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Showing posts with label FDR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FDR. Show all posts

Aug 27, 2024

Battling Symbols of the Past

Symbolism in 1935: Germany and America

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Image: A color depiction of America's Great Seal circa 1935

Way back in the year 1935, two countries adopted significant visual symbols or logos which were polar opposites of one another in meaning.

In Germany, the ancient Swastika symbol was adopted for the Nazi Party flag, while in America, President Franklin Roosevelt approved America's Great Seal for placement on the US Dollar Bill. Of course these days, We the People seldom give the symbolism of the 13-step pyramid of power and Eye of Horus a moment of thought, and as our card-carrying society proceeds, we may rarely see or handle a paper dollar bill.

Now, due to my usual interest in Eclipse energies and themes that run in the background of society during any given time period we wish to consider, here's a List of Eclipses of 1935 with their Themes penned on. We should note that Eclipses in these Saros Series repeat in 2025 into 2026:

(The first Series, 9 Old North, played out and I have no information on its theme. Other than in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, eclipses always involve authority figures, authenticity, responsibility, accountability, and leadership.)

Nov 24, 2023

Are Trump and his thugs "berserkers"?

Oh look! It's a Berserker following Odin

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Just like most everyone else around the globe, I am heartily fatigued with certain topics involving man-baby sore loser Trump, purveyor of animalism and primal violence like a twisted follower of an ancient pagan god.

Yet the facts are, that the Nazis Rise to Power Eclipse (6 South of August 1932 @8Virgo) and the Fascism Rising Eclipse (7 North of February 1933 @5Pisces - where transit Saturn soon treds like a timing device and agent of karma) have recently repeated with themes meant for our generation to deal with now such as 'being forceful and taking power' (6S), and '(blood) lust; deep passion long hidden' (7N):

6 South on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio (conjunct NATO's Ascendant), and 7 North on April 20, 2023 @30Aries which landed upon Herr Adolf's natal Sun (@00Taurus, a degree of violence), the American Revolution's Sun @29Aries+, and the J6 coup attempt Mars, the warrior planet of aggression, conflict, and activism. Dear reader, this planetary pile-up is no coincidence.

Then with the plethora of unflattering nicknames to describe America's orange albatross (!) like agent orange degrading our public discourse since the reality TV "star" crowded his wide-girthed, klannish bulk into US politics that June morning in 2015, there's another label which could also be applied to His Heftiness in view of his violent J6 coup attempt for which he sent his thugs to storm (breach) the US Capitol Building where Congress was performing its constitutional task of certifying Joe Biden as victor of Election 2020. The label is, Berserker, a historical term referring to Viking fighters and marauders of ancient days. They were a violent, no-compromise bunch as were the Nazis, as are Trump and his maga acolytes in Congress wearing their AR-15 lapel pins while they paralyze the governing duties of the House of Representatives.

Then as thuggish dictator Mussolini helpfully informed us, copororatism + statism = fascism. And this has certainly been shown by the Fascist take-over attempt of FDR's presidency in 1933 with certain NY bankers' involvement, plus, the current crop of anti-democratic corporate supporters of Trump the wanne-be fasci*t dictator. And we know that they're using all the cheating tactics they've got in their arsenal to skew Election 2024 results their way, so please Vote Blue to Save our America in 2024, meaning that our country does not belong to barbaric criminals and fraudsters like Mango Mussolini - We the People will have no more bigoted neo-Nazis in the White House with a finger on The Button and brutal revenge in mind!

If you wish, check out a few closely related posts:

Mystery Horoscopes: Past Dictator and his Devil's Apprentice;

Election 2024: Our Make or Break Moment;

Trumpenkreigers Act for Trump; and

The Bundle of a Dictator, a comparison between Herr Trump's Progressed planetary Bundle with Mussolini's natal Bundle. Why, the borry sastards even frown alike! The comparison may be an eye-opener for any US voter who's still asleep and/or who follows Astrology, or for those who can tolerate the use of the venerable practice of Mundane Astrology, an excellent lens through which to look under the hood of Politics at the squirmy, unsavory creatures inhabiting the darkness beneath.

Jun 20, 2023

Virgo Symbolism at the National Archives

Destiny, Virgo Symbolism, and the "Hall of Records"

by Jude Cowell

Since the current embroilment between a slapdash former president (2017-2021) and the National Archives (NARA) branch of government is proceeding into Summer 2023 and beyond, the following post concerns the creation of NARA tasked from its creation with keeping our records safe from harm. Therefore, I've rounded up a variety of information for your consideration, much of which is on the esoteric level of knowledge. My focus is the NARA building itself with its esoteric symbols carved in stone and featuring a Zodiac sign that's sprinkled all over the Federal City: Virgo.

Mercury-ruled and representing humanity's analytical, critical, categorizing, fact-based functions, The Virgin symbolism has appeared through the centuries under many names: Mary, Isis, Columbia, Lady Liberty, Ceres/Demeter, Ishtar, Inanna, and more. Often associated with concepts of protection, nurturance, and truth, the celestial Virgo archetype by any name easily lends her attributes to the protection of America's records. Designed by noted architect John Russell Pope who surrounded the edifice with the sacred number 72, the neo-classical NARA building underscores these concepts with a side helping of Heritage and Destiny.

Of note is a frieze on the North side of the NARA building with these words inscribed in ALL CAPs:

"This Building Holds The Records Of Our National Life And Symbolizes Our Faith In The Permanency Of Our National Institutions."

So here we find one of the reasons why Hmm-hmm-hmm stole classified and secret documents which belong in the National Archives, and which by law belong to the American people -- to further undermine We the People's faith in the permanency of our institutions.

In fact, the National Archives building "was saturated in the Virgoan impulse," asserts astrologer David Ovason, and we see this via two significant events listed in Ovason's The Secret Architecture Of Our Nation's Capital (#ad):

Ground-breaking and formal foundation laying: September 9, 1931 (in the morning) with Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Neptune in Virgo; and,

Cornerstone laid by President Herbert Hoover on February 20, 1933 with Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, and North Node in Virgo.

Now Herbert Hoover had been busy with the Depression so it was President Franklin D. Roosevelt who recognized the need for such an archive, a "Hall of Records," and had been active in the movement to persuade Congress for such a measure. Thankfully, FDR was successful - until the recent breach by a faithless, unprincipled man who played the presidential role as if it were reality TV, and who shall not be named in this post.

To close, there exists cosmic time links full of Virgoan (and Piscean) energies between then and now. One is the 19 North Eclipse which influenced Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017 through 19 North themes of 'realism; tackling the truth; coming down to earth" (B. Brady) which manifested @9Virgo. Gumming up the eclipse themes of realism and truth and bringing confusion and chaos ever since has been the fact that an opposition to the eclipse came from transit Neptune, planet of deception, fraud, theft, intrigue, and the tiresome gaslighting with which you-know-who and the Republican Party continue to undermine and sabotage We the People and the US government in every malicious way they can devise in an attempt to force our democratic Republic into an autocratic authoritarian dystopia.

Then when we look at the date of the NARA building's cornerstone laying, February 20, 1933, we find two more Solar Eclipses of influence: the 6 South of August 31, 1932 @8Virgo, and the 7 North of February 24, 1933 @6Pisces (because it occurred within two weeks of the event). And 7 North is the series in which this post is being typed at you today.

For more on the topic of permanency, recommended is America's Perpetual Union Horoscope. Let's keep it going, folks!

May 5, 2023

Trump To Dictate Fascistic “Townhall” On CNN Next Week -- Thom Hartmann

Thom, a Fascist Townhall Horoscope, and Moon-Pluto

by Jude Cowell

To gain higher ratings and profits, CNN has been moving to the right politically, thanks to a billionaire investor, and a live broadcast of a Tr*mp "Townhall" in Goffstown, New Hampshire is scheduled in which grievances will once gain be listed ad nauseum along with the fascist views of agent orange, still bu*t-hurt over his election loss in 2020.

Trump's Townhall of Republican questioners is a far-reich signal along the road toward the nazi-style dystopia now assaulting America. Now I know that the strong-armed paternalism that fascists offer America may seem comforting to some folks, and for others it seems to provide a way to make money, but make no mistake that it includes the criminality and violence now accosting our society - including the targets they and the NRA have placed on the backs of our children. Yet A majority of rational Americans do not want fascist government.

Casting Blame on Pluto in Saturn-Ruled Capricorn

Yes, primal violence came along with America's first-ever Pluto Return, a three-fer of conjunctions (to its 1776 position 27Cap33) all through 2022: Pluto, planet of Plutocracy and exploitation, fulfilling his role as stealthy assassin, and making his play for a barbaric transformation of US society into a police state - and We the People have decades during which these destructive energies and actors must be vigorously fought in defense of democracy.

