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Showing posts with label Roe v Wade. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Roe v Wade. Show all posts

Mar 8, 2024

Biden SOTU 2024: Bound to Succeed!

A SOTU 2024 Astro-Review

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Last night's SOTU Address to a joint session of Congress was delivered in fiery fashion by President Joe Biden who, some pundits say, will get him re-elected. Unlike his past SOTUs, President Biden didn't ask the malcontent Republicans to join him in legislative tasks to boost the country, instead he forcefully called them out on just about every issue they truculently oppose. With satisfaction I can type that Republicans' frilly gnatzie underpants were showing!

SOTU 2024 in Balsamic Lunar Phase: Prophetic

Citing a positive vision for our nation's future, Joe Biden symbolically reached ahead toward the promises of the visionary Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024 of prophetic dreams, and claimed them to include in his bracing, forward-looking speech. Combative, yes, (his natal Saturn-Uranus conjunction came in handy!) and we can see these facets in midpoint pictures with the North Node of public contact in pioneering Aries at apex; penned on the chart, look for NN = Saturn-Uranus midpoint: combative energy, but also NN = Sun-Jupiter: new plans that feel "bound to succeed" (N. Tyl):

Above: SOTU 2024 9:27 pm est (lower left, Hour of Sun) and SOTU 2024 10:34 pm est (upper right, Hour of Mars); timings used from my phone's time stamp, yours may differ slightly.

Other astro-notes are listed on the charts for the curious including President Biden's natal Mars @12Scorpio rising as he ended his SOTU address--and with transit Jupiter in obstinate, often greedy Taurus opposing his Mars, a challenging opposition that will soon pass from Jupiter's Sabian Symbol word picture: "A Man Handling Baggage."

Well, I'd have to say that last night, Mr. Biden "handled" the dead-weight Republicans very well, those who refuse to govern and only pretend allegiance to America. Yet the quarrels won't end for it's Campaign 2024, after all.

And one, perhaps the major, issue the President has to improve upon is his outward support of Netanyahu's brutality against the Palestinian people and thousands of Michigan voters' recent protest against Biden's public stance--notwithstanding his workings behind the scenes toward a ceasefire in Gaza. See upper right corner for the Nemesis (divine foe) conjunction with Niobe (grieving mothers), both lingering in retrograde, for the Israeli-Palestinian paradox, the inability to forgive leading to endless acts of revenge, has caused strife and suffering in the world for as long as anyone can remember.

A Change of Perspective for Election 2024!

So now it's been confirmed that the Venus Election Cycle may be on the Democrats' side after all. Why? Because with election Venus in Sagittarius, sign of the outsider or stranger, the Venusian forecast is for a rival of the incumbent to be victorious this November, and there have been only a couple of exceptions through the years. But now that it's obvious that it's to be a Biden-Trump match-up and Herr Trump is running as "an incumbent," his Democratic rival is just as likely to win the presidency! Even more likely, if we-the-voters do our parts by turning out in massive numbers to Vote Blue for democracy on November 5, 2024. It's not hyperbole to say that our childrens' futures are on the line - and with women voters, a Biden victory can be assured and, along with House and Senate victories for Democrats, Roe v Wade will be restored along with womens' rights.

So in closing, here's a clear-eyed, plain-spoken, don't-miss podcast episode concerning last night's SOTU 2024 from the excellent David Feldman helpfully giving us The Mop-Up.

More astro-notes can be found in my previous post on Biden's SOTU Address 2024, written before the 9:00 pm start time was announced, and with Spica rising at 9:00 pm--still a symbolic chart for SOTU 2024, but it took several minutes for his glad-handing through the chamber (his old stomping ground) to lead President Biden to the podium where he began to speak at 9:27 pm!

A Closely Related Post: The Saturn-Uranus Cycle of Joe Biden.

Mar 5, 2024

A Cosmic Catch-Up with Roe v Wade

Beware: An Ancient Fist of God Packs a Punch

by Jude Cowell

Having been remiss since 2022 concerning the topic of Roe v. Wade and the Supreme Court's announcement overturning it on June 24, 2022, here's a small effort to catch up with the astrology of the two events. Below you see a bi-wheel of the Historic Law: Roe v Wade 1973 Horoscope (inner; RR: AA) and the Roe v Wade overturned horoscope (outer; my time stamp that morning); as you see, the comparison reveals several planetary contacts.

