1935 Moon with all the suffering, worry, and loss this transit can bring to the struggling have-nots and the working class in particular. In fact, Saturn-opposing-Moon is a shorthand way to symbolically identify conditions in our society if the fabric of the US social safety net programs - inadequate as they may be - breaks down and is turned into a massive heist perpetrated by the monied classes of Wall Street and their handmaidens in Washington DC. And besides those vulture capitalists, Put*n may be waiting for his pay-off along with other foreign governments.
Yet for years the American people have known such conditions have been threatened because Republicans have promoted cuts and worse for decades with Social Security benefits and Medicare under their knives of austerity on behalf of wealthy donors such as Wall Street gentry and corporatists who are desperate to steal more billions from the American people.
The Love of Money Is the Root of All Evil
Obviously, selfishness, greed, and causing loss and harm to others are their motivations. And this is part of a depopulation agenda, in case you've yet to notice, as a high-stakes tug-of-war for ultimate control and power (Pluto) plays out over our heads (through a Cancer vs Capricorn lens). That Pluto rules the Criminal Underworld is a major factor and we can expect to see even more destructive criminal activity once transit Uranus reaches the Neptune-Pluto Conjunction (@7-9 Gemini in 1891/92 = robber barons) in 2027.
Now as you see above, planetary contacts from 2023 planets to those of 1935 such as 2023 Uranus (disruptive anarchists, zealots, and fanatics) opposes Social Security's money planet Jupiter @15Sco06 in 1935. This suggests that changes (which may come suddenly with erratic Uranus - or not at all if President Biden and congressional Democrats manage to stop the onslaught!) can have unpredictable and/or unexpected results or consequences. Not that devil-take-the-hindmost political saboteurs of America care about details.
One thing I must wonder about is this: if Republicans and their enablers have their way against FDR's very popular New Deal programs that benefit the American people, who do corporatists expect will have money enough to buy their products and services if seniors and others are reduced to penury? Well, maybe it's about the culling of the herd, no matter what. You know, the old 'success at any cost' as long as it's someone else's loss.
So please enlarge or print the image for easier reading if you wish.
Because there are several other contacts worth considering for a fuller picture of the trouble we're in, and do note that Social Security's Saturn, karmic planet of old age, responsibility, and accountability but also of loss, restriction, debt, and deprivation, will return to natal position (8Pis03) on February 14, 2024, the year of the next US Presidential Election and just prior to the upcoming Great American Eclipse in the 8 North Saros Series when dreams and visions will be prominent, and the 8 North eclipse's path of totality will cut a swath from Southwest to Northeast.
Another factor worthy of concern is that dry Saturn @8Pisces conjuncts US 1776 Ceres (grains, food supplies, democracy) and the 1776 Pluto-Chiron midpoint, so if there are any doubts about who's behind the dearth and austerity - it's American Plutocrats in league with Global Plutocrats who want it all.
But what they don't want is democracy.
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