by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good
When it comes to Inauguration 2025 and the planetary energies operative on that ceremonial day, the ongoing Mars-Pluto opposition is one to be concerned about even though on January 20, 2025, transit Mars Rx will have backed up to @24Can23 (conjunct US 1776 Mercury Rx: a fast pace of life, many communications, verbal combat). Naturally, a Mars-1776 Pluto opposition is aligning which suggests hostile forces and contests of wills and it's an unfavorable time to challenge the status quo, whatever it may be at that time. Naturally, this karmic transit occurs about every two years as activist Mars traverses the last decanate of Moon-ruled Cancer.
Meanwhile, Mars' powerful sparring partner, Pluto @1AQ41 conjuncts the POTUS Sun, creating a planetary pair on Inauguration Day 2025 (also MLK Jr Day!) that indicates governmental devolution in which administrative decentralization takes place down to a lower level, and there can be legal transfers of property from one owner to another. Of course on yet another level, this conjunction could be only a symbol of the transfer of power from one president to another individual - or, with the wealthy Mr. Musk involved, make that individuals - greedy enough to want it all and ignoring all laws that get in their way.
Then as we know, the Mars-Pluto pairing always contains potentials for military and/or police action, and with the two planets set to oppose one another once Mars turns Direct (opposition exact in mid-April, 2025), a challenging situation "awaits in the wings" - and an assault of some kind cannot be ruled out.
Inauguration 2025 Transits to Pentagon Planets 1942
And so with all that being said, the purpose of this post is to show the Pentagon Horoscope of April 29, 1942 (timed by its dedication officiated by Freemason FDR) and the planetary transits on Inauguration Day 2025.
In the bi-wheel shown above, we see that transit Neptune @27Pisces opposes 1942 Neptune @27Vir29 Rx (exact on January 12, 2025). This opposition describes current societal conditions of persecutions of personal freedoms, civil rights, (racial persecutions), and religious conflicts - and basically, it times generational clashes of ideologies and beliefs.
Transit Neptune to the Pentagon's 1942 Midheaven (Career; Public Status) suggests potentials for confusion, a murky public image, scandals, notoriety, misdirected motivation, and a need to avoid bad company (it may be too late for that).
Then in the lower right corner of the bi-wheel image you see the five dates that transit Pluto in Aquarius precisely opposes the Pentagon's Pluto in Leo: March 28, 2025; June 11, 2025; January 25, 2026; September 1, 2026; November 27, 2026. This difficult transit marks the years 2025 and 2026 for titanic power struggles for which we don't need Astrology to inform us.
And yes, karma - reaping what's been sown - is part of the Neptune-Pluto oppositional picture for America and for the US military - and remembering that the generational planetary pair identifies multiple factors such as religion, drug trafficking, the occult, spiritualsm, oil and gas issues, but also Underworld Crime elements with influence in society.
Meanwhile, multiple other planetary transits to the Pentagon planets are operative, as we see, and will be in force as the White House's kleptocratic administration of day-drinkers, abusers, and thieves proceeds to cause as much chaos, confusion, loss, separation, theft, and misery as their scheming, anti-societal minds can devise in order to collapse US society and thereby please their foreign and domestic handlers who demand control of the helm of global power.
In closing, here's a related post you may wish to check out: America's Initial Mars-Pluto Cycle.
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