Penned on the charts are the two Solar Eclipses influencing each event: 11 North in 1973 in mid-Capricorn, and 6 North in Taurus in 2022; brief indications of their themes are listed, plus, other astro-notes are sprinkled messily around the charts. I direct your attention to a particular transit of eroding, fraudulent Neptune @29Pis37 (conjunct Nemesis in 1973 - veiled by Neptune--and conjunct the star of misfortune, Scheat at a critical 29th degree) exact on May 29, 2024 when the RvW 1973 Ascendant will receive the gaseous giant for the first time and this begins a period of four more conjunctions of urge-to-merge Neptune to the Roe v Wade ASC on into 2026. Of course, destablizing Neptunian influences have been increasing for some time since transit Neptune was @24Pisces (5-degree orb).

Another significant double contact comes in April 2024 when transit Saturn, then transit Mars, will square 1973's Mars-Saturn opposition and this activates the opposition and suggests applying extreme pressure to complete stalled work and possibly a deficiency in planning (M. Munkasey). And as you know, the Mars-Saturn duo tends toward destructive or harmful energy and risks of death, which is what Republicans are forcing upon American women, pregnant women and girls. Bizarrely, embryoes are now deemed to be children even though a child cannot be frozen as an embryo can. A total lack of logic may be noticed since Republican propaganda skips the brain and aims directly at the emotions - no critical thinking required or sought. And Herr T says he "loves the uneducated," as we know.

Then perhaps this is where the 1973 Roe v Wade Midheaven (The Goal Point) sneaks in: "30Sag" = "The Pope Blessing the Faithful." The negative expression of this degree includes: "A surrender to a lust for power" (M.E. Jones). Wonder who?

So what's my guess? Obviously, a continuance of Republican efforts to take away more of women's access to healthcare such as birth control pills and IVF therapy, plus, the federal abortion ban that Herr Trump is promoting these days. Because the orange albatross is under orders, you know, while grabbing power and control is the basic objective along with continuing plans to sabotage America. Meanwhile, gender and other related issues are involved in their power-grab as well, but they're beyond the scope of this post.

Strong-Armed Paternalism Demands Total Control

Now naturally there are multiple planetary influences from 2022 to 1973 other than the few mentioned in this post, and I'm quite certain that interested parties can locate them. Why, you may already have discovered them! After all, this is only a belated catch-up with the ill fortune of SCOTUS acting against American women as if handmaidism is all we're good for. That's simplisitic, yes, but not being of the Vatican persuasion, the papacy's traditional stance against abortion is their business, their choice, and has always helped to fill church pews, one assumes.

Besides, my firm belief is that you can't legislate morality which must come from inside the individual, not externally. Irrationally, Moses Mike wants to impose his morality on us all and outcomes promise to be much more than difficult.

Thing is, America's traditional separation of church and state is under attack so that theocracy can be forced upon us along with fascism which always uses religion to shove its way into a society. Now before I fuss further I should add a personal note: that all through my life, folks of the Catholic persuasion have been some of the kindest people I've known. But when it comes to the Vatican hierarchy, a hidden fact is that "the church" is what the Roman Empire morphed into once the Empire fell, so if you have a look at the Horoscope of the Roman Empire you'll find that it contains planetary contacts with the horoscopes shown, above. You'll also see a telling Fist of God (aka, Thor's Hammer) pattern pointing unsurprisingly toward lady Venus, planet of goddess archetypes that the church worships via graven images.

And symbolically this forceful, oppressive cosmic pattern from ancient times symbolizes what our current Christian Nationalists and others are attempting to do: shove the force of God behind their oppressive laws in the US in order to muddy the line between man's law and God's law - resulting in the very opposite of the Founding Fathers' enlightened vision for establishing the government of this country.

Then with the third of three Great American Eclipses arriving on April 8, 2024 @19Aries24 conjunct priestly Chiron, its 8 North themes of vivid dreams, visions, intuitive leaps, and insights (B. Brady) could be utilized to lift our thoughts toward a higher direction as Election 2024 nears, with a significant eclipse in Mars-ruled Aries timing a period when competitors can boldly confront circumstances within society by exercising initiative and positive leadership.

So if I were you, dear US reader, I'd vote Blue up and down the ballot on November 5, 2024 if positive leadership is the outcome you prefer for America.

(Note Feb 8, 2024: an edit has been made to correct from "foetus" to "embryo" - mah bad jc.

