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Showing posts with label Inauguration 2025. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inauguration 2025. Show all posts

Jan 5, 2025

Senate Majority Leader John Thune

As the 119th Congress opened on January 3, 2025, Republican John Thune assumed the office of Senate Majority Leader, the Mitch McConnell era having ended, as will the Biden era at noon on January 20, 2025.

Nostalgically, see Horoscopes: Power Couple Biden and McConnell.

Now the US Congress will be a Thune-Tr*mp affair full of seditionists and malcontents - you know the ones. Clunkers into the works of Congress are already being lobbed by the Orange Uranian who is said to be hugely miffed that flags will be at half-mast on Inauguration Day due to the recent death of President Jimmy Carter at age 100. Plus, he's extremely sour over his January 10th sentencing by Judge Merchan.

And so with the Thune era now begun, I have two horoscopes for you. Both belong to John Thune: the first chart has my study notes squooshed on and includes the aspect grid, and the second is free of scribbles. Both charts are set for noon in lieu of a known birth hour for Baby John.

Obviously, it's too soon to know if the Saturnian Senator Thune has adjusted his conservative attitude and preference for logic enough to get along with his quirky Uranian overlord, so we'll have to see as their relationshp "blossoms". Optimistically, John Thune says he'll help Trump understand what's "realistic in the Senate"! As if the woolly-headed Mr. T's Mercury-Neptune square of fantasy and delusion has any interest in reality!

Yet despite their differences, they do share a mission for gaining as much wealth as possible:

John Thune: Uranus Opposes Chiron

In closing here's a post from way back in 2005 describing Chiron-Uranus Types in Government that you may find useful. Written during the neocon Bush-Cheney era of bad decisions, I believe that its potentials apply now more than ever. After all, it took many years of bad decisions in Washington to bring America to this hazardous point and, as we now see, the overthrow of a government is a decades-long endeavor, is it not?

And as we look ahead, there's a glimmer of hope for our wounded country via the November 3, 2026 Midterms (DC Horoscope/s shown for the daring and the curious!) Because a determined focus on the Midterm Elections of 2026 provides us with a chance to make it through the haze of kleptocratic oligarchy and put a crimp in their fasc*st anti-American style of non-governance.

Dec 17, 2024

Jan 20, 2025: transits to Pentagon planets

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

When it comes to Inauguration 2025 and the planetary energies operative on that ceremonial day, the ongoing Mars-Pluto opposition is one to be concerned about even though on January 20, 2025, transit Mars Rx will have backed up to @24Can23 (conjunct US 1776 Mercury Rx: a fast pace of life, many communications, verbal combat). Naturally, a Mars-1776 Pluto opposition is aligning which suggests hostile forces and contests of wills and it's an unfavorable time to challenge the status quo, whatever it may be at that time. Naturally, this karmic transit occurs about every two years as activist Mars traverses the last decanate of Moon-ruled Cancer.

Meanwhile, Mars' powerful sparring partner, Pluto @1AQ41 conjuncts the POTUS Sun, creating a planetary pair on Inauguration Day 2025 (also MLK Jr Day!) that indicates governmental devolution in which administrative decentralization takes place down to a lower level, and there can be legal transfers of property from one owner to another. Of course on yet another level, this conjunction could be only a symbol of the transfer of power from one president to another individual - or, with the wealthy Mr. Musk involved, make that individuals - greedy enough to want it all and ignoring all laws that get in their way.

Then as we know, the Mars-Pluto pairing always contains potentials for military and/or police action, and with the two planets set to oppose one another once Mars turns Direct (opposition exact in mid-April, 2025), a challenging situation "awaits in the wings" - and an assault of some kind cannot be ruled out.

Related:The Path of Mars Dec 2024 into Feb 2025.

Inauguration 2025 Transits to Pentagon Planets 1942

And so with all that being said, the purpose of this post is to show the Pentagon Horoscope of April 29, 1942 (timed by its dedication officiated by Freemason FDR) and the planetary transits on Inauguration Day 2025.

In the bi-wheel shown above, we see that transit Neptune @27Pisces opposes 1942 Neptune @27Vir29 Rx (exact on January 12, 2025). This opposition describes current societal conditions of persecutions of personal freedoms, civil rights, (racial persecutions), and religious conflicts - and basically, it times generational clashes of ideologies and beliefs.

Transit Neptune to the Pentagon's 1942 Midheaven (Career; Public Status) suggests potentials for confusion, a murky public image, scandals, notoriety, misdirected motivation, and a need to avoid bad company (it may be too late for that).

Then in the lower right corner of the bi-wheel image you see the five dates that transit Pluto in Aquarius precisely opposes the Pentagon's Pluto in Leo: March 28, 2025; June 11, 2025; January 25, 2026; September 1, 2026; November 27, 2026. This difficult transit marks the years 2025 and 2026 for titanic power struggles for which we don't need Astrology to inform us.

And yes, karma - reaping what's been sown - is part of the Neptune-Pluto oppositional picture for America and for the US military - and remembering that the generational planetary pair identifies multiple factors such as religion, drug trafficking, the occult, spiritualsm, oil and gas issues, but also Underworld Crime elements with influence in society.

Meanwhile, multiple other planetary transits to the Pentagon planets are operative, as we see, and will be in force as the White House's kleptocratic administration of day-drinkers, abusers, and thieves proceeds to cause as much chaos, confusion, loss, separation, theft, and misery as their scheming, anti-societal minds can devise in order to collapse US society and thereby please their foreign and domestic handlers who demand control of the helm of global power.

In closing, here's a related post you may wish to check out: America's Initial Mars-Pluto Cycle.

Nov 20, 2024

The Solar Eclipse of Matt Gaetz

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

So far, with no accurate birth time located for the current AG-nominee, the Wikipedia page of Matt Gaetz must suffice, so a look at his natal chart is somewhat limited. However, we can consider the Solar Eclipse Cycle into which Baby Matthew (Louis Gaetz II) was born May 7, 1982 in Hollywood, Florida, with a Taurus Sun, and Moon remaining in Scorpio for the entire 24-hour day of birth. In fact, since a Full Moon perfected that day at 8:44:40 pm edt, that's how the Matt Gaetz horoscope shown below is timed:

Then as you see above, an abundance of my study notes are squooshed upon the chart (mea culpa) including Mr. Gaetz's Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') with its theme penned on for all to see (1 South).

Natal Mercury in Gemini (thinking; young people; duplicity; multiplicity) is out-of-bounds ('OOBs') of the earthly plane suggesting unusual thoughts about young people, secret transactions (but Venmo not so secret!), plus, you may wish to notice his Ceres in Scorpio (persistence toward goals despite setbacks), and the Hard Rectangle pattern between Sun-Moon-Venus-Mars which relates to his sensual nature and his relationship "issues" with the ladies.

Sun Opposes Moon

It could be that Mom (Scorpio) and Dad (Taurus) had relationship and/or betrayal issues around the time of Matt's birth, plus, a few intense quarrels; meanwhile, their son inherited large measures of stubbornness, dramatic expressions, confidence, a ruthless desire for power, a strong appetite, materialism, and a territorial nature from one or both parents.

A Pragmatic Earth-Water Personality

Let's think about closing this reluctantly written post with the Harveys' Images for Integration describing the passionate Sun Taurus-Moon Scorpio blend of conscious and unconscious energies of Matt Gaetz who resigned his seat in Congress just as the Ethics Committee was about to come knocking upon his door; Q: has the Ethics report been publicly released or leaked yet?

"The mating season...Persephone and Pluto...The Phantom of the Opera." This sounds about right to me, if not to you - and suggests scandals and degraded behavior that should be kept hidden for best results. Yet as you may have heard, Gaetz is known to have "overshared" to his congressional colleagues regarding his "exploits," and his natal Persephone (not listed on the chart) is @14AQ44 and relates to abduction and rape, as you know. Natal Pluto conjunct Arcturus (passion for power) stands out as the apex planet of his Jupiter-Saturn midpoint; see upper right corner for details. His is a strong appetite, as noted.