That's if we take the 248-year cycle of Pluto, divide by 3, and consider the first of the three Pluto Return horoscopes as a cosmic guide lasting approximately 83 years. This gives us a time frame of 2022 to year 2105 in which to deal with fascist lies, fraud, sinister actors and threats of violence - and curiously, 83 years is very close to the 84-year orbit of Uranus, planet of disruption but also of progressive reforms. See below for a link to a tri-wheel of America's three Pluto Return horoscopes.

But please don't fret for we know that despair is not an option, as Thom always reminds us! So for your consideration, here's commentary concerning Trump's upcoming "Townhall" of fascist promotion (with Mercury Rx = repetition!) from progressive broadcaster Thom Hartmann who spotlights a definition of fascism in the words of FDR's VP Henry Wallace, speaking on April 9, 1944 - a not-to-be-missed citing by one of the men who faced the rising tide of fascism and Nazism in their era - and prevailed:

Now if all goes as planned, the live "Townhall" with Republicans asking Trump questions is scheduled for Wednesday May 10, 2023 at 8:00 pm edt. Of interest that evening is a Moon-Pluto Conjunction perfecting at 10:40 pm edt @00AQ20 conjunct US Inaugural Sun (corrupting elements--he'll insult President Biden any way he can), and transit Tisiphone, asteroid of retaliation. Mentions will include immigration, crime and violent events (Trump's threat of "American carnage"?), his usual grievances and grudges, funding, and possibly his real or imagined popularity with the public which isn't what he pretends or wants it to be.

Please enlarge or print the image to read further details, as you wish:

As you can see in the upper right horoscope, above, the 4 South 'Electoral College Vote Eclipse' of December 14, 2020 rises as the Moon-Pluto Conjunction becomes exact at 10:40 pm edt which may perfect after the broadcast ends but even if so, the conjunction's extreme emotions and tendency toward quarrels and violence will be certain to express in one way or another.

Of course, the Electoral College Vote of 2020 activated sore-loser Trump's "Big Lie," and crazily, there's his natal stationary Jupiter (18Lib27) sitting atop the Moon-Pluto Conjunction Horoscope! Rounded up we find that "19Libra" = "A Gang of Robbers in Hiding" which is one way to describe Trump and his corrupt comrades desperate for more money and power. Can Stormy Daniels turn up in his rhetoric? I ask because her natal Pluto Rx @18Lib26 does conjunct his boundary-and-taboo-breaking Jupiter in Libra with its eternal whine, "it's not fair!"

Well, Boo and Hoo. Obviously, a Townhall full of belly-achin' is in store for viewers.

Meanwhile, lower left is the Townhall 8:00 pm edt chart with karmic Saturn @6Pis03 at its base (IC) and conjoining the Fascism Rising Eclipse of February 1933 in the 7 North Saros Series with themes of (blood) "-lust, and long-hidden passion that catches people off-guard" (B. Brady). Therefore, Trump's May 10th Townhall is occurring under the influences of the series in which we now toil because a 7 North Eclipse repeated on April 20, 2023 @29Ari50, as what I've termed, "Hitler's birthday eclipse."

So how do we vanquish Fascism in America?

Why, Vote Blue in 2024! And in massive numbers.

If needed, here's a previous post displaying a tri-wheel of the three-fer US Pluto Return/s with the first 83-year horoscope in center. Plus, there's this: Remembering Henry Wallace, Our Mystic Vice President.

Jan 14, 2023

Social Security, Saturn, and the 118th Congress

by Jude Cowell

With the US House of Representatives now controlled by far-righters in the Republican Party, it's beyond time to consider the Astrology of the social safety net that millions of Americans depend upon (inner chart; SS 1935) surrounded by the January 3, 2023 Horoscope of the 118th Congress - specifically the House members who act as saboteurs of our safety and peace of mind.

As you can see, attacks and interference issue from a variety of sources and actors (planets) - there's even a generational clash between Pluto opposing Pluto, an ongoing condition that has been in force for some time - and more significant due to America's first-ever Pluto Return. And of course, the 'clash of ideologies' and 'persecutions' of Neptune in shady, contagious Pisces opposing US 1776 Neptune in fact-based Virgo, the victim-savior axis, has brought its own difficulties and disasters.

So through wealthy hoarder Pluto ('the assassin') we find that the opposition describes circumstances as a Cancer (ruler Moon: the people's needs, security) affair challenged by Capricorn (ruler Saturn: business, investment, government, law), and we see this starkly playing out (penned in the center of the bi-wheel) against the American public with 2023 Saturn @22AQ41 conjunct 1935 Moon with all the suffering, worry, and loss this transit can bring to the struggling have-nots and the working class in particular. In fact, Saturn-opposing-Moon is a shorthand way to symbolically identify conditions in our society if the fabric of the US social safety net programs - inadequate as they may be - breaks down and is turned into a massive heist perpetrated by the monied classes of Wall Street and their handmaidens in Washington DC. And besides those vulture capitalists, Put*n may be waiting for his pay-off along with other foreign governments.

Yet for years the American people have known such conditions have been threatened because Republicans have promoted cuts and worse for decades with Social Security benefits and Medicare under their knives of austerity on behalf of wealthy donors such as Wall Street gentry and corporatists who are desperate to steal more billions from the American people.

The Love of Money Is the Root of All Evil

Obviously, selfishness, greed, and causing loss and harm to others are their motivations. And this is part of a depopulation agenda, in case you've yet to notice, as a high-stakes tug-of-war for ultimate control and power (Pluto) plays out over our heads (through a Cancer vs Capricorn lens). That Pluto rules the Criminal Underworld is a major factor and we can expect to see even more destructive criminal activity once transit Uranus reaches the Neptune-Pluto Conjunction (@7-9 Gemini in 1891/92 = robber barons) in 2027.

Now as you see above, planetary contacts from 2023 planets to those of 1935 such as 2023 Uranus (disruptive anarchists, zealots, and fanatics) opposes Social Security's money planet Jupiter @15Sco06 in 1935. This suggests that changes (which may come suddenly with erratic Uranus - or not at all if President Biden and congressional Democrats manage to stop the onslaught!) can have unpredictable and/or unexpected results or consequences. Not that devil-take-the-hindmost political saboteurs of America care about details.

One thing I must wonder about is this: if Republicans and their enablers have their way against FDR's very popular New Deal programs that benefit the American people, who do corporatists expect will have money enough to buy their products and services if seniors and others are reduced to penury? Well, maybe it's about the culling of the herd, no matter what. You know, the old 'success at any cost' as long as it's someone else's loss.

So please enlarge or print the image for easier reading if you wish.

Because there are several other contacts worth considering for a fuller picture of the trouble we're in, and do note that Social Security's Saturn, karmic planet of old age, responsibility, and accountability but also of loss, restriction, debt, and deprivation, will return to natal position (8Pis03) on February 14, 2024, the year of the next US Presidential Election and just prior to the upcoming Great American Eclipse in the 8 North Saros Series when dreams and visions will be prominent, and the 8 North eclipse's path of totality will cut a swath from Southwest to Northeast.

Another factor worthy of concern is that dry Saturn @8Pisces conjuncts US 1776 Ceres (grains, food supplies, democracy) and the 1776 Pluto-Chiron midpoint, so if there are any doubts about who's behind the dearth and austerity - it's American Plutocrats in league with Global Plutocrats who want it all.

But what they don't want is democracy.

Related: Midterms 2022 Planets to US Congress Horoscope.

Nov 25, 2022

Dec 7, 2022 Full Moon Spotlights Infamy

In a Gullible World Morality in War is M.I.A.

by Jude Cowell

Embedded within our country's collective memory is the "date that will live in infamy," as cited by FDR, and known as the Attack on Pearl Harbor carried out just before 8:00 am local time on December 7, 1941 (Honolulu, Hawaii).

Synchronistically, a cosmic time link is in process because December 7, 2022 brings a Full Moon @16Gem02 conjunct 1941 Jupiter Rx @16Gem30; this suggests a link to moral and ethical values yet with 1941 Sun opposing Jupiter, we might suspect that egotistical goals must have muddied the morality of the situation, as war always does. For when a population is 'lied into war', the entire endeavor is marred by deception, fraud, and illusion. Understandably, disillusionment with leaders inevitably follows and We the People lose trust in our government. This we know, for lies have been used against the American people in subsequent years to galvanize the US military into action, among other misguided activities (US 1776 Mars-Neptune square).

In view of this, let's note that a certain conspiracy theory has been proposed through the decades: that the FDR administration knew ahead of time of the 1941 attack but declined to intervene so that the US could "righteously" declare war upon Japan (with Congress necessarily aiding and abetting through an official declaration). If so, FDR's war declaration of December 8, 1941 was not righteous at all, but a mere ruse perpetrated with 1941 Node Node @17Virgo conjunct FDR's natal Uranus Rx rising: reformist politics; radical new ideas; meeting with unusual people.