May 6, 2022

Cardinal World Points Through Year 2022

Zero-Degree Points of Manifestation Time Global Events and Important Energy Shifts within the Collective

by Jude Cowell

Back in November 2021 here on SO'W, we discussed the Spring Equinox 2022 Horoscope, aka, Aries Ingress 2022, a timed chart of a regularly occurring cosmic event that's always 'good for' an entire year. Transits to the horoscope and its planets are quite instructive for those who wish to follow along as the year proceeds. And due to Putin's war against neighboring Ukraine begun on February 24, 2022, we even considered a Spring Equinox 2022 Horoscope cast for Moscow, Russia with its sprinkle of 29-degree critical-crisis angles and planets, impulsively striving to enter their next signs, hoping for new conditions.

Here Again is the DC Horoscope of Spring Equinox 2022 (details linked, above):

Next on the cosmic calendar is Summer Solstice 2022 and I've yet to publish its DC Horoscope (mea culpa! too much going on) - wait! yes it's published!. Well, here's a post concerning 2022's June and July shifts of direction of societal planets Jupiter and Saturn. Note that Jupiter will remain retrograde @29Pisces (conjunct Scheat) until after the November 8th Midterm Elections. And for context, see the US Solar Return 2022 Horoscope set for Washington DC, suggesting that people and actions continue to be obscured by 'veils and fantasies'.

Then marching in the 2022 Cardinal World Point parade comes Autumn Equinox 2022 with an unaspected (disengaged, alienated?) Moon. Or perhaps this lunar condition reveals a public left out of consideration as the ruling elite class 'makes arrangements' to suit themselves. You know - like justice Alito determined that what a large majority of We The People want concerning Roe v Wade makes no never mind to radical reactionary justices on the SCOTUS bench such as his nibs, Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, and handmaiden Barrett. Perhaps we can agree, dear reader, that morality cannot be legislated externally, and that bossily forcing one's religious views upon others leads to disaster. Yet We The People can do something about this for significantly, the 2022 Midterm Elections take place during the Autumn season. In fact, Blue Tsunami Waves of pro-democracy voters in November 2022 and again in November 2024 are required for America's karmic progress, no matter who the candidates turn out to be!

And of course, winding up Year 2022 is Winter Solstice 2022 with its DC location showing Cardinal World Points prominently on the chart's Ascendant-Descendant angles of Self and Others. This solar shift to 00Capricorn00:00 will take us from December 2022 and the holiday season into the early weeks of Year 2023 and will influence events until Spring Equinox 2023 takes over, and the seasonal cycle identified by the 'Sun to Cardinal Points of Manifestation' begins all over again.

Meanwhile, on an astrological level, the Summer, Autumn, and Winter Cardinal Point horoscopes (Sun to 00Cancer, 00Libra, 00Capricorn, all critical-crisis degrees as is the Aries Point) may be used as transit charts in comparison with the Spring Equinox Horoscope for timing and other purposes because, as noted, the March 2022 Aries Ingress Horoscope is 'good for' the entire year so therefore is the most prominent annual horoscope.

Jul 24, 2007

Ron Paul Aug 20, 1935

Using the Solar (sunrise) chart we may find much information on Libertarian Ron Paul even without a known birth time. And since the Moon was in Taurus through the 24 hours of Aug 20, 1935, we may use Sun Leo/Moon Taurus for his personality blend--a good place to start.

One of the greatest strengths of Sun Leo/Moon Taurus is having an emotional and moral commitment to goals and ideals. There is staying power with this combo and a capacity for hard work, plus an ability to think big. (His Jupiter/Neptune sextile supports his 'thinking big' ability, but adds sensitivity to criticism and a need for recognition.)

There is generosity, egocentricity, stubbornness, and a love of grandeur...but also great administrative talent which is admirably echoed by Mars trine Saturn.

He is an essentially positive and dependable person, and unflappable in a crisis--excellent traits for doctor or politician.

Greatest weaknesses would be an intense, biased subjectivity, and a tendency to be overly proud, inflexible, and selfish when offended. He may at times speak out scathingly when diplomacy would have been the better course. (Sun Sign, Moon Sign, Charles and Suzy Harvey.)

Paul's Sun-Moon phase is Disseminating--he's a great teacher who loves to share what he's learned, and he communicates well. This is the crusader for a cause who may drift toward fanaticism.

In the Solar chart shown, Moon has not yet squared the Sun, but she will before Aug 20 ends and if so, we have a Sun/Moon square here.

Sun square Moon is the will blocked by the desires resulting in defensiveness and emotional insecurity. Yet much may be accomplished if the ego can be set aside...maturity aids in this.

