Feb 2024 Saboteurs in the US: Win At Any Cost
by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy
As multiple astrologers have mentioned, at Election 2024 - or rather two days prior to the November 5th Election on November 3 2024 - an opposition forms in the heavens between warrior planet Mars and wealthy, deadly Pluto across the Security Axis of Cancer-Capricorn. Depending on how these powerful energies are utilized, this transit times a dangerous period surrounding America's Election 2024.
Now this is not news, even to non-astrologers, but my post today is meant as a study of the 2024 Mars-Pluto Cycle with a cosmic nod to the US Mars-Pluto Cycle which began for America with the planetary pair's Conjunction on December 24, 1775 @25Cap35 in a sensitized and governmental area of the Zodiac. We might also add the energies of the forceful duo to America's Inauguration Midheaven in late Capricorn for a picture of ambition, advancement, and/or extreme measures for increasing power and status. Obviously, this resonates as a description of Election Year 2024 and Inauguration 2025.
Then you may remember that corporate fascists (exs: bankers) attempted a "businessman's coup" of America in 1933 but it failed. Incomplete preparation, one imagines, plus, they approached the wrong military general to lead it. Meanwhile, FDR proceeded to establish his New Deal programs despite strong opposition from the "economic royalists" of his day. Now in 2024, monarchists continue to threaten the destruction of our social safety net programs which would help induce the collapse of America, their longterm dream, and would gift taxpayer funds to Wall Street gentry.
Facing reality, we know that these sinister energies have simmered under the surface of global societies ever since, and in the US (the bellweather nation for democracy) saboteurs retain their clawhold via the unfortunate streak of racist Aryanism, a moral failing which our opponents have long known is America's deepest flaw from our country's earliest days. Add to this sore loser Republicans' promotion of Never Surrender, for this is the concept which must be the case for democratic forces as well - if we hope for victory over the global criminal network.
Our Challenge 2024: Democracy vs Fascism - Again
This time around, since 1933 (and including nazi efforts in the 1940s), fascists and neo-gnatzies have been loading up key positions in the US with anti-democracy thugs and enablers with skewed perspectives, while finagling the charismatic agent orange as their flawed figurehead. So if forewarned is forearmed, please read on if you wish an overview of 2024 Mars-Pluto potentials as We the People march down an uncertain trail toward Election 2024. The two horoscopes are suitable for study by the curious!
Now sigificantly, the Mars-Pluto pairing is associated with potentials for brutal force, primal violence, barbarism, military action and/or weapons, war, crime, attacks, cruelty, sadism, forceful intervention, deviant behavior, violent people, people disabled in war, and/or a military police state (Munkasey), just to name a few. Additionally, success through excessive effort may be positive or negative depending on the motives of those involved.
February 14, 2024 -- November 3, 2024
Above is a dual image of the current Mars-Pluto Cycle (upper right) which began on February 14, 2024 @00AQ46 (conjunct US Inaugural Sun so obviously the office of the presidency is involved along with Election 2024), and the Mars-Pluto Opposition (lower left) @29:45 Cancer-Capricorn of November 3, 2024. So the point of this post is that these two 2024 horoscopes encase and envision an entire Mars-Pluto Cycle affecting America during this pivotal election year as we look forward toward the future of our country - and work to defend a better kind of world for our descendants to inherit.
In closing, here are the Sabian Symbols for the November 3, 2024 positions of Mars and Pluto with their exact oppositional degrees being reciprocal Illumination Points, one of the other:
Mars "30 Cancer" = "A Daughter of the American Revolution" - Keyword: INHERITANCE; positive expression: an infectious pride in leadership through which a group is able to act as a unit; negative expression: the ultimate betrayal of selfhood by a false assumption of superiority.
Pluto "30 Capricorn" = A Secret Business Conference" - Keyword: OPPORTUNITY; positive expression: a gift for clever planning and successful administration in every area of life; negative expression: rampant selfishness and rank exploitation of others.(M.E. Jones, The Sabian Symbols in Astrology #ad)
Please Note: the term "gnatzies" - pronounced like "gnats" - issues from a recent David Feldman podcast episode.
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