Is a Medieval SCOTUS Set to Overturn Roe v Wade?
by Jude Cowell
Recently we discussed the Alito Draft Leak and a 1991 Eclipse and today I'm here to publish the Solar Eclipse @27Tau55 of May 15, 0850 because it's the initial eclipse (numero one) in the 6 North Saros Series which has brought along the Alito Draft leak with its clear indications of an overturn of a 1973 law that most Americans prefer to keep. ("My body my choice!')
So how does this ancient relic of an eclipse series relate to the overturning of Roe v Wade? Well, it's something that Republicans have planned for years and their scheme has involved certain justices being underhandedly shoved on to the SCOTUS bench for just such a purpose - because the 'Alito leak' revealing the party's abortion/women's health issues occurred under the influence of the 6 North Solar Eclipse of April 30, 2022 @10Tau28, in force as I type.
Additionally, a cosmic curiosity exists between the 850 eclipse @27Tau55 for it was transited in 1854 by the Republican Party's Saturn (27Tau26). Tellingly, their 1854 Saturn is apex planet of a T-Square between a Venus-Mars opposition which suggests potentials for 'abnormal and pathological sex-expression, an inclination to adultery, inhibitions in love life, a separation in love' (R. Ebertin). This sounds like certain current-day Republican politicians to me but I won't mention any names.
Now perhaps you can tell in the horoscope, pictured above, that the April 30, 2022 6 North Eclipse @10Tau28 landed directly upon the 0850 Eclipse's North Node (10Tau58) of future direction, and 0850 Neptune Rx @27Cap32 conjuncts what came to be America's 1776 Pluto Rx (27:32), now in process through 2022 of returning to natal position so the transit of Pluto-to-Neptune is powerfully repeating in 2022. Ordinarily, this suggests a weakening of power and an erosion of our social fabric which I believe is the ongoing project of America's enemies and their comrades in the GOP. We're watching and experiencing these negative results occurring before our very eyes. It's time for changes and reforms, agreed, but saboteurs are making conditions even worse than they have to be!
Then in the Collective, when transit Pluto conjoins Neptune (here, a vast cosmic time link from 2022 back to 850), circumstances involve political, economic, physical, and spiritual conflicts for control, couched in self-righteous, holier-than-thou religious and moral terms (see unmarried maiden Vesta at MC, the Goal Point!). Prominent issues include abortion, civil rights, genetic engineering, and/or mercy killing, although it's probable that Republicans will think of other thorny issues with which to divide the American people. Perhaps other issues are 'on the drawing board' already. Then on this level, another cosmic timing event will be the third of three 'Great American Eclipses' in April 2024, an election year, because the eclipse path of Totality will race across and 'split' the country from Southwest to Northeast.
Therefore, if it ever did, it no longer seems that the Republican Party of 1854 - with the party's Neptune in mid-Pisces at the Midheaven of the 0850 eclipse chart - is striving to improve America, but is determined to return US society to the anti-women regressive conditions of the 1850s and/or 1950s while striving to collapse our nation and remove the US from global leadership, thus leaving an America-shaped hole that their comrades, big China and little Russia, will happily fill. And as you know, the orange-maned Tr*mp has acted as a wide-girthed figurehead for the GOP's long-planned scheme of gutting the US government, prominently brought into public view and 'popularized' by Grover Norquist. Past government shutdowns were rehearsals for our collapse as was Tr*mp's coup attempt of January 6, 2021, with more insurrection attempts to come.
But why doth I fuss?
My consideration of the initial 0850 6 North Eclipse began when I kept hearing pundits and politicians refer to Alito's citings in his draft decision (not the final SCOTUS opinion, so they say) in which he stretched back to medieval times (see feudalism) in an attempt to 'justify' his extremist views concerning abortion and his misogyny against women. As you know, Alito used an early witch-burning judge as his model, a man named Sir Matthew Hale. (Full discloure: geni dot com informs me that Judge Matthew Hale is my 9th cousin 12 times removed, while Samuel Alito and I have in-law connections only. Euw.)
And since we view solar eclipses through the lens of their initial eclipse by way of Zodiacal sign, we're looking through a double Taurean lens that, if negative traits of Taurus are expressed through the 2022 eclipse, the Collective is given another chance to improve upon such issues and previous behaviors as rigidity, stubbornness, intractibility, intolerance, greed, possessiveness', and, via 6 North themes (listed on the chart) of 'relationships to authority figures, the need to take control and responsibility', and 'accepting commitments due to another person's illness or unreliability' (ex: Chief Justice Roberts wasn't extremist enough so he handed the writing task to Alito). (6 North Themes: Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad.)
Therefore I must conclude that if the misogynist Republican model is followed as feudalist Samuel Alito desires, major karmic setbacks will overtake American society and harm the population to an extensive degree which most of us as yet have not fully realized, with women, children, and families in the forefront as our social fabric continues to be torn apart - and all for the sake of GOP power and money grabbing, working in league with religious zealots who don't mid a little Nazism if it helps them reach their theocratic goals. (Boy, are they going to be fooled.)
Admittedly, the dire totalitarian conditions of handmaidism planned for women and girls by Republican Party misogynists reminds me of the way Herr H grievously mistreated Germany's women, children, and families as he divided the country and goose-stepped his way toward total power and control, temporary as his iron grip turned out to be.
How about you, dear reader? What are you reminded of?
A Closely Related Post: April 2022 6 North Eclipse hits the 1803 Uranus of Washington DC and this increases and activates the karmic nature of the eclipse.
Also related: Election 2024: A Blue Tsunami Please!