A square between the luminaries tends toward a fighting spirit for there's a misalignment between what's wanted and what one is willing to do to get it. A lack of compromising ability may be in evidence yet I'm not convinced this is the case with Ron Paul whose moral integrity is mentioned above with Moon in stubborn Taurus and Sun in approval-seeking, royally-entitled Leo.

And if Moon is opposite Mars, the personality is outgoing but may be quite aggressive with a tendency for the tongue to speak out before the brain is engaged. Criticism is deeply resented with Moon opposite Mars...touchy feelings!

So is Paul a stubborn cuss? Probably so. He is a politician seeking recognition, after all, and staying power is the upside of stubborness.

If his Sun and Moon are squared, he may be constantly at odds with important people--now that sounds about right considering his voting record!

"Dr. No" has voted against anything that he believes violates the US Constitution (so I'm guessin' he didn't vote for George Bush!)

Paul has never voted to raise taxes or congressional pay, and refuses to participate in Congress' cushy pension plan. He would like the federal government out of education (agreed--just look at how that's turned out), and he doesn't take "junkets" on the taxpayers' dime. He also thinks that Roe v Wade should be overturned. Being a doctor, Paul obviously has informed views on this subject from a medical standpoint.

Very impressive, although I'm not sure about overturning Roe v. Wade--my deepest feelings have always been that Congress doesn't belong in a doctor's examination room--and that abortion used as birth control is the real problem. But enough about me--let's see what else we can see about Ron Paul...

How about Pluto conjunct South Node (SN)?

This interesting aspect gives a will that is out of step with prevailing social trends (his voting record and Libertarianism), and may indicate that he initiates things at the wrong time and place which causes resentment and misunderstanding from others. Yet it also gives great resourcefulness and self-reliance along with the capacity to weather many hardships when necessary.

The doctor has Chiron in Gemini:

As a doctor with Chiron, the Healer, in Gemini, this placement gives him an ability to feel where the electrical energy is flowing in the body, and makes him highly attuned to mass consciousness. The keyword for Chiron in Gemini is: awareness.

Paul has much nervous energy and must take regular rest breaks if he is not to burn out, hard worker though he is. Chiron in Gemini intrinsically understands that how we think creates the reality in which we live--and that this can be changed. (Chiron, B. H. Clow.) Born during Nazism and atomic experimentation, Paul has an imperative to communicate many truths concerning his parents' generation.

Recently, transiting Mars opposed Paul's n Mars (the head-against-a-brick-wall transit) and also opposed his n Jupiter--when we tend to let others make inflated assumptions about us.

Grandstanding and bravura (which Leo loves anyway!) may have been the order of the day, but with a natal Mars/Jupiter conj, he is fearless in the face of danger, and enjoys direct confrontations. Paul never doubts he will succeed--we saw this aspect in action when he was interviewed recently by George Stephanopolous who basically told him he couldn't win the nomination. Paul was not impressed by the diss--and yet there may have been a flicker of hurt feelings.)

Mars conj Jupiter gives physical stamina which helps with all that nervous energy tiring him out (mentioned above.) This aspect is shared natally by some famous people. Exs: Hugh Hefner (Mr. Stamina?), Yoko Ono, John F. Kennedy (who kept going even with major back pain), Ray Charles, and Wayne Newton.

You may notice that transit Saturn will conj natal Sun during the first half of August which can bring an increase in responsibilities and authority as one's maturity and wisdom are being tested. Yet there may be resentment toward those who restrict or deny one's progress--or more recognition for longterm efforts.

Bush has been having this transit for while now (due to Saturn's retrogradation) and this may have affected his health (ex: last Saturday's colonoscopy)--so Paul may have to slow down himself or his vitality (Sun) may suffer.

To close, here are the Sun/Moon personality blend 'word pictures' aka Images for Integration:

Old King Cole was a merry old soul...Pygmalion/My Fair Lady...A master potter turns dull clay into an exquisite vase.

The dull clay that America has become in recent years could use some turning, and if we want real change (while still upholding our Constitution) Ron Paul may be just the ticket...if he can get on the ticket.

Jan 12, 2006

Samuel Alito April 1, 1950

May 3, 2022

Due to yesterday's controversial leak of an Alito draft of a coming decision against Roe v Wade, I'm publishing this relic of a post that originally was written in 2006. At the time I could find no accurate birth time for the misogynist Rebublican justice but have since found it as 12:56 am est (April 1, 1950 Trenton, NJ with 3 Capricorn rising; RR: AA). You may notice that in my previous musings, below, sans edits, I added that I was going with a Virgo Moon - which, as it turns out, is correct:

Here I will consider the chart of Samuel Alito set for sunrise on his day of birth.