Also notable in the 1941 Attack Horoscope shown below, is that the Mars-Chiron midpoint (the 'sacred warrior' duo) @15Gem00 conjuncts the goal-oriented Gemini Sun, while the 7:52 am LT Midheaven ('MC'; The Objective) holds the pair of fated questing upon it: Sun-Chiron @14Lib52 - and with US 1775 Saturn @14Lib48 conjunct MC as well. The goal? Roping in Congress for the consolidation and legalization of presidential authority (to wage war).

And of course, Chiron is associated with bombs, wounds, and the atomic power that Harry Truman later used to decimate Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, and which, as the American people are always told, helped end WWII. Now there's a morality issue extraordinaire.

So I wonder: was retaliation for the Attack moral justification to use nuclear power as the ultimate goal of a far-sighted America aided by Nazi scientists brought over to work in the US after WWII (aka, Operation Paperclip), so that the power struggle and grabbing of Germany's weapons secrets had to begin with a delaration of war against Japan? This is a simplistic question, I agree, but on this 'Black Friday' 2022, I'm just typing out loud as Luna waxes toward fulfillment and complete awareness, culminating in mid-Gemini on December 7, 2022, and spotlighting the 81st anniversary of the Attack on Pearl Harbor, a horrific event which occurred under the auspices of a 16 North Solar Eclipse with its themes of Uranus-Neptune-inspired 'illumination' and 'bright ideas' (B. Brady).

Then perhaps a quick look at a bi-wheel of 1941 vs 2022 planets could be instructive regarding the aggressive, expansive United States of America, currently under siege by hostile forces both foreign and domestic. Please enlarge or print the image for better viewing for my notes are penned on the chart including several transits that pop out at me (upper right) although you'll certainly spy more planetary contacts worthy of your consideration:

And if you wish, take a step back in history by listening to the radio broadcast of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt delivering his "date that will live in infamy" speech to a joint session of Congress and declaring war on Japan (as commemorated by Radios of the Era).

In closing, I shall add a heartfelt R.I.P. to all those who died in the Attack on Pearl Harbor and to those who've lost their lives during America's lied-into wars, including my generation's duplicitous, fog-of-war (US Mars-Neptune square) Vietnam War (horoscope shown in which the "break-up of a value system" unsurprisingly appears).

Oct 19, 2022

American Democracy's Arsenal and the Hercules Powder Plant Explosion

When Difficult Eclipses Like 14 South Repeat

by Jude Cowell

On December 29, 2016, a Capricorn New Moon echoed FDR's famous 'Arsenal of Democracy' Speech which he delivered on December 29, 1940 - same sign, same degree. Obviously, the 2016 New Moon in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, business, and investment, perfected after the 2016 Election but prior to Inauguration 2017, the start of America's self-styled neo-nazi-in-chief's political regime. That's one of my descriptions of the orange blighter, based on his and his followers' actions but supported by research into the historical decades involving such power-grabbing behavior and brutality (1920 to 1940s).

Not the least of such behavior are Trump's rally and its subsequent 'MAGA' Mob Attack on the US Congress, the so-called "stop the steal" coup attempted and instigated by Hitl*r wanna-be, Herr Tr*mp.

However, it's the significant year 1940 featured in the Rachel Maddow Presents Ultra podcasts which we've discussed recently here. As of this typing, three episodes of Ultra are available with more insights to come (new eps on Mondays). Episode One opens with the tragic and deadly Hercules Powder Plant Explosion of September 12, 1940 which followed one in 1933 and preceded one in 1989. The outer horoscope shown, below, is the Solar Eclipse of influence for the tragic event of sabotage against America's ability to make armaments to fight Nazis in Europe, aka, World War II (Horoscope shows the dynamic T-Square of brutality, Mars-Pluto = Saturn = Herr Adolf's natal Sun).

Now various theories of culpability for the sabotage of 1940 near Roxbury, New Jersey have been advanced (even the IRA!) but to me, Rachel's and her team's investigation seems most logical: Nazis in America, especially in light of how active in the US such sniveling bullies were then, and are now, as they marched and yelled through US streets, lighted tiki-torches held "proudly", plus, violence and threats of violence are on the rise compliments of thuggish far-right (ultra-right) operatives devoted to Tr*mp.

Of course, racism is a primary identifying trait of such regressive barbarians, with threats hurled against members of the Hebrew race, and nowadays, against transgender folk or anyone they consider to be beneath them; examples include liberals and Democrats; see the "Ideology Clash" charts, below; visibly lurking therein are demagogues, zealots, and violent fanatics which are notated on the chart, upper left.

And yet as I type, it's apparent that unless you've been living under a Saturnian rock of denial, you already know these things, don't you?

Be Aware of 14 South Themes (paraphrasing B. Brady):

'Long periods of hard work which bring the promised success of Jupiter once an obsessive idea is finally accepted' (obsessive Mercury-Pluto content from 14 South's initial manifestation as, Mercury-Pluto = Sun-Moon = Mars-Saturn, the 'death axis' duo according to R. Ebertin); significantly, the 0984 14 South Eclipse @10Vir59 rises in the 14 South horoscope of April 7, 1940, a cosmic time link extraordinaire:

So due to the expansive breadth of such disturbing topics and democracy-threatening potentials, this post is merely another in my series of 'forewarned is forearmed' efforts, with more to come, if and as I can. For now, shown above is a bi-wheel of the initial 14 South Solar Eclipse (inner @10Vir59) with its repetition on April 7, 1940, the Saros Series during which the Hercules Powder Explosion (sabotage) occurred.

14 South themes are listed, above, and you may be interested to know that the next 14 South Eclipse will occur on June 1, 2030 @11Gemini (chart not shown); if you suspect that the "obsessive idea" of 14 South is a nazified America, then we're on the same page, dear reader, and the Arsenal of Democracy had better have its Herculean act together pronto.

Sep 8, 2022

The Dangerous Eclipses of 2023

September 8, 2022

by Jude Cowell

Below you see a mocked-up image of the Solar and Lunar Eclipses of year 1933 and year 2023. As you see, the dangerous, even sinister, Solar Eclipses of 1933 repeat in 2023 in the 7 North and 7 South Saros Series; their Themes are also listed along with other years in which 7 North and 7 South eclipses occurred. Historical events of those years make interesting reads.

So will this be my final forewarned-is-forearmed post of warning concerning the neo fascist/nazi global network of criminals planning once again a take-over of America after failing in their attempt against FDR in 1933?

Since I'm a pro-democracy American with Revolutionary War ancestry and uncles who fought nazis in Europe during WWII, it most definitely is not:

Please print or enlarge image for better viewing. Thanks! jc

Previously on SO'W: A Fascist Plot in America Has Failed Before (1933). So no matter who, Vote Blue to Save American Democracy!

Jan 12, 2022

1932 to 1937 Eclipses Repeat 2022 to 2028

Must America's Fight for Democracy Last Into 2028?

by Jude Cowell

January 12, 2022

Our fight continues!

And in the November 24, 2021 broadcast of the Thom Hartmann Show Thom expressed what to me, based in part on my studies of eclipse cycles, an interesting idea about something I'd never considered in exactly this way: that the Nazi influence in the United States from 1933 to 1937 was huge. And although I've published multiple SO'W posts concerning conditions and events of those years, both earthly and cosmic, you'll find more of such, below. Notably, previous posts have concerned solar eclipses and their themes which run in the background of society and influence historical events, a well known correlation in the As Above, So Below tradition.

So thanks to Thom's remark about the 'Nazi years' of 1933 to 1937 and how Nazi characters of that era affected the US and how they attempted to overthrow the FDR administration in 1933 (and thus, the US government - as on January 6, 2021), it seems to me that we should look at the themes of the August 31, 1932 6 South Eclipse all the way to the last eclipse of 1937 (and all eclipses in between: 1935 was a very eventful year; ex: Herr Adolf armed Germany in violation of the Versaillais Treaty of 1919) for a look can provide us with hints of similar events and conditions to expect in that 'history rhymes' kind of way as these eclipses repeat in our era.

For me this information falls into the 'forewarned is forearmed' category, and, disagree as you wish, dear reader, there it is. After all, who can deny the negative conditions of current events and faithless actors? Yet as Thom Hartmann always reminds us, Despair is not an option!

Solar Eclipses from February 1933 to December 1937

February 24, 1933 @5Pisces 7 North: 'Deep, long-hidden passions and lust suddenly catch people off-guard' (to this I must add, blood lust because it's a Nazi tactic for grabbing power, and remains an obsession of the predatory destructive spirit that roams the Earth.

December 2, 1937 @10Sagittarius 12 North: 'Opportunities to accept greater responsibilities and make new commitments due to another person's inability to carry on; initial events are difficult but outcomes can be positive'. (Can be. Motive is everything.)

7 North to 12 North (1933 to 1937 and 2023 to 2028)

So the concentrated time frame that Thom mentions begins with the 7 North Eclipse of 1933 @5Pisces, until the 12 North Eclipse of 1937. For us, the 7 North Saros Series recurs on April 20, 2023 @30Aries (Herr Adolf's 134th birthday) and January 26, 2028 (12N Eclipse @6Aquarius conjunct America's South Node of July 4, 1776, a separative, and possibly neurotic indication of past behavior which no longer suffices). See 12 North Eclipse, US South Node, Pluto, and Demeter for a view of 12 North's DC Horoscope.

