The following midpoint picture interpretations are gleaned from the natal chart of Donald John Trump born June 14, 1946 10:54 am edt Queens, New York USA and are quoted here from The Combination of Stellar Influences by Reinhold Ebertin (lest someone fuss that I made them up!)
Well yes, I'm a messy artist but perhaps you can somehow read my scribbles of Mr. Trump's natal planetary pictures and their potential expressions (any, all, or none may apply and all are subject to activation by various cosmic means, a lifelong condition here on Planet Earth):

If possible, read them all together (unless you know them already) for they paint quite a picture of this flawed individual whose personal flaws and foibles are now our own to some extent--even for those who 'resist' his White House tenure. Uncomfortably, we are all under the sway of Trump's 10th house Uranus @17Gemini, his oriental or 'guiding planet', which inspires in him a wide variety of shocking behaviors and erratic ideas and intensifies his odd or unusual communications style (Gemini), wouldn't you say? And though people get excited when seeing him in person (Sun-Uranus = NN of public contact), chaos attends sky god Uranus, planet of lightening, electricity, novelty, disruption, separation, and--perhaps more to the political point--radical reforms. As you know, the totally skeptical Mr. Trump (Mercury-Pluto = Saturn) is a quixotic, quirky reformer (Uranus in Gemini) who becomes overwhelmed with extreme emotions (Moon-Pluto = Chiron, the wound and/or blind spot) and has a tendency to be easily seduced and to speculate wildly (Jupiter-Neptune = Chiron--in his 2nd house of Money and Values). Plus, hypocrisy is often a part of any bubbly, frothy Jupiter-Neptune action and with Chiron in the midst of it he may be completely unaware of his hypocrisy although it's excessively obvious to most observers (and victims!)
And since I have often here and there complained of Mr. Trump's indiscreet, fantasy-prone, dishonest Mercury-Neptune square of the sneaky mind (A. Oken), I give it small mention since we're talking mostly midpoint pictures yet it is a major feature of his public persona and habitual behavior in which he prevaricates without having to think about it.
And so we see in current events and in these pictures that Gemini messenger Mr. Trump, who rules spontaneously by whimsy and notion, has a mission to fulfill and announcements to make (Mercury conjunct Mirzam, The Announcer who precedes Sirius, the Dog Star). His oppressive family conditions early in life (and probably even now with the Mueller investigation) gives a tendency toward emotional depression (Saturn-Neptune = ASC) which he endeavors to hide from himself in the many ways we've observed. A primary way is to go overboard in one's love life and to talk of such private matters too often and too familiarly. Then Venus-Neptune = ASC provides him with potentials for holding peculiar attitudes about love and women, impressionability, a lack of good taste (a gilded penthouse? ridiculous!), and....surprise--disappointment in love. This potential may sometimes aggravate the discontent seen in his Venus-Saturn conjunction in 11th house of Associations. As we've noticed, loyalty (Saturn) in relationships (Venus) is a must for Mr. Trump no matter how wrong or offensive he is on any topic or issue, or how disloyal he himself is.
And with such an attitude toward others he's bound to face disappointment in relationships, including marriage. Still, appearance is everything (Venus-Neptune) for Mr. Trump and an exalted public image must be maintained by hook or by crook (remember his alter ego, "John Miller"?) We can see Mr. Trump's intense interest in love, sexual encounters, and relationships showing here as well like a terrycloth bathrobe left askew for effect. Woman as goddess on a rose-festooned pedestal--until she disappoints, that is. Well, Mother did as we see in his Moon-South Node conjunction of separation and estrangement. With Moon-SN, his sense of timing isn't so fabulous either and perhaps we should watch as transit Mars nears his Moon-SN conjunction (20/22Sag) and opposes natal Sun-North Node in early March 2018. Potentials of this Mars transit are vindictive anger, rash actions, challenges to leadership, ego-bruises, and physical strain or injury, most of which sounds like the usual but a male (Mars), or Mr. Mars-Rising himself, may activate or trigger the energies to a higher level.
Then There's the Most Negative Midpoint Picture in His Natal Chart
As the current leading representative of America and the American people, the most disturbing midpoint picture on the list considering Trump's social position and influence over society is listed, upper left, and that's one of brutality, rage or fury of destruction, and the death of many people...Mars-Saturn = Pluto, deadly planet of the Criminal Underworld, the Occult, Psychology, Raw or Primal Power, and of Nuclear Power--here, in ego-based Leo. Plus, his Midheaven (Aspirations-Goals) falls within the stars of Perseus (the prince--and Trump's frisky Mars rises with royal Regulus) and at MC spotlights the passionate, aggressive energies of starry Capulus. Yes, his aspiration came true for he reached the head (Capulus) of the entire enterprise--again by hook or crook. And yet he often seems like the dog who caught the bus and... you know the rest.
Now according to Reinhold Ebertin concerning Mars-Saturn-Pluto constellations, the potential is available for him-of-the-massive-ego to push precisely the Wrong Button so let's pray (or fervently hope if that's all we can manage) that the remaining potential in this death-axis (Mars-Saturn) midpoint picture expresses in a way that overrides its most negative implications, whether an override comes by way of a Heavenly Source or from someone who will rein Trump in...the intervention of a higher power.
A Related Post: May 2018: Trump's New Moon, Manafort's Trial, and Uranus Enters Taurus.
Additional Note: our do-nothing Congress returns to Capitol Hill tomorrow, Monday February 26, 2018, and there's no time to type about it now yet it may be noteworthy that tomorrow's Cancer Moon will turn void-of-course at 4:51 pm est once she squares radical Uranus in Aries so those who wish to actually accomplish something in Congress with some small measure of cooperation may wish to do their best work prior to 4:51 pm even though actions during the Moon's VOC condition can indicate that no one can interfere or limit--or, that results will be totally unexpected. Luna enters Leo at 11:42 pm est and floats on to make a series of quincunxes of adjustment and strain all through Tuesday, February 27, 2018.