Not having his birth time, we must consider two Sun/Moon combos since before 7:40 pm, the Moon was in Virgo but after 7:40 pm, his combo would be Aries/Libra. The odds are, within the 24-hour period, he was born pre-7:40 pm, Moon in Virgo.

And yet with Libra's Scales of Justice, it's tempting to assume his Moon would be in Libra, so I shall list both--see which you think applies more closely to the man they call Alito:

Sun Aries/Moon Virgo: administrative skills; bossy yet diffident; practical perfectionist; straightforward and direct; impulsive yet orderly; outspoken but timid; a natural modesty, but impatient to be where the action is and take command of the show due to definite ideas about how things should be done...

argumentative; judgmental; can be self-effacing, disciplined, and conventional; can flourish in senior management but finds the earlier rungs of the ladder frustrating; master/servant issues which can be resolved by becoming an expert in a specialized area; detail-oriented; good teacher.

...Greatest Weaknesses: intolerance of others' weaknesses; self-doubt; prone to feelings of guilt; may stand in the shadows and sabotage self-initiative with extreme self-criticism.

Images: a remembrance that the perfect is the enemy of the good...a surgeon performs a daring operation...a metalworker forges an intricate masterpiece.

Interesting to note that this is JP Morgan's natal Sun/Moon combo, so here's a quote from the dearly departed:

I don't want a lawyer to tell me what I cannot do, I hire him to tell me how to do what I want to do. (This seems to be the common order of the day, doesn't it? Describes Washington and the corporate system of America better than ever before.)

Here's Sun Aries/Moon Libra:

Ambitious but hates striving; sometimes lazy; forthright; charming; eager to please, so a natural diplomat; vivacious and outgoing; self-centered but kind-hearted; ingenious; chivalrous; amorous; intellectually precocious; harbors heroic inner picture of self; instinct for justice and cooperation; desperate to be accepted; idealistic and hopeful; charming, convivial host; artistic talents.

..Greatest Weaknesses: vacillation--to think great guns, then peter out; need for appreciation may fuel vanity; tendency to rest on laurels.

Images: a conductor leads an orchestra with passionate conviction and a vibrant, pulsing oraganism of musical perfection is created to the ecstatice uplifting of the audience. (That should be easy to watch for, if so.)

>Here are a couple of quotes now from two natives who had this combo once upon a time, and still do--transits continue to influence charts of those long gone--Mozart's chart and Ben Franklin's are being triggered and highlighted this year!

William Hazlitt: The love of liberty is the love of others; the love of power is the love of ourselves.

Arnold Toynbee: No annihilation without representation. (Argh.)

Well, if I knew Sam better, I could make a better guess, but I have a feeling we'll be knowing him better for a long time.

Wish I had more time this morning to continue with the day's grilling, etc...I don't, but one thing I want to mention as far as Alito's joining the S-Court--it is NOW his Nodal Return! Right now, and when the North Node of the Moon returns to its natal position, it is a joining time...a time of new associations and beginnings.

Plus, his Solar Eclipse Series--the one he was born into--is 6 North which concerns one's relationship to authority, and the taking over of responsibilities and commitments which occur because of another's inability to carry on due to illness or unreliability. Sounds about right, si, Justice O'Connor?

Interesting that the last Eclipse in the 6N Series actually occurred April 19, 2004, which is, I believe, the approximate time Alito would've been approached about the SC opening.

Now I realize others may have been approached also, but I just can't seem to shake the notion that the Harriet Miers nomination was a red herring, and Sam Alito was the big fish all along. Which would make Miers a red herring who was shining us on along with the cheeky, canny Cancerian, George!

Hope to post later this evening on the hearings today---esp since Pisces now rises at 9:30 am over the Capitol Building--no more of that humanitarian Aquarian...seems the big fish is in the House and the Grill's fired up!

Yall have a great day...

Jude Jan 12, 2006 11:13 am est

Jan 17 Update: now that the hearings are over and I've heard more comments on this man they call Alito from those-in-the-know, I have to vote for Moon in Virgo--he's such a hard and diligent worker, as I'd assumed...not lazy enough for a Libra Moon!
(All apologies to you Libra Moons out there--but you Do Have a lazy streak--you Know you do!) ;)

jc 12:47 pm est