Although not within Thom's time frame, there is also a 12 South Solar Eclipse in 2028 @'30Cancer' ("A Daughter of the American Revolution"!) on July 22, 2028 with themes of 'successful outcomes to longterm worries or illness' (an end to Covid? Perhaps, yet 12 South is the Prenatal Eclipse Saros Series of July 4, 1776 then @00Pis33 - and how synchronous that its Sabian Symbol in 2028 relates to the Revolution, and its themes affected the initial signing of the Declaration of Independence).

2022: Eclipses and a Midterm Elections Taurus Lunar Eclipse

Yet the two most obvious eclipses that form major signposts on the dystopian road to fascist-nazi authoritarianism in the US (and across the globe) must be the Nazi Rise to Power Eclipse repeating on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio - problematically the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') of Midterms 2022 (held the same day as a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus conjunct radical Uranus, planet of chaos, zealotry, and anarchy), and the Nazi Rise to Power Eclipse.

Yet special mention should be added about one solar eclipse in particular which occurred in 1937 - not the final one in 1937 but the Solar Eclipse of June 8, 1937 @18Gemini in the challenging 11 South Saros Series with its disturbing themes of 'ideas and methods fail, new systems are required in order to deal with events; any blocks could be tragically and violently removed'. And when does an 11 South eclipse repeat? On August 2, 2027 @10Leo - conjunct the orange mussolini's 12th house Pluto which is apex planet of his 'death axis' Mars-Saturn midpoint (R. Ebertin) with Plutonian potentials for 'murder' and 'piled up corpses'. Maybe he'll be the block that's removed!

Yet it seems in 2022 that Herrs Adolf and Tr*mp and their despotic ilk are like wads of nasty gum on the world's shoe that never wants to let go.

Then in closing, it would be remiss not to mention a previous post and horoscope concerning this authoritarian topic: The Big Brazen N*zi Rally of 1939 NYC. And which Eclipse Saros series did the rally occur within? The sinister 13 South with thematic potentials for constitutional crisis and/or striving for group endeavors, positively or negatively (B. Brady).

Solar Eclipses themes are paraphrased from Brady's Predictive Astrology (#ad).

May 31, 2021

DC Horoscopes: July 2021 Lunations and such

America July 2021: New Plans Made, Then Culminating

by Jude Cowell

May 31, 2021: On the occasion of today, Memorial Day 2021, and as A Child of the Revolution, yours truly chooses to share the following post on behalf of a sovereign America and the common good. Below is a dual image of the two July 2021 Lunations set for Washington DC.

First, on July 9, 2021, comes a New Moon @18Can01 (lower left) exact at 9:16:29 pm edt in 6th house (DC). In the DC chart, Luna rules the 6th house of Work and Service while the Sun rules the 7th house of Partnerships. Rising is 1AQ03 which lifts America's Inaugural Sun (Joe Biden) and bold Altair the eagle with it but with its solar power snugged between karmic planets Pluto and Saturn, both retrograde ('Rx') which suggests that some measure of renunciation, even privation, may affect the presidency - unless Mr. Biden, his team, and his high-powered backers can turn the energy around and use it on behalf of democracy and the American people.

One thing we know - there exist anti-American entities who will attempt to create difficult conditions in order to undermine the agenda of President Biden. (See Nemesis the foe @28Scorpio in the New Moon's 10th house conjunct the President Biden's Scorpio planets.) In addition, can anyone disagree that uplifting the common good is simply not a (neo) fascist objective and never was? Obviously, seizing power and forcibly taking control of America is their current objective as it was on July 1, 1933 when they approached General Smedley Butler with their malicious take-over scheme against FDR and the democracy-preferring American people. Note that representatives for the era's big bankers were among the treasonous group in 1933. Do you think it's different this time around?

And you know that cosmic evidence exists! For 1933's anti-FDR fascists were influenced by the background energies of two solar eclipses, one in 1932 in the 6 South Saros Series, the other in 1933 in the 7 North series. And so as eclipse and historical cycles will have it, it will soon be time for 6 South and 7 North eclipses to manifest again on: October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio and April 23, 2023 @30Aries. Wisely we should mark our calendars and be watchful before, during, and after these high-powered, 'cosmic blink' lunations of disruption and/or directional shifts just as many folk already are. For as progressive broadcaster Thom Hartmann oftens reminds us, "Democracy is not a spectator sport"! Which means, be active, do what you can!

Now as for July 2021, the stage of culmination, fulfillment, and/or complete awareness is reached with the Full Moon of July 23, 2021 @1AQ26 (upper right chart), the very degree that rises in the New Moon horoscope so for this and other reasons we may expect in July a focus on President Biden, but more broadly on the White House and the Office of the Presidency, plus, July brings our nation's annual celebration of our hard-fought independence from overbearing monarchy, cosmically known as America's Solar Return 2021 which we discussed in February 2021 (horoscope shown).

Plus, previously we noted the June 24, 2021 Capricorn Full Moon as society's reaction to the June 10th Gemini Solar Eclipse which is a 5 North Solar Eclipse that precedes both July 2021 lunations. This June 24th Full Moon @3Cap27 floats society from the Gemini-Sagittarius axis of 'Mercury-Jupiter' and into the Cancer-Capricorn axis with its 'Moon-Saturn' influences that suggest potentials for security concerns, home-vs-career issues, ambition, strategy, direction, possible illness (chronic or acute) and/or depressive or serious conditions.

Note to SO'W Readers: If you appreciate the work and effort it takes to create Political Astrology content for Stars Over Washington, why not become a Patreon subscriber to encourage the continuance of SO'W? Even a donation of $1 per month helps with monthly expenses! So if you wish, just look for 'Jude Cowell' on patreon dot com and show your support if you can! jc

Jan 8, 2021

DC Horoscope: The Burning of Washington DC 1814

January 8, 2021: Is History Doing Its Rhyming Thing Again?

After the storming of the US Capitol Building and Congress on January 6, 2021, it seems that some historical elements are repeating. This time the attack was instigated by the man currently in the role of POTUS and his MAGA shock troops carried out his plan, as Trump supporters participated and 'simply walked right in' to the Capitol Building, some looting offices and getting their proudly seditious mugs on video. At least one Confederate flag was recorded being proudly carried into the building while some officers of the Capitol Police force acted complicitly. Perhaps others cooperated as well.

Now as you know, the US Capitol Building has been assaulted and damaged before when British troops Burned Washington DC in 1814 during the War of 1812 in retaliation for similar American actions in Canada. Besides the Capitol Building, the to-burn list of Major General Robert Ross and his arsonists included the White House (then the 'Presidential Mansion'), the Navy Yard where warships were under construction, plus, other government and military buildings. The British had defeated our American soldiers at the Battle of Bladensburg earlier that day (at Bladensburg, MD 8.6 miles northeast of DC) and felt assured of continued success especially after their resounding defeat of Napoleon that year. For a variety of reasons, the City was ill-prepared for the breach as British troops 'simply marched right in' and burned our nation's capital. However, the damage to the City was repaired, the burning's existential effects didn't last, the US government continued meeting (in the spared Patent Building), and a Peace Treaty between America and Britain was declared four months later on December 18, 1814.

So for a Theme through History how about: Britain's "economic royalists" send troops in 1814 to attack Washington DC including the US Capitol Building, monarchist Trump and his "economic royalists" donors and corporatists attack America in 2021, and in between: the 1933 Fascist Plot Against America instigated by wealthy corporatists of the J.P. Morgan kind, the "economic royalists" of their day, and intended to destroy the New Deal programs and Presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt, a compaign that continues to this day.

For more details here's a four-minute video on The Burning of Washington DC 1814. And for the astro-curious, below is the August 24, 1814 Horoscope of the Burning of Washington DC set for 6:00 pm LMT. You'll note Aquarius rising, plus, 12th house chart-ruler Saturn Rx @25Cap06 in the degree area of the Zodiac where so many cosmic activities (including transit Pluto in governmental Capricorn) have been playing out during the term of Herr Trump and where US Inauguration Midheaven clocks in at noon (est) on January 20, 2021, the day when the explosive, hot-headed Mars-Uranus Conjunction perfects (3:38 pm est @6Tau44) and Trump's "proud boys" and other violent militia groups and individuals have threatened to return to DC. My darkest suspicion is that arson may again be a factor and I pray that the Inaugural ceremony for Joe Biden, and the rest of the City, are adequately protected and defended - this time around:

Jan 5, 2021

A Fascist Plot in America Has Failed Before

Democracy vs Authoritarianism in America - Again

by Jude Cowell

January 5, 2020: Most likely you're familiar with the Fascist plot in 1933 to induce General Smedley Butler to lead a potentially massive force of American Legion members against President Franklin D. Roosevelt in order to take over the White House and US government, thus putting a stop to FDR's New Deal plans. (As you know, certain corporatists, ideologues, and their political operatives have worked against our social safety net programs ever since with some success. After all, it irks them that such programs often benefit black people!)