(For more personality information, see Sun Sign, Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey #ad).

Then for another example of the Sun Taurus-Moon Scorpio combination via relationships of the famous, check out a previous post, Wedding Day Astrology: Adolf Weds Eva.

Nov 13, 2024

Venus-Saturn at Inauguration 2025

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the USA

Perhaps you've noticed that a certain planetary conjunction appears in the Inauguration 2025 Horoscope (shown below), and that it also appears in the natal horoscope of Mr. Trump - for him, a suggestion of discontent in relationships.

So below you see a limited astro-comparison between the expected event of January 20, 2025 and the authoritarian fellow's natal chart - hard-hearted and full of jealousy as he is - who, with his comrades, intends to control our country, our Treasury, and our lives. Then the complete sabotage and looting of America is meant to follow - so pleasing to our nation's enemies.

What a massive resistance movement is needed!

Meanwhile, one of his foreign masters has let it be known that Mr. T has duties to perform now that he's been shoe-horned into the Oval Office with their help (again), duties which entail tasks that he must accomplish as per command. To me, this vise-like circumstance relates to 2017, when transit Pluto reached 18 Capricorn and transformed the energies of the 1993 Uranus-Neptune Conjunction/s into this seemingly unavoidable potential:

"The big picture commands a certain course of action which must be followed, very little option to do otherwise" (Solar Arcs, Noel Tyl #ad).

Of course, we can now read the transcript of the Project 2025 purge agenda to "appreciate" what sort of "big picture" the draconian zealots of lawless Utopianism intend to implement toward a global government of evil, not just in America. Grifting kleptocrats, the purposefully ineffective know-nothings of government, are being tapped for "service" as I type but on an acting basis so that they can be fired at an overlord's quixotic will - and so that revealing confirmation hearings can be avoided.

US to Enter a Period of Saturnian Misrule

As for the combination of Venus and Saturn in Politics and Business, let's quote Michael Munkasey for more information via the Hegelian Dialectic which describes how anti-societal actors create problems, then "solve" them as they intended to all along:

Thesis: Restrictions on wealth or income; law inforcement avoiding difficult or cumbersome issues; changes forced on an enterprise's new social...values; building the value of the enterprise.

Antithesis: Restrictions on the way society is able to function; elderly people in the enterprise who have artistic tendencies; a law enforcement bureau which derives pleasure from restricting the movement of the people. (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Munkasey #ad).

Then as you see in the above bi-wheel, Mr. T's Venus-Saturn conjunction in Cancer receives Inauguration 2025's Mars and this uncovers a midpoint picture of note with potentials which may nor may not result:

Jealousy; violence; weakened powers of procreation; inclination to act on the dictates of emotional inhibition or of regained soberness; discussion or dispute; separation (R. Ebertin). Mr. Munkasey adds: lasting get-rich quick schemes.

To close, here's a related post describing one of the major factors that landed our country at this loss-filled pivot point: An American Tragedy of Mass Delusion which contains a revealing explanation by Dr. Carl Jung. Also, here's a previous post showing a bi-wheel of Inauguration 2025 and the Insurrection Act of 1807, a relic which apparently will be invoked so that mass deportations and other police state activities can be committed with alleged justification - against US citizens such as you and me.

And now for a much needed palate cleanser, you may want to catch the insightful commentary from The Daily Show's Jordan Klepper. Or at least, I would if I were you!

Nov 12, 2024

Tom Homan the "Border Czar"

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Let's take a look at the natal planets of lawman Tom Homan, Mr. Trump's choice as "border czar" once his draconian Project 2025 purge agenda gets underway in 2025.

Born in West Carthage, New York on November 28, 1961, the natal Moon of Thomas Douglas Homan remained in Leo for the entire 24 hours of the day, and with Sun in early Sagittarius, baby Tom was and remains a volatile, dramatic double Fire individual, a good blend for law enforcement as are his Mercury and Pluto in mutual reception (surveillance; obsession with delving into people's secrets). Meanwhile, his Sun-Mars Conjunction ruled by expansive Jupiter provides Mr. Homan with plenty of energy for chasing crime, engaging in a variety of physical activities, and such.

So in lieu of an accurate birth time, here's the 12:00 pm est natal horoscope of America's new "border czar," Tom Homan - unless Trump quirkily changes his mind; notable is his 18 North Solar Eclipse Series for which we need no accurate birth time, only a date:

Additionally, Mr. Homan's Sun-Mars duo is squared by both Uranus and Pluto so you'll spy a few notations penned on the chart relating to potentials for ruthless energy, militarism, and force.

Then another signficant notation on the chart is his Jupiter-Saturn duo (government officials; politicians; lawmen; clergymen), the midpoint of which now has transit Pluto @29Capricorn activating the duo's energies in society. Not for the traditional checks 'n' balances, but for possibilities of violent changes, immense effort, separation, and/or restriction (R. Ebertin).

Of course, before any of this can poise upon the edge of reality, Mr. Homan must first navigate the choppy waters of the Trump administration's appointment process which, as we've seen in the past, is inherently unstable and dependent upon erratic, fantasy-prone individuals.

Nov 8, 2024

Cosmic Blinks: 2025's "Wild Card" Eclipses

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Viewing Year 2025 through the cosmic lens of the year's disruptive "Wild Card" Eclipses reveals emphases on the signs of Aries (one solar) and the Virgo-Pisces victim-savior axis (one solar, both lunars). This spotlights or activates the planets Mars (Aries), plus, Mercury, Jupiter and Neptune (Virgo-Pisces) for Cosmic Blink imperatives sent from Above. Changes of direction in earthly events will likely occur and secrets and/or inconveient facts are set to be uncovered.

So today, for my Friday end-of-the-week post, you see below a dual image of the two Solar Eclipses of 2025 in the 9 New North and the 9 New South Saros Series, along with a dual image of both Total Lunar Eclipses of 2025.

Yet being as fatigued with it all as you are, dear reader, further notes concerning the four eclipses of 2025, other than themes listed below, are hereby postponed to be published later on, most likely to my Stars Over Washington Patreon page exclusively for my special Patreon subscribers who generously support my work here on Stars Over Washington which helps defray expenses. (As can Buying Me a Coffee!) My Thanks to you all, btw!

Meanwhile, here are the four eclipses of 2025 set for Washington DC as a symbol for America; first, the Solar Eclipses:

And below are the Lunar Eclipses. As you see, the first eclipse of 2025 is the Total Lunar Eclipse of March 14th @23Vir56 which conjuncts US 1776 Neptune and squares our 1776 Mars in Gemini. This eclipse ruffles our nation's problematic Mars-Neptune square with its "unconscious habit patterns not appropriate to present reality" (Sakoian and Acker), plus, misdirected motivations, and the fog of war.

Underlying it all is the Moon-Neptune pairing which suggests potentials for refined feelings, subconscious stirrings, faulty assimilation of impressions, illusions and self-deception, oversensitivity, a lack of confidence, strange notions (R. Ebertin) - and the same old mass delusion aligned with our beguiling fantasy that Tr*mp will continue to exploit to the utmost:

Then as our calendars make clear, society begins 2025 with the eclipse energies of the October 2, 2024 8 South Eclipse @10Libra with its difficult themes of loss, partings, and separations. Both Election 2024 and Inauguration 2025 occur under the auspices of the 8 South - and it turns out that freedom is the loser.

On to Solar Eclipse Themes of 2025

9 New North: great physical effort; accidents; sudden physical events; potentials for violent actions; keep a watchful eye on safety; initial 9NN August 21, 1664 @28Leo50; PE of Abraham Lincoln and El*n Mu*k.

