by Jude Cowell
July 25, 2022
As we learned near the conclusion of the July 21st J6 Hearing (horoscope shown), the J6 Select Committee to investigate scofflaw seditionist Trump are planning to hold additional J6 Public Hearings come September due to an abundance of new information. This time frame on a cosmic level naturally spotlights Autumn Equinox 2022, the DC Horoscope of which may be viewed here.
Have a peek at the chart if you haven't, because a stark image of the July 31, 2022 conjunction of rebel planet of anarchy Uranus conjunct the North Node of destiny precisely rises in the September 2022 horoscope. Sudden new associations and/or upsetting events are indicated when this pair conjoins the Ascendant which suggests such potentials for the Autumn season. Unexpected changes, radical reforms, and riots or revolutions to effect such changes are some of the possibilities.
Then by itself, here's a view of the July 31, 2022 Uranus-North-Node Conjunction set for Washington DC; lots of my study notes for the curious reader are squooshed upon the chart. As you see, precedence is given to CUPIDO: 'The Family' and Corporatism - one suggesting the bizarre religious group that wags the tails of DC politicians - plus, The Syndicate which denotes international banking houses and organized crime networks - the other, bribing and paying off politicians to act against the American people and our needs; note that the Sabian Symbol of the Virgo Moon = "A Family Tree" which also hints at intermarriages and inbreeding within banking, royal, and other wealthy families (one result: the deformed Hapsburg Jaw):
And below is the cuss'ed Civil War's 7 North w/ the 7 North Eclipse of April 2023:
Now it's true that I've fussed here on SO'W in plenty of posts and elsewhere about the reformist implications of the 'radical reactionary' Uranus-NN combination, but I'm doing so again since the pairing is basically being shoved in our faces these days of extreme zealotry by a caring Cosmos. Certainly it's a timing issue, with the duo containing something worth paying attention to, as meetings (NN) with unusual, erratic, or upsetting individuals (Uranus) increase within the Collective (you know who I mean). Why, even astrologers or new age promoters may turn up here or there!
Eclipses: Wild Cards and 'Cosmic Blinks' (paper collage)
Meanwhile, it seems as if the October 25, 2022 6 South Solar Eclipse and the April 20, 2023 7 North Solar Eclipse (shown as dual charts, above) hitting our fractured society with more Uranian 'Culture War' wedge issues and propaganda may act like punches in the jaws of Constitutional Government, democracy, and human rights (7 North is the same series that brought the seditionists' 1861 Civil War, eclipse chart, above). For we know that all eclipses are Uranian in nature for their ability to disrupt events, trigger scandals, suddenly reveal secrets, or even cause complete changes in the course of human events. In October 2022, it's a repeat of the 6 South Eclipse as on August 31, 1932 @8Virgo, what I term the "Nazis Rise to Power" Eclipse, while the 7 North Eclipse of April 2023 repeats from February 1932, what I've been compelled to label the Fascism Rising Eclipse (@5Pisces). These difficult cosmic energies describe the period from 2022 into 2023, their themes running in the background of society. As Above, So Below.
So can the erratic Uranian implications of the two eclipses be any clearer?
Not that history will repeat precisely in 2022 to 2023, for only neo-nazis and fascists prefer current events to repeat as in those horrific days when Hitlerian psychopaths ran amok. But wait - they're running amok as I type! For another cosmic signpost showing up at a crossroad on America's path is that the Midterms 2022 Lunar Eclipse @16Tau01 conjunct radical reactionary planet Uranus triggers the passionate Venus-Mars conjunction of the Austrian psychopath: midpoint picture = "erratic shows of anger; a need for independence" (Munkasey). And in Politics or Business, "satisfaction from fighting or recklessness" is part of the Venus-Mars duo.
So after decades of preparation and increased funding, scofflaw seditionists are determined to fulfill the threat of a vile authoritarian dystopia for America, because after the US succumbs, they figure that the whole world will tumble under their evil spell once the global model for democracy and freedom is ruined for all, its glow of inspiration and hope dimmed and whimpering. Similar to H*tler's dream of building Germania, it's their vision of a One World Government! However, only the persistent rejection through word and deed of the 1930s/40s model of brutality will be sufficient as a Blue Tsunami of voters must show up to Vote in November 2022 and November 2024.
And yes, US election days may be "wild" - but Be There!
Using Astrology to Look Ahead at US Politics: Inauguration 2025 Horoscope.