So below is a horoscope of the 'visit' and sales pitch from the authoritarian conspirators to General Butler at his house on July 1, 1933 around 1:00 pm. Naturally, the culprits were fronting for big operators - the big bankers and other corporatists who were the leaders of the seditious plan in 1933, the ones who thought the straightforward Butler could be persuaded to their authoritarian cause. (At MC, The Goal Point, is starry Alhena: to have a mission; also asteroid Circe: to seek rescue). Note that Cupido @9Pis18 (Corporatism; The Syndicate; The Family) is in the risk-taking 5th house conjunct Pallas Rx (strategy) with the 7 North Solar Eclipse degree nearby. This fascist plot is well known for congressional hearings were held afterwards and General Butler testified against the men and their plot. And note that printed on the horoscope you'll see "J.P. Morgan firm behind it" (Mullins).

You'll also see expansive propagandist Jupiter unaspected in Virgo; some of its potentials are listed on the chart. In 5th house moving into 4th, Saturn @Rx @15AQ23 leads a Locomotive shape of planets (a high-powered, ruthless executive determined on success) with an interesting rounded-up Sabian Symbol: "16AQ" = "A Big Businessman at His Desk."

Now with Libra rising, 10th house Venus is chart-ruler but makes no major applying aspect to any planet (US natal Saturn, exalted in Libra, rises). Although Venus applies to no planet (going nowhere! but see lower left for the applying Venus-Chiron sextile, plus, note that Venus opposes US natal Pluto in Capricorn, suggesting underhanded manipulation, obsession, possessivene$$, and cut-throat competition), the Venus-Pluto conjunction (5S43) in patriotic, nationalistic, tribal Cancer is revealing for together the pair tend toward 'elements of organized crime' and their combined energies relate to 'the breakdown of the fabric of society' (Munkasey) which is what such fascist plotters are finally managing to accomplish now under figurehead Trump. Do I think their take-over plot is this wide and far-reaching? Of course.

And an upcoming period of time to be especially wary of is around and beyond the April 20, 2023 Solar Eclipse @30Aries in the 7 North Saros Series for it will be a repetition of the Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse of 1933 (horoscope shown) with its theme of a 'deep, long-hidden passion' and 'lust' coming to the surface (Brady).

Based on the tendency of history to rhyme, 7 North's theme, plus, current events, I believe that this very passion, hidden away for decades, is what now motivates corporatists and ideologues in their ongoing attempts to throttle democracy right out of America, leaving a hollow shell of a country for authoritarian freaks to fill.

July 1, 1933 Horoscope: The Fascist Plot to Use General Smedley Butler

Data and details of the plot from Eustace Mullins' book The Federal Reserve which is available as a facsimile reprint appropriately titled, The Federal Reserve Conspiracy #ad.

Nov 6, 2020

Republican Party: Uranus Returns 2020-2021

Will There Still Be a Republican Party?

by Jude Cowell

As you know, the Republican Party recently experienced its Neptune Return/s (5x) while its name morphed into "Conspiracy Party" and other such Neptunian labels (by pundits and others, not just by yours truly). Many people questioned the Party's viability under the Trump regime and we may well continue to wonder into 2021.

Meanwhile, with this post it's equal time for the Party's Uranus in Taurus, I say, so below is a dual image of the third of three Uranus Returns of the Republican Party, plus, the founding horoscope of the Party (lower left) that I used to create the April 22, 2021 Return chart. (Yes, there are multiple horoscopes for the Party's inception, most in 1854 but one set for 1853 - and those are only the ones I have in my files, there could be others! Confusion about the Party's true identity, how very Neptunian of them!)

Now for a human being, the Uranus Return around age 84 tends to be a time when the past no longer matters as much if at all to the native (and may have been mostly forgotten!), plus, much separation has occurred as one may have outlived family members and friends. So if these potentials can apply to a group of people or an entity, perhaps this 'new' condition is proving to be the case for the GOP these days. Trump has liked inserting the idea that we've "turned a corner" when it comes to the pandemic, hasn't he?

And so with Uranus we must also consider that with the Uranus Cycle of approximately 84 years, the Party experienced an earlier Uranus Return - another 'three-fer' - which perfected 3x on: May 10, 1937, December 14, 1937, and February 20, 1938 during the FDR presidency. If you can, check out those 1930s horoscopes which are chocked full of interesting features. For one example, the February 20, 1938 Return chart (#3 0f 3, not shown here) occurred during a Saturn-Uranus square which suggests the 'new order replaces old' concerns of those difficult years, supported by Nazi zealots, and in America by FDR's New Deal programs that saved the American people's bacon (and would continue to do so if the greedy GOP would leave them alone; you may disagree but there it is).

Meanwhile, the April 22, 2021 Return chart shown below reveals a Jupiter-Uranus square denoting that goals and group projects will require independent actions that must then be coordinated for best results. Sudden turns in destiny are possible under a Jupiter-Uranus influence as well as various sorts of breakthroughs. Discontent with political conditions are also suggested by the square. Yet I must wonder, considering the effect on the Party by Trump over the last four or five years: will the square indicate a break-up?

As for the basic indications of Uranus in Venus-ruled Taurus, a money and growth sign, potentials are suggested for: people who seek out-of-the-ordinary sources of money or income; those who use individual methods of finance; speculation; risking all in one go; and/or premature action that leads to failure (Ebertin). Any or all may apply to the Republican Party's basic nature and suggest to me, if not to you, that some of their financial sources could be illegitimate, or at the very least, unorthodox. Whatever they are, they are probably well hidden from prying eyes.

So based on all the 1853-1854 founding dates and horoscopes of the Republican Party, Uranus was in Taurus in each one so the above indications of Uranus in Taurus apply, plus, any that you, dear reader, care to think of. And that's not even counting the revolutionary, reactive, disruptive, separative qualities of erratic Uranus the rebellious anarchist with *Utopian ideas that go against civilization!

Please note that my study notes are penned on the charts for anyone who may wish to read.

*Utopian ideas such as 'man is in no need of laws' or government which we see with current day scofflaws.

May 31, 2020

'Nazi Rise to Power' Solar Eclipse Soon Repeats

1932 and 2022: Eclipse Cycles Rhyme with Historic Events

by Jude Cowell

May 31, 2020: Forewarned is forearmed.

And probably most people would agree that the first election of democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt on November 8, 1932 was certainly for him a "rise to power" in the US but today, in light of current societal conditions, let's consider a different rise to power which occurred in 1932 Berlin via the Solar Eclipse that 'announced' it: the Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') of the Nazi Rise to Power in the 6 South Saros Series which perfected on August 31, 1932 @8Virgo09 (Berlin eclipse horoscope shown below). As you see, the transiting planets now in late Capricorn cluster about the Midheaven ('MC'; The Goal) and the Saturn Rx of this eclipse horoscope. So it may be significant that 6 South's 1932 Saturn Rx @28Cap55 returns to natal degree three times in 2020, the first time already passed: March 9, then July 17, and December 6 with transit Pallas @29Cap42 (strategy, wisdom, ethics) on December 6th conjunct Nazism's 1932 Saturn.

Naturally, Saturnian-style karma is suggested in some form or another which may or may not include the loss and restriction so prevalent now. Hopefully, the wrong kind of consolidation is not part of the karmic picture. For we know that Saturn brings needed lessons and always demands realism, integrity, and accountability but sadly there's not a lot of these going around, not by radical reactionary forces anyway. (Their jam is deception and erosion inspired by Neptune now in shady Pisces.) So it's up to Establishment forces to demand and hold accountable miscreants and saboteurs endeavoring to take over America against the will of the people. And of course, We The People must perform our roles as well, however we can, to resist. (Yes, writing Stars Over Washington is my primary effort for America and has been for nearly 15 years! My street protest days ended several moons ago.)

And it seems to me no accident that the 1932 Solar Eclipse @8Virgo conjuncts the degree of both Election 2016's and Inauguration 2017's Prenatal Solar Eclipse of September 1, 2016 (a cosmic time link by degree, not Saros Series) which tragically was opposed by transit Neptune @10Pisces. This opposition gave Neptunian forces many opportunities to confuse, cloud, hide, and erode the 19 North themes of the 2016 Eclipse: 'realism, coming down to earth; a good time for tackling the truth' (Brady). For as you know, astrological Neptune when expressed negatively is allergic to truth, scoffs at reality, and perverts the straight-forward course, as do demagogues like Donald and--dare I type it--Adolf. After all, honest demagogues and dictators can never win so they must resort to deceit and fraud for their fake victories!

Please note that this post is not about the subsequent Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse of 1933 @5Pis29 in the 7 North series of 'deep passion' and 'lust' but the Total eclipse of August 31, 1932 with themes that are descriptive of the fascist/nazi/seizing power era of the 1930s--and of current conditions across the globe as America nears her first-ever Pluto Return/s in 2022 when 6 South comes again:

Therefore, dear reader, perhaps we agree on these disturbing topics so consider the following (for those who do not already know): a 6 South Solar Eclipse repeats @2Scorpio on October 25, 2022 and will be the PE of America's third of three Pluto Returns which occurs on December 28, 2022 (@27Cap32). Now stealthy Pluto was in Moon-ruled Cancer in the 1930s fascist era (nationalism; tribalism) but now, in our Pluto-in-Saturn-ruled-Capricorn era, neo-Nazism again rears its vicious Medusa head spurred by mouthpiece Trump, and as Saturn-ruled Pluto destroys structures and traditions, Pluto in Capricorn bears the unfortunate imprint of The Dictator (Ebertin). Plus, when Saturn and Pluto conjoined on January 12, 2020 @22Cap46, their harsh energies imprinted upon Year 2020 (and for the next 33 years or so) and their conjunction 'hit' the Vertex of fated encounters and possible wish-fulfillment in the natal horoscope of Donald Trump, as we've previously discussed. As you know, these harsh energies oppose Trump's natal 11th house Saturn--in watery, tribal Cancer. It's all very Moon-Saturn-Pluto abuse and misuse of power, isn't it?

Well, one difference between Nazi 1932 and Trump 2017--2022 that we have going for us is that the violent 'Marseillaise Trio' (Mars-Jupiter-Neptune) of 1932 is not aligned now as it was during the French Revolution. Enough of a saving grace? Turns out in May 2020 it is not for it's only one factor in a boatload of many, both positive and negative. Besides, white nationalism is 'on the rise' with Trump in the White House (our national Masonic Lodge). And nowadays we're experiencing the consequences of the traveling heavyweight trio of Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto so recently joined by hothead arsonist Mars in March 2020. Besides weaponry, mundane Mars has a well known link to needles and injections - to anything sharp and/or invasive actually.

Yet hope springs eternal for America stopped Nazism before and must stop the brutal movement again in order to protect and keep some remnants of the democratic Republic we've known and prefer.

Now, for chart-readers, here is the 6 South Nazi Rise to Power Solar Eclipse Horoscope set for Berlin, Germany: August 31, 1932 8:54:32 pm CET with 18Tau03 rising (Taurus, a beastly sign), and a critical degree at Midheaven opposite twin star Castor (murder; loss; mental illness: A. Louis) conjunct the eclipse's IC, the Foundation of the chart. 6 South themes include forcefully taking power and huge efforts expended in group endeavors (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology):

As noted, above, a 6 South Solar Eclipse repeats on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio. And as Rose Lineman informs us in her booklet on Eclipses, a solar eclipse in that intense Mars-Pluto infused sign denotes, "Scorpio's gift of probing insight (which) enables one to discern root causes of karmic situations and problems."

And this resonates with protecting and keeping some remnants of the democratic Republic we've known for, as everyone knows, monsters must be identified and directly faced in order to vanquish them!

For the sake of comparison, here's the same Nazi Power Rising Horoscope set for the White House Washington DC 2:54:32 pm EST with Cardinal Point 00Cap48 rising and a Libra Midheaven sporting - thank goodness! - two beneficial stars that relate to the Founding of America: Spica, the spike (Washington Monument) and Arcturus (the White House) with its key phrase: a different approach (democrat FDR!):

So as always: Share if you dare! jc

May 8, 2020

Horoscope: DOJ Progressed Full Moon August 2020

May 8, 2020: Below is a dual image of the Department of Justice ('DOJ') dedication ceremony horoscope accurately timed by the Masonic dedication ceremony presided over by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, elected hour set for 3:00 pm est on October 25, 1934 (lower left chart). Upper right is the 1934 dedication horoscope progressed (day for a year) to the moment of the DOJ Progressed ('SP') Full Moon @28Can39 opposing DOJ SP Sun @28Cap39. As you know, this is the Cancer-Capricorn security-ambition/home vs career polarity.

Now if it's true that an SP Full Moon of person or entity represents how far such person or entity can reach into the world, then symbolically August 2020 is it for the US Justice Department. Not that the DOJ will cease to exist but that its influence and power in society will peak then begin to fade from here on out. Of course, much depends on whether the imperatives and objectives of the previous SP New Moon (exact March 15, 2006 @13Cap57 opposing US natal Sun, the leader--then representing George W. Bush) have been successfully fulfilled. If not, the culminating SP Full Moon marks an end of those efforts and a decision or plan to adopt a new direction and new objectives.

In 2006, perhaps the related event that stands out is the Bush administration's controversial, unprecedented sudden dismissal of 7 US attorneys perpetrated on December 7, 2006. Personally I remember how shocking and disorienting this was for our country and for the department itself. And it's possible that with corrupt Attorney General William Barr now protecting corrupt Donald Trump, more sudden dismissals of US attorneys (and other separative, disruptive activities) are on Barr's DOJ agenda in 2020, the year cosmically imprinted upon by the symbolic SP Full Moon of the DOJ across the Cancer-Capricorn axis. Of course, calls for Barr to step down are being more or less ignored by these men with bad intentions against our nation so we'll have to see how that goes.

A difference is that at the 2006 SP New Moon, SP Neptune in Virgo represented 'high level intellectuals and planners who acted as a supportive resource' for the DOJ, thanks to their beneficial trine relationship. Obviously, such support is sorely needed now and many have stepped forward already, some calling for Barr to step down, as noted. See DOJ Alumni Call for AG Barr to resign. Thing is, the SP New Moon horoscope shows SP Neptune Rx at SP IC (undermining), Uranus-Neptune = ASC (anxiety) = US natal Jupiter (rejuvenation!). Plus, there are unfortunate signs of underworld connections (SP Venus-Pluto opposition) which is what we notice as we watch Trump, Barr, and their comrades in action - plundering the resources of the USA and undermining our systems and institutions such as the DOJ, legal system, and Congress. Meanwhile, transit Pluto in Capricorn helps with their plan for structural collapse - as do the continuing influences of the 2018 Tower Eclipse.

(For more details see Current Conditions and The Tower Eclipse.)

Yet hope springs eternal! So maybe August 2020 or thereabouts will miraculously bring Bill Barr's resignation and thus a more traditional path for the DOJ which could qualify as a 'new direction' compared with the off-kilter trail of stones figurehead Trump has embarked us upon. And/or a Trump resignation would happily cause dancing in the streets, now wouldn't it?

However, other than America's return to a more traditional path, (and I don't care to type it but) the events and projects that began around the destabilizing time of the DOJ's SP New Moon in late 2006 into 2007 seem to be successfully culminating in or about August 2020 as timed by the department's SP Full Moon perfecting under the purview of AG Bill Barr on behalf of con man Donald Trump - and their idea of a 'new direction' is so far proving to be a tragic course for the disenfranchised American people, a course leading to the tyranny of plutocracy, monarchy, dictatorship.

Additional Chart Notes include but are not limited to:

Sun-to-Pluto and Moon-to-Pluto implications in the SP Full Moon horoscope: one reveals power needs and a need to grasp control, plus, new perspectives being revealed (Sun), the other suggesting zeal and intense self-application (Moon). Also in the 1934 chart is the DOJ's Saturn Stationing in Aquarius (in 12th house of Politics, Large Institutions, Self-Undoing, Karma) conjoining health asteroid Hygeia which to me may symbolize our current crisis conditions in which health issues (Hygeia) are used by authorities (Saturn) to stop the functioning (Saturn) of society - all very Saturnian and karmic.

At SP Midheaven ('MC') is the radical Uranus-North-Node midpoint suggesting teamwork that pays off (as it often does) in career efforts (MC); the SP Uranus-Pluto midpoint conjuncts DOJ 1934 Moon denoting enforced changes upon the populace. That the SP Full Moon chart shows SP Neptune at IC depicts the current instability at the foundation of the DOJ; and penned on the chart is SP Mars = SP Jupiter-Neptune, the speculation-inflation-grand-scheme duo suggesting that someone has laid plans without prospect of coming to fruition but who has an urge for great achievements. Hopefully, 'spoiled plans' and 'stymied achievements' describe the corrupt mob-like activities of Barr, Trump, and comrades, both foreign and domestic. Meanwhile, Trump's natal Jupiter @18Libra conjoins SP Full Moon Mars so we find him playing at the POTUS role via feigned and staged performances. But you already know this, don't you?

Transiting Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn

Highlighted in green (left middle), you see the current heavyweight trio of transiting Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn (18 to 27 Capricorn) all retrograde and forming a midpoint picture of 'total reversal of plans, extreme changes and reforms, ideas transformed into reality', and/or 'restriction'. Restriction in August tallies with the themes of the 4 North 2020 Summer Solstice Eclipse under which the DOJ SP Full Moon will become exact. 'Misjudgment of strength or the situation', plus, 'events that block' and 'separation and illusion' are also themes of 4 North solar eclipses (Brady).

Finally, a note about a prominent, angular (chart not shown) August 20, 2020 transit (2:36:31 pm edt Washington DC) and that's an exact opposition between Moon (20Virgo) and Neptune (20Pisces) which reveals deceitful practices and those who scheme underhandedly against their opponents. Perhaps this relates on a deep level to the fact that the SP Full Moon's MC (@14Pisces29) sports the SP Uranus-North-Node midpoint (teamwork, as noted) but also the natal Neptune of the Republican Party (1854) with their nebulous Neptune's Sabian Symbol: "A Woman in FOX Fur." Teamwork!


Are you simmering with on-topic observations? Then you're invited to leave them in a comment, and share this post if you dare or care! jc

Nov 27, 2019

3 Famous Quotes about the US Central Banking System

As Franklin D. Roosevelt told Edward M. House (later Woodrow Wilson's closest aide), "The real truth of the matter is, and you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government of the U.S. since the days of Andrew Jackson." (And as you know, Andrew Jackson is one of Donald Trump's idols.)

Henry Ford once asserted that, "It is well enough that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."

In 1957, Senator George W. Malone of Nevada said before Congress about the Federal Reserve, "I believe that if the people of this nation fully understood what Congress has done to them over the past 49 years, they would move on Washington: they would not wait for an election...It adds up to a preconceived plan to destroy the economic and social independence of the United States."

And now we have Trump messin' around with our finances and lining his pockets!

Quotes from 'Final Warning: A History of the New World Order' by David Allen Rivera (1st published 1984)

Nov 18, 2019

Cold War Horoscope 1945 meets Saturn-Pluto 2020

Cold War-Yalta Astro-Notes: 1945 and Beyond

by Jude Cowell

It's probably not good news that one of the planets in a historical horoscope soon to be 'hit' by the harsh January 12, 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 is Mars in the February 4, 1945 Cold War Horoscope of the postwar Yalta Conference between FDR, Churchill, and Stalin which suggests potentials for 'brutality, violence, ruthlessness, and the necessity to fight for one's existence' (Ebertin). Additionally, the January 12, 2020 conjunction of compressed energies manifests upon the Cold War's 19 South Prenatal Eclipse ('PE' of January 14, 1945 @23Cap41 = 'lucky breaks'--Brady) and it conjuncts Trump's natal Vertex ('VX' @22Cap51), all of which are penned on the right side of the chart; Roosevelt's birth data is listed, upper right; and a Vertex is a point of 'fated encounters' and/or 'changing work conditions':

Also listed on the chart underneath FDR's natal data is a depressing cosmic occurrence--Yalta's Saturn Rx @4Can36 conjoins FDR's natal Moon, and Yalta's Moon conjoins FDR's natal Saturn--a double whammy, we could say. So obviously, the conference was held during an emotional low point in Roosevelt's life, plus, Moon-Saturn contacts often have health connotations. We can see this in Yalta photos and the dark circles around his eyes.

Then sadly, as you know, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt died of a brain hemorrhage about 2 months after the Yalta Conference ended, his "willful ignorance" about Stalin and communism no longer influencing him. Yet due to recent events and Trump's turns against traditional US alliances, one may wonder if in 2019 and beyond the tendency toward such 'ignorance' continues to influence certain denizens of Washington DC who thereby work against the better interests of our nation.

Recommended: Roosevelt's Failure at Yalta from the Hoover Institute circa 2004 which touches uncomfortably upon the current day relationship between the US and Russia via Donald Trump's transactional, subservient union with Vladimir Putin. Alternatively, here's a different view, Why Roosevelt was right about Stalin - that we could do business with him because at heart Stalin was a businessman. So was FDR naive about the Russian leader of his day? Does Donald Trump behave like a Kremlin asset? The horoscope, above, has some indication of threatened violence and of course many folk (such as yours truly) suspect that Putin controls Trump bwo blackmail and/or threatened violence--and perhaps Stalin controlled Roosevelt in a similar fashion. If so, are current events and those of the Roosevelt administration and the Stalin regime more alike than we know?

Well, for more info on 1945 events, try a Politico article by Andrew Glass Roosevelt departs from Yalta, February 11, 1945 which details some of the aftermath of the Yalta Conference such as FDR's assurance to Congress that, "I come from the Crimea with a firm belief that we have made a start on the road to a world of peace." But it soon became clear that Stalin would not honor his promise of free elections for Poland. Naive? Willful ignorance? Complicity under duress?

So I surmise that the upcoming planetary pile-up upon the 23 Capricorn degree indicates a cosmic time link involving events of 1945 and today, with the same nations participating. And on the horoscope you see (mid-center, top) a notation replete with on-topic cosmic synchronicity: 23 Capricorn = Governmental authority, according to fabled astrologer Nicholas Devore.

So as 'they' always like to say, timing is everything which suggests to me that whatever upcoming shift "this is," it has been in the planning stages for a very long time meant to coincide with the beginning of a new order timed by Saturn conjunct Pluto, then at Winter Solstice 2020, Jupiter conjunct Saturn upon US Inaugural Sun (the Office of the President), and with three conjunctions of the wealthy plutocrat duo Jupiter and Pluto sandwiched in between.

May 3, 2019

May-Aug 2019: Jupiter Rx crosses DOJ Midheaven

Previously we discussed the DOJ dedication chart and its three-fer Uranus Return with its third conjunction perfecting on February 18, 2019 (29Ari21). A 'break away from the past' is suggested and we see such an attempt in stark relief under the auspices of Donald Trump and his personal Attorney General William Barr who 'testified' on Capitol Hill, May 2, 2019 (outer chart). Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) opened the hearing at 10:06 am edt so the May 2 chart is set for that time.

The Department of Justice building was dedicated by President Franklin Roosevelt in Masonic ceremony on October 25, 1934 at 3:00 pm et (Ovason) with 7Pis43 rising and 17Sag33 at MC, the Goal Point. Therefore, Jupiter rules both the Ascendant (Pisces) and Midheaven (Sagittarius). As you see in the bi-wheel charts below, the current course of Jupiter Rx is in DOJ's 10h house and Jupiter, planet of law, justice, politics, and religion, is in process of transiting across the DOJ Midheaven (MC) and will conjoin the MC again once Jupiter turns Direct @14Sag30 on August 11, 2019. The third exact conjunction occurs on September 26, 2019, a transit that, if mishandled, can include a potential for making unwise choices. And so the political and legal dramas continue.

Penned on the chart are transit Uranus opposing DOJ Jupiter, transit Pluto opposing DOJ Pluto, transit Jupiter conjunct MC, and the transiting Mars-Jupiter opposition now affecting DOJ's MC/IC axis (Career/Public Status/Security). Not penned is the transit of undermining Neptune @18Pis03 in DOJ's 1st house which has recently opposed DOJ Neptune @13Vir49, a period of a struggle against or challenge to ideals and ideologies and a time when some form of persecution is on the menu.

Please enlarge the image for a few notes are penned upon the chart/s if you care for a look:

Nov 2, 2018

The Department of Justice's Uranus Return 2018-19

DC Horoscope: Department of Justice Building Dedication October 25, 1934, FDR presiding in Masonic ceremony, 3:00 pm (Ovason).

It seems an eon ago, but on November 22, 2017 we discussed planetary returns to the DOJ horoscope circa 2017--2018 which include the department's current Uranus Return, a 'three-fer' to its natal degree of 29Ari21 in the 2nd house of the National Treasury (its three exact return dates are listed). Here I'm republishing the 1934 chart in case you'd like a gander.

Of course, 29 degrees of any sign is considered a critical or crisis degree and with political and legal events as they are, it seems significant to me that the DOJ's Uranus Return period is in process on into 2019--a drawn out period of time due to the retrograde of Uranus. Now as you know, it takes approximately 84 years for quirky Uranus to complete an orbit and few folk can say precisely what a Uranus Return means (which actually tallies with the planet's well known reputation for unpredictability). The little I know about Uranus returning to natal degree may be found in the above-linked post if you're curious. Disruption, separation, unorthodox methods, a break from the past? Who can say?

Well, one thing we know: with any planetary return, natal aspects may be repeated, activated, triggered. And on October 25, 1934, Uranus opposed the Sun (restless, independent, taking uncharacteristic actions), Venus (unconventional relationships, reversed legal decisions), and Jupiter (new knowledge, searching for values, economic instability, fortune-hunters), trined Mars (progressive projects, unusual actions, unstable conditions), and squared Pluto (untapped energy, elevated consciousness, inventiveness, shift in political power, control of resources). These potentials and more are now activated or stimulated in matters related to the Justice Department thanks to the return/s of erratic, shocking, electric Uranus to its 1934 position, but just how is the question going forward. My advice? Check out the news! For Mr. Trump's 10th house Uranus in Gemini is his 'guiding planet' of chaos, quirky notions, and disruption.

Now also in the 'planetary returns' post, a daring reader will discover a link to another SO'W entry concerning the esoteric (Uranian?) bas relief of symbols carved on the DOJ building, symbols which are daily activated by sunlight. Weird stuff. Especially considering that Uranus in Aries, as it is again on November 6, 2018 (Midterm Elections), suggests blind zealots, fanatics, and/or Utopian reformers and radicals (Ebertin) who'll be 'doing their thing' at least until Uranus moves into staid, conservative Taurus again on or about March 7, 2019.

Jul 10, 2018

Astro-Notes and an Eclipse for Judge Brett Kavanaugh; June 1, 2006 Judge Kavanaugh sworn in by Justice Kennedy in the Rose Garden

All over the news cycle today is Trump's SCOTUS nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Someone at The Hill opines that Kavanaugh Will Not Uphold Roe. On The Federalist Society's short list, Trump could hardly go 'wrong' choosing any of the names to nominate since they were all pre-vetted for the purpose of overturning Roe v Wade and for other decisions intended to shove US society further toward the right, our civil and other rights notwithstanding. Plus, for Trump, Judge Kavanaugh has that extra quality--that apparently his vote will be Trump's trump card to get out of jail free if a case against Mr. Trump should ever come before the Supreme Court. Yet because Judge Kavanaugh may not be the one to take a seat on the SCOTUS bench, let's not spend much energy on him at this point. But we should note that, as reported by The Boston Globe, Born inside the Beltway, Brett Kavanaugh is part of the GOP legal elite so what could possibly go wrong for the rest of us non-elites with Brett on the exalted bench?

Brief Astro-Notes: Brett Kavanaugh

Born in Washington DC on February 12, 1965, the 53-year-old Brett Kavanaugh sports an Air-Water personality blend of Sun Aquarius-Moon Cancer with both luminaries remaining in their respective signs for the 24-hour period. Therefore, the humanitarianism of Aquarius and the subjective, clannish tribalism of Moon-ruled Cancer mix to form an idealistic man with a social conscience, a progressive thinker but one who is also emotionally old-fashioned. This makes sense if his aim is to regress American society back to the 1950s by playing the role of an 'activist judge' for he prefers the values and morals of the past. And his Cancer Moon may reveal emotional immaturity at times and is sympatico with Trump's natal Mercury in Cancer.

Actually, this Sun-Moon combination of energies suggests that underneath a friendly veneer Judge Kavanaugh can be naive and detached when scrutinizing others and tends to rationalize the irrational. The unconscious prejudices of this 'kind-hearted rebel' may be somewhat hidden by a warm demeanor while his eccentric ideas may or may not motivate the masses. Motivate them toward protest and rebellion, as his nomination has already done, most likely!

Now Charles and Suzi Harvey provide two Images for Integration for the Sun AQ-Moon Cancer blend: "A social worker bypasses bureaucracy to save a mother and child...A childhood memory becomes the basis of a new world order." Within my common-good way of thinking, the first image is difficult to fathom for an anti-government Trump Man but the second is easily believed. After all, this natal personality blend is shared by FDR (and by misogynist Norman Mailer and former Russian president Boris Yeltsin).

Consider the following excerpt from a previous post:

In Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.'s The Coming of the New Deal (1958) he quotes Machiavelli at the front of the book saying, "There is nothing...more dangerous to handle, than to initiate a new order of things."

At the end of the book, he quotes Fabian Socialist H.G. Wells describing FDR as, "The most effective transmitting instrument possible for the coming of the new world order. He is continuously revolutionary in the new way without ever provoking a stark revolutionary crisis."

2 South: The Prenatal Solar Eclipse (PE) of Judge Kavanaugh soon repeats

What an apt solar theme for being named to the SCOTUS bench! A solar eclipse in Kavanaugh's 2 South Saros Series perfects on January 6, 2019 @15Capricorn with a theme of: joining unusual groups and gaining a great deal from them (Brady's Predictive Astrology.) Prior to the birth of Baby Brett, the eclipse manifested on December 4, 1964 @12Sagittarius, the position of the US natal Ascendant in our late afternoon charts. And if born near midnight of his birth date, Brett Kavanaugh's natal Moon is @15Cancer and thus will be eclipsed on January 6, 2019.

A Few 2018 Transits to Kavanaugh's Natal Planets (Noon positions)

Not knowing his birth time clouds the astro-picture of Brett Kavanaugh yet we can make a few general observations using a noon natal horoscope set for February 12, 1965 Washington DC. Born during the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Pluto in mid-Virgo, Kavanaugh shares the generational influences of this conjunction which suggests possibilities for higher consciousness, inventiveness, and/or perhaps tendencies toward violence, revolution, and anarchy.

His natal Jupiter-Neptune opposition is about to be visited by Station Direct Jupiter, today @13Sco20, its Station degree and minute. As the expansive planet moves forward for Kavanaugh, transit Jupiter in Scorpio will again oppose his natal Jupiter (17Taurus) with the third and final opposition occurring on or about September 6, 2018. During this period opportunity knocks but 'no one is impressed' with his efforts which may be seen as overblown yet he's feeling an 'urge for greener pastures'. (Obviously, the 'no one' is not a member of the GOP, his sponsors.)

Also, transit Jupiter is in process of conjoining natal Neptune (19Sco59) with the third and final 'dreamy' conjunction on or about September 19, 2018--and the rose-colored glasses are in constant use. However, going on a spiritual retreat would be more beneficial for him than falling for any pie-in-the-sky schemes which may be presented, successful SCOTUS bid or not.

Now as you know, transit Mars turned retrograde on June 27, 2018 @9AQ13, a shift of direction which occurred upon Brett Kavanaugh's natal Venus. This suggests the forming of new alliances, renewed physical efforts, and enthusiastic social events. Legal matters are a major focus under this transit which will re-occur due to Rx Mars. Groups are somehow involved due to Mars and Venus being in Aquarius so this transit seems to look ahead toward the 2 South Solar Eclipse of January 6, 2019, as noted.

Not nearly as rosy is the fact that Kavanaugh's natal Moon in Cancer has or will be opposed by transit Saturn in Capricorn though it's difficult to time this important transit without an accurate birth hour. Using the Moon's noon position of 7Can47, transit Saturn has begun its three oppositions, the third and final of which will perfect on November 30, 2018. A depressive influence, this Saturnian year for him may merely involve the professional realms such as the law, the court, judgeship, and taking on major responsibilities, or it can suggests family, health, or other personal problems--or a blend of both (Career vs Home Life) and with timing issues involved. And of course if his Moon is in a late degree of Cancer, this restrictive, delaying Saturnian influence could continue into 2019. Yet this transit to Moon by solid, sober Saturn is one of only two transits listed here without an element of dreaminess so perhaps it will provide the Judge with real possibilities he can count on. For when working together Moon-Saturn can indicate ambition, strategy, and direction (Tyl).

As for opponents of the SCOTUS nomination of Judge Kavanaugh, today's position of opinionated Mercury in mid-Leo opposes the Judge's natal Mercury in mid-Aquarius which provides a rather clear image of what's in store as his pre-vetted nomination hearings get underway (assuming he makes it to Capitol Hill to play his role in the Capitol Hill Theater production, Let's Rubber Stamp Kavanaugh! If the GOP can get away with it!)

So any time transit Mercury opposes natal Mercury we expect such potentials as verbal disputes, differing opinions, and questions left unanswered. Sounds like a typical day on Capitol Hill, yes, but the result of this particular charade is pre-determined, no matter what Mercury thinks or says. For after all, Kavanaugh's natal North Node @21Gemini (NN = future direction; destiny) conjoins the 10th house Gemini trio of Donald Trump--his Uranus-NN-Sun--and all conjoin US natal Mars in Gemini--so therefore, all square US natal Neptune in Virgo which can only add to the confusion, deception, and fantasy elements of the Kavanaugh-Trump relationship.

And one more transit--Neptune today @16Pis22 Rx conjoins Kavanaugh's natal Chiron (16Pis49) which suggests to me that something involving his mentor (Chiron in Pisces) is not fully revealed or is being purposefully evaded. Judge Kavanaugh's mentor is said to be Justice Anthony Kennedy whose recent retirement has made Kavanaugh's seating on the SCOTUS bench possible at this time. Is masking Neptune, planet of scandals, fraud, falsehoods, and propaganda, attempting to veil secrets concerning the Kavanaugh-Kennedy-Trump trio and their past financial dealings?

A Saturnian Transit Note re: Donald Trump

As we've previously discussed, all through 2018 'legal eagle' Saturn in transit has been performing a series of squares and oppositions to the natal Mercury-Neptune square of Donald Trump, a fantasist who seldom if ever discriminates between fact and fiction. The next exact such transit by realistic Saturn is another square to his natal Neptune on November 11, 2018, then a final opposition to Trump's natal Mercury befalls on December 10, 2018. As goes POTUS, so goes America.