Zero-Degree Points of Manifestation Time Global Events and Important Energy Shifts within the Collective
by Jude Cowell
Back in November 2021 here on SO'W, we discussed the Spring Equinox 2022 Horoscope, aka, Aries Ingress 2022, a timed chart of a regularly occurring cosmic event that's always 'good for' an entire year. Transits to the horoscope and its planets are quite instructive for those who wish to follow along as the year proceeds. And due to Putin's war against neighboring Ukraine begun on February 24, 2022, we even considered a Spring Equinox 2022 Horoscope cast for Moscow, Russia with its sprinkle of 29-degree critical-crisis angles and planets, impulsively striving to enter their next signs, hoping for new conditions.
Here Again is the DC Horoscope of Spring Equinox 2022 (details linked, above):
Next on the cosmic calendar is Summer Solstice 2022 and I've yet to publish its DC Horoscope (mea culpa! too much going on) - wait! yes it's published!. Well, here's a post concerning 2022's June and July shifts of direction of societal planets Jupiter and Saturn. Note that Jupiter will remain retrograde @29Pisces (conjunct Scheat) until after the November 8th Midterm Elections. And for context, see the US Solar Return 2022 Horoscope set for Washington DC, suggesting that people and actions continue to be obscured by 'veils and fantasies'.
Then marching in the 2022 Cardinal World Point parade comes Autumn Equinox 2022 with an unaspected (disengaged, alienated?) Moon. Or perhaps this lunar condition reveals a public left out of consideration as the ruling elite class 'makes arrangements' to suit themselves. You know - like justice Alito determined that what a large majority of We The People want concerning Roe v Wade makes no never mind to radical reactionary justices on the SCOTUS bench such as his nibs, Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, and handmaiden Barrett. Perhaps we can agree, dear reader, that morality cannot be legislated externally, and that bossily forcing one's religious views upon others leads to disaster. Yet We The People can do something about this for significantly, the 2022 Midterm Elections take place during the Autumn season. In fact, Blue Tsunami Waves of pro-democracy voters in November 2022 and again in November 2024 are required for America's karmic progress, no matter who the candidates turn out to be!
And of course, winding up Year 2022 is Winter Solstice 2022 with its DC location showing Cardinal World Points prominently on the chart's Ascendant-Descendant angles of Self and Others. This solar shift to 00Capricorn00:00 will take us from December 2022 and the holiday season into the early weeks of Year 2023 and will influence events until Spring Equinox 2023 takes over, and the seasonal cycle identified by the 'Sun to Cardinal Points of Manifestation' begins all over again.
Meanwhile, on an astrological level, the Summer, Autumn, and Winter Cardinal Point horoscopes (Sun to 00Cancer, 00Libra, 00Capricorn, all critical-crisis degrees as is the Aries Point) may be used as transit charts in comparison with the Spring Equinox Horoscope for timing and other purposes because, as noted, the March 2022 Aries Ingress Horoscope is 'good for' the entire year so therefore is the most prominent annual horoscope.