9 New South: longterm worries surface concerning health and/or loved ones; issues regarding paperwork or communications; worrisome news with a sense of destiny or fatedness attached, and/or responsibilities with paperwork come home to roost; initial 9NS July 19, 1917 @25Can51 (conjunct US 1776 Mercury: logic required for best results); PE of Charles Koch.

Eclipse info: Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad

Oct 1, 2024

Orange Albatross plans an "American Kristallnacht"

Deathly Symbols: Pluto and Mars-Saturn

by Jude Cowell, partisan for freedom from oppression

Once again, the 12th house midpoint picture of Mr. Trump - Pluto = Mars-Saturn: deaths of many people; destruction; fury (R. Ebertin) - has loudly expressed itself this past Sunday. His call for an hour of ___ echoes a previous event perpetrated by the Naz* regime on the night of November 9, 1938, an expression of their animus against the Jewish people.

Actually, here on SO'W we've previously discussed Kristallnacht, with a post containing the planetary positions on that night of horror, mourning, and loss. One signifiant occurrence in 1938: Herr Adolf boldly asserted himself military commander of the German Army and sent troops into Austria which he declared to be part of the Third Reich (horoscope shown). Perhaps you remember that Herr T recently hailed a "unified Third Reich" if "re-elected".

Meanwhile, Herr T's references to using brutality (as a solution) are turning up more frequently now as Election 2024 nears and may be found in the Horoscope of his "American Carnage" speech of January 20, 2017 during which he pretended to deliver a warning but as many folks now realize, he was issuing a threat against our country. You know - like the death-cult gnatzies in Germany used to do. And sadistically, they followed through.

Then with the draconian Project 2025 agenda of purging that comes along with Herr T if he manages to coup the White House and get himself sworn in on January 20, 2025 (or whenever), let's use the Inauguration 2025 planets at noon EST, Capitol Building, as a symbolic transit chart to the 9:00 pm CET Kristallnact Horoscope to check for planetary contacts between the two events. I'm leaving the November 9, 1938 chart set for Berlin, Germany but adjust timing and location as you wish.

First, here's an unmarked Bi-Wheel, then the same Bi-wheel with my study notes squooshed on for the curious:


You'll find multiple astro-factors penned on the above Bi-Wheel yet I'm convinced that a dear reader such as yourself will spy others of interest relating to this disturbing topic. Why? Because forewarned is forearmed, my friends.

Sep 28, 2024

Kamala Harris' Solar Return 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the comon good

Would you care to see the 2024 Solar Return Horoscope of VP Kamala Harris? It "contains" Election Day 2024, the Electoral College Vote Count in December, Vote Certification on January 6, 2025 (hopefully), Inauguration 2025 in January, and all other events occurring until her next birthday in October 2025:

As you can see, an abundance of my study notes are squooshed on the chart including pertinent Solar Return details concerning SR Sun (in Return 9th house) and SR Moon (in return 5th house, and Gemini). Foreign Policy Matters and Legalities (9th house), plus, domestic, familial concerns, and daily routines are emphasized for her super-busy year. Her natal 7th house of Partnerships and Alliances is first to rise and her natal Saturn Rx @28AQ27 (conjunct her natal Midheaven of Goals and Public Status) is her first natal planet to rise with its practical ideals when legal eagle Saturn is in Aquarius - the sign ruled by Saturn, co-ruled by futuristic Uranus ("We're not going back!").

The VP's Sun-Moon Personality Blend for the Year

Now VP Harris' Solar Return 2024 Horoscope reveals a double-Air Sun-Moon blend of Sun Libra-Moon Gemmini. This combination of energies provides a lively intelligence, diplomatic skill, communication talent, and the ability to argue both sides of a case. Relationships with others are all-important, and her charm and genuine friendliness puts other people at ease.

Additionally, this particular personality blend is shared natally by quite a list of luminaries including: journalist Barbara Walters, poet/dramatist T.S. Eliot, singer Bryan Ferry, actress Madeline Kahn, and novelist Faith Baldwin whose most famous quote is probably,

"Time is a dress maker specializing in alterations."

As for the 2024 candidate's Solar Return Chart shown above, a SR Moon in Gemini provides her the opportunity for a job change, I only hope it's the change from VP to POTUS that most Americans have the commmon sense and survival instinct to vote for.

Aug 21, 2024

Inauguration 2025's Jupiter

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Yes, I'm looking forward to tonight's DNC speech by VP nominee, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz (introduced by his football team, I heard!), but on a slightly different topic, you see below a bi-wheel of the Inauguration 2025 Horoscope (inner; 01/20/25) surrounded by the natal horoscope of VP Kamala Harris (10/20/64) who will accept the presidential nomination of the Democratic Party this Thursday night (8/22) at DNC 2024 Chicago.

The spotlight in this post is on the Inaugural 2025 position of Jupiter Rx @12Gemini and its Sabian Symbol. Three versions of this degree's Symbol (12Gem) and their corresponding Illumination Points opposite (12Sag) are listed below the bi-wheel. A few additional asto-notes are penned on the image along with the dates of transit Jupiter's Retrograde/Direct path into 2025.

We're talkin' expansive, joyful Jupiter, planet of laughter, how we relate, freedom and optimism, but also of Politics, codified Religion, Corporatism, Broadcasting, Banking and Finance. Then notably, Inaugural Jupiter @11Gem38 conjuncts Inaugural 2nd cusp of Earning Ability, Values, and the National Treasury.

Unsurprisingly, the planet's retrograde condition suggests that withholding funds by opponents is likely over the four-year presidential term coming up - made less of an obstacle if Democrats hold the Senate and regain the House this November. Meanwhile, another hostage-style government shutdown by Republicans may be in the offing around October 1, 2024 (date of the Walz-Vance Debate - see link, below), about one week before Jupiter appears from Earth to pause @21Gem20:15. As you know, shutdowns never work out well for the GOP so they become head-against-brickwall exercises of irrationality and their obsessive neurosis.

Now Jupiter @22Gemini is actually a Jupiter-to-US-1776-Mars transit of "making waves effectively" (N. Tyl) while Jupiter simultaneously squares US 1776 Neptune. This reveals grand idealism but with a potential for scandal (spun or genuine). Helpfully, a break in the nick of time might turn up, yet an important caution is to avoid gullibility when dealing with harsh circumstances (A. Oken).

Facing Reality

For we know that the glorious campaign promises and proposals we're hearing from the Harris-Walz Campaign are a balm for We the People's ears and minds, yet pro-democracy plans will struggle to become reality to any great degree without a Democratic trifecta of all three branches of government - therfore, we must Vote Blue down ballot on November 5th to uplift democracy over the brutal fascism of neo-nazism now marching around the globe - and coming for our children as thugs did in 1926.

A Cosmic Spotlight on Jupiter

January 20, 2025 12:00 pm ET: Oath of Office

Jupiter "12 Gemini": "A Black Slave-Girl Demands Her Rights of Her Mistress" (SolarFire v9+); "A Negro Girl Fights For her Independence in the City" (D. Rudhar); "A Topsy Saucily Asserting Herself" (M.E. Jones). Keyword: "GROWTH" (MEJ); Keynote: "Liberation From the Ghosts of the Past"; LIQUIDATION; "The Puritans brought to the theoretically New World the fears, the fanaticism and the aggressiveness of their European existence, and these often grew more virulent under conditions found in the New World" (Rudhyar).

And so the virulence has grown and metastized, now brought to us by maga zealots and holier-than-thou evangelicals who think to turn our democratic Republic into a theocracy - harmful to the common good, and collateral damage be dam*ed via religion ruling the state. Except that the Vatic*n already does this operating as the Roman Empire disguised as a church - and who doesn't know the entity's horrific history of forcing their beliefs upon others, and perpetrating their immoral crimes against children, then covering them up?

Jupiter's Illumination Point = "12 Sagittarius" (unconscious): "A Flag That Turns Into an Eagle That Crows" (SolarFire; Jones): Keyword: "ADJUSTMENT" (Jones); Keynote: "The Spiritualization and Promotion of Great Symbols of a New Age By Minds Sensitive to Its Precursory Manifestations; "A Flag Turns Into an Eagle; The Eagle Into a Chanticleer Saluting the Dawn"; Keyword: "ANUNCIATION" (Rudhyar). This future-oriented symbol is about evolution and about taking bold and transcendant action.

Jupiter's Geminian Path Oct 2024 Into 2025

Jupiter Rx Station October 9, 2024 @21Gem20:15;

Jupiter Direct Station February 5, 2025 @11Gem16:42;

Jupiter to Shadow Degree (21Gem20:15) April 30, 2025 4:10:28 pm ET.

Previous encumbrances will begin lifting once Jupiter leaves his own shadow. Interestingly, this time period covers the fabled "first 100 days" of the 2025 US Presidency which becomes operative at noon on January 20, 2025.

Related Posts include: VP Kamala Harris' Jupiter Return 2024; A Walz-Vance Debate (set for October 1, 2024, last I heard); and A Horoscope for the Pilgrim Fathers with its bossy Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in Taurus, sign of intolerance, possessiveness, and growth.

And so, dear reader, if this post has any merit for you, please feel free to share and pass it on, and a Thank You to those who do! jc

Aug 15, 2024

Horoscope: Walz-Vance Debate Oct 1, 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

If an agreed-to Walz-Vance Debate is actually held on October 1, 2024 NYC (CBS) at 9:00 pm ET, then here you see the Walz-Vance Debate Horoscope. If the debate's hour changes, adjust as you will:

Now since the evening of October 1st is the night before the 8 South Solar Eclipse which perfects on October 2nd at 2:42 pm ET @10Lib03 - conjunct Mercury, messenger planet of debates - the VP debate is scheduled to occur during a Balsamic phase of the Moon when "things go bump in the night." And despite the phase's potential for prophetic utterances, I'm unconvinced at this point that the Walz-Vance Debate will happen on that particular date. Perhaps it will, or the event will be rescheduled, but we'll see. This debate might even be the first of others.

However, due to the nearness of the difficult 8 South Eclipse which will influence both Election 2024 and Inauguration 2025, my guess is that no astrologer was consulted for scheduling advice!

Related posts include 'noon' natal horoscopes of Governor Tim Walz, and venture capitalist JD Vance, 2024 combatants for the Vice Presidential office.

Jul 26, 2024

A Harris-Trump Debate? As if!

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

UPDATE July 28, 2024: VP Harris announces that she will attend the September 10th debate whether Tru*p shows up or not. Do proceed, Madam VP!

Original post begins here:

Our recent consideration of the Biden-Trump Debate included horoscopes of both the first (catastrophic) debate held on June 27, 2024, plus, the proposed debate of September 10, 2024. But conditions "on the ground" have changed, as you know, so now it's VP Kamala Harris who will likely be the Democratic presidential nominee rather than Joe Biden, our sitting president until Inauguration 2025.

Then you also know that the previously scheduled second debate in September has apparently been backed out of by Mr. Trump. Many folks assume that his reticence is due to fear of VP Kamala Harris and her debating skill, and naturally VP Harris will have to become the official presidential nominee for the Democratic Party by then - by August 7th, actually, last I heard.

Anyway, I thought it might interest some readers to have a stand-alone Debate Horoscope set for September 10, 2024 9:00 pm edt New York City, in case the Harris-Trump throwdown should actually occur. The planetary aspect grid is included with the chart which has my study notes messily penned on, and considering the Mutable Grand Cross present that evening, a Debate on September 10th was never a reliably scheduled event no matter who agreed to show up:

Mercury-Pluto Out-Of-Bounds vs Mercury-Pluto in Mutual Reception

For the sake of comparison, here's a bi-wheel with Trump natal (inner) and VP Kamala Harris natal (outer), plus, a few astro-notes are added. The Mercury-Pluto duo demands new perspectives and communicates them - more easily for VP Harris, but another interesting factor is that the old fella was born with the dark, destructive midpoint picture of Mars-Saturn = Pluto, while VP Harris was born with the much lighter Mars-Saturn = Jupiter which improves her concentration toward reaching goals; and as you see, there are other contacts between them as well:

Jul 3, 2024

8 South 2024 a Cosmic Time Link to July 4, 1826

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Please Note: The following consideration of certain 8 South Eclipses operating as what I call cosmic time links, plus, the history rhymes factor evident within Solar Eclipse Cycles, is inspired by recent political events in the US including the possible stepping down of President Joseph Biden due to medical concerns. On a personal level, my heart is with the Biden family and absolutely no disrespect toward the President is intended by this post.

Now as you know, thanks to the "conservatives" (theocrats) on the Supreme Court, We the People seem to have lost the American Revolution to a fascist form of "monarchy" and this resonates with the loss-separation-injury themes of all 8 South Eclipses. That we may also lose Joe after all his accomplishments for the people is a potential with the 8 South Eclipse of October 2, 2024 influencing both Election 2024 in November (a Mars Return for Vatican II), Inauguration 2025 in January - and the 119th Congress.

Then there's another prominent political event to consider which will fall under the auspices of the 8 South Eclipse of October 2024: the J6 Solar Return 2025.

8 South Cosmic Time Links: 2024 to 1826

Concerning the natal horoscope of Thomas Jefferson there are time unknown charts and there is a Horoscope rectified by Isaac Starkman based on Jefferson's life events set for 8:51:08 AM LMT. This is the natal horoscope you see, below, followed by Mr. Jeffersons's Death Eclipse Horoscope in the 8 South Saros Series of loss, separation, partings, physical overstrain and/or injury (B. Brady); as you know, both Jefferson and John Adams passed away on July 4, 1826. The 8 South Eclipse Horoscope of 1826 is followed by the upcoming 8 South Eclipse chart of October 2, 2024 @10Libra set for Washington DC:

As you see above, the 8 South Eclipse of 1826 @14Gemini fell upon the natal Ascendant in Jefferson's rectified Natal Chart with restrictive, karmic Saturn, planet of stoppage, recently conjunct Ascendant. Jefferson's death on July 4, 1826 came within the time frame of his Jupiter Return, and fever-prone Mars had recently opposed natal Venus. With Neptune inconjunct the 8 South Eclipse of 1826, some measure of inability to adjust to reality is suggested. Yes, 83-yo Mr. Jefferson almost reached his Uranus Return which would have occurred three times all through 1827. Considering the health and financial messes that Mr. Jefferson was in late in his life, I suspect that falling short of his Uranus Return was a blessing.

Now previously, we discussed both 8 North and 8 South Eclipses manifesting in 2024 and in 1934. Obviously, this synchronicity resonates with the current fascist and neo-Nazi barbarians now causing all the trouble around the globe and in Washington DC as evil (death) pretends to vanquish good (life) - despite the fact that good won the battle centuries ago. Therefore, their brutal game is based merely on appearances and illusions, folks, so Vote Blue in November 2024 as if our lives and our country depend on it.

And as Thom Hartmann always says, despair is not an option. So still I'm wishing Happy Independence Day 2024, Everyone!

Jun 28, 2024

DNC and RNC 2024: Significant Lunations

Great American Eclipse 2024 Sponsors Both DNC and RNC 2024: Dreams/Visions

by Jude Cowell

According to details on the DNC 2024 Convention, the event is scheduled to be held from August 19 to August 22, 2024 at the United Center in Chicago, Illinois. On the first day of the convention, a Full Moon perfects upon America's Aquarian Moon (in the July 4, 1776 late afternoon Horoscope) with "28AQ" = "A Tree Felled and Sawed." This Aquarian Moon (1776 and 2024) is opposed by Tr*mp's natal Mars rising which describes agent orange's aggressive targeting of We the People. So here's DNC 2024's Full Moon Horoscope with a few of my study notes penned on:

RNC July 2024 then DNC August 2024

Recently we Moon-tracked RNC 2024 (July 15--18, 2024: Moon from Scorpio to Sag). The DNC 2024 Moon (from 12:00 am CDT on August 19th to the midnight hour of August 22, 2024), begins in Aquarius and floats through Pisces into Aries. Not that political events tend to occur in the middle of the night, of course, but because the mundane Moon's signs and aspects provide information concerning the moods, trends, and feeling nature of the public as a convention proceeds from opening to closing day, and perhaps a few minutes before and after.

At DNC 2024, by entering Aries, the Moon crosses the Aries Point (of global events) and the North Node of public contact (7Aries+) along her way - and while in mystical Pisces, status quo Saturn and urge-to-merge Neptune will be met. To me this suggests that topics such as our social safety net programs are on the party's agenda via the Saturn-Neptune combination.

Add this to the Full Moon conjunct 1776 Moon in the humanitarian sign of Aquarius, and cosmic conditions point toward democracy's capacity to once again vanquish the brutality of the fascism offered by the anti-American GOP and their figurehead, agent orange, dictator-wannabe and convicted felon.

At least, that's the fight I hope the Democratic Party has and is prepared for. And We the People must join the fight by Voting Blue in November!

Meanwhile, within both conventions presidential nominations will be proposed, the primary objective of national conventions, expectably occurring during the final evening with DNC Moon in Aries (RNC 2024 Moon in late Sagittarius), along with multiple speeches, an acceptance speech by the nominee, and other events. But our focus with this post is primarily on the mood of the public which includes that of convention attendees and viewers at home (voters), with publicity of and during the conventions part of the cosmic lunar picture.

Death Cult's Moon 2017 Returns in 2024

For context, when we Moon-Tracked RNC 2024, Luna ranged from 7 Scorpio to 28 Sagittarius (crossing Trump's natal Moon-South-Node conjunction of fluctuating popularity). And perhaps you remember the position of the Inauguration 2017 Moon @9Sco21 so there will be a Lunar Return during RNC 2024 for Trumpers who fantasize about that 2017 feeling, deluded folks as they are. As you know, a Scorpio Moon suggests 'fighting for survival' issues along with the fabled moodiness of Scorpio and the potential for betrayal concerns. Additionally, Trump will experience a Lunar Return during RNC 2024 which for him always denotes a Moon-to-South-Node transit--not the best indicator for good timing or for popularity. Plus, for his nibs, every single Lunar Return is always a Moon-opposite-natal-Sun transit as well, so naturally relationships are involved.

Now for the sake of comparison, here's a dual image of both Lunations that occur during DNC 2024 (upper right) and RNC 2024 (lower left), again with astro-notes penned on:

Political Conventions in 2020 Restricted by Covid-19

Nostalgically, another cosmic comparison is when we Moon-Tracked DNC and RNC in 2020 which you'll recall were held virtually due to Covid-19. Even so, the DNC Moon of July 13, 2020 began her journey in pioneering Aries, while the RNC 2020 Moon of August 24th began her travels in--you guessed it--Scorpio, yet another echo of Inauguration 2017's Scorpio Moon.

DNC August 2024 - in Chicago!

Now perhaps you'll agree that the Democratic Party seems brave (or stupid!) to hold their 2024 Convention in the same city as in 1968 considering the upheaval and violence that erupted in Chicago (staged by opponents for the most part--I watched it on my TV: hired thugs). So here's a previous post concerning the solar and lunar background influences of that time via 1968 solar eclipses which have already repeated in 2022 and that is likely a moderating factor for 2024.

Plus, in 2024, came the visionary 8 North Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024 holding sway over both conventions, as noted, and it's the third of three Total Great American Eclipses. Then for astro-notes concerning the televised melee in Chicago in 1968, see 6 North and 6 South Eclipses of 1968 which, as noted, repeated in 2022.

Well, there you have it, a sort of jumbled up assessment of DNC and RNC 2024. With Google's threat of deletion of my 18 years' worth of images and other content (July 1, 2024), I may decide to copy/paste this post into my WordPress blog, Jude's Threshold (named after my 12th house Saturn). But for the weekend, this post is available right here on Stars Over Washington for your consideration. jc

May 15, 2024

Biden-Trump Debates 2024

Horoscopes: Biden-Trump Debates 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

As you've heard, news sources are reporting that the Biden-Trump Debates of 2024 will he held in Atlanta, Georgia at CNN headquarters on June 27, 2024 9:00 pm, televised but with no Live audience, while the second debate is set for September 10, 2024 to be hosted on-air by ABC News, streaming via the ABC News app, and on Hulu.

So despite the possibility that the debate schedule could change or be canceled all together, here are the two Debate Horoscopes with my messy notes penned on.

Lower left is Debate #1 set for June 27, 2024 Atlanta, Georgia, and upper right is Debate #2 announced for September 10, 2024; both events occur under the influence of the Total 8 North 'Great American Eclipse' of dreams and visions, plus, transit Pluto at a critical degree dips back into Capricorn in time for the second debate while transit Neptune is at critical degree during the first debate and is final dispositor of both charts:

The Public Mood: Sagittarius, Then Pisces

Marked on the charts you'll find brief notes concerning the public mood, primarily a reference to the American people. Both signs for Luna suggest moodiness and other difficult conditions which may alternate between positive and negative.

Debating Mercury in Cancer, Then Virgo

In June, Mercury the messenger planet travels through Moon-ruled Cancer where patriotism, nationalism, tribalism, rhetoric, commerce, security, and self-protection tend to express. We should note that Cancer is the sign of Trump's natal Mercury which always ties in his problematic Mercury-Neptune square.

Then in September, speedy Mercury in Virgo is all about facts, details, logic, research, practicality, criticism, and/or cooperation. Notably, President Biden's natal Mercury is in deep-thinking Scorpio, an intuitive Water sign, as is the more commerce-adjacent sign of Cancer.

Well, there are several other significant factors in both charts worth our notice but this is all the time I care to spend on the topic for now since the debate schedule could turn out to be moot. So Thanks a Bunch for reading this far, if you've managed! jc

May 8, 2024

A J6 Solar Return Horoscope for 2025

A Forewarned Is Forearmed SO'W Post

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

A topic of discussion for political pundits these days is that Donald and his never-give-up comrades are likely to be planning another J6-style coup attempt of the US government which may include violence, so I set up the J6 Solar Return Horoscope for 2025 to see what we could see.

Instead of a physical attack, cyber warfare is a likely method of taking control (ex: Election 2024), or, some virulent combination of physical and cyber may be under consideration by these win-at-any-cost ruffians and thugs. In addition, it remains uncertain if stolen documents are being held over certain heads in order to force Donald's will for power and retaliation upon our country - in other words, to force his way back to the power that nests within the White House, thus pleasing his foreign bosses, comrades, and financiers.

Potentially, a second coup attempt could occur in 2024, of course, but let's focus on the 2025 Solar Return ("SR") of the Breach! J6 Horoscope (with US 1776 Uranus rising at 2:15 pm est when the Capitol Building was breached: Uranus = shock, revolt, and/or assault) for the chart shows us the planetary energies in play on the day of the 2021 coup attempt's 4th anniversary, January 6, 2025, at the very moment the Sun returns to its J6 position in 2021. No, I'm not saying that this is the exact day that saboteurs may take further action against America, however, the 2025 Return Horoscope merely symbolizes possibilities and trends of such anti-government behavior.

Mars-Pluto: Force, Brutality, Atomic Energy; Uranus-ASC: Upsets, Excitement

The current Mars-Pluto Cycle (use of force; violent measures) began on February 14, 2024 @00AQ46. What must be mentioned is the Mars-Pluto opposition which is Angular (prominent - like a Full Moon phase in their cycle), and radical zealot Uranus Rx rising - doubly Angular for it lands upon the natal Midheaven ('MC') of Mr. Trump indicating a potential for a major job change (Uranus-ASC = n MC); this is if his fascist authoritarian dream of dystopia comes true, or if he's somehow knocked out of the running and must make other arrangements:

ASC 23Tau52 makes unaspected Venus in Pisces the chart-ruler with unusual perspectives, lack of self-control, an impressionable nature, and isolation (R. Ebertin) more or less in charge. At MC, the Goal Point, we find manipulative, wealthy Pluto in Aquarius with exaggerated plans for reform, or, popular plans for bringing folks together as a community. Obviously, this depends on who manages to nab the presidency in November 2024. Also of note: mundane Pluto can wear a variety of hats including that of The Pope, the spy, and/or the assassin.

The Solar Return Sun and Moon

Sun @16Cap41 conjuncts asteroid Hopi, known for its association with ambushes and prejudice, while the Sun applies twice: 1. square Chiron which spotlights a potential for gaining center stage by a restless character, and 2. trine Uranus which implies technological cooperation, and novel or unusual ideas and methods. Notably, the J6 Sun also opposes the natal Nemesis (16Can40) of Herr Trump which may symbolize little more than his nibs' challenge to national leadership and his determination toward retribution for his loss.

When a Solar Return Moon is in Aries, a new element can be expected within the environment, and heading in a new direction is indicated (C. Teal). However, the square from the Capricorn Sun shows conflict through insensitive or arrogant people making unrealistic demands that interrupt or interfere with our druthers. In 12th house, a SR Moon suggests a period of reflection, recuperation, or possibly confinement. The Moon-Chiron conjunction places an emphasis on patriotism, while the Moon-Jupiter sextile offers assistance and a ray of hope (A. Oken).

As for J6 SR 2025's Earth-Fire Sun Capricorn-Moon Aries blend of conscious and unconscious energies, its "Image for Integration" tells a tale all its own:

"A Roman City-State Is Attacked by Barbarians But Its Solid Walls Keep Marauding Bandits At Bay" (The Harveys). Well, it worked before, may it do so again!

Meanwhile, orating Mercury, the messenger planet in late Sagittarius is the ruthless executive leading a Locomotive shape of planets and in Jupiter-ruled Sag may denote the rhetoric of a religious figure (real or imagined). Provocation, aggressive language, and abuse are in the mix via the Mercury-Mars inconjunct, and the aggression could possibly transfer energies into physical activities, or enthuse others into taking action. Additionally, the deceptive, fantasy-prone, skewed perceptions of the Mercury-Neptune square echo the same square in the natal chart and psyche of malicious schemer, Herr Trump.

Activist Mars @The Foundation

Significantly, warrior planet Mars @30Cancer ("A Daughter of the American Revolution") is out-of-bounds ('OOBs') so who knows what he (or she!) is up to off on his/her own yet can also represent foreign actors as can ivory tower Pluto in 9th house of Foreign Lands and Legal Affairs. My suspicion is that outside agitators should be expected to enter our domestic scene (IC) in order to participate, a ploy we've already seen in current campus upheavals, and have experienced in the past (ex: DNC 1968 Chicago).

The Love of Money Is the Root of All Evil

Financial indicators (exs: embezzlement; foreign raids; more tax breaks; bribery) are bunched around the 2nd cusp of the National Treasury and Earning Ability and include Jupiter, gold-hoarding Midas, and Cupido, asteroid of Corporatism, The Syndicate, the mafia, and/or 'The Family' (also a reference to the power-craving "religious" fundamentalist group in DC that journalist/author Jeff Sharlet has written about and which was made into a Netflix documentary). Then on a more positive note, US employment numbers may continue to impress!

The Jupiter-Saturn Cycle Squared

As you know, their 20-year cycle began with the Conjunction of December 21, 2020 @00AQ+ (conjunct the current Mars-Pluto Cycle @00AQ+), and it would take an additional post for more than a mention of the Jupiter-Saturn Cycle once January 6, 2025 rolls around. For as you see, generous Jupiter in Gemini (Rx until early February 2025) and restrictive Saturn in Pisces (conjunct the Republican Party's 1854 Neptune in mid-Pisces: the grim face of reality transit) are at a square stage of blockages and obstacles. Specifically, we may expect projects to begin before previous projects end, some financial imbalance, and of course, there's the pair's typical association in government of checks and balances which could be part of this picture especially considering the afore-mentioned marauding bandits in the form of the seditious saboteurs, foreign and domestic, who continue to afflict the US government - our government.

Well, there you have my look at the J6 Solar Return Horoscope for 2025. Other planetary factors exist which may stand out more clearly to you, or which may take precedence as we approach Election 2024 and enter the New Year. A variety of transits and progressions will certainly change the cosmic picture substantially along with events as-yet unknown, so let's keep our chins up, our eyes peeled, and fervently hope that our solid walls hold as needed, shall we?

Related posts include: America, Neptune-Pluto, and Organized Crime and The 119th Congress Opens (January 3, 2025 horoscope shown).

May 3, 2024

May 3, 2024 NYC: Hope Hicks Testifies

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Today at around 11:30 am edt in the Manhattan courtroom of Judge Marchan, a former close associate of Donald Trump was called to the stand in Trump's Election Interference/Hush Money Trial. On the stand, Hope Hicks pointed toward Trump's assistant Rhona Graff as a source of information, and testified that Trump was a great multi-tasker.

My understanding has been that not one penny ever left the Trump Organization without Donald okaying it, but maybe that's just me. Is it you?

Solar Eclipses Cycle 'Round Again

Notably, the upcoming 8 South Solar Eclipse of October 2, 2024 @10Libra - the Prenatal Eclipse Series ('PE') that will influence Election 2024 and Inauguration 2025 with themes of loss and separation - happens to be the PE Series into which Hope Hicks was born on October 21, 1988 under 8 South influences, plus, issues of dedication, perception, logic, and/or health issues when in Mercury-ruled Virgo (R. Lineman).

Significantly, the lady's natal Mercury @11Libra will be directly hit by the 8 South Eclipse this October (or influential as early as mid-September) and this will activate her natal Neptune @7Cap42 as well - because Ms. Hicks was born with a Mercury-Neptune square as was Big Liar Trump. Therefore, the square suggests a tendencies to adjust data, and to deceive and fantasize as she served in the White House and has testified today about her boss. And like agent orange, she may tend to hear only what she wants to hear with this square. Later I'll want to catch up with the evening news concerning how her testimony turned out today.

Hope Hicks: Saturn-Uranus Conjunction 1988 = Powder Keg!

Now there are differences between her and Herr T's natal planets, of course, but we're talking about Mercury the messenger and her testimony today so her Mercury-Neptune square is, shall we say, under scrutiny, as is the square of fact-challenged Trump, fantasist extraordinaire.

So meanwhile, here's the 8 South Horoscope of Hope Hicks which perfected on September 11, 1988 @18Vir40. A few of my study notes are penned on the chart but I know there are more cosmic factors worth discovering for the curious:

Now I don't know what the rest of 2024 holds for Miss Hicks, but when an individual's PE repeats (about every 19 years), the themes and aspects of its subsequent manifestations may or may not repeat through life events. Because, as with all eclipses, cyclical repetitions of eclipses are replete with unpredictable Uranian 'wild card' possibilities which may include a change of direction.

Mar 1, 2024

The current Saturn Return of SCOTUS

Legal Eagle Planet: Karmic Saturn in the SCOTUS Chart

by Jude Cowell

Until the arrival of the next Saturn Return of the US Supreme Court ("SCOTUS") on March 2, 2025, the Court and the American people remain under the influence of SCOTUS' third of three Saturn Returns which perfected on January 19, 1996 at 6:59:15 pm est. Dates of numbers one and two returns are listed on the 1996 Saturn Return chart, as you can see, along with my messy study notes.

Some amount of information about restrictive Saturn's rulership of our court system and those who work there may be extrapolated from the cosmic clues herein until the SC's 2025 Saturn Return becomes operative about one year from now:

Possibly significant to our decade, which contains the 2024 Election (post includes Gavin Newsom) and Inauguration 2025, are events of 1995 and 1996 with conditions and/or events rhyming if not repeating precisely. Specifically, we can cite the November 5, 1996 Re-Election of President Bill Clinton. Perhaps you remember the constant harassment, legal and otherwise, that the Republican Party subjected Bill Clinton to - and thus, the American people. Then there were the 1995/96 government shutdowns, a Republican tactic now in the cards once again. The GOP has become tiresomely predictable, hasn't it? Why, taxpayers pay their salaries and insurance premiums while they work to sabotage the country - not to govern it - to undermine it!

Saturn: Planet of Authority, Accountability, Realism

A possibly related fact at that time is that America's natal Saturn of 1776, exalted in Libra, had progressed into Scorpio, a more serious and obstinate placement for The Judge and The Lawmaker, and that US Saturn turned retrograde by progression on January 4, 1997 (9:09 am est) @3Sco24:53 which to me denotes a slow shifting of America's reputation in the world as a fair and free nation where the rule of law and the US Constitution hold sway. The Clinton Impeachment over a personal relationship is an unfortunate example that made our Justice System look stupid to the entire world, and certainly not "exalted."

In other words, much harm has been done, as we discussed in a previous post, Baseless Impeachment Undermines US Authority, says Saturn, and Republicans have been trying it again, this time against President Joe Biden. Baselessly!

Meanwhile, there's an interesting Saturn transit upcoming in a few weeks involving the fantasy-prone Republican Party (1854) which sports Neptune in mid-Pisces - and transit Saturn to Neptune is the "grim face of reality" transit. This may be operative around the timing of the various Trump trials, but who knows with the way court schedules shift about, thanks to Trump's endless ways of delaying (another Saturn word) accountability (another).

So here we are in 2024, and there are too many examples of how the Saturnian shift into Scorpio has played out in the US so I'll leave it to you, dear reader, to consider these things for yourself.

Now here's an unmarked version of the same Saturn Return Horoscope of 1996 shown above, in case it might be useful to you:

Related Posts Include: SCOTUS Decisions: Law and Domination.

Note: the above US SP Saturn Rx information issues from America's July 4, 1776 Horoscope for 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA. Other versions of the 1776 US chart will give similar results although timing may differ somewhat as per your choice! jc

Jan 27, 2024

8 South themes will affect Election 2024

'Wild Card' Eclipses, Historical and Political Events

by Jude Cowell

News has gotten around that yet another Great American Eclipse will manifest in the 8 North Saros Series on April 8, 2024 @19Ari24 conjunct wounded healer Chiron at the same position. This is the third of three such solar eclipses, total and visible across the United States beginning in Texas. Most folks remember the previous Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @28Leo52 conjunct Regulus, the 'kingmaker' star that rises in the natal horoscope of D. John Trump (if his 10:54 am est birth time is accurate). He demonstrated his Apollo rising with royal Regulus and aggressive Mars when he removed safety glasses and looked directly at the total eclipse as if he's a "sun god" (in his own mind). Yet as you know, Leo is one of the signs of royalty (pride and vanity).

Even so, no one alive remembers the very first Great American Eclipse of 1878. So here's a previous SO'W post from 2022 concerning all three eclipses, all total, all visible within the U.S.

And yet this post isn't about these eclipses, it's about the 8 South Eclipse of October 2, 2024 for it's the one that will influence Election 2024 and Inauguration 2025 with 8S themes of "loss; separation; partings; to finish something and feel sad at its completion; possible physical injury through overstrain"; take it easy (paraphrasing B. Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad). Here are DC Horoscopes of 8 South Eclipses with their aspect grids:

May 16, 1501 Eclipse @4Gem51

October 2, 2024 Eclipse @10Lib03

Shown above are both horoscopes of 8 South Eclipses set for DC: first, its initial Eclipse of May 16, 1501 @4Gem51 which provides the lens through which to consider all subsequent 8 South Eclipses via its Mercury-ruled sign of Gemini and applied to the upcoming 8 South Eclipse in Venus-ruled Libra, also an Air sign. Gemini: news, communication, oration, trade, teaching; and Libra: diplomacy, beauty, relationships, and the Scales of Justice.

Notably, 10Libra03 lands squarely inside Trump's natal 2nd hou$e and within his trio of Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter with its grand scheme, fraud, and speculation influences. And as the entire world knows, Big Donald is now within a period of being held accountable for the first time in his life.

Meanwhile, in Political Astrology, the initial and upcoming 8 South eclipses suggest that their combined Mercury-Venus influences are worth pondering within the Hegelian Dialectic model aptly used by Michael Munkasey:

Thesis: A mixture of business and society; beautification programs for highways; news about the status of wealth; social psychology, the study of people.

Antithesis: a business sector at odds with society; speeches which emhasize economic facts; propaganda about the ease and quality of life; debates on added costs; a transportation system that places beauty over function. (Paraphrasing, Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, M.M. #ad).

You recognize that some of these Mercury-Venus potentials are operative now, don't you? And last but not least, when solar eclipses occur in Air signs, logic must be placed about personal biases and emotional attitudes - and judgments must be based on facts and truth (R. Lineman). If karmic progress is the goal.

One more Eclipse Note: 8 South Eclipses have also manifested in the years 1916, 1934, 1952, 1970, 1988, 2006, (2024), and next in 2042 @21Libra, which by degree will stimulate or activate themes of the 7 South Eclipse of October 14, 2023 which is in effect as as I type this post. Follow the link for a view of 7 South's initial manifestation in 1248 and its repetition on October 14, 2024 @21Libra. Repetitions of eclipses are so that humanity has opportunities to handle events and conditions better the next time around.

Dec 5, 2023

The regressive GOP targets Zoomers!

GOP 2024: Zoomers, Minority Voters, Women Unwelcome in Voting Booths

by Jude Cowell, partisan for American Democracy

As you know, Generation Z, aka, Zoomers, are those born from 1997 to 2012 - "The Future Innovators." Well, obviously, innovation is the last thing the Republican Party wants since regression and backward time travel are major features of their authoritarian agenda of dystopian oppression and misogyny.

Yes, Zoomers are being targeted by Republican operatives because even the entity called the GOP realizes that younger Americans (who will live in the future) will vote in droves in November 2024 for candidates with progressive policies, aka, beneficial ones, rather than settle for the crabbiness, corruption, and greed of low-charactered GOPers, whether indicted yet or not.

For a better explanation, check out The GOP has Declared War on Their New Mortal Enemy: Zoomers, by progressive broadcaster and author, Thom Hartmann.

Image: A Close-Up of Pluto (NASA photo)

So with the multiple GOP tactics, both known and, so far, unknown, such as purging voter rolls (Pluto, planet of purges) they hope to sway Election 2024 their crabby way. Regressives demand a Past vs Future struggle as if clocks can be turned back!

And so we may wish to consider any cosmic predictors (As Above, So Below) that we can find in order to forewarn and forearm American voters of all ages. And we all must do what we can to sound the alarm against regressive Trumpianism and Fascism while taking whatever defensive actions possible in order to avoid America being turned into a dictatorship. In other words, the threat is real: Vote Blue in 2024!

Note to GOP: Time Advances Forward, Never Backward!

Now if you as an American, agree, read on. If you disagree, then you're probably in the wrong country and are reading someone else's Unsealed Letter.

Then there's the fact that transit Pluto of primal violence fame has already inched a twisted hoof temporarily into progressive Aquarius back in December 2020, and Mr. Transformation will be residing in Aquarius in time for Inauguration 2025 - but will still stomp on 29Capricorn for Election 2024, with 29 a critical/crisis degree of impatience. But with Pluto in Aquarius, we may expect more folks to express a communal sense than before. And yet we know that the depressingly long sojourn of Pluto in Capricorn, the cosmic marker for The Dictator (R. Ebertin), is fading as I type even as effects of our three-fer US Pluto Return all through 2022 will be with our nation going forward including the US Mercury-Pluto opposition of 1776 and the surveillance state its energies made possible.

One reliable cosmic marker for Election 2024 is its prior New Moon, a lunation that can affect earthly events like a Solar Eclipse and in a similar disruptive fashion as radical planet Uranus often does. Changes of direction are suggested and secrets may be revealed, so Election 2024's Predictive New Moon Prior is worth keeping an eye on.

Then on a Sun-Pluto power-wielding or abuse level, there's a previous SO'W post you may wish to revisit for its Plutonian oppression-suppression potentials, When Pluto Hits America's POTUS Sun (00AQ53), an exact conjunction that occurs three times: February 18, July 22, and December 26, 2024.

And on the topic of the US Pluto Return, see GOP, Foreign Power, and Pluto in America which includes an informative Thom Hartmann clip, plus, a tri-wheel image of all three conjunctions of transit Pluto to its natal position on July 4, 1776.

In closing, there's another potential indicator of US electional outcomes and it's planet Venus. America's presidential election cycle follows the Cycle of Venus via our 4-year vs 8-year presidential terms. For more details see Election Day 2024: What Does the Venus Cycle Say? and please be certain that all the voting-aged Zoomers in your life remain aware of the GOP strategies against their right to vote. Don't let an irrational GOP of brutal authoritarians negate America's future!

Nov 21, 2023

The Assassination Eclipse of JFK

--"--to ensure the survival and success of liberty--" - JFK Inaugural Address January 20, 1961 Capitol Building Washington DC

Our Karmic Loss Echoes Through the Decades

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Today, in November 2023, the American people are engaged in a fight for democracy and the liberty that comes along with it. Our complete rejection of Fascism and Nazism is necessary in every possible way including Voting Blue in Election 2024 - otherwise all our democratic geese will be cooked and swallowed by barbarians.

Now if you've visited SO'W before, you may know that in previous posts I have referred to the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy as, The Day America Died. Obviously, the restless Uranus-Pluto Conjunction/s of the mid-1960s strongly influenced events with the planetary duo's 'old order collapses, construction of the new order' (R. Ebertin) implication as a major suspect in the crime although their conjunction was yet to become exact in mid-Virgo (3x in 1965/66).

Now below with my study notes intact is a view of the 1 North Solar Eclipse of 1963 @27Can24 in 9th house when the chart is set for Dallas, TX; when a solar eclipse manifests in Moon-ruled Cancer, emotional extremes hinder karmic progress (ex: the election of a Catholic president ruffled the feathers of many Americans). As you see, 1 North themes of 'distorted or false information, unexpected events, and/or health problems, fatigue' (Brady) are written across the top of the chart and are highlighted in orange; JFK's natal positions (b. May 29, 1917) are penned around the chart and highlighted in turquoise:

Of course, a variety of cosmic influences were in force as well, and a basic one running in the background of society is the eclipse cycle during which the Assassination of JFK occurred. As noted, that would be the 1 North Eclipse of July 20, 1963 @27Can24. Tellingly, this Total eclipse in the 1 North series ("The Mother of All Eclipses" being numero uno) opposed US 1776 Pluto (Rx @27Cap33) and this contact reveals that the tragic murder of President Kennedy was perpetrated at a critical point in America's karmic evolution.

So we know that in 1963, We the People and the US government which was created to represent our interests, were striving for higher attainment on the evolutionary or spiritual scale (his election was very uplifting for our country, as I remember!); otherwise we would revert to animalism, primal violence, and brutality (Pluto). How different our society could have been!

And so I'm saddened to say that animalism - purposefully chosen to change our national direction and to wound and hamper the American people - was the choice of the enemies of JFK and his administration because his and RFK's reforms were unacceptable to certain people of a criminal persuasion - those who will do whatever it takes to reach their objectives (exs: mobsters; certain wealthy elites). And yes, we're now mired within a cycle of animalism as I type, with violent acts regularly threatened by Herr Trump, his comrades foreign and domestic, and his gullible cult followers - bashing against the US Justice System.

Eclipses: Uranian Wild Cards of the Universe

Simultaneously, another 1963 contact, this one to JFK's natal Saturn, is quite instructive because the 1 North Eclipse @27Can24 landed directly upon his Saturn (27Can09) indicating that he was the president of the hour with the responsibility, know-how, and the discipline to carry out society's required directives. This contact also suggests that JFK was well equipped to handle the duties of office, and that he took a serious view of his karmic obligations (R. Lineman) - exactly what the office of the presidency requires.

Yet as you know, eclipses disrupt events on Earth and can lead humanity into an entirely new direction similarly to the action of the erratic planet of chaos, Uranus, with Total eclipses being especially strong.

As for assassination stopping him in his tracks, JFK's natal Saturn is the apex planet of his Sun-Moon midpoint of vitality, but on a mundane level, this trio can denote 'smears on the national reputation' (Munkasey) which is indicated with the solar eclipse (Sun-Moon) conjunct JFK's natal Saturn. Yet on a personal level, his midpoint picture thus created indicates 'addressing problems' positively, but negatively suggests 'a weakened system' (his health issues are well known, but governmental systems are also involved since karmically speaking, how goes a president, so goes the nation). A potential for Saturnian 'separation' (R. Ebertin) is also suggested and, as it turned out, was the tragic outcome for the Kennedy family and for our nation.

And so this sorriness of grief and loss is how the 1 North Eclipse of July 20, 1963 affected President Kennedy's natal Saturn (at Midheaven and fully visible to the world), his planet of sober leadership, duty, responsibility, and karma on The Day America Died. Meanwhile, manipulative Pluto, the assassin, via its 1776 position, was opposed by the 1 North while Eclipse Saturn formed an obstructive sesqui-square of complexity to President Kennedy's natal Pluto at this, his Nodal Half Return of destiny.

Previously appearing on SO'W: DC Horoscope JFK Inauguration 1961 with his natal planets surrounding and Inauguration Saturn in Capricorn aligning in opposition to JFK's natal Saturn in Cancer.

And you may wish to read about the eternal flame that Jacqueline Kennedy requested for her husband's grave in Arlington National Cemetery.

1 North Eclipses also manifested in the years 1909, 1927, 1945 (Trinity Test), {1963}, 1981 (as the Reaganomics Eclipse),1999 (as the 'Fixed Grand Cross Eclipse' found in The Book of Revelation which Nostradamus warned against due to its 'terror' implications), 2017 (as The Great American Eclipse conjunct royal star Regulus and Herr Trump's natal Ascendant).

Meanwhile, the next 1 North Eclipse occurs on September 2, 2035 @9Virgo, and the very first occurrence of a 1 North manifested on January 4, 1639 @13Cap48 which means that all subsequent 1 Norths may be more clearly viewed through a Saturnian lens which can add themes of avariciousness, selfishness, and greed to the proceedings, or, on a higher level, can indicate 'old souls' teaching others to walk the sober, responsible, and conscientious path that leads to